Some generic utility functions.
EMMOntoPyException (Exception)
A BaseException class for EMMOntoPy
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class EMMOntoPyException(Exception):
"""A BaseException class for EMMOntoPy"""
EMMOntoPyWarning (Warning)
A BaseWarning class for EMMOntoPy
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class EMMOntoPyWarning(Warning):
"""A BaseWarning class for EMMOntoPy"""
IncompatibleVersion (EMMOntoPyWarning)
An installed dependency version may be incompatible with a functionality of this package - or rather an outcome of a functionality. This is not critical, hence this is only a warning.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class IncompatibleVersion(EMMOntoPyWarning):
"""An installed dependency version may be incompatible with a functionality
of this package - or rather an outcome of a functionality.
This is not critical, hence this is only a warning."""
IndividualWarning (EMMOntoPyWarning)
A warning related to an individual, e.g. punning.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class IndividualWarning(EMMOntoPyWarning):
"""A warning related to an individual, e.g. punning."""
LabelDefinitionError (EMMOntoPyException)
Error in label definition.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class LabelDefinitionError(EMMOntoPyException):
"""Error in label definition."""
NoSuchLabelError (LookupError, AttributeError, EMMOntoPyException)
Error raised when a label cannot be found.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class NoSuchLabelError(LookupError, AttributeError, EMMOntoPyException):
"""Error raised when a label cannot be found."""
ReadCatalogError (OSError)
Error reading catalog file.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class ReadCatalogError(IOError):
"""Error reading catalog file."""
ThingClassDefinitionError (EMMOntoPyException)
Error in ThingClass definition.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class ThingClassDefinitionError(EMMOntoPyException):
"""Error in ThingClass definition."""
UnknownVersion (EMMOntoPyException)
Cannot retrieve version from a package.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
class UnknownVersion(EMMOntoPyException):
"""Cannot retrieve version from a package."""
annotate_source(onto, imported=True)
Annotate all entities with the base IRI of the ontology using
If imported
is true, all entities in imported sub-ontologies will
also be annotated.
This is contextual information that is otherwise lost when the ontology is squashed and/or inferred.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def annotate_source(onto, imported=True):
"""Annotate all entities with the base IRI of the ontology using
`rdfs:isDefinedBy` annotations.
If `imported` is true, all entities in imported sub-ontologies will
also be annotated.
This is contextual information that is otherwise lost when the ontology
is squashed and/or inferred.
source = onto._abbreviate(
for entity in onto.get_entities(imported=imported):
triple = (
if not onto._has_obj_triple_spo(*triple):
asstring(expr, link='{label}', recursion_depth=0, exclude_object=False, ontology=None)
Returns a string representation of expr
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr |
The entity, restriction or a logical expression or these to represent. |
required | |
link |
A template for links. May contain the following variables: - {iri}: The full IRI of the concept. - {name}: Name-part of IRI. - {ref}: "#{name}" if the base iri of hte ontology has the same root as {iri}, otherwise "{iri}". - {label}: The label of the concept. - {lowerlabel}: The label of the concept in lower case and with spaces replaced with hyphens. |
'{label}' |
recursion_depth |
Recursion depth. Only intended for internal use. |
0 |
exclude_object |
If true, the object will be excluded in restrictions. |
False |
ontology |
Ontology object. |
None |
Type | Description |
str |
String representation of |
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def asstring( # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
) -> str:
"""Returns a string representation of `expr`.
expr: The entity, restriction or a logical expression or these
to represent.
link: A template for links. May contain the following variables:
- {iri}: The full IRI of the concept.
- {name}: Name-part of IRI.
- {ref}: "#{name}" if the base iri of hte ontology has the same
root as {iri}, otherwise "{iri}".
- {label}: The label of the concept.
- {lowerlabel}: The label of the concept in lower case and with
spaces replaced with hyphens.
recursion_depth: Recursion depth. Only intended for internal use.
exclude_object: If true, the object will be excluded in restrictions.
ontology: Ontology object.
String representation of `expr`.
if ontology is None:
ontology = expr.ontology
def fmt(entity):
"""Returns the formatted label of an entity."""
if isinstance(entity, str):
if ontology and ontology.world[entity]:
iri = ontology.world[entity].iri
elif (
and re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+$", entity)
and entity in ontology
iri = ontology[entity].iri
# This may not be a valid IRI, but the best we can do
iri = entity
label = entity
iri = entity.iri
label = get_label(entity)
name = getiriname(iri)
start = iri.split("#", 1)[0] if "#" in iri else iri.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
ref = f"#{name}" if ontology.base_iri.startswith(start) else iri
return link.format(
lowerlabel=label.lower().replace(" ", "-"),
if isinstance(expr, str):
# return link.format(name=expr)
return fmt(expr)
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.Restriction):
rlabel = owlready2.class_construct._restriction_type_2_label[expr.type]
if isinstance(
(owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass, owlready2.DataPropertyClass),
res = fmt(expr.property)
elif isinstance(expr.property, owlready2.Inverse):
string = asstring(
recursion_depth + 1,
res = f"Inverse({string})"
f"*** WARNING: unknown restriction property: {expr.property!r}"
res = fmt(expr.property)
if not rlabel:
elif expr.type in (owlready2.MIN, owlready2.MAX, owlready2.EXACTLY):
res += f" {rlabel} {expr.cardinality}"
elif expr.type in (
res += f" {rlabel}"
print("*** WARNING: unknown relation", expr, rlabel)
res += f" {rlabel}"
if not exclude_object:
string = asstring(
expr.value, link, recursion_depth + 1, ontology=ontology
res += (
f" {string!r}" if isinstance(expr.value, str) else f" {string}"
return res
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.Or):
res = " or ".join(
asstring(c, link, recursion_depth + 1, ontology=ontology)
for c in expr.Classes
return res if recursion_depth == 0 else f"({res})"
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.And):
res = " and ".join(
asstring(c, link, recursion_depth + 1, ontology=ontology)
for c in expr.Classes
return res if recursion_depth == 0 else f"({res})"
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.Not):
string = asstring(
expr.Class, link, recursion_depth + 1, ontology=ontology
return f"not {string}"
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.ThingClass):
return fmt(expr)
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.PropertyClass):
return fmt(expr)
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.Thing): # instance (individual)
return fmt(expr)
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.class_construct.Inverse):
return f"inverse({fmt(expr.property)})"
if isinstance(expr, owlready2.disjoint.AllDisjoint):
return fmt(expr)
if isinstance(expr, (bool, int, float)):
return repr(expr)
# Check for subclasses
if issubclass(expr, (bool, int, float, str)):
return fmt(expr.__class__.__name__)
if issubclass(expr, datetime.date):
return "date"
if issubclass(expr, datetime.time):
return "datetime"
if issubclass(expr, datetime.datetime):
return "datetime"
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown expression: {expr!r} (type: {type(expr)!r})")
Splits CamelCase string before upper case letters (except if there is a sequence of upper case letters).
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def camelsplit(string):
"""Splits CamelCase string before upper case letters (except
if there is a sequence of upper case letters)."""
if len(string) < 2:
return string
result = []
prev_lower = False
prev_isspace = True
char = string[0]
for next_char in string[1:]:
if (not prev_isspace and char.isupper() and next_char.islower()) or (
prev_lower and char.isupper()
result.append(" ")
prev_lower = char.islower()
prev_isspace = char.isspace()
char = next_char
return "".join(result)
convert_imported(input_ontology, output_ontology, input_format=None, output_format='xml', url_from_catalog=None, catalog_file='catalog-v001.xml')
Convert imported ontologies.
Store the output in a directory structure matching the source files. This require catalog file(s) to be present.
To convert to Turtle (.ttl
) format, you must have installed
. See Known issues for
more information.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
input_ontology |
Union[Path, str] |
input ontology file name |
required |
output_ontology |
Union[Path, str] |
output ontology file path. The directory part of
required |
input_format |
Optional[str] |
input format. The default is to infer from
None |
output_format |
str |
output format. The default is to infer from
'xml' |
url_from_catalog |
Optional[bool] |
Whether to read urls form catalog file. If False, the catalog file will be used if it exists. |
None |
catalog_file |
str |
name of catalog file, that maps ontology IRIs to local file names |
'catalog-v001.xml' |
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def convert_imported( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
input_ontology: "Union[Path, str]",
output_ontology: "Union[Path, str]",
input_format: "Optional[str]" = None,
output_format: str = "xml",
url_from_catalog: "Optional[bool]" = None,
catalog_file: str = "catalog-v001.xml",
"""Convert imported ontologies.
Store the output in a directory structure matching the source
files. This require catalog file(s) to be present.
To convert to Turtle (`.ttl`) format, you must have installed
`rdflib>=6.0.0`. See [Known issues](../../../#known-issues) for
more information.
input_ontology: input ontology file name
output_ontology: output ontology file path. The directory part of
`output` will be the root of the generated directory structure
input_format: input format. The default is to infer from
output_format: output format. The default is to infer from
url_from_catalog: Whether to read urls form catalog file.
If False, the catalog file will be used if it exists.
catalog_file: name of catalog file, that maps ontology IRIs to
local file names
inroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(input_ontology))
outroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output_ontology))
outext = os.path.splitext(output_ontology)[1]
if url_from_catalog is None:
url_from_catalog = os.path.exists(os.path.join(inroot, catalog_file))
if url_from_catalog:
iris, dirs = read_catalog(
inroot, catalog_file=catalog_file, recursive=True, return_paths=True
# Create output dirs and copy catalog files
for indir in dirs:
outdir = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(outroot, os.path.relpath(indir, inroot))
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
with open(
os.path.join(indir, catalog_file), mode="rt", encoding="utf8"
) as handle:
content = handle.read()
for path in iris.values():
newpath = os.path.splitext(path)[0] + outext
content = content.replace(
os.path.basename(path), os.path.basename(newpath)
with open(
os.path.join(outdir, catalog_file), mode="wt", encoding="utf8"
) as handle:
iris = {}
outpaths = set()
def recur(graph, outext):
for imported in graph.objects(
inpath = iris.get(str(imported), str(imported))
if inpath.startswith(("http://", "https://", "ftp://")):
outpath = os.path.join(outroot, inpath.split("/")[-1])
outpath = os.path.join(outroot, os.path.relpath(inpath, inroot))
outpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.normpath(outpath))[0] + outext
if outpath not in outpaths:
fmt = (
if input_format
else guess_format(inpath, fmap=FMAP)
new_graph = Graph()
new_graph.parse(iris.get(inpath, inpath), format=fmt)
new_graph.serialize(destination=outpath, format=output_format)
recur(new_graph, outext)
# Write output files
fmt = (
if input_format
else guess_format(input_ontology, fmap=FMAP)
if not _validate_installed_version(
package="rdflib", min_version="6.0.0"
) and (output_format == FMAP.get("ttl", "") or outext == "ttl"):
from rdflib import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
__version__ as __rdflib_version__,
"To correctly convert to Turtle format, rdflib must be "
"version 6.0.0 or greater, however, the detected rdflib "
"version used by your Python interpreter is "
f"{__rdflib_version__!r}. For more information see the "
"'Known issues' section of the README."
graph = Graph()
graph.parse(input_ontology, format=fmt)
except PluginException as exc: # Add input_ontology to exception msg
raise PluginException(
f'Cannot load "{input_ontology}": {exc.msg}'
graph.serialize(destination=output_ontology, format=output_format)
recur(graph, outext)
get_format(outfile, default, fmt=None)
Infer format from outfile and format.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def get_format(outfile: str, default: str, fmt: str = None):
"""Infer format from outfile and format."""
if fmt is None:
fmt = os.path.splitext(outfile)[1]
if not fmt:
fmt = default
return fmt.lstrip(".")
Returns the label of an entity.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def get_label(entity):
"""Returns the label of an entity."""
if hasattr(entity, "prefLabel") and entity.prefLabel:
return entity.prefLabel.first()
if hasattr(entity, "label") and entity.label:
return entity.label.first()
if hasattr(entity, "__name__"):
return entity.__name__
if hasattr(entity, "name"):
return str(entity.name)
if isinstance(entity, str):
return entity
return repr(entity)
Return name part of an IRI.
The name part is what follows after the last slash or hash.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def getiriname(iri):
"""Return name part of an IRI.
The name part is what follows after the last slash or hash.
res = urllib.parse.urlparse(iri)
return res.fragment if res.fragment else res.path.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
infer_version(iri, version_iri)
Infer version from IRI and versionIRI.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def infer_version(iri, version_iri):
"""Infer version from IRI and versionIRI."""
if str(version_iri[: len(iri)]) == str(iri):
version = version_iri[len(iri) :].lstrip("/")
j = 0
version_parts = []
for i, char in enumerate(iri):
while i + j < len(version_iri) and char != version_iri[i + j]:
version_parts.append(version_iri[i + j])
j += 1
version = "".join(version_parts).lstrip("/").rstrip("/#")
if "/" in version:
raise ValueError(
f"version IRI {version_iri!r} is not consistent with base IRI "
return version
Returns true if we are running from an interactive interpreater, false otherwise.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def isinteractive():
"""Returns true if we are running from an interactive interpreater,
false otherwise."""
return bool(
hasattr(__builtins__, "__IPYTHON__")
or sys.flags.interactive
or hasattr(sys, "ps1")
Returns url
in a normalised form.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def normalise_url(url):
"""Returns `url` in a normalised form."""
splitted = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
components = list(splitted)
components[2] = os.path.normpath(splitted.path)
return urllib.parse.urlunsplit(components)
read_catalog(uri, catalog_file='catalog-v001.xml', baseuri=None, recursive=False, return_paths=False, visited_iris=None, visited_paths=None)
Reads a Protègè catalog file and returns as a dict.
The returned dict maps the ontology IRI (name) to its actual location (URI). The location can be either an absolute file path or a HTTP, HTTPS or FTP web location.
is a string locating the catalog file. It may be a http or
https web location or a file path.
The catalog_file
argument spesifies the catalog file name and is
used if path
is used when recursive
is true or when path
is a
If baseuri
is not None, it will be used as the base URI for the
mapped locations. Otherwise it defaults to uri
with its final
component omitted.
If recursive
is true, catalog files in sub-folders are also read.
If return_paths
is true, a set of directory paths to source
files is returned in addition to the default dict.
The visited_uris
and visited_paths
arguments are only intended for
internal use to avoid infinite recursions.
A ReadCatalogError is raised if the catalog file cannot be found.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def read_catalog( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-arguments
"""Reads a Protègè catalog file and returns as a dict.
The returned dict maps the ontology IRI (name) to its actual
location (URI). The location can be either an absolute file path
or a HTTP, HTTPS or FTP web location.
`uri` is a string locating the catalog file. It may be a http or
https web location or a file path.
The `catalog_file` argument spesifies the catalog file name and is
used if `path` is used when `recursive` is true or when `path` is a
If `baseuri` is not None, it will be used as the base URI for the
mapped locations. Otherwise it defaults to `uri` with its final
component omitted.
If `recursive` is true, catalog files in sub-folders are also read.
If `return_paths` is true, a set of directory paths to source
files is returned in addition to the default dict.
The `visited_uris` and `visited_paths` arguments are only intended for
internal use to avoid infinite recursions.
A ReadCatalogError is raised if the catalog file cannot be found.
# Protocols supported by urllib.request
web_protocols = "http://", "https://", "ftp://"
uri = str(uri) # in case uri is a pathlib.Path object
iris = visited_iris if visited_iris else {}
dirs = visited_paths if visited_paths else set()
if uri in iris:
return (iris, dirs) if return_paths else iris
if uri.startswith(web_protocols):
# Call read_catalog() recursively to ensure that the temporary
# file is properly cleaned up
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
destfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, catalog_file)
uris = { # maps uri to base
uri: (baseuri if baseuri else os.path.dirname(uri)),
f'{uri.rstrip("/")}/{catalog_file}': (
baseuri if baseuri else uri.rstrip("/")
f"{os.path.dirname(uri)}/{catalog_file}": (
for url, base in uris.items():
# The URL can only contain the schemes from `web_protocols`.
_, msg = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, destfile) # nosec
except urllib.request.URLError:
if "Content-Length" not in msg:
return read_catalog(
baseuri=baseuri if baseuri else base,
raise ReadCatalogError(
"Cannot download catalog from URLs: " + ", ".join(uris)
elif uri.startswith("file://"):
path = uri[7:]
path = uri
if os.path.isdir(path):
dirname = os.path.abspath(path)
filepath = os.path.join(dirname, catalog_file)
catalog_file = os.path.basename(path)
filepath = os.path.abspath(path)
dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath)
def gettag(entity):
return entity.tag.rsplit("}", 1)[-1]
def load_catalog(filepath):
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
raise ReadCatalogError("No such catalog file: " + filepath)
dirname = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(filepath))
dirs.add(baseuri if baseuri else dirname)
xml = ET.parse(filepath)
root = xml.getroot()
if gettag(root) != "catalog":
raise ReadCatalogError(
f"expected root tag of catalog file {filepath!r} to be "
for child in root:
if gettag(child) == "uri":
load_uri(child, dirname)
elif gettag(child) == "group":
for uri in child:
load_uri(uri, dirname)
def load_uri(uri, dirname):
if gettag(uri) != "uri":
raise ValueError(f"{gettag(uri)!r} should be 'uri'.")
uri_as_str = uri.attrib["uri"]
if uri_as_str.startswith(web_protocols):
url = uri_as_str
uri_as_str = os.path.normpath(uri_as_str)
if baseuri and baseuri.startswith(web_protocols):
url = f"{baseuri}/{uri_as_str}"
url = os.path.join(baseuri if baseuri else dirname, uri_as_str)
iris.setdefault(uri.attrib["name"], url)
if recursive:
directory = os.path.dirname(url)
if directory not in dirs:
catalog = os.path.join(directory, catalog_file)
if catalog.startswith(web_protocols):
iris_, dirs_ = read_catalog(
if return_paths:
return iris, dirs
return iris
rename_iris(onto, annotation='prefLabel')
For IRIs with the given annotation, change the name of the entity
to the value of the annotation. Also add an skos:exactMatch
annotation referring to the old IRI.
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def rename_iris(onto, annotation="prefLabel"):
"""For IRIs with the given annotation, change the name of the entity
to the value of the annotation. Also add an `skos:exactMatch`
annotation referring to the old IRI.
exactMatch = onto._abbreviate( # pylint:disable=invalid-name
for entity in onto.get_entities():
if hasattr(entity, annotation) and getattr(entity, annotation):
entity.storid, exactMatch, entity.iri, ""
entity.name = getattr(entity, annotation).first()
write_catalog(mappings, output='catalog-v001.xml', directory='.', relative_paths=True, append=False)
Write catalog file do disk.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mappings |
dict |
dict mapping ontology IRIs (name) to actual locations (URIs). It has the same format as the dict returned by read_catalog(). |
required |
output |
Union[str, Path] |
name of catalog file. |
'catalog-v001.xml' |
directory |
Union[str, Path] |
directory path to the catalog file. Only used if |
'.' |
relative_paths |
bool |
whether to write absolute or relative paths to for file paths inside the catalog file. |
True |
append |
bool |
whether to append to a possible existing catalog file. If false, an existing file will be overwritten. |
False |
Source code in ontopy/utils.py
def write_catalog(
mappings: dict,
output: "Union[str, Path]" = "catalog-v001.xml",
directory: "Union[str, Path]" = ".",
relative_paths: bool = True,
append: bool = False,
): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Write catalog file do disk.
mappings: dict mapping ontology IRIs (name) to actual locations
(URIs). It has the same format as the dict returned by
output: name of catalog file.
directory: directory path to the catalog file. Only used if `output`
is a relative path.
relative_paths: whether to write absolute or relative paths to
for file paths inside the catalog file.
append: whether to append to a possible existing catalog file.
If false, an existing file will be overwritten.
web_protocol = "http://", "https://", "ftp://"
if relative_paths:
for key, item in mappings.items():
if not item.startswith(web_protocol):
mappings[key] = os.path.relpath(item, Path(directory).resolve())
filename = (Path(directory) / output).resolve()
if filename.exists() and append:
iris = read_catalog(filename)
mappings = iris
res = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>',
'<catalog prefer="public" '
' <group id="Folder Repository, directory=, recursive=true, '
'Auto-Update=false, version=2" prefer="public" xml:base="">',
for key, value in dict(mappings).items():
res.append(f' <uri name="{key}" uri="{value}"/>')
res.append(" </group>")
with open(filename, "wt") as handle:
handle.write("\n".join(res) + "\n")