========== References ========== Module: Models ============== .. _models-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AtomisticModel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_84cadc45_6758_46f2_ba2a_5ead65c70213
Preflabel AtomisticModel
Elucidation A physics-based model based on a physics equation describing the behaviour of atoms.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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Computation ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eff42cb3_208e_4768_9a39_f8b6b3c3d7a2
Example A matematician that calculates 2+2.
A computation machine that calculate the average value of a dataset.
Preflabel Computation
Elucidation A procedure that deals with quantitative symbols (i.e. symbols associated with a quantitative oriented language).
Formal description
Subclass Of Procedure
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ContinuumModel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4456a5d2_16a6_4ee1_9a8e_5c75956b28ea
Preflabel ContinuumModel
Elucidation A physics-based model based on a physics equation describing the behaviour of continuum volume.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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Coupled ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02c4890b_aef3_4173_9669_94d1f6baf611
Preflabel Coupled
Formal description
Equivalent To IterativeCoupledModelsSimulation or TightlyCoupledModelsSimulation
Subclass Of MultiSimulation
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DataBasedSimulationSoftware ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a4b14b83_9392_4a5f_a2e8_b2b58793f59b
Preflabel DataBasedSimulationSoftware
Elucidation A computational application that uses existing data to predict the behaviour of a system without providing a identifiable analogy with the original object.
Formal description
Subclass Of SimulationApplication
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DataProcessing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c7f2dfe_0db4_4bf6_a0f6_853054a34ead
Preflabel DataProcessing
Elucidation A computation that provides a data output following the elaboration of some input data, using a data processing application.
Formal description
Subclass Of Computation
Subclass Of hasInput some DiscreteData
Subclass Of hasParticipant some DataProcessingApplication
Subclass Of hasOutput some DiscreteData
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DataProcessingApplication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cbf42aa6_9e11_4be8_932a_ae3c792ab17d
Preflabel DataProcessingApplication
Formal description
Subclass Of ApplicationProgram
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ElectronicModel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6eca09be_17e9_445e_abc9_000aa61b7a11
Example Density functional theory.
Preflabel ElectronicModel
Elucidation A physics-based model based on a physics equation describing the behaviour of electrons.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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EmpiricalSimulationSoftware ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_67c70dcd_2adf_4e6c_b3f8_f33dd1512487
Preflabel EmpiricalSimulationSoftware
Elucidation A computational application that uses an empiric equation to predict the behaviour of a system without relying on the knowledge of the actual physical phenomena occurring in the object.
Formal description
Subclass Of SimulationApplication
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Experiment ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_22522299_4091_4d1f_82a2_3890492df6db
Preflabel Experiment
Elucidation An experiment is a process that is intended to replicate a physical phenomenon in a controlled environment.
Formal description
Subclass Of Observation
Subclass Of participatesTo some PhysicalPhenomenon
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Guess ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_57b9fd6c_84d6_43f2_8c4f_de6a1ab50aea
Preflabel Guess
Elucidation A guess is a theory, estimated and subjective, since its premises are subjective.
Formal description
Subclass Of Subjective
Subclass Of Theory
Subclass Of Estimated
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Hypothesis ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e7cbc129_0d05_41a2_851a_10b198cd7ca2
Preflabel Hypothesis
Elucidation A hypothesis is a theory, estimated and objective, since its estimated premises are objective.
Formal description
Subclass Of Objective
Subclass Of Theory
Subclass Of Estimated
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IterativeCoupledModelsSimulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_01354ac2_cce1_4b7d_8b4a_7322d6cb10bc
Preflabel IterativeCoupledModelsSimulation
Elucidation A chain of linked physics based model simulations solved iteratively, where equations are segregated.
Formal description
Subclass Of Coupled
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LinkedModelsSimulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec502e30_b9ec_4216_90c6_f67d2df75627
Preflabel LinkedModelsSimulation
Elucidation A chain of linked physics based model simulations, where equations are solved sequentially.
Formal description
Subclass Of MultiSimulation
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MaterialLaw ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f19ff3b4_6bfe_4c41_a2b2_9affd39c140b
Preflabel MaterialLaw
Elucidation A law that provides a connection between a material property and other properties of the object.
Formal description
Subclass Of NaturalLaw
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MaterialRelation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e5438930_04e7_4d42_ade5_3700d4a52ab7
Example The Lennard-Jones potential.
A force field.
An Hamiltonian.
Preflabel MaterialRelation
Elucidation An 'equation' that stands for a physical assumption specific to a material, and provides an expression for a 'physics_quantity' (the dependent variable) as function of other variables, physics_quantity or data (independent variables).
Comment A material_relation can e.g. return a predefined number, return a database query, be an equation that depends on other physics_quantities.
Formal description
Subclass Of Equation
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MaterialRelationComputation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_084b4f77_6df7_4c6a_b705_2528aba5cdda
Preflabel MaterialRelationComputation
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicsMathematicalComputation
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MaterialsModel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90f18cf0_1225_4c64_b5f8_f65cd7f992c5
Preflabel MaterialsModel
Elucidation A solvable set of one Physics Equation and one or more Materials Relations.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicsBasedModel
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some MaterialRelation
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MathematicalModel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f7ed665b_c2e1_42bc_889b_6b42ed3a36f0
Preflabel MathematicalModel
Elucidation An analogical icon expressed in mathematical language.
Comment A mathematical model can be defined as a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language to facilitate proper explanation of a system or to study the effects of different components and to make predictions on patterns of behaviour.

Abramowitz and Stegun, 1968
Formal description
Equivalent To AnalogicalIcon and Mathematical
Subclass Of Thing
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MesoscopicModel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53935db0_af45_4426_b9e9_244a0d77db00
Preflabel MesoscopicModel
Elucidation A physics-based model based on a physics equation describing the behaviour of mesoscopic entities, i.e. a set of bounded atoms like a molecule, bead or nanoparticle.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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MultiSimulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7d56ec24_499d_487a_af7d_a91aaa787bfe
Preflabel MultiSimulation
Elucidation A physics based simulation with multiple physics based models.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicsBasedSimulation
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NaturalLaw ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_db9a009e_f097_43f5_9520_6cbc07e7610b
Preflabel NaturalLaw
Elucidation A scientific theory that focuses on a specific phenomena, for which a single statement (not necessariliy in mathematical form) can be expressed.
Formal description
Subclass Of ScientificTheory
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PhysicalBasedSimulationSoftware ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8d4962d7_9608_44f7_a2f1_82a4bb173f4a
Preflabel PhysicalBasedSimulationSoftware
Elucidation A computational application that uses a physical model to predict the behaviour of a system, providing a identifiable analogy with the original object.
Formal description
Subclass Of SimulationApplication
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PhysicalLaw ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9c32fd69_f480_4130_83b3_fb25d9face14
Preflabel PhysicalLaw
Elucidation A law that provides a connection between a property of the object and other properties, capturing a fundamental physical phenomena.
Formal description
Subclass Of NaturalLaw
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PhysicalPhenomenon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_314d0bd5_67ed_437e_a609_36d46147cea7
Preflabel PhysicalPhenomenon
Elucidation A 'process' that is recognized by physical sciences and is categorized accordingly.
Comment While every 'process' in the EMMO involves physical objects, this class is devoted to represent real world objects that express a phenomenon relevant for the ontologist
Formal description
Subclass Of Process
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PhysicsBasedModel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b29fd350_39aa_4af7_9459_3faa0544cba6
Preflabel PhysicsBasedModel
Elucidation A mathematical entity based on a fundamental physics theory which defines the relations between physics quantities of an entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of MathematicalModel
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some PhysicsEquation
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PhysicsBasedSimulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e97af6ec_4371_4bbc_8936_34b76e33302f
Preflabel PhysicsBasedSimulation
Elucidation A simulation that relies on physics based models, according to the Review of Materials Modelling and CWA 17284:2018.
Formal description
Subclass Of Simulation
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PhysicsEquation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_27c5d8c6_8af7_4d63_beb1_ec37cd8b3fa3
Example The Newton's equation of motion.
The Schrödinger equation.
The Navier-Stokes equation.
Preflabel PhysicsEquation
Elucidation An 'equation' that stands for a 'physical_law' by mathematically defining the relations between physics_quantities.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicsBasedModel
Subclass Of Equation
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PhysicsEquationSolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6e0664f2_4d4d_4407_bf60_e1b3c07198d7
Example A parabolic function is a prediction of the trajectory of a falling object in a gravitational field. While it has predictive capabilities it lacks of an analogical character, since it does not show the law behind that trajectory.
Preflabel PhysicsEquationSolution
Elucidation A function solution of a physics equation that provides a methods for the prediction of some quantitiative properties of an object.
Comment This must be a mathematical function v(t), x(t).
A dataset as solution is a conventional sign.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
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PhysicsMathematicalComputation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5dd63d84_57f5_4b79_b760_fe940c06680d
Preflabel PhysicsMathematicalComputation
Elucidation A functional icon that imitates the behaviour of the object through mathematical evaluations of some mathematical construct.
Comment The equation that describes the velocity of a uniform accelerated body v = v0 + a*t is a functional icon. In general every analitical solution of a mathematical model can be considered an icon. A functional icon expresses its similarity with the object when is part of a process the makes it imitate the behavior of the object. In the case of v = v0 + a*t, plotting the velocity over time or listing their values at certain instants is when the icon expresses it functionality.
Formal description
Subclass Of FunctionalIcon
Subclass Of Computation
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Replica ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8533871a_01e4_4935_8c7b_cedf8fcc3fa3
Example A small scale replica of a plane tested in a wind gallery shares the same functionality in terms of aerodynamic behaviour of the bigger one.
Example Pinocchio is a functional icon of a boy since it imitates the external behaviour without having the internal biological structure of a human being (it is made of magic wood...).
Preflabel Replica
Elucidation An icon that not only resembles the object, but also can express some of the object's functions.
Formal description
Equivalent To ResemblanceIcon and FunctionalIcon
Subclass Of Icon
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ScientificTheory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_937757d3_ed79_4ae3_9513_3b135e58a6a1
Preflabel ScientificTheory
Elucidation A scientific theory is a description, objective and observed, produced with scientific methodology.
Formal description
Subclass Of Observed
Subclass Of Objective
Subclass Of Theory
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Simulation ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9335cf09_431f_4613_9dab_ce4ceaca965b
Example I calculate the electrical conductivity of an Ar-He plasma with the Chapman-Enskog method and use the value as property for it.
Preflabel Simulation
Elucidation A estimation of a property using a functional icon.
Altlabel Modelling
Formal description
Subclass Of Estimation
Subclass Of Computation
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SimulationApplication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8b66ada5_510c_44bd_a8d8_3c64d301a5e9
Example An application that predicts the pressure drop of a fluid in a pipe segment is aimed to functionally reproduce the outcome of a measurement of pressure before and after the segment.
Preflabel SimulationApplication
Elucidation An application aimed to functionally reproduce an object.
Formal description
Subclass Of ApplicationProgram
Subclass Of FunctionalIcon
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StandaloneModelSimulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d0bcf2ca_cd55_4f34_8fc2_2decc4c6087a
Preflabel StandaloneModelSimulation
Elucidation A standalone simulation, where a single physics equation is solved.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicsBasedSimulation
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Theorisation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6c739b1a_a774_4416_bb31_1961486fa9ed
Preflabel Theorisation
Elucidation The 'semiosis' process of interpreting a 'physical' and provide a complec sign, 'theory' that stands for it and explain it to another interpreter.
Altlabel Theorization
Formal description
Subclass Of Determination
Subclass Of participatesTo some Theory
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Theory ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8d2d9374_ef3a_47e6_8595_6bc208e07519
Preflabel Theory
Elucidation A 'conventional' that stand for a 'physical'.
Comment The 'theory' is e.g. a proposition, a book or a paper whose sub-symbols suggest in the mind of the interpreter an interpretant structure that can represent a 'physical'.

It is not an 'icon' (like a math equation), because it has no common resemblance or logical structure with the 'physical'.

In Peirce semiotics: legisign-symbol-argument
Formal description
Subclass Of Description
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TightlyCoupledModelsSimulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fbcc3aad_c58a_4185_bcc9_859db779b226
Example Solving within the same linear system the discretised form of the pressure and momentum equation for a fluid, using the ideal gas law as material relation for connecting pressure to density.
Preflabel TightlyCoupledModelsSimulation
Elucidation A simulation in which more than one model are solved together with a coupled method.
Formal description
Subclass Of Coupled
.. _models-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasModel ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_24c71baf_6db6_48b9_86c8_8c70cf36db0c
Preflabel hasModel
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasIcon
Module: Dataset =============== .. _dataset-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Dimension ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b4c97fa0_d82c_406a_bda7_597d6e190654
Example Examples of some Dimension individuals:
- 'x-dimension': stand for the spatial dimension along the x-direction.
- 'emergy_dimension': stand for the energy dimension in an energy spectrum.
- 'number_of_samples': is a countable dimension that may stand for the index of a given sample in a series of samples.
Preflabel Dimension
Elucidation A coded sign that stands for a dimension.
Formal description
Subclass Of Property
.. _dataset-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasDatum ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6b78c119_f86c_4b5e_ba6c_b42d25a64122
Preflabel hasDatum
Elucidation Relates a dataset to its datum.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile
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hasDimension ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ae258e3_f79b_4ff3_a777_9c188b3c019c
Preflabel hasDimension
Elucidation A semiotic relation that relates a datum to its dimension.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperty
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isConventionFor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e58bd4f4_a343_4831_be59_bf753075edb0
Preflabel isConventionFor
Elucidation The inverse relation of hasConvention.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of isSignFor
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isDescriptionFor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7159549c_16a3_4dd3_b37d_e992ad0b0879
Preflabel isDescriptionFor
Elucidation The inverse relation of hasDescription.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of isConventionFor
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isPropertyFor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c4ca55f0_2795_4bff_b8a9_445ed6e29d6c
Preflabel isPropertyFor
Elucidation A semiotic relation that connects a property to a semiotic object in a declaration process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of isConventionFor
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isSignFor ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_61f264fa_1f23_47f0_aa1c_c947d0be56fc
Preflabel isSignFor
Elucidation The inverse relation of hasSign.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of semiotical
Module: Periodic Table ====================== .. _periodic-table-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
ActiniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_380f1ba6-b4f3-51e2-a63f-ceeeca2ed2f4
Preflabel ActiniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for actinium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 89
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 227.02775
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ActiniumSymbol
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ActiniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3bf0809d-2f7c-5282-b7fd-2e5486f6dbd3
Preflabel ActiniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the actinium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ac'
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AluminiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7e8f9419-0bda-5aa3-ba88-00b2be6ca69e
Preflabel AluminiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for aluminium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some AluminiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 26.9815385
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 13
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AluminiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fc7ab7d2-d960-5ae8-b13b-a53dbc547cca
Preflabel AluminiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the aluminium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Al'
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AmericiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f90da1f3-eb4c-54c4-b5d9-cf00fef180a1
Preflabel AmericiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for americium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 243.06138
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some AmericiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 95
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AmericiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f107c0e5-0b9f-566c-9cba-a3443c904f78
Preflabel AmericiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the americium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Am'
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AntimonyAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c32f8642-f1a1-5fae-8b4e-990b40f6eff8
Preflabel AntimonyAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for antimony.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some AntimonySymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 121.76
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 51
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AntimonySymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4ee57a22-0634-5889-a283-0b4f8e5023f6
Preflabel AntimonySymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the antimony atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Sb'
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ArgonAtom ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_755d962f-c703-514f-8d90-ca4f55e331d4
Preflabel ArgonAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for argon.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ArgonSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 39.948
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 18
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ArgonSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_69e0ff08-9843-5ca2-b2bb-58467b07c4bb
Preflabel ArgonSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the argon atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ar'
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ArsenicAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_41dba862-503f-57c2-86c7-bb40030481f0
Preflabel ArsenicAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for arsenic.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 74.921595
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 33
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ArsenicSymbol
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ArsenicSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0ba17fb4-6149-5332-b65f-0639ace42edf
Preflabel ArsenicSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the arsenic atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'As'
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AstatineAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_186607c3-fe59-5731-983f-4374a1f8544b
Preflabel AstatineAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for astatine.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 209.98715
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 85
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some AstatineSymbol
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AstatineSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7651944-e33f-56bc-8d83-f6de9760d661
Preflabel AstatineSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the astatine atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'At'
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BariumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1b1aa658-a7d5-5bc6-9d78-37a901fd66dd
Preflabel BariumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for barium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 56
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some BariumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 137.327
.. raw:: html
BariumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d60619c8-1abe-52c0-9491-eb3086245e22
Preflabel BariumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the barium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ba'
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BerkeliumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d2a4df79-23a0-5536-9f12-37d3b49c323f
Preflabel BerkeliumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for berkelium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 97
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 247.07031
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some BerkeliumSymbol
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BerkeliumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5c736993-31b7-5839-aa36-38b6cd8b41a2
Preflabel BerkeliumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the berkelium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Bk'
.. raw:: html
BerylliumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b8294a50-b121-5b9c-bacd-5d4206c3aaaf
Preflabel BerylliumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for beryllium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 9.0121831
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some BerylliumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 4
.. raw:: html
BerylliumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b42b9f49-aa2a-5dc7-afa5-9c5c013b621d
Preflabel BerylliumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the beryllium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Be'
.. raw:: html
BismuthAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e08326e-376b-5d54-ad2c-2a7cf274af61
Preflabel BismuthAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for bismuth.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 83
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 208.9804
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some BismuthSymbol
.. raw:: html
BismuthSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ed5acb06-0af0-5a3a-9b31-a1b32267f753
Preflabel BismuthSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the bismuth atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Bi'
.. raw:: html
BohriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_67761ddc-260b-5945-bfc3-311813ab71c9
Preflabel BohriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for bohrium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some BohriumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 107
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 270.133
.. raw:: html
BohriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0805a892-352b-53e3-9577-60aa0835bc17
Preflabel BohriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the bohrium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Bh'
.. raw:: html
BoronAtom ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_62cb8f50-5ce5-5f99-9cc8-514eff05d05e
Preflabel BoronAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for boron.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some BoronSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 5
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 10.81
.. raw:: html
BoronSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a30e9658-1a08-50cc-b200-25dbc8add30a
Preflabel BoronSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the boron atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'B'
.. raw:: html
BromineAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b3dfa085-5206-5868-b060-13efa01caf8e
Preflabel BromineAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for bromine.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 35
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some BromineSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 79.904
.. raw:: html
BromineSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_41ee55be-d0e9-5f39-86a6-36b81a7bc301
Preflabel BromineSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the bromine atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Br'
.. raw:: html
CadmiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0761710a-3de3-5cff-a0cc-dfb8eba5a99d
Preflabel CadmiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for cadmium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CadmiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 48
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 112.414
.. raw:: html
CadmiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b12e3fea-4467-5a08-9b14-67c51def1431
Preflabel CadmiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the cadmium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cd'
.. raw:: html
CaesiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_85ab88f1-3bb6-5fb7-8996-d1be786da995
Preflabel CaesiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for caesium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 132.90545196
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 55
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CaesiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
CaesiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f7e8a63d-d40c-57f7-8017-7ad6b1d89b4e
Preflabel CaesiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the caesium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cs'
.. raw:: html
CalciumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b6dcba2-8e5f-50fb-8242-26fa609379a8
Preflabel CalciumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for calcium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 20
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 40.078
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CalciumSymbol
.. raw:: html
CalciumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_38626021-30ac-5bd1-8776-0541a8341bf2
Preflabel CalciumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the calcium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ca'
.. raw:: html
CaliforniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b443dea3-7407-59c3-9e86-6784e715f48b
Preflabel CaliforniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for californium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CaliforniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 251.07959
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 98
.. raw:: html
CaliforniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ff1d6ece-712d-54b8-9c05-c26854e0c35a
Preflabel CaliforniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the californium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cf'
.. raw:: html
CarbonAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0056cc2f-f2fe-558e-a65c-9a8fc5cea333
Preflabel CarbonAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for carbon.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CarbonSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 6
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 12.011
.. raw:: html
CarbonSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a7180b5f-d46d-5751-b3bc-ae28a6655992
Preflabel CarbonSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the carbon atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'C'
.. raw:: html
CeriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_125b6f65-caf4-5ff2-89f2-90a6183ee34e
Preflabel CeriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for cerium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CeriumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 58
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 140.116
.. raw:: html
CeriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44eb5d63-b868-54c5-bd52-7528db10674d
Preflabel CeriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the cerium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ce'
.. raw:: html
ChlorineAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b92900ac-69b2-5a63-a9d5-4984ae20905a
Preflabel ChlorineAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for chlorine.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 17
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ChlorineSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 35.45
.. raw:: html
ChlorineSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2dc17698-8cd9-562e-8eca-7818d507c813
Preflabel ChlorineSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the chlorine atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cl'
.. raw:: html
ChromiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a61986e-772c-5f68-bdc9-80adbc618e41
Preflabel ChromiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for chromium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 51.9961
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 24
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ChromiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
ChromiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_517752af-5883-5cf5-8363-6b19f76aca3e
Preflabel ChromiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the chromium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cr'
.. raw:: html
CobaltAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3fe9d899-f1f1-5657-b176-ac6afff2e93d
Preflabel CobaltAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for cobalt.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CobaltSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 27
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 58.933194
.. raw:: html
CobaltSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4aa59242-76e7-5cce-a126-c7e9c657e7ad
Preflabel CobaltSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the cobalt atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Co'
.. raw:: html
CoperniciumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f9125b67-8798-5595-9db3-ffc1840c9947
Preflabel CoperniciumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for copernicium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 112
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CoperniciumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 285.177
.. raw:: html
CoperniciumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_920b8adc-575b-55e9-9cd5-cf5eab1696f1
Preflabel CoperniciumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the copernicium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cn'
.. raw:: html
CopperAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_57a7ab6b-30a4-54e5-821d-0b8efb5e08b2
Preflabel CopperAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for copper.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CopperSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 29
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 63.546
.. raw:: html
CopperSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bd93ef72-3d4f-5f17-b613-01f440296995
Preflabel CopperSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the copper atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cu'
.. raw:: html
CuriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_08522112-0872-599f-9d81-81889333254e
Preflabel CuriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for curium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some CuriumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 96
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 247.07035
.. raw:: html
CuriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c97277f7-f011-51bb-aeb8-5e8b1f3f711c
Preflabel CuriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the curium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Cm'
.. raw:: html
DarmastadtiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5455d87d-1c98-50e1-9904-c94f6a697097
Preflabel DarmastadtiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for darmastadtium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 110
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some DarmastadtiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 281.165
.. raw:: html
DarmastadtiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_71d48627-4696-54c2-a990-4fdd9f353aef
Preflabel DarmastadtiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the darmastadtium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ds'
.. raw:: html
DubniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b65acde7-56c5-5cca-b589-b6744beb4223
Preflabel DubniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for dubnium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 268.126
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 105
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some DubniumSymbol
.. raw:: html
DubniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43815c80-05dc-5917-8d52-b200badbf1d3
Preflabel DubniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the dubnium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Db'
.. raw:: html
DysprosiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e1e686a5-71c3-5a98-8646-6d4e0f665f35
Preflabel DysprosiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for dysprosium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 66
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 162.5
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some DysprosiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
DysprosiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1936bc9e-5e81-5267-bd48-cbec9a6cfb17
Preflabel DysprosiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the dysprosium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Dy'
.. raw:: html
EinsteiniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e36028f-f5a0-5a5a-af66-c357fb64765e
Preflabel EinsteiniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for einsteinium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 252.083
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some EinsteiniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 99
.. raw:: html
EinsteiniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6b241a1f-2a5f-5ea8-b0aa-7b162d7d73e4
Preflabel EinsteiniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the einsteinium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Es'
.. raw:: html
ErbiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_14729316-fa36-5eda-a5e6-86e28a5d80ba
Preflabel ErbiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for erbium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ErbiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 68
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 167.259
.. raw:: html
ErbiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_357b32b5-7d1b-5649-b9bd-2b1b9359fcd0
Preflabel ErbiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the erbium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Er'
.. raw:: html
EuropiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8aa13073-865b-5035-b128-43a4758a0302
Preflabel EuropiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for europium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 63
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 151.964
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some EuropiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
EuropiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4894a40d-6bf5-54a2-8b21-e9b278e0e973
Preflabel EuropiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the europium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Eu'
.. raw:: html
FermiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5ee30708-feb6-54c0-977e-3d069e496a76
Preflabel FermiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for fermium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 100
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some FermiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 257.09511
.. raw:: html
FermiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9c5b1294-ac9e-554f-a135-a3d72a763d9c
Preflabel FermiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the fermium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Fm'
.. raw:: html
FleroviumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7aa6b5b1-34c8-5d37-9db0-cc6a232f3946
Preflabel FleroviumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for flerovium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 289.19
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 114
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some FleroviumSymbol
.. raw:: html
FleroviumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c5c8217-481b-5ae9-b44f-9ec353f6ea93
Preflabel FleroviumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the flerovium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Fl'
.. raw:: html
FluorineAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ff4e0ff1-a3ea-5c59-82dc-75f0abad66eb
Preflabel FluorineAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for fluorine.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 18.998403163
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 9
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some FluorineSymbol
.. raw:: html
FluorineSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36a32a8c-8307-5b09-adcb-bbaeb9e36b49
Preflabel FluorineSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the fluorine atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'F'
.. raw:: html
FranciumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_291a1550-d4cb-5934-b0db-0ea3c6a23932
Preflabel FranciumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for francium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some FranciumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 223.01974
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 87
.. raw:: html
FranciumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c3a05192-7d78-5190-bc3e-3ea44cfc9d19
Preflabel FranciumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the francium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Fr'
.. raw:: html
GadoliniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0724601e-642c-5770-bc86-7078e7441664
Preflabel GadoliniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for gadolinium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 64
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 157.25
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some GadoliniumSymbol
.. raw:: html
GadoliniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2563e18a-93d2-5d81-86d3-736295e9e519
Preflabel GadoliniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the gadolinium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Gd'
.. raw:: html
GalliumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_71c716bf-75bb-529f-b7c8-9d36a7c58b3a
Preflabel GalliumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for gallium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some GalliumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 69.723
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 31
.. raw:: html
GalliumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b546b51b-c19d-5368-8810-c9e4e9b1c1f3
Preflabel GalliumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the gallium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ga'
.. raw:: html
GermaniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_694e27a2-f3ee-5a3e-8851-d6f78d79d84e
Preflabel GermaniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for germanium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some GermaniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 32
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 72.63
.. raw:: html
GermaniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6b670dce-5692-5505-9688-8f735b325214
Preflabel GermaniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the germanium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ge'
.. raw:: html
GoldAtom ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0d37beeb-9dea-558e-82c5-4df3fb6d08d0
Preflabel GoldAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for gold.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 196.966569
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some GoldSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 79
.. raw:: html
GoldSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_811c67a9-bcdf-5a9e-bbce-28ae2af12915
Preflabel GoldSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the gold atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Au'
.. raw:: html
HafniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e37eaa49-d5e8-54e7-a7dc-9ad6073e86b7
Preflabel HafniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for hafnium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some HafniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 178.49
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 72
.. raw:: html
HafniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c9ac19ce-af4f-5abd-975d-c86dca0b4d58
Preflabel HafniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the hafnium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Hf'
.. raw:: html
HassiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1acc07d0-709d-53f4-9807-cbc0d144865c
Preflabel HassiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for hassium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 269.1338
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some HassiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 108
.. raw:: html
HassiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ef4ce791-8ba4-55cd-a6fa-778133a19d19
Preflabel HassiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the hassium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Hs'
.. raw:: html
HeliumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2c85ff7a-835c-5559-b369-193683d631c8
Preflabel HeliumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for helium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some HeliumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 2
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 4.002602
.. raw:: html
HeliumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fad04773-08a7-5bd3-8990-06d7e9d2c21e
Preflabel HeliumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the helium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'He'
.. raw:: html
HolmiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fd03c660-7b3b-5451-9d78-bc48836e1cc6
Preflabel HolmiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for holmium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some HolmiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 67
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 164.93033
.. raw:: html
HolmiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e0136ad7-1435-5292-9ed6-9848b481d503
Preflabel HolmiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the holmium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ho'
.. raw:: html
HydrogenAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5a4790e5-b11b-5a0c-80e4-81515c27a560
Preflabel HydrogenAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for hydrogen.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some HydrogenSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 1
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 1.008
.. raw:: html
HydrogenSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_93582808-e5fc-5bb5-bc7a-0e674e1a7f0e
Preflabel HydrogenSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the hydrogen atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'H'
.. raw:: html
IndiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96522455-d7d7-5b1e-b10a-ad87e41a5adc
Preflabel IndiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for indium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 114.818
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 49
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some IndiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
IndiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_67589be3-8acd-5230-bc54-89280412a3fb
Preflabel IndiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the indium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'In'
.. raw:: html
IodineAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52a611ba-81df-5557-9dfe-c55e4d0f5860
Preflabel IodineAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for iodine.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 126.90447
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some IodineSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 53
.. raw:: html
IodineSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c10700ef-832b-5b39-a0a0-5e3f5f17b8e8
Preflabel IodineSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the iodine atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'I'
.. raw:: html
IridiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5ae62317-1681-5ca9-9fa7-8801757ee5c8
Preflabel IridiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for iridium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some IridiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 192.217
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 77
.. raw:: html
IridiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b8aab013-b729-51f1-bc14-5302e7f97cbe
Preflabel IridiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the iridium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ir'
.. raw:: html
IronAtom ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a4839f08-1080-53bf-9cb3-101e20c2656b
Preflabel IronAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for iron.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 26
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 55.845
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some IronSymbol
.. raw:: html
IronSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_71b5082d-9908-5011-8ad0-b2ab70ffd08c
Preflabel IronSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the iron atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Fe'
.. raw:: html
KryptonAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_72379870-0d00-5e48-912b-62cbd5b3f548
Preflabel KryptonAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for krypton.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some KryptonSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 83.798
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 36
.. raw:: html
KryptonSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7c79a41c-c0aa-564b-b0b1-6fd4ee6f3256
Preflabel KryptonSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the krypton atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Kr'
.. raw:: html
LanthanumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b0597d20-6438-53e5-a627-b9dacebc69da
Preflabel LanthanumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for lanthanum.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 57
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some LanthanumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 138.90547
.. raw:: html
LanthanumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a3569860-5d20-5e69-baf6-cbe8ae7cfc15
Preflabel LanthanumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the lanthanum atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'La'
.. raw:: html
LawrenciumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_41f2ed3b-aba4-5b99-a5a1-547109a7cb4c
Preflabel LawrenciumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for lawrencium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 262.11
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 103
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some LawrenciumSymbol
.. raw:: html
LawrenciumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f21db3a4-d5de-52dd-9460-5cdd138fb83f
Preflabel LawrenciumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the lawrencium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Lr'
.. raw:: html
LeadAtom ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_749a9347-0b50-530a-995a-054f2a90bc0d
Preflabel LeadAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for lead.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 82
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some LeadSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 207.2
.. raw:: html
LeadSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_717d8808-5085-5f35-86b4-6bc75bafac0b
Preflabel LeadSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the lead atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pb'
.. raw:: html
LithiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3bb84fc5-5cb4-5250-ba87-169ae90ec6d7
Preflabel LithiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for lithium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 3
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 6.94
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some LithiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
LithiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0755dd67-bdf1-5164-a706-55fcf9ced526
Preflabel LithiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the lithium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Li'
.. raw:: html
LivermoriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f2d4c89a-c354-5e4c-9cdb-f2de932e294f
Preflabel LivermoriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for livermorium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 116
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 293.204
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some LivermoriumSymbol
.. raw:: html
LivermoriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_31fda9f8-24e1-5c53-8616-a63cee7613de
Preflabel LivermoriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the livermorium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Lv'
.. raw:: html
LutetiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_098f6f77-746a-5fcc-a6d1-4988929bf404
Preflabel LutetiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for lutetium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 174.9668
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 71
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some LutetiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
LutetiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_66c364c4-16b7-5d5f-abd5-b6977c46f525
Preflabel LutetiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the lutetium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Lu'
.. raw:: html
MagnesiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ff5e8306-8e33-5305-84aa-d99055d34e0c
Preflabel MagnesiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for magnesium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some MagnesiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 12
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 24.305
.. raw:: html
MagnesiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_91579f8a-e3b1-5ac9-9533-402c8cb1ffdd
Preflabel MagnesiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the magnesium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Mg'
.. raw:: html
ManganeseAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2c701f72-a859-5e33-9552-b6bdbcbd28d9
Preflabel ManganeseAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for manganese.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ManganeseSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 25
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 54.938044
.. raw:: html
ManganeseSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_179a652d-68c8-5412-9621-98b4b00984dd
Preflabel ManganeseSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the manganese atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Mn'
.. raw:: html
MeitneriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3213514e-b1ba-506c-ae22-d4e3a688ddf3
Preflabel MeitneriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for meitnerium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 278.156
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some MeitneriumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 109
.. raw:: html
MeitneriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b2e41936-a44f-578d-960b-91f8f0135b2b
Preflabel MeitneriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the meitnerium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Mt'
.. raw:: html
MendeleviumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e85b68e1-ca2b-51b5-8b61-dea134d88bef
Preflabel MendeleviumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for mendelevium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 101
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some MendeleviumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 258.09843
.. raw:: html
MendeleviumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_20bb4724-2370-5205-ab8e-51a4c3609d3b
Preflabel MendeleviumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the mendelevium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Md'
.. raw:: html
MercuryAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bc1bb0e8-ec90-5276-a15c-3e805144a083
Preflabel MercuryAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for mercury.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some MercurySymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 200.592
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 80
.. raw:: html
MercurySymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_12120d44-785e-5e5e-a9fd-73fe7c24ead4
Preflabel MercurySymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the mercury atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Hg'
.. raw:: html
MolybdenumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0d8247fb-82b0-5ad6-996b-19469e1d7960
Preflabel MolybdenumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for molybdenum.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 42
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some MolybdenumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 95.95
.. raw:: html
MolybdenumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e4c89307-e63b-57c8-8892-60924c65aa3b
Preflabel MolybdenumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the molybdenum atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Mo'
.. raw:: html
MoscoviumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b655f801-c5b9-5187-99e8-c9eba8645c05
Preflabel MoscoviumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for moscovium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 289.194
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 115
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some MoscoviumSymbol
.. raw:: html
MoscoviumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ced3fb28-51f7-5208-9aab-d1f8bef21ee5
Preflabel MoscoviumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the moscovium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Mc'
.. raw:: html
NeodymiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e6eba5e-8c55-534c-b955-f09296e190e0
Preflabel NeodymiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for neodymium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 144.242
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NeodymiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 60
.. raw:: html
NeodymiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_afee3bf0-d0e0-53dc-bfb1-b624b5724d47
Preflabel NeodymiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the neodymium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Nd'
.. raw:: html
NeonAtom ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_24e7961c-26c8-5ae1-a29c-c32717c40684
Preflabel NeonAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for neon.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 20.1797
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 10
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NeonSymbol
.. raw:: html
NeonSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e96348b-f8d1-5877-a5c5-b6863c5ebcf2
Preflabel NeonSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the neon atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ne'
.. raw:: html
NeptuniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_15595dc5-20a7-5b9f-a896-aad79f97bb8b
Preflabel NeptuniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for neptunium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NeptuniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 237.04817
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 93
.. raw:: html
NeptuniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e941986d-658b-5a08-ae3d-4cc170344b06
Preflabel NeptuniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the neptunium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Np'
.. raw:: html
NickelAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_caacc634-4328-5d9d-a8e8-1c25a2557e94
Preflabel NickelAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for nickel.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 58.6934
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NickelSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 28
.. raw:: html
NickelSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1fade54b-20ed-5e58-af59-214ea3b15ba9
Preflabel NickelSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the nickel atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ni'
.. raw:: html
NihoniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_75771a96-5e17-568c-bc28-caba06c0047a
Preflabel NihoniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for nihonium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NihoniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 286.182
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 113
.. raw:: html
NihoniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8fbc9110-c822-5b8e-a5fc-ee5430d9f34a
Preflabel NihoniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the nihonium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Nh'
.. raw:: html
NiobiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ad2056af-0fa7-56cf-a881-80e3a7dfd266
Preflabel NiobiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for niobium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NiobiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 92.90637
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 41
.. raw:: html
NiobiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f0f7abe2-766d-5dcd-ba67-ada816684677
Preflabel NiobiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the niobium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Nb'
.. raw:: html
NitrogenAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_252f143a-2c00-5d9a-a551-c07daa22c5c0
Preflabel NitrogenAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for nitrogen.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 7
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NitrogenSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 14.007
.. raw:: html
NitrogenSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_26b7c6ca-6c6c-52e0-ba01-dcc883e64d46
Preflabel NitrogenSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the nitrogen atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'N'
.. raw:: html
NobeliumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_49eb0790-50c2-5691-a8bf-dfa6f4a9f6c7
Preflabel NobeliumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for nobelium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some NobeliumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 259.101
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 102
.. raw:: html
NobeliumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c1bb775c-0888-5b88-9cce-c49bae1d298b
Preflabel NobeliumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the nobelium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'No'
.. raw:: html
OganessonAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cffec057-9258-52ae-bb4c-ca761b6bc407
Preflabel OganessonAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for oganesson.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 118
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some OganessonSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 294.214
.. raw:: html
OganessonSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e5d7bd48-4098-59b6-b872-8bba421157eb
Preflabel OganessonSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the oganesson atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Og'
.. raw:: html
OsmiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_016c831e-66b7-546e-ad4a-fc22c739b0f5
Preflabel OsmiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for osmium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 190.23
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some OsmiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 76
.. raw:: html
OsmiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fb1bb238-24bc-5d37-9243-414770fda5be
Preflabel OsmiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the osmium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Os'
.. raw:: html
OxygenAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_48be0f49-9e7f-51c1-96ce-88e7794a13b0
Preflabel OxygenAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for oxygen.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 15.999
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some OxygenSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 8
.. raw:: html
OxygenSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96fb9a6c-80d6-57fa-a4f2-0d2a59232418
Preflabel OxygenSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the oxygen atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'O'
.. raw:: html
PalladiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cabcb18d-88ff-5ff7-aceb-ab573526620e
Preflabel PalladiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for palladium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 46
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 106.42
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PalladiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
PalladiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89f46282-58a4-5140-8c5b-7aaddcccdcf0
Preflabel PalladiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the palladium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pd'
.. raw:: html
PhosphorusAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7905373a-cf03-57fe-a627-bfdb1db9369c
Preflabel PhosphorusAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for phosphorus.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 30.973761998
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 15
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PhosphorusSymbol
.. raw:: html
PhosphorusSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6bd7b6f4-db3b-58da-b9a0-58f44bb3ed37
Preflabel PhosphorusSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the phosphorus atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'P'
.. raw:: html
PlatinumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_123629bd-efd6-5ba6-979e-2a4698b54e70
Preflabel PlatinumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for platinum.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PlatinumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 78
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 195.084
.. raw:: html
PlatinumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e580b699-7725-58d5-b057-7b3c816e84a1
Preflabel PlatinumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the platinum atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pt'
.. raw:: html
PlutoniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6e467e25-2883-5f7b-a60f-2f4b651bba3f
Preflabel PlutoniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for plutonium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PlutoniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 94
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 244.06421
.. raw:: html
PlutoniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_15841f91-ad7d-5b81-89d1-c12b13e42f32
Preflabel PlutoniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the plutonium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pu'
.. raw:: html
PoloniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_784119c1-c336-5b0c-80fc-4cc8bddc99ca
Preflabel PoloniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for polonium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 208.98243
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PoloniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 84
.. raw:: html
PoloniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_af362dae-2da6-595e-8581-21a8363a5a54
Preflabel PoloniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the polonium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Po'
.. raw:: html
PotassiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d7c9e90e-ba46-55b2-9671-43408f6a1d74
Preflabel PotassiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for potassium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PotassiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 39.0983
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 19
.. raw:: html
PotassiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a939c29d-2304-5e48-8b15-fc592a9d1813
Preflabel PotassiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the potassium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'K'
.. raw:: html
PraseodymiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_18748aef-0e6b-5369-99b5-1e5ab1a0f99b
Preflabel PraseodymiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for praseodymium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 140.90766
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 59
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PraseodymiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
PraseodymiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3565b4e7-51bd-57e5-afde-60be404857cf
Preflabel PraseodymiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the praseodymium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pr'
.. raw:: html
PromethiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_73e73382-f3c0-5d09-bcee-f6e380269388
Preflabel PromethiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for promethium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 144.91276
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some PromethiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 61
.. raw:: html
PromethiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c45d9e2f-54f3-5464-82f3-c0f11a36389a
Preflabel PromethiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the promethium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pm'
.. raw:: html
ProtactiniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_29987c5a-a7fb-5207-9610-b94316977a3d
Preflabel ProtactiniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for protactinium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 91
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 231.03588
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ProtactiniumSymbol
.. raw:: html
ProtactiniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_209b3242-1274-5d1d-a965-f8cb3fcc1073
Preflabel ProtactiniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the protactinium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pa'
.. raw:: html
RadiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3ea9993c-80b9-5133-b552-dce78cd17ade
Preflabel RadiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for radium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RadiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 88
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 226.02541
.. raw:: html
RadiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9a24be51-7059-5306-af89-400c78a49e9c
Preflabel RadiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the radium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ra'
.. raw:: html
RadonAtom ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fd99c17e-6385-5b97-a20c-eddffdd56837
Preflabel RadonAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for radon.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 222.01758
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RadonSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 86
.. raw:: html
RadonSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d0af02f3-8a47-554e-a725-42b752451a1b
Preflabel RadonSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the radon atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Rn'
.. raw:: html
RheniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8d93f51b-c7c7-5486-b64a-ee206f6b6672
Preflabel RheniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for rhenium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 75
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 186.207
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RheniumSymbol
.. raw:: html
RheniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8d2f22ab-ba39-5e40-98dc-56f075cf22f1
Preflabel RheniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the rhenium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Re'
.. raw:: html
RhodiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3bc0aedf-c43e-5d30-8688-44d19900a68b
Preflabel RhodiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for rhodium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 45
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 102.9055
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RhodiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
RhodiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ddcc9683-bee2-5ea0-8b18-54c85b551ad6
Preflabel RhodiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the rhodium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Rh'
.. raw:: html
RoentgeniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f29d3e0-e9d9-5f1f-bd77-97af10125f7e
Preflabel RoentgeniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for roentgenium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RoentgeniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 111
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 281.166
.. raw:: html
RoentgeniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c1102bae-7e7d-5142-95fe-ec25c8cb4903
Preflabel RoentgeniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the roentgenium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Rg'
.. raw:: html
RubidiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c828cd65-e2de-5ae2-b581-4e5d2498e493
Preflabel RubidiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for rubidium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RubidiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 85.4678
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 37
.. raw:: html
RubidiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f9544c7c-d259-5839-b36a-61595809c538
Preflabel RubidiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the rubidium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Rb'
.. raw:: html
RutheniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_948b47f0-3c24-50c7-a698-a805f760e667
Preflabel RutheniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for ruthenium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 101.07
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 44
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RutheniumSymbol
.. raw:: html
RutheniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0edbde89-9714-53c7-b2a9-0ef6c0f73091
Preflabel RutheniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the ruthenium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ru'
.. raw:: html
RutherfordiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_78c3f353-1296-5dca-9759-7c59a7f53927
Preflabel RutherfordiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for rutherfordium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 267.122
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 104
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some RutherfordiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
RutherfordiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ce8cedc4-4835-5298-b723-6223d2a17e5a
Preflabel RutherfordiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the rutherfordium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Rf'
.. raw:: html
SamariumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_65d84215-de2a-56c9-80e3-a49d08dfc1de
Preflabel SamariumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for samarium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some SamariumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 62
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 150.36
.. raw:: html
SamariumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96252ae5-c061-5ba0-80a4-774e5d949e06
Preflabel SamariumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the samarium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Sm'
.. raw:: html
ScandiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fbfd4b93-12ee-5a15-8377-d4c54635b5de
Preflabel ScandiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for scandium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ScandiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 21
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 44.955908
.. raw:: html
ScandiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3fb231cb-7818-5b59-b8da-b5bd2c09c0fc
Preflabel ScandiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the scandium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Sc'
.. raw:: html
SeaborgiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_67eaac8f-7f83-5bca-b1d0-10451d3a88a1
Preflabel SeaborgiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for seaborgium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some SeaborgiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 271.134
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 106
.. raw:: html
SeaborgiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3fb44e47-7de9-5d86-9320-5949d8792951
Preflabel SeaborgiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the seaborgium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Sg'
.. raw:: html
SeleniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_808f7cd9-27b4-527b-974f-4213f10e1772
Preflabel SeleniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for selenium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 78.971
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 34
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some SeleniumSymbol
.. raw:: html
SeleniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cfac37de-991d-5a7d-9adc-8946324ffef6
Preflabel SeleniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the selenium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Se'
.. raw:: html
SiliconAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_798b0c96-82ca-5ce8-8d5f-f9f72668cf5d
Preflabel SiliconAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for silicon.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some SiliconSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 28.085
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 14
.. raw:: html
SiliconSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f9670f5-14ca-53da-a1ea-9b0550a61035
Preflabel SiliconSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the silicon atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Si'
.. raw:: html
SilverAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36ab7281-0187-568f-b0b4-61e33dc08cfc
Preflabel SilverAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for silver.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some SilverSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 47
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 107.8682
.. raw:: html
SilverSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e82869a8-32a8-5d57-81a8-e2d618976f23
Preflabel SilverSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the silver atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ag'
.. raw:: html
SodiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dea931ca-1ec7-58f8-88e5-fb5615d8b214
Preflabel SodiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for sodium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 11
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 22.98976928
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some SodiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
SodiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c00cc96e-a51e-5dc9-9e6c-1cc4dfaf1c67
Preflabel SodiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the sodium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Na'
.. raw:: html
StrontiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8ec7fdf6-5652-547d-942f-b8b09ad84660
Preflabel StrontiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for strontium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 87.62
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 38
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some StrontiumSymbol
.. raw:: html
StrontiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_649415e4-1e31-5809-aceb-59efbba7d5f5
Preflabel StrontiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the strontium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Sr'
.. raw:: html
SulfurAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_87c8f425-c96c-5503-88a0-f10465669ea3
Preflabel SulfurAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for sulfur.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 16
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 32.06
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some SulfurSymbol
.. raw:: html
SulfurSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_66d895f4-42fa-58a2-89af-ef065f52c1eb
Preflabel SulfurSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the sulfur atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'S'
.. raw:: html
TantalumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dbe54798-a21f-519f-9d52-e6ab2c2e28cb
Preflabel TantalumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for tantalum.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 180.94788
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TantalumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 73
.. raw:: html
TantalumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6378a9e9-29e5-5cae-b75b-46ca365e49b9
Preflabel TantalumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the tantalum atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ta'
.. raw:: html
TechnetiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9c803415-5978-5525-9de9-fcf0a2098b4c
Preflabel TechnetiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for technetium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 97.90721
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TechnetiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 43
.. raw:: html
TechnetiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8caaf41b-df30-5355-be5a-74283c49f50a
Preflabel TechnetiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the technetium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Tc'
.. raw:: html
TelluriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c1b40f92-d27d-5aa0-9811-b6c58391f951
Preflabel TelluriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for tellurium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 52
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TelluriumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 127.6
.. raw:: html
TelluriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cf55f4d1-3865-5de4-88b4-3045f0db3a20
Preflabel TelluriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the tellurium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Te'
.. raw:: html
TennessineAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_706cac26-78f1-5ca4-a63c-2600828db412
Preflabel TennessineAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for tennessine.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TennessineSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 117
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 293.208
.. raw:: html
TennessineSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_490c2981-b1cb-5f8c-be82-17a1ef1c27b4
Preflabel TennessineSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the tennessine atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ts'
.. raw:: html
TerbiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e3cd5791-6fbb-587a-a535-0e937800beaa
Preflabel TerbiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for terbium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TerbiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 158.92535
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 65
.. raw:: html
TerbiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6599389d-7a26-5d51-a65c-5dd9c3ed532f
Preflabel TerbiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the terbium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Tb'
.. raw:: html
ThalliumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bcf70555-8df3-5a39-b26a-a5e802d17a37
Preflabel ThalliumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for thallium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 81
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ThalliumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 204.38
.. raw:: html
ThalliumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5833085e-0afc-516a-a584-f56f1f191a13
Preflabel ThalliumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the thallium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Tl'
.. raw:: html
ThoriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_59d342fd-1ace-5b68-9d0d-ed4ff9f55d63
Preflabel ThoriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for thorium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 90
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ThoriumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 232.0377
.. raw:: html
ThoriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9fbc98d-3ac1-5a2d-a354-6e3ba1412157
Preflabel ThoriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the thorium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Th'
.. raw:: html
ThuliumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_82f9a8f3-2bb4-5d14-9a41-30a858ecce61
Preflabel ThuliumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for thulium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 168.93422
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 69
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ThuliumSymbol
.. raw:: html
ThuliumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_849f62cf-3e92-5122-94ba-bcce51a04c5f
Preflabel ThuliumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the thulium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Tm'
.. raw:: html
TinAtom ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9aa9e086-ae07-51f6-bf84-788ffdefcb6f
Preflabel TinAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for tin.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 50
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TinSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 118.71
.. raw:: html
TinSymbol ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_09e84f72-511a-5d22-adf1-accacaf7146a
Preflabel TinSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the tin atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Sn'
.. raw:: html
TitaniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0eee5986-12a1-5f73-b5e0-6eb2b640c924
Preflabel TitaniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for titanium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TitaniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 47.867
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 22
.. raw:: html
TitaniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1cba8181-2ea5-5772-8bd7-e668ffcde394
Preflabel TitaniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the titanium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ti'
.. raw:: html
TungstenAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7b7d258b-3ea7-5716-af58-afc68679de23
Preflabel TungstenAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for tungsten.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 183.84
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some TungstenSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 74
.. raw:: html
TungstenSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_68a887df-63af-55c0-8239-b0b8edaa94ea
Preflabel TungstenSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the tungsten atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'W'
.. raw:: html
UraniumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b233f8c0-37d8-51ae-9264-560e6649e246
Preflabel UraniumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for uranium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some UraniumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 92
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 238.02891
.. raw:: html
UraniumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0080b38f-bac4-5dd6-9d28-d821cf723787
Preflabel UraniumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the uranium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'U'
.. raw:: html
VanadiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f02b58a5-8f1e-5d72-a261-8fe5ad2fbb4b
Preflabel VanadiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for vanadium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some VanadiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 50.9415
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 23
.. raw:: html
VanadiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_113acda0-3c17-59d9-87ef-7e5e5c0ba128
Preflabel VanadiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the vanadium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'V'
.. raw:: html
XenonAtom ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_57742ca9-95d8-50f8-9b33-0ded30da4532
Preflabel XenonAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for xenon.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some XenonSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 54
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 131.293
.. raw:: html
XenonSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fba570fc-6881-51d6-8e9d-a8c23e422b62
Preflabel XenonSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the xenon atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Xe'
.. raw:: html
YtterbiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8d722efa-b49d-51b1-8bf3-bf50ba4b438c
Preflabel YtterbiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for ytterbium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 173.054
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some YtterbiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 70
.. raw:: html
YtterbiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fdcc0ac2-f82f-5650-838c-ec1ad138a632
Preflabel YtterbiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the ytterbium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Yb'
.. raw:: html
YttriumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_733b8473-aa8f-59d5-81c3-c97ca40ea9d0
Preflabel YttriumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for yttrium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some YttriumSymbol
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 88.90584
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 39
.. raw:: html
YttriumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_74fd9704-69a8-5112-b65a-72ba05bba315
Preflabel YttriumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the yttrium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Y'
.. raw:: html
ZincAtom ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f4fee945-1d4a-5158-b0ca-eaef9ad40502
Preflabel ZincAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for zinc.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 65.38
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ZincSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 30
.. raw:: html
ZincSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0bd0c81a-2972-5b2d-8ff5-bb72a82b9c0d
Preflabel ZincSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the zinc atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Zn'
.. raw:: html
ZirconiumAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c052baf7-358f-55de-8ca3-9688563c3cfb
Preflabel ZirconiumAtom
Elucidation Atom subclass for zirconium.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
Subclass Of hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass value 91.224
Subclass Of hasChemicalSymbol some ZirconiumSymbol
Subclass Of hasAtomicNumber value 40
.. raw:: html
ZirconiumSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7ab01303-b09e-5a90-8a5b-f5087d6559d3
Preflabel ZirconiumSymbol
Elucidation The symbol that stands for the zirconium atom.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalElement
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Zr'
.. _periodic-table-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasAtomicNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a585728e-36c8-5df4-9d95-aa128d2a0e7f
Preflabel hasAtomicNumber
Elucidation The atomic number of an atomic element.
Comment This is a convenient shortcut for the conventional declaration process of assigning an atomic number to an atom subclass.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
.. raw:: html
hasChemicalSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_79c0edfa-06f9-5149-b754-28c589035b8a
Preflabel hasChemicalSymbol
Elucidation The chemical symbol of an atomic element.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperty
.. raw:: html
hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43de6d01-276c-55ed-a166-ad097ec75575
Preflabel hasIUPAC2016AtomicMass
Elucidation The mass of an atomic element according to IUPAC 2016.
Comment This is a convenient shortcut for the measurement process process of the atomic mass reported by IUPAC2016.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Module: Reductionistic ====================== .. _reductionistic-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Arrangement ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36c79456_e29c_400d_8bd3_0eedddb82652
Example e.g. the existent in my glass is declared at t = t_start as made of two direct parts: the ice and the water. It will continue to exists as state as long as the ice is completely melt at t = t_end. The new state will be completely made of water. Between t_start and t_end there is an exchange of molecules between the ice and the water, but this does not affect the existence of the two states.

If we partition the existent in my glass as ice surrounded by several molecules (we do not use the object water as direct part) then the appearance of a molecule coming from the ice will cause a state to end and another state to begin.
Preflabel Arrangement
Elucidation A causal object which is tessellated with only spatial direct parts.
Comment The definition of an arrangement implies that its spatial direct parts are not gained or lost during its temporal extension (they exist from the left to the right side of the time interval), so that the cardinality of spatial direct parts in an arrangement is constant.
This does not mean that there cannot be a change in the internal structure of the arrangement direct parts. It means only that this change must not affect the existence of the direct part itself.
Comment The use of spatial direct parthood in state definition means that an arrangement cannot overlap in space another arrangement that is direct part of the same whole.
Altlabel MereologicalState
Illustration https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/1.0.0-rc2/doc/figs/Arrangement.png
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatialTiling
.. raw:: html
BeginTile ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fa595892_070d_455e_9459_06c97179c080
Preflabel BeginTile
Elucidation emmo.hasBeginTile
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTileByPosition
.. raw:: html
Broadcast ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_79aad3fb_2e01_4626_8369_4e914893aa6d
Preflabel Broadcast
Elucidation A mixed tiling in wich a tile has next spatially connected tiles.
Illustration https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/1.0.0-rc2/doc/figs/MixedTiling.png
Formal description
Subclass Of MixedTiling
.. raw:: html
EndTile ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_edf72228_e040_4edc_8b46_78b2a47c72d7
Preflabel EndTile
Elucidation emmo.hasEndTile
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTileByPosition
.. raw:: html
Fork ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1ce18268_dc63_42af_9113_6589331b5562
Preflabel Fork
Elucidation A tessellation in wich a tile has next two or more non spatially connected tiles.
Illustration https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/1.0.0-rc2/doc/figs/Fork.png
Formal description
Subclass Of TemporalTiling
.. raw:: html
Gathering ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b1862e72_219f_4fc0_b58c_b26339f6dc88
Preflabel Gathering
Elucidation A mixed tiling in wich a tile is the next of spatially connected tiles.
Illustration https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/1.0.0-rc2/doc/figs/MixedTiling.png
Formal description
Subclass Of MixedTiling
.. raw:: html
Join ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7ee175d_4c25_45cb_b74e_71435b11b77d
Preflabel Join
Elucidation A tessellation in wich a tile is next for two or more non spatially connected tiles.
Illustration https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/1.0.0-rc2/doc/figs/Join.png
Formal description
Subclass Of TemporalTiling
.. raw:: html
JunctionTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d4c95fa1_5bda_4063_a22d_62c81fcea284
Preflabel JunctionTile
Elucidation A direct part that is obtained by partitioning a whole hybridly in spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTileByConnection
Subclass Of Inverse(hasJunctionTile) some MixedTiling
.. raw:: html
MixedTiling ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b1fb71c_0eb0_445c_9be7_fb5d30ae79fd
Preflabel MixedTiling
Elucidation A well formed tessellation with at least a junction tile.
Illustration https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/1.0.0-rc2/doc/figs/MixedTiling.png
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTessellation
Subclass Of hasTile some JunctionTile
.. raw:: html
Reductionistic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_15db234d_ecaf_4715_9838_4b4ec424fb13
Preflabel Reductionistic
Elucidation A class devoted to categorize causal objects by specifying their granularity levels.
Comment A granularity level is specified by a tiling decomposition of the whole y. A tiling is identified as a set of items {x1, x2, ... xn} called tiles that:
- are proper parts of y
- covers the entire whole (y = x1 +x2 + ... + xn)
- do not overlap
- are part of one, and one only, whole (inverse functional)
Comment Direct parthood is the antitransitive parthood relation used to build the class hierarchy (and the granularity hierarchy) for this perspective.
Formal description
Subclass Of Perspective
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Sequence ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_92829beb_6ed4_4c88_bbd5_3bc7403e2895
Preflabel Sequence
Elucidation A tessellation of temporal slices.
Illustration https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/1.0.0-rc2/doc/figs/Sequence.png
Formal description
Subclass Of TemporalTiling
.. raw:: html
SpatialTile ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4cf484af_082a_40f5_9f11_930bf4634482
Preflabel SpatialTile
Elucidation A direct part that is obtained by partitioning a whole purely in spatial parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTileByConnection
.. raw:: html
SpatialTiling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8944581c_64da_46a9_be29_7074f7cc8098
Preflabel SpatialTiling
Elucidation A well formed tessellation with tiles that all spatial.
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTessellation
Subclass Of hasSpatioTemporalTile only SpatialTile
.. raw:: html
SpatioTemporalTessellation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e12dcfa4_c9f1_4546_9a12_8457c052e6ba
Preflabel SpatioTemporalTessellation
Elucidation A tessellation in which all tiles are connected through spatiotemporal relations hasNext or contacts.
Altlabel WellFormedTessellation
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: MixedTiling or SpatialTiling or TemporalTiling
Formal description
Subclass Of Tessellation
Subclass Of hasSpatioTemporalTile some Item
.. raw:: html
SpatioTemporalTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e46d966_9f14_4673_821e_7c7cf2957926
Preflabel SpatioTemporalTile
Elucidation emmo.hasWellFormedPart
Altlabel WellFormedTile
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: SpatialTile or TemporalTile or JunctionTile
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: ThroughTile or EndTile or BeginTile
Formal description
Subclass Of Tile
.. raw:: html
TemporalTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_504ad89e_dd4a_4fa6_aeb6_15c8ce0cde9b
Preflabel TemporalTile
Elucidation A direct part that is obtained by partitioning a whole purely in temporal parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTileByConnection
.. raw:: html
TemporalTiling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f7f41d20_eabb_4bcb_9a16_0436851fcd5c
Preflabel TemporalTiling
Elucidation A well formed tessellation with tiles that are all temporal.
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTessellation
Subclass Of hasSpatioTemporalTile only TemporalTile
.. raw:: html
Tessellation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ee0466e4_780d_4236_8281_ace7ad3fc5d2
Preflabel Tessellation
Elucidation A causal object that is tessellated in direct parts.
Altlabel Tiling
Conceptualisation A tessellation (or tiling) is the covering of a surface, often a plane, using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps.
Formal description
Subclass Of Reductionistic
Subclass Of hasTile some Item
.. raw:: html
ThroughTile ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_caa63d00_80b1_4408_ac1b_cd0d23b0ec50
Preflabel ThroughTile
Elucidation A tile that has next and is next of other tiles within the same tessellation.
Formal description
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTileByPosition
.. raw:: html
Tile ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9953c19f_ee33_4af8_be5e_dbf6d1e33581
Preflabel Tile
Elucidation A causal object that is direct part of a tessellation.
Formal description
Subclass Of Reductionistic
Subclass Of Inverse(hasTile) some Tessellation
.. _reductionistic-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasBeginTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fe63194f_7c04_4dbd_a244_524b38b6699b
Preflabel hasBeginTile
Elucidation The relation between the whole and a temporal tile that has only outgoing temporal connections.
Altlabel hasTemporalFirst
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalTile
.. raw:: html
hasEndTile ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c0f48dc6_4a32_4d9a_a956_d68415954a8e
Preflabel hasEndTile
Elucidation The relation between the whole and a temporal tile that has only ingoing temporal connections.
Altlabel hasTemporalLast
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalTile
.. raw:: html
hasJunctionTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_663859e5_add3_4c9e_96fb_c99399de278d
Preflabel hasJunctionTile
Elucidation A relation between the whole and one of its tiles, where the tile is both spatially and temporally connected with the other tiles forming the tessellation.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatioTemporalTile
.. raw:: html
hasSpatialTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b2282816_b7a3_44c6_b2cb_3feff1ceb7fe
Preflabel hasSpatialTile
Elucidation A relation between the whole and one of its tiles, where the tile is only spatially connected with the other tiles forming the tessellation.
Altlabel hasSpatialDirectPart
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatioTemporalTile
.. raw:: html
hasSpatioTemporalTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7efab93d_c8fe_49c7_ba8e_d21d13b38c85
Preflabel hasSpatioTemporalTile
Elucidation A tile that is connected with other tiles with bi-directional causal relations that fall under hasNext (or its inverse) or hasContact.
Comment This owl:ObjectProperty is, like its super property, a mere collector of direct parthoods that manifest a spatiotemporal meaningful shape.
Altlabel hasWellFormedTile
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasTile
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalTile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_65a2c5b8_e4d8_4a51_b2f8_e55effc0547d
Preflabel hasTemporalTile
Elucidation A relation that establishes for the whole a univocal tessellation in temporal parts forming the tessellation.
Altlabel hasTemporalDirectPart
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatioTemporalTile
.. raw:: html
hasTile ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_74a75cf1_3418_4244_b43c_b5db94635d42
Preflabel hasTile
Elucidation The relation grouping all direct parthood relations used in the reductionistic perspective.
Comment This relation is not antitransitive, to enable partitioning of a causal structure with more than one tiling scheme (e.g. time and space partitioning).
Comment This relation is a simple collector of all relations inverse functional direct parthoods that can be defined in specialised theories using reductionism.
Altlabel hasDirectPart
Conceptualisation Tiling parthood enables the establishment of hierarchy of granularities, starting with an entity and providing several tesselation levels according to specific criteria.
The criteria are implemented in specialised versions of the tiling parthood relation (e.g., metrological direct part, XML format direct part).
The tiles and the tessellated entity (tessellation) are causally self connected (i.e., items), coherently with the concept behind the definition of the reductionistic perspective.
The tiles of specific granularity level provide a covering for the whole and are mutually non-overlapping, as the label "tile" suggests.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasDirectPart
Module: Data ============ .. _data-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AnalogData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0d1c0018_42e2_4506_bc3d_f53c117c1ad3
Example A vynil contain continuous information about the recorded sound.
Preflabel AnalogData
Elucidation Data that are decoded retaining its continuous variations characteristic.
Comment The fact that there may be a finite granularity in the variations of the material basis (e.g. the smallest peak in a vynil that can be recognized by the piezo-electric transducer) does not prevent a data to be analog. It means only that the focus on such data encoding is on a scale that makes such variations negligible, making them practically a continuum.
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByDiscretness
.. raw:: html
ClassicalData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ed257e78_8b59_44c3_9d61_06c261184f55
Preflabel ClassicalData
Elucidation Data that are expressed through classical physics mechanisms, having one value and one state, and being in the same place at the same time.
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByNature
.. raw:: html
DataSet ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_194e367c_9783_4bf5_96d0_9ad597d48d9a
Preflabel DataSet
Elucidation Encoded data made of more than one datum.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasDatum some Datum
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByStructure
.. raw:: html
Datum ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50d6236a_7667_4883_8ae1_9bb5d190423a
Example A character, a bit, a song in a CD.
Preflabel Datum
Elucidation A self-consistent encoded data entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByStructure
.. raw:: html
DiscreteData ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_be8592a7_68d1_4a06_ad23_82f2b56ef926
Example A text is a collection of discrete symbols. A compact disc is designed to host discrete states in the form of pits and lands.
Preflabel DiscreteData
Elucidation Data whose variations are decoded according to a discrete schema.
Comment A discrete schema may be based on a continuum material basis that is filtered according to its variations. For example, a continuous voltage based signal can be considered 1 or 0 according to some threshold.
Discrete does not mean that the material basis is discrete, but that the data are encoded according to such step-based rules.
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByDiscretness
.. raw:: html
NonNumericalData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ac1a05c5_0c17_4387_bac0_683f2a86f3ed
Preflabel NonNumericalData
Elucidation Data that are non-quantitatively interpreted (e.g., qualitative data, types).
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByNumerical
.. raw:: html
NumericalData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_888a5dea_3b7d_4dc0_93f2_d4e345a1f903
Preflabel NumericalData
Elucidation Data that can be decoded under a quantitative schema and also associated with a graphical number symbols.
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByNumerical
.. raw:: html
QuantumData ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6fa1feac_c388_44cc_a721_283499d5addc
Preflabel QuantumData
Elucidation Data that are expressed through quantum mechanical principles, and that can have several values ​​/ be in several states in the same place at the same time (quantum superposition), each of them with a certain probability.
Formal description
Subclass Of DataByNature
.. _data-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasDatum ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b19aacfc_5f73_4c33_9456_469c1e89a53e
Preflabel hasDatum
Elucidation Relates a dataset to its datum.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPortionPart
Module: Persholistic ==================== .. _persholistic-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Component ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f76884f7_964e_488e_9bb7_1b2453e9e817
Preflabel Component
Elucidation A constituent of a system.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: inverse (hasConstituent) some HolisticSystem
Formal description
Subclass Of Constituent
.. raw:: html
HolisticArrangement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b9522e56_1fac_4766_97e6_428605fabd3e
Preflabel HolisticArrangement
Elucidation A system which is mainly characterised by the spatial configuration of its elements.
Formal description
Subclass Of HolisticSystem
.. raw:: html
HolisticSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_65a007dc_2550_46b0_b394_3346c67fbb69
Preflabel HolisticSystem
Elucidation An object that is made of a set of sub objects working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network (natural or artificial); a complex whole.
Comment A system is conceived as an aggregate of things that 'work' (or interact) together. While a system extends in time through distinct temporal parts (like every other 4D object), this elucdation focuses on a timescale in which the obejct shows a persistence in time.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasComponent some Component
Formal description
Subclass Of Whole
Subclass Of Object
.. raw:: html
IntentionalAgent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c130614a_2985_476d_a7ed_8a137847703c
Preflabel IntentionalAgent
Elucidation An agent that is driven by the intention to reach a defined objective in driving a process.
Comment Intentionality is not limited to human agents, but in general to all agents that have the capacity to decide to act in driving a process according to a motivation.
Formal description
Subclass Of Agent
.. raw:: html
IntentionalProcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bafc17b5_9be4_4823_8bbe_ab4e90b6738c
Preflabel IntentionalProcess
Elucidation A process occurring with the active participation of an agent that drives the process according to a specific objective (intention).
Altlabel Project
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasAgent some IntentionalAgent
Formal description
Subclass Of Whole
Subclass Of Process
.. raw:: html
NaturalProcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_135ab8ea_e028_439e_be64_3e0f9734ea2b
Preflabel NaturalProcess
Elucidation A process occurring by natural (non-intentional) laws.
Altlabel NonIntentionalProcess
Formal description
Subclass Of Process
.. raw:: html
Network ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f93fe78b_9646_4a15_b88b_1c93686a764d
Preflabel Network
Elucidation A system whose is mainly characterised by the way in which elements are interconnected.
Formal description
Subclass Of HolisticSystem
.. raw:: html
Organisation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c0f72631_d7c2_434c_9c26_5c44123df682
Preflabel Organisation
Elucidation An holistic system of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives.
Formal description
Subclass Of HolisticSystem
.. raw:: html
Procedure ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_472a0ca2_58bf_4618_b561_6fe68bd9fd49
Example The process in which a control unit of a CPU (the agent) orchestrates some cached binary data according to a list of instructions (e.g. a program).
The process in which a librarian order books alphabetically on a shelf.
The execution of an algorithm.
Preflabel Procedure
Elucidation The process in which an agent works with some entities according to some existing formalised operative rules.
Comment A procedure can be considered as an intentional process with a plan.
Altlabel Elaboration
Altlabel Work
Conceptualisation The set of established forms or methods of an organized body for accomplishing a certain task or tasks (Wiktionary).
Formal description
Subclass Of IntentionalProcess
.. _persholistic-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasComponent ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c7f239f_e833_4a2b_98a1_c88831770c1b
Preflabel hasComponent
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasConstituent
.. raw:: html
hasInterval ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2eb10b5b_900b_44d7_af85_4de9a3729474
Preflabel hasInterval
Elucidation The relation between a process whole and a temporal part of the same type.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasRedundantPart
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasPortion ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b1daa610_64c6_4935_94b8_a19db586a2f6
Example A volume of 1 cc of milk within a 1 litre can be considered still milk as a whole. If you scale down to a cluster of molecules, than the milk cannot be considered a fluid no more (and then no more a milk).
Preflabel hasPortion
Elucidation The relation between a object whole and its spatial part of the same type.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasRedundantPart
Module: Metrology ================= .. _metrology-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Assigned ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dabe353b_8bfc_4da7_8ac7_8f52786d16f8
Preflabel Assigned
Formal description
Subclass Of Estimated
.. raw:: html
Assigner ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f273529f_9f2c_4877_a94b_5b47590353fc
Example I estimate the molecular mass of the gas in my bottle as 1.00784 u because it is tagged as H.
Preflabel Assigner
Elucidation A estimator that uses its predefined knowledge to declare a property of an object.
Formal description
Subclass Of Estimator
.. raw:: html
Assignment ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5adc819_d4b2_4661_b429_1705b75d5053
Example The Argon gas in my bottle has ionisation energy of 15.7596 eV. This is not measured but assigned to this material by previous knowledge.
Preflabel Assignment
Elucidation A estimation of a property by a criteria based on the pre-existing knowledge of the estimator.
Formal description
Subclass Of Estimation
.. raw:: html
BaseQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_acaaa124_3dde_48b6_86e6_6ec6f364f408
Preflabel BaseQuantity
Elucidation "Quantity in a conventionally chosen subset of a given system of quantities, where no quantity in the subset can be expressed in terms of the other quantities within that subset"
ISO 80000-1
Vimterm base quantity
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalQuantiyByDefinition
.. raw:: html
BaseUnit ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_db716151_6b73_45ff_910c_d182fdcbb4f5
Preflabel BaseUnit
Elucidation A set of units that correspond to the base quantities in a system of units.
Vimterm base unit
Formal description
Subclass Of UnitSymbol
Subclass Of Inverse(hasMetrologicalReference) only BaseQuantity
.. raw:: html
CategorizedPhysicalQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_79751276_b2d0_4e2f_bbd4_99d412f43d55
Preflabel CategorizedPhysicalQuantity
Elucidation The superclass for all physical quantities classes that are categorized according to some domain of interests (e.g. metallurgy, chemistry), property (intensive/extensive) or application.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
ConventionalProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d8aa8e1f_b650_416d_88a0_5118de945456
Example The thermal conductivity of a copper sample in my laboratory can be assumed to be the conductivity that appears in the vendor specification. This value has been obtained by measurement of a sample which is not the one I have in my laboratory. This conductivity value is then a conventional quantitiative property assigned to my sample through a semiotic process in which no actual measurement is done by my laboratory.

If I don't believe the vendor, then I can measure the actual thermal conductivity. I then perform a measurement process that semiotically assign another value for the conductivity, which is a measured property, since is part of a measurement process.

Then I have two different physical quantities that are properties thanks to two different semiotic processes.
Preflabel ConventionalProperty
Elucidation A quantitative property attributed by agreement to a quantity for a given purpose.
Comment A property that is associated to an object by convention, or assumption.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
CountingUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_15d62b55_38ea_4aec_b7c4_25db1a2e5a01
Example Unit of atomic number
Unit of number of cellular
Unit of degeneracy in quantum mechanics
Preflabel CountingUnit
Elucidation Unit for dimensionless quantities that have the nature of count.
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM
Ucumcode 1
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
DerivedQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_71f6ab56_342c_484b_bbe0_de86b7367cb3
Preflabel DerivedQuantity
Elucidation "Quantity, in a system of quantities, defined in terms of the base quantities of that system".
Vimterm derived quantity
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalQuantiyByDefinition
.. raw:: html
DerivedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_08b308d4_31cd_4779_a784_aa92fc730f39
Preflabel DerivedUnit
Elucidation Derived units are defined as products of powers of the base units corresponding to the relations defining the derived quantities in terms of the base quantities.
Comment A measurement unit for a derived quantity.
-- VIM
Vimterm derived unit
Formal description
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
DimensionalUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cbdea88b_fef1_4c7c_b69f_ae1f0f241c4a
Preflabel DimensionalUnit
Elucidation A subclass of measurement unit focusing on the physical dimensionality that is carried by the unit.
Comment The current version of EMMO does not provide explicit classes for physical dimensions. Rather it embraces the fact that the physical dimensionality of a physical quantity is carried by its measurement unit.

The role of dimensional unit and its subclasses is to express the physical dimensionality that is carried by the unit.

Since the dimensionality of a physical quantity can be written as the product of powers of the physical dimensions of the base quantities in the selected system of quantities, the physical dimensionality of a measurement unit is uniquely determined by the exponents. For a dimensional unit, at least one of these exponents must be non-zero (making it disjoint from dimensionless units).
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasurementUnitByDimensionality
.. raw:: html
DimensionlessUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3227b821_26a5_4c7c_9c01_5c24483e0bd0
Example Refractive index
Plane angle
Number of apples
Preflabel DimensionlessUnit
Elucidation The subclass of measurement units with no physical dimension.
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/UNITLESS
Formal description
Equivalent To hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
Subclass Of MeasurementUnitByDimensionality
.. raw:: html
ExactConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89762966_8076_4f7c_b745_f718d653e8e2
Preflabel ExactConstant
Elucidation Physical constant used to define a unit system. Hence, when expressed in that unit system they have an exact value with no associated uncertainty.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalConstant
.. raw:: html
FractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c2f5ee66_579c_44c6_a2e9_fa2eaa9fa4da
Preflabel FractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for fractions of quantities of the same kind, to aid the understanding of the quantity being expressed.
Comment Quantities that are ratios of quantities of the same kind (for example length ratios and amount fractions) have the option of being expressed with units (m/m, mol/mol to aid the understanding of the quantity being expressed and also allow the use of SI prefixes, if this
is desirable (μm/m, nmol/mol).
-- SI Brochure
Altlabel RatioUnit
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
LogarithmicUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_972e01b0_b017_4903_8c05_b7edda958723
Example Decibel
Preflabel LogarithmicUnit
Elucidation A logarithmic unit is a unit that can be used to express a quantity (physical or mathematical) on a logarithmic scale, that is, as being proportional to the value of a logarithm function applied to the ratio of the quantity and a reference quantity of the same type.
Comment Note that logarithmic units like decibel or neper are not univocally defines, since their definition depends on whether they are used to measure a "power" or a "root-power" quantity.

It is advisory to create a uniquely defined subclass these units for concrete usage.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithmic_scale#Logarithmic_units
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LogarithmicUnit
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
MeasuredConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f15d200_c97b_42c8_8ac0_d81d150361e2
Preflabel MeasuredConstant
Elucidation For a given unit system, measured constants are physical constants that are not used to define the unit system. Hence, these constants have to be measured and will therefore be associated with an uncertainty.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalConstant
.. raw:: html
MeasuredProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_873b0ab3_88e6_4054_b901_5531e01f14a4
Preflabel MeasuredProperty
Elucidation A quantity that is the result of a well-defined measurement procedure.
Comment The specification of a measurand requires knowledge of the kind of quantity, description of the state of the phenomenon, body, or substance carrying the quantity, including any relevant component, and the chemical entities involved.

-- VIM
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
Measurement ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_463bcfda_867b_41d9_a967_211d4d437cfb
Preflabel Measurement
Elucidation An 'observation' that results in a quantitative comparison of a 'property' of an 'object' with a standard reference based on a well defined mesurement procedure.
Comment A measurement always implies a causal interaction between the object and the observer.
Comment A measurement is the process of experimentally obtaining one or more measurement results that can reasonably be attributed to a quantity.
Vimterm measurement
Formal description
Subclass Of Observation
Subclass Of Procedure
Subclass Of participatesTo some MeasurementResult
Subclass Of participatesTo some MeasuringSystem
Subclass Of hasOutput some MeasurementResult
.. raw:: html
MeasurementResult ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0f6f0120_c079_4d95_bb11_4ddee05e530e
Preflabel MeasurementResult
Elucidation Result of a measurement.

A set of quantites being attributed to a measurand (measured quantitative property) together with any other available relevant information, like measurement uncertainty.

-- VIM
Comment A measurement result generally contains “relevant information” about the set of measured quantity properties, such that some may be more representative of the measured quantity than others. This may be expressed in the form of a probability density function (pdf).
Comment A measurement result has the measured quantity, measurement uncertainty and other relevant attributes as holistic parts.
Vimterm measurement result
Formal description
Subclass Of Objective
Subclass Of hasQuantity some ObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
MeasurementUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b081b346_7279_46ef_9a3d_2c088fcd79f4
Example kg
Preflabel MeasurementUnit
Elucidation A metrological reference for a physical quantity.
Comment "Real scalar quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity of the same kind can be compared to express the ratio of the second quantity to the first one as a number"
ISO 80000-1
Comment "Unit symbols are mathematical entities and not abbreviations."

"Symbols for units are treated as mathematical entities. In expressing the value of a quantity as the product of a numerical value and a unit, both the numerical value and the unit may be treated by the ordinary rules of algebra."

Comment Measurement units and procedure units are disjoint.
Comment Quantitative value are expressed as a multiple of the 'MeasurementUnit'.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: DimensionlessUnit, DimensionalUnit
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: NonPrefixedUnit, PrefixedUnit
Vimterm measurement unit (VIM3 1.9)
Formal description
Subclass Of MetrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
MeasurementUnitByDimensionality ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_611e4040_9a3e_4a1a_9fa2_7b1012269401
Preflabel MeasurementUnitByDimensionality
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
MeasurementUnitByPrefix ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4b965242_29f0_4e42_a4b6_f8a5988052df
Preflabel MeasurementUnitByPrefix
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
MeasuringInstrument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f2d5d3ad_2e00_417f_8849_686f3988d929
Preflabel MeasuringInstrument
Elucidation Device used for making measurements, alone or in conjunction with one or more supplementary devices.

-- VIM
Comment A measuring instrument that can be used alone is a measuring system.
Vimterm measuring instrument
Formal description
Subclass Of Measurer
.. raw:: html
MeasuringSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7dea2572_ab42_45bd_9fd7_92448cec762a
Preflabel MeasuringSystem
Elucidation A set of one or more 'MeasuringInstruments' and often other devices, including any reagent and supply, assembled and adapted to give information used to generate 'MeasuredQuantityProperty' within specified intervals for quantities of specified kinds.

-- VIM
Vimterm measuring system
Formal description
Subclass Of Measurer
Subclass Of hasPart some MeasuringInstrument
.. raw:: html
MetricPrefix ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_442bd91e_a724_4e9f_89c1_18423016fb75
Preflabel MetricPrefix
Elucidation Dimensionless multiplicative unit prefix.
Formal description
Subclass Of Constant
Subclass Of Metrological
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
Metrological ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_985bec21_989f_4b9e_a4b3_735d88099c3c
Preflabel Metrological
Elucidation A language entity used in the metrology discipline.
Comment Metrology is the science of measurement and its application and includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement, whatever the measurement uncertainty and field of application (VIM3 2.2)
Formal description
Subclass Of Language
.. raw:: html
MetrologicalConstruct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_754fa9fa_1285_4e2f_b1fc_018c9321a0a8
Preflabel MetrologicalConstruct
Elucidation A symbolic construct used within the discipline of metrology.
Formal description
Equivalent To SymbolicConstruct and Metrological
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
MetrologicalReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_18ce5200_00f5_45bb_8c6f_6fb128cd41ae
Preflabel MetrologicalReference
Elucidation A reference can be a measurement unit, a measurement procedure, a reference material, or a combination of such (VIM3 1.1 NOTE 2).
Comment A symbolic is recognized as reference unit also if it is not part of a quantity (e.g. as in the sentence "the Bq is the reference unit of Becquerel").
For this reason we can't declare the axiom:
MetrologicalReference SubClassOf: inverse(hasMetrologicalReference) some Quantity
because there exist reference units without being part of a quantity.
This is peculiar to EMMO, where quantities as syntatic entities (explicit quantities) are distinct with quantities as semantic entities (properties).
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: StandardUnit or MeasurementUnit or ProcedureUnit
Formal description
Subclass Of Metrological
.. raw:: html
MetrologicalSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50a3552e_859a_4ff7_946d_76d537cabce6
Preflabel MetrologicalSymbol
Elucidation A symbol that stands for a concept in the language of the meterological domain of ISO 80000.
Formal description
Equivalent To Metrological and Symbol
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasProperPart only not Metrological
.. raw:: html
MetrologicalUncertainty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_847724b7_acef_490e_9f0d_67da967f2812
Example - Standard deviation
- Half-width of an interval with a stated coverage probability
Preflabel MetrologicalUncertainty
Elucidation The uncertainty of a quantity obtained through a well-defined procedure, characterising of the dispersion of the quantity.
Comment Metrological uncertainty in EMMO is a slight generalisation of the VIM term 'measurement uncertainty', which is defined as "a non-negative parameter characterising the dispersion of the quantity being measured".
Comment In general, for a given set of information, it is understood that the measurement uncertainty is associated with a stated quantity value. A modification of this value results in a modification of the associated uncertainty.
Comment Metrological uncertainty includes components arising from systematic effects, such as components associated with corrections and the assigned quantity values of measurement standards, as well as the definitional uncertainty. Sometimes estimated systematic effects are not corrected for but, instead, associated measurement uncertainty components are incorporated.
Altlabel A metrological uncertainty can be assigned to any objective property via the 'hasMetrologicalUncertainty' relation.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
ModelledProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d0200cf1_e4f4_45ae_873f_b9359daea3cd
Preflabel ModelledProperty
Elucidation A quantity obtained from a well-defined modelling procedure.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
NominalProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_909415d1_7c43_4d5e_bbeb_7e1910159f66
Example CFC is a 'sign' that stands for the fact that the morphology of atoms composing the microstructure of an entity is predominantly Cubic Face Centered

A color is a nominal property.

Sex of a human being.
Preflabel NominalProperty
Elucidation An 'ObjectiveProperty' that cannot be quantified.
Comment "Property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has no magnitude."

"A nominal property has a value, which can be expressed in words, by alphanumerical codes, or by other means."

International vocabulary of metrology (VIM)
Vimterm nominal property
Formal description
Subclass Of Objective
.. raw:: html
NonPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_868ae137_4d25_493e_b270_21ea3d94849e
Preflabel NonPrefixedUnit
Elucidation A measurement unit symbol that do not have a metric prefix as a direct spatial part.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: DerivedUnit or UnitSymbol
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasurementUnitByPrefix
.. raw:: html
ObjectiveProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dd4a7f3e_ef56_466c_ac1a_d2716b5f87ec
Preflabel ObjectiveProperty
Elucidation A quantity that is obtained from a well-defined procedure.
Comment The word objective does not mean that each observation will provide the same results. It means that the observation followed a well defined procedure.

This class refers to what is commonly known as physical property, i.e. a measurable property of physical system, whether is quantifiable or not.
Comment Subclasses of 'ObjectiveProperty' classify objects according to the type semiosis that is used to connect the property to the object (e.g. by measurement, by convention, by modelling).
Altlabel PhysicalProperty
Altlabel QuantitativeProperty
Formal description
Subclass Of Objective
Subclass Of QuantityBySubjectivity
.. raw:: html
OrdinalQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c46f091c_0420_4c1a_af30_0a2c8ebcf7d7
Example Hardness
Preflabel OrdinalQuantity
Elucidation "Quantity, defined by a conventional measurement procedure, for which a total ordering relation can be established, according to magnitude, with other quantities of the same kind, but for which no algebraic operations among those quantities exist"
International vocabulary of metrology (VIM)
Comment "Ordinal quantities, such as Rockwell C hardness, are usually not considered to be part of a system of quantities because they are related to other quantities through empirical relations only."
International vocabulary of metrology (VIM)
Vimterm ordinal quantity
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantityByPhysical
.. raw:: html
PhysicalConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b953f2b1_c8d1_4dd9_b630_d3ef6580c2bb
Preflabel PhysicalConstant
Elucidation Physical constants are categorised into "exact" and measured constants.

With "exact" constants, we refer to physical constants that have an exact numerical value after the revision of the SI system that was enforsed May 2019.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_physical_constants
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: MeasuredConstant, ExactConstant
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
PhysicalQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02c0621e_a527_4790_8a0f_2bb51973c819
Preflabel PhysicalQuantity
Elucidation A 'Mathematical' entity that is made of a 'Numeral' and a 'MeasurementUnit' defined by a physical law, connected to a physical entity through a model perspective. Measurement is done according to the same model.
Comment In the same system of quantities, dim ρB = ML−3 is the quantity dimension of mass concentration of component B, and ML−3 is also the quantity dimension of mass density, ρ.
ISO 80000-1
Comment Measured or simulated 'physical propertiy'-s are always defined by a physical law, connected to a physical entity through a model perspective and measurement is done according to the same model.

Systems of units suggests that this is the correct approach, since except for the fundamental units (length, time, charge) every other unit is derived by mathematical relations between these fundamental units, implying a physical laws or definitions.
Comment Measurement units of quantities of the same quantity dimension may be designated by the same name and symbol even when the quantities are not of the same kind.

For example, joule per kelvin and J/K are respectively the name and symbol of both a measurement unit of heat capacity and a measurement unit of entropy, which are generally not considered to be quantities of the same kind.

However, in some cases special measurement unit names are restricted to be used with quantities of specific kind only.

For example, the measurement unit ‘second to the power minus one’ (1/s) is called hertz (Hz) when used for frequencies and becquerel (Bq) when used for activities of radionuclides.

As another example, the joule (J) is used as a unit of energy, but never as a unit of moment of force, i.e. the newton metre (N · m).
Comment — quantities of the same kind have the same quantity dimension,
— quantities of different quantity dimensions are always of different kinds, and
— quantities having the same quantity dimension are not necessarily of the same kind.
ISO 80000-1
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: DerivedQuantity, BaseQuantity
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantityByPhysical
Subclass Of hasMetrologicalReference only MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
PhysicalQuantiyByDefinition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9159bb16_8a70_49f9_bac4_f5cf2a82c39a
Preflabel PhysicalQuantiyByDefinition
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
PrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c6d4a5e0_7e95_44df_a6db_84ee0a8bbc8e
Preflabel PrefixedUnit
Elucidation A measurement unit that is made of a metric prefix and a unit symbol.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasurementUnitByPrefix
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix exactly 1 MetricPrefix
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol exactly 1 UnitSymbol
.. raw:: html
ProcedureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c9c8f824_9127_4f93_bc21_69fe78a7f6f2
Example Rockwell C hardness of a given sample (150 kg load): 43.5HRC(150 kg)
Preflabel ProcedureUnit
Elucidation A reference unit provided by a measurement procedure.
Comment Procedure units and measurement units are disjoint.
Altlabel MeasurementProcedure
Formal description
Subclass Of MetrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
Quantity ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0650c031_42b6_4f0a_b62d_d88f071da6bf
Example length
Rockwell C hardness
electric resistance
Preflabel Quantity
Elucidation A quantifiable property of a phenomenon, body, or substance.
Comment VIM defines a quantity as a "property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a reference".

A quantity in EMMO is a property and therefore only addresses the first part of the VIM definition (that is a property of a phenomenon, body, or substance). The second part (that it can be expressed as a number and a reference) is syntactic and addressed by emmo:QuantityValue.
Altlabel Measurand
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: SubjectiveProperty, ObjectiveProperty
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: PhysicalQuantity or OrdinalQuantity
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/schema/qudt/Quantity
Vimterm measurand
Vimterm quantity
Formal description
Subclass Of Property
Subclass Of hasMetrologicalReference exactly 1 MetrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
QuantityByPhysical ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dbbbf0ed_a446_4f9e_877c_8c46e7842f43
Preflabel QuantityByPhysical
Formal description
Subclass Of Quantity
.. raw:: html
QuantityBySubjectivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d9350951_5300_44e8_ae61_79fb7c53b7e7
Preflabel QuantityBySubjectivity
Formal description
Subclass Of Quantity
.. raw:: html
QuantityValue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f658c301_ce93_46cf_9639_4eace2c5d1d5
Example 6.8 m
0.9 km
8 K
6 MeV
43.5 HRC(150 kg)
Preflabel QuantityValue
Elucidation A symbolic that has parts a numerical object and a reference expressing the value of a quantity (expressed as the product of the numerical and the unit).
Comment A quantity value is not necessarily a property, since it is possible to write "10 kg", without assigning this quantity to a specific object.
Comment Following the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM), EMMO distinguishes between a quantity (a property) and the quantity value (a numerical and a reference).

So, for the EMMO the symbol "kg" is not a physical quantity but simply a 'Symbolic' object categorized as a 'MeasurementUnit'.

While the string "1 kg" is a 'QuantityValue'.
Vimterm quantity value
Formal description
Subclass Of Metrological
Subclass Of hasNumericalPart exactly 1 Numerical
Subclass Of hasReferencePart exactly 1 MetrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
SpecialUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3ee80521_3c23_4dd1_935d_9d522614a3e2
Example Pa stands for N/m2
J stands for N m
Preflabel SpecialUnit
Elucidation A unit symbol that stands for a derived unit.
Comment Special units are semiotic shortcuts to more complex composed symbolic objects.
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of UnitSymbol
.. raw:: html
StandardUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_acd1a504_ca32_4f30_86ad_0b62cea5bc02
Example Arbitrary amount-of-substance concentration of lutropin in a given sample of plasma (WHO international standard 80/552): 5.0 International Unit/l
Preflabel StandardUnit
Elucidation A reference unit provided by a reference material.
International vocabulary of metrology (VIM)
Altlabel ReferenceMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of MetrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
StandardizedPhysicalQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9c407ac0_fd4c_4178_8763_95fad9fe29ec
Preflabel StandardizedPhysicalQuantity
Elucidation The superclass for all physical quantities classes that are categorized according to a standard (e.g. ISQ).
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
SubjectiveProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a9a6ddf8_7e16_420a_9f3d_df7d5cfe3536
Example The measure of beauty on a scale from 1 to 10.
Preflabel SubjectiveProperty
Elucidation A quantity whos value that cannot be univocally determined and depends on an agent (e.g. a human individual, a community).
Formal description
Subclass Of Subjective
Subclass Of QuantityBySubjectivity
.. raw:: html
SystemUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3eb993a1_61ae_4a20_b168_dda853f51c14
Preflabel SystemUnit
Elucidation A unit that belongs to one or more unit systems.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
UnitOne ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5ebd5e01_0ed3_49a2_a30d_cd05cbe72978
Example Refractive index or volume fraction.
Example Typically used for ratios of two units whos dimensions cancels out.
Preflabel UnitOne
Elucidation "The unit one is the neutral element of any system of units – necessary and present automatically."

-- SI Brochure
Altlabel Unitless
Definition Represents the number 1, used as an explicit unit to say something has no units.
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/UNITLESS
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
UnitSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_216f448e_cdbc_4aeb_a529_7a5fe7fc38bb
Example Some examples are "Pa", "m" and "J".
Preflabel UnitSymbol
Elucidation A symbol that stands for a single unit.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: SpecialUnit, BaseUnit
Formal description
Equivalent To Symbol and MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. _metrology-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
VIMTerm ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bb49844b_45d7_4f0d_8cae_8e552cbc20d6
Example quantity value (term in VIM that corresponds to Quantity in EMMO)
Preflabel VIMTerm
Comment The term in the International vocabulary of metrology (VIM) (JCGM 200:2008) that corresponds to the annotated term in EMMO.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of isDefinedBy
Subclass Of metrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
hasConventionalProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_16b510a6_0584_4134_bdb6_3bc185c17860
Example An Hydrogen atom has the quantity atomic number Z = 1 as its conventional property.
Preflabel hasConventionalProperty
Elucidation Assigns a quantity to an object by convention.
Comment An object can be represented by a quantity for the fact that it has been recognized to belong to a specific class.

The quantity is selected without an observation aimed to measure its actual value, but by convention.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
hasMeasuredProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fd689787_31b0_41cf_bf03_0d69af76469d
Preflabel hasMeasuredProperty
Elucidation Assigns a quantity to an object via a well-defined measurement procedure.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
hasMeasurementUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bed1d005_b04e_4a90_94cf_02bc678a8569
Example Length hasUnit only LengthUnit
Preflabel hasMeasurementUnit
Comment A conventional semiotic relation that relates a physical quantity to its unit.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasMetrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
hasMetricPrefix ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4be0acad_af05_426f_aa6d_fe7531072564
Preflabel hasMetricPrefix
Comment Relates a prefixed unit to its metric prefix part.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile
.. raw:: html
hasMetrologicalReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_67fc0a36_8dcb_4ffa_9a43_31074efa3296
Preflabel hasMetrologicalReference
Comment Relates a quantity to its metrological reference through a semiotic process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of InverseFunctionalProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasConvention
.. raw:: html
hasMetrologicalUncertainty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_662c64e7_fc72_49b3_a161_f50fd42deafa
Preflabel hasMetrologicalUncertainty
Elucidation Assigns a quantifiable uncertainty to an objective property through a well-defined procecure.
Comment Since measurement uncertainty is a subclass of objective property, this relation can also describe the uncertainty of an measurement uncertainty.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
hasModelledProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b8f79e53_2ad4_441d_87ff_284a5c419e46
Preflabel hasModelledProperty
Elucidation Assigns a quantity to an object via a well-defined modelling procedure.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasObjectiveProperty
.. raw:: html
hasNumericalPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8ef3cd6d_ae58_4a8d_9fc0_ad8f49015cd0
Preflabel hasNumericalPart
Comment Relates a quantity to its numerical value through spatial direct parthood.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of InverseFunctionalProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile
.. raw:: html
hasObjectiveProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0aa934ee_1ad4_4345_8a7f_bc73ec67c7e5
Preflabel hasObjectiveProperty
Comment Relates an object to a quantity describing a quantifiable property of the object obtained via a well-defined procedure.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperty
.. raw:: html
hasQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5d73661e_e710_4844_ab9b_a85b7e68576a
Preflabel hasQuantity
Elucidation Relates the result of a semiotic process to ont of its optained quantities.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile
.. raw:: html
hasReferencePart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eeb06032_dd4f_476e_9da6_aa24302b7588
Preflabel hasReferencePart
Elucidation Relates a quantity to its reference unit through spatial direct parthood.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile
.. raw:: html
hasUnitNonPrefixPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_78c79b48_4b76_4cbe_812f_b32dbb04fd44
Example For example the unit CentiNewtonMetre has prefix "Centi" and non-prefix part "NewtonMetre".
Preflabel hasUnitNonPrefixPart
Elucidation Relates a prefixed unit to its non-prefixed part.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile
.. raw:: html
hasUnitSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d4e0a0ab_2f67_4f87_a0db_b544e6dceed4
Preflabel hasUnitSymbol
Elucidation Relates a prefixed unit to its unit symbol part.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart
.. raw:: html
iupacReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fe015383_afb3_44a6_ae86_043628697aa2
Preflabel iupacReference
Comment DOI to corresponding concept in IUPAC
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
.. raw:: html
metrologicalReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58e7c821_4af0_4394_89f7_a9649735f4d2
Preflabel metrologicalReference
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
.. raw:: html
omReference ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_209ba1b3_149f_4ff0_b672_941610eafd72
Preflabel omReference
Elucidation IRI to corresponding concept in the Ontology of units of Measure.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of metrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
qudtReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f1b164d_ec6a_4faa_8d5e_88bda62316cc
Preflabel qudtReference
Elucidation URL to corresponing entity in QUDT.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of metrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
ucumCode ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_33ae2d07_5526_4555_a0b4_8f4c031b5652
Preflabel ucumCode
Elucidation Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM).
Comment The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business. The purpose is to facilitate unambiguous electronic communication of quantities together with their units.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of metrologicalReference
.. raw:: html
uneceCommonCode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0b1cbe60_d380_4787_b92e_be26bdacf2c2
Preflabel uneceCommonCode
Elucidation The UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade. The codes are intended for use in manual and/or automated systems for the exchange of information between participants in international trade.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of metrologicalReference
Module: Manufacturing ===================== .. _manufacturing-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
3DPrinting ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_253e1d54_69af_4931_90d0_5ccfd7e690ad
Preflabel 3DPrinting
Elucidation Fabrication of objects through the deposition of a material using a print head, nozzle or another printer technology.
Comment This term is often used in a non-technical context synonymously with additive manufacturing and, in these cases, typically associated with machines used for non-industrial purposes including personal use.
Comment fabrication of objects through the deposition of a material using a print head, nozzle or another printer technology
Note 1 to entry: This term is often used in a non-technical context synonymously with additive manufacturing (3.1.2) and, in these cases, typically associated with machines used for non-industrial purposes including personal use.
Formal description
Subclass Of AdditiveManufacturing
.. raw:: html
Ablation ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1a2cbca8_3d3b_4e2c_9a71_e39273937786
Preflabel Ablation
Comment Manufacturing by separating particles of material from a solid body by non-mechanical means. Ablation refers both to the removal of layers of material and to the separation of workpiece parts. The production process of ablation is considered in its stationary instantaneous state, independently of the application of auxiliary processes necessary to initiate the process. Ablation is divided into three subgroups according to the order point of view (OGP) "process in the effective zone on the surface of the workpiece": - thermal ablation; - chemical ablation; - electrochemical ablation.
Altlabel Abtragen
Formal description
Subclass Of SeparateManufacturing
.. raw:: html
AdditiveManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_03eb9b46_8ff0_4fcd_b1a0_73f65ae7434e
Preflabel AdditiveManufacturing
Comment process of joining materials to make parts from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing (3.1.29) and formative manufacturing methodologies,
Altlabel GenerativeManufacturing
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
Annealing ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9900d51c_bdd3_40e8_aa82_ad1aa7092f71
Preflabel Annealing
Comment heat treatment consisting of heating and soaking at a suitable temperature, followed by cooling under conditions such that, after return to ambient temperature, the metal will be in a structural state closer to that of equilibrium
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatTreatment
.. raw:: html
ArchetypeJoin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_22496460_c849_4bd7_8be0_9a1202506f18
Preflabel ArchetypeJoin
Elucidation Archetype join attaches two workpiece with geometrically defined shape together, using supplementary workpiece made of amorphous material (e.g. powder).
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
.. raw:: html
ArchetypeManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9244742_c185_4c50_b455_c57654852582
Preflabel ArchetypeManufacturing
Elucidation A manufacturing in which the product is a solid body with a well defined geometrical shape made from shapeless original material parts, whose cohesion is created during the process.
Altlabel PrimitiveForming
Altlabel Urformen
Formal description
Subclass Of WorkpieceManufacturing
.. raw:: html
Assembled ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52bbaaee_1145_4be3_8a5c_b366851ea1b9
Preflabel Assembled
Elucidation A system of independent elements that are assembled together to perform a function.
Formal description
Subclass Of HolisticArrangement
.. raw:: html
AssemblyLine ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d64920b5_acd0_4e29_893e_ae03b3d7cdaf
Preflabel AssemblyLine
Elucidation A manufacturing process in which interchangeable parts are added to a product in a sequential manner to create an end product.
Comment Is not collection, since the connection between the elements of an assembly line occurs through the flow of objects that are processed.
Formal description
Subclass Of ManufacturingSystem
.. raw:: html
Assemblying ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_912ac3a2_a124_4233_92dd_06c9aebea46c
Preflabel Assemblying
Elucidation The act of connecting together the parts of something
Comment No loss or adds of parts by the components, nor merging. In assemblying parts are losing some of theirs movement degrees of freedom.
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
.. raw:: html
Bending ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_68ee441e_c89e_4391_93c3_e68fef59fe14
Preflabel Bending
Comment Forming of a solid body, whereby the plastic state is essentially brought about by a bending stress
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingJoin
Subclass Of FlexuralForming
.. raw:: html
BlowMolding ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_381b6a6e_6e8e_461a_8591_d7a60e823d4d
Preflabel BlowMolding
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
.. raw:: html
Calendering ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7f4684e_ee74_4119_87e0_ecd255e10d2f
Preflabel Calendering
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
.. raw:: html
Casting ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ae3c9eb3_289d_4133_99d6_77068367a58d
Preflabel Casting
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromLiquid
.. raw:: html
Cementing ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dc3a6b2d_e31d_491a_ab40_c433f8dd8d48
Preflabel Cementing
Formal description
Subclass Of ArchetypeJoin
.. raw:: html
CentrifugalCasting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e1f38566_ba25_4c09_9282_eea2b86cb90b
Preflabel CentrifugalCasting
Formal description
Subclass Of Casting
.. raw:: html
CeramicSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c0ec56d1_0deb_4452_a6a1_70570308b6bb
Preflabel CeramicSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
.. raw:: html
ChipboardManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_375aaa5a_998f_4626_83e0_c7d7e52a6565
Preflabel ChipboardManufacturing
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromChip
.. raw:: html
Cleaning ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_92eaefcb_50be_4237_9ec0_4a019ce24921
Preflabel Cleaning
Comment Process for removing unwanted residual or waste material from a given product or material
Formal description
Subclass Of SeparateManufacturing
.. raw:: html
CoatingManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_92028373_3a43_4b80_9a69_caca22df3918
Preflabel CoatingManufacturing
Elucidation A manufacturing in which an adherent layer of amorphous material is applied to a workpiece.
Altlabel Beschichten
Formal description
Subclass Of MergingManufacturing
.. raw:: html
CommercialProduct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_00b85655_f20c_4e83_b90e_094e8ea7e48f
Preflabel CommercialProduct
Elucidation An product that is ready for commercialisation.
Altlabel Product
Formal description
Subclass Of Product
.. raw:: html
CompressiveForming ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_39d5c9c4_7d24_4409_ba3b_60ca3afde902
Preflabel CompressiveForming
Comment Forming of a solid body, whereby the plastic state is essentially brought about by uniaxial or multiaxial compressive stress.
Comment lasciano tensioni residue di compressione
Altlabel Druckumformen
Formal description
Subclass Of ReshapeManufacturing
.. raw:: html
ConcreteOrPlasterPouring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e452535_a369_404d_9afb_d41fd79d12b8
Preflabel ConcreteOrPlasterPouring
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPulp
.. raw:: html
ContinuousCasting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4b77c8ac_6d0e_456a_af41_ce43601b28b7
Preflabel ContinuousCasting
Formal description
Subclass Of Casting
.. raw:: html
Cutting ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5f98475_00ce_4987_99fb_262aed395e46
Preflabel Cutting
Comment Mechanical separation of workpieces without the formation of shapeless material, i.e. also without chips (chipless).
Altlabel Schneiden
Formal description
Subclass Of SeparateManufacturing
.. raw:: html
DeepDrawing ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ecf78412_f0ca_4368_9078_559ffe8935d3
Preflabel DeepDrawing
Comment Forming of vessel parts from a flat mould into a three-dimensional shape by means of a press and tools, whereby material is neither removed nor added
Altlabel Tiefziehen
Formal description
Subclass Of TensileForming
Subclass Of ReshapeManufacturing
.. raw:: html
DeepFreezing ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_61846411_8c6f_410b_ae7b_8999ec18f2b2
Preflabel DeepFreezing
Comment Treatment carried out after hardening or case hardening consisting of cooling to a temperature below room temperature to complete the transformation of austenite to martensite
Altlabel Cryogenic treatment, Deep-freeze
Altlabel Tieftemperaturbehandeln
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatTreatment
.. raw:: html
DefinedEdgeCutting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8679c7d3_fd5d_49ba_bc1f_1bb820a1f73f
Preflabel DefinedEdgeCutting
Altlabel Machining in which a tool is used whose number of cutting edges, geometry of the cutting wedges and position of the cutting edges in relation to the workpiece are determined
Altlabel Spanen mit geometrisch bestimmten Schneiden
Formal description
Subclass Of SeparateManufacturing
.. raw:: html
Device ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_494b372c_cfdf_47d3_a4de_5e037c540de8
Preflabel Device
Elucidation An object which is instrumental for reaching a particular purpose through its characteristic functioning process, with particular reference to mechanical or electronic equipment.
Altlabel Equipment
Altlabel Machine
Formal description
Subclass Of ManufacturedProduct
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DieCasting ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a85d0b8a_588e_423f_b799_97b0890e9183
Preflabel DieCasting
Formal description
Subclass Of Casting
.. raw:: html
DippingForms ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a09a5342_cad4_40fa_a619_a5af0867cb8f
Preflabel DippingForms
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromLiquid
.. raw:: html
Dismantling ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7171429_b9e3_4812_95c1_e97309370538
Preflabel Dismantling
Comment action to disassemble a product or a component by removing all or some of its constituent parts with the intent to salvage
Altlabel Demontage
Formal description
Subclass Of SeparateManufacturing
.. raw:: html
DrawForming ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_01048432_3722_40a9_aa37_ea009da44272
Preflabel DrawForming
Comment Draw forming by drawing a workpiece through a tool opening that is narrowed in the drawing direction.
Formal description
Subclass Of TensileForming
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DrawForms ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d02f6f3e_9e32_4188_a116_29dc304ceb49
Preflabel DrawForms
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
.. raw:: html
Drilling ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c1dad83e_974f_432e_ac92_d016f2445279
Preflabel Drilling
Comment machining with a circular cutting movement in which the axis of rotation of the tool and the axis of the internal surface to be produced are identical and the feed movement is in the direction of this axis. The axis of rotation of the cutting movement maintains its position relative to the workpiece independently of the feed movement (axis of rotation workpiece-bound).
Altlabel Bohren
Formal description
Subclass Of Machining
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DropForging ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4e099d7e_f624_4761_aff6_2ee6c63b8d2d
Preflabel DropForging
Formal description
Subclass Of ReshapeManufacturing
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentAssistedSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5a5cf124_1ece_4b8e_ae63_edc2b5ee573a
Preflabel ElectricCurrentAssistedSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
.. raw:: html
ElectroSinterForging ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1b01c9c6_6367_498c_a04d_1a37499b3eff
Preflabel ElectroSinterForging
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
.. raw:: html
ElectrolyticDeposition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a139c6d5_1a0b_4605_a6c0_9f383539f9b1
Preflabel ElectrolyticDeposition
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromIonised
.. raw:: html
Electroplating ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_30e3edb5_0977_4b9b_9aed_5a4d16c1c07c
Preflabel Electroplating
Formal description
Subclass Of CoatingManufacturing
.. raw:: html
Extrusion ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c9a2307d_51d0_426b_ae2f_85f5a44934e0
Preflabel Extrusion
Formal description
Subclass Of ReshapeManufacturing
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
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Factory ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02122e58_e0b3_4274_bdd4_745f64a61645
Preflabel Factory
Elucidation A building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured or assembled.
Altlabel IndustrialPlant
Formal description
Subclass Of HolisticSystem
.. raw:: html
FiberReinforcePlasticManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c2d9d370_f9eb_40be_b01e_7ceba8f7457f
Preflabel FiberReinforcePlasticManufacturing
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromLiquid
.. raw:: html
FiberboardManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d700aed9_2eb9_4e26_ba30_81cc36157fb1
Preflabel FiberboardManufacturing
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromChip
.. raw:: html
Filling ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_095b3c46_2b60_43cb_bade_9ee9ac969720
Preflabel Filling
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
.. raw:: html
FlameCutting ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e258099f_5361_463c_ba1d_51d7d730630f
Preflabel FlameCutting
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalCutting
.. raw:: html
Flanging ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3086e6a8_edd9_4592_b33c_66d818835951
Preflabel Flanging
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingJoin
.. raw:: html
FlexuralForming ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aced32dd_1a13_49b0_8d8f_c79313942d19
Preflabel FlexuralForming
Comment Forming of a solid body, whereby the plastic state is essentially brought about by a bending stress.
Altlabel Biegeumformen
Formal description
Subclass Of ReshapeManufacturing
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Foaming ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_865a1a70_02e8_40b2_948d_078e636c8701
Preflabel Foaming
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromLiquid
.. raw:: html
Folding ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aa446897_0683_4e9b_9b0e_b6081d2d70d8
Preflabel Folding
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingJoin
.. raw:: html
FormingBlasting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_46f70544_818e_495e_99ef_d342c54ee7dc
Preflabel FormingBlasting
Comment Shot peening is shot peening for shaping or straightening workpieces by introducing residual compressive stresses (from: DIN 8200/10.82).
Altlabel Umformstrahlen
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialTreatment
.. raw:: html
FormingFromChip ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5e5656ef_971e_49e6_a32f_048b6e86c3e0
Preflabel FormingFromChip
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
FormingFromGas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4e6c4c25_e937_40d5_9cd1_0f3b740cc0a8
Preflabel FormingFromGas
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
FormingFromIonised ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_326e7731_76c5_402d_a041_c9b48a736963
Preflabel FormingFromIonised
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
FormingFromLiquid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d7432d8c_3182_4d61_a08f_dc686efaabe9
Preflabel FormingFromLiquid
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
FormingFromPlastic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6523cad7_ea54_471c_adb7_e783f824ec09
Preflabel FormingFromPlastic
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
FormingFromPowder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f8b20fd2_08b9_4368_b786_156e11d1cec8
Preflabel FormingFromPowder
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
FormingFromPulp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a46f2e3f_6d06_4968_a02f_55274d131130
Preflabel FormingFromPulp
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
.. raw:: html
FormingJoin ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_78284835_f4ed_4a7c_914f_a7fdb460ed8e
Preflabel FormingJoin
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
.. raw:: html
FreeForming ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7432b843_cfd2_4345_a3d2_eaa539b27e61
Preflabel FreeForming
Comment Free forming is pressure forming with tools that do not or only partially contain the shape of the workpiece and move against each other.
Comment Non la metterei
Comment Printing forms with tools that do not or only partially contain the shape of the workpiece and move against each other. The workpiece shape is created by free or fixed relative movement between the tool and the workpiece (kinematic shape generation).
Formal description
Subclass Of CompressiveForming
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FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_45fec702_54cb_4508_b47e_bdc581229e22
Preflabel FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
Comment From Powder, from liquid, from gas
Comment Powder:
particles that are usually less than 1 mm in size
Comment da una forma non propria ad una forma propria
Formal description
Subclass Of WorkpieceForming
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FromWorkPIecetoWorkPiece ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fc86c700_ccea_441c_b628_ad236f030fe6
Preflabel FromWorkPIecetoWorkPiece
Formal description
Subclass Of WorkpieceForming
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Galvanizing ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_16d1606c_e562_43cd_a92c_0894abc2027b
Preflabel Galvanizing
Formal description
Subclass Of ArchetypeJoin
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Gluing ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ecc10f05_b301_4dcf_8c84_b6f511117234
Preflabel Gluing
Comment Process for joining two (base) materials by means of an adhesive polymer material
Altlabel Kleben
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
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GravityCasting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f1d0f28b_7575_4e82_8d22_cb5b46b84cfd
Preflabel GravityCasting
Formal description
Subclass Of Casting
.. raw:: html
GravitySintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3ec45f3b_677d_4e71_be75_6f8966b4f808
Preflabel GravitySintering
Altlabel Loose-powderSintering
Altlabel PressurelessSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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Grinding ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2138677c_845a_4bc2_8be7_7b0a07b4777d
Preflabel Grinding
Comment Removal of material by means of rigid or flexible discs or belts containing abrasives.
Altlabel Schleifen
Formal description
Subclass Of UndefinedEdgeCutting
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GrowingCrystal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_662e94ea_babe_4709_af8f_b669931076bc
Preflabel GrowingCrystal
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromLiquid
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HandlingDevice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2565210a_bbcc_4c00_a122_6a608faa355b
Preflabel HandlingDevice
Formal description
Subclass Of Device
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Hardening ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7cd8a4ec_b219_498e_b696_028257163aa4
Preflabel Hardening
Comment Heat treatment process that generally produces martensite in the matrix.
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatTreatment
.. raw:: html
HardeningByDrawing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c4ffca76_fb0c_43c7_bc16_8c2430888c83
Preflabel HardeningByDrawing
Formal description
Subclass Of HardeningByForming
.. raw:: html
HardeningByForging ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c62b76d5_c1cc_432a_8c9e_7684ab054669
Preflabel HardeningByForging
Formal description
Subclass Of HardeningByForming
.. raw:: html
HardeningByForming ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_46dc0d51_b60f_49cd_8650_9aba7be3726c
Preflabel HardeningByForming
Altlabel Verfestigen durch Umformen
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialTreatment
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HardeningByRolling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_607ccc15_38aa_4a69_a70a_effa8015bf42
Preflabel HardeningByRolling
Comment Strengthening by rolling is the strengthening of component surfaces by mechanically generating compressive stresses in the component surface and consolidating the material.
Altlabel VerfestigendurchWalzen
Formal description
Subclass Of HardeningByForming
.. raw:: html
HeatTreatment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dacfc7dc_5ddb_4f67_986b_dcd01d649d60
Preflabel HeatTreatment
Comment Heat to a temperature appropriate for the particular material, maintain at that temperature and then cool at an appropriate rate to reduce hardness, improve machinability or achieve desired properties.
Altlabel wärmebehandeln
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialTreatment
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HotDipGalvanizing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_47eea65c_e6ce_4c95_9406_fdb1519abc87
Preflabel HotDipGalvanizing
Altlabel Hot-dipGalvanizing
Formal description
Subclass Of CoatingManufacturing
.. raw:: html
InjectionMolding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4d5053a7_273e_495b_8098_5aa5c0f3f925
Preflabel InjectionMolding
Formal description
Subclass Of ArchetypeJoin
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
.. raw:: html
InspectionDevice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3967de47_343f_4bab_aada_b4bec73d11da
Preflabel InspectionDevice
Formal description
Subclass Of Device
.. raw:: html
InterferenceFitting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_26f34447_32ec_48ce_9baa_4afec09120f4
Preflabel InterferenceFitting
Formal description
Subclass Of Pressing
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Irradiate ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c4fba898_896b_4d58_a24c_b5c0851fa2a2
Preflabel Irradiate
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialTreatment
.. raw:: html
IsothermalConversion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6c213064_e525_45d4_99cf_afebed8bbddd
Preflabel IsothermalConversion
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatTreatment
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JoinManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6ab555fd_5803_4f03_82e8_127c01aabfea
Preflabel JoinManufacturing
Elucidation A manufacturing involving the creation of long-term connection of several workpieces.
Comment The permanent joining or other bringing together of two or more workpieces of a geometric shape or of similar workpieces with shapeless material. In each case, the cohesion is created locally and increased as a whole.
Altlabel Fügen
Formal description
Subclass Of MergingManufacturing
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LaserCutting ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c5970406_0b66_4931_8a23_3e81162ba65b
Preflabel LaserCutting
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalCutting
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LiquidPhaseSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3cb27225_df45_4616_aa3b_32dba383524c
Preflabel LiquidPhaseSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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LowPressureCasting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8b2fd84c_8f51_4731_9bd7_830545e78b23
Preflabel LowPressureCasting
Formal description
Subclass Of Casting
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MachineCell ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4d2ca841_6cb1_4710_a756_5b989746bca2
Preflabel MachineCell
Elucidation A group of machineries used to process a group of similar parts.
Comment Is not simply a collection of machineries, since the connection between them is due to the parallel flow of processed parts that comes from a unique source and ends into a common repository.
Formal description
Subclass Of ManufacturingSystem
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Machining ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bfce8136_8f58_4ea5_ab3a_1734170c5d92
Preflabel Machining
Elucidation A manufacturing in which material is removed from the workpiece in the form of chips.
Altlabel RemovingChipsFromWorkpiece
Formal description
Subclass Of DefinedEdgeCutting
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Magnetizing ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c30aaeb1_66cc_4c69_8890_d7812c1d608c
Preflabel Magnetizing
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialTreatment
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ManufacturedMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec7464a9_d99d_45f8_965b_4e9230ea8356
Preflabel ManufacturedMaterial
Elucidation A material that is obtained through a manufacturing process.
Altlabel EngineeredMaterial
Altlabel ProcessedMaterial
Formal description
Equivalent To Material and ManufacturedProduct
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of Inverse(hasOutput) some Manufacturing
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ManufacturedProduct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_86ca9b93_1183_4b65_81b8_c0fcd3bba5ad
Example Car, tire, composite material.
Preflabel ManufacturedProduct
Elucidation An object that has been designed and manufactured for a particular purpose.
Altlabel Artifact
Altlabel Engineered
Altlabel TangibleProduct
Formal description
Subclass Of Product
Subclass Of Object
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Manufacturer ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c0afb341_7d31_4883_a307_ae4606df2a1b
Preflabel Manufacturer
Elucidation A fundamental object overcrossing a manufacturing process, the intersection being the agent that participates and drives the manufacturing process.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of Inverse(participatesTo) some Manufacturing
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Manufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a4d66059_5dd3_4b90_b4cb_10960559441b
Preflabel Manufacturing
Elucidation The process of transforming precursor objects (e.g. raw materials) into a product by the use of manual labor, machinery or chemical/biological processes.
Comment Deals with entities that have a defined shape.
Wikipediareference https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fertigungsverfahren
Formal description
Subclass Of TechnologyProcess
Subclass Of hasOutput some WorkPiece
Subclass Of Inverse(participatesTo) some ManufacturedProduct
Subclass Of Inverse(participatesTo) some Manufacturer
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ManufacturingDevice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_86a305d1_7644_48be_b84c_1f976679b904
Preflabel ManufacturingDevice
Elucidation A device that is designed to participate to a manufacturing process.
Formal description
Subclass Of Device
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ManufacturingSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_16cc6deb_d9f8_4ede_900a_a17cc86e57c4
Preflabel ManufacturingSystem
Elucidation A system arranged to setup a specific manufacturing process.
Formal description
Subclass Of HolisticArrangement
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MaterialSynthesis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fa9cfc5d_9c3c_4856_a708_28be3858917e
Preflabel MaterialSynthesis
Elucidation The creation of a material entity starting from fundamental substances, involving chemical phenomena (e.g. reaction, bonding).
Comment Deals with undefined shapes both input and output.
Formal description
Subclass Of ProductionEngineering
Subclass Of MaterialsProcessing
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MaterialTreatment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fc859d37_408d_44b6_b345_a0ea0b65121e
Preflabel MaterialTreatment
Elucidation The processing of a material aimed to transform its structure by means of any type of treatment, without involving relevant synthesis phenomena.
Comment Has shaped bodies as input and output.
Comment Manufacturing by changing the properties of the material of which a workpiece is made, which is done, among other things, by changes in the submicroscopic or atomic range, e.g. by diffusion of atoms, generation and movement of dislocations in the atomic lattice or chemical reactions, and where unavoidable changes in shape are not part of the essence of these processes.
Comment esce workpiece
Altlabel Stoffeigenschaft ändern
Altlabel WorkPieceTreatment
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialsProcessing
Subclass Of Manufacturing
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MaterialsProcessing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_71d1c8f0_c6e3_44b5_a4b6_1b74ff35698a
Example Synthesis of materials, quenching, the preparation of a cake, tempering of a steel beam.
Preflabel MaterialsProcessing
Elucidation A manufacturing process aimed to modify the precursor objects through a physical process (involving other materials, energy, manipulation) to change its material properties.
Comment A material process requires the output to be classified as an individual of a material subclass.
Altlabel ContinuumManufacturing
Formal description
Subclass Of TechnologyProcess
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MergingManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eb85216f_b872_4ee5_9f62_655aa2ae0470
Preflabel MergingManufacturing
Altlabel AddingManufacturing
Formal description
Subclass Of WorkpieceManufacturing
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MetallicPowderSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1a9e6e27_1e1d_492a_824e_6fb848574846
Preflabel MetallicPowderSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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MicrowaveSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0342678c_13ba_43d7_9cbd_df60967a0a45
Preflabel MicrowaveSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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Milling ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44f91d47_3faf_48e2_844c_d44bbe3e22f6
Preflabel Milling
Comment Machining with a circular cutting movement, usually associated with a multi-toothed tool, and with a feed movement perpendicular or oblique to the axis of rotation of the tool, to produce any workpiece surface.
Altlabel Fräsen
Formal description
Subclass Of Machining
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Molds ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f4d2c80_002f_44b4_a4f1_0d9ead0779ba
Preflabel Molds
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
.. raw:: html
Moulding ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6800c3fd_bf5d_4a2a_8e6e_9e909eefc16c
Preflabel Moulding
Comment Free forming is pressure forming with tools that do not or only partially contain the shape of the workpiece and move against each other (from: DIN 8583 Part 3/05.70).
Altlabel Gesenkformen
Formal description
Subclass Of CompressiveForming
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
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Nailing ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f46c5ab_1c21_4639_90d5_3c4ebf3b156b
Preflabel Nailing
Comment Nailing is joining by hammering or pressing nails (wire pins) as auxiliary parts into the solid material. Several parts are joined by pressing them together (from: DIN 8593 part 3/09.85).
Altlabel Nageln
Formal description
Subclass Of Pressing
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Painting ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96c38f8d_fabd_41dc_abda_d15419eb897d
Preflabel Painting
Formal description
Subclass Of CoatingManufacturing
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PaperManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_123b0aee_eac2_461f_8078_3a7c8dfbe7ce
Preflabel PaperManufacturing
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromChip
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Peening ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dc0874e8_36e1_44df_947d_0d7c81167a09
Preflabel Peening
Comment (according to DIN 8200) Shot peening to generate residual compressive stresses in layers of the blasting material close to the surface in order to improve certain component properties, e.g. fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, wear resistance (from: DIN 8200:1982)
Altlabel ShotPeening
Altlabel Verfestigungsstrahlen
Formal description
Subclass Of HardeningByForming
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PermanentLiquidPhaseSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1acb552d_281a_40a4_9d55_5e31b85d4dc1
Preflabel PermanentLiquidPhaseSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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PhotochemicalProcesses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_00f2dc2d_2f64_468a_a77c_d70841b0b5f0
Preflabel PhotochemicalProcesses
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialTreatment
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Planing ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f5655090_2266_41cb_b2e9_3b4569c45731
Preflabel Planing
Comment Type of scratching behaviour where the scratching force and the (displacement) deflection of the scratching tip are constant over the scratching distance during the test.
Altlabel Hobeln
Formal description
Subclass Of Machining
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PlasmaCutting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e2b08775_a0f6_4bf7_b228_53dc2299f114
Preflabel PlasmaCutting
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalCutting
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PlasticModeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b5efbfa6_8610_4e3e_ad36_93e426bd873e
Preflabel PlasticModeling
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
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PlasticSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_08d993e0_cc1c_45da_b0c5_3d658091ccfd
Preflabel PlasticSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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PorcelainOrCeramicCasting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d320f878_2be4_4927_aea6_d36a2ae2dd89
Preflabel PorcelainOrCeramicCasting
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPulp
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PowderCoating ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_658b8bca_203a_49a6_920b_96b5baf5e199
Preflabel PowderCoating
Formal description
Subclass Of CoatingManufacturing
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PrecipitationHardening ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c7affee_09ed_42e7_a190_4a10c75ab6dd
Preflabel PrecipitationHardening
Comment hardening of a workpiece caused by the precipitation of one or more compounds from a supersaturated solid solution
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatTreatment
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Presses ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9d74a963_8c62_4c20_a413_93b786bfbecc
Preflabel Presses
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPowder
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Pressing ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bbf12904_e25e_4f49_87f3_8bd210a6b535
Preflabel Pressing
Comment A collective term for the processes in which, during joining, the parts to be joined and any auxiliary parts are essentially only elastically deformed and unintentional loosening is prevented by frictional connection.
Altlabel Anpressen
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
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ProcessEngineeringProcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_592b1d98_4736_4cac_9b62_849b8dbe11c7
Preflabel ProcessEngineeringProcess
Comment Deals with entities that have a undefined shape. Undefined means that the actual shape of the entity that is produced is not relevant for the definition of the process.
In fact, everything has a shape, but in process engineering this is not relevant.

e.g. the fact that steel comes in sheets is not relevant for the definition of steel material generated in a steel-making process.
Wikipediareference https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verfahrenstechnik
Formal description
Subclass Of TechnologyProcess
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Product ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_82fc8506_1f84_4add_9683_abea077bd1e3
Preflabel Product
Elucidation The overall lifetime of an holistic that has been the output of an intentional process.
Comment This concepts encompass the overall lifetime of a product.
Is temporaly fundamental, meaning that it can have other products as holistic spatial parts, but its holistic temporal parts are not products. In other words, the individual must encompass the whole lifetime from creation to disposal.
A product can be a tangible object (e.g. a manufactured object), a process (e.g. service). It can be the outcome of a natural or an artificially driven process.
It must have and initial stage of its life that is also an outcome of a intentional process.
Altlabel Output
Iso9000Reference https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9000:ed-3:v1:en:term:3.4.2
Iso14040Reference https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:14040:ed-2:v1:en:term:3.9
Formal description
Equivalent To Service or ManufacturedProduct
Subclass Of Maximal
Subclass Of isOutputOf some IntentionalProcess
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ProductionEngineering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_71b7346e_5a4a_4b2b_8ac5_d41ecc9c7bfd
Preflabel ProductionEngineering
Formal description
Subclass Of ProcessEngineeringProcess
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ProductionSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_256bb4be_78c6_4f2f_8589_f5e4c8339bbd
Preflabel ProductionSystem
Elucidation A network of objects that implements a production process through a series of interconnected elements.
Formal description
Subclass Of Network
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RapidPrototyping ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_755eaac8_735e_438c_8c19_a8b5e6a81728
Preflabel RapidPrototyping
Elucidation Application of additive manufacturing intended for reducing the time needed for producing prototypes.
Formal description
Subclass Of AdditiveManufacturing
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ReactionSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b524942_4e3e_403a_b4ab_2b53750f3d3b
Preflabel ReactionSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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ReshapeManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b4783a6_36ad_48c8_8f5d_fe7c05ad298b
Preflabel ReshapeManufacturing
Elucidation A manufacturing in which workpieces are produced from solid raw parts through permanent deformation, provided that neither material is added nor removed.
Comment The mass of the raw part is equal to the mass of the finished part.
Altlabel Forming
Altlabel Umformen
Formal description
Subclass Of WorkpieceManufacturing
Subclass Of FromWorkPIecetoWorkPiece
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Riveting ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d3eecd54_e9bf_4c6f_bef8_6086cb9aa7b5
Preflabel Riveting
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingJoin
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Rolling ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_91c2db4b_83e2_4c36_aadf_453acc72e6d2
Preflabel Rolling
Comment Continuous or stepwise pressure forming with one or more rotating tools (rollers), without or with additional tools, e.g. plugs or mandrels, rods, guide tools
Altlabel Walzen
Formal description
Subclass Of CompressiveForming
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SandMolds ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2bf617c6_e57b_430b_9f37_fcf2cfda719e
Preflabel SandMolds
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPowder
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Sawing ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7d004db_59fa_5ae3_adb1_e75736aa721a
Preflabel Sawing
Elucidation Process of cutting a workpiece into smaller parts that are either doughter parts, samples (e.g. for testing) or scrap.
Comment Cutting with circular or straight cutting motion, using a multi-toothed tool of small cutting width, the cutting motion being performed by the tool
Altlabel Sägen
Formal description
Subclass Of Machining
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Screwing ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_410b5956_a06d_4370_b7df_b1bd2126fb4b
Preflabel Screwing
Comment Screwing (screwing on, screwing in, screwing tight) is joining by pressing on by means of a self-locking thread (from: DIN 8593 Part 3/09.85).
Altlabel Schrauben
Formal description
Subclass Of Pressing
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SeparateManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90589553_5625_4074_8f0d_0532fd7eb42b
Preflabel SeparateManufacturing
Elucidation A manufacturing process in which the shape of a workpiece is changed by breaking the material cohesion at the processing point and thus the material cohesion is reduced overall.
Altlabel CuttingManufacturing
Altlabel Trennen
Formal description
Subclass Of WorkpieceManufacturing
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Service ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_127594de_4802_4ad6_b09d_d05b340394dd
Preflabel Service
Altlabel IntangibleProduct
Iso9000Reference https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9000:ed-4:v1:en:term:3.7.7
Formal description
Subclass Of Product
Subclass Of IntentionalProcess
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ShearCutting ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1d6b63d5_9938_483c_ad62_a09ac34153c9
Preflabel ShearCutting
Comment Cutting workpieces between two cutting edges that move past each other (see Figure 1 [see figure in the standard]).
Altlabel Scherschneiden
Formal description
Subclass Of Cutting
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ShearForming ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_22744495_4f32_4a17_b189_259c644268f9
Preflabel ShearForming
Comment Forming of a solid body, whereby the plastic state is essentially brought about by shear stress.
Altlabel Schubumformen
Formal description
Subclass Of ReshapeManufacturing
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Sintering ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_03441eb3_d1fd_4906_b953_b83312d7589e
Preflabel Sintering
Elucidation Sintering is the process of forming a solid mass of material through heat and pressure without melting to the point of liquefaction. This process involves the atoms in materials diffusing across the particle boundaries and fusing together into one piece.
Comment Sintering occurs naturally in mineral deposits, and is used as a manufacturing process for materials including ceramics, metals and plastics.
Because the sintering temperature doesn’t reach the materials’ melting point, it is often used for materials with high melting points, such as molybdenum and tungsten.
Altlabel Sintern
Formal description
Subclass Of FromNotProperShapeToWorkPiece
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Soldering ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c790c7ff_2d10_4336_94ad_4f4e173109a9
Preflabel Soldering
Comment Method of joining metallic materials with the aid of a molten filler metal (solder), optionally with the use of flow agents
Altlabel Löten
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
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SparkErosion ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b8ce01a5_1e0c_4c69_8e54_7235fd4fe47e
Preflabel SparkErosion
Comment A manufacturing process in which metallic material is anodically dissolved under the influence of an electric current and an electrolyte solution. The current flow can be caused either by connection to an external current source or due to local element formation on the workpiece (etching).
Altlabel elektrochemisches Abtragen
Formal description
Subclass Of Ablation
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SparkPlasmaSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f0644f69_7337_4385_9d4a_4401b7bf3302
Preflabel SparkPlasmaSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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SupplyChain ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0c7ad550_00ae_45ff_a4e2_58d6a61f48eb
Preflabel SupplyChain
Elucidation A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in supplying a product or service to a consumer.
Formal description
Subclass Of Network
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TechnologyProcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b9cbfb5_dbd0_4a68_9c6f_acc41b40dd72
Preflabel TechnologyProcess
Elucidation Class that includes the application of scientific knowledge, tools and techniques in order to transform a precursor object (ex. conversion of material) following a practic purpose.
Comment Conversion of materials and assembly of components for the manufacture of products
Comment Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way.
Comment Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.
Comment application of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, crafts or systems in order to solve a problem or to achieve an objective which can result in a product or process
Comment application of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or achieve an objective
Altlabel ProductionEngineeringProcess
Formal description
Subclass Of IntentionalProcess
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Tempering ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6fa330f7_3289_4228_81df_12ee8a9708ac
Preflabel Tempering
Comment Process consisting of two steps: - first, the steel is heated in a quenching treatment to a temperature above Ac3 and then rapidly cooled in a liquid to produce a process-specific grain structure; - subsequently, the steel is heated to a specific temperature during tempering to set the desired property and cooled in air.
Altlabel QuenchingAndTempering
Altlabel Vergüten
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatTreatment
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TensileForming ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6fba4018_24bd_450c_abc3_354e2c7809c9
Preflabel TensileForming
Comment Forming of a solid body, whereby the plastic state is essentially brought about by a combined tensile and compressive stress.
Altlabel Zugdruckumformen
Formal description
Subclass Of ReshapeManufacturing
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ThermalCutting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c9f0abb6_d3e8_459e_bacc_c14ed5481998
Preflabel ThermalCutting
Comment Thermal ablation is the separation of material particles in solid, liquid or gaseous state by heat processes as well as the removal of these material particles by mechanical or electromagnetic forces (from: DIN
Altlabel Thermisches Abtragen
Formal description
Subclass Of Ablation
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ThermalSprayingForming ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_16c41198_3881_4a34_bae5_993f88823993
Preflabel ThermalSprayingForming
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPowder
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ThermochemicalTreatment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_263d9161_5a7c_4900_a49b_55f012b3fe07
Preflabel ThermochemicalTreatment
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatTreatment
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ThermomechanicalTreatment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3528547f_cefe_4f24_bc46_936b39f711eb
Preflabel ThermomechanicalTreatment
Formal description
Subclass Of MaterialTreatment
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Tool ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5c68497d_2544_4cd4_897b_1ea783c9f6fe
Preflabel Tool
Elucidation An object that enables or facilitate an agent in the execution of a process that modifies the surrounding environment.
Formal description
Subclass Of Participant
Subclass Of Object
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TransferMolding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_79575941_45dc_4f15_bb59_dc04dff2c92d
Preflabel TransferMolding
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromPlastic
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TransientLiquidPhaseSintering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9907887_f266_4d81_9b2d_ba5137c914dd
Preflabel TransientLiquidPhaseSintering
Formal description
Subclass Of Sintering
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TransportationDevice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_95d4eb9b_d3d0_4705_a01c_4f87fb5f8d43
Preflabel TransportationDevice
Formal description
Subclass Of Device
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UndefinedEdgeCutting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_24788d59_32f5_4339_a42a_43a102ec14a8
Preflabel UndefinedEdgeCutting
Altlabel Spanen mit geometrisch unbestimmten Schneiden
Formal description
Subclass Of SeparateManufacturing
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VaporDeposition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_68d094e2_1777_48b5_8e43_32965f824970
Preflabel VaporDeposition
Formal description
Subclass Of FormingFromGas
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Welding ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_06c415dc_ba26_407d_b596_283bd4d9a66f
Preflabel Welding
Comment Joining process by softening the surfaces to be joined, either by heat or with a solvent (swelling welding, solvent welding), and pressing the softened surfaces together.
Altlabel Schweißen
Formal description
Subclass Of JoinManufacturing
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Widening ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_214e9a99_58de_40e2_86cf_fa6aa1d180a8
Preflabel Widening
Comment Widening is tensile forming to increase the circumference of a hollow body. A distinction is made between: Widening, bulging.
Altlabel Weiten
Formal description
Subclass Of TensileForming
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WorkPiece ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_479db031_b344_4488_9efa_4bc12c6c1765
Preflabel WorkPiece
Elucidation A WorkPiece is physical artifact, that has a proper shape and occupyes a proper volume intended for subsequent transformation. It is a condensed state, so it is a compact body that is processed or has to be processed.
Comment A solid is defined as a portion of matter that is in a condensed state characterised by resistance to deformation and volume changes.
Comment In manufacturing, a workpiece is a single, delimited part of largely solid material that is processed in some form (e.g. stone ).
Comment In physics, a rigid body (also known as a rigid object[2]) is a solid body in which deformation is zero or so small it can be neglected. The distance between any two given points on a rigid body remains constant in time regardless of external forces or moments exerted on it. A rigid body is usually considered as a continuous distribution of mass.
Comment It has a shape, so we conclude that it is solid
Comment Object that is processed with a machine
Comment Seems to have to be processed through mechanical deformation. So it takes part of a manufacturing process. It is a Manufactured Product and it can be a Commercial Product
Comment The raw material or partially finished piece that is shaped by performing various operations.
Comment They are not powders or threads
Comment a physical artifact, real or virtual, intended for subsequent transformation within some manufacturing operation
Comment fili e polveri non sono compresi
Comment it seems to be an intermediate product, that has to reach the final shape.
Comment it seems to be solid, so it has a proper shape
Comment powder is not workpiece because it has the shape of the recipient containing them
Altlabel Werkstück
Formal description
Subclass Of ManufacturedMaterial
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WorkpieceForming ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dd4b7d81_28a9_4801_8831_4cbab217e362
Preflabel WorkpieceForming
Comment A manufacturing in which it is formed a solid body with its shape from shapeless original material parts, whose cohesion is created during the process.
Altlabel ArchetypeForming
Altlabel PrimitiveForming
Formal description
Subclass Of Manufacturing
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WorkpieceManufacturing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8786cb47_8e1f_4968_9b15_f6d41fc51252
Preflabel WorkpieceManufacturing
Elucidation A manufacturing with an output that is an object with a specific function, shape, or intended use, not simply a material.
Altlabel DiscreteManufacturing
Altlabel Werkstücke
Formal description
Subclass Of Manufacturing
.. _manufacturing-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
ISO14040Reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_964568dd_64d2_454b_a12f_ac389f1c5e7f
Preflabel ISO14040Reference
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of isDefinedBy
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ISO9000Reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3aa37f92_8dc5_4ee4_8438_e41e6ae20c62
Preflabel ISO9000Reference
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of isDefinedBy
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hasManufacturedOutput ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e86a108_9d4d_4582_8126_f0c527d81901
Preflabel hasManufacturedOutput
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProductOutput
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hasProductOutput ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0ee9e6a2_9240_4b1d_ac9a_f72416c7dc70
Preflabel hasProductOutput
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasOutput
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hasServiceOutput ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44d5f29a_6a9b_4f5d_9405_20ca553cd4d3
Preflabel hasServiceOutput
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProductOutput
Module: Other Non-Si Units ========================== .. _other-non-si-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Abampere ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Abampere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A_Ab
Ucumcode Bi
Preflabel Abampere
Elucidation The Abampere (aA), also called the biot after Jean-Baptiste Biot, is the basic electromagnetic unit of electric current in the emu-cgs system of units (electromagnetic cgs). One abampere is equal to ten amperes in the SI system of units. An abampere is the constant current that produces, when maintained in two parallel conductors of negligible circular section and of infinite length placed 1 centimetre apart, a force of 2 dynes per centimetre between the two conductors.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abampere?oldid=489318583
Unitsymbol abA
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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AbamperePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AbamperePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A_Ab-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode Bi.cm-2
Ucumcode Bi/cm2
Preflabel AbamperePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation Abampere Per Square Centimeter (aA/cm²) is a unit in the category of Electric current density. It is also known as abamperes per square centimeter, abampere/square centimeter, abampere/square centimetre, abamperes per square centimetre, abampere per square centimetre. This unit is commonly used in the cgs unit system. Abampere Per Square Centimeter (aA/cm²) has a dimension of L⁻²I where L is length, and I is electric current. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit A/m² by multiplying its value by a factor of 100000.

Altlabel Abampere per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol abA/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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AbampereSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AbampereSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A_Ab-CentiM2
Ucumcode Bi.cm2
Preflabel AbampereSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation "Abampere Square centimeter" is the unit of magnetic moment in the electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second system.

Altlabel Abampere Square centimetre
Unitsymbol abA⋅cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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Abcoulomb ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Abcoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C_Ab
Ucumcode 10.C
Preflabel Abcoulomb
Elucidation "abcoulomb" (abC or aC) or electromagnetic unit of charge (emu of charge) is the basic physical unit of electric charge in the cgs-emu system of units. One abcoulomb is equal to ten coulombs (1 abC = 10 C).

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abcoulomb?oldid=477198635
Unitsymbol abC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AbcoulombPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AbcoulombPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C_Ab-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode 10.C.cm-2
Preflabel AbcoulombPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation Abcoulomb Per Square Centimeter is a unit in the category of Electric charge surface density. It is also known as abcoulombs per square centimeter, abcoulomb per square centimetre, abcoulombs per square centimetre, abcoulomb/square centimeter,abcoulomb/square centimetre. This unit is commonly used in the cgs unit system.
Abcoulomb Per Square Centimeter (abcoulomb/cm2) has a dimension of L₂TI. where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit C/m² by multiplying its value by a factor of 100,000.

Altlabel Abcoulomb per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol abC/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Abfarad ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Abfarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD_Ab
Ucumcode GF
Preflabel Abfarad
Elucidation An abfarad is an obsolete electromagnetic (CGS) unit of capacitance equal to 10⁹ farads (1,000,000,000 F or 1 GF). The absolute farad of the e.m.u. system, for a steady current identically abC/abV, and identically reciprocal abdaraf. 1 abF = 1 GF.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abfarad?oldid=407124018
Unitsymbol abF
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AbfaradPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AbfaradPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD_Ab-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode GF.cm-1
Preflabel AbfaradPerCentiMetre
Elucidation The absolute dielectric constant of free space is defined as the ratio of displacement to the electric field intensity. The unit of measure is the abfarad per centimeter, a derived CGS unit.

Altlabel Abfarad per Centimetre
Unitsymbol abf/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of PermittivityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Abhenry ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Abhenry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H_Ab
Ucumcode nH
Preflabel Abhenry
Elucidation Abhenry is the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of inductance, equal to one billionth of a henry.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhenry?oldid=477198643
Unitsymbol abH
Formal description
Subclass Of InductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Abohm ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Abohm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OHM_Ab
Ucumcode nOhm
Preflabel Abohm
Elucidation `abohm` is the basic unit of electrical resistance in the emu-cgs system of units. One abohm is equal to 10⁻⁹ ohms in the SI system of units; one abohm is a nano ohm.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abohm?oldid=480725336
Unitsymbol abΩ
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Absiemens ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Absiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/S_Ab
Ucumcode GS
Preflabel Absiemens
Elucidation The CGS electromagnetic unit of conductance; one absiemen is the conductance at which a potential of one abvolt forces a current of one abampere; equal to 10⁹ siemens. One siemen is the conductance at which a potential of one volt forces a current of one ampere and named for Karl Wilhem Siemens.

Unitsymbol aS
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Abtesla ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Abtesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/T_Ab
Preflabel Abtesla
Elucidation The unit of magnetic induction in the cgs system, 10⁻⁴ tesla. Also known as the gauss.

Unitsymbol abT
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Abvolt ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Abvolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V_Ab
Ucumcode 10.nV
Preflabel Abvolt
Elucidation A unit of electrical potential equal to one hundred millionth of a volt (10⁻⁸ volts), used in the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system of units. One abV is the potential difference that exists between two points when the work done to transfer one abcoulomb of charge between them equals: 1 erg· 1 abV = 10 nV.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abvolt?oldid=477198646
Unitsymbol abV
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AbvoltPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AbvoltPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V_Ab-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode 10.nV.cm-1
Preflabel AbvoltPerCentiMetre
Elucidation In the electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second system of units, 'abvolt per centimeter' is the unit of electric field strength.

Altlabel Abvolt per centimetre
Unitsymbol abV/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AbvoltSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AbvoltSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V_Ab-SEC
Ucumcode 10.nV.s
Preflabel AbvoltSecond
Elucidation The magnetic flux whose expenditure in 1 second produces 1 abvolt per turn of a linked circuit. Technically defined in a three-dimensional system, it corresponds in the four-dimensional electromagnetic sector of the SI system to 10 nWb, and is an impractically small unit. In use for some years, the name was agreed by the International Electrotechnical Committee in 1930, along with a corresponding practical unit, the pramaxwell (or pro-maxwell) = 10⁸ maxwell.

Altlabel Abvolt Second
Unitsymbol abv⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Acre ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Acre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AC
Ucumcode [acr_br]
Preflabel Acre
Elucidation The acre is a unit of area in a number of different systems, including the imperial and U.S. customary systems. Its international symbol is ac. The most commonly used acres today are the international acre and, in the United States, the survey acre. The most common use of the acre is to measure tracts of land. One international acre is equal to 4046.8564224 square metres.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acre?oldid=495387342
Unitsymbol acre
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4046.856
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AcreFoot ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AcreFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AC-FT
Ucumcode [acr_br].[ft_i]
Preflabel AcreFoot
Elucidation An acre-foot is a unit of volume commonly used in the United States in reference to large-scale water resources, such as reservoirs, aqueducts, canals, sewer flow capacity, and river flows. It is defined by the volume of one acre of surface area to a depth of one foot. Since the acre is defined as a chain by a furlong (66 ft × 660 ft) the acre-foot is exactly 43,560 cubic feet. For irrigation water, the volume of 1 ft × 1 ac = 43,560 ft³ (1,233.482 m³, 325,851 US gal).

Altlabel Acre Foot
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acre-foot
Unitsymbol ac⋅ft
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1233.482
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmpereTurn ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereTurn
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AT
Preflabel AmpereTurn
Elucidation The `ampere-turn` was the MKS unit of magnetomotive force (MMF), represented by a direct current of one ampere flowing in a single-turn loop in a vacuum. "Turns" refers to the winding number of an electrical conductor comprising an inductor. The ampere-turn was replaced by the SI unit, ampere.

Altlabel Ampere Turn
Unitsymbol AT
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
AmpereTurnPerInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereTurnPerInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AT-PER-IN
Preflabel AmpereTurnPerInch
Elucidation The `Ampere Turn per Inch` is a measure of magnetic field intensity and is eual to 12.5664 Oersted.

Altlabel Ampere Turn per Inch
Unitsymbol At/in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 39.37008
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmpereTurnPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereTurnPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AT-PER-M
Preflabel AmpereTurnPerMetre
Elucidation The `Ampere Turn per Metre` is the SI unit of magnetic field strength. One ampere per meter is equal to π/250 oersteds (12.566 371 millioersteds) in CGS units. The ampere per meter is also the SI unit of "magnetization" in the sense of magnetic dipole moment per unit volume; in this context 1 A/m = 0.001 emu per cubic centimeter.

Altlabel Ampere Turn per Metre
Unitsymbol At/m
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
AssayTon ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AssayTon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_Assay
Preflabel AssayTon
Elucidation In the United States, a unit of mass, approximately 29.167 grams. The number of milligrams of precious metal in one assay ton of the ore being tested is equal to the number of troy ounces of pure precious metal in one 2000-pound ton of the ore. i.e. a bead is obtained that weights 3 milligrams, thus the precious metals in the bead would equal three troy ounces to each ton of ore with the understanding that this varies considerably in the real world as the amount of precious values in each ton of ore varies considerably.

Altlabel Assay Ton
Unitsymbol AT
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.02916667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AtmosphereCubicMeterPerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AtmosphereCubicMeterPerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ATM-M3-PER-MOL
Preflabel AtmosphereCubicMeterPerMole
Elucidation A unit that consists of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 multiplied by the unit atmosphere divided by the SI base unit mol.

Altlabel Atmosphere Cubic Meter per Mole
Unitsymbol atm⋅m³/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of EnergyPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 101325.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BarCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BarCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BAR-M3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode bar.m3.s-1
Ucumcode bar.m3/s
Preflabel BarCubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the 0.001-fold of the unit bar and the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Bar Cubic Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol bar⋅m³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BarLitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BarLitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BAR-L-PER-SEC
Ucumcode bar.L.s-1
Ucumcode bar.L/s
Preflabel BarLitrePerSecond
Elucidation product of the unit bar and the unit litre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Bar Litre Per Second
Unitsymbol bar⋅L/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BarPerBar ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BarPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BAR-PER-BAR
Ucumcode bar.bar-1
Ucumcode bar/bar
Preflabel BarPerBar
Elucidation pressure relation consisting of the unit bar divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Bar Per Bar
Unitsymbol bar/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BarPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BarPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BAR-PER-K
Ucumcode bar.K-1
Ucumcode bar/K
Preflabel BarPerKelvin
Elucidation unit with the name bar divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Bar Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol bar/K
Formal description
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BinaryPrefix ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_640ea55c_e9a7_4f23_8aae_5bb4ba867f30
Preflabel BinaryPrefix
Elucidation Binary prefix standardised by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
Formal description
Subclass Of MetricPrefix
.. raw:: html
BitPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BitPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BIT-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Bd
Ucumcode bit.s-1
Ucumcode bit/s
Preflabel BitPerSecond
Elucidation A bit per second (B/s) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to 1 bits per second.

Altlabel Bit per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rate_units#Kilobyte_per_second
Unitsymbol b/s
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.6931472
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CaloriePerGramDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CaloriePerGramDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-GM-DEG_C
Ucumcode cal.g-1.Cel-1
Preflabel CaloriePerGramDegreeCelsius
Elucidation `Calorie per Gram Degree Celsius` is a unit for 'Specific Heat Capacity' expressed as kcal/(gm-degC).

Altlabel Calorie per Gram Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol kcal/(g⋅°C)
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
CandelaPerSquareInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CandelaPerSquareInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CD-PER-IN2
Ucumcode cd.[in_i]-2
Ucumcode cd/[in_i]2
Preflabel CandelaPerSquareInch
Elucidation "Candela per Square Inch" is a unit for 'Luminance' expressed as cd/in².

Altlabel Candela per Square Inch
Unitsymbol cd/in²
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1550.003
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiBar ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiBAR
Ucumcode cbar
Preflabel CentiBar
Elucidation The bar is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to 100,000 Pa = 1 bar ≈ 750.0616827 Torr. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar or mb). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_(unit)
Unitsymbol cbar
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Bar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetrePerThousandYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetrePerThousandYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM-PER-KiloYR
Ucumcode cm.ka-1
Preflabel CentiMetrePerThousandYear
Altlabel Centimetres per thousand years
Unitsymbol cm/(1000 yr)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.168809e-13
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetrePerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetrePerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM-PER-YR
Ucumcode cm.a-1
Preflabel CentiMetrePerYear
Altlabel Centimetres per year
Unitsymbol cm/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerYear
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.168809e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CountsPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CountsPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-SEC
Ucumcode {#}.s-1
Preflabel CountsPerSecond
Altlabel Counts per second
Unitsymbol /s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
CubicAngstrom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicAngstrom
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ANGSTROM3
Preflabel CubicAngstrom
Elucidation A unit that is a non-SI unit, specifically a CGS unit, of polarizability known informally as polarizability volume. The SI defined units for polarizability are C*m²/V and can be converted to Ångström³ by multiplying the SI value by 4 times pi times the vacuum permittivity and then converting the resulting m³ to Ångström³ through the SI base 10 conversion (multiplying by 10⁻³⁰).

Altlabel Cubic Angstrom
Altlabel Cubic Ångström
Altlabel CubicÅngström
Unitsymbol ų
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-40
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicFoot ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3
Ucumcode [cft_i]
Ucumcode [ft_i]3
Preflabel CubicFoot
Elucidation The cubic foot is an Imperial and US customary unit of volume, used in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of one foot (0.3048 m) in length. To calculate cubic feet multiply length X width X height.

Altlabel Cubic Foot
Unitsymbol ft³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.02831685
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicFootPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicFootPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [cft_i].d-1
Preflabel CubicFootPerDay
Elucidation power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Cubic Foot Per Day
Unitsymbol ft³/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.277413e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicFootPerDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicFootPerDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3-PER-DEG_F
Ucumcode [cft_i].[degF]-1
Preflabel CubicFootPerDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation power of the unit foot as a linear measure according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for temperature degree Fahrenheit

Altlabel Cubic Foot Per Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol ft³/°F
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.05097033
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicFootPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicFootPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3-PER-HR
Ucumcode [cft_i].h-1
Preflabel CubicFootPerHour
Elucidation power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Cubic Foot Per Hour
Unitsymbol ft³/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.865792e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicFootPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicFootPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [cft_i].min-1
Ucumcode [cft_i]/min
Ucumcode [ft_i]3.min-1
Ucumcode [ft_i]3/min
Preflabel CubicFootPerMinute
Elucidation "Cubic Foot per Minute" is an Imperial unit for 'Volume Per Unit Time' expressed as ft³/min.

Altlabel Cubic Foot per Minute
Unitsymbol ft³/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0004719474
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicFootPerMinuteSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicFootPerMinuteSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3-PER-MIN-FT2
Ucumcode [cft_i].min-1.[sft_i]-1
Preflabel CubicFootPerMinuteSquareFoot
Elucidation unit of the volume flow rate according to the Anglio-American and imperial system of units cubic foot per minute related to the transfer area according to the Anglian American and Imperial system of units square foot

Altlabel Cubic Foot Per Minute Square Foot
Unitsymbol ft³/(min⋅ft²)
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00508
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicFootPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicFootPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [cft_i].s-1
Ucumcode [cft_i]/s
Ucumcode [ft_i]3.s-1
Ucumcode [ft_i]3/s
Preflabel CubicFootPerSecond
Elucidation "Cubic Foot per Second" is an Imperial unit for `Volume Per Unit Time` expressed as ft³/s.

Altlabel Cubic Foot per Second
Unitsymbol ft³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.02831685
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicInch ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN3
Ucumcode [cin_i]
Ucumcode [in_i]3
Preflabel CubicInch
Elucidation The cubic inch is a unit of measurement for volume in the Imperial units and United States customary units systems. It is the volume of a cube with each of its three sides being one inch long. The cubic inch and the cubic foot are still used as units of volume in the United States, although the common SI units of volume, the liter, milliliter, and cubic meter, are continually replacing them, especially in manufacturing and high technology. One cubic foot is equal to exactly 1728 cubic inches.

Altlabel Cubic Inch
Unitsymbol in³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.638706e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicInchPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicInchPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN3-PER-HR
Ucumcode [cin_i].h-1
Preflabel CubicInchPerHour
Elucidation power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Cubic Inch Per Hour
Unitsymbol in³/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.551961e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicInchPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicInchPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN3-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [cin_i].min-1
Ucumcode [cin_i]/min
Ucumcode [in_i]3.min-1
Ucumcode [in_i]3/min
Preflabel CubicInchPerMinute
Elucidation "Cubic Inch per Minute" is an Imperial unit for 'Volume Per Unit Time' expressed as in³/min.

Altlabel Cubic Inch per Minute
Unitsymbol in³/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.731177e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicInchPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicInchPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [cin_i].s-1
Preflabel CubicInchPerSecond
Elucidation power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Cubic Inch Per Second
Unitsymbol in³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.638706e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMile ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMile
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI3
Ucumcode [mi_i]3
Preflabel CubicMile
Elucidation A cubic mile is an imperial / U.S. customary unit of volume, used in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 1 mile in length.

Altlabel Cubic Mile
Unitsymbol mi³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4168182000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicYard ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicYard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD3
Ucumcode [cyd_i]
Ucumcode [yd_i]3
Preflabel CubicYard
Elucidation A cubic yard is an Imperial / U.S. customary unit of volume, used in the United States, Canada, and the UK. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 1 yard in length.

Altlabel Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.7645549
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicYardPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicYardPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD3-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [cyd_i].d-1
Preflabel CubicYardPerDay
Elucidation power of the unit yard according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Cubic Yard Per Day
Unitsymbol yd³/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 8.849015e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicYardPerDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicYardPerDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD3-PER-DEG_F
Ucumcode [cyd_i].[degF]-1
Preflabel CubicYardPerDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation power of the unit yard according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for temperature degree Fahrenheit

Altlabel Cubic Yard Per Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol yd³/°F
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.376199
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicYardPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicYardPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD3-PER-HR
Ucumcode [cyd_i].h-1
Preflabel CubicYardPerHour
Elucidation power of the unit yard according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for the time hour

Altlabel Cubic Yard Per Hour
Unitsymbol yd³/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002123763
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicYardPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicYardPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD3-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [cyd_i].min-1
Ucumcode [cyd_i]/min
Ucumcode [yd_i]3.min-1
Ucumcode [yd_i]3/min
Preflabel CubicYardPerMinute
Elucidation "Cubic Yard per Minute" is an Imperial unit for 'Volume Per Unit Time' expressed as yd³/min.

Altlabel Cubic Yard per Minute
Unitsymbol yd³/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01274258
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicYardPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicYardPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [cyd_i].s-1
Preflabel CubicYardPerSecond
Elucidation power of the unit and the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Cubic Yard Per Second
Unitsymbol yd³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.7645549
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DecaRe ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DecaRe
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DecaARE
Ucumcode daar
Preflabel DecaRe
Elucidation unit of the area which is mainly common in the agriculture and forestry: 1 da = 10 a

Unitsymbol daa
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DecaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciBar ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciBAR
Ucumcode dbar
Preflabel DeciBar
Elucidation The bar is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to 100,000 Pa = 1 bar ≈ 750.0616827 Torr. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar or mb). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_(unit)
Unitsymbol dbar
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Bar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciBarPerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciBarPerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciBAR-PER-YR
Ucumcode dbar.a-1
Preflabel DeciBarPerYear
Elucidation A rate of change of pressure expressed in decibars over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days).

Altlabel Decibars per year
Unitsymbol dbar/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00031688
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusPerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusPerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-PER-YR
Ucumcode Cel.a-1
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusPerYear
Elucidation A rate of change of temperature expressed on the Celsius scale over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days).

Altlabel Degrees Celsius per year
Unitsymbol °C/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.168809e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusWeek ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusWeek
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-WK
Ucumcode Cel.wk
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusWeek
Elucidation temperature multiplied by unit of time.

Altlabel Degree Celsius week
Unitsymbol °C/wk
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 604800.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheitHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheitHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-HR
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheitHour
Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit Hour
Unitsymbol °F⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalResistivityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheitPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheitPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-PER-HR
Ucumcode [degF].h-1
Ucumcode [degF]/h
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheitPerHour
Elucidation `Degree Fahrenheit per Hour` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as degF / h.

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit per Hour
Unitsymbol °F/h
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheitPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheitPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-PER-K
Ucumcode [degF].K-1
Ucumcode [degF]/K
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheitPerKelvin
Elucidation traditional unit degree Fahrenheit for temperature according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit Kelvin

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol °F/K
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.5555556
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheitPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheitPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [degF].min-1
Ucumcode [degF]/min
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheitPerMinute
Elucidation `Degree Fahrenheit per Minute` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as degF / m.

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit per Minute
Unitsymbol °F/m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheitPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheitPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [degF].s-1
Ucumcode [degF]/s
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheitPerSecond
Elucidation `Degree Fahrenheit per Second` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as degF / s.

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit per Second
Unitsymbol °F/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheitPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheitPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode [degF].s-2
Ucumcode [degF]/s2
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheitPerSquareSecond
Elucidation 'Degree Fahrenheit per Square Second' is a unit for expressing the acceleration of a temperature expressed as 'degF /s2'.

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit per Square Second
Unitsymbol °F/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.5555556
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DotsPerInch ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DotsPerInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DPI
Ucumcode {dot}/[in_i]
Preflabel DotsPerInch
Elucidation point density as amount of the picture base element divided by the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Dots Per Inch
Unitsymbol DPI
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 39.37008
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DyneCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DyneCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DYN-CentiM
Ucumcode dyn.cm
Preflabel DyneCentiMetre
Elucidation "Dyne Centimeter" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Torque' expressed as dyn-cm.

Altlabel Dyne Centimetre
Unitsymbol dyn⋅cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DynePerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DynePerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DYN-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode dyn.cm-1
Ucumcode dyn/cm
Preflabel DynePerCentiMetre
Elucidation CGS unit of the surface tension

Altlabel Dyne Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol dyn/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DynePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DynePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DYN-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode dyn.cm-2
Ucumcode dyn/cm2
Preflabel DynePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation "Dyne per Square Centimeter" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as dyn/cm².

Altlabel Dyne per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol dyn/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DyneSecondPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DyneSecondPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DYN-SEC-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode dyn.s.cm-1
Ucumcode dyn.s/cm
Preflabel DyneSecondPerCentiMetre
Elucidation CGS unit of the mechanical impedance

Altlabel Dyne Second Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol dyn⋅s/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DyneSecondPerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DyneSecondPerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DYN-SEC-PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode dyn.s.cm-3
Ucumcode dyn.s/cm3
Preflabel DyneSecondPerCubicCentiMetre
Elucidation CGS unit of the acoustic image impedance of the medium

Altlabel Dyne Second Per Cubic Centimetre
Unitsymbol dyn⋅s/cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ElectronvoltPerAngstrom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ElectronvoltPerAngstrom
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV-PER-ANGSTROM
Ucumcode eV.Ao-1
Ucumcode eV/Ao
Preflabel ElectronvoltPerAngstrom
Elucidation unit electronvolt divided by the unit angstrom

Altlabel Electronvolt Per Angstrom
Unitsymbol eV/Å
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ErgPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ErgPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode erg.cm-1
Ucumcode erg/cm
Preflabel ErgPerCentiMetre
Elucidation CGS unit of the length-related energy

Altlabel Erg Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol erg/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ErgPerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ErgPerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG-PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode erg.cm-3
Ucumcode erg/cm3
Preflabel ErgPerCubicCentiMetre
Altlabel Erg per Cubic Centimetre
Unitsymbol erg/cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ErgPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ErgPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG-PER-G
Ucumcode erg.g-1
Ucumcode erg/g
Preflabel ErgPerGram
Elucidation CGS unit of the mass-related energy

Altlabel Erg per Gram
Unitsymbol erg/g
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ErgPerGramSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ErgPerGramSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG-PER-GM-SEC
Ucumcode erg.g-1.s-1
Ucumcode erg/(g.s)
Preflabel ErgPerGramSecond
Elucidation CGS unit of the mass-related power

Altlabel Erg Per Gram Second
Unitsymbol erg/(g⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ErgPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ErgPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG-PER-SEC
Ucumcode erg.s-1
Ucumcode erg/s
Preflabel ErgPerSecond
Elucidation "Erg per Second" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Power' expressed as erg/s.

Altlabel Erg per Second
Unitsymbol erg/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ErgPerSquareCentiMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ErgPerSquareCentiMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG-PER-CentiM2-SEC
Ucumcode erg.cm-2.s-1
Ucumcode erg/(cm2.s)
Preflabel ErgPerSquareCentiMetreSecond
Elucidation "Erg per Square Centimeter Second" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Power Per Area' expressed as erg/(cm²-s).

Altlabel Erg per Square Centimetre Second
Unitsymbol erg/(cm²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ErgSecond ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ErgSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG-SEC
Ucumcode erg.s
Preflabel ErgSecond
Altlabel Erg Second
Unitsymbol erg⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ExaByte ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ExaByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ExaBYTE
Ucumcode EBy
Preflabel ExaByte
Elucidation The exabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix exa means 10¹⁸ in the International System of Units (SI), so ExaByte is 10¹⁸ Bytes.

Altlabel ExaByte
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Unitsymbol EB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of ExaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e+18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Exbi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Exbi
Preflabel Exbi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ei'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1.152922e+18
.. raw:: html
ExbiByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ExbiByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ExbiBYTE
Preflabel ExbiByte
Elucidation The exbibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix exbi means 1024⁶

Altlabel ExbiByte
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Unitsymbol EiB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.152922e+18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [ft_i].d-1
Ucumcode [ft_i]/d
Preflabel FootPerDay
Elucidation "Foot per Day" is an Imperial unit for 'Linear Velocity' expressed as ft/d.

Altlabel Foot per Day
Unitsymbol ft/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.527778e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPerDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPerDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-PER-DEG_F
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].[degF]
Preflabel FootPerDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation unit foot as a linear measure according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for temperature degree Fahrenheit

Altlabel Foot Per Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol ft/°F
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.54864
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-PER-HR
Ucumcode [ft_i].h-1
Ucumcode [ft_i]/h
Preflabel FootPerHour
Elucidation "Foot per Hour" is an Imperial unit for 'Linear Velocity' expressed as ft/hr.

Altlabel Foot per Hour
Unitsymbol ft/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 8.466667e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [ft_i].min-1
Ucumcode [ft_i]/min
Preflabel FootPerMinute
Elucidation "Foot per Minute" is an Imperial unit for 'Linear Velocity' expressed as ft/min.

Altlabel Foot per Minute
Unitsymbol ft/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00508
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [ft_i].s-1
Ucumcode [ft_i]/s
Preflabel FootPerSecond
Elucidation `foot per second` (plural `feet per second`) is a unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector quantity, which includes direction). It expresses the distance in feet (ft) traveled or displaced, divided by the time in seconds (s, or sec). The corresponding unit in the International System of Units (SI) is the `metre per second`. Abbreviations include ft/s, ft/sec and fps, and the rarely used scientific notation ft s.

Altlabel Foot per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_per_second?oldid=491316573
Unitsymbol ft/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.3048
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode [ft_i].s-2
Ucumcode [ft_i]/s2
Preflabel FootPerSquareSecond
Elucidation `Foot per Square Second` is an Imperial unit for `Linear Acceleration` expressed as ft/s².

Altlabel Foot per Square Second
Unitsymbol ft/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.3048
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPoundForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av]
Preflabel FootPoundForce
Elucidation "Foot Pound Force" is an Imperial unit for 'Energy And Work' expressed as ft-lbf.

Altlabel Foot Pound Force
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot-pound_force?oldid=453269257
Unitsymbol ft⋅lbf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.355818
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gibi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gibi
Preflabel Gibi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Gi'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1073742000.0
.. raw:: html
GibiByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GibiByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GibiBYTE
Preflabel GibiByte
Elucidation The gibibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information storage. The prefix gibi means 1024³

Altlabel GibiByte
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Unitsymbol GiB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1073742000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaBitPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaBitPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaBIT-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Gbit.s-1
Preflabel GigaBitPerSecond
Elucidation A gigabit per second (Gbit/s or Gb/s) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to 1,000,000,000 bits per second.

Altlabel Gigabit per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-rate_units#Gigabit_per_second
Unitsymbol Gbps
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BitPerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 693147200.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaBYTE
Ucumcode GBy
Preflabel GigaByte
Elucidation The gigabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information storage. The prefix giga means 10 in the International System of Units (SI), therefore 1 gigabyte is 1,000,000,000 bytes. The unit symbol for the gigabyte is GB or Gbyte, but not Gb (lower case b) which is typically used for the gigabit. Historically, the term has also been used in some fields of computer science and information technology to denote the gibibyte, or 1073741824 bytes.

Altlabel GigaByte
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigabyte?oldid=493019145
Unitsymbol GB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaWattHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaWattHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaW-HR
Ucumcode GW.h
Preflabel GigaWattHour
Elucidation 1 000 000 000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit watt and the unit hour

Altlabel Gigawatt Hour
Unitsymbol GW⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerSquareCentiMetrePerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerSquareCentiMetrePerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-CentiM2-YR
Ucumcode g.cm-2.a-1
Preflabel GramPerSquareCentiMetrePerYear
Elucidation A rate of change of 0.001 of the SI unit of mass over 0.00001 of the SI unit of area in a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days)

Altlabel Grams per square centimetre per year
Unitsymbol g/(cm²⋅yr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.168809e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HartleyPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HartleyPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HART-PER-SEC
Preflabel HartleyPerSecond
Elucidation The "Hartley per Second" is a unit of information rate.

Altlabel Hartley per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ban_(information)
Unitsymbol Hart/s
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoBar ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoBAR
Ucumcode hbar
Preflabel HectoBar
Elucidation 100-fold of the unit bar

Unitsymbol hbar
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Bar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoPascalPerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoPascalPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoPA-PER-BAR
Ucumcode hPa.bar-1
Preflabel HectoPascalPerBar
Elucidation 100-fold of the SI derived unit pascal divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Hectopascal Per Bar
Unitsymbol hPa/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalPerBar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HourSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HourSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HR-FT2
Ucumcode h.[ft_i]2
Ucumcode h.[sft_i]
Preflabel HourSquareFoot
Elucidation "Hour Square Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Area Time' expressed as hr-ft².

Altlabel Hour Square Foot
Unitsymbol hr⋅ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 334.4509
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InchPerDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InchPerDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN-PER-DEG_F
Ucumcode [in_i].[degF]-1
Preflabel InchPerDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for temperature degree Fahrenheit

Altlabel Inch Per Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol in/°F
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.04572
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InchPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InchPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [in_i].s-1
Ucumcode [in_i]/s
Preflabel InchPerSecond
Elucidation The inch per second is a unit of speed or velocity. It expresses the distance in inches (in) traveled or displaced, divided by time in seconds (s, or sec). The equivalent SI unit is the metre per second. Abbreviations include in/s, in/sec, ips, and less frequently in s.

Altlabel Inch per Second
Unitsymbol in/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0254
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InchPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InchPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode [in_i].s-2
Ucumcode [in_i]/s2
Preflabel InchPerSquareSecond
Elucidation `Inch per Square second` is an Imperial unit for `Linear Acceleration` expressed as in/s².

Altlabel Inch per Square second
Unitsymbol in/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0254
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InternationalUnitPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InternationalUnitPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IU-PER-L
Ucumcode [IU].L-1
Ucumcode [IU]/L
Ucumcode [iU].L-1
Ucumcode [iU]/L
Preflabel InternationalUnitPerLitre
Elucidation "International Unit per Liter" is a unit for 'Serum Or Plasma Level' expressed as IU/L.

Altlabel International Unit per Litre
Unitsymbol IU/L
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
InternationalUnitPerMilliGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InternationalUnitPerMilliGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IU-PER-MilliGM
Preflabel InternationalUnitPerMilliGram
Elucidation International Units per milligramme.

Altlabel International Unit per milligram
Unitsymbol IU/mg
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InverseSquarePlanckMass ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InverseSquarePlanckMass
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-PlanckMass2
Preflabel InverseSquarePlanckMass
Elucidation In physics, the Planck mass, denoted by m_P, is the unit of mass in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It is defined so that ≈ 1.2209 × 10 GeV/c₀ = 2.17651(13) × 10 kg, (or 21.7651 μ g), where c₀ is the speed of light in a vacuum, G is the gravitational constant, and ℏ is the reduced Planck constant. Particle physicists and cosmologists often use the reduced Planck mass, which is ≈ 4.341 × 10 kg = 2.435 × 10 GeV/c. The added factor of 1/√(8π) simplifies a number of equations in general relativity. Quantum effects are typified by the magnitude of Planck's constant.

Altlabel Inverse Square Planck Mass
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units
Unitsymbol /mₚ²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of InverseSquareMassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2111089000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Kibi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Kibi
Preflabel Kibi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ki'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1024.0
.. raw:: html
KibiByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KibiByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KibiBYTE
Preflabel KibiByte
Elucidation The kibibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information equivalent to 1024 bytes.

Altlabel KibiByte
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Unitsymbol KiB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1024.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBar ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBAR
Ucumcode kbar
Preflabel KiloBar
Elucidation The bar is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to 100,000 Pa = 1 bar ≈ 750.0616827 Torr. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar or mb). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_(unit)
Unitsymbol kbar
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Bar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBitPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBitPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBIT-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kbit.s-1
Preflabel KiloBitPerSecond
Elucidation A kilobit per second (kB/s) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to 1,000 bits per second.

Altlabel Kilobit per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rate_units#Kilobit_per_second
Unitsymbol kbps
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BitPerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 693.1472
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBYTE
Ucumcode kBy
Preflabel KiloByte
Elucidation The kilobyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information equivalent to 1000 bytes. Although the prefix kilo- means 1000, the term kilobyte and symbol kB have historically been used to refer to either 1024 (210) bytes or 1000 (103) bytes, dependent upon context, in the fields of computer science and information technology. This ambiguity is removed in QUDT, with KibiBYTE used to refer to 1024 bytes.

Altlabel Kilo Byte
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte?oldid=493588918
Unitsymbol kB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBytePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBytePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBYTE-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kBy.s-1
Preflabel KiloBytePerSecond
Elucidation A kilobyte per second (kByte/s) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to 1000 bytes per second or 8000 bits per second.

Altlabel Kilobyte per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rate_units#Kilobyte_per_second
Unitsymbol kBps
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCalorie ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCalorie
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL
Ucumcode kcal
Preflabel KiloCalorie
Elucidation `Kilocalorie` is a unit for `Energy And Work` expressed as kcal.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calorie?oldid=494307622
Unitsymbol kcal
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCurie ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCurie
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCi
Ucumcode kCi
Preflabel KiloCurie
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the unit curie

Unitsymbol kCi
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Curie
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 37000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloGauss ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloGauss
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGAUSS
Ucumcode kG
Preflabel KiloGauss
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the CGS unit of the magnetic flux density B

Unitsymbol kGs
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gauss
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPascalPerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPascalPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloPA-PER-BAR
Ucumcode kPa.bar-1
Preflabel KiloPascalPerBar
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit pascal divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Kilopascal Per Bar
Unitsymbol kPa/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalPerBar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloRoentgen ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloRoentgen
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloR
Ucumcode kR
Preflabel KiloRoentgen
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the unit roentgen

Unitsymbol kR
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Roentgen
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.258
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloYear ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloYR
Preflabel KiloYear
Altlabel KiloYear
Unitsymbol 1000 yr
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KnotPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KnotPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KN-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [kn_i].s-1
Ucumcode [kn_i]/s
Preflabel KnotPerSecond
Elucidation `Knot per Second` is a unit for 'Linear Acceleration' expressed as kt/s.

Altlabel Knot per Second
Unitsymbol kn/s
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.5144444
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Mebi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Mebi
Preflabel Mebi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Mi'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1048576.0
.. raw:: html
MebiByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MebiByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MebiBYTE
Preflabel MebiByte
Elucidation The mebibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information equivalent to 1024² bytes or 2²⁰ bytes.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Unitsymbol MiB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1048576.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaBar ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaBAR
Ucumcode Mbar
Preflabel MegaBar
Elucidation The bar is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to 100,000 Pa = 1 bar ≈ 750.0616827 Torr. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar or mb). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_(unit)
Unitsymbol Mbar
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Bar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaBitPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaBitPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaBIT-PER-SEC
Ucumcode MBd
Ucumcode Mbit/s
Preflabel MegaBitPerSecond
Elucidation A megabit per second (Mbit/s or Mb/s; not to be confused with mbit/s which means millibit per second, or with Mbitps which means megabit picosecond) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to 1,000,000 bits per second or 1,000 kilobits per second or 125,000 bytes per second or 125 kilobytes per second.

Altlabel Megabit per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rate_units
Unitsymbol mbps
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BitPerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 693147.2
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaBYTE
Ucumcode MBy
Preflabel MegaByte
Elucidation The megabyte is defined here as one million Bytes. Also, see unit:MebiBYTE.

Altlabel Mega byte
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabyte?oldid=487094486
Unitsymbol MB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaElectronVoltPerSpeedOfLight ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaElectronVoltPerSpeedOfLight
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaEV-PER-SpeedOfLight
Ucumcode MeV.[c]-1
Preflabel MegaElectronVoltPerSpeedOfLight
Elucidation "Mega Electron Volt per Speed of Light" is a unit for 'Linear Momentum' expressed as MeV/c.

Altlabel Mega Electron Volt per Speed of Light
Unitsymbol MeV/c
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MomentumUnit
.. raw:: html
MegaPascalPerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaPascalPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaPA-PER-BAR
Ucumcode MPa.bar-1
Preflabel MegaPascalPerBar
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit pascal divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Megapascal Per Bar
Unitsymbol MPa/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalPerBar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetrePerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetrePerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-YR
Ucumcode m.a-1
Preflabel MetrePerYear
Elucidation A rate of change of SI standard unit length over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days).

Altlabel Metres per year
Unitsymbol m/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.168809e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroCurie ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroCurie
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroCi
Ucumcode uCi
Preflabel MicroCurie
Elucidation Another commonly used measure of radioactivity, the microcurie: 1 μCi = 3.7 × 10 disintegrations per second = 2.22 × 10 disintegrations per minute. A radiotherapy machine may have roughly 1000 Ci of a radioisotope such as caesium-137 or cobalt-60. This quantity of radioactivity can produce serious health effects with only a few minutes of close-range, un-shielded exposure. The typical human body contains roughly 0.1 μCi of naturally occurring potassium-40.

Altlabel MicroCurie
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curie?oldid=495080313
Unitsymbol μCi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 37000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGravity ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGravity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroG
Ucumcode u[g]
Preflabel MicroGravity
Elucidation "Microgravity" is a unit for 'Linear Acceleration' expressed as microG.

Unitsymbol µG
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gravity
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroInch ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroIN
Ucumcode u[in_i]
Preflabel MicroInch
Elucidation "Microinch" is an Imperial unit for 'Length' expressed as in⁻⁶.

Unitsymbol µin
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Inch
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.54e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroTorr ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroTorr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroTORR
Preflabel MicroTorr
Elucidation "MicroTorr" is a unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as microtorr.

Altlabel MicroTorr
Unitsymbol µTorr
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Torr
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.000133322
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI-PER-HR
Ucumcode [mi_i].h-1
Ucumcode [mi_i]/h
Preflabel MilePerHour
Elucidation Miles per hour is an imperial unit of speed expressing the number of statute miles covered in one hour. It is currently the standard unit used for speed limits, and to express speeds generally, on roads in the United Kingdom and the United States. A common abbreviation is mph or MPH.

Altlabel Mile per Hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miles_per_hour?oldid=482840548
Unitsymbol mi/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.44704
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [mi_i].min-1
Ucumcode [mi_i]/min
Preflabel MilePerMinute
Elucidation Miles per minute is an imperial unit of speed expressing the number of statute miles covered in one minute.

Altlabel Mile per Minute
Unitsymbol mi/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 26.8224
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [mi_i].sec-1
Ucumcode [mi_i]/sec
Preflabel MilePerSecond
Elucidation Miles per second is an imperial unit of speed expressing the number of statute miles covered in one second.

Altlabel Mile per Second
Unitsymbol mi/sec
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1609.344
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmperePerInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmperePerInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliA-PER-IN
Ucumcode mA.[in_i]-1
Preflabel MilliAmperePerInch
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit ampere divided by the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Milliampere Per Inch
Unitsymbol µA/in
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.03937008
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBar ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBAR
Ucumcode mbar
Preflabel MilliBar
Elucidation The bar is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to 100,000 Pa = 1 bar ≈ 750.0616827 Torr. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar or mb). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_(unit)
Unitsymbol mbar
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Bar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBarCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBarCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBAR-M3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode mbar.m3.s-1
Preflabel MilliBarCubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation product of the unit bar and the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Millibar Cubic Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol mbar⋅m³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BarCubicMetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBarPerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBarPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBAR-PER-BAR
Ucumcode mbar.bar-1
Preflabel MilliBarPerBar
Elucidation 0.01-fold of the unit bar divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Millibar Per Bar
Unitsymbol mbar/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BarPerBar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBarPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBarPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBAR-PER-K
Ucumcode mbar.K-1
Preflabel MilliBarPerKelvin
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit bar divided by the unit temperature kelvin

Altlabel Millibar Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol mbar/K
Formal description
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BarPerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliCurie ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliCurie
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliCi
Ucumcode mCi
Preflabel MilliCurie
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit curie

Unitsymbol mCi
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Curie
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 37000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGalsPerMonth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGalsPerMonth
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGAL-PER-MO
Ucumcode mGal.mo-1
Preflabel MilliGalsPerMonth
Elucidation A rate of change of one millionth part of a unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimetre per second per second over a time duration of 30.4375 days or 2629800 seconds.

Altlabel MilliGals per month
Unitsymbol mgal/mo
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthPerCubeTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.802571e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGravity ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGravity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliG
Ucumcode m[g]
Preflabel MilliGravity
Elucidation "Milligravity" is a unit for 'Linear Acceleration' expressed as mG.

Unitsymbol mG
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gravity
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00980665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliInch ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliIN
Ucumcode m[in_i]
Preflabel MilliInch
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units

Altlabel Milli-inch
Unitsymbol mil
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.54e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliPascalSecondPerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliPascalSecondPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliPA-SEC-PER-BAR
Ucumcode mPa.s.bar-1
Preflabel MilliPascalSecondPerBar
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the product of the SI derived unit pascal and the SI base unit second divided by the unit of the pressure bar

Altlabel Millipascal Second Per Bar
Unitsymbol mPa⋅s/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalSecondPerBar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMeterPerCentiMeterPsi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMeterPerCentiMeterPsi
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoM-PER-CentiM-PSI
Ucumcode nm.cm-1.PSI-1
Preflabel NanoMeterPerCentiMeterPsi
Altlabel Nanometer Per Centimeter PSI
Unitsymbol nm/(cm⋅PSI)
Formal description
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.450377e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NatPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NatPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NAT-PER-SEC
Preflabel NatPerSecond
Elucidation "Nat per Second" is information rate in natural units.

Altlabel Nat per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat?oldid=474010287
Unitsymbol nat/s
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NauticalMilePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NauticalMilePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI_N-PER-HR
Ucumcode [nmi_i].h-1
Ucumcode [nmi_i]/h
Preflabel NauticalMilePerHour
Elucidation The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (1.852 km) per hour, approximately 1.151 mph. The abbreviation kn is preferred by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), which includes every major seafaring nation; but the abbreviations kt (singular) and kts (plural) are also widely used conflicting with the SI symbol for kilotonne which is also "kt". The knot is a non-SI unit accepted for use with the International System of Units (SI). Worldwide, the knot is used in meteorology, and in maritime and air navigation-for example, a vessel travelling at 1 knot along a meridian travels one minute of geographic latitude in one hour.

Altlabel Nautical Mile per Hour
Unitsymbol nmi/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.514444
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NauticalMilePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NauticalMilePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI_N-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [nmi_i].min-1
Ucumcode [nmi_i]/min
Preflabel NauticalMilePerMinute
Elucidation The SI derived unit for speed is the meter/second.
1 meter/second is equal to 0.0323974082073 nautical mile per minute.

Altlabel Nautical Mile per Minute
Unitsymbol nmi/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
OerstedCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#OerstedCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OERSTED-CentiM
Ucumcode Oe.cm
Preflabel OerstedCentiMetre
Elucidation "Oersted Centimeter" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Magnetomotive Force' expressed as Oe-cm.

Altlabel Oersted Centimetre
Unitsymbol Oe⋅cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.7957747
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalPerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-PER-BAR
Ucumcode Pa.bar-1
Preflabel PascalPerBar
Elucidation SI derived unit pascal divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Pascal Per Bar
Unitsymbol Pa/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalSecondPerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalSecondPerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-SEC-PER-BAR
Ucumcode Pa.s.bar-1
Preflabel PascalSecondPerBar
Elucidation product out of the SI derived unit pascal and the SI base unit second divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Pascal Second Per Bar
Unitsymbol Pa⋅s/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SecondSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SecondSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SEC-FT2
Ucumcode s.[ft_i]2
Ucumcode s.[sft_i]
Preflabel SecondSquareFoot
Elucidation "Second Square Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Area Time' expressed as s-ft².

Altlabel Second Square Foot
Unitsymbol s⋅ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.09290304
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ShannonPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ShannonPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SHANNON-PER-SEC
Preflabel ShannonPerSecond
Elucidation The "Shannon per Second" is a unit of information rate.

Altlabel Shannon per Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ban_(information)
Unitsymbol Sh/s
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerInch ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-IN
Ucumcode V.[in_i]-1
Preflabel VoltPerInch
Elucidation SI derived unit volt divided by the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Volt Per Inch
Unitsymbol V/in
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 39.37008
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-FT2
Ucumcode W.[sft_i]-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareFoot
Elucidation Watt Per Square Foot is a unit of heat flux or thermal flux, the rate of heat energy transfer through a given surface.

Altlabel Watt per Square Foot
Unitsymbol W/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.76391
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-IN2
Ucumcode W.[sin_i]-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareInch
Elucidation Watt Per Square Inch is a unit of heat flux or thermal flux, the rate of heat energy transfer through a given surface.

Altlabel Watt per Square Inch
Unitsymbol W/in²
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1550.003
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
YardPerDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#YardPerDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD-PER-DEG_F
Ucumcode [yd_i].[degF]-1
Preflabel YardPerDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation unit yard according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for temperature degree Fahrenheit

Altlabel Yard Per Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol yd/°F
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.64592
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
pH ^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Acidity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PH
Ucumcode [pH]
Preflabel pH
Elucidation The negative decadic logarithmus of the concentration of free protons (or hydronium ions) expressed in 1 mol/l.

Comment Standard state: c0 is 1 mol/L. c of H+ of pure water is determined by the amount of dissociated water. The dissociation constant of water is 10^-14 and since there are qeal amounts of H+ and OH- we get 10^-7 mol H+ /L. -log(10^-7) = 7. The gamma is the activity coefficient which is assumed to be 1 when we say pH = -log[H+].
Comment The proper definition of pH is

pH = -log(a)

where `a` is the activity of H+ ions in an aqueus solution.
Altlabel Acidity
Unitsymbol pH
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Module: Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology ===================================================== .. _elementary-multiperspective-material-ontology-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasConnectedPortion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a32021dc_58d8_454b_915d_3951b413b8b7
Preflabel hasConnectedPortion
Elucidation The relation between individuals representing an item and one of its self-connected proper parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPortionPart
Subclass Of hasItemPart
.. raw:: html
hasFractionalCollection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e1805abe_f5b7_4c40_810a_1a01950546be
Preflabel hasFractionalCollection
Elucidation A sub collection realtion where the proper part is cutting members of the collection.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasFragment
Subclass Of hasSubCollection
Subclass Of hasGatheredPart
.. raw:: html
hasFractionalMember ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#0558e802_46a4_45de_af85_47aff4dc427e
Preflabel hasFractionalMember
Elucidation The relation between a collection and a non maximal self-connect part of one of its member.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasFragment
Subclass Of hasGatheredPart
Subclass Of hasSubItem
.. raw:: html
hasGatheredPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c37d451b_e245_439f_bd94_9050e04ec9f7
Preflabel hasGatheredPart
Elucidation A proper part relation with domain restricted to collections.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
.. raw:: html
hasHeterogenousPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0eb37d3d_b633_4ea4_a863_8b7a27c6fdb4
Preflabel hasHeterogenousPart
Elucidation The part is not connected with the rest item or members with hasNext (or its inverse) only or hasContact relations only.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasImproperIndirectInteraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_febf1178_c74b_4d6d_816c_591ac2ee3530
Preflabel hasImproperIndirectInteraction
Elucidation The relation between two causally reachable entities through a path with at least one hasNonSpatialContactWith relation (i.e. non representing physical interactions).
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasIndirectInteractionWith
.. raw:: html
hasImproperInteractionWith ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec90a8f0_16bf_4f76_b378_ef69b587b426
Preflabel hasImproperInteractionWith
Elucidation An interaction that is the sum of direct causality relations between two entities that are not interpretable as fundamental physical interactions.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasInteractionWith
.. raw:: html
hasIndirectInteractionWith ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_113087fa_8354_49d1_9625_5f36698d3298
Preflabel hasIndirectInteractionWith
Elucidation A causal relation between the y effected and the x causing entities with intermediaries, where x isCauseOf y and y isCauseOf x.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isIndirectCauseOf
.. raw:: html
hasInteractionWith ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a69a215c_4f4d_4729_a9c6_39302bbc5f77
Preflabel hasInteractionWith
Elucidation A symmetric relation occuring when x isDirectCause y and y isDirectCause x.
Conceptualisation An interaction between two entities is seen as an exchange of causality relations that goes both ways.
There are no requirements about their numbers (except that are minimun two) and their directions (except that there must be a two-way causality, e.g. from x to y and from y to x).
However, interactions can be categorised as:
- representing a physical interaction (in this case we call it a contact, expression of a spatial relation)
- or non representing a physical interaction, being simply an arbitrary sum of causality relations between entities.
The first case occurs when the causality relations between the quantums of the entities corresponds to the fundamental interactions as described by Feynman diagrams (Quantum Field Theory).
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isDirectCauseOf
.. raw:: html
hasItemPart ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8e742d6f_7fbb_40cf_949b_6806ab0d801f
Preflabel hasItemPart
Definition A proper part relation with range restricted to items.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
.. raw:: html
hasNonWellFormedPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ad6a320d_6c32_4e0b_9fb8_5a4bf771a6dd
Preflabel hasNonWellFormedPart
Elucidation A part is connected with the rest item or a member with bi-directional causal relations that does not fall under hasNext (or its inverse) or hasContact.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasHeterogenousPart
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasScatteredPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cc0df52b_6211_4167_9e22_5cc3ba201bd9
Preflabel hasScatteredPart
Definition A proper part relation with range restricted to collections.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
.. raw:: html
hasScatteredPortion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#5fa16188_d95b_4dd2_ac63_eae63fe01504
Preflabel hasScatteredPortion
Elucidation The relation between individuals representing an item and one of its not self-connected proper parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPortionPart
Subclass Of hasScatteredPart
.. raw:: html
hasSpatialSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6e046dd0_9634_4013_b2b1_9cc468087c83
Preflabel hasSpatialSection
Elucidation A proper part of the whole that is not Spatial or Temporal.
Comment This relation identifies parts of a 4D object that do not fully cover the lifetime extent of the whole (spatial) nor the full spatial extent (temporal).
Comment This relation is a filler, to categorise the parts of an entity that are not covered by the other parthood relations.
A proper part is then the disjoint union of: spatial part, temporal part and spatio temporal part relations.
Altlabel hasSpatialPartialPart
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart
.. raw:: html
hasSpatialSlice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f68030be_94b8_4c61_a161_886468558054
Preflabel hasSpatialSlice
Elucidation A relation that identify a proper part of the whole that extends itself in time along the overall lifetime of the whole, and whose parts never cover the full spatial extension of the 4D whole.
Comment In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL spatial relations are primitive.
Altlabel hasSpatialIntegralPart
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart
.. raw:: html
hasSubCollection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_49e17ba8_dd17_4c28_b8c8_c8c5d5a9aab9
Preflabel hasSubCollection
Elucidation A relation between individual representing a collection and one of its non self-connected proper parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasGatheredPart
Subclass Of hasScatteredPart
.. raw:: html
hasSubItem ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#3bd4339b_e01f_43e5_a011_74a4ef3ffa90
Preflabel hasSubItem
Elucidation A item proper part of a collection.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasItemPart
Subclass Of hasGatheredPart
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalBegin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4608bf9e_eeb9_4301_b0ab_d55b0f7da5e0
Preflabel hasTemporalBegin
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalItemSlice
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalCollectionSlice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_850b976f_0726_4408_b1b2_1f0ae367faf6
Preflabel hasTemporalCollectionSlice
Elucidation A temporal part that is a collection.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalSlice
Subclass Of hasScatteredPortion
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalEnd ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f9df1503_6ecf_427e_b127_742536601562
Preflabel hasTemporalEnd
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalItemSlice
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalInternal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8962933e_4bb0_4511_889a_9ea086a5a15a
Preflabel hasTemporalInternal
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalItemSlice
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalItemSlice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5022e4cb_125f_429d_8556_c3e635c561f2
Preflabel hasTemporalItemSlice
Elucidation A temporal part that is an item.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalSlice
Subclass Of hasConnectedPortion
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aef8af39_0a22_4be8_a523_4e47ca36e035
Preflabel hasTemporalSection
Elucidation A temporal part that is not a slice.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasTemporalSlice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a33ee61_8235_4da4_b9a1_ca62cb87a016
Preflabel hasTemporalSlice
Elucidation A temporal part that capture the overall spatial extension of the causal object.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasWellFormedPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_22c91e99_61f8_4433_8853_432d44a2a46a
Preflabel hasWellFormedPart
Elucidation The part is connected to the rest item or members only with hasNext or hasContact relations or their inverse.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPortionPart
Module: Computer Science ======================== .. _computer-science-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
ApplicationProgram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3b031fa9_8623_4ea5_8b57_bcafb70c5c8b
Example Word processors, graphic image processing programs, database management systems, numerical simulation software and games.
Preflabel ApplicationProgram
Elucidation A program aimed to provide a specific high level function to the user, usually hiding lower level procedures.
Altlabel App
Altlabel Application
Formal description
Subclass Of Software
.. raw:: html
ApplicationSpecificScript ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c5b33a1_4f28_41f9_b725_1994df79bf55
Example Scripting file for the execution of modelling software such as LAMMPS, OpenFOAM, or for general purpose platforms such as MATLAB or Mathematica.
Preflabel ApplicationSpecificScript
Elucidation A scripting language developed specifically for an application, so that it's usage and interpretation is limited in this context.
Formal description
Subclass Of ScriptingLanguage
.. raw:: html
C ^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36a9bf69_483b_42fd_8a0c_7ac9206320bc
Preflabel C
Formal description
Subclass Of CompiledLanguage
.. raw:: html
CPlusPlus ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_64aba1e5_24b7_4140_8eb4_676c35698e79
Preflabel CPlusPlus
Elucidation A language object respecting the syntactic rules of C++.
Altlabel C++
Formal description
Subclass Of CompiledLanguage
.. raw:: html
CSharp ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_268a8a97_3a6f_4022_93da_962a66827cdc
Preflabel CSharp
Altlabel C#
Formal description
Subclass Of CompiledLanguage
.. raw:: html
Command ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_51645022_3a21_4fa9_a9ce_a795eebbeca7
Example From a bash shell would e.g. `ls` be a command. Another example of a shell command would be `/path/to/executable arg1 arg2`.
Preflabel Command
Comment A command must be interpretable by the computer system.
Comment Commands are typically performed from a shell or a shell script, but not limited to them.
Comment An instruction to a computer system to perform a given task.
Formal description
Subclass Of Workflow
.. raw:: html
CommandLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c8fe15d0_caf7_46f7_883c_0e98081987f1
Example Unix shell.
Batch programming languages.
Preflabel CommandLanguage
Elucidation An interpreted computer language for job control in computing.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ConstructionLanguage
.. raw:: html
CompiledLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1461e904_a2bf_4558_ad74_2706f5706b34
Preflabel CompiledLanguage
Formal description
Subclass Of ProgrammingLanguage
.. raw:: html
ComputerLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_19fe0747_6954_40cb_9f8f_b87498bc8e78
Preflabel ComputerLanguage
Elucidation A formal language used to communicate with a computer.
Comment The categorisation of computer languages is based on

Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK(R)): Version 3.0, January 2014. Editors Pierre Bourque, Richard E. Fairley. Publisher: IEEE Computer Society PressWashingtonDCUnited States. ISBN:978-0-7695-5166-1.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerScience
.. raw:: html
ComputerScience ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b45fbdc6_2519_4885_aa49_c56b394c3910
Preflabel ComputerScience
Elucidation A well-formed formula that follows the syntactic rules of computer science.
Comment A well-formed formula in computer science may be or not be interpreted by a computer. For example pseudo-code is only intended for human consumption.
Formal description
Subclass Of Language
.. raw:: html
ComputerSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e7848014_ad79_422d_be02_74df892f7c11
Preflabel ComputerSystem
Elucidation Electronic device capable of processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
Altlabel Computer
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer
Formal description
Subclass Of Object
.. raw:: html
ConfigurationLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3997e1f5_f478_4572_a030_4b8e7e5cc63a
Example .ini files
Example Files in the standard .config directory on Unix systems.
Preflabel ConfigurationLanguage
Elucidation A construction language used to write configuration files.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Configuration_file#Configuration_languages
Formal description
Subclass Of ConstructionLanguage
.. raw:: html
ConstructionLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3ab914c1_5d8d_4a6e_804b_84aa89623c48
Preflabel ConstructionLanguage
Elucidation A computer language by which a human can specify an executable problem solution to a computer.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_construction#Construction_languages
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerLanguage
.. raw:: html
DataExchangeLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_13fea749_0b3b_4756_9c81_22cce620fc25
Preflabel DataExchangeLanguage
Elucidation A computer language that is domain-independent and can be used for expressing data from any kind of discipline.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_exchange#Data_exchange_languages
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerLanguage
.. raw:: html
Database ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1beed5ca_2bab_425d_bbe6_db6fab6ffe64
Example - A database covering nine million chemical compositions.
- A thermodynamic database.
Preflabel Database
Elucidation A structured collection of data held in a computer system that has a well-defined interface.
Formal description
Subclass Of DigitalData
.. raw:: html
DigitalData ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4db96fb7_e9e0_466d_942b_f6f17bfdc145
Preflabel DigitalData
Elucidation Discrete data that are decoded as a sequence of 1/0, or true/false, or on/off.
Altlabel BinaryData
Formal description
Subclass Of DiscreteData
.. raw:: html
FORTRAN ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aab6a0cc_2fbd_43ac_ac5a_b7b7b75331dc
Preflabel FORTRAN
Formal description
Subclass Of CompiledLanguage
.. raw:: html
File ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_998dd3a0_c85f_4c8d_9fb8_816a93cc3bb8
Preflabel File
Elucidation In computing, a computer file is a resource for recording data on a computer storage device, primarily identified by its file path.
Formal description
Subclass Of DigitalData
Subclass Of SystemResource
Subclass Of hasResourceIdentifier some Path
.. raw:: html
IRI ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5c15f8c4_d2de_47a0_acdd_470b8dda979b
Example https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Ῥόδος
Preflabel IRI
Elucidation An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) is a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource. It is similar to URI, but greatly extends the allowed character set from ASCII to the Universal Character Set (Unicode/ISO 10646)..
Comment IRIs are commonly used as identifiers for ontological entities, although the extended unicode character set is rarely used.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_Resource_Identifier
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
Subclass Of ResourceIdentifier
.. raw:: html
JSONData ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90bfd475_ba4a_4065_b0c1_1f08230be252
Preflabel JSONData
Formal description
Equivalent To hasDataValue some JSON
Subclass Of ComputerScience
.. raw:: html
Java ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_09007bc0_b5f2_4fb9_af01_caf948cf2044
Preflabel Java
Formal description
Subclass Of CompiledLanguage
.. raw:: html
JavaScript ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_161bef57_cc59_4246_8249_19dbdae96e7b
Preflabel JavaScript
Formal description
Subclass Of ScriptingLanguage
.. raw:: html
LanguageData ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e5f464a_658c_4b34_b80d_a5f8d5ec811a
Preflabel LanguageData
Formal description
Subclass Of TokenData
.. raw:: html
MarkupLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_af7b627d_6528_4fdb_97df_ba4579c4bb5d
Example HTML
Preflabel MarkupLanguage
Elucidation A grammar for annotating a document in a way that is syntactically distinguishable from the text.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markup_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerLanguage
.. raw:: html
ModellingLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_18c4634c_b821_49a3_beff_5eb7515ffc40
Example Architecture description language – used as a language (or a conceptual model) to describe and represent system architectures.
Example Hardware description language – used to model integrated circuits.

Architecture description language – used as a language (or a conceptual model) to describe and represent system architectures.

Algebraic Modeling Language which is a high-level programming languages for describing and solving high complexity problems like large-scale optimisation.
Preflabel ModellingLanguage
Elucidation An artificial computer language used to express information or knowledge, often for use in computer system design.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modeling_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerLanguage
.. raw:: html
NCNameData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0266ec8c_bd13_4c9c_be77_607498793ed3
Preflabel NCNameData
Formal description
Subclass Of NameData
.. raw:: html
NMTOKENData ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1abe0ea7_2378_402f_b950_89b0795d2f45
Preflabel NMTOKENData
Formal description
Subclass Of TokenData
.. raw:: html
NameData ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6796ec88_e49f_4628_b28d_6559f9dd630a
Preflabel NameData
Formal description
Subclass Of TokenData
.. raw:: html
NormalizedStringData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_826bd296_d8e2_4c43_8f54_d684bf00090a
Preflabel NormalizedStringData
Formal description
Subclass Of StringData
.. raw:: html
Path ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e94a9156_fb6c_4e16_88ee_829ac9933155
Example /etc/fstab (UNIX-like path)
C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop (DOS-like path)
Preflabel Path
Elucidation A path is a string of characters used to uniquely identify a location in a directory structure according to a particular convention.
Formal description
Subclass Of String
Subclass Of ResourceIdentifier
.. raw:: html
Program ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_65411b3d_c8d3_4111_86a9_a2ce0a64c647
Preflabel Program
Elucidation A set of instructions that tell a computer what to do.
Comment A program is a sequence of instructions understandable by a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that indicates which operations the computer should perform on a set of data.
Altlabel Executable
Formal description
Equivalent To ApplicationProgram or SystemProgram
Subclass Of Software
.. raw:: html
ProgrammingLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ffffb55_3496_4307_82b8_a0d78fe1fcd8
Preflabel ProgrammingLanguage
Elucidation A language object that follows syntactic rules of a programming language.
Comment A programming language object can also be a fragment (e.g. a C function) not suitable for exectution.
Comment Entities are not necessarily digital data, but can be code fragments printed on paper.
Altlabel Code
Altlabel SoftwareCode
Formal description
Subclass Of ConstructionLanguage
.. raw:: html
Python ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_add2e29d_6d87_4b78_9706_588e25557093
Preflabel Python
Formal description
Subclass Of ScriptingLanguage
.. raw:: html
QueryLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_29791c75_2899_47a8_bfad_fc239aa4dd2d
Preflabel QueryLanguage
Elucidation A construction language used to make queries in databases and information systems.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ConstructionLanguage
.. raw:: html
ResourceIdentifier ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c404e6d9_261d_4d2e_ab0d_ba4e05062647
Preflabel ResourceIdentifier
Elucidation A formal computer-interpretable identifier of a system resource.
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerScience
Subclass Of Inverse(hasConvention) some SystemResource
.. raw:: html
Ruby ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53dd6f2a_f9de_4f83_b925_1bf39a4ab9a6
Preflabel Ruby
Formal description
Subclass Of ScriptingLanguage
.. raw:: html
ScriptingLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f84b1b92_1dc8_4146_99f0_b03cd53e455b
Preflabel ScriptingLanguage
Elucidation A programming language that is executed through runtime interpretation.
Formal description
Subclass Of ProgrammingLanguage
.. raw:: html
ShellScript ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f42a0e95_c130_4a69_9660_6bfdbb897d4a
Preflabel ShellScript
Elucidation A command language designed to be run by a command-line interpreter, like a Unix shell.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_script
Formal description
Subclass Of CommandLanguage
.. raw:: html
SimulationLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_03d4cd70_0d16_4403_b68c_d41a9117f981
Preflabel SimulationLanguage
Elucidation A computer language used to describe simulations.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ModellingLanguage
.. raw:: html
Software ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8681074a_e225_4e38_b586_e85b0f43ce38
Preflabel Software
Elucidation All or part of the programs, procedures, rules, and associated documentation of an information processing system.
Comment Software is usually used as a generic term for programs. However, in its broadest sense it can refer to all information (i.e., both programs and data) in electronic form and can provide a distinction from hardware, which refers to computers or other electronic systems on which software can exist and be use.
Here we explicitly include in the definition also all the data (e.g. source code, script files) that takes part to the building of the executable, are necessary to the execution of a program or that document it for the users.
Formal description
Subclass Of DigitalData
.. raw:: html
SourceCode ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_348d39f7_6a17_49d1_9860_9b33b69b51de
Preflabel SourceCode
Elucidation A programming language entity expressing a formal detailed plan of what a software is intended to do.
Comment A source code is the companion of an application, being it the entity used to generate the application list of CPU executable instructions.
Comment Source code (also referred to as source or code) is the version of software as it is originally written (i.e., typed into a computer) by a human in plain text (i.e., human readable alphanumeric characters).
Formal description
Subclass Of Software
Subclass Of ProgrammingLanguage
.. raw:: html
SpecificationLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fb294e8d_603c_4fe5_bd71_8f4d152b2fb5
Example ACSL, VDM, LOTUS, MML, ...
Preflabel SpecificationLanguage
Elucidation A language used to describe what a computer system should do.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specification_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerLanguage
.. raw:: html
StyleSheetLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ad8b1096_4df1_44f5_a3b9_fc2ec9e7f5b1
Example CSS
Preflabel StyleSheetLanguage
Elucidation A computer language that expresses the presentation of structured documents.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Style_sheet_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ComputerLanguage
.. raw:: html
SystemProgram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58b17cac_3125_4486_9b9c_8c45ac254040
Example An operating system. A graphic driver.
Preflabel SystemProgram
Elucidation System program refers to operating systems and utility programs that manage computer resources at a low level enabling a computer to function.
Formal description
Subclass Of Software
.. raw:: html
SystemResource ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_51f1ba0d_e92b_4be2_9a9d_4640b16ac7ed
Preflabel SystemResource
Elucidation Any physical or virtual component of limited availability within a computer system.
Altlabel Resource
Formal description
Subclass Of Object
Subclass Of Item and Inverse(hasPortionPart) some ComputerSystem
.. raw:: html
TokenData ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_be8680e5_28ec_4168_9206_d1cd33fbd458
Preflabel TokenData
Formal description
Subclass Of NormalizedStringData
.. raw:: html
TransformationLanguage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ea00dafc_ac92_4e67_aa65_ce5a29e77fcf
Example Tritium, XSLT, XQuery, STX, FXT, XDuce, CDuce, HaXml, XMLambda, FleXML
Preflabel TransformationLanguage
Elucidation A construction language designed to transform some input text in a certain formal language into a modified output text that meets some specific goal.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformation_language
Formal description
Subclass Of ConstructionLanguage
.. raw:: html
URI ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6470bbfa_04a6_4360_9534_1aa18d68329b
Preflabel URI
Elucidation A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource.
Comment URI = scheme ":" ["//" authority] path ["?" query] ["#" fragment]
Illustration https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:URI_syntax_diagram.svg
Formal description
Equivalent To hasDataValue some type
Subclass Of IRI
Subclass Of ComputerScience
.. raw:: html
URL ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8a8f664b_dc59_4e00_ae00_81fdf1e1d12e
Preflabel URL
Elucidation The term "Uniform Resource Locator" (URL) refers to the subset of URIs that, in addition to identifying a resource, provide a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism (e.g., its network "location").
Formal description
Subclass Of URI
.. raw:: html
URN ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_db99b1e5_2f34_467b_a784_d104946d9f00
Preflabel URN
Elucidation The term "Uniform Resource Name" (URN) has been used historically to refer to both URIs under the "urn" scheme [RFC2141], which are required to remain globally unique and persistent even when the resource ceases to exist or becomes unavailable, and to any other URI with the properties of a name.
Formal description
Subclass Of URI
.. _computer-science-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasResourceIdentifier ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a592c856_4103_43cf_8635_1982a1e5d5de
Preflabel hasResourceIdentifier
Elucidation Relates a resource to its identifier.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasConvention
.. raw:: html
hasURIValue ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b35e92d7_7fa0_4661_aa5a_5cea7c8e6925
Preflabel hasURIValue
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of hasDataValue
.. raw:: html
hasURLValue ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ac852bf0_3251_4d6b_9e57_acbfcb5e7e08
Preflabel hasURLValue
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of hasURIValue
.. raw:: html
hasURNValue ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b7493aee_366c_442d_8f59_49ac7aa664d7
Preflabel hasURNValue
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of hasURIValue
Module: Geometrical =================== .. _geometrical-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Circle ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b2a234a8_579a_422c_9305_b8f7e72c76cd
Preflabel Circle
Elucidation Self-connected one-manyfold.
Formal description
Subclass Of OneManifold
.. raw:: html
Curve ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0ef4ff4a_5458_4f2a_b51f_4689d472a3f2
Preflabel Curve
Elucidation A one-manyfold with two unconnected end points.
Formal description
Subclass Of OneManifold
.. raw:: html
Cylinder ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_750d42f1_c291_42ce_91b2_a079d79639fb
Preflabel Cylinder
Elucidation A 2-manifold with one unconnected boundary and two "faces".
Formal description
Subclass Of TwoManifold
.. raw:: html
EuclideanSpace ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5f278af9_8593_4e27_a717_ccc9e07a0ddf
Preflabel EuclideanSpace
Elucidation A three-manifold with Euclidean metric.
Formal description
Subclass Of ThreeManifold
.. raw:: html
Geometrical ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b5957cef_a287_442d_a3ce_fd39f20ba1cd
Example A geometrical object can be expressed in many different forms.

For example, a line can be expressed by:
a) an equation like y=mx+q, which is both an 'equation' and a 'geometrical'
b) a line drawn with a pencil on a paper, which is simply a 'graphical' object
c) a set of axioms, when the properties of a line are inferred by the interpreter reading them, that are both 'graphical' and also 'formula'

The case a) is a geometrical and mathematical, b) is geometrical and pictorial, while c) is geometrical and a composition of idiomatic strings.
Preflabel Geometrical
Elucidation A 'graphical' aimed to represent a geometrical concept.
Formal description
Subclass Of Data
.. raw:: html
MobiusStrip ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8406f483_eafc_4700_b6c0_5d2908ea2adf
Preflabel MobiusStrip
Elucidation A 2-manifold with one unconnected boundary and one "face".
Formal description
Subclass Of TwoManifold
.. raw:: html
OneManifold ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0c576e13_4ee7_4f3d_bfe9_1614243df018
Preflabel OneManifold
Elucidation A topological space with the property that each point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to an open subset of 1-dimensional Euclidean space.
Comment One-dimensional manifolds include lines and circles, but not self-crossing curves. Two-dimensional manifolds are also called surfaces. Examples include the plane, the sphere, and the torus, and also the Klein bottle and real projective plane.
Altlabel 1-manifold
Formal description
Subclass Of Geometrical
.. raw:: html
Plane ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_25f5ca8e_8f7f_44d8_a392_bd3fe8894458
Preflabel Plane
Elucidation A 2-manifold with two unconnected boundaries.
Formal description
Subclass Of TwoManifold
.. raw:: html
Point ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_39362460_2a97_4367_8f93_0418c2ac9a08
Preflabel Point
Elucidation A zero-manifold of only one point.
Formal description
Subclass Of ZeroManifold
.. raw:: html
Sphere ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d7bf784a_db94_4dd9_861c_54f262846fbf
Preflabel Sphere
Elucidation A standard 2-manifold with no unconnected boundaries.
Formal description
Subclass Of TwoManifold
.. raw:: html
ThreeManifold ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_46f0f8df_4dc6_418f_8036_10427a3a288e
Preflabel ThreeManifold
Elucidation A topological space with the property that each point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to an open subset of 3-dimensional Euclidean space.
Altlabel 3-manifold
Formal description
Subclass Of Geometrical
.. raw:: html
Torus ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_86060335_31c2_4820_b433_27c64aea0366
Preflabel Torus
Elucidation The simplest 2-manifold with genus 1.
Formal description
Subclass Of TwoManifold
.. raw:: html
TwoManifold ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9268958f_7f54_48ab_a693_febe2645892b
Preflabel TwoManifold
Elucidation A topological space with the property that each point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to an open subset of 2-dimensional Euclidean space.
Altlabel 2-manifold
Formal description
Subclass Of Geometrical
.. raw:: html
ZeroManifold ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0ab0485c_9e5b_4257_a679_90a2dfba5c7c
Preflabel ZeroManifold
Elucidation A topological space with the property that each point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to an open subset of 0-dimensional Euclidean space.
Altlabel 0-manifold
Formal description
Subclass Of Geometrical
Module: Si Dimensional Units ============================ .. _si-dimensional-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AbsorbedDoseRateUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_835f4e4e_680d_404c_8c73_92a6a570f6eb
Preflabel AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AbsorbedDoseRate'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AbsorbedDoseUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_847f1d9f_205e_46c1_8cb6_a9e479421f88
Preflabel AbsorbedDoseUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AbsorbedDose'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AccelerationUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2da7408f_d389_4245_887d_a1743b81a9b6
Preflabel AccelerationUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Acceleration'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountConcentrationUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9348e5b_af4f_4898_bbfe_c4583cf44b80
Preflabel AmountConcentrationUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountConcentration'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountConductivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_14235b93_650f_4452_8395_a23b8f645c9a
Preflabel AmountConductivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountConductivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L0 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountFractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f76f5a24_d703_4e8c_b368_f9a7777cb73a
Example Unit for amount fraction.
Preflabel AmountFractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two amount of substance.
Formal description
Subclass Of FractionUnit
.. raw:: html
AmountPerAreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a94aec97_71ff_4574_b111_a52d77d2c230
Preflabel AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerAreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_183f6fac_8543_44e0_bd59_434aa7054f4c
Preflabel AmountPerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerMassPressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2d66cf6d_9396_40c8_bb82_324ab19067ce
Preflabel AmountPerMassPressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerMassPressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+1 M-2 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerMassTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5d2d48c4_4fb6_4f33_bfc0_273129429c30
Preflabel AmountPerMassTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerMassTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_95971713_d589_4002_a5a7_affc5c74cfdb
Preflabel AmountPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c5ac5c53_14de_47ce_b424_2576d042d241
Preflabel AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerVolumeTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountSquareTimePerMassVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_052e9796_1144_43ae_a798_c5755cd6cd81
Preflabel AmountSquareTimePerMassVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountSquareTimePerMassVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-3 M-1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3d254432_6f8f_4a6d_9eb3_4ab54388171b
Preflabel AmountTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e501069c_34d3_4dc7_ac87_c90c7342192b
Preflabel AmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Amount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AngularFrequencyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_78487bf1_c0bc_4db8_99dd_d8b7cc8b3bac
Preflabel AngularFrequencyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AngularFrequency'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AngularMomentumUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_501f9b3a_c469_48f7_9281_2e6a8d805d7a
Preflabel AngularMomentumUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AngularMomentum'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90798691_3b86_4d8c_910f_be2b39c98b39
Preflabel AreaDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaFractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6f4d704a_a7c6_4c07_b8a7_ea0bab04128f
Example Unit for solid angle.
Preflabel AreaFractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two areas.
Formal description
Subclass Of FractionUnit
.. raw:: html
AreaPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_973656ed_870e_40ba_8bc0_c879687a335a
Preflabel AreaPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4817e479_e401_437e_a49b_54540b93d2a1
Preflabel AreaPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerQuarticTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_27c8e4db_eb18_402c_951e_6a38751cf1d0
Preflabel AreaPerQuarticTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerQuarticTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_002e4002_58c7_4aea_ac1f_bba5188818ff
Preflabel AreaPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_10f703b5_8b2a_4c5a_a734_f0cfb29622ad
Preflabel AreaPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7855043d_a466_4585_97a9_b9fe4ce0c12d
Preflabel AreaSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ceaa4c6b_f5b7_46f4_bfcd_16eb4afab945
Preflabel AreaTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaTimeTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_48a3c106_9d39_455e_a849_81ceff95bdea
Preflabel AreaTimeTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaTimeTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_959c9715_14fb_4ce8_a93b_79678b2959b9
Preflabel AreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaUnit ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_33433bb1_c68f_45ee_a466_f01e2c57b214
Preflabel AreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Area'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreicSpeedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b33cc5b5_a9dc_4082_b497_14d1654c5591
Preflabel AreicSpeedUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreicSpeed'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
CapacitancePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_860ef96c_e93e_4549_b3a3_099a625a26a5
Preflabel CapacitancePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'CapacitancePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-1 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
CapacitanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b14d9be5_f81e_469b_abca_379c2e83feab
Preflabel CapacitanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Capacitance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
CatalyticActivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ce7d4720_aa20_4a8c_93e8_df41a35b6723
Preflabel CatalyticActivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'CatalyticActivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
CubicElectricChargeLengthPerSquareEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_360adeca_9eee_4bb9_a5ca_728756c1ed4a
Preflabel CubicElectricChargeLengthPerSquareEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'CubicElectricChargeLengthPerSquareEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+7 L-3 M-2 I+3 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
DensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c957677_a460_4702_85a6_baef659d14b1
Preflabel DensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Density'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
DiffusivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_721be099_4826_4b51_a78f_542b5728bd74
Preflabel DiffusivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Diffusivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargeAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_92aaff7b_3a7c_4c1a_b149_d422e9682106
Preflabel ElectricChargeAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargeArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargeDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f36559a_a494_4b00_abc5_60bbc1475009
Preflabel ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargeDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-3 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e6110006_88b9_45cd_9f9c_a2a91c0c21f8
Preflabel ElectricChargePerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9794a778_47d7_45d5_b4ab_ae6a8db04c78
Preflabel ElectricChargePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4dbe2b16_3e84_4049_898d_eb89bcc925a2
Preflabel ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_200c735e_3dd7_44b2_bb34_4bb454a8e53b
Preflabel ElectricChargePerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ab79e92b_5377_454d_be06_d61b50db295a
Preflabel ElectricChargeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCharge'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricConductanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_321af35f_f0cc_4a5c_b4fe_8c2c0303fb0c
Preflabel ElectricConductanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricConductance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricConductivityPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89113866_31a4_4d19_bc83_7f7c1661ab73
Preflabel ElectricConductivityPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricConductivityPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-3 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricConductivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_86ffe1bb_d457_4948_9e39_35f363b9a9fe
Preflabel ElectricConductivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricConductivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-3 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentDensityPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_93681c53_4316_415d_8243_a42a0e171de6
Preflabel ElectricCurrentDensityPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentDensityPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_120d86b6_d7c4_4490_8ef2_8a5f58403950
Preflabel ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerAmountVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5b6a25a_408a_408d_aebc_e017260d885d
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerAmountVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerAmountVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M0 I+1 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53b10105_52c7_4746_ab73_a5a30bd198e2
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-2 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_73be8825_e9a7_41d0_956e_b58060e5d5ac
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ed7dd267_e2ee_4565_8117_e5c1eafa3e66
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I+1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerUnitEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1aaaceb6_c5eb_4cf3_a494_f82d43fda10a
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerUnitEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerUnitEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-2 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5f3e0e5_fc7d_4e64_86ad_555e74aaff84
Preflabel ElectricCurrentUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrent'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricDipoleMomentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cab2be5c_4e71_4c15_8412_adb2a7f0831a
Preflabel ElectricDipoleMomentUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricDipoleMoment'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6d753e0c_a967_4de4_ad22_c2fecb3913be
Preflabel ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricDisplacementField'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricFieldStrengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ebf9a5c6_ca80_45d4_a991_24a1bf4b6720
Preflabel ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricFieldStrength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+1 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricFluxUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_48f00c52_8d3d_4e80_8d88_59fabaa01d87
Preflabel ElectricFluxUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricFlux'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+3 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricMobilityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ca54593a_6828_491b_8fda_22b0ad85e446
Preflabel ElectricMobilityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricMobility'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialPerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a5111335_6d14_49d9_ba7a_10c10b2189e7
Preflabel ElectricPotentialPerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotentialPerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96ffda63_71e7_451b_85ee_2cc8e341ff11
Preflabel ElectricPotentialPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotentialPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6837b106_7220_4ec6_b7c9_d549d6163672
Preflabel ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotentialPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e7e5796_4a80_4d73_bb84_f31138446c0c
Preflabel ElectricPotentialUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotential'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricResistanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7610efb8_c7c6_4684_abc1_774783c62472
Preflabel ElectricResistanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricResistance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricResistivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_359312ca_1d9d_4765_b20b_28d9f45d77e7
Preflabel ElectricResistivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricResistivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+3 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88f36585_bd30_4160_b975_61362f3468a9
Preflabel EnergyAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+4 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyDensityOfStatesUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_971c8cb1_156f_4a70_a72c_2d851d4d2b20
Preflabel EnergyDensityOfStatesUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyDensityOfStates'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-5 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyLengthPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8fb052e8_fcca_43ce_85db_55266baf2d7c
Preflabel EnergyLengthPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyLengthPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0972cb08_48bd_4524_ac03_8a2e7f30f02f
Preflabel EnergyPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_df1d3a25_eba2_4530_9803_d82d349f4051
Preflabel EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyTimePerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4fdf946a_9c40_4d71_80ab_e4221ff6a534
Preflabel EnergyTimePerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyTimePerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f6070071_d054_4b17_9d2d_f446f7147d0f
Preflabel EnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Energy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EntropyPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3cb55500_dc5b_4586_bbf3_1d4158afac35
Preflabel EntropyPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EntropyPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
EntropyPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7cef5aae_baae_42d1_959a_ee70a7cf7a73
Preflabel EntropyPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EntropyPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EntropyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3ecff38b_b3cf_4a78_b49f_8580abf8715b
Preflabel EntropyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Entropy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ForceAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cb77e107_43ed_4a97_bf39_03b3587404d3
Preflabel ForceAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ForceArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ForcePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d46e131b_f51a_4ae7_9301_824d718c56fa
Preflabel ForcePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ForcePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ForceUnit ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53e825d9_1a09_483c_baa7_37501ebfbe1c
Preflabel ForceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Force'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
FrequencyPerAreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7cfbe969_6ced_47a2_86c6_de33673c45d0
Preflabel FrequencyPerAreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'FrequencyPerAreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
FrequencyPerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43e499a1_ca67_4380_ac08_cfc52a93ad04
Preflabel FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'FrequencyPerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
FrequencyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_515b5579_d526_4842_9e6f_ecc34db6f368
Preflabel FrequencyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Frequency'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
IlluminanceTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e467cc3f_676c_432e_b70e_19237d1bcc78
Preflabel IlluminanceTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'IlluminanceTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
InductanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_585e0ff0_9429_4d3c_b578_58abb1ba21d1
Preflabel InductanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Inductance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
InversePermittivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d2a20142_b3a4_4d3b_a7e1_e17597e7f177
Preflabel InversePermittivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'InversePermittivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L+3 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
InverseSquareMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6aa04359_50d6_43d7_b3a7_296bd391bf7d
Preflabel InverseSquareMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'InverseSquareMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M-2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
JosephsonConstantUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6b8bf0c9_4ec7_452c_bee5_26e5149a4f05
Preflabel JosephsonConstantUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'JosephsonConstant'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-2 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthFractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cdc962d8_f3ea_4764_a57a_c7caa4859179
Example Unit for plane angle.
Preflabel LengthFractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two lengths.
Formal description
Subclass Of FractionUnit
.. raw:: html
LengthMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3fe66e46_9343_4a36_b101_a732ad5f4f76
Preflabel LengthMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_09cee580_aed5_4541_ab94_ec5bb1c64a7c
Preflabel LengthPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthPerCubeTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_55ffe612_cf43_4b9b_a4e1_6aeb0c59c10c
Preflabel LengthPerCubeTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthPerCubeTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_793f3567_b351_42ef_a1d4_5111d53999c4
Preflabel LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d02c92e0_99ba_4c09_b01f_0d7a7dd7b24e
Preflabel LengthTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthTimeCurrentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8515e948_bc2f_423b_8025_e4830f2b21dd
Preflabel LengthTimeCurrentUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthTimeCurrent'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthTimePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2f31340f_59ca_4a57_8513_269837af3796
Preflabel LengthTimePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthTimePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+1 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthTimeTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44ddbe46_0112_4185_b595_132866e902da
Preflabel LengthTimeTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthTimeTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b3600e73_3e05_479d_9714_c041c3acf5cc
Preflabel LengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Length'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LorenzNumberUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_197095a5_6d0c_4747_bcd7_f239203217dc
Preflabel LorenzNumberUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LorenzNumber'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-6 L+4 M+2 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LuminanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4000d06d_8594_4263_ba72_5d9440b66c5e
Preflabel LuminanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Luminance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
LuminousEfficacyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5c003f53_20a2_4bd7_8445_58187e582578
Preflabel LuminousEfficacyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LuminousEfficacy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-1 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
LuminousEfficacyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_044f83a6_ade4_4441_9c73_5490dd93344f
Preflabel LuminousEfficacyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LuminousEfficacy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-2 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
LuminousIntensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_14ff4393_0f28_4fb4_abc7_c2cc00bc761d
Preflabel LuminousIntensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LuminousIntensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
MagneticDipoleMomentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c2226a9_22f0_40c8_8928_5a01d398f96e
Preflabel MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticDipoleMoment'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticDipoleMomentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5073dc80_aec2_4a3b_8057_fababfcbfe11
Preflabel MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticDipoleMoment'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticFieldStrengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e6b83139_ba92_4fbd_a8b2_c8dde55844a1
Preflabel MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticFieldStrength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticFluxDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec903946_ddc9_464a_903c_7373e0d1eeb5
Preflabel MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticFluxDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticFluxUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4c49ab58_a6f6_409e_b849_f873ae1dcbee
Preflabel MagneticFluxUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticFlux'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticPotentialUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8cf32f24_ada1_4350_af2c_50eb0e5f6415
Preflabel MagneticPotentialUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticPotential'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+1 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticReluctanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_07f571cd_252b_4421_8f98_94b6690d2ab9
Preflabel MagneticReluctanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticReluctance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticReluctivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_01cd670e_d37c_424f_b91e_c2c2bbb5ea43
Preflabel MagneticReluctivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticReluctivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-1 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassAmountOfSubstanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0f43918c_3578_4196_a5fa_d3fa6c0d5869
Preflabel MassAmountOfSubstanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassAmountOfSubstance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3532cc67_472a_4227_96f4_04b93146cec3
Preflabel MassAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassFluxUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e35d4936_b2e3_4cd6_a437_f1c864b3d450
Preflabel MassFluxUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassFlux'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassFractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_18448443_dcf1_49b8_a321_cf46e2c393e1
Example Unit for mass fraction.
Preflabel MassFractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two masses.
Formal description
Subclass Of FractionUnit
.. raw:: html
MassLengthPerCubicTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3371fb68_5f07_467c_ada6_5aa3da3808d0
Preflabel MassLengthPerCubicTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassLengthPerCubicTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ba91622_e39f_43e3_b95f_290937928d7e
Preflabel MassPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_971b3dff_28b4_4538_b082_3ec9fa5af294
Preflabel MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I0 Θ-4 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerElectricChargeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c3de02f_ddbd_4704_9538_3d4f38cc373e
Preflabel MassPerElectricChargeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerElectricCharge'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerLengthTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2c224eb4_cb86_44a4_a067_8969ead598d7
Preflabel MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerLengthTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4007522b_7ab7_4855_acd2_e99e2a0690b6
Preflabel MassPerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerQuarticLengthTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9cffc70d_4b60_4187_a7cd_706f5740ae87
Preflabel MassPerQuarticLengthTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerQuarticLengthTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-4 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerQuarticTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_30261696_a8a4_44ce_9bf5_b18201a83c76
Preflabel MassPerQuarticTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerQuarticTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ddcc1e64_69cc_4a0c_9ee8_08aca78b3c85
Preflabel MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerSquareLengthSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8826aefb_0bf6_4378_8732_fc80aa95654c
Preflabel MassPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerVolumeTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f3a9f9f_6f56_49dc_b39e_1aee57ffdc58
Preflabel MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerVolumeTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5f375229_de0c_46bf_b11f_da9d3b742253
Preflabel MassSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassStoppingPowerUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c0f32e02_44d7_4c99_986e_c368d7219e4c
Preflabel MassStoppingPowerUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassStoppingPower'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8455fa05_a877_48d7_b8a3_8e3bfad119bf
Preflabel MassTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassUnit ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_77e9dc31_5b19_463e_b000_44c6e79f98aa
Preflabel MassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Mass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MechanicalMobilityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52ba3876_b51e_4670_a6f2_ce726abc2d3d
Preflabel MechanicalMobilityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MechanicalMobility'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MomentumUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec987ba8_a548_4fc9_9df6_a834daebd140
Preflabel MomentumUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Momentum'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpereUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_431ce3bc_3d54_481d_a10d_7c4a4418732a
Preflabel NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpereUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpere'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M+1 I-1 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
NewtonianConstantOfGravityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3181bb28_623b_4411_ad79_80277c661322
Preflabel NewtonianConstantOfGravityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'NewtonianConstantOfGravity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_af24ae20_8ef2_435a_86a1_2ea44488b318
Preflabel PerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerAreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9b075686_4ac2_43bb_b2a3_17b3ea24ff17
Preflabel PerAreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerAreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_11708648_fc62_46c6_bae5_3a10693e416e
Preflabel PerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_071b87fd_8ac8_4287_bfc6_9fcd8ce6674c
Preflabel PerEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-2 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerLengthTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_61eec472_f9af_4861_bedd_d741f022a7e5
Preflabel PerLengthTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerLengthTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerLengthTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9f0338b9_326f_44c2_893c_2d815b763130
Preflabel PerLengthTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerLengthTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fee2a014_3322_48f9_91ab_d947a6e54556
Preflabel PerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerPressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a068ad0_582c_4f50_90d2_89d9e28977c1
Preflabel PerPressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerPressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+1 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerQuarticLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c38a8b4_ed07_4185_8d9b_b57b9130c537
Preflabel PerQuarticLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with physical dimensionality per length to the power of four.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerTemperatureTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6bcf334d_efeb_49f8_9dd0_dbcbb31514d3
Preflabel PerTemperatureTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerTemperatureTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02a935c8_c2d4_4a00_bd6f_b89d05aac79e
Preflabel PerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerThermalTransmittanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_869e6e4f_a9b5_4db8_a978_8ad050239933
Preflabel PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerThermalTransmittance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L0 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerTimeMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52b029aa_e525_4907_95d8_759298b04f97
Preflabel PerTimeMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerTimeMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_95a9bf22_eabc_4a84_863d_9ea398c8a52e
Preflabel PerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PermeabilityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fa9c8c56_314f_4a5a_a71d_bae66446b185
Preflabel PermeabilityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Permeability'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+1 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PermittivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5f89cb0c_3171_47ee_b2ab_027a07c34c4b
Preflabel PermittivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Permittivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-3 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PowerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bf106e62_ce1c_4ccc_9f45_c10326078a5a
Preflabel PowerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PowerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+4 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PowerDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_539d8d92_d3a5_4f46_858f_081fed5b4190
Preflabel PowerDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PowerDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PowerPerAreaVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36e03182_1be9_497c_bb71_e26fbb9160d2
Preflabel PowerPerAreaVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PowerPerAreaVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PowerUnit ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c8d084ad_f88e_4596_8e4d_982c6655ce6f
Preflabel PowerUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Power'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PressureFractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9d09022c_e7ae_4379_a765_4803a8a502a1
Preflabel PressureFractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two pressures.
Formal description
Subclass Of FractionUnit
.. raw:: html
PressurePerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1275ac79_7280_4d99_ab61_3d98e00c053e
Preflabel PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PressurePerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PressurePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fced2382_9c23_47a1_8246_a5dcd45ad99c
Preflabel PressurePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PressurePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53bd0c90_41c3_46e2_8779_cd2a80f7e18b
Preflabel PressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Pressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
QuarticElectricDipoleMomentPerCubicEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c0487653_66e8_454e_bb11_e50167e412e4
Preflabel QuarticElectricDipoleMomentPerCubicEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'QuarticElectricDipoleMomentPerCubicEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+10 L-2 M-3 I+4 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
QuarticLengthPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6cfc5b82_b47b_47bc_bb45_c23c273d2e06
Preflabel QuarticLengthPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'QuarticLengthPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
QuarticLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8627410d_01f8_4ed1_8f2b_aba69d791ad3
Preflabel QuarticLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'QuarticLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalAmountPerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aef218f9_6ded_4db9_9263_e78eed55e5d6
Preflabel ReciprocalAmountPerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalAmountPerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalElectricChargeDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_578f7da0_10f8_4fc2_9fd0_79b79f47f975
Preflabel ReciprocalElectricChargeDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalElectricChargeDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+3 M0 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_608a1b30_df6f_4bbb_9dc3_5c0de92fd9cf
Preflabel ReciprocalLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_59197cce_b8b6_4216_a08d_26fb83c032af
Preflabel ReciprocalMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalSquareEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_87b5dd20_e4fe_422d_9e70_1eee54ec9496
Preflabel ReciprocalSquareEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalSquareEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-4 M-2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
RichardsonConstantUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_754c3a5d_8ae8_41ff_b5f2_acbadb53c735
Preflabel RichardsonConstantUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'RichardsonConstant'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ-2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SIDimensionalUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9895a1b4_f0a5_4167_ac5e_97db40b8bfcc
Preflabel SIDimensionalUnit
Elucidation Dimensional unit with its physical dimensionality described accortind to the International System of Units (SI).
Comment In SI are the physical dimensions of the base quantities time (T), length (L), mass (M), electric current (I), thermodynamic temperature (Θ), amount of substance (N) and luminous intensity (J).

In general the dimension of any quantity Q is written in the form of a dimensional product,

dim Q = T^α L^β M^γ I^δ Θ^ε N^ζ J^η

where the exponents α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ and η, which are generally small integers, which can be positive, negative, or zero, are called the dimensional exponents.
-- SI brouchure

The SI dimensional units are equivalent to dimensional strings that uniquely defines their dimensionality by specifying the values of the coefficients α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ and η. A dimensional string is a space-separated string of the physical dimension symbols followed by the value of the exponent (including it sign). They should always match the following regular expression:

^T([+-][1-9]|0) L([+-][1-9]|0) M([+-][1-9]|0) I([+-][1-9]|0) Θ([+-][1-9]|0) N([+-][1-9]|0) J([+-][1-9]|0)$

Examples of correspondance between dimensional units and their dimensional units are:

- AmountOfSubstanceUnit <=> "T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0"
- TimeUnit <=> "T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0"
- ElectricCurrentDensityUnit <=> "T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0"
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionalUnit
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SectionAreaIntegralUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e55d4f6d_2506_4f63_8e01_1963efe7071e
Preflabel SectionAreaIntegralUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SectionAreaIntegral'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+5 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SexticLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21bc99ae_f2ba_4eb3_90c1_d81968c429e2
Preflabel SexticLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SexticLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+6 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SpeedFractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e7bc8939_7ff8_4917_beb5_c42730b390f3
Example Unit for refractive index.
Preflabel SpeedFractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two speeds.
Formal description
Subclass Of FractionUnit
.. raw:: html
SpeedUnit ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f5c7c54_1c63_4d17_b12b_ea0792c2b187
Preflabel SpeedUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Speed'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cd9ad446_04f7_44ff_b9ea_ae7389574fa6
Preflabel SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L0 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareElectricPotentialPerSquareTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58c5b65c_c896_4740_80d9_ff9a7643c7e8
Preflabel SquareElectricPotentialPerSquareTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareElectricPotentialPerSquareTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-6 L+4 M+2 I-2 Θ-2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareMassPerSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_109e8c69_4148_4cb0_9ceb_fbd526befca0
Preflabel SquareMassPerSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareMassPerSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M+2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquarePressurePerSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ffbacbc4_c3be_4cc5_9539_94344e72f7a6
Preflabel SquarePressurePerSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquarePressurePerSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-6 L-2 M+2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquarePressureTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_886eb0fb_4d36_4b7d_99e4_e5915a06aff1
Preflabel SquarePressureTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquarePressureTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-2 M+2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTemperaturePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dafdcae3_f8ec_4993_8269_2c9299a75158
Preflabel SquareTemperaturePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTemperaturePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ+2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bdee99f6_389b_4816_8a1c_a7903a2df00a
Preflabel SquareTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ+2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTimePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f508dec1_e2d8_43d5_ae65_c386c7b330f9
Preflabel SquareTimePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTimePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f2c1a072_4ccb_46c4_a0f8_ac801d328d0f
Preflabel SquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureAreaPerMassTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_66e91d9a_05c1_4906_9731_3f4d8c4f3fd8
Preflabel TemperatureAreaPerMassTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureAreaPerMassTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureLengthPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0d4bdfcd_f4f0_4b8f_b470_e3f654e37d33
Preflabel TemperatureLengthPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureLengthPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureMassPerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6726fbb8_c40a_4b55_a2d5_bf49352d1e73
Preflabel TemperatureMassPerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureMassPerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M+1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_720a469f_a19c_4a88_900c_29b3938f5092
Preflabel TemperaturePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerMagneticFluxDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f6fac54d_6b6d_4255_b217_4363a83f1834
Preflabel TemperaturePerMagneticFluxDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerMagneticFluxDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerPressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a4edc0c9_6d1d_4358_8030_b61db6c84176
Preflabel TemperaturePerPressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerPressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+1 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7188d13_52e6_43f7_9b6d_aba4c161fa8f
Preflabel TemperaturePerSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f245147_f072_4431_b535_6241e8e87eb8
Preflabel TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePressurePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0cd4c619_b123_4ae4_b778_3c9adaad65e7
Preflabel TemperaturePressurePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePressurePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3df1408c_df34_4037_8584_c25f854bb346
Preflabel TemperatureTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a77a0a4b_6bd2_42b2_be27_4b63cebbb59e
Preflabel TemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Temperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalConductanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21a91e48_b6d3_4558_b08f_246433d43860
Preflabel ThermalConductanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalConductance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalConductivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0f3ec0ad_3fcf_42b2_8f34_6dca89e35a4f
Preflabel ThermalConductivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalConductivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalResistanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cff9f930_f3f7_43c6_9228_28bf3e1ec706
Preflabel ThermalResistanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalResistance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-2 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalResistivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_33b6c84d_e139_418c_8f8c_f1d45f94df46
Preflabel ThermalResistivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalResistivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-1 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalTransmittanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4b2c223f_89fb_4407_b1b6_24774b7fe770
Preflabel ThermalTransmittanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalTransmittance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TimePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ab2ee5cd_4de3_46b6_bec5_29e293b33422
Preflabel TimePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TimePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TimePerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6f76f9bf_feb3_4e27_9bcb_45b5f3526050
Preflabel TimePerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TimePerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TimeUnit ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02e894c3_b793_4197_b120_3442e08f58d1
Preflabel TimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Time'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumeFractionUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9fd1e79d_41d1_44f8_8142_66dbdf0fc7ad
Example Unit for volume fraction.
Preflabel VolumeFractionUnit
Elucidation Unit for quantities of dimension one that are the fraction of two volumes.
Formal description
Subclass Of FractionUnit
.. raw:: html
VolumePerAmountTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bc73913a_3bb6_4205_8d36_79bc72ca9891
Preflabel VolumePerAmountTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerAmountTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aa7397ff_2815_434e_9b99_e4c6a80e034e
Preflabel VolumePerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8a582db1_c561_42f6_80ff_0fd8f252b129
Preflabel VolumePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+3 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_87deb5a8_7a85_49c3_97b2_e62c8484aa1a
Preflabel VolumePerSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_85d72920_708d_4eb9_89ce_8a588b0ce66d
Preflabel VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+3 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a88475b9_c745_4a47_9403_ab0d158b9b1b
Preflabel VolumePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9141801c_c539_4c72_b423_8c74ff6b8f05
Preflabel VolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Volume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. _si-dimensional-units-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasDimensionString ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_19d925d0_2cf1_40e5_a391_1a99d68409c9
Preflabel hasDimensionString
Elucidation Relates a SI dimensional unit to a dimension string.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of FunctionalProperty
Module: Math ============ .. _math-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AlgebricEquation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_98d65021_4574_4890_b2fb_46430841077f
Example 2 * a - b = c
Preflabel AlgebricEquation
Comment An 'equation' that has parts two 'polynomial'-s
Formal description
Subclass Of Equation
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some AlgebricExpression
.. raw:: html
AlgebricExpression ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1aed91a3_d00c_48af_8f43_a0c958b2512a
Example 2x+3
Preflabel AlgebricExpression
Comment An expression that has parts only integer constants, variables, and the algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation by an exponent that is a rational number)
Formal description
Subclass Of Expression
.. raw:: html
AlgebricOperator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c424d37_cf62_41b1_ac9d_a316f8d113d6
Preflabel AlgebricOperator
Formal description
Subclass Of MathematicalOperator
.. raw:: html
ArithmeticEquation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a6138ba7_e365_4f2d_b6b4_fe5a5918d403
Example 1 + 1 = 2
Preflabel ArithmeticEquation
Formal description
Subclass Of Equation
.. raw:: html
ArithmeticExpression ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89083bab_f69c_4d06_bf6d_62973b56cdc7
Example 2+2
Preflabel ArithmeticExpression
Formal description
Subclass Of AlgebricExpression
Subclass Of not hasSpatialTile some Variable
.. raw:: html
ArithmeticOperator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_707f0cd1_941c_4b57_9f20_d0ba30cd6ff3
Preflabel ArithmeticOperator
Formal description
Subclass Of AlgebricOperator
.. raw:: html
Array ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_28fbea28_2204_4613_87ff_6d877b855fcd
Example A Vector is a 1-dimensional Array with Number as spatial direct parts,
a Matrix is a 2-dimensional Array with Vector as spatial direct parts,
an Array3D is a 3-dimensional Array with Matrix as spatial direct parts,
and so forth...
Preflabel Array
Elucidation Arrays are ordered mathematical objects who's elementary spatial parts are numbers. Their dimensionality is constructed with spatial direct parthood, where 1-dimensional arrays have spatial direct parts Number and n-dimensional array have spatial direct parts (n-1)-dimensional arrays.
Comment Array subclasses with a specific shape can be constructed with cardinality restrictions.

See Shape4x3Matrix as an example.
Comment Arrays are ordered objects, since they are a subclasses of Arrangement.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
.. raw:: html
Array3D ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_20ff3b34_c864_4936_8955_9345fc0a3b3c
Preflabel Array3D
Elucidation 3-dimensional array who's spatial direct parts are matrices.
Altlabel 3DArray
Formal description
Subclass Of Array
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some Matrix
.. raw:: html
Constant ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8c64fcfa_23aa_45f8_9e58_bdfd065fab8f
Preflabel Constant
Elucidation A variable that stand for a numerical constant, even if it is unknown.
Formal description
Subclass Of NumericalVariable
.. raw:: html
DefiningEquation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_29afdf54_90ae_4c98_8845_fa9ea3f143a8
Example The definition of velocity as v = dx/dt.

The definition of density as mass/volume.

y = f(x)
Preflabel DefiningEquation
Elucidation An equation that define a new variable in terms of other mathematical entities.
Formal description
Subclass Of Equation
.. raw:: html
DifferentialOperator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f8a2fe9f_458b_4771_9aba_a50e76afc52d
Preflabel DifferentialOperator
Formal description
Subclass Of MathematicalOperator
.. raw:: html
Division ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a365b3c1_7bde_41d7_a15b_2820762e85f4
Preflabel Division
Formal description
Subclass Of ArithmeticOperator
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value '/'
.. raw:: html
Equals ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_535d75a4_1972_40bc_88c6_ca566386934f
Preflabel Equals
Elucidation The equals symbol.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
Subclass Of Symbol
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value '='
.. raw:: html
Equation ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e56ee3eb_7609_4ae1_8bed_51974f0960a6
Example 2+3 = 5
x^2 +3x = 5x
dv/dt = a
sin(x) = y
Preflabel Equation
Elucidation The class of 'mathematical'-s that stand for a statement of equality between two mathematical expressions.
Comment An equation with variables can always be represented as:

f(v0, v1, ..., vn) = g(v0, v1, ..., vn)

where f is the left hand and g the right hand side expressions and v0, v1, ..., vn are the variables.
Formal description
Subclass Of MathematicalFormula
Subclass Of Mathematical
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some Expression
.. raw:: html
Exponent ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_223d9523_4169_4ecd_b8af_acad1215e1ff
Preflabel Exponent
Formal description
Subclass Of AlgebricOperator
.. raw:: html
Expression ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f9bc8b52_85e9_4b53_b969_dd7724d5b8e4
Preflabel Expression
Elucidation A well-formed finite combination of mathematical symbols according to some specific rules.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
Subclass Of SymbolicConstruct
.. raw:: html
Gradient ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b5c58790_fb2d_42eb_b184_2a3f6ca60acb
Preflabel Gradient
Formal description
Subclass Of DifferentialOperator
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value ''
.. raw:: html
Inequality ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0b6ebe5a_0026_4bef_a1c1_5be00df9f98e
Example f(x) > 0
Preflabel Inequality
Elucidation A relation which makes a non-equal comparison between two numbers or other mathematical expressions.
Formal description
Subclass Of MathematicalFormula
.. raw:: html
KnownConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ae15fb4f_8e4d_41de_a0f9_3997f89ba6a2
Example π refers to the constant number ~3.14
Preflabel KnownConstant
Elucidation A variable that stand for a well known numerical constant (a known number).
Formal description
Subclass Of Numerical
Subclass Of Constant
Subclass Of Inverse(hasVariable) only Numerical
.. raw:: html
Language ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d8d2144e_5c8d_455d_a643_5caf4d8d9df8
Preflabel Language
Elucidation A language object is a discrete data entity respecting specific language syntactic rules (a well-formed formula).
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbolic
.. raw:: html
Laplacian ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_048a14e3_65fb_457d_8695_948965c89492
Preflabel Laplacian
Formal description
Subclass Of DifferentialOperator
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Δ'
.. raw:: html
Mathematical ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_54ee6b5e_5261_44a8_86eb_5717e7fdb9d0
Preflabel Mathematical
Elucidation The class of general mathematical symbolic objects respecting mathematical syntactic rules.
Comment A mathematical object in this branch is not representing a concept but an actual graphical object built using mathematcal symbols arranged in some way, according to math conventions.
Formal description
Subclass Of Language
.. raw:: html
MathematicalConstruct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ffe760a2_9d1f_4aef_8bee_1f450f9cb00d
Preflabel MathematicalConstruct
Formal description
Equivalent To Mathematical and SymbolicConstruct
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasProperPart some MathematicalSymbol
.. raw:: html
MathematicalFormula ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88470739_03d3_4c47_a03e_b30a1288d50c
Preflabel MathematicalFormula
Elucidation A mathematical string that express a relation between the elements in one set X to elements in another set Y.
Comment The set X is called domain and the set Y range or codomain.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
Subclass Of SymbolicConstruct
.. raw:: html
MathematicalFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4bc29b0f_8fcc_4026_a291_f9774a66d9b8
Example y = f(x)
Preflabel MathematicalFunction
Elucidation A function defined using functional notation.
Comment A mathematical relation that relates each element in the domain (X) to exactly one element in the range (Y).
Altlabel FunctionDefinition
Formal description
Subclass Of DefiningEquation
.. raw:: html
MathematicalOperator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f6d0c26a_98b6_4cf8_8632_aa259131faaa
Example The algebraic operator '+' that acts on two real numbers and produces one real number.
Example The differential operator that acts on a C1 real function and produces another real function.
Preflabel MathematicalOperator
Elucidation A mapping that acts on elements of one space and produces elements of another space.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
MathematicalSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5be83f9c_a4ba_4b9a_be1a_5bfc6e891231
Preflabel MathematicalSymbol
Formal description
Equivalent To Mathematical and Symbol
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of not hasProperPart some Mathematical
.. raw:: html
Matrix ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1cba0b27_15d0_4326_933f_379d0b3565b6
Preflabel Matrix
Elucidation 2-dimensional array who's spatial direct parts are vectors.
Altlabel 2DArray
Formal description
Subclass Of Array
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some Vector
.. raw:: html
Minus ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_46d5643b_9706_4b67_8bea_ed77d6026539
Preflabel Minus
Formal description
Subclass Of ArithmeticOperator
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value '-'
.. raw:: html
Multiplication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b1303e8_d4c3_453b_9918_76f1d009543f
Preflabel Multiplication
Formal description
Subclass Of ArithmeticOperator
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value '*'
.. raw:: html
Number ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21f56795_ee72_4858_b571_11cfaa59c1a8
Preflabel Number
Elucidation A numerical data value.
Comment A number individual provides the link between the ontology and the actual data, through the data property hasNumericalValue.
Comment A number is actually a string (e.g. 1.4, 1e-8) of numerical digits and other symbols. However, in order not to increase complexity of the taxonomy and relations, here we take a number as an "atomic" object, without decomposit it in digits (i.e. we do not include digits in the EMMO as alphabet for numbers).
Comment In math usually number and numeral are distinct concepts, the numeral being the symbol or a composition of symbols (e.g. 3.14, 010010, three) and the number is the idea behind it.
More than one numeral stands for the same number.
In the EMMO abstract entities do not exists, and numbers are simply defined by other numerals, so that a number is the class of all the numerals that are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 0011 are numerals that stands for the same number).
Or alternatively, an integer numeral may also stands for a set of a specific cardinality (e.g. 3 stands for a set of three apples). Rational and real numbers are simply a syntactic arrangment of integers (digits, in decimal system).
The fact that you can't give a name to a number without using a numeral or, in case of positive integers, without referring to a real world objects set with specific cardinality, suggests that the abstract concept of number is not a concept that can be practically used.
For these reasons, the EMMO will consider numerals and numbers as the same concept.
Altlabel Numeral
Formal description
Subclass Of Numerical
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
Numerical ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4ce76d7f_03f8_45b6_9003_90052a79bfaa
Preflabel Numerical
Elucidation A 'Mathematical' that has no unknown value, i.e. all its 'Variable"-s parts refers to a 'Number' (for scalars that have a built-in datatype) or to another 'Numerical' (for complex numerical data structures that should rely on external implementations).
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
.. raw:: html
NumericalVariable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e029526_79a2_47a8_a151_dd0545db471b
Preflabel NumericalVariable
Elucidation A variable standing for a numerical defined mathematical object like e.g. a number, a vector of numbers, a matrix of numbers.
Formal description
Subclass Of Variable
.. raw:: html
Parameter ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d1d436e7_72fc_49cd_863b_7bfb4ba5276a
Example Viscosity in the Navier-Stokes equation
Preflabel Parameter
Comment A variable whose value is assumed to be known independently from the equation, but whose value is not explicitated in the equation.
Formal description
Subclass Of NumericalVariable
.. raw:: html
Plus ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8de14a59_660b_454f_aff8_76a07ce185f4
Preflabel Plus
Formal description
Subclass Of ArithmeticOperator
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value '+'
.. raw:: html
Polynomial ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_91447ec0_fb55_49f2_85a5_3172dff6482c
Example 2 * x^2 + x + 3
Preflabel Polynomial
Formal description
Subclass Of AlgebricExpression
.. raw:: html
Shape3Vector ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2ff07b07_c447_490f_903a_f6a72a12d7bf
Example The quantity value of physical quantities if real space is a Shape3Vector.
Preflabel Shape3Vector
Elucidation A real vector with 3 elements.
Formal description
Subclass Of Vector
.. raw:: html
Shape4x3Matrix ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_24b30ba4_90f4_423d_93d2_fd0fde349087
Preflabel Shape4x3Matrix
Elucidation A real matrix with shape 4x3.
Formal description
Subclass Of Matrix
.. raw:: html
Symbol ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a1083d0a_c1fb_471f_8e20_a98f881ad527
Example The class of letter "A" is the symbol as idea and the letter A that you see on the screen is the mark that can be represented by an individual belonging to "A".
Preflabel Symbol
Elucidation The class of individuals that stand for an elementary mark of a specific symbolic code (alphabet).
Comment Subclasses of 'Symbol' are alphabets, in formal languages terminology. A 'Symbol' is atomic for that alphabet, i.e. it has no parts that are symbols for the same alphabet.
e.g. a math symbol is not made of other math symbols
A Symbol may be a String in another language.
e.g. "Bq" is the symbol for Becquerel units when dealing with metrology, or a string of "B" and "q" symbols when dealing with characters.
Comment Symbols of a formal language need not be symbols of anything. For instance there are logical constants which do not refer to any idea, but rather serve as a form of punctuation in the language (e.g. parentheses).

Symbols of a formal language must be capable of being specified without any reference to any interpretation of them.
Comment The class is the idea of the symbol, while the individual of that class stands for a specific mark (or token) of that idea.
Altlabel AlphabeticEntity
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicByStructure
.. raw:: html
SymbolicConstruct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89a0c87c_0804_4013_937a_6fe234d9499c
Preflabel SymbolicConstruct
Elucidation A symbolic entity made of other symbolic entities according to a specific spatial configuration.
Comment This class collects individuals that represents arrangements of strings, or other symbolic compositions, without any particular predifined arrangement schema.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasProperPart some Symbolic
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicByStructure
.. raw:: html
Unknown ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fe7e56ce_118b_4243_9aad_20eb9f4f31f6
Example Velocity, for the Navier-Stokes equation.
Preflabel Unknown
Elucidation The dependent variable for which an equation has been written.
Formal description
Subclass Of NumericalVariable
.. raw:: html
Variable ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1eed0732_e3f1_4b2c_a9c4_b4e75eeb5895
Example x
Preflabel Variable
Elucidation A variable is a symbolic object that stands for any other mathematical object, such as number, a vector, a matrix, a function, the argument of a function, a set, an element of a set.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mathematical
.. raw:: html
Vector ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_06658d8d_dcde_4fc9_aae1_17f71c0bcdec
Preflabel Vector
Elucidation 1-dimensional array who's spatial direct parts are numbers.
Altlabel 1DArray
Altlabel LinearArray
Formal description
Subclass Of Array
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some Number
.. _math-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasNumberValue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_faf79f53_749d_40b2_807c_d34244c192f4
Preflabel hasNumberValue
Comment The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO numerical data entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of FunctionalProperty
Subclass Of hasDataValue
.. raw:: html
hasSymbolValue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_23b579e1_8088_45b5_9975_064014026c42
Preflabel hasSymbolValue
Comment The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO symbol data entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of FunctionalProperty
Subclass Of hasDataValue
.. raw:: html
hasVariable ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3446e167_c576_49d6_846c_215bb8878a55
Preflabel hasVariable
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasConvention
Module: Prefixed Si Units ========================= .. _prefixed-si-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AttoCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AttoCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AttoC
Ucumcode aC
Preflabel AttoCoulomb
Elucidation An AttoColomb is 10⁻¹⁸ C.

Altlabel AttoCoulomb
Unitsymbol aC
Formal description
Subclass Of AttoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AttoFarad ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AttoFarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AttoFARAD
Ucumcode aF
Preflabel AttoFarad
Elucidation 0,000 000 000 000 000 001-fold of the SI derived unit farad

Unitsymbol aF
Formal description
Subclass Of AttoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Farad
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AttoJoule ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AttoJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AttoJ
Ucumcode aJ
Preflabel AttoJoule
Elucidation 0,000 000 000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit joule

Unitsymbol aJ
Formal description
Subclass Of AttoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiC
Ucumcode cC
Preflabel CentiCoulomb
Elucidation A CentiCoulomb is 10⁻² C.

Altlabel CentiCoulomb
Unitsymbol cC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiGram ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiGM
Ucumcode cg
Preflabel CentiGram
Elucidation 0,000 01-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Unitsymbol cg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM
Ucumcode cm
Preflabel CentiMetre
Elucidation A centimetre is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one hundredth of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length. Centi is the SI prefix for a factor of 10. The centimetre is the base unit of length in the now deprecated centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centimetre?oldid=494931891
Unitsymbol cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMole ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiMOL
Preflabel CentiMole
Elucidation A centimole 0.01 N.
Altlabel centimole
Unitsymbol cmol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Mole
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiNewton ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiN
Preflabel CentiNewton
Elucidation A CentiNewton 0.01 N.
Unitsymbol cN
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Newton
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DecaCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DecaCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DecaC
Ucumcode daC
Preflabel DecaCoulomb
Elucidation A DecaCoulomb is 10 C.

Unitsymbol daC
Formal description
Subclass Of DecaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DecaGram ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DecaGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DecaGM
Ucumcode dag
Preflabel DecaGram
Elucidation 0,01-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Unitsymbol dag
Formal description
Subclass Of DecaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DecaMetre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DecaMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DecaM
Ucumcode dam
Preflabel DecaMetre
Elucidation 10-fold of the SI base unit metre

Unitsymbol dam
Formal description
Subclass Of DecaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DecaPascal ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DecaPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DecaPA
Ucumcode daPa
Preflabel DecaPascal
Elucidation 10-fold of the derived SI unit pascal

Unitsymbol daPa
Formal description
Subclass Of DecaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Pascal
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciC
Ucumcode dC
Preflabel DeciCoulomb
Elucidation A DeciCoulomb is 10⁻¹ C.

Altlabel DeciCoulomb
Unitsymbol dC
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciGram ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciGM
Ucumcode dg
Preflabel DeciGram
Elucidation 0.0001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Unitsymbol dg
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciMetre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM
Ucumcode dm
Preflabel DeciMetre
Elucidation A decimeter is a tenth of a meter.

Unitsymbol dm
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciNewton ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciN
Preflabel DeciNewton
Altlabel DeciNewton
Unitsymbol dN
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Newton
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciSiemens ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciSiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciS
Preflabel DeciSiemens
Elucidation A decisiemens is 0.1 S.
Altlabel decisiemens
Unitsymbol dS
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Siemens
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ExaCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ExaCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ExaC
Ucumcode EC
Preflabel ExaCoulomb
Elucidation An ExaCoulomb is 10¹⁸ C.

Altlabel ExaCoulomb
Unitsymbol EC
Formal description
Subclass Of ExaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e+18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ExaJoule ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ExaJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ExaJ
Ucumcode EJ
Preflabel ExaJoule
Elucidation 1 000 000 000 000 000 000-fold of the derived SI unit joule

Unitsymbol EJ
Formal description
Subclass Of ExaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e+18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoC
Ucumcode fC
Preflabel FemtoCoulomb
Elucidation A FemtoCoulomb is 10⁻¹⁵ C.

Altlabel FemtoCoulomb
Unitsymbol fC
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoGram ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoGM
Preflabel FemtoGram
Altlabel FemtoGram
Unitsymbol fg
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoJoule ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoJ
Ucumcode fJ
Preflabel FemtoJoule
Elucidation 0,000 000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit joule

Unitsymbol fJ
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoM
Ucumcode fm
Preflabel FemtoMetre
Elucidation The `femtometre` is an SI unit of length equal to 10⁻¹⁵ meter. This distance can also be called `fermi` and was so named in honour of Enrico Fermi. It is often encountered in nuclear physics as a characteristic of this scale. The symbol for the fermi is also fm.

Unitsymbol fm
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoMole ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoMOL
Preflabel FemtoMole
Altlabel FemtoMole
Unitsymbol fmol
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Mole
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaBecquerel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaBecquerel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaBQ
Ucumcode GBq
Preflabel GigaBecquerel
Elucidation 1 000 000 000-fold of the derived SI unit becquerel

Unitsymbol GBq
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Becquerel
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaC
Ucumcode GC
Preflabel GigaCoulomb
Altlabel GigaCoulomb
Unitsymbol GC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaHertz ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaHZ
Ucumcode GHz
Preflabel GigaHertz
Elucidation The hertz (symbol Hz) is the SI unit of frequency defined as the number of cycles per second of a periodic phenomenon. A GigaHertz is 10⁹ hz.

Unitsymbol GHz
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Hertz
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaJoule ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaJ
Ucumcode GJ
Preflabel GigaJoule
Elucidation 1 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit joule

Unitsymbol GJ
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaOhm ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaOHM
Ucumcode GOhm
Preflabel GigaOhm
Elucidation 1 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ohm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaPascal ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaPA
Ucumcode GPa
Preflabel GigaPascal
Elucidation 1 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit pascal

Unitsymbol GPa
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Pascal
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaWatt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaW
Ucumcode GW
Preflabel GigaWatt
Elucidation 1 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit watt

Unitsymbol GW
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Watt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gram ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gram
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.G02680
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM
Ucumcode g
Unececommoncode GRM
Preflabel Gram
Elucidation A unit of mass in the metric system. The name comes from the Greek gramma, a small weight identified in later Roman and Byzantine times with the Latin scripulum or scruple (the English scruple is equal to about 1.3 grams). The gram was originally defined to be the mass of one cubic centimeter of pure water, but to provide precise standards it was necessary to construct physical objects of specified mass. One gram is now defined to be 1/1000 of the mass of the standard kilogram, a platinum-iridium bar carefully guarded by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris for more than a century. (The kilogram, rather than the gram, is considered the base unit of mass in the SI.) The gram is a small mass, equal to about 15.432 grains or 0.035 273 966 ounce.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram
Definition Gram is defined as one thousandth of the SI unit kilogram.
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'g'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoC
Ucumcode hC
Preflabel HectoCoulomb
Elucidation "HectoCoulomb" is a unit for 'Electric Charge' expressed as hC.

Altlabel HectoCoulomb
Unitsymbol hC
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoGram ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoGM
Ucumcode hg
Preflabel HectoGram
Elucidation 0.1-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Unitsymbol hg
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoM
Ucumcode hm
Preflabel HectoMetre
Elucidation 100-fold of the SI base unit metre

Unitsymbol hm
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoPascal ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoPA
Ucumcode hPa
Preflabel HectoPascal
Elucidation Hectopascal is a unit of pressure. 1 Pa is approximately the pressure exerted by a 10-g mass resting on a 1-cm2 area. 1013 hPa = 1 atm. There are 100 pascals in 1 hectopascal.

Unitsymbol hPa
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Pascal
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloA
Ucumcode kA
Preflabel KiloAmpere
Elucidation A kiloampere is 1000 A
Altlabel kiloampere
Unitsymbol kA
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ampere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBecquerel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBecquerel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBQ
Ucumcode kBq
Preflabel KiloBecquerel
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit becquerel

Unitsymbol kBq
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Becquerel
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloC
Ucumcode kC
Preflabel KiloCoulomb
Altlabel KiloCoulomb
Unitsymbol kC
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloHertz ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloHZ
Ucumcode kHz
Preflabel KiloHertz
Elucidation "Kilohertz" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Frequency' expressed as KHz.

Unitsymbol kHz
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Hertz
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloJoule ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloJ
Ucumcode kJ
Preflabel KiloJoule
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit joule

Unitsymbol kJ
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloM
Ucumcode km
Preflabel KiloMetre
Elucidation A common metric unit of length or distance. One kilometer equals exactly 1000 meters, about 0.621 371 19 mile, 1093.6133 yards, or 3280.8399 feet. Oddly, higher multiples of the meter are rarely used; even the distances to the farthest galaxies are usually measured in kilometers.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilometre?oldid=494821851
Unitsymbol km
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMole ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloMOL
Ucumcode kmol
Preflabel KiloMole
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit mol

Unitsymbol kmol
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Mole
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloNewton ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloN
Ucumcode kN
Preflabel KiloNewton
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit newton

Unitsymbol kN
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Newton
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloOhm ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloOHM
Ucumcode kOhm
Preflabel KiloOhm
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ohm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPascal ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloPA
Ucumcode kPa
Preflabel KiloPascal
Elucidation Kilopascal is a unit of pressure. 1 kPa is approximately the pressure exerted by a 10-g mass resting on a 1-cm2 area. 101.3 kPa = 1 atm. There are 1,000 pascals in 1 kilopascal.

Unitsymbol kPa
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Pascal
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloVolt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloV
Ucumcode kV
Preflabel KiloVolt
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit volt

Unitsymbol kV
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Volt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloWatt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloW
Ucumcode kW
Preflabel KiloWatt
Elucidation The kilowatt is a derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI), The unit, defined as 1,000 joule per second, measures the rate of energy conversion or transfer.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watt?oldid=494906356
Unitsymbol kW
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Watt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloWeber ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloWeber
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloWB
Preflabel KiloWeber
Altlabel KiloWeber
Unitsymbol kWb
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Weber
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Litre ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Litre
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03594
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L
Ucumcode L
Ucumcode l
Unececommoncode B51
Preflabel Litre
Elucidation The litre (American spelling: `liter`; SI symbol l or L) is a non-SI metric system unit of volume equal to 1 `cubic decimetre` (dm³), 1,000 cubic centimetres (cm³) or 1/1000 `cubic metre`. If the lower case "L" is used as the symbol, it is sometimes rendered as a cursive "l" to help distinguish it from the capital "I", although this usage has no official approval by any international bureau.

Comment Other used symbols for litre are "l" and "ℓ".
Altlabel liter
Definition A non-SI unit of volume defined as 1 cubic decimetre (dm3),
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'L'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaA
Ucumcode MA
Preflabel MegaAmpere
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the SI base unit ampere

Unitsymbol MA
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ampere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaBecquerel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaBecquerel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaBQ
Ucumcode MBq
Preflabel MegaBecquerel
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the derived unit becquerel

Unitsymbol MBq
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Becquerel
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaC
Ucumcode MC
Preflabel MegaCoulomb
Elucidation A MegaCoulomb is 10⁶ C.

Altlabel MegaCoulomb
Unitsymbol MC
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaGram ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaGM
Ucumcode Mg
Preflabel MegaGram
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Unitsymbol Mg
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaHertz ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaHZ
Ucumcode MHz
Preflabel MegaHertz
Elucidation "Megahertz" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Frequency' expressed as MHz.

Unitsymbol MHz
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Hertz
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaJoule ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaJ
Ucumcode MJ
Preflabel MegaJoule
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the derived unit joule

Unitsymbol MJ
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaNewton ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaN
Ucumcode MN
Preflabel MegaNewton
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit newton

Unitsymbol MN
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Newton
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaOhm ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaOHM
Ucumcode MOhm
Preflabel MegaOhm
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the derived unit ohm

Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ohm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaPascal ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaPA
Ucumcode MPa
Preflabel MegaPascal
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the derived unit pascal

Unitsymbol MPa
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Pascal
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaSiemens ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaSiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaS
Preflabel MegaSiemens
Altlabel MegaSiemens
Unitsymbol MS
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductanceUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Siemens
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaVolt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaV
Ucumcode MV
Preflabel MegaVolt
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the derived unit volt

Unitsymbol MV
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaWatt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaW
Ucumcode MW
Preflabel MegaWatt
Elucidation Unit for power; 1 000 000 watt.
Unitsymbol MW
Formal description
Subclass Of MetricMultipleUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Watt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroA
Ucumcode uA
Preflabel MicroAmpere
Altlabel microampere
Unitsymbol µA
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ampere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroBecquerel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroBecquerel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroBQ
Ucumcode uBq
Preflabel MicroBecquerel
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit becquerel

Unitsymbol μBq
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroC
Ucumcode uC
Preflabel MicroCoulomb
Elucidation A MicroCoulomb is 10⁻⁶ C.

Altlabel MicroCoulomb
Unitsymbol µC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroFarad ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroFarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroFARAD
Ucumcode uF
Preflabel MicroFarad
Elucidation The "microfarad" (symbolized μ F) is a unit of capacitance, equivalent to 0.000001 (10 to the -6th power) farad. The microfarad is a moderate unit of capacitance. In utility alternating-current (AC) and audio-frequency (AF) circuits, capacitors with values on the order of 1 μ F or more are common. At radio frequencies (RF), a smaller unit, the picofarad (pF), is often used.

Altlabel microfarad
Unitsymbol µF
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Farad
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGram ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM
Ucumcode ug
Preflabel MicroGram
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Unitsymbol μg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGray ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGray
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGRAY
Ucumcode uGy
Preflabel MicroGray
Elucidation 0.000001 fold of the SI unit of radiation dose. Radiation carries energy, and when it is absorbed by matter the matter receives this energy. The dose is the amount of energy deposited per unit of mass. One gray is defined to be the dose of one joule of energy absorbed per kilogram of matter, or 100 rad. The unit is named for the British physician L. Harold Gray (1905-1965), an authority on the use of radiation in the treatment of cancer.

Altlabel MicroGray
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey?oldid=494774160
Unitsymbol µGy
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gray
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroHenry ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroHenry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroH
Ucumcode uH
Preflabel MicroHenry
Elucidation The SI derived unit for inductance is the henry. 1 henry is equal to 1000000 microhenry.

Unitsymbol µH
Formal description
Subclass Of InductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Henry
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroJoule ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroJ
Preflabel MicroJoule
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit joule

Altlabel Micro Joule
Unitsymbol µJ
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM
Ucumcode um
Preflabel MicroMetre
Elucidation "Micrometer" is a unit for 'Length' expressed as microm.

Altlabel MicroMeter
Altlabel Microm
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micrometer?oldid=491270437
Unitsymbol µm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMole ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL
Ucumcode umol
Preflabel MicroMole
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit mol

Unitsymbol μmol
Formal description
Subclass Of MetricSubMultipleUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroNewton ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroN
Ucumcode uN
Preflabel MicroNewton
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit newton

Unitsymbol μN
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroOhm ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroOHM
Ucumcode uOhm
Preflabel MicroOhm
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Unitsymbol μΩ
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of MetricSubMultipleUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroPascal ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroPA
Ucumcode uPa
Preflabel MicroPascal
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit pascal

Unitsymbol μPa
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MetricSubMultipleUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroRAD
Ucumcode urad
Preflabel MicroRadian
Altlabel microradian
Unitsymbol µrad
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Radian
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroSEC
Ucumcode us
Preflabel MicroSecond
Elucidation "Microsecond" is a unit for 'Time' expressed as microsec.

Altlabel microsecond
Unitsymbol µs
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Second
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroSiemens ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroSiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroS
Ucumcode uS
Preflabel MicroSiemens
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit siemens

Unitsymbol μS
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductanceUnit
Subclass Of MetricSubMultipleUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroSievert ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroSievert
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroSV
Ucumcode uSv
Preflabel MicroSievert
Elucidation Although the sievert has the same dimensions as the gray (i.e. joules per kilogram), it measures a different quantity. To avoid any risk of confusion between the absorbed dose and the equivalent dose, the corresponding special units, namely the gray instead of the joule per kilogram for absorbed dose and the sievert instead of the joule per kilogram for the dose equivalent, should be used. 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit sievert.

Altlabel MicroSievert
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sievert?oldid=495474333
Unitsymbol µSv
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Sievert
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroTesla ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroT
Ucumcode uT
Preflabel MicroTesla
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit tesla

Unitsymbol µT
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Tesla
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroVolt ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroV
Ucumcode uV
Preflabel MicroVolt
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit volt

Unitsymbol µV
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Volt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroWatt ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroW
Ucumcode uW
Preflabel MicroWatt
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit watt

Unitsymbol μW
Formal description
Subclass Of MetricSubMultipleUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliA
Ucumcode mA
Preflabel MilliAmpere
Elucidation A milliampere is 0.001 A
Altlabel milliampere
Unitsymbol mA
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ampere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBecquerel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBecquerel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBQ
Preflabel MilliBecquerel
Altlabel MilliBecquerel
Unitsymbol mBq
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Becquerel
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliC
Ucumcode mC
Preflabel MilliCoulomb
Elucidation A MilliCoulomb is 10⁻³ C.

Altlabel MilliCoulomb
Unitsymbol mC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliDEG_C
Ucumcode mCel
Preflabel MilliDegreeCelsius
Elucidation Millidegree Celsius is a scaled unit of measurement for temperature.

Altlabel Millidegree Celsius
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsius?oldid=494152178
Unitsymbol m°C
Formal description
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SIUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some DegreeCelsius
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 273.15
.. raw:: html
MilliFarad ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliFarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliFARAD
Ucumcode mF
Preflabel MilliFarad
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit farad

Unitsymbol mF
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Farad
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGram ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM
Ucumcode mg
Preflabel MilliGram
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Unitsymbol mg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGray ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGray
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGRAY
Ucumcode mGy
Preflabel MilliGray
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit gray

Unitsymbol mGy
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gray
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliHenry ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliHenry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliH
Ucumcode mH
Preflabel MilliHenry
Elucidation A unit of inductance equal to one thousandth of a henry.

Unitsymbol mH
Formal description
Subclass Of InductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Henry
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliJoule ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliJ
Ucumcode mJ
Preflabel MilliJoule
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit joule

Unitsymbol mJ
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM
Ucumcode mm
Preflabel MilliMetre
Elucidation The millimetre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) or millimeter (American spelling) (SI unit symbol mm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length. It is equal to 1000 micrometres or 1000000 nanometres. A millimetre is equal to exactly 5/127 (approximately 0.039370) of an inch.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millimetre?oldid=493032457
Unitsymbol mm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMole ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL
Ucumcode mmol
Preflabel MilliMole
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit mol

Unitsymbol mmol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Mole
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliNewton ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliN
Ucumcode mN
Preflabel MilliNewton
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit newton

Unitsymbol mN
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Newton
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliOhm ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliOHM
Ucumcode mOhm
Preflabel MilliOhm
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ohm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliPascal ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliPA
Ucumcode mPa
Preflabel MilliPascal
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit pascal

Unitsymbol mPa
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Pascal
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliRAD
Ucumcode mrad
Preflabel MilliRadian
Altlabel milliradian
Unitsymbol mrad
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Radian
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliSEC
Ucumcode ms
Preflabel MilliSecond
Elucidation "Millisecond" is an Imperial unit for 'Time' expressed as ms.

Altlabel millisecond
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millisecond?oldid=495102042
Unitsymbol ms
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Second
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliSiemens ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliSiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliS
Ucumcode mS
Preflabel MilliSiemens
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit siemens

Unitsymbol mS
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Siemens
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliSievert ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliSievert
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliSV
Ucumcode mSv
Preflabel MilliSievert
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit sievert

Unitsymbol mSv
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Sievert
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliTesla ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliT
Ucumcode mT
Preflabel MilliTesla
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit tesla

Unitsymbol mT
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Tesla
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliVolt ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliV
Ucumcode mV
Preflabel MilliVolt
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI derived unit volt

Unitsymbol mV
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Volt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliWatt ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliW
Ucumcode mW
Preflabel MilliWatt
Elucidation A milliwatt 0.01 N.
Altlabel milliwatt
Unitsymbol mW
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Watt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliWeber ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliWeber
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliWB
Ucumcode mWb
Preflabel MilliWeber
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit weber

Unitsymbol mWb
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Weber
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoA
Ucumcode nA
Preflabel NanoAmpere
Altlabel nanoampere
Unitsymbol nA
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ampere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoBecquerel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoBecquerel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoBQ
Preflabel NanoBecquerel
Altlabel NanoBecquerel
Unitsymbol nBq
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Becquerel
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoC
Ucumcode nC
Preflabel NanoCoulomb
Elucidation A NanoCoulomb is 10⁻⁹ C.

Altlabel NanoCoulomb
Unitsymbol nC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoFarad ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoFarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoFARAD
Ucumcode nF
Preflabel NanoFarad
Elucidation A common metric unit of electric capacitance equal to 10⁻⁹ farad. This unit was previously called the millimicrofarad.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farad?oldid=493070876
Unitsymbol nF
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Farad
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGram ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM
Ucumcode ng
Preflabel NanoGram
Elucidation 10**-9 grams or one 10**-12 of the SI standard unit of mass (kilogram).

Unitsymbol ng
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoHenry ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoHenry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoH
Ucumcode nH
Preflabel NanoHenry
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI derived unit henry

Unitsymbol nH
Formal description
Subclass Of InductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Henry
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMetre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoM
Ucumcode nm
Preflabel NanoMetre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Unitsymbol nM
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMole ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL
Preflabel NanoMole
Altlabel NanoMole
Unitsymbol nmol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Mole
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoSecond ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoSEC
Ucumcode ns
Preflabel NanoSecond
Elucidation A nanosecond is a SI unit of time equal to one billionth of a second (10-9 or 1/1,000,000,000 s). One nanosecond is to one second as one second is to 31.69 years. The word nanosecond is formed by the prefix nano and the unit second.

Altlabel nanosecond
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanosecond?oldid=919778950
Unitsymbol ns
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Second
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoSiemens ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoSiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoS
Preflabel NanoSiemens
Altlabel NanoSiemens
Unitsymbol nS
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Siemens
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoTesla ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoT
Ucumcode nT
Preflabel NanoTesla
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI derived unit tesla

Unitsymbol nT
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Tesla
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoWatt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoW
Ucumcode nW
Preflabel NanoWatt
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI derived unit watt

Unitsymbol nW
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Watt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PetaCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PetaCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PetaC
Ucumcode PC
Preflabel PetaCoulomb
Elucidation A PetaCoulomb is 10¹⁵ C.

Altlabel PetaCoulomb
Unitsymbol PC
Formal description
Subclass Of PetaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PetaJoule ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PetaJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PetaJ
Ucumcode PJ
Preflabel PetaJoule
Elucidation 1,000,000,000,000,000-fold of the derived SI unit joule

Unitsymbol PJ
Formal description
Subclass Of PetaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoA
Ucumcode pA
Preflabel PicoAmpere
Altlabel picoampere
Unitsymbol pA
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ampere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoC
Ucumcode pC
Preflabel PicoCoulomb
Elucidation A PicoCoulomb is 10⁻¹² C.

Altlabel PicoCoulomb
Unitsymbol pC
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoFarad ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoFarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoFARAD
Ucumcode pF
Preflabel PicoFarad
Elucidation "PicoF" is a common unit of electric capacitance equal to 10⁻¹² farad. This unit was formerly called the micromicrofarad.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farad?oldid=493070876
Unitsymbol pF
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Farad
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoGram ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoGM
Ucumcode pg
Preflabel PicoGram
Elucidation 10**-12 grams or one 10**-15 of the SI standard unit of mass (kilogram).

Unitsymbol pg
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Gram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoHenry ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoHenry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoH
Ucumcode pH
Preflabel PicoHenry
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI derived unit henry

Unitsymbol pH
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of InductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Henry
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoLitre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoL
Ucumcode pL
Preflabel PicoLitre
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol pL
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMetre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoM
Ucumcode pm
Preflabel PicoMetre
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Unitsymbol pm
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Metre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMole ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL
Preflabel PicoMole
Altlabel PicoMole
Unitsymbol pmol
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Mole
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoPascal ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoPA
Preflabel PicoPascal
Altlabel PicoPascal
Unitsymbol pPa
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Pascal
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoSecond ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoSEC
Ucumcode ps
Preflabel PicoSecond
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI base unit second

Unitsymbol ps
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Second
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoSiemens ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoSiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoS
Preflabel PicoSiemens
Altlabel PicoSiemens
Unitsymbol pS
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Siemens
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoWatt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoW
Ucumcode pW
Preflabel PicoWatt
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI derived unit watt

Unitsymbol pW
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Watt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TeraCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TeraCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraC
Ucumcode TC
Preflabel TeraCoulomb
Elucidation A TeraCoulomb is 10¹² C.

Altlabel TeraCoulomb
Unitsymbol TC
Formal description
Subclass Of TeraPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TeraHertz ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TeraHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraHZ
Ucumcode THz
Preflabel TeraHertz
Elucidation 1 000 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit hertz

Unitsymbol THz
Formal description
Subclass Of TeraPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Hertz
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TeraJoule ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TeraJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraJ
Ucumcode TJ
Preflabel TeraJoule
Elucidation 1 000 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit joule

Unitsymbol TJ
Formal description
Subclass Of TeraPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Joule
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TeraOhm ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TeraOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraOHM
Ucumcode TOhm
Preflabel TeraOhm
Elucidation 1,000,000,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Formal description
Subclass Of TeraPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Ohm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TeraWatt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TeraWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraW
Ucumcode TW
Preflabel TeraWatt
Elucidation 1,000,000,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit watt

Unitsymbol TW
Formal description
Subclass Of TeraPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Watt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
YoctoCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#YoctoCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YoctoC
Ucumcode yC
Preflabel YoctoCoulomb
Elucidation A YoctoCoulomb is 10⁻²⁴ C.

Altlabel YoctoCoulomb
Unitsymbol yC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of YoctoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-24
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
YottaCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#YottaCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YottaC
Ucumcode YC
Preflabel YottaCoulomb
Elucidation A YottaCoulomb is 10²⁴ C.

Altlabel YottaCoulomb
Unitsymbol YC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of YottaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e+24
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ZeptoCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ZeptoCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ZeptoC
Ucumcode zC
Preflabel ZeptoCoulomb
Elucidation A ZeptoCoulomb is 10⁻²¹ C.

Altlabel ZeptoCoulomb
Unitsymbol zC
Formal description
Subclass Of ZeptoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-21
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ZettaCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ZettaCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ZettaC
Ucumcode ZC
Preflabel ZettaCoulomb
Elucidation A ZettaCoulomb is 10²¹ C.

Altlabel ZettaCoulomb
Unitsymbol ZC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ZettaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Coulomb
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e+21
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
Module: Data ============ .. _data-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Contrast ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1e877c70_3b01_45a8_a8f6_8ce4f6a24660
Preflabel Contrast
Elucidation A perspective in which entities are represented according to the variation of their properties.
Comment A data is a causal object whose variations (non-uniformity) can be recognised and eventually interpreted.
A data can be of different physical types (e.g., matter, wave, atomic excited states).
How the variations are recognised and eventually decoded depends on the interpreting rules that characterise that type of data.
Variations are pure physical variations and do not necessarily possess semantic meaning.
Comment The covering axiom that defines the data class discriminates within all the possible causal objects between encoded or non encoded.
Altlabel Dedomena
Altlabel Pattern
Formal description
Subclass Of Perspective
.. raw:: html
Data ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3e7add3d_e6ed_489a_a796_8e31fef9b490
Example A Radio Morse Code transmission can be addressed by combination of perspectives.
Physicalistic: the electromagnetic pulses can be defined as individual A (of type Field) and the strip of paper coming out a printer receiver can be defined as individual B (of type Matter).
Data: both A and B are also DiscreteData class individuals. In particular they may belong to a MorseData class, subclass of DiscreteData.
Perceptual: B is an individual belonging to the graphical entities expressing symbols. In particular is a formula under the MorseLanguage class, made of a combination of . and - symbols.
Semiotics: A and B can be signs if they refers to something else (e.g. a report about a fact, names).
Example A signal through a cable. A sound wave. Words on a page. The pattern of excited states within a computer RAM.
Preflabel Data
Elucidation A causal object whose properties variation are encoded by an agent and that can be decoded by another agent according to a specific rule.
Comment EncodedData is the class where inventions that don't actually exist whould be placed.
For example, the blueprint of a bridge is an encoded data. When the bridge will be built, than the blueprint will also be a semiotical entity.
Another example is Superman, that exists only as a set of magazines, drawings, novels, movies, but not in the real world.
Comment Variations in data are generated by an agent (not necessarily human) and are intended to be decoded by the same or another agent using the same encoding rules.
Data are always generated by an agent but not necessarily possess a semantic meaninig, either because it's lost or unknown or because simply they possess none (e.g. a random generation of symbols). A data object may be used as the physical basis for a sign, under Semiotics perspective.
Comment We call "decoding" the act of recognise the variation according to a particular rule and generate another equivalent schema (e.g. in the agent's cognitive apparatus, as another form of data).
We call "interpreting" the act of providing semantic meaning to data, which is covered by the semiotic perspective.
Altlabel EncodedContrast
Altlabel EncodedData
Wikipediareference https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data
Formal description
Subclass Of Contrast
.. raw:: html
NonEncodedContrast ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5a10e288_c6a5_409a_a16a_98a2fb8be4f3
Example A cloud in the sky. The radiative spectrum of a star.
Preflabel NonEncodedContrast
Elucidation Contrast that occurs naturally without an encoding agent producing it.
Comment A non encoded contrast (e.g. a temperature variation) can be represented by data that describes (e.g. the string "today it's warmer than yesterday") or quantifies (e.g. Monday 28 °C, Tuesday 30 °C) it through a semiotic process.
Comment This is a really broad class that gathers all physical phenomena in which a contrast occurs naturally, such as cloud patterns, tree rings, stains.
It doesn't mean that such contrasts cannot be used to deduce something: in fact thaty can be seen as indexes (in semiotic sense) of a causally connected pehnomena. Simply, there is no agent behind that contrast with the intention to transmit data.
Altlabel EnvironmentalData
Formal description
Subclass Of Contrast
Module: Persistence =================== .. _persistence-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Agent ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2480b72b_db8d_460f_9a5f_c2912f979046
Example A catalyst. A bus driver. A substance that is initiating a reaction that would not occur without its presence.
Preflabel Agent
Elucidation A participant that is the driver of the process.
Comment An agent is not necessarily human.
An agent plays an active role within the process.
An agent is a participant of a process that would not occur without it.
Formal description
Subclass Of Participant
Subclass Of Inverse(hasAgent) some Process
.. raw:: html
Behaviour ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_210e7e99_c1cf_44cc_87c7_310a10ff068b
Example Accelerating is a behaviour of a car.
Preflabel Behaviour
Elucidation A process which is an holistic temporal part of an object.
Formal description
Subclass Of Process
Subclass Of Inverse(hasBehaviour) some Object
.. raw:: html
Constituent ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ceaaf9f7_fd11_424b_8fda_9afa186af186
Example A tire is a constituent of a car.
Preflabel Constituent
Elucidation An object which is an holistic spatial part of a object.
Altlabel ObjectPart
Formal description
Subclass Of Object
Subclass Of Inverse(hasConstituent) some Object
.. raw:: html
ConstitutiveProcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f68858dd_64f4_4877_b7fb_70d04fbe5bab
Example Blood circulation in a human body.
Preflabel ConstitutiveProcess
Elucidation A process which is an holistic spatial part of an object.
Comment A constitutive process is a process that is holistically relevant for the definition of the whole.
Formal description
Subclass Of Process
Subclass Of Inverse(hasConstitutiveProcess) some Object
.. raw:: html
Object ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90ae56e4_d197_49b6_be1a_0049e4756606
Example Practically speaking, the Object class can be populated by primitive subclasses (e.g. Car) for each of which holds the axiom that all the item parts are of the same type of the whole (e.g. Car SubClassOf hasTemporalItemPart only Car).
The intended usage is not for an individual to belong directly to Object, but to belong to a specific subclass of Object that identifies entities with a type-persistent structure.
Preflabel Object
Elucidation The superclass for causal structure classes whose individuals have all temporal item parts of the same type of the whole.
Comment Indefinitely temporally slicing of an entity leads to temporal parts whose temporal extension is so small that the connectivity relations that define the entity as an item will no longer hold. More generally. a temporal part is no more of type ϕ when the temporal interval is lower than the interval that characterizes the causality interactions between the object parts.
In other terms, if the time span of a temporal part is lower than the inverse of the frequency of interactions between the constituents, then the constituents in such temporal part are not connected. The object is no more an object, neither an item, but simply a collection of fundamental quantum parts.
For this reason, the definition of object is done by considering only item temporal parts, meaning that slicing in time has the lower limit of a self-connected (i.e. item) entity.
Altlabel Continuant
Altlabel Endurant
Conceptualisation An item can be classified as an object according to a type ϕ (a ϕ-object) if it's a ϕ all its temporal item parts are also of type ϕ. This conceptualisation tries to catch the persistency of type in the temporal parts of an entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of Persistence
.. raw:: html
Participant ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_13191289_6c2b_4741_93e1_82d53bd0e703
Example A student during an examination.
Preflabel Participant
Elucidation An object which is an holistic spatial part of a process.
Formal description
Subclass Of Object
Subclass Of Inverse(hasParticipant) some Process
.. raw:: html
Persistence ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e04884d9_eda6_487e_93d5_7722d7eda96b
Preflabel Persistence
Elucidation The union of the object or process classes.
Comment The persistence perspective classifies entities according to the persistence of temporal parts of specifc type, introducing the distiction between objects (when a type is conserved through all its time parts) or processes (where a type is not conserved through all its time parts).
This perspective provides classes aimed to represent concepts similar to the ones of endurant and perdurant (a.k.a. continuant and occurrent). However, in the EMMO case, an entity is defined as an object or a process according to a specific type, and not per-se. For this reason an entity in the EMMO can be classified both object or a process depending on the reference type, due to the underlying 4D framework (e.g. an individual may belong both to the class of runners and the class of running process), and the distinction is purely representational.
This categorisation has been introduced due to the large use of object/process commonsensical concepts, and the fact that our language distinguish between nouns and verbs to address things, forcing the separation between things that happens and things that persist.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Process or Object
Formal description
Subclass Of Perspective
.. raw:: html
Process ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43e9a05d_98af_41b4_92f6_00f79a09bfce
Example Practically speaking, the Process class can be populated by primitive subclasses (e.g. Cooking) for each of which holds the axiom that not all the item temporal parts are of the same type of the whole (e.g. breaking an egg, which is not necessarily a cooking process) and there are at least two temporal item parts of different types (e.g. breaking and egg and turning on the stove).
The intended usage is not for an individual to belong directly to Process, but to belong to a specific subclass of Process that identifies entities with a specific non-type-persistent structure.
Preflabel Process
Elucidation The superclass for causal structure classes whose individuals have some temporal item parts that are not of the same type of the whole.
Comment A process can be defined only according to an entity type. The minimum process is an entity made of two entities of different types that are temporally related.
Comment Following the common definition of process, the reader may think that every entity in the EMMO should be a process, since every 4D entity0 always has a time dimension. However, in the EMMO we restrict the concept of process to items whose temporal parts show a change in type (i.e. every 4D object unfolds in time, but not every 4D time unfolding may be of interest for the ontologist and categorized as a process).
The definition of every specific process subclass requires a reference type, that is expressed by some but not all temporal parts.
Altlabel Occurrent
Altlabel Perdurant
Formal description
Subclass Of Persistence
.. raw:: html
Stage ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a633c6f8_4269_4870_9b28_f5ca1783fd54
Example Moving a leg is a stage of the process of running.
Preflabel Stage
Elucidation A process which is an holistic temporal part of a process.
Formal description
Subclass Of Process
Subclass Of Inverse(hasStage) some Process
.. raw:: html
Status ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d9589ed2_5304_48b3_9795_11bf44e64e9b
Example A semi-naked man is a status in the process of a man's dressing.
Preflabel Status
Elucidation An object which is an holistic temporal part of a process.
Altlabel State
Formal description
Subclass Of Object
Subclass Of Inverse(hasStatus) some Process
.. raw:: html
SubObject ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2553c342_fc28_47d8_8e19_7a98fa08f150
Example If an inhabited house is considered as an house that is occupied by some people in its majority of time, then an interval of inhabited house in which occasionally nobody is in there is no more an inhabited house, but an unhinabited house, since this temporal part does not satisfy the criteria of the whole.
Preflabel SubObject
Elucidation An object which is an holistic temporal part of another object.
Comment Here we consider a temporal interval that is lower than the characteristic time of the physical process that provides the causality connection between the object parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of Object
Subclass Of Inverse(hasSubObject) some Object
.. raw:: html
SubProcess ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_49804605_c0fe_4538_abda_f70ba1dc8a5d
Example Breathing is a subprocess of living for a human being.
Preflabel SubProcess
Elucidation A process which is an holistic spatial part of a process.
Comment In the EMMO the relation of participation to a process falls under mereotopology.

Since topological connection means causality, then the only way for a real world object to participate to a process is to be a part of it.
Formal description
Subclass Of Process
Subclass Of Inverse(hasSubProcess) some Process
.. _persistence-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
affects ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_449beacd_4fda_4d46_a723_d2118f4e2623
Preflabel affects
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
contributesTo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f09e1d0a_07ce_4121_8c89_5bd67b7e8116
Preflabel contributesTo
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
disappearsInto ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c51ea74_43a4_42d5_953b_fcb43f359c73
Preflabel disappearsInto
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
emergesFrom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ee518694_9a11_41e5_ada2_8c68c62c2993
Preflabel emergesFrom
Elucidation The relation between an object O and a process P that proper overlap, where the non overapping part of P is caused by O.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
hasAgent ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cd24eb82_a11c_4a31_96ea_32f870c5580a
Preflabel hasAgent
Elucidation The relation within a process and an agengt participant.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasParticipant
.. raw:: html
hasBehaviour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ebc8c324_8e7a_4b09_bcb5_306e0c461d24
Preflabel hasBehaviour
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasConstituent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dba27ca1_33c9_4443_a912_1519ce4c39ec
Preflabel hasConstituent
Elucidation The relation between an object and one of its holistic part that contributes to the object under some spatial-based criteria.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasConstitutiveProcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e3850f08_8e79_454b_9d83_c517cab42857
Preflabel hasConstitutiveProcess
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasInput ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36e69413_8c59_4799_946c_10b05d266e22
Preflabel hasInput
Elucidation The input of a process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
hasOutput ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c4bace1d_4db0_4cd3_87e9_18122bae2840
Preflabel hasOutput
Elucidation The outcome of a process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
hasParticipant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ae2d1a96_bfa1_409a_a7d2_03d69e8a125a
Preflabel hasParticipant
Elucidation The relation between a process and an object participating to it, i.e. that is relevant to the process itself.
Comment Participation is a parthood relation: you must be part of the process to contribute to it. A participant whose 4D extension is totally contained within the process.

Participation is not under direct parthood since a process is not strictly related to reductionism, but it's a way to categorize temporal regions by the interpreters.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasStage ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f22abf74_4538_4f50_ab85_09908cdda707
Preflabel hasStage
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasStatus ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1440d010_e4c5_4597_8858_1d58cb1fb28f
Preflabel hasStatus
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasSubObject ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7329967c_3972_4c99_b478_84f66436620d
Preflabel hasSubObject
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
hasSubProcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d43af210_f854_4432_a891_ce3022e3b558
Preflabel hasSubProcess
Elucidation The relation between a process and one of its process parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
.. raw:: html
isAddedTo ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ea7724fe_ba5d_4201_865e_761cb6fe9f99
Preflabel isAddedTo
Elucidation The relation between an object O1 and a object O2 that proper overlap, and the overlapping part of O1 is: a) next of the non overlapping part and b) a constituent of O2.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
isInputOf ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1494c1a9_00e1_40c2_a9cc_9bbf302a1cac
Preflabel isInputOf
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
isOutputOf ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2bb50428_568d_46e8_b8bf_59a4c5656461
Preflabel isOutputOf
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
isProcessedTo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_571a8adb_f38f_4122_8754_044ea2490cd0
Preflabel isProcessedTo
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSuccessor
.. raw:: html
isRemovedFrom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2fe8b850_9f2d_4c13_8be9_6ae2487de393
Preflabel isRemovedFrom
Elucidation The relation between an object O1 and a object O2 that proper overlap, where the non overapping part of O2 is caused by O1.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
partakesIn ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9d65041_d87d_4b04_9fe9_1eed8f9c0370
Preflabel partakesIn
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
participatesTo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_35c29eb6_f57e_48d8_85af_854f9e926e77
Preflabel participatesTo
Elucidation The relation between a process P and an object O that partially overlaps and the intersection between P and O is a participant of P.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
Module: Perceptual ================== .. _perceptual-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Auditory ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4b3afb22_27cf_4ce3_88bc_492bfccb546b
Example When we use the term 'sound' what are we referring to? The EMMO identifis a sound as the physical object that can be heard by the observer (more exactly, by the sensor of the observer).

In this sense, a sound (which is an acoustical object) is to be identified as the air region that manifests the sound wave and is able to be perceived by an observer. In case the wave is travelling through water or steel, then these other media regions are the sounds.

If the waveform is travelling through a cable as electronic signal (analog or digital) it is no more a sound, since it cannot be perceived by an observer as an acoustical object. This electrical waveform (or digital packet) is another physical that may stand for a sound if interpreted by a device (e.g. an amplifier, a DA converter).
Preflabel Auditory
Elucidation A 'Perceptual' which stands for a real world object whose spatiotemporal pattern makes it identifiable by an observer as a sound.
Comment 'acoustical' refers to the perception mechanism of the observer that can occur through a microphone, a ear.
Altlabel Sound
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Document ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ccdc1a41_6e96_416b_92ec_efe67917434a
Preflabel Document
Elucidation An heterogenous object made of different graphical object parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of Graphical
.. raw:: html
Graphical ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c74da218_9147_4f03_92d1_8894abca55f3
Example 'Graphical' objects include writings, pictures, sketches ...
Preflabel Graphical
Elucidation A 'Perceptual' which stands for a real world object whose spatial configuration is due to an explicit graphical procedure and shows an identifiable pattern.
Comment This concept includes only things that are purposely created by an agent.
Formal description
Subclass Of Data
Subclass Of Visual
.. raw:: html
Gustatory ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dd14d055_2db0_4b81_bc97_ef6c2f72b8a0
Preflabel Gustatory
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Olfactory ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e1021593_06da_4237_8a02_29d8f6fef76d
Preflabel Olfactory
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Perceptual ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_649bf97b_4397_4005_90d9_219755d92e34
Example A line scratched on a surface.
A sound.
A smell.
The word 'cat' and the sound of the word 'cat' (the first one is graphical and the second acoustical).
Example The meta-semiotic process:
I see a cloud in the sky. Since I'm an EMMO ontologist, I create an individual named Cloud under the 'Perceptual' class, meaning that I recognize the cloud as an object thanks to a specific perceptual channel (e.g. through my eyes). This semiotic process occurs at meta-level: it's how I use the EMMO as tool for a direct representation of the world, understandable by others ontologists.

The semiotic process within EMMO:
My friend looks at the same cloud and says: "It is an elephant".
I use the EMMO to record this experience by declaring:
- my friend as MyFriend individual, belonging to 'Interpreter' classes
- the sound of the word "elephant" as an acoustical perception individual named ElephantWord, belonging to 'Perceptual'
- a relation hasSign between Cloud and ElephantWord, that makes ElephantWord also belonging to 'Sign' class and Cloud belonging also to 'Object' class
- a 'Semiosis' individual called MyFriendElephantCloud that hasParticipant: Cloud, ElephantWord and MyFriend, respectively as object, sign and interpreter.

So, the Perceptual class is here to categorized real-world objects at meta-level using common perceptual channels, for practical ontology usage.

We could have represented the word "elephant" within a physicalistic approach, by identifying it as a pressure wave in the air.
Preflabel Perceptual
Elucidation The class constrast individuals standing for entities that can stimulate a perception (e.g. a retina impression) to a human being and that are categorized accordingly to human perception mechanisms.
Comment This class is the most general superclass for the categorization of contrasts that are perceivable through a specific human-related perception mechanism. This perspective is based on human characterization of perceptions.
A 'Perceptual' can stand for another object in an EMMO described semiotic process (acting as sign or as object), just like a word on a paper (the perceptual object) may refer semiotically to another object. However, a perceptual is not necessarily a 'Sign' (e.g. a line sketched on a blackboard is a recognizable 'Perceptual' but it may stand for nothing).
A 'Perceptual' becomes a semiotic object, when it is part of a 'Semiotic' process described by the ontologist within the EMMO, and it's done always specifying for which interpreter this relation occurs.
Formal description
Equivalent To Auditory or Somatosensory or Visual or Gustatory or Olfactory
Subclass Of Contrast
.. raw:: html
Pictorial ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1da53c06_9577_4008_8652_272fa3b62be7
Example A drawing of a cat.
A circle on a paper sheet.
The Mona Lisa.
Preflabel Pictorial
Elucidation A 'Graphical' that stands for a real world object that shows a recognizable pictorial pattern without being necessarily associated to a symbolic language.
Formal description
Subclass Of Graphical
.. raw:: html
Representation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eb7de1a1_c30e_4f0d_94c6_fe70414d7e61
Preflabel Representation
Elucidation A graphical object aimed to represent schematically the conceptual, tempral or spatial structure of another object, that may or may not exist.
Formal description
Subclass Of Graphical
.. raw:: html
Somatosensory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f207971_aaab_48dc_a10d_55a6b4331410
Preflabel Somatosensory
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Visual ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c5ae6d8e_6b39_431f_8de4_ae4e357abc04
Example A cloud.
A picture.
A colour gradient on a wall.
A stain.
A mail.
Preflabel Visual
Elucidation A 'Perceptual' which stands for a real world object whose spatiotemporal pattern makes it identifiable by an observer through an optical perception employing the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Module: Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology ===================================================== .. _elementary-multiperspective-material-ontology-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
CausalCluster ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_76bd5e44_bf5a_49f9_a517_eea5e8bcbc2d
Preflabel CausalCluster
Elucidation The class of individuals representing causal clusters.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Collection or CausalSystem
Conceptualisation With the causal cluster term we address an heterogenous group of entities, which possess the common feature of having at least two causally non connected quanta. It comprises collections (non self-connected entities) and causal systems (entities extended in space).
Definition The disjoint union of the CausalSystem and Collection classes.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fusion
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CausalParticle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52b8a39b_e5ff_46d3_b972_65bc43077a07
Preflabel CausalParticle
Elucidation The class of individuals representing causal particles.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: CausalPath or Quantum
Conceptualisation A causal particle represents the most elementary entity in physics, being it a simple state of an elementary particle, called quantum in the EMMO, or a chain of causally connected quanta.
Definition The disjoint union of CausalPath and Quantum classes.
Formal description
Subclass Of Item
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CausalPath ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0f795e3e_c602_4577_9a43_d5a231aa1360
Example An electron with at least one causal interaction with another particle.
Preflabel CausalPath
Elucidation The class of entities that possess a temporal structure but no spatial structure.
Comment The causal path class can be defined univocally in FOL.
Altlabel CausalChain
Altlabel Elementary
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: MultiParticlePath, ElementaryParticle
Conceptualisation A causal chain is an ordered causal sequence of entities that does not host any bifurcation within itself (a chain). A chain can only be partitioned in time.
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalParticle
Subclass Of CausalStructure
Subclass Of Quantum or hasTemporalPart some CausalPath
Subclass Of hasTemporalPart only (CausalPath or Quantum)
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CausalStructure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c5ddfdba_c074_4aa4_ad6b_1ac4942d300d
Preflabel CausalStructure
Elucidation The class of individuals representing causally self-connected world entities.
Comment A causal structure expresses itself in time and space thanks to the underlying causality relations between its constituent quantum entities. It must at least provide two temporal parts. The unity criterion beyond the definition of a causal structure (the most general concept of structure) is the existence of an undirected causal path between each of its parts.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: CausalPath or CausalSystem
Conceptualisation The most fundamental unity criterion for the definition of an structure is that:
- is made of at least two quantums (a structure is not a simple entity)
- all quantum parts form a causally connected graph
Definition The disjoint union of Causal Path and CausalSystem classes.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fusion
Subclass Of Item
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CausalSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e7aac247_31d6_4b2e_9fd2_e842b1b7ccac
Example A electron binded by a nucleus.
Preflabel CausalSystem
Elucidation The class of individuals representing a causal system.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: FundamentalPhysicalSystem, GenericPhysicalSystem
Conceptualisation A causal system provides the most general concept of system, being a union of causal structures interacting together. In its most simple form, a causal system is an interlacement of causal paths (the most simple structure type).
A causal system is always a spatial-like structure, and is represented as a multiple topologically orderable direct acyclic graph, with quanta as nodes and causality relations as edges.
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalCluster
Subclass Of CausalStructure
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Collection ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2d2ecd97_067f_4d0e_950c_d746b7700a31
Example The collection of users of a particular software, the collection of atoms that have been part of that just dissociated molecule.
Preflabel Collection
Elucidation The class of not direct causally self-connected world entities.
Conceptualisation A collection is the concept that complements the item concept, being an entity that possesses at least one part non directly causally connected with the rest.
A collection can be partitioned in maximally connected items called members. The members are self-connected entities and there is no direct causality relation between them.
The combination of collection and item concepts is the EMMO mereocausality alternative to set theory. However, two items can be members only if they are non direct causally connected, giving some constraints to a collection definition. For example, two entities which are directly connected cannot be two distinct members, while their interiors (i.e. the entities obtained by removing the layer of parts that provides the causal contact between them) can be.
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalCluster
Subclass Of hasSingleMember min 2 Item
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EMMO ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_802d3e92_8770_4f98_a289_ccaaab7fdddf
Preflabel EMMO
Elucidation The class of all the OWL individuals representing world entities according to EMMO conceptualisation.
Comment EMMO entities dimensionality is related to their mereocausal structures. From the no-dimensional quantum entity, we introduce time dimension with the elementary concept, and the spacetime with the causal system concept.
The EMMO conceptualisation does not allow the existence of space without a temporal dimension, the latter coming from a causal relation between entities.
For this reason, the EMMO entities that are not quantum or elementaries, may be considered to be always spatiotemporal. The EMMO poses no constraints to the number of spatial dimensions for a causal system (except being higher than one).
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnion: CausalPath, Collection, Quantum, CausalSystem
Conceptualisation The EMMO conceptualises the world using the primitive concepts of causality and parthood. Parthood is about the composition of world entities starting from other more fundamental entities. Causality is about the interactions between world entities.
The quantum is the smallest indivisible part of any world entity. Quantum individuals are the fundamental causal constituents of the universe, since it is implied that causality originates from quantum-to-quantum interactions. Quantums are no-dimensional, and their aggregation makes spacetime emerge from their causal structure. Causality between macro entities (i.e. entities made of more than one quantum) is explained as the sum of the causality relations between their quantum constituents. Fundamental interactions (quantum fields) are represented as symmetric causality between macro entities, while classical interactions are mediated by chain of quantums (i.e. elementary particles).
The fundamental distinction between world entities is direct causality self-connectedness: a world entity can be self-connected xor not self-connected depending on the causality network of its fundamental components.
Void regions do not exist in the EMMO, or in other words there is no spacetime without entities, since space and time are measured quantities following a causality relation between entities (spacetime emerges as relational property not as a self-standing entity).
Entities are not placed in space or time: space and time are always relative between entities and are measured. In other words, space and time relations originates from causality interactions.
Definition The disjoint union of the fundamental mereocausal classes of Quantum, CausalPath, CausalSystem and Collection.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasPart some Quantum
Subclass Of Inverse(hasPart) value universe
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Fusion ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53ed8611_2cd7_4286_9ef0_36572117b963
Example An atom, a group of persons, a fluid.
Preflabel Fusion
Elucidation The class of individuals representing mereological fusions consisting of two or more quantum entities.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: CausalCluster or CausalStructure
Conceptualisation A fusion is any entity that is made up of two or more quantum entities, regardless of the fact that they are or not self-connected.
Definition The union of the CausalCluster and CausalStructure classes.
Formal description
Subclass Of EMMO
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Item ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eb3a768e_d53e_4be9_a23b_0714833c36de
Example A person life, an interval of a person life. The lifetime of two components, from the production in separate manufacturing lines, their being connected components in a device, including their eparation and decommissioning.
Preflabel Item
Elucidation The class of individuals standing for quantum or causally self-connected world entities.
Comment The concept of self-connectivity is applied using a 4D approach. Given that, the entity made of an electron and a proton that travel, interact, and then depart from each other is an item, since we don't focus only on the beginning or the end stage but to the overall 4D entity, being the interaction the connectivity bridge between the two particles.
Altlabel CausalObject
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: CausalParticle or CausalStructure
Conceptualisation A world entity is direct causally self-connected if any two parts that make up the whole are direct causally connected to each other. In the EMMO, topological connectivity is based on causality.
All physical objects, i.e. entities whose behaviour is explained by physics laws, are represented only by items. In other words, a physical object part is embedded in a direct causal graph that provides always a path between two of its parts.
Members of a collection lack such direct causality connection, i.e. they do not constitute a physical object.
Following graph theory concepts, the quantums of an item are all connected together within a network of causal relations, forming a connected causal graph. A collection is then a set of disconnected graphs.
Definition The disjoint union of Particle and CausalStructure classes.
Formal description
Subclass Of EMMO
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Quantum ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f9ae00e_810c_4518_aec2_7200e424cf68
Example From a physics perspective a quantum can be related to smallest identifiable entities, according to the limits imposed by the uncertainty principle in space and time measurements.
However, the quantum mereotopology approach is not restricted only to physics. For example, in a manpower management ontology, a quantum can stand for an hour (time) of a worker (space) activity.
Preflabel Quantum
Elucidation The class of the mereological and causal fundamental entities.
Comment A quantum is the EMMO mereological atomistic and causal reductionistic entity. To avoid confusion with the concept of atom coming from physics and to underline the causal reductionistic approach, we will use the expression quantum mereology, instead of atomistic mereology.
Altlabel RealParticle
Conceptualisation A quantum is the most fundamental item (both mereologically and causally) and is considered causally self-connected by definition.
The quantum concept recalls the fact that there is lower epistemological limit to our knowledge of the universe, related to the uncertainity principle.
In the EMMO, space and time emerge following the network of causal connections between quantum objects. So quantum objects are adimensional objects, that precede space and time dimensions: they are simple beings (in greek οντα).
Using physics concepts, we can think the quantum as an elementary particle (e.g. an electron) in a specific state between two causal interactions.
A quantum stands for an incoming or outcoming real particle in a Feynman diagram.
Definition The class of entities without proper parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalParticle
.. _elementary-multiperspective-material-ontology-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
EMMORelation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec2472ae_cf4a_46a5_8555_1556f5a6c3c5
Preflabel EMMORelation
Elucidation The class for all relations used by the EMMO.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of topObjectProperty
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EMMO_b432d2d5_25f4_4165_99c5_5935a7763c1a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b432d2d5_25f4_4165_99c5_5935a7763c1a
Comment Will be removed with 1.0.0 release due to duplicated scope of emmo:example with respect to skos:example
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of example
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OWL2DLRestrictedAxiom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c6e77b51_681b_4d04_b20d_a08f2b977470
Preflabel OWL2DLRestrictedAxiom
Elucidation Axiom not included in the theory because of OWL 2 DL global restrictions for decidability.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
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causal ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ad0e72fc_dcaa_490d_8371_b4d814dcda2c
Preflabel causal
Elucidation The superclass of all causal EMMO relations.
Comment Causality in the EMMO is intended as physical causation and not counter-factual. Meaning that causality is an expression of actual physical interactions, and not of a counterfactual depence such as “I didn't water the flowers, hence, I'm the cause of their death”.
Comment Each pair of entities is either in isCauseOf or isNotCauseOf relation. The two are mutually exclusive.
Conceptualisation Causality is the fundamental concept describing how entities affect each other, and occurs before time and space relations. In the EMMO causality is the foundation for space and time relations.
Embracing a strong reductionistic view, causality originates at quantum entities level.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of EMMORelation
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comment ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7b62dd7_063a_4c2a_8504_42f7264ba83f
Preflabel comment
Elucidation A text that add some information about the entity.
Comment A comment can be addressed to facilitate interpretation, to suggest possible usage, to clarify the concepts behind each entity with respect to other ontological apporaches.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
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conceptualisation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_31252f35_c767_4b97_a877_1235076c3e13
Preflabel conceptualisation
Elucidation The conceptualisation annotation is a comment that helps the reader to understand how the world has been conceptualised by the ontology authors.
Comment A conceptualisation is the preliminary step behind each theory, preceding each logical formalisation. The readers approaching an ontology entity should first read the conceptualisation annotation to clearly understand "what we are talking about" and the accompanying terminology, and then read the elucidation.
Comment An elucidation can provide references to external knowledge sources (i.e. ISO, Goldbook, RoMM).
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
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contact ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1246b120_abbe_4840_b0f8_3e4348b24a17
Preflabel contact
Elucidation A person or organisation acting as a contact point for enquiries about the ontology resource
Comment The annotation should include an email address.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
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contacts ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8785be5a_2493_4b12_8f39_31907ab11748
Example An elementary electron is in contact with another elementary electron in a scattering process.
Example The laptop is in contact with the desk, since there is a double-directional causality.
Preflabel contacts
Elucidation An interaction that is the sum of direct causality relations between two entities that are interpretable as fundamental physical interactions.
Comment Spatial contact is symmetric and irreflexive.
Comment The contact relation is not an ordering relation since is symmetric.
Altlabel hasSpatialnteractionWith
Conceptualisation A spatial contact between two entities occurs when the two entities are in an interaction relation whose causal structure is a representation of the fundamental interactions between elementary particles (Feynman diagrams).
It means that if two entities are in contact, then there is at least a couple of elementary particles, one part of the first and one part of the second, interacting according to one of the fundamental interactions through virtual particles. This kind of connection is space-like (i.e. interconnecting force carrier particle is offshelf).
Contacts between two entities exclude the possibility of other causal relations that are not included in a fundamental space-like interaction.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isSpatiallyRelatedWith
Subclass Of isDirectCauseOf
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dbpediaReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6dd685dd_1895_46e4_b227_be9f7d643c25
Preflabel dbpediaReference
Elucidation URL to corresponding dpbedia entry.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
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definition ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_70fe84ff_99b6_4206_a9fc_9a8931836d84
Preflabel definition
Elucidation Precise and univocal description of an ontological entity in the framework of an axiomatic system.
Comment A definition univocally determines a OWL entity using necessary and sufficient conditions referring to other OWL entities.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
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elucidation ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_967080e5_2f42_4eb2_a3a9_c58143e835f9
Preflabel elucidation
Elucidation Short enlightening explanation aimed to facilitate the user in drawing the connection (interpretation) between a OWL entity and the real world object(s) for which it stands.
Comment An elucidation should address the real world entities using the concepts introduced by the conceptualisation annotation.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
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equalsTo ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6835537c_d294_4005_a770_ec9621f29ed1
Preflabel equalsTo
Elucidation The relation between two individuals representing the same entity.
Comment Equality is here defined following a mereological approach.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasPart
Subclass Of isPartOf
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etymology ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_705f27ae_954c_4f13_98aa_18473fc52b25
Preflabel etymology
Elucidation The etymology annotation explains the origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning.
Comment Definitions are usually taken from Wiktionary.
Comment The etymology annotation is usually applied to rdfs:label entities, to better understand the connection between a label and the concept it concisely represents.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
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hasDirectPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_814b6b76_e0ca_4953_a832_d1816fb695f1
Preflabel hasDirectPart
Elucidation The non-transitive version of proper parthood property.
Altlabel hasImmediatePart
Conceptualisation Direct parthood is the non transitive version of parthood enabling the establishment of hierarchy of granularities, starting with an entity and providing several granularity levels of parthood.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
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hasDistinctPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1328d112_e731_4e56_b9b9_6b6cdd495cd6
Example A molecule is a distinct part of a fluid.
Preflabel hasDistinctPart
Elucidation The superproperty of all object property relations between an entity and one of its proper parts that belongs to different taxonomical branch.
Comment A part is always distinct xor redundant.
Definition DP(x, y) ≡ PP(x, y) ∧ ∃φ[φ(x) ↔ ¬φ(y)]
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
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hasFragment ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_339d8e1a_f52a_42cd_8df5_57b5328b939e
Preflabel hasFragment
Elucidation The relation between two individuals representing a collection and a non-maximal proper part, meaning the the latter is connected with the rest of the whole.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPiece
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hasJunctionPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_408a46b2_3930_46da_b936_e9ce72ffdde9
Preflabel hasJunctionPart
Elucidation The part is connected with the rest item or members with both hasNext (or its inverse) and hasContact relations.
Altlabel hasSpatioTemporalPart
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
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hasMembers ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#33fd15ab_7662_4cc6_8bf6_988422efc631
Preflabel hasMembers
Elucidation The relation between individuals representing a collection and one or more of its members.
Comment A maximal part is a proper part that is not connected with the rest of the whole.
Altlabel hasMaximalPart
Definition A proper part which is not connected with the rest of the whole.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
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hasMultipleMembers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#0528e41d_edd2_49f9_bd2a_aeabdc215515
Preflabel hasMultipleMembers
Elucidation A sub collection realtion where the proper part is fully encompasses some of the members of the collection.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasMembers
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hasNext ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_499e24a5_5072_4c83_8625_fe3f96ae4a8d
Example My life between 18-24 years has next my life between 24-32 years.
Example The raw sample has next the treated sampled, which has next the examined sample. In this sense the whole sample is made of three states, connected by the has next relation, following its evolution in time.
Preflabel hasNext
Elucidation A time contact occurs when x isDirectCause y and not(y isCauseOf x).
Comment Each pair of entities in direct causality relation is either in hasNext or hasTwoWayCauseWith relation. The two are mutually exclusive.
Comment This relation is asymmetric and irreflexive.
Altlabel isBefore
Conceptualisation A temporal relation between two entities occurs when the two entities are in a one directional causality relation. The idea is that a temporal relation always implies a one-directional causality between two entities, leading to a asymmetric relation.
This means that the causing entity can be in direct and optionally indirect causality relation with the effect entity. On the contrary, the effect entity cannot be in any causal relation (direct or indirect) with the causing entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isDirectCauseOf
Subclass Of isTemporallyBefore
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hasNonTemporalPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9a50a0ae_841a_46fe_8b23_3df319b60611
Preflabel hasNonTemporalPart
Elucidation The part is connected with the rest item or members with a combination of hasNext (or its inverse) or hasContact relations.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPortionPart
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hasPart ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_17e27c22_37e1_468c_9dd7_95e137f73e7f
Preflabel hasPart
Elucidation The primitive relation that express the concept of an entity being part of another one.
Comment All other mereology relations can be defined in FOL using hasPart as primitive.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of overlaps
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hasPiece ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#76413949_896c_4363_a955_de4722c6e149
Preflabel hasPiece
Elucidation The relation between two individuals representing an entity and a non-maximal proper part, meaning the the latter is connected with the rest of the whole.
Comment A non-maximal part is a proper part that is connected with the rest of the whole.
Altlabel hasNotMaximalPart
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
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hasPortionPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_55354438_7000_4284_b1b9_59d60c2261b9
Preflabel hasPortionPart
Comment A part of an item is always non-maximal, meaning that is causally connected with the rest.
Definition A proper part relation with domain restricted to items.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
Subclass Of hasPiece
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hasProperPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9380ab64_0363_4804_b13f_3a8a94119a76
Preflabel hasProperPart
Elucidation The relation between an entity and one of its parts, when both entities are distinct.
Comment The proper part relation has the following pair-covering sub-relations:
- hasMembers xor hasPiece
- hasPortionPart xor hasGatheredPart
. hasItemPart xor hasScatteredPart
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of hasPart
Subclass Of overcrosses
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hasRedundantPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6786b336_e982_4759_8dee_1905a4106591
Example A volume of water has redundand parts other volumes of water. All this volumes have holistic parts some water molecules.
Preflabel hasRedundantPart
Elucidation The superproperty of the all object property relations between a whole and its mereological parts of the same type.
Comment A part is always distinct xor redundant.
Definition RP(x, y) ≡ PP(x, y) ∧ ∃φ(φ(x) ∧ φ(y))
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasProperPart
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hasSingleMember ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6b7276a4_4b9d_440a_b577_0277539c0fc4
Preflabel hasSingleMember
Elucidation The relation between a collection and one of its item members.
Altlabel hasMember
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of hasMembers
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hasSpatialPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dc57d998_23db_4d8e_b2cd_f346b195b846
Preflabel hasSpatialPart
Elucidation A proper part of a whole, whose parts always cover the full temporal extension of the whole within a spatial interval.
Comment In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL temporal relations are primitive.
Comment The part is connected with the rest item or members with hasContact relations only (no hasNext).
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasNonTemporalPart
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hasSuccessor ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3733bd38_ca2b_4264_a92a_3075a1715598
Example My life between 18-24 years has successor my life between 32-40 years, since there is an intermediary (i.e. my life between 25-32 years).
Preflabel hasSuccessor
Elucidation A causal relation between the y effected and the x causing entities with intermediaries, where x isCauseOf y and not(y isCauseOf x).
Altlabel isAntecedentOf
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isIndirectCauseOf
Subclass Of isTemporallyBefore
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hasTemporalPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7afbed84_7593_4a23_bd88_9d9c6b04e8f6
Preflabel hasTemporalPart
Elucidation A relation that identify a proper item part of the whole, whose parts always cover the full spatial extension of the whole within a time interval.
Comment A temporal part of an item cannot both cause and be caused by any other proper part of the item.
A temporal part is not constraint to be causally self-connected, i.e. it can be either an item or a collection. We therefore introduce two subproperties in order to distinguish between both cases.
Comment In EMMO FOL this is a defined property. In OWL temporal relations are primitive.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPortionPart
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illustration ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_157fdf31_6387_42be_8e72_10530519214a
Preflabel illustration
Elucidation A link to a graphical representation aimed to facilitate understanding of the concept, or of an annotation.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
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interactsWith ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d01b3ee2_91a5_4ce2_95cd_f0d2c333c6d3
Example I'm interacting with another tennis player through a ball. Or, two people in a webconference are interacting using a mediator which is the network signal.
Preflabel interactsWith
Elucidation The relation between two causally reachable entities through a path of contacts relations (i.e. representing physical interactions).
Altlabel alongsideOf
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isSpatiallyRelatedWith
Subclass Of isIndirectCauseOf
.. raw:: html
isCauseOf ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d67ee67e_4fac_4676_82c9_aec361dba698
Example John yesterday is the cause of John today, is an example of temporal-like causality. The desk supporting my laptop is a space-like causality.
Preflabel isCauseOf
Elucidation The relation between an individuals x and y, that holds if and only if:
a) y having a part that is causing an effect on a part of x
b) y and x are non-overlapping
Comment Each pair of causally connected entities is either in isDirectCauseOf or isIndirectCauseOf relation. The two are mutually exclusive.
Comment It applies to both quantums and macro-entities (entities made of more than one quantum). It is admissible for two entities to be one the cause of the other, excepts when they are both quantums.
Comment The OWL 2 DL version of the EMMO introduces this object property as primitive causal relation. It refers to the macro causality relation mC(x,y), defined in the EMMO FOL version. While the EMMO FOL introduces the quantum causality relation C(x,y) as primitive, the OWL 2 DL version substantially simplifies the theory, neglecting these lower level relations that are well above DL expressivity.
Conceptualisation We say that an entity causes another if there is a quantum part of the first that is in causal relation with a quantum parts of the second.
An entity cannot cause itself (causal loops are forbidden) or a part of itself. For this reasons causality between entities excludes reflexivity and prevents them to overlap.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of causal
.. raw:: html
isDirectCauseOf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_555d0261_da5e_4301_b7f9_46f604a32e91
Preflabel isDirectCauseOf
Elucidation A causal relation between the causing and the effected entities occurring without intermediaries.
Comment Direct cause is irreflexive.
Comment Direct cause provides the edges for the transitive restriction of the direct acyclic causal graph whose nodes are the quantum entities.
Conceptualisation Direct causality is a concept that capture the idea of contact between two entities, given the fact that there are no causal intermediaries between them. It requires that at least a quantum of the causing entity is direct cause of a quantum of the caused entity.
It does not exclude the possibility of indirect causal routes between proper parts of the two entities.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isCauseOf
.. raw:: html
isIndirectCauseOf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b85e4738_500c_4e1b_bbe8_9e84190485d6
Preflabel isIndirectCauseOf
Elucidation A causal relation between the effected and the causing entities with intermediaries.
Conceptualisation An indirect cause is a relation between two entities that is mediated by a intermediate entity. In other words, there are no quantum parts of the causing entity that are direct cause of quantum parts of the caused entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isCauseOf
.. raw:: html
isNotCauseOf ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_01e5766d_dac3_4574_8a78_310de92a5c9d
Preflabel isNotCauseOf
Definition x isNotCauseOf y iff not(x isCauseOf y)
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of causal
.. raw:: html
isOvercrossedBy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e4f66254_7312_4de5_a86a_6e0808baaaab
Preflabel isOvercrossedBy
Elucidation The inverse relation for overcrosses.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of overlaps
.. raw:: html
isPartOf ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a8bd7094_6b40_47af_b1f4_a69d81a3afbd
Preflabel isPartOf
Elucidation The inverse relation of hasPart.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of overlaps
.. raw:: html
isProperPartOf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_559ab98c_1c7d_4794_996c_8c1d8d56381c
Preflabel isProperPartOf
Elucidation The inverse relation for hasProperPart.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isPartOf
.. raw:: html
isSpatiallyRelatedWith ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_54d0d0f4_d9fa_4179_a9b5_4110c49dafff
Preflabel isSpatiallyRelatedWith
Elucidation The relation between entities that express a mutual causation.
Definition A relation jointly covered by Contact and InteractWith relations, which are mutually exclusive.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isCauseOf
.. raw:: html
isTemporallyBefore ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ebc9e62c_5dc4_44db_9060_7923740bdf78
Preflabel isTemporallyBefore
Elucidation A relation between entities that are only one-directionally causally connected.
Definition A relation jointly covered by hasNext and hasSuccessor relations, which are mutually exclusive.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of AsymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isCauseOf
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mereological ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f2e4ac2_8ef3_4a14_b826_60d37f15f8ee
Preflabel mereological
Elucidation The superclass of all mereological EMMO relations.
Comment The EMMO adheres to Atomistic General Extensional Mereology (AGEM).
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of EMMORelation
.. raw:: html
notOverlaps ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aa987900_caf1_4ce2_82fa_6b1d6fbd2ead
Preflabel notOverlaps
Elucidation The relation between individuals representing non-overlapping entities (i.e. that have no parts in common).
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of mereological
.. raw:: html
overcrosses ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9cb984ca_48ad_4864_b09e_50d3fff19420
Preflabel overcrosses
Elucidation The relation between an entity that overlaps another without being its part.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of overlaps
.. raw:: html
overlaps ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d893d373_b579_4867_841e_1c2b31a8d2c6
Preflabel overlaps
Elucidation The relation between two individuals representing entities that share at least one of their parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of mereological
.. raw:: html
properOverlaps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b3c8ba10_6bee_45e7_9416_e9019aa9f023
Preflabel properOverlaps
Elucidation The relation between two entities that overlaps and neither of both is part of the other.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of overcrosses
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wikipediaReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c84c6752_6d64_48cc_9500_e54a3c34898d
Preflabel wikipediaReference
Elucidation URL to corresponding Wikipedia entry.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
.. _elementary-multiperspective-material-ontology-individuals: Individuals ----------- .. raw:: html
universe ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_08cb807c_e626_447b_863f_e2835540e918
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalSystem
Module: Workflow ================ .. _workflow-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
BeginStep ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b941e455_2cb1_4c11_93e3_17caa06086b4
Preflabel BeginStep
Elucidation An initial step of a workflow.
Comment There may be more than one begin task, if they run in parallel.
Formal description
Subclass Of StepByPosition
Subclass Of BeginTile
.. raw:: html
EndStep ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8a2a1cbc_dfc3_4e6c_b337_00ee56fd438a
Preflabel EndStep
Elucidation The final step of a workflow.
Comment There may be more than one end task, if they run in parallel leading to more than one output.
Formal description
Subclass Of StepByPosition
Subclass Of EndTile
.. raw:: html
InternalStep ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_322ce14e_9ede_4841_ad70_302b4d6c5f28
Preflabel InternalStep
Elucidation A generic step in a workflow, that is not the begin or the end.
Formal description
Subclass Of StepByPosition
Subclass Of ThroughTile
.. raw:: html
IterativeStep ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ac10a20_63d0_4bbd_a5d3_f00a0ad4682c
Example Jacobi method numerical step, involving the multiplication between a matrix A and a vector x, whose result is used to update the vector x.
Preflabel IterativeStep
Elucidation A workflow whose output can be used as input for another workflow of the same type, iteratively, within the framework of a larger workflow.
Formal description
Subclass Of StepByFlow
Subclass Of Workflow
.. raw:: html
IterativeWorkflow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ddecfff6_d3a1_4972_b9e9_3d0ca11a3a0b
Preflabel IterativeWorkflow
Elucidation A workflow whose steps (iterative steps) are the repetition of the same workflow type.
Formal description
Subclass Of SerialWorkflow
Subclass Of hasTask some IterativeStep
.. raw:: html
ParallelWorkflow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5848e476_2768_4988_98f9_9053c532307b
Preflabel ParallelWorkflow
Elucidation A workflow whose tasks are spatial tiles.
Formal description
Subclass Of Workflow
.. raw:: html
PureParallelWorkflow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_83a460aa_5826_4fbb_93e8_d73d0df25757
Preflabel PureParallelWorkflow
Elucidation A workflow that is the concurrent evolution of two or more tasks, not communicacting between themselves.
Altlabel EmbarassinglyParallelWorkflow
Formal description
Subclass Of Arrangement
Subclass Of ParallelWorkflow
.. raw:: html
SerialStep ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2666a7e3_2ad4_49a0_899e_329607231f4b
Preflabel SerialStep
Elucidation A step that is a temporal tile of a workflow.
Formal description
Subclass Of StepByFlow
Subclass Of TemporalTile
.. raw:: html
SerialWorkflow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_57ba1bf0_4314_432c_a9bb_6a6720c8dab5
Preflabel SerialWorkflow
Elucidation A workflow whose tasks are tiles of a sequence.
Formal description
Subclass Of Workflow
Subclass Of Sequence
.. raw:: html
Step ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9f6ec830_c59f_46aa_8a22_945ba20b6ea3
Preflabel Step
Elucidation A task that is a well formed tile of a workflow, according to a reductionistic description.
Comment A step is part of a specific granularity level for the workflow description, as composition of tasks.
Formal description
Subclass Of Task
Subclass Of Tile
.. raw:: html
Task ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4299e344_a321_4ef2_a744_bacfcce80afc
Preflabel Task
Elucidation A procedure that is an hoilistic part of a workflow.
Comment A task is a generic part of a workflow, without taking care of the task granularities.
It means that you can declare that e.g. tightening a bolt is a task of building an airplane, without caring of the coarser tasks to which this tightening belongs.
Altlabel Job
Formal description
Subclass Of Procedure
Subclass Of Inverse(hasTask) some Workflow
.. raw:: html
Workflow ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_64963ed6_39c9_4258_85e0_6466c4b5420c
Preflabel Workflow
Elucidation A procedure that has at least two procedures (tasks) as proper parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of Procedure
Subclass Of hasHolisticPart some Task
.. _workflow-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasBeginTask ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4ab7fb52_cec3_4c00_90c0_5648f01e3296
Preflabel hasBeginTask
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTask
.. raw:: html
hasCollaborationWith ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dbe39465_6cf4_4592_b0c5_b7446789a37b
Preflabel hasCollaborationWith
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of isSpatiallyRelatedWith
.. raw:: html
hasEndTask ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_92227f7f_22e9_4b19_a011_920eac3c7b75
Preflabel hasEndTask
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasTask
.. raw:: html
hasTask ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_70da982d_1810_4b01_9630_a28e216ecd9a
Preflabel hasTask
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasHolisticPart
Module: Non-Coherent Si Units ============================= .. _non-coherent-si-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AmperePerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode A.cm-1
Preflabel AmperePerCentiMetre
Elucidation SI base unit ampere divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Ampere Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol A/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-GM
Preflabel AmperePerGram
Elucidation `Ampere per gram` is a practical unit to describe an (applied) current relative to the involved amount of material. This unit is often found in electrochemistry to standardize test conditions and compare various scales of investigated materials.

Altlabel Ampere per Gram
Unitsymbol A⋅/g
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode A.mm-1
Ucumcode A/mm
Preflabel AmperePerMilliMetre
Elucidation SI base unit ampere divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Ampere Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol A/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode A.cm-2
Ucumcode A/cm2
Preflabel AmperePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation SI base unit ampere divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Ampere Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol A/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerSquareMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerSquareMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-MilliM2
Ucumcode A.mm-2
Ucumcode A/mm2
Preflabel AmperePerSquareMilliMetre
Elucidation SI base unit ampere divided by the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Ampere Per Square Millimetre
Unitsymbol A/mm²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AttoJouleSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AttoJouleSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AttoJ-SEC
Ucumcode aJ.s
Preflabel AttoJouleSecond
Elucidation unit of the Planck's constant as product of the SI derived unit joule and the SI base unit second

Altlabel Attojoule Second
Unitsymbol aJ⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of AttoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JouleSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM-PER-K
Ucumcode cm.K-1
Ucumcode cm/K
Preflabel CentiMetrePerKelvin
Elucidation 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Centimetre Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol cm/K
Formal description
Subclass Of LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM-PER-SEC
Ucumcode cm.s-1
Ucumcode cm/s
Preflabel CentiMetrePerSecond
Elucidation "Centimeter per Second" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Linear Velocity' expressed as cm/s.

Altlabel centimetre per second
Unitsymbol cm/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some MetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetrePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetrePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode cm.s-2
Ucumcode cm/s2
Preflabel CentiMetrePerSquareSecond
Elucidation `Centimeter per Square Second` is a C.G.S System unit for `Linear Acceleration` expressed as cm/s².

Altlabel Centimetre per Square Second
Unitsymbol cm/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerSquareSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetreSecondDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetreSecondDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM-SEC-DEG_C
Ucumcode cm.s.Cel-1
Ucumcode cm.s/Cel
Preflabel CentiMetreSecondDegreeCelsius
Elucidation `Centimeter Second Degree Celsius` is a C.G.S System unit for 'Length Temperature Time' expressed as cm-s-degC.

Altlabel Centimetre Second Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol cm⋅s⋅°C
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthTimeTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
CentiMolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMolePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiMOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode cmol.kg-1
Ucumcode cmol/kg
Preflabel CentiMolePerKilogram
Elucidation 1/100 of SI unit of amount of substance per kilogram

Altlabel Centimole per kilogram
Unitsymbol cmol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiNewtonMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiNewtonMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiN-M
Ucumcode cN.m
Preflabel CentiNewtonMetre
Elucidation 0,01-fold of the product of the SI derived unit newton and SI base unit metre

Altlabel Centinewton Metre
Unitsymbol cN⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some NewtonMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode C.cm-3
Ucumcode C/cm3
Preflabel CoulombPerCubicCentiMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit coulomb divided by the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 3

Altlabel Coulomb Per Cubic Centimetre
Unitsymbol C/cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerCubicMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerCubicMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-MilliM3
Ucumcode C.mm-3
Ucumcode C/mm3
Preflabel CoulombPerCubicMilliMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit coulomb divided by the 0.000 000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 3

Altlabel Coulomb Per Cubic Millimetre
Unitsymbol C/mm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode C.cm-2
Ucumcode C/cm2
Preflabel CoulombPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit coulomb divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Coulomb Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol C/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerSquareMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerSquareMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-MilliM2
Ucumcode C.mm-2
Ucumcode C/mm2
Preflabel CoulombPerSquareMilliMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit coulomb divided by the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Coulomb Per Square Millimetre
Unitsymbol C/mm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3
Ucumcode cm3
Preflabel CubicCentiMetre
Elucidation The CGS unit of volume, equal to 10-6 cubic meter, 1 milliliter, or about 0.061 023 7 cubic inch

Altlabel cubic centimetre
Unitsymbol cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode cm3.cm-3
Ucumcode cm3/cm3
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre
Elucidation volume ratio consisting of the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Cubic Centimetre
Unitsymbol cm³/cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-M3
Ucumcode cm3.m-3
Ucumcode cm3/m3
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerCubicMetre
Elucidation volume ratio consisting of the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol cm³/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-K
Ucumcode cm3.K-1
Ucumcode cm3/K
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerKelvin
Elucidation 0,000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol cm³/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-MOL
Ucumcode cm3.mol-1
Ucumcode cm3/mol
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerMole
Elucidation 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit mol

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Mole
Unitsymbol cm³/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerMoleSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerMoleSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-MOL-SEC
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerMoleSecond
Elucidation A unit that is the 0.000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit mol multiplied by the SI base unit second.

Altlabel Cubic centimeter per mole second
Unitsymbol cm³/(mol⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerAmountTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode cm3.s-1
Ucumcode cm3/s
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerSecond
Elucidation 0,000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Second
Unitsymbol cm³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDecaMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDecaMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DecaM3
Ucumcode dam3
Preflabel CubicDecaMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 3

Altlabel Cubic Decametre
Unitsymbol dam³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDeciMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDeciMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3
Ucumcode dm3
Preflabel CubicDeciMetre
Elucidation 0.1-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Cubic Decimetre
Unitsymbol dm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDeciMetrePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDeciMetrePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3-PER-M3
Ucumcode dm3.m-3
Ucumcode dm3/m3
Preflabel CubicDeciMetrePerCubicMetre
Elucidation volume ratio consisting of the 0.001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Cubic Decimetre Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol dm³/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDeciMetrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDeciMetrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3-PER-MOL
Ucumcode dm3.mol-1
Ucumcode dm3/mol
Preflabel CubicDeciMetrePerMole
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit mol

Altlabel Cubic Decimetre Per Mole
Unitsymbol dm³/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDeciMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDeciMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode dm3.s-1
Ucumcode dm3/s
Preflabel CubicDeciMetrePerSecond
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for time second

Altlabel Cubic Decimetre Per Second
Unitsymbol dm³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicKiloMetrePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicKiloMetrePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloM3-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode km3.s-2
Ucumcode km3/s2
Preflabel CubicKiloMetrePerSquareSecond
Elucidation `Cubic Kilometer per Square Second` is a unit for `Standard Gravitational Parameter` expressed as km³/s².

Altlabel Cubic Kilometre per Square Second
Unitsymbol km³/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMicroMetrePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMicroMetrePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM3-PER-M3
Ucumcode um3.m-3
Preflabel CubicMicroMetrePerCubicMetre
Elucidation Cubic micrometre per cubic metre unit.
Unitsymbol µm³/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM3
Ucumcode mm3
Preflabel CubicMilliMetre
Elucidation A metric measure of volume or capacity equal to a cube 1 millimeter on each edge

Altlabel Cubic Millimetre
Unitsymbol mm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMilliMetrePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMilliMetrePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM3-PER-M3
Ucumcode mm3.m-3
Preflabel CubicMilliMetrePerCubicMetre
Elucidation volume ratio consisting of the 0.000000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Cubic Millimetre Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol mm³/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciNewtonMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciNewtonMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciN-M
Ucumcode dN.m
Preflabel DeciNewtonMetre
Elucidation 0.1-fold of the product of the derived SI unit joule and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Decinewton Metre
Unitsymbol dN⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some NewtonMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciSiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciSiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciS-PER-M
Ucumcode dS.m-1
Ucumcode dS/m
Preflabel DeciSiemensPerMetre
Elucidation Decisiemens per metre.

Altlabel decisiemens per metre
Unitsymbol dS/m
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some SiemensPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-CentiM
Ucumcode Cel.cm
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusCentiMetre
Elucidation `Degree Celsius Centimeter` is a C.G.S System unit for 'Length Temperature' expressed as cm-degC.

Altlabel Degree Celsius Centimetre
Unitsymbol °C⋅cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthTemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
FaradPerKiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FaradPerKiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD-PER-KiloM
Ucumcode F.km-1
Ucumcode F/km
Preflabel FaradPerKiloMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit farad divided by the 1 000-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Farad Per Kilometre
Unitsymbol F/km
Formal description
Subclass Of PermittivityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoGramPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoGramPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoGM-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode fg.kg-1
Preflabel FemtoGramPerKilogram
Elucidation One part per 10**18 by mass of the measurand in the matrix.

Altlabel Femtograms per kilogram
Unitsymbol fg/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoMolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoMolePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoMOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode fmol.kg-1
Preflabel FemtoMolePerKilogram
Elucidation A 10**15 part quantity of substance of the measurand per kilogram mass of matrix.

Altlabel Femtomoles per kilogram
Unitsymbol fmol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaCoulombPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaCoulombPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaC-PER-M3
Ucumcode GC.m-3
Preflabel GigaCoulombPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 1 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Gigacoulomb Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol GC/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaHertzMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaHertzMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaHZ-M
Ucumcode GHz.m
Preflabel GigaHertzMetre
Elucidation product of the 1 000 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit hertz and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Gigahertz Metre
Unitsymbol GHz⋅M
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HertzMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gram ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gram
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.G02680
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM
Ucumcode g
Unececommoncode GRM
Preflabel Gram
Elucidation A unit of mass in the metric system. The name comes from the Greek gramma, a small weight identified in later Roman and Byzantine times with the Latin scripulum or scruple (the English scruple is equal to about 1.3 grams). The gram was originally defined to be the mass of one cubic centimeter of pure water, but to provide precise standards it was necessary to construct physical objects of specified mass. One gram is now defined to be 1/1000 of the mass of the standard kilogram, a platinum-iridium bar carefully guarded by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris for more than a century. (The kilogram, rather than the gram, is considered the base unit of mass in the SI.) The gram is a small mass, equal to about 15.432 grains or 0.035 273 966 ounce.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram
Definition Gram is defined as one thousandth of the SI unit kilogram.
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'g'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-DEG_C
Ucumcode d.Cel-1
Preflabel GramDegreeCelsius
Elucidation `Gram Degree Celsius` is a C.G.S System unit for 'Mass Temperature' expressed as g · degC.

Altlabel Gram Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol g/°C
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassTemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
GramMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-MilliM
Ucumcode g.mm
Preflabel GramMilliMetre
Elucidation unit of the imbalance as product of the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram and the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Gram Millimetre
Unitsymbol g·mm
Formal description
Subclass Of LengthMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode g.cm-3
Ucumcode g/cm3
Preflabel GramPerCubicCentiMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Gram Per Cubic Centimetre
Unitsymbol g/cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerCubicDeciMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerCubicDeciMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-DeciM3
Ucumcode g.dm-3
Preflabel GramPerCubicDeciMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Gram Per Cubic Decimetre
Unitsymbol g/dm³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-M3
Ucumcode g.m-3
Ucumcode g/m3
Preflabel GramPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Gram Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol g/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerKiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerKiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-KiloM
Ucumcode g.km-1
Preflabel GramPerKiloMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 1000-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Gram Per Kilometre
Unitsymbol g/km
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode g.kg-1
Ucumcode g/kg
Preflabel GramPerKilogram
Elucidation 0,001 fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Gram Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol g/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-M
Ucumcode g.m-1
Preflabel GramPerMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Gram Per Metre
Unitsymbol g/m
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode g.mm-1
Preflabel GramPerMilliMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.001-fold the SI base unit meter

Altlabel Gram Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol g/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-MOL
Ucumcode g.mol-1
Preflabel GramPerMole
Elucidation 0,01-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit mol

Altlabel Gram Per Mole
Unitsymbol g/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-SEC
Ucumcode g.s-1
Preflabel GramPerSecond
Elucidation 0,001fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Gram Per Second
Unitsymbol g/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode g.cm-2
Ucumcode g/cm2
Preflabel GramPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre and exponent 2

Altlabel Gram Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol g/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-M2
Ucumcode g.m-2
Ucumcode g/m2
Preflabel GramPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Gram Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol g/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoPascalCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoPascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoPA-M3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode hPa.m3.s-1
Preflabel HectoPascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the 100-fold of the SI unit pascal and the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Hectopascal Cubic Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol hPa⋅m³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PowerAreaUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoPascalPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoPascalPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoPA-PER-K
Ucumcode hPa.K-1
Preflabel HectoPascalPerKelvin
Elucidation 100-fold of the SI derived unit pascal divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Hectopascal Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol hPa/K
Formal description
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalPerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HenryPerKiloOhm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HenryPerKiloOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H-PER-KiloOHM
Ucumcode H.kOhm-1
Preflabel HenryPerKiloOhm
Elucidation SI derived unit henry divided by the 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Altlabel Henry Per Kiloohm
Unitsymbol H/kΩ
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-GM
Ucumcode J.g-1
Preflabel JoulePerGram
Elucidation SI derived unit joule divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Joule Per Gram
Unitsymbol J/g
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode J.cm-2
Preflabel JoulePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit joule divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Joule Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol J/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloAmperePerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloAmperePerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloA-PER-M
Ucumcode kA.m-1
Preflabel KiloAmperePerMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit ampere divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kiloampere Per Metre
Unitsymbol kA/m
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some AmperePerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloAmperePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloAmperePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloA-PER-M2
Ucumcode kA.m-2
Preflabel KiloAmperePerSquareMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit ampere divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Kiloampere Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol kA/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some AmperePerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCoulombPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCoulombPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloC-PER-M3
Ucumcode kC.m-3
Preflabel KiloCoulombPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Kilocoulomb Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol kC/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCoulombPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCoulombPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloC-PER-M2
Ucumcode kC.m-2
Preflabel KiloCoulombPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Kilocoulomb Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol kC/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloHertzMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloHertzMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloHZ-M
Ucumcode kHz.m
Preflabel KiloHertzMetre
Elucidation product of the 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit hertz and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kilohertz Metre
Unitsymbol kHz⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HertzMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloJoulePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloJoulePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloJ-PER-K
Ucumcode kJ.K-1
Ucumcode kJ/K
Preflabel KiloJoulePerKelvin
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit joule divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Kilojoule Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol kJ/K
Formal description
Subclass Of EntropyUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloJoulePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloJoulePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloJ-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode kJ.kg-1
Ucumcode kJ/kg
Preflabel KiloJoulePerKilogram
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit joule divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Kilojoule Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol kJ/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloJoulePerKilogramKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloJoulePerKilogramKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloJ-PER-KiloGM-K
Ucumcode kJ.(kg.K)-1
Ucumcode kJ.kg-1.K-1
Ucumcode kJ/(kg.K)
Preflabel KiloJoulePerKilogramKelvin
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit joule divided by the product of the SI base unit kilogram and the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Kilojoule Per Kilogram Kelvin
Unitsymbol kJ/(kg⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerKilogramKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloJoulePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloJoulePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloJ-PER-MOL
Ucumcode kJ.mol-1
Preflabel KiloJoulePerMole
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit joule divided by the SI base unit mol

Altlabel Kilojoule Per Mole
Unitsymbol kJ/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of EnergyPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerMole
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloM-PER-SEC
Ucumcode km.s-1
Ucumcode km/s
Preflabel KiloMetrePerSecond
Elucidation "Kilometer per Second" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Linear Velocity' expressed as km/s.

Altlabel Kilometre per Second
Unitsymbol km/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some MetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMolePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMolePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloMOL-PER-M3
Ucumcode kmol.m-3
Preflabel KiloMolePerCubicMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit mol divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Kilomole Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol kmol/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMolPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloMOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode kmol.kg-1
Ucumcode kmol/kg
Preflabel KiloMolePerKilogram
Elucidation Kilomole Per Kilogram (kmol/kg) is a unit of Molality

Altlabel Kilomole per Kilogram
Unitsymbol kmol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMolePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMolePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloMOL-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kmol.s-1
Preflabel KiloMolePerSecond
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit mol divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Kilomole Per Second
Unitsymbol kmol/s
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloNewtonMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloNewtonMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloN-M
Ucumcode kN.m
Preflabel KiloNewtonMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit newton and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kilonewton Metre
Unitsymbol kN⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some NewtonMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloNewtonSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloNewtonSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloN-M2
Preflabel KiloNewtonSquareMetre
Altlabel Kilo Newton Square Metre
Unitsymbol kN⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForceAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some NewtonSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPascalPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPascalPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloPA-PER-K
Ucumcode kPa.K-1
Preflabel KiloPascalPerKelvin
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit pascal divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Kilopascal Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol kPa/K
Formal description
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalPerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPascalPerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPascalPerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloPA-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode kPa.mm-1
Preflabel KiloPascalPerMilliMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the derived SI unit pascal divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kilopascal Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol kPa/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPascalSquareMetrePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPascalSquareMetrePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloPA-M2-PER-GM
Ucumcode kPa.m2.g-1
Preflabel KiloPascalSquareMetrePerGram
Elucidation sector-specific unit of the burst index as 1 000-fold of the derived unit for pressure pascal related to the substance, represented as a quotient from the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Kilopascal Square Metre per Gram
Unitsymbol kPa⋅m²/g
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloSiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloSiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloS-PER-M
Ucumcode kS.m-1
Preflabel KiloSiemensPerMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit siemens divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kilosiemens Per Metre
Unitsymbol kS/m
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some SiemensPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloVoltAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloVoltAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloV-A
Ucumcode kV.A
Preflabel KiloVoltAmpere
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit volt and the SI base unit ampere

Altlabel Kilovolt Ampere
Unitsymbol kV⋅A
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloVoltPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloVoltPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloV-PER-M
Ucumcode kV.m-1
Preflabel KiloVoltPerMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit volt divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kilovolt Per Metre
Unitsymbol kV/m
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloWeberPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloWeberPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloWB-PER-M
Ucumcode kWb.m-1
Preflabel KiloWeberPerMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit weber divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kiloweber Per Metre
Unitsymbol kWb/m
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MagneticPotentialUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some WeberPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode kg.cm-3
Preflabel KilogramPerCubicCentiMetre
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Kilogram Per Cubic Centimetre
Unitsymbol kg/cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerCubicDeciMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerCubicDeciMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-DeciM3
Ucumcode kg.dm-3
Preflabel KilogramPerCubicDeciMetre
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Kilogram Per Cubic Decimetre
Unitsymbol kg/dm³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerKiloMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerKiloMol
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-KiloMOL
Ucumcode kg.kmol-1
Preflabel KilogramPerKiloMole
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the 1 000-fold of the SI base unit mol

Altlabel Kilogram Per Kilomole
Unitsymbol kg/kmol
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode kg.mm-1
Preflabel KilogramPerMilliMetre
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kilogram Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol kg/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode kg.cm-2
Preflabel KilogramPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Kilogram Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol kg/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSquareKiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSquareKiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-KiloM2
Ucumcode kg.km-2
Preflabel KilogramPerSquareKiloMetre
Elucidation One SI standard unit of mass over the square of one thousand standard unit of length.

Altlabel Kilograms per square kilometre
Unitsymbol kg/km²
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-CentiM2
Ucumcode kg.cm2
Preflabel KilogramSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation product of the SI base unit kilogram and the 0 0001fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Kilogram Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol kg⋅cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of MassAreaUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramSquareMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramSquareMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-MilliM2
Ucumcode kg.mm2
Preflabel KilogramSquareMilliMetre
Elucidation product of the SI base kilogram and the 0.001-fold of the power of the SI base metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Kilogram Square Millimetre
Unitsymbol kg⋅mm²
Formal description
Subclass Of MassAreaUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaAmperePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaAmperePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaA-PER-M2
Ucumcode MA.m-2
Preflabel MegaAmperePerSquareMetre
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the SI base unit ampere divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Megaampere Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol MA/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaCoulombPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaCoulombPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaC-PER-M3
Ucumcode MC.m-3
Preflabel MegaCoulombPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Megacoulomb Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol MC/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaCoulombPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaCoulombPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaC-PER-M2
Ucumcode MC.m-2
Preflabel MegaCoulombPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Megacoulomb Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol MC/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaGramPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaGramPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaGM-PER-M3
Ucumcode Mg.m-3
Preflabel MegaGramPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Megagram Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol Mg/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaHertzMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaHertzMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaHZ-M
Ucumcode MHz.m
Preflabel MegaHertzMetre
Elucidation product of the 1 000 000-fold of the SI derived unit hertz and the 1 000-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Megahertz Metre
Unitsymbol MHz⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HertzMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaHertzPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaHertzPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaHZ-PER-K
Ucumcode MHz.K-1
Preflabel MegaHertzPerKelvin
Elucidation `Mega Hertz per Kelvin` is a unit for 'Inverse Time Temperature' expressed as MHz K⁻¹.

Altlabel Mega Hertz per Kelvin
Unitsymbol MHz/K
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerTemperatureTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HertzPerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaHertzPerTesla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaHertzPerTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaHZ-PER-T
Ucumcode MHz.T-1
Preflabel MegaHertzPerTesla
Elucidation "Mega Hertz per Tesla" is a unit for 'Electric Charge Per Mass' expressed as MHz T⁻¹.

Altlabel Mega Hertz per Tesla
Unitsymbol MHz/T
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HertzPerTesla
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaJoulePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaJoulePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaJ-PER-M3
Ucumcode MJ.m-3
Preflabel MegaJoulePerCubicMetre
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit joule divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Megajoule Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol MJ/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaJoulePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaJoulePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaJ-PER-K
Ucumcode MJ.K-1
Preflabel MegaJoulePerKelvin
Elucidation MegaJoule Per Kelvin (MegaJ/K) is a unit in the category of Entropy.

Altlabel MegaJoule per Kelvin
Unitsymbol MJ/K
Formal description
Subclass Of EntropyUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaJoulePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaJoulePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaJ-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode MJ.kg-1
Preflabel MegaJoulePerKilogram
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Megajoule Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol MJ/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaJoulePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaJoulePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaJ-PER-SEC
Ucumcode MJ.s-1
Preflabel MegaJoulePerSecond
Elucidation quotient of the 1,000,000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Megajoule Per Second
Unitsymbol MJ/s
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaJoulePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaJoulePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaJ-PER-M2
Ucumcode MJ.m-2
Preflabel MegaJoulePerSquareMetre
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit joule divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Megajoule Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol MJ/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some JoulePerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaNewtonMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaNewtonMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaN-M
Ucumcode MN.m
Preflabel MegaNewtonMetre
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit newton and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Meganewton Metre
Unitsymbol MN⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some NewtonMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaPascalCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaPascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaPA-M3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode MPa.m3.s-1
Preflabel MegaPascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit pascal and the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Megapascal Cubic Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol MPa⋅m³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaPascalPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaPascalPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaPA-PER-K
Ucumcode MPa.K-1
Preflabel MegaPascalPerKelvin
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit pascal divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Megapascal Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol MPa/K
Formal description
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalPerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaSiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaSiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaS-PER-M
Ucumcode MS.m-1
Preflabel MegaSiemensPerMetre
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit siemens divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Megasiemens Per Metre
Unitsymbol MS/m
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some SiemensPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaVoltAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaVoltAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaV-A
Ucumcode MV.A
Preflabel MegaVoltAmpere
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit volt and the SI base unit ampere

Altlabel Megavolt Ampere
Unitsymbol MV⋅A
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpere
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaVoltPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaVoltPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaV-PER-M
Ucumcode MV.m-1
Preflabel MegaVoltPerMetre
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit volt divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Megavolt Per Metre
Unitsymbol MV/m
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroBecquerelPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroBecquerelPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroBQ-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode uBq.kg-1
Preflabel MicroBecquerelPerKilogram
Elucidation One radioactive disintegration per hundred thousand seconds from an SI standard unit of mass of sample.

Altlabel Microbecquerels per kilogram
Unitsymbol µBq/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of PerTimeMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BecquerelPerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroCoulombPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroCoulombPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroC-PER-M3
Ucumcode uC.m-3
Preflabel MicroCoulombPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Microcoulomb Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol μC/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroCoulombPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroCoulombPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroC-PER-M2
Ucumcode uC.m-2
Preflabel MicroCoulombPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Microcoulomb Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol μC/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroFaradPerKiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroFaradPerKiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroFARAD-PER-KiloM
Ucumcode uF.km-1
Preflabel MicroFaradPerKiloMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit farad divided by the 1,000-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Microfarad Per Kilometre
Unitsymbol μF/km
Formal description
Subclass Of PermittivityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroFaradPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroFaradPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroFARAD-PER-M
Ucumcode uF.m-1
Preflabel MicroFaradPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit farad divided by the SI base unit metre.

Altlabel Microfarad Per Metre
Unitsymbol μF/m
Formal description
Subclass Of PermittivityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-M3
Ucumcode ug.m-3
Ucumcode ug/m3
Preflabel MicroGramPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Microgram Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol μg/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-GM
Ucumcode ug.g-1
Preflabel MicroGramPerGram
Elucidation One part per 10**6 (million) by mass of the measurand in the matrix.

Altlabel Micrograms per gram
Unitsymbol µg/g
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerGram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode ug.kg-1
Ucumcode ug/kg
Preflabel MicroGramPerKilogram
Elucidation mass ratio as 0.000000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Microgram Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol μg/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroG-PER-CentiM2
Preflabel MicroGramPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation A unit of mass per area, equivalent to 0.01 grammes per square metre

Altlabel Microgram per square centimetre
Unitsymbol µg/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some GramPerSquareCentiMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroHenryPerKiloOhm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroHenryPerKiloOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroH-PER-KiloOHM
Ucumcode uH.kOhm-1
Preflabel MicroHenryPerKiloOhm
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit henry divided by the 1,000-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Altlabel Microhenry Per Kiloohm
Unitsymbol µH/kΩ
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some HenryPerKiloOhm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroHenryPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroHenryPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroH-PER-M
Ucumcode uH.m-1
Preflabel MicroHenryPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit henry divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Microhenry Per Metre
Unitsymbol μH/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PermeabilityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroHenryPerOhm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroHenryPerOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroH-PER-OHM
Ucumcode uH.Ohm-1
Preflabel MicroHenryPerOhm
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit henry divided by the SI derived unit ohm

Altlabel Microhenry Per Ohm
Unitsymbol µH/Ω
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HenryPerOhm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMetrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMetrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM-PER-K
Ucumcode um.K-1
Preflabel MicroMetrePerKelvin
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Micrometre Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol μm/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMetrePerNewton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMetrePerNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM-PER-N
Preflabel MicroMetrePerNewton
Elucidation Micro metres measured per Newton

Altlabel Micro metre per Newton
Unitsymbol µJ/N
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SquareTimePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-GM
Ucumcode umol.g-1
Ucumcode umol/g
Preflabel MicroMolePerGram
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit mol divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Micromoles per gram
Unitsymbol µmol/g
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerGramPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerGramPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-GM-SEC
Ucumcode umol.g-1.s-1
Ucumcode umol/g/s
Preflabel MicroMolePerGramPerSecond
Altlabel Micromoles per gram per second
Unitsymbol μmol/(g⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerMassTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode umol.kg-1
Ucumcode umol/kg
Preflabel MicroMolePerKilogram
Altlabel Micromoles per kilogram
Unitsymbol µmol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-MOL
Ucumcode umol.mol-1
Ucumcode umol/mol
Preflabel MicroMolePerMole
Altlabel Micromoles per mole
Unitsymbol µmol/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-SEC
Ucumcode umol.s-1
Ucumcode umol/s
Preflabel MicroMolePerSecond
Elucidation This unit is used commonly to describe Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF) - the total number of photons emitted by a light source each second within the PAR wavelength range.

Altlabel Micromoles per second
Unitsymbol µmol/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-M2
Ucumcode umol.m-2
Ucumcode umol/m2
Preflabel MicroMolePerSquareMetre
Elucidation One part per 10**6 (million) of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per SI unit area.

Altlabel Micromoles per square metre
Unitsymbol µmol/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-M2-SEC
Ucumcode umol.m-2.s-1
Ucumcode umol/m2/s
Preflabel MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
Elucidation One part per 10**6 (million) of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per SI unit area per SI unit of time. This term is based on the number of photons in a certain waveband incident per unit time (s) on a unit area (m2) divided by the Avogadro constant (6.022 x 1023 mol-1). It is used commonly to describe PAR in the 400-700 nm waveband. Definition Source: Thimijan, Richard W., and Royal D. Heins. 1982. Photometric, Radiometric, and Quantum Light Units of Measure: A Review of Procedures for Interconversion. HortScience 18:818-822.

Altlabel Micromoles per square metre per second
Unitsymbol µmol/(m²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroNewtonMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroNewtonMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroN-M
Ucumcode uN.m
Preflabel MicroNewtonMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the product out of the derived SI newton and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Micronewton Metre
Unitsymbol μN⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroSiemensPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroSiemensPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroS-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode uS.cm-1
Preflabel MicroSiemensPerCentiMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit Siemens divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Microsiemens Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol μS/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroSiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroSiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroS-PER-M
Ucumcode uS.m-1
Preflabel MicroSiemensPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit Siemens divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Microsiemens Per Metre
Unitsymbol μS/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroVoltPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroVoltPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroV-PER-M
Ucumcode uV.m-1
Preflabel MicroVoltPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit volt divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Microvolt Per Metre
Unitsymbol µV/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroWattPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroWattPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroW-PER-M2
Ucumcode uW.m-2
Preflabel MicroWattPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit watt divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Microwatt Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol µW/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some WattPerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmperePerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmperePerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliA-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode mA.mm-1
Preflabel MilliAmperePerMilliMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit ampere divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Milliampere Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol mA/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some AmperePerMilliMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmperePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmperePerSquareCentiMetre
Preflabel MilliAmperePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit ampere divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBecquerelPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBecquerelPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBQ-PER-GM
Ucumcode mBq.g-1
Preflabel MilliBecquerelPerGram
Elucidation One radioactive disintegration per thousand seconds per 1000th SI unit of sample mass.

Altlabel Millibecquerels per gram
Unitsymbol mBq/g
Formal description
Subclass Of PerTimeMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBecquerelPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBecquerelPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBQ-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode mBq.kg-1
Preflabel MilliBecquerelPerKilogram
Elucidation One radioactive disintegration per thousand seconds from an SI standard unit of mass of sample.

Altlabel Millibecquerels per kilogram
Unitsymbol mBq/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of PerTimeMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BecquerelPerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliCoulombPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliCoulombPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliC-PER-M3
Ucumcode mC.m-3
Preflabel MilliCoulombPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Millicoulomb Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol mC/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliCoulombPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliCoulombPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliC-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode mC.kg-1
Preflabel MilliCoulombPerKilogram
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Millicoulomb Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol mC/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliCoulombPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliCoulombPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliC-PER-M2
Ucumcode mC.m-2
Preflabel MilliCoulombPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit coulomb divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Millicoulomb Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol mC/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some CoulombPerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M3
Ucumcode mg.m-3
Ucumcode mg/m3
Preflabel MilliGramPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Milligram Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol mg/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M3-SEC
Ucumcode mg.m-3.s-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerSecond
Altlabel Milligrams per cubic metre per second
Unitsymbol mg/(m³⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-GM
Ucumcode mg.g-1
Ucumcode mg/g
Preflabel MilliGramPerGram
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Milligram Per Gram
Unitsymbol mg/gm
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerGram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode mg.kg-1
Ucumcode mg/kg
Preflabel MilliGramPerKilogram
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Milligram Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol mg/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M
Ucumcode mg.m-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Milligram Per Metre
Unitsymbol mg/m
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-SEC
Ucumcode mg/s
Preflabel MilliGramPerSecond
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Milligram Per Second
Unitsymbol mg/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode mg.cm-2
Preflabel MilliGramPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Milligram Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol mg/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some GramPerSquareCentiMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M2
Ucumcode mg.m-2
Ucumcode mg/m2
Preflabel MilliGramPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Milligram Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol mg/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M2-SEC
Ucumcode mg.m-2.s-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerSecond
Altlabel Milligrams per square metre per second
Unitsymbol mg/(m²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliHenryPerKiloOhm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliHenryPerKiloOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliH-PER-KiloOHM
Ucumcode mH.kOhm-1
Preflabel MilliHenryPerKiloOhm
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit henry divided by the 1 000-fold of the SI derived unit ohm

Altlabel Millihenry Per Kiloohm
Unitsymbol mH/kΩ
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some HenryPerKiloOhm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliHenryPerOhm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliHenryPerOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliH-PER-OHM
Ucumcode mH.Ohm-1
Preflabel MilliHenryPerOhm
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit henry divided by the SI derived unit ohm

Altlabel Millihenry Per Ohm
Unitsymbol mH/Ω
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HenryPerOhm
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM-PER-K
Ucumcode mm.K-1
Preflabel MilliMetrePerKelvin
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Millimetre Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol mm/K
Formal description
Subclass Of LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM-PER-SEC
Ucumcode mm.s-1
Preflabel MilliMetrePerSecond
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Millimetre Per Second
Unitsymbol mm/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some MetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-M3
Ucumcode mmol.m-3
Preflabel MilliMolePerCubicMetre
Elucidation Unavailable.

Altlabel Millimoles per cubic metre
Unitsymbol mmol/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-GM
Ucumcode mmol.g-1
Preflabel MilliMolePerGram
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit mol divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Millimole Per Gram
Unitsymbol mmol/g
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode mmol.kg-1
Ucumcode mmol/kg
Preflabel MilliMolePerKilogram
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit mol divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Millimole Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol mmol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-MOL
Ucumcode mmol.mol-1
Preflabel MilliMolePerMole
Altlabel Millimoles per mole
Unitsymbol mmol/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-M2
Ucumcode mmol.m-2
Preflabel MilliMolePerSquareMetre
Elucidation Unavailable.

Altlabel Millimoles per square metre
Unitsymbol mmol/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerSquareMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-M2-SEC
Ucumcode mmol.m-2.s-1
Ucumcode mmol/m2/s1
Preflabel MilliMolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
Altlabel Millimoles per square metre per second
Unitsymbol µg/(m²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliNewtonMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliNewtonMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliN-M
Ucumcode mN.m
Preflabel MilliNewtonMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the product of the SI derived unit newton and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Millinewton Metre
Unitsymbol mN⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some NewtonMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliNewtonPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliNewtonPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliN-PER-M
Ucumcode mN.m-1
Preflabel MilliNewtonPerMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit newton divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Millinewton Per Metre
Unitsymbol mN/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some NewtonPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliPascalSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliPascalSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliPA-SEC
Ucumcode mPa.s
Preflabel MilliPascalSecond
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the product of the SI derived unit pascal and the SI base unit second

Altlabel Millipascal Second
Unitsymbol mPa⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliSiemensPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliSiemensPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliS-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode mS.cm-1
Ucumcode mS/cm
Preflabel MilliSiemensPerCentiMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit Siemens divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Millisiemens Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol mS/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some SiemensPerCentiMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliSiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliSiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliS-PER-M
Ucumcode mS.m-1
Preflabel MilliSiemensPerMetre
Altlabel MilliSiemens per metre
Unitsymbol mS/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some SiemensPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliVoltPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliVoltPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliV-PER-M
Ucumcode mV.m-1
Preflabel MilliVoltPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI derived unit volt divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Millivolt Per Metre
Unitsymbol mV/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliWattPerSquareCentiMetrePerMicroMetrePerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliWattPerSquareCentiMetrePerMicroMetrePerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliW-PER-CentiM2-MicroM-SR
Ucumcode mW.cm-2.um-1.sr-1
Preflabel MilliWattPerSquareCentiMetrePerMicroMetrePerSteradian
Altlabel Milliwatts per square centimetre per micrometre per steradian
Unitsymbol mW/(cm⋅µm⋅sr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliWattPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliWattPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliW-PER-M2
Ucumcode mW.m-2
Preflabel MilliWattPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit weber divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Milliwatt Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol mW/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some WattPerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliWattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliWattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliW-PER-M2-NanoM
Ucumcode mW.m-2.nm-1
Preflabel MilliWattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetre
Altlabel Milliwatts per square metre per nanometre
Unitsymbol mW/(cm⋅nm)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliWattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetrePerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliWattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetrePerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliW-PER-M2-NanoM-SR
Ucumcode mW.m-2.nm-1.sr-1
Preflabel MilliWattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetrePerSteradian
Altlabel Milliwatts per square metre per nanometre per steradian
Unitsymbol mW/(cm⋅nm⋅sr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetrePerSteradian
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerCubicDeciMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerCubicDeciMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-DeciM3
Ucumcode mol.dm-3
Preflabel MolePerCubicDeciMetre
Elucidation SI base unit mol divided by the 0.001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Mole Per Cubic Decimetre
Unitsymbol mol/dm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoFaradPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoFaradPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoFARAD-PER-M
Ucumcode nF.m-1
Preflabel NanoFaradPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI derived unit farad divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Nanofarad Per Metre
Unitsymbol nF/m
Formal description
Subclass Of PermittivityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some FaradPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGramPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGramPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM-PER-M3
Ucumcode ng.m-3
Preflabel NanoGramPerCubicMetre
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Nanogram Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol ng/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGramPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGramPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode ng.kg-1
Ucumcode ng/kg
Preflabel NanoGramPerKilogram
Elucidation mass ratio consisting of the 0.000000000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Nanogram Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol ng/Kg
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGramPerSquareMetrePerPascalPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGramPerSquareMetrePerPascalPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM-PER-M2-PA-SEC
Preflabel NanoGramPerSquareMetrePerPascalPerSecond
Altlabel Nanograms per square metre per Pascal per second
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perm_(unit)
Unitsymbol ng/(m²⋅s⋅Pa)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoHenryPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoHenryPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoH-PER-M
Ucumcode nH.m-1
Preflabel NanoHenryPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI derived unit henry divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Nanohenry Per Metre
Unitsymbol nH/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PermeabilityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some HenryPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerMicroMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerMicroMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-MicroMOL
Ucumcode nmol.umol-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerMicroMole
Elucidation Unavailable.

Altlabel Nanomoles per micromole
Unitsymbol nmol/µmol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoSiemensPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoSiemensPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoS-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode nS.cm-1
Preflabel NanoSiemensPerCentiMetre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI derived unit Siemens by the 0.01 fol of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Nanosiemens Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol nS/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some SiemensPerCentiMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoSiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoSiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoS-PER-M
Ucumcode nS.m-1
Preflabel NanoSiemensPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI derived unit Siemens divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Nanosiemens Per Metre
Unitsymbol nS/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some SiemensPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-CentiM
Ucumcode N.cm
Preflabel NewtonCentiMetre
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit newton and the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Newton Centimetre
Unitsymbol N⋅cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode N.cm-1
Preflabel NewtonPerCentiMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit newton divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Newton Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol N/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode N.mm-1
Preflabel NewtonPerMilliMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit newton divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Newton Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol N/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode N.cm-2
Preflabel NewtonPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit newton divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Newton Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol N/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerSquareMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerSquareMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-MilliM2
Ucumcode N.mm-2
Preflabel NewtonPerSquareMilliMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit newton divided by the 0.000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Newton Per Square Millimetre
Unitsymbol N/mm²
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-CentiM
Ucumcode /cm
Ucumcode cm-1
Preflabel PerCentiMetre
Elucidation reciprocal of the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel ReciprocalCentimetre
Unitsymbol /cm
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode cm-3
Preflabel PerCubicCentiMetre
Elucidation reciprocal of the 0.000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel ReciprocalCubicCentiMetre
Unitsymbol /cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerCubicMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerCubicMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MilliM3
Ucumcode mm-3
Preflabel PerCubicMilliMetre
Elucidation reciprocal value of the 0.000000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel ReciprocalCubicMilliMetre
Unitsymbol /mm³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerKiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerKiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-KiloM
Ucumcode /km
Ucumcode km-1
Preflabel PerKiloMetre
Elucidation Per Kilometer Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /km.

Altlabel ReciprocalKiloMetre
Unitsymbol /km
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMetreNanoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMetreNanoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M-NanoM
Ucumcode m-1.nm-1
Preflabel PerMetreNanoMetre
Elucidation Per metre and nanometre.
Altlabel ReciprocalMetreNanoMetre
Unitsymbol /(m⋅nm)
Formal description
Subclass Of PerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMetreNanoMetreSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMetreNanoMetreSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M-NanoM-SR
Ucumcode m-1.nm-1.sr-1
Preflabel PerMetreNanoMetreSteradian
Elucidation Per metre and nanometre and steradian.
Altlabel ReciprocalMetreNanoMetreSteradian
Unitsymbol /(m⋅nm⋅sr)
Formal description
Subclass Of PerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMicroMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMicroMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MicroM
Ucumcode /um
Ucumcode um-1
Preflabel PerMicroMetre
Elucidation Per Micrometer Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /microm.

Altlabel ReciprocalMicroMetre
Unitsymbol /µm
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MilliM
Ucumcode /mm
Ucumcode mm-1
Preflabel PerMilliMetre
Elucidation Per Millimeter Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /mm.

Altlabel ReciprocalMilliMetre
Unitsymbol /mm
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMilliSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMilliSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MilliSEC
Ucumcode ms-1
Preflabel PerMilliSecond
Elucidation Per millisecond.
Altlabel ReciprocalMilliSecond
Unitsymbol /ms
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerNanoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerNanoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-NanoM
Ucumcode /nm
Ucumcode nm-1
Preflabel PerNanoMetre
Elucidation Per Nanometer Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /nm.

Altlabel ReciprocalNanoMetre
Unitsymbol /nm
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerPicoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerPicoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-PicoM
Ucumcode /pm
Ucumcode pm-1
Preflabel PerPicoMetre
Elucidation Per Picoometer Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /pm.

Altlabel ReciprocalPicoMetre
Unitsymbol /pm
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoFaradPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoFaradPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoFARAD-PER-M
Ucumcode pF.m-1
Preflabel PicoFaradPerMetre
Elucidation 1e-12 fold of the SI derived unit farad divided by the SI base unit metre.

Altlabel Picofarad Per Metre
Unitsymbol pF/m
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PermittivityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some FaradPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoGramPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoGramPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoGM-PER-GM
Ucumcode pg.g-1
Preflabel PicoGramPerGram
Elucidation One part per 10**12 (trillion) by mass of the measurand in the matrix.

Altlabel Picograms per gram
Unitsymbol pg/g
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerGram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoGramPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoGramPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoGM-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode pg.kg-1
Preflabel PicoGramPerKilogram
Elucidation One part per 10**15 by mass of the measurand in the matrix.

Altlabel Picograms per kilogram
Unitsymbol pg/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-M3
Ucumcode pmol.m-3
Preflabel PicoMolePerCubicMetre
Altlabel Picomoles per cubic metre
Unitsymbol pmol/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerCubicMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-M3-SEC
Ucumcode pmol.m-3.s-1
Preflabel PicoMolePerCubicMetrePerSecond
Altlabel Picomoles per cubic metre per second
Unitsymbol pmol/(m³⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerCubicMetrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode pmol.kg-1
Preflabel PicoMolePerKilogram
Altlabel Picomoles per kilogram
Unitsymbol pmol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerMetrePerWattPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerMetrePerWattPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-M-W-SEC
Ucumcode pmol.m-1.W-1.s-1
Preflabel PicoMolePerMetrePerWattPerSecond
Altlabel Picomoles per metre per watt per second
Unitsymbol pmol/(m⋅W⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountSquareTimePerMassVolumeUnit
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoPascalPerKiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoPascalPerKiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoPA-PER-KiloM
Ucumcode pPa.km-1
Preflabel PicoPascalPerKiloMetre
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI derived unit pascal divided by the 1 000-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Picopascal Per Kilometre
Unitsymbol pPa/km
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoSiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoSiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoS-PER-M
Ucumcode pS.m-1
Preflabel PicoSiemensPerMetre
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI derived unit Siemens divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Picosiemens Per Metre
Unitsymbol pS/m
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some SiemensPerMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoWattPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoWattPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoW-PER-M2
Ucumcode pW.m-2
Preflabel PicoWattPerSquareMetre
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the SI derived unit watt divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Picowatt Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol pW/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some WattPerSquareMetre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
QuarticMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#QuarticMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM4
Ucumcode mm4
Preflabel QuarticMilliMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 4

Altlabel Quartic Millimetre
Unitsymbol mm⁴
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of QuarticLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SiemensPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SiemensPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/S-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode S.cm-1
Preflabel SiemensPerCentiMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit Siemens divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Siemens Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol S/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM2
Ucumcode cm2
Preflabel SquareCentiMetre
Elucidation A unit of area equal to that of a square, of sides 1cm

Altlabel Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM2-PER-CentiM3
Ucumcode cm2.cm-3
Preflabel SquareCentiMetrePerCubicCentiMetre
Elucidation Square centimetre per cubic centimetre.
Unitsymbol cm²/cm³
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareCentiMetrePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareCentMetrePerGram
Preflabel SquareCentiMetrePerGram
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaPerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareCentiMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareCentiMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM2-PER-SEC
Ucumcode cm2.s-1
Preflabel SquareCentiMetrePerSecond
Elucidation Square centimetre per second.
Unitsymbol cm²/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareCentiMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareCentiMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM2-SEC
Ucumcode cm2.s
Preflabel SquareCentiMetreSecond
Elucidation "Square Centimeter Second" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Area Time' expressed as cm² . s.

Altlabel Square Centimetre Second
Unitsymbol cm²⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareDeciMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareDeciMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM2
Ucumcode dm2
Preflabel SquareDeciMetre
Elucidation 0.1-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Square Decimetre
Unitsymbol dm²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMicroMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMicroMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM2
Ucumcode um2
Preflabel SquareMicroMetre
Elucidation 0.000000000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Square Micrometre
Unitsymbol μm²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM2
Ucumcode mm2
Preflabel SquareMilliMetre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Square Millimetre
Unitsymbol mm²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMilliMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMilliMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM2-PER-SEC
Ucumcode mm2.s-1
Preflabel SquareMilliMetrePerSecond
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Square Millimetre Per Second
Unitsymbol mm²/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareNanoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareNanoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoM2
Ucumcode nm2
Preflabel SquareNanoMetre
Elucidation A unit of area equal to that of a square, of sides 1nm

Altlabel Square Nanometre
Unitsymbol nm²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode V.cm-1
Preflabel VoltPerCentiMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit volt divided by the 0.01-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Volt Per Centimetre
Unitsymbol V/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerMicroSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerMicroSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-MicroSEC
Ucumcode V.us-1
Preflabel VoltPerMicroSecond
Elucidation SI derived unit volt divided by the 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit second

Altlabel Volt Per Microsecond
Unitsymbol V/µs
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode V.mm-1
Preflabel VoltPerMilliMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit volt divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Volt Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol V/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode W.cm-2
Preflabel WattPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation Watt Per Square Centimeter is a unit of heat flux or thermal flux, the rate of heat energy transfer through a given surface.

Altlabel Watt per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol W/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-NanoM
Ucumcode W.m-2.nm-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetre
Elucidation Watt per square metre and nanometre.
Unitsymbol W/m²⋅nm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetrePerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetrePerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-NanoM-SR
Ucumcode W.m-2.nm-1.sr-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetrePerNanoMetrePerSteradian
Elucidation Watt per square metre and nanometre and steradian unit.
Unitsymbol W/m²⋅nm⋅sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WeberPerMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WeberPerMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/WB-PER-MilliM
Ucumcode Wb.mm-1
Preflabel WeberPerMilliMetre
Elucidation derived SI unit weber divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Weber Per Millimetre
Unitsymbol Wb/mm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticPotentialUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
Module: International System Of Quantities (Isq) ================================================ .. _international-system-of-quantities-(isq)-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AbsoluteActivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2ae37adf_07f2_4920_8ec6_084c69761e34
Iupacreference https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/A00019
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AbsoluteActivity
Preflabel AbsoluteActivity
Elucidation The exponential of the ratio of the chemical potential to R*T where R is the gas constant and T the thermodynamic temperature.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q56638155
Iso80000Reference 9-18
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
AbsoluteHumidity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a13cff6e_41fd_48d5_82b6_3a9015f19001
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AbsoluteHumidity
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassConcentrationOfWaterVapour
Preflabel AbsoluteHumidity
Elucidation Mass of the contained water vapour per volume.
Altlabel MassConcentrationOfWaterVapour
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-60
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76378808
Iso80000Reference 5-28
Formal description
Subclass Of MassConcentration
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
AbsorbedDose ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8e5dd473_808b_4a8a_b7cd_63068c12ff57
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00031
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AbsorbedDose
Preflabel AbsorbedDose
Elucidation Energy imparted to matter by ionizing radiation in a suitable small element of volume divided by the mass of that element of volume.
Iso80000Reference 10-81.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AbsorbedDoseUnit
.. raw:: html
AbsorbedDoseRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_15d36b02_fbb4_4c35_bca9_38e9c573baee
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AbsorbedDoseRate
Preflabel AbsorbedDoseRate
Elucidation Differential quotient of the absorbed dose with respect to time.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-12-07
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q69428958
Iso80000Reference 10-84
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
.. raw:: html
AbsorbedDoseUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_847f1d9f_205e_46c1_8cb6_a9e479421f88
Preflabel AbsorbedDoseUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AbsorbedDose'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
Acceleration ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e37ac288_aa60_415a_8cb7_c375724ac8e1
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00051
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Acceleration
Preflabel Acceleration
Elucidation Derivative of velocity with respect to time.
Iso80000Reference 3-9.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AccelerationUnit
.. raw:: html
AcceptorDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8219a082_9443_4374_8038_6459d5cf4ce9
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AcceptorDensity
Preflabel AcceptorDensity
Elucidation quotient of number of acceptor levels and volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105979968
Iso80000Reference 12-29.5
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
AcousticQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50b91f00_d1b3_4638_ab1e_8f982a37621a
Preflabel AcousticQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-8.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
Action ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fc1987b2_afff_4dc6_a102_bdd9f024b03b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Action
Preflabel Action
Elucidation Physical quantity of dimension energy × time.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-51
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q846785
Iso80000Reference 4-32
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AngularMomentumUnit
.. raw:: html
ActiveEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_621607ae_90ef_4f48_845e_3b53091a9340
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ActiveEnergy
Preflabel ActiveEnergy
Elucidation The integral over a time interval of the instantaneous power.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-57
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=601-01-19
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79813678
Iso80000Reference 6-62
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
.. raw:: html
ActivePower ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2c9f993c_5b30_40a5_a471_808f7eb719db
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ActivePower
Preflabel ActivePower
Elucidation Average power over a period.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-42
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q20820042
Iso80000Reference 6-56
Formal description
Subclass Of Power
.. raw:: html
Activity ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c20dd550_7241_4ca4_b5b1_0d300ab03b6c
Iupacreference https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/A00114
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Activity
Preflabel Activity
Elucidation Number dN of spontaneous nuclear transitions or nuclear disintegrations for a radionuclide of amount N produced during a short time interval dt, divided by this time interval.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-05
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q317949
Iso80000Reference 10-27
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Rate
.. raw:: html
ActivityCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3434b127_1820_43a7_9e13_b96f25e66ee8
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00116
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ActivityCoefficient
Preflabel ActivityCoefficient
Elucidation A coefficient in thermodynamics used to account for deviation of a mixture of chemical substances from ideal behaviour.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q745224
Iso80000Reference 9-25
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
ActivityDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f94fceab_966b_4ead_b615_f6b6b07dfd55
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ActivityConcentration
Preflabel ActivityDensity
Elucidation Activity per unit volume of the sample.
Altlabel ActivityConcentration
Altlabel VolumetricActivity
Altlabel VolumicActivity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q423263
Iso80000Reference 10-29
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
ActivityFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_254ff869_7d28_42dd_aedc_adb4cc8ad0cb
Preflabel ActivityFactor
Elucidation For substance X in a liquid or a solid mixture; quotient of absolute activity of substance X and the product of absolute activity of the pure substance X at the same temperature and pressure and amount-of-substance fraction of substance X.
Comment Activity factors can also be obtained applying Raoult's law or Henry's law.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89335167
Iso80000Reference 9-22
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
ActivityOfSolute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_125e8614_0dad_4c04_9ac9_03317e63beec
Preflabel ActivityOfSolute
Elucidation For a solute X in a solution; quantity proportional to the absolute activity.
Altlabel RelativeActivityOfSolute
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89408862
Iso80000Reference 9-24
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
ActivityOfSolvent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2ed364b1_affe_4711_a83f_74bfd57b94ad
Preflabel ActivityOfSolvent
Elucidation For a solvent in a solution, quotient of the absolute activity and that of the pure substance at the same temperature and pressure.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89486193
Iso80000Reference 9-27.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
Admittance ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4fb35ebc_0f3f_4cda_b181_a5334bc2b114
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Admittance
Preflabel Admittance
Elucidation Inverse of the impendance.
Altlabel ComplexAdmittance
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Admittance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-51
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q214518
Iso80000Reference 6-52.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductance
.. raw:: html
AffinityOfAChemicalReaction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3a5b4cf3_08d7_4107_be20_cdd0ef7fc73c
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00178
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ChemicalAffinity
Preflabel AffinityOfAChemicalReaction
Elucidation Describes elements' or compounds' readiness to form bonds.
Altlabel ChemicalAffinity
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q382783
Iso80000Reference 9-30
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EnergyPerAmountUnit
.. raw:: html
AlphaDisintegrationEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_260dfba7_f7ab_4e5d_99e5_137600778220
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AlphaDisintegrationEnergy
Preflabel AlphaDisintegrationEnergy
Elucidation Sum of the kinetic energy of the α-particle produced in the disintegration process and the recoil energy of the product atom in a reference frame in which the emitting nucleus is at rest before its disintegration.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98146025
Iso80000Reference 10-32
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
AmountConcentration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5be1faf_0c56_4f5a_9b78_581e6dee949f
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00295
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AmountOfSubstanceConcentrationOfB
Preflabel AmountConcentration
Elucidation The amount of a constituent divided by the volume of the mixture.
Altlabel Concentration
Altlabel MolarConcentration
Altlabel Molarity
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalCompositionQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of Concentration
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AmountConcentrationUnit
.. raw:: html
AmountConductivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_14235b93_650f_4452_8395_a23b8f645c9a
Preflabel AmountConductivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountConductivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L0 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountFraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_04b3300c_98bd_42dc_a3b5_e6c29d69f1ac
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00296
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MoleFraction
Preflabel AmountFraction
Elucidation The amount of a constituent divided by the total amount of all constituents in a mixture.
Altlabel MoleFraction
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalCompositionQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
AmountOfSubstance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8159c26a_494b_4fa0_9959_10888f152298
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00297
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AmountOfSubstance
Preflabel AmountOfSubstance
Elucidation The number of elementary entities present.
Comment "In the name “amount of substance”, the word “substance” will typically be replaced by words to specify the substance concerned in any particular application, for example “amount of hydrogen chloride, HCl”, or “amount of benzene, C6H6 ”. It is important to give a precise definition of the entity involved (as emphasized in the definition of the mole); this should preferably be done by specifying the molecular chemical formula of the material involved. Although the word “amount” has a more general dictionary definition, the abbreviation of the full name “amount of substance” to “amount” may be used for brevity."

-- SI Brochure
Iso80000Reference 9-2
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AmountUnit
.. raw:: html
AmountPerAreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a94aec97_71ff_4574_b111_a52d77d2c230
Preflabel AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerAreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_183f6fac_8543_44e0_bd59_434aa7054f4c
Preflabel AmountPerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerMassPressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2d66cf6d_9396_40c8_bb82_324ab19067ce
Preflabel AmountPerMassPressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerMassPressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+1 M-2 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerMassTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5d2d48c4_4fb6_4f33_bfc0_273129429c30
Preflabel AmountPerMassTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerMassTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_95971713_d589_4002_a5a7_affc5c74cfdb
Preflabel AmountPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c5ac5c53_14de_47ce_b424_2576d042d241
Preflabel AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountPerVolumeTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountSquareTimePerMassVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_052e9796_1144_43ae_a798_c5755cd6cd81
Preflabel AmountSquareTimePerMassVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountSquareTimePerMassVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-3 M-1 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3d254432_6f8f_4a6d_9eb3_4ab54388171b
Preflabel AmountTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AmountTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e501069c_34d3_4dc7_ac87_c90c7342192b
Preflabel AmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Amount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
Angle ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f3dd74c0_f480_49e8_9764_33b78638c235
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00346
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PlaneAngle
Preflabel Angle
Elucidation Ratio of circular arc length to radius.
Altlabel PlaneAngle
Iso80000Reference 3-5
Formal description
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
AngularAcceleration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_77c53503_48b5_4811_a1a5_6bb4425e0bbf
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularAcceleration
Preflabel AngularAcceleration
Elucidation Vector quantity giving the rate of change of angular velocity.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_acceleration
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Angular_acceleration
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-46
Iso80000Reference 3-13
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AngularFrequencyUnit
.. raw:: html
AngularFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f4a30d7e_8e8b_41e6_9695_d33a68f54f4b
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00352
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularFrequency
Preflabel AngularFrequency
Elucidation Rate of change of the phase angle.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_frequency
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Angular_frequency
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-07-03
Iso80000Reference 3-18
Formal description
Subclass Of Frequency
.. raw:: html
AngularFrequencyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_78487bf1_c0bc_4db8_99dd_d8b7cc8b3bac
Preflabel AngularFrequencyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AngularFrequency'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AngularMeasure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_930ce8d9_6cde_4ef9_9cb2_a98a63852b96
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00346
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Angle
Preflabel AngularMeasure
Elucidation The abstract notion of angle.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=102-04-14
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1357788
Iso80000Reference 3-5
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
AngularMomentum ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_66d01570_36dd_42fd_844d_29b81b029cd5
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00353
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularMomentum
Preflabel AngularMomentum
Elucidation Measure of the extent and direction an object rotates about a reference point.
Iso80000Reference 4-11
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AngularMomentumUnit
.. raw:: html
AngularReciprocalLatticeVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7254c8be_965d_4b3c_b3be_12c5578bee7c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularReciprocalLatticeVector
Preflabel AngularReciprocalLatticeVector
Elucidation Vector whose scalar products with all fundamental lattice vectors are integral multiples of 2pi.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105475278
Iso80000Reference 12-2.1
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
AngularVelocity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bd325ef5_4127_420c_83d3_207b3e2184fd
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularVelocity
Preflabel AngularVelocity
Elucidation Axial vector quantity describing the rotation around an axis, with magnitude ω=|dφ/dt|, where dφ is the plane angle change during the infinitesimal time interval with duration dt, and with direction along the axis for which the rotation is clockwise.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_velocity
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Angular_velocity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-41
Iso80000Reference 3-12
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyUnit
.. raw:: html
AngularWaveNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e4791212_5a13_4aa6_aac2_08704550dcc3
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularWavenumber
Preflabel AngularWaveNumber
Elucidation In condensed matter physics, quotient of momentum and the reduced Planck constant.
Altlabel AngularRepetency
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105542089
Iso80000Reference 12-9.1
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Wavenumber
.. raw:: html
AngularWavenumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ba236f43_7f94_4386_9673_9122952e928b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularWavenumber
Preflabel AngularWavenumber
Elucidation Magnitude of the wave vector.
Altlabel AngularRepetency
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-12
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30338487
Iso80000Reference 3-22
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
ApparentPower ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7b09c6b8_d120_4518_9b66_3b1139e0aa66
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ApparentPower
Preflabel ApparentPower
Elucidation RMS value voltage multiplied by rms value of electric current.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-41
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1930258
Iso80000Reference 6-57
Formal description
Subclass Of Power
.. raw:: html
Area ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96f39f77_44dc_491b_8fa7_30d887fe0890
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00429
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Area
Preflabel Area
Elucidation Extent of a surface.
Iso80000Reference 3-3
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaUnit
.. raw:: html
AreaDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_afea89af_ef16_4bdb_99d5_f3b2f4c85a6c
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06167
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SurfaceDensity
Preflabel AreaDensity
Elucidation Mass per unit area.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
AreaPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_973656ed_870e_40ba_8bc0_c879687a335a
Preflabel AreaPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4817e479_e401_437e_a49b_54540b93d2a1
Preflabel AreaPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerQuarticTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_27c8e4db_eb18_402c_951e_6a38751cf1d0
Preflabel AreaPerQuarticTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerQuarticTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_002e4002_58c7_4aea_ac1f_bba5188818ff
Preflabel AreaPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_10f703b5_8b2a_4c5a_a734_f0cfb29622ad
Preflabel AreaPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7855043d_a466_4585_97a9_b9fe4ce0c12d
Preflabel AreaSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ceaa4c6b_f5b7_46f4_bfcd_16eb4afab945
Preflabel AreaTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_959c9715_14fb_4ce8_a93b_79678b2959b9
Preflabel AreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AreicSpeedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b33cc5b5_a9dc_4082_b497_14d1654c5591
Preflabel AreicSpeedUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'AreicSpeed'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3b1b64d1_60c9_4689_a300_eb9cd56e368b
Preflabel AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-10.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
AtomicAttenuationCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21e69447_1d0c_4880_ab8c_6bfbcd83aab4
Preflabel AtomicAttenuationCoefficient
Elucidation Quotient of the linear attenuation coefficient µ and the number density, n, of atoms in the substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98592911
Iso80000Reference 10-52
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaUnit
.. raw:: html
AtomicMass ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_27367073_ed8a_481a_9b07_f836dfe31f7f
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00496
Preflabel AtomicMass
Comment Since the nucleus account for nearly all of the total mass of atoms (with the electrons and nuclear binding energy making minor contributions), the atomic mass measured in Da has nearly the same value as the mass number.
Comment The atomic mass is often expressed as an average of the commonly found isotopes.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_mass
Definition The mass of an atom in the ground state.
Iso80000Reference 10-4.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Mass
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperty) only Atom
.. raw:: html
AtomicNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_07de47e0_6bb6_45b9_b55a_4f238efbb105
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00499
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AtomicNumber
Preflabel AtomicNumber
Elucidation Number of protons in an atomic nucleus.
Iso80000Reference 10-1.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
Subclass Of IntegerData
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperty) only Atom
.. raw:: html
AtomicPhysicsCrossSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3d77504a_a1fe_485f_aabb_6750598fe1ea
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Cross-Section.html
Preflabel AtomicPhysicsCrossSection
Elucidation Measure of probability that a specific process will take place in a collision of two particles.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q17128025
Iso80000Reference 10-38.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaUnit
.. raw:: html
AtomicScatteringFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0a982eeb_e5ef_4828_93bc_53ece1b3f171
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AtomScatteringFactor
Preflabel AtomicScatteringFactor
Elucidation Quotient of radiation amplitude scattered by the atom and radiation amplitude scattered by a single electron.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_form_factor
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q837866
Iso80000Reference 12-5.3
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
Attenuation ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ecf938f1_bc37_4897_841d_092cd37f74de
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00515
Preflabel Attenuation
Elucidation Decrease in magnitude of any kind of flux through a medium.
Altlabel Extinction
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attenuation
Iso80000Reference 3-26.1
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
AverageEnergyLossPerElementaryChargeProduced ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dd92c2ae_3ca4_49bc_9147_d82b96f7505e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AverageEnergyLossPerElementaryChargeProduced
Preflabel AverageEnergyLossPerElementaryChargeProduced
Elucidation Quotient of the initial kinetic energy Ek of an ionizing charged particle and the total ionization Ni produced by that particle.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98793042
Iso80000Reference 10-60
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
AverageLogarithmicEnergyDecrement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44afb828_82bf_4091_a7a0_7c80ec47281d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AverageLogarithmicEnergyDecrement.html
Preflabel AverageLogarithmicEnergyDecrement
Elucidation Average value of the increment of the lethargy per collision.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-07-02
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1940739
Iso80000Reference 10-70
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
AvogadroConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_176cae33_b83e_4cd2_a6bc_281f42f0ccc8
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00543
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/AvogadroConstant
Preflabel AvogadroConstant
Elucidation The number of constituent particles, usually atoms or molecules, that are contained in the amount of substance given by one mole.

It defines the base unit mole in the SI system.
Comment The DBpedia definition (http://dbpedia.org/page/Avogadro_constant) is outdated as May 20, 2019. It is now an exact quantity.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerAmountUnit
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BetaDisintegrationEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_34bdb169_90da_4d38_a351_647071804e5d
Preflabel BetaDisintegrationEnergy
Elucidation Sum of the maximum beta-particle kinetic energy and the recoil energy of the atom produced in a reference frame in which the emitting nucleus is at rest before its disintegration.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98148340
Iso80000Reference 10-34
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
BindingFraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_29edd972_2e77_4658_8106_01c86b3b10a2
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/BindingFraction
Preflabel BindingFraction
Elucidation The ratio of the binding energy of a nucleus to the atomic mass number.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98058362
Iso80000Reference 10-23.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
BohrMagneton ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6884600e_5d9b_44b1_9fc5_7d4dc1639e2f
Preflabel BohrMagneton
Elucidation Magnitude of the magnetic moment of an electron in a state with orbital angular momentum quantum number l=1 due to its orbital motion.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q737120
Iso80000Reference 10-9.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
.. raw:: html
BohrRadius ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f2a669c_101b_428e_9cfc_0157986c36d5
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.B00693
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/constant/BohrRadius
Preflabel BohrRadius
Elucidation Radius of the electron orbital in the hydrogen atom in its ground state in the Bohr model of the atom.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q652571
Iso80000Reference 10-6
Formal description
Subclass Of Radius
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
BoltzmannConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ffc7735f_c177_46a4_98e9_a54440d29209
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.B00695
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/BoltzmannConstant
Preflabel BoltzmannConstant
Elucidation A physical constant relating energy at the individual particle level with temperature. It is the gas constant R divided by the Avogadro constant.

It defines the Kelvin unit in the SI system.
Comment The DBpedia definition (http://dbpedia.org/page/Boltzmann_constant) is outdated as May 20, 2019. It is now an exact quantity.
Formal description
Subclass Of Entropy
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
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BraggAngle ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_034bc7dd_a8c2_4ed0_8b51_66ac9b00342f
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/BraggAngle
Preflabel BraggAngle
Elucidation Angle between the scattered ray and the lattice plane.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105488118
Iso80000Reference 12-4
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Angle
.. raw:: html
BurgersVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_da4ea7e3_6e60_410b_a209_6ea735a6b10c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/BurgersVector
Preflabel BurgersVector
Elucidation Vector characterising a dislocation in a crystal lattice.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q623093
Iso80000Reference 12-6
Formal description
Subclass Of Displacement
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LengthUnit
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CanonicalPartitionFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d8612fa0_c0fb_485d_b45a_1845e7a46796
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CanonicalPartitionFunction
Preflabel CanonicalPartitionFunction
Elucidation Sum over quantum states of energy in a system in equilibrium.
Comment In physics, a partition function describes the statistical properties of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium. Partition functions are functions of the thermodynamic state variables, such as the temperature and volume. Most of the aggregate thermodynamic variables of the system, such as the total energy, free energy, entropy, and pressure, can be expressed in terms of the partition function or its derivatives. The partition function is dimensionless.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96142389
Iso80000Reference 9-35.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
Capacitance ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_99dba333_0dbd_4f75_8841_8c0f97fd58e2
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C00791
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Capacitance
Preflabel Capacitance
Elucidation The derivative of the electric charge of a system with respect to the electric potential.
Altlabel ElectricCapacitance
Iso80000Reference 6-13
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some CapacitanceUnit
.. raw:: html
CapacitancePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_860ef96c_e93e_4549_b3a3_099a625a26a5
Preflabel CapacitancePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'CapacitancePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-1 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
CapacitanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b14d9be5_f81e_469b_abca_379c2e83feab
Preflabel CapacitanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Capacitance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
CarrierLifetime ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b3bf01d2_5d67_45d3_91e6_70abddae08a9
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CarrierLifetime
Preflabel CarrierLifetime
Elucidation Time constant for recombination or trapping of minority charge carriers in semiconductors
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5046374
Iso80000Reference 12-32.2
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeConstant
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
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CatalyticActivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bd67d149_24c2_4bc9_833a_c2bc26f98fd3
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C00881
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CatalyticActivity
Preflabel CatalyticActivity
Elucidation Increase in the rate of reaction of a specified chemical reaction that an enzyme produces in a specific assay system.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some CatalyticActivityUnit
.. raw:: html
CatalyticActivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ce7d4720_aa20_4a8c_93e8_df41a35b6723
Preflabel CatalyticActivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'CatalyticActivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N+1 J0'
.. raw:: html
CelsiusTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_66bc9029_f473_45ff_bab9_c3509ff37a22
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06261
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CelciusTemperature
Preflabel CelsiusTemperature
Elucidation An objective comparative measure of hot or cold.

Temperature is a relative quantity that can be used to express temperature differences. Unlike ThermodynamicTemperature, it cannot express absolute temperatures.
Iso80000Reference 5-2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some TemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
CentreOfMass ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9d8f708a_f291_4d72_80ec_362c6e6bbca6
Preflabel CentreOfMass
Elucidation The unique point where the weighted relative position of the distributed mass of an Item sums to zero. Equivalently, it is the point where if a force is applied to the Item, causes the Item to move in direction of force without rotation.
Comment In non-relativistic physics, the centre of mass doesn’t depend on the chosen reference frame.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass
Formal description
Subclass Of PositionVector
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ChargeNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dc467621_3b49_4f31_9b09_82290f29da52
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C00993
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ChargeNumber
Preflabel ChargeNumber
Elucidation For a particle, electric charge q divided by elementary charge e.
Comment The charge number of a particle may be presented as a superscript to the symbol of that particle, e.g. H+, He++, Al3+, Cl−, S=, N3−.
Comment The charge number of an electrically charged particle can be positive or negative. The charge number of an electrically neutral particle is zero.
Altlabel IonizationNumber
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_number
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Charge_number
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-05-17
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1800063
Iso80000Reference 10-5.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
ChemicalPotential ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88fc5d1b_d3ab_4626_b24c_915ebe7400ca
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01032
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ChemicalPotential
Preflabel ChemicalPotential
Elucidation Energy per unit change in amount of substance.
Iso80000Reference 9-17
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EnergyPerAmountUnit
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CoefficientOfFriction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a18a3e9b_7e3d_44bf_9640_c8634e770ba8
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02530
Preflabel CoefficientOfFriction
Elucidation Dimensionless scalar value which describes the ratio of the force of friction between two bodies and the force pressing them together; depends on the materials used, ranges from near zero to greater than one.
Altlabel FrictionCoefficient
Altlabel FrictionFactor
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1932524
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43b349fc_c7ed_480d_b0ca_9db84b700813
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CoefficientOfHeatTransfer
Preflabel CoefficientOfHeatTransfer
Elucidation At a point on the surface separating two media with different thermodynamic temperatures, magnitude of the density of heat flow rate φ divided by the absolute value of temperature difference ΔT.
Altlabel ThermalTransmittance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-39
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q634340
Iso80000Reference 5-10.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ThermalTransmittanceUnit
.. raw:: html
CoefficientOfThermalExpansion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_80f3d95d_b1fd_46c0_b98a_b6b611b47105
Preflabel CoefficientOfThermalExpansion
Elucidation Material property which describes how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature.
Altlabel ThermalExpansionCoefficient
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q45760
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerTemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
Coercivity ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e78a4d4_b4e0_48e7_97d8_e7d41a85a54d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Coercivity
Preflabel Coercivity
Elucidation Coercive field strength in a substance when either the magnetic flux density or the magnetic polarization and magnetization is brought from its value at magnetic saturation to zero by monotonic reduction of the applied magnetic field strength.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-69
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q432635
Iso80000Reference 6-31
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
.. raw:: html
CoherenceLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_477042ef_3173_49b2_a264_0e3270733f8c
Preflabel CoherenceLength
Elucidation Distance in a superconductor over which the effect of a perturbation is appreciable at zero thermodynamic temperature
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1778793
Iso80000Reference 12-38.2
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
ComplexPower ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7bc281c_0f58_431c_a66f_04be575fae7e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ComplexPower
Preflabel ComplexPower
Elucidation Voltage phasor multiplied by complex conjugate of the current phasor.
Altlabel ComplexApparentPower
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-39
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q65239736
Iso80000Reference 6-59
Formal description
Subclass Of Power
.. raw:: html
Compressibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0de3878e_7928_4ab6_bc6d_cf590b2d0e5b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Compressibility
Preflabel Compressibility
Elucidation Measure of the relative volume change of a fluid or solid as a response to a pressure change.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-70
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8067817
Iso80000Reference 4-20
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerPressureUnit
.. raw:: html
ComptonWavelength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5888438_b092_4057_b8df_966cf6034fb2
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/constant/ComptonWavelength
Preflabel ComptonWavelength
Elucidation Quotient of the Planck constant and the product of the mass of the particle and the speed of light in vacuum.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_wavelength
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1145377
Iso80000Reference 10-20
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Wavelength
.. raw:: html
Concentration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a356870d_409a_4de6_a910_0d8498e593ff
Iupacreference https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/C01222
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Concentration
Preflabel Concentration
Elucidation the abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Concentration
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3686031
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
.. raw:: html
CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c29603f5_95e8_42f5_ab0c_f3bcf3166d53
Preflabel CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-12.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
ConductanceForAlternatingCurrent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_01b80fdd_065c_4caf_b36c_4c0724936e24
Preflabel ConductanceForAlternatingCurrent
Elucidation Real part of the admittance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-53
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79464628
Iso80000Reference 6-52.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductance
.. raw:: html
CouplingFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c6f8d962_2239_4a9e_a9ac_63c01b84de09
Preflabel CouplingFactor
Elucidation Ratio of the absolute value of the mutual permeance related to two circuit elements to the geometric average of their self-permeances.
Altlabel InductiveCouplingFactor
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-41
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q78101715
Iso80000Reference 6-42.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
.. raw:: html
CriticalTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_83424a56_e28f_4aea_8125_bef7b9347ee6
Preflabel CriticalTemperature
Elucidation Temperature below which quantum effects dominate.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1450516
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicTemperature
.. raw:: html
CubicElectricChargeLengthPerSquareEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_360adeca_9eee_4bb9_a5ca_728756c1ed4a
Preflabel CubicElectricChargeLengthPerSquareEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'CubicElectricChargeLengthPerSquareEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+7 L-3 M-2 I+3 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
CubicExpansionCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c1ec02e_4def_4979_aff9_572c06a95391
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CubicExpansionCoefficient
Preflabel CubicExpansionCoefficient
Elucidation Quantity characterizing the variation with thermodynamic temperature T of the volume V of a body, under given conditions.
Comment alpha_V = (1/V) * (dV/dT)
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-28
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q74761076
Iso80000Reference 5-3.2
Formal description
Subclass Of CoefficientOfThermalExpansion
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
CurieTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6b5af5a8_a2d8_4353_a1d6_54c9f778343d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CurieTemperature
Preflabel CurieTemperature
Elucidation Critical thermodynamic temperature of a ferromagnet.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-51
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q191073
Iso80000Reference 12-35.1
Formal description
Subclass Of CriticalTemperature
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
CurrentLinkage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0d2c0390_51fb_42aa_93b1_af903b3ad510
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CurrentLinkage
Preflabel CurrentLinkage
Elucidation For a closed path, scalar quantity equal to the electric current through any surface bounded by the path.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-46
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77995703
Iso80000Reference 6-37.4
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrent
.. raw:: html
Curvature ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d4deccf7_8cbf_4766_bf3d_57db491fa637
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CurvatureFromRadius
Preflabel Curvature
Elucidation Inverse of the radius of curvature.
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Curvature
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-31
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q214881
Iso80000Reference 3-2
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
CyclotronAngularFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bdb1ece0_0631_452e_9348_8387595428e8
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CyclotronAngularFrequency
Preflabel CyclotronAngularFrequency
Elucidation Quotient of the product of the electric charge of a particle and the magnitude of the magnetic flux density of the magnetic field, and the particle mass.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97708211
Iso80000Reference 10-16
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of AngularFrequency
.. raw:: html
DampingCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ab3e812f_4d0f_4290_83fb_b2f5963f3772
Preflabel DampingCoefficient
Elucidation Inverse of the time constant of an exponentially varying quantity.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-05-24
Iso80000Reference 3-24
Formal description
Subclass Of Rate
.. raw:: html
DebyeAngularFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_65ec122c_b67f_4009_8b16_2df7dfae118a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DebyeAngularFrequency
Preflabel DebyeAngularFrequency
Elucidation Cut-off angular frequency in the Debye model of the vibrational spectrum of a solid.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105580986
Iso80000Reference 12-10
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of AngularFrequency
.. raw:: html
DebyeAngularWaveNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_76acb5d8_5ab8_484b_8354_7f7612f39c17
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DebyeAngularWavenumber
Preflabel DebyeAngularWaveNumber
Elucidation Cut-off angular wavenumber in the Debye model of the vibrational spectrum of a solid.
Altlabel DebyeAngluarRepetency
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105554370
Iso80000Reference 12-9.3
Formal description
Subclass Of AngularWaveNumber
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
DebyeTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_74cfc811_6e04_4fe4_aea5_6a5cc09f6571
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DebyeTemperature
Preflabel DebyeTemperature
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3517821
Iso80000Reference 12-11
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicTemperature
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
DebyeWallerFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_485720e7_b24a_4149_86eb_9985b2bea4da
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Debye-WallerFactor
Preflabel DebyeWallerFactor
Elucidation Factor by which the intensity of a diffraction line is reduced because of the lattice vibrations.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q902587
Iso80000Reference 12-8
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
DecayConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0449de81_0995_4575_8f2b_2c70cffafa71
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01538
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DecayConstant
Preflabel DecayConstant
Elucidation Disintegrations per unit time dN/dt for an atomic nucleus divided by the number of nuclei N existing at the same time t.
Altlabel DisintegrationConstant
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-11
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11477200
Iso80000Reference 10-24
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyUnit
.. raw:: html
Degenerency ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9864a26d_ee34_43ac_bc01_118734886185
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01556
Preflabel Degenerency
Elucidation For a quantum level, the statistical weight of that level.
Altlabel Multiplicity
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q902301
Iso80000Reference 9-36.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
DegreeOfDissociation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f4cce1ec_c7dd_4061_8c46_7a24fdcd07ca
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01566
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DegreeOfDissociation
Preflabel DegreeOfDissociation
Elucidation Ratio of the number of dissociation events to the maximum number of theoretically possible dissociation events.
Comment Dissociation may occur stepwise.
Altlabel DissociationFraction
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q907334
Iso80000Reference 9-43
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
Density ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_06448f64_8db6_4304_8b2c_e785dba82044
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01590
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Density
Preflabel Density
Elucidation Quantity representing the spatial distribution of mass in a continuous material.
Altlabel MassConcentration
Altlabel MassDensity
Iso80000Reference Mass per volume.
Iso80000Reference 4-2
Iso80000Reference 9-10
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some DensityUnit
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperty) only Matter
.. raw:: html
DensityOfHeatFlowRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ee7ddcb8_ad8e_4ff7_a09f_889d8edf8f8b
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02755
Preflabel DensityOfHeatFlowRate
Elucidation Vector quantity with magnitude equal to the heat flow rate dΦ through a surface element divided by the area dA of the element, and direction eφ in the direction of propagation of heat.
Comment At a fixed point in a medium, the direction of propagation of heat is opposite to the temperature gradient. At a point on the surface separating two media with different temperatures, the direction of propagation of heat is normal to the surface, from higher to lower temperatures.
Altlabel AreicHeatFlowRate
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-37
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1478382
Iso80000Reference 5-8
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of Intensity
.. raw:: html
DensityOfVibrationalStates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88bbdd04_908f_45f0_9ded_d73b430de3b1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DensityOfStates
Preflabel DensityOfVibrationalStates
Elucidation quotient of the number of vibrational modes in an infinitesimal interval of angular frequency, and the product of the width of that interval and volume
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105637294
Iso80000Reference 12-12
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some TimePerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
DensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c957677_a460_4702_85a6_baef659d14b1
Preflabel DensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Density'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
DewPointTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a383e332_a271_463f_9e44_559604547220
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01652
Preflabel DewPointTemperature
Elucidation Thermodynamic temperature at which vapour in air reaches saturation.
Comment The corresponding Celsius temperature is denoted td and is also called dew point.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-67
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q178828
Iso80000Reference 5-36
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicTemperature
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
Diameter ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c1c8ac3c_8a1c_4777_8e0b_14c1f9f9b0c6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Diameter
Preflabel Diameter
Elucidation maximal distance of two points of an object, in a given direction or along a straight line passing through the centre.
Comment The diameter of a circle or a sphere is twice its radius.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diameter
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Diameter
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-27
Iso80000Reference 3-1.5
Formal description
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
DiffusionArea ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e93927b4_f403_4df8_8801_1162558a9b3e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DiffusionArea
Preflabel DiffusionArea
Elucidation One-sixth of the mean square distance between the point where a neutron enters a specified class and the point where it leaves this class.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98966292
Iso80000Reference 10-72.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaUnit
.. raw:: html
DiffusionCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_931a725b_926d_4f60_8955_61fe17fce98b
Preflabel DiffusionCoefficient
Elucidation Proportionality constant in some physical laws.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaPerTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
DiffusionCoefficientForFluenceRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_51c4190e_dc9a_4292_968c_b36f7fb68912
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DiffusionCoefficientForFluenceRate
Preflabel DiffusionCoefficientForFluenceRate
Elucidation Proportionality constant between the particle current density J and the gradient of the particle fluence rate.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98876254
Iso80000Reference 10-65
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
DiffusionCoefficientForParticleNumberDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_56710a21_601b_43bb_88c5_0bd9eca06da2
Preflabel DiffusionCoefficientForParticleNumberDensity
Elucidation Proportionality constant between the particle current density J and the gradient of the particle number density n.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98875545
Iso80000Reference 10-64
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of DiffusionCoefficient
.. raw:: html
DiffusionLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a2641370_e4b8_4582_b4e0_fb389c8d8efb
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SolidStateDiffusionLength
Preflabel DiffusionLength
Elucidation In condensed matter physics, the square root of the product of diffusion coefficient and lifetime.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=521-02-60
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106097176
Iso80000Reference 12-33
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
DiffusivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_721be099_4826_4b51_a78f_542b5728bd74
Preflabel DiffusivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Diffusivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
DirectionAndEnergyDistributionOfCrossSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e0ee94d_70be_4b7e_afcc_320e62a94974
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpectralAngularCrossSection
Preflabel DirectionAndEnergyDistributionOfCrossSection
Elucidation Partial differential quotient of the cross section of a process with respect to the solid angle around a given direction and the energy of a particle scattered in that direction.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98269571
Iso80000Reference 10-41
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some SquareTimePerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
DirectionDistributionOfCrossSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_748ff828_763b_4290_adb9_e05376d4136a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/AngularCrossSection
Preflabel DirectionDistributionOfCrossSection
Elucidation Differential quotient of the cross section for scattering a particle in a given direction and the solid angle around that direction.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98266630
Iso80000Reference 10-39
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaUnit
.. raw:: html
Displacement ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4024a7f8_2991_4d80_bcc9_63705aa0c750
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Displacement
Preflabel Displacement
Elucidation vector quantity between any two points in space
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Displacement_(geometry)
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Displacement_(geometry)
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-29
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q190291
Iso80000Reference 3-1.11
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
.. raw:: html
DisplacementCurrent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b6a008a8_39b1_451c_93d2_dae1e17ec8db
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DisplacementCurrent
Preflabel DisplacementCurrent
Elucidation Scalar quantity equal to the flux of the displacement current density JD through a given directed surface S.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-43
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q853178
Iso80000Reference 6-19.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrent
.. raw:: html
DisplacementCurrentDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_072bc73e_9167_49f5_a62c_612a52c74f50
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DisplacementCurrentDensity
Preflabel DisplacementCurrentDensity
Elucidation Vector quantity equal to the time derivative of the electric flux density.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-42
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77614612
Iso80000Reference 6-18
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensity
.. raw:: html
DisplacementVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c5fcfb08_12a9_4030_925b_14e3a0eabd07
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DisplacementVectorOfIon
Preflabel DisplacementVector
Elucidation In condensed matter physics, position vector of an atom or ion relative to its equilibrium position.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105533558
Iso80000Reference 12-7.3
Formal description
Subclass Of Displacement
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
DissociationConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e19759a_b728_4a42_8a0c_5e6c57ea4811
Preflabel DissociationConstant
Elucidation Ratio of the number of dissociated molecules of a specified type to the total number of dissolved molecules of this type.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-10
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q898254
Formal description
Subclass Of EquilibriumConstant
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AmountConcentrationUnit
.. raw:: html
Distance ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6ee9304e_54b7_4594_8354_0790138dffb8
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Distance
Preflabel Distance
Elucidation Shortest path length between two points in a metric space.
Comment Distance is the norm of Displacement.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Distance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=102-03-24
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q126017
Iso80000Reference 3-1.8
Formal description
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
DonorDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6d53d04c_07d3_4522_9181_92649ef78f86
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DonorDensity
Preflabel DonorDensity
Elucidation Number of donor levels per volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105979886
Iso80000Reference 12-29.4
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalVolume
.. raw:: html
DoseEquivalent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3df10765_f6ff_4c9e_be3d_10b1809d78bd
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02101
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DoseEquivalent
Preflabel DoseEquivalent
Elucidation A dose quantity used in the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) system of radiological protection.
Iso80000Reference 10-83.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AbsorbedDoseUnit
.. raw:: html
DoseEquivalentRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_01e4191d_03ba_4107_a307_1c09c0e6a7d2
Preflabel DoseEquivalentRate
Elucidation Time derivative of the dose equivalent.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-14-02
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99604810
Iso80000Reference 10-83.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseRate
.. raw:: html
DragCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_08415c4f_58bf_4696_8581_f5f90fec24b7
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DragCoefficient
Preflabel DragCoefficient
Elucidation Dimensionless parameter to quantify fluid resistance.
Altlabel DragFactor
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1778961
Iso80000Reference 4-23.4
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
DragForce ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0dbdd7c5_86a5_4867_a396_2277e20fc4bc
Preflabel DragForce
Elucidation Retarding force on a body moving in a fluid.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q206621
Iso80000Reference 4-9.6
Formal description
Subclass Of Force
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
Duration ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0adabf6f_7404_44cb_9f65_32d83d8101a3
Preflabel Duration
Elucidation Physical quantity for describing the temporal distance between events.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-13
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2199864
Iso80000Reference 3-9
Formal description
Subclass Of Time
.. raw:: html
DynamicViscosity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_908da3d5_775e_425e_af96_33914618eb66
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01877
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DynamicViscosity
Preflabel DynamicViscosity
Elucidation The measure of the resistance of a fluid to flow when an external force is applied.
Altlabel Viscosity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-34
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15152757
Iso80000Reference 4-24
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassPerLengthTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
EffectiveDiffusionCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1744d51d_0dac_4f48_8b50_fde6c7c2ab39
Preflabel EffectiveDiffusionCoefficient
Elucidation Diffusion coefficient through the pore space of a porous media.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q258852
Formal description
Subclass Of DiffusionCoefficient
.. raw:: html
EffectiveMass ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f7feefd_ac94_4208_8dfd_92bb50be30f3
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EffectiveMass
Preflabel EffectiveMass
Elucidation The mass that it seems to have when responding to forces, or the mass that it seems to have when interacting with other identical particles in a thermal distribution.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1064434
Iso80000Reference 12-30
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Mass
.. raw:: html
ElectricCharge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1604f495_328a_4f28_9962_f4cc210739dd
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01923
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricCharge
Preflabel ElectricCharge
Elucidation The physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.
Altlabel Charge
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1111
Iso80000Reference 6-2
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricChargeUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargeAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_92aaff7b_3a7c_4c1a_b149_d422e9682106
Preflabel ElectricChargeAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargeArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargeDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5cbb7bfb_7ab8_4151_8ed1_13a5b7d5caa4
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C00988
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricChargeDensity
Preflabel ElectricChargeDensity
Elucidation Electric charge per volume.
Altlabel VolumeElectricCharge
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-07
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q69425629
Iso80000Reference 6-3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricChargeDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargeDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f36559a_a494_4b00_abc5_60bbc1475009
Preflabel ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargeDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-3 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e6110006_88b9_45cd_9f9c_a2a91c0c21f8
Preflabel ElectricChargePerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9794a778_47d7_45d5_b4ab_ae6a8db04c78
Preflabel ElectricChargePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-1 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4dbe2b16_3e84_4049_898d_eb89bcc925a2
Preflabel ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargePerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_200c735e_3dd7_44b2_bb34_4bb454a8e53b
Preflabel ElectricChargePerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricChargePerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricChargeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ab79e92b_5377_454d_be06_d61b50db295a
Preflabel ElectricChargeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCharge'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricConductance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ffb73b1e_5786_43e4_a964_cb32ac7affb7
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01925
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Conductance
Preflabel ElectricConductance
Elucidation Measure of the ease for electric current to pass through a material.
Comment Inverse of 'ElectricalResistance'.
Altlabel Conductance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-06
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q309017
Iso80000Reference 6-47
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricConductanceUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricConductivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cde4368c_1d4d_4c94_8548_604749523c6d
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01245
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricConductivity
Preflabel ElectricConductivity
Elucidation Measure of a material's ability to conduct an electric current.
Comment Conductivity is equeal to the resiprocal of resistivity.
Altlabel Conductivity
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4593291
Iso80000Reference 6-43
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricConductivityUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricConductivityPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89113866_31a4_4d19_bc83_7f7c1661ab73
Preflabel ElectricConductivityPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricConductivityPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-3 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c995ae70_3b84_4ebb_bcfc_69e6a281bb88
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01927
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricCurrent
Preflabel ElectricCurrent
Elucidation A flow of electric charge.
Iso80000Reference 6-1
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricCurrentUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7c8007b0_58a7_4486_bf1c_4772852caca0
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01928
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricCurrentDensity
Preflabel ElectricCurrentDensity
Elucidation Electric current divided by the cross-sectional area it is passing through.
Altlabel AreicElectricCurrent
Altlabel CurrentDensity
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_density
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-11
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q234072
Iso80000Reference 6-8
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentDensityPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_93681c53_4316_415d_8243_a42a0e171de6
Preflabel ElectricCurrentDensityPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentDensityPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerAmountVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5b6a25a_408a_408d_aebc_e017260d885d
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerAmountVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerAmountVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M0 I+1 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53b10105_52c7_4746_ab73_a5a30bd198e2
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-2 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_73be8825_e9a7_41d0_956e_b58060e5d5ac
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ed7dd267_e2ee_4565_8117_e5c1eafa3e66
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrentPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I+1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentPhasor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8ef46550_7bf2_4ef9_8334_ca3d63fb69b1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricCurrentPhasor
Preflabel ElectricCurrentPhasor
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q78514596
Iso80000Reference 6-49
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrent
.. raw:: html
ElectricCurrentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d5f3e0e5_fc7d_4e64_86ad_555e74aaff84
Preflabel ElectricCurrentUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricCurrent'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricDipoleMoment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1a179ce4_3724_47f8_bee5_6292e3ac9942
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01929
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricDipoleMoment
Preflabel ElectricDipoleMoment
Elucidation An electric dipole, vector quantity of magnitude equal to the product of the positive charge and the distance between the charges and directed from the negative charge to the positive charge.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-35
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q735135
Iso80000Reference 6-6
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricDipoleMomentUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6d753e0c_a967_4de4_ad22_c2fecb3913be
Preflabel ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricDisplacementField'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricFieldStrength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f53bafb6_b17d_4eb9_ad58_9d209f70dbfd
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricFieldStrength
Preflabel ElectricFieldStrength
Elucidation Vector field quantity E which exerts on any charged particle at rest a force F equal to the product of E and the electric charge Q of the particle.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-18
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q20989
Iso80000Reference 6-10
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricFieldStrengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ebf9a5c6_ca80_45d4_a991_24a1bf4b6720
Preflabel ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricFieldStrength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+1 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricFlux ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_581e05bc_a4fe_494a_a85c_f2c4b4374e18
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricFlux
Preflabel ElectricFlux
Elucidation Scalar quantity equal to the flux of the electric flux density D through a given directed surface S.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-41
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q501267
Iso80000Reference 6-17
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricChargeUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricFluxDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4ef8c0e4_1b0b_4699_a135_8c89ca289802
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricDisplacementField
Preflabel ElectricFluxDensity
Elucidation Vector quantity obtained at a given point by adding the electric polarization P to the product of the electric field strength E and the electric constant ε0.
Altlabel ElectricDisplacement
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-40
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q371907
Iso80000Reference 6-12
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricImpedance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_79a02de5_b884_4eab_bc18_f67997d597a2
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Impedance
Preflabel ElectricImpedance
Elucidation Measure of the opposition that a circuit presents to a current when a voltage is applied.
Altlabel Impedance
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_impedance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-43
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q179043
Iso80000Reference 6-51.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistance
.. raw:: html
ElectricInductance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_04cc9451_5306_45d0_8554_22cee4d6e785
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M04076
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Inductance
Preflabel ElectricInductance
Elucidation A property of an electrical conductor by which a change in current through it induces an electromotive force in both the conductor itself and in any nearby conductors by mutual inductance.
Altlabel Inductance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-19
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q177897
Iso80000Reference 6-41.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some InductanceUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricMobilityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ca54593a_6828_491b_8fda_22b0ad85e446
Preflabel ElectricMobilityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricMobility'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPolarization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_64420439_5282_4996_b6e1_2044358ac899
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricPolarization
Preflabel ElectricPolarization
Elucidation At a given point within a domain of quasi-infinitesimal volume V, vector quantity equal to the electric dipole moment p of the substance contained within the domain divided by the volume V.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-37
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1050425
Iso80000Reference 6-7
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricFluxDensity
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotential ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f2d3939_91b1_4001_b8ab_7d19074bf845
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01935
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricPotential
Preflabel ElectricPotential
Elucidation Energy required to move a unit charge through an electric field from a reference point.
Comment The electric potential is not unique, since any constant scalar field quantity can be added to it without changing its gradient.
Altlabel ElectroStaticPotential
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_potential
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Electric_potential
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-25
Iso80000Reference 6-11.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricPotentialUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialPerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a5111335_6d14_49d9_ba7a_10c10b2189e7
Preflabel ElectricPotentialPerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotentialPerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96ffda63_71e7_451b_85ee_2cc8e341ff11
Preflabel ElectricPotentialPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotentialPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6837b106_7220_4ec6_b7c9_d549d6163672
Preflabel ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotentialPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricPotentialUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e7e5796_4a80_4d73_bb84_f31138446c0c
Preflabel ElectricPotentialUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricPotential'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricReactance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_92b2fb85_2143_4bc7_bbca_df3e6944bfc1
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05162
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Reactance
Preflabel ElectricReactance
Elucidation The opposition of a circuit element to a change in current or voltage, due to that element's inductance or capacitance.
Comment The imaginary part of the impedance.
Altlabel Reactance
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_reactance
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q193972
Iso80000Reference 6-51.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistance
.. raw:: html
ElectricResistance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e88f75d6_9a17_4cfc_bdf7_43d7cea5a9a1
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01936
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Resistance
Preflabel ElectricResistance
Elucidation Measure of the difficulty to pass an electric current through a material.
Comment Inverse of 'ElectricalConductance'.
Altlabel Resistance
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q25358
Iso80000Reference 6-46
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricResistanceUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricResistanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7610efb8_c7c6_4684_abc1_774783c62472
Preflabel ElectricResistanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricResistance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricResistivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e150fa8d_06dc_4bb8_bf95_04e2aea529c1
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05316
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Resistivity
Preflabel ElectricResistivity
Elucidation Electric field strength divided by the current density.
Altlabel Resistivity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-04
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q108193
Iso80000Reference 6-44
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricResistivityUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectricResistivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_359312ca_1d9d_4765_b20b_28d9f45d77e7
Preflabel ElectricResistivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ElectricResistivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+3 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ElectricSusceptibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eead19f5_c0cd_4946_a501_c870bb50f3b1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricSusceptibility
Preflabel ElectricSusceptibility
Elucidation Electric polarization divided by electric constant and electric field strength.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_susceptibility
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-19
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q598305
Iso80000Reference 6-16
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
.. raw:: html
ElectrolyticConductivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e6e7277a_1d40_4be5_a3a9_afd3da53d937
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectrolyticConductivity
Preflabel ElectrolyticConductivity
Elucidation Electric conductivity of an electrolyte.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-03
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q907564
Iso80000Reference 9-44
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ElectricConductivity
.. raw:: html
ElectromagneticEnergyDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_48540672_f1ee_4848_982f_0cd5ec396a84
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectromagneticEnergyDensity
Preflabel ElectromagneticEnergyDensity
Elucidation Arithmetic average of (electric field strength multiplied by electric flux density) and (magnetic field strength multiplied by magnetic flux density).
Altlabel VolumicElectromagneticEnergy
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-65
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77989624
Iso80000Reference 6-33
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectromagneticQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_af794e9d_dc7d_4756_83e1_2cd0e2ec864e
Preflabel ElectromagneticQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-6.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
ElectronAffinity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3cae45cc_3b57_469c_a695_713735886f31
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectronAffinity
Preflabel ElectronAffinity
Elucidation energy difference between an electron at rest at infinity and an electron at the lowest level of the conduction band in an insulator or semiconductor
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-22
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105846486
Iso80000Reference 12-25
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ElectronCharge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cc01751d_dd05_429b_9d0c_1b7a74d1f277
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01982
Preflabel ElectronCharge
Elucidation The negative of ElementaryCharge.
Definition The charge of an electron.
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCharge
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
ElectronDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_40a1d85c_bcfe_48aa_89a2_79e8a8c82af1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectronDensity
Preflabel ElectronDensity
Elucidation Number of electrons in conduction band per volume.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=705-06-05
Iso80000Reference 12-29.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
ElectronMass ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44fc8c60_7a9c_49af_a046_e1878c88862c
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02008
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/ElectronMass
Preflabel ElectronMass
Comment The rest mass of an electron.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasuredConstant
Subclass Of Mass
.. raw:: html
ElectronRadius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e6a173ac_40e9_4616_8883_710b358f5c85
Preflabel ElectronRadius
Elucidation Radius of a sphere such that the relativistic electron energy is distributed uniformly.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2152581
Iso80000Reference 10-19.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Radius
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ElementaryCharge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58a650f0_a638_4743_8439_535a325e5c4c
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02032
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElementaryCharge
Preflabel ElementaryCharge
Elucidation The magnitude of the electric charge carried by a single electron. It defines the base unit Ampere in the SI system.
Comment The DBpedia definition (http://dbpedia.org/page/Elementary_charge) is outdated as May 20, 2019. It is now an exact quantity.
Iso80000Reference 10-5.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCharge
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
Energy ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_31ec09ba_1713_42cb_83c7_b38bf6f9ced2
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02101
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Energy
Preflabel Energy
Elucidation A property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms.
Comment Energy is often defined as "ability of a system to perform work", but it might be misleading since is not necessarily available to do work.
Iso80000Reference 5-20-1
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EnergyUnit
.. raw:: html
EnergyAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88f36585_bd30_4160_b975_61362f3468a9
Preflabel EnergyAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+4 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyDensityOfStates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_71a0d05d_4c29_4eae_aff1_fb34b8d36f96
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyDensityOfStates
Preflabel EnergyDensityOfStates
Elucidation Quantity in condensed matter physics.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105687031
Iso80000Reference 12-16
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EnergyDensityOfStatesUnit
.. raw:: html
EnergyDensityOfStatesUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_971c8cb1_156f_4a70_a72c_2d851d4d2b20
Preflabel EnergyDensityOfStatesUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyDensityOfStates'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-5 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyDistributionOfCrossSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5d61057e_d7f1_43e4_98fa_ae04e0cb470a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpectralCrossSection
Preflabel EnergyDistributionOfCrossSection
Elucidation Differential quotient of the cross section for a process and the energy of the scattered particle.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98267245
Iso80000Reference 10-40
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ForcePerLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
EnergyFluence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c9aa84db_e12f_4ab7_8807_0c09d5dba2cb
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyFluence
Preflabel EnergyFluence
Elucidation In nuclear physics, incident radiant energy per cross-sectional area.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-17
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98538612
Iso80000Reference 10-46
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ForcePerLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
EnergyFluenceRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f8736fbd_b1e3_4fdc_bf5f_f69f54aef3bb
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyFluenceRate
Preflabel EnergyFluenceRate
Elucidation In nuclear physics, time derivative of the energy fluence.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98538655
Iso80000Reference 10-47
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PowerDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
EnergyImparted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5d7f00a7_0374_4517_b5a8_62b154f33cc6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyImparted
Preflabel EnergyImparted
Elucidation Sum of energies deposited by ionizing radiation in a given volume.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-34
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99526944
Iso80000Reference 10-80.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
EnergyLengthPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8fb052e8_fcca_43ce_85db_55266baf2d7c
Preflabel EnergyLengthPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyLengthPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_df1d3a25_eba2_4530_9803_d82d349f4051
Preflabel EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyTimePerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4fdf946a_9c40_4d71_80ab_e4221ff6a534
Preflabel EnergyTimePerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EnergyTimePerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
EnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f6070071_d054_4b17_9d2d_f446f7147d0f
Preflabel EnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Energy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
Enthalpy ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4091d5ec_a4df_42b9_a073_9a090839279f
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02141
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Enthalpy
Preflabel Enthalpy
Elucidation Measurement of energy in a thermodynamic system.
Iso80000Reference 5.20-3
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
.. raw:: html
Entropy ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9bbab0be_f9cc_4f46_9f46_0fd271911b79
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02149
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Entropy
Preflabel Entropy
Elucidation Logarithmic measure of the number of available states of a system.
Comment May also be referred to as a measure of order of a system.
Iso80000Reference 5-18
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyUnit
.. raw:: html
EntropyPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3cb55500_dc5b_4586_bbf3_1d4158afac35
Preflabel EntropyPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EntropyPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
EntropyPerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7cef5aae_baae_42d1_959a_ee70a7cf7a73
Preflabel EntropyPerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'EntropyPerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
EquilibriumConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_066937f0_ea5c_4b06_8739_53f66d5ef89e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02177
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EquilibriumConstant
Preflabel EquilibriumConstant
Elucidation for solutions, product for all substances B of concentration c_B of substance B in power of its stoichiometric number v_B: K_p = \sum_B{c_B^{v_B}}.
Comment The physical dimension can change based on the stoichiometric numbers of the substances involved.
Altlabel EquilibriumConstantConcentrationBasis
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilibrium_constant
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q857809
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
EquilibriumPositionVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6110af0a_bc82_4c9e_aa4b_b45d08d9c9e0
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EquilibriumPositionVectorOfIon
Preflabel EquilibriumPositionVector
Elucidation In condensed matter physics, position vector of an atom or ion in equilibrium.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105533477
Iso80000Reference 12-7.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LengthUnit
.. raw:: html
ExchangeIntegral ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e5e17147_64a9_47c9_b3d1_2d4ab23eed54
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ExchangeIntegral
Preflabel ExchangeIntegral
Elucidation constituent of the interaction energy between the spins of adjacent electrons in matter arising from the overlap of electron state functions
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q10882959
Iso80000Reference 12-34
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
Exposure ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d2b37868_7b74_469b_ae26_0a7153c23222
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Exposure
Preflabel Exposure
Elucidation Absolute value of the electric charge of ions produced in dry air by X- or gamma radiation per mass of air.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-32
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q336938
Iso80000Reference 10-88
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricChargePerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
ExposureRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c12eb68b_8526_4c35_8346_c27194946353
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ExposureRate
Preflabel ExposureRate
Elucidation Time derivative of exposure.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-42
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99720212
Iso80000Reference 10-89
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
Extensive ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_194100e1_e11a_4b7c_bb5a_171655679fc8
Example Mass
Preflabel Extensive
Elucidation A quantity whose magnitude is additive for subsystems.
Comment Note that not all physical quantities can be categorised as being either intensive or extensive. For example the square root of the mass.
Formal description
Subclass Of CategorizedPhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
ExtentOfReaction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e35d2cb2_e915_4667_bbe1_1149b19777cb
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02283
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ExtentOfReaction
Preflabel ExtentOfReaction
Elucidation Difference between equilibrium and initial amount of a substance, divided by its stoichiometric number.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q899046
Iso80000Reference 9-31
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AmountUnit
.. raw:: html
FastFissionFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cb62c651_f41a_4e12_a374_a3da3db1d2ff
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/FastFissionFactor
Preflabel FastFissionFactor
Elucidation In an infinite medium, the ratio of the mean number of neutrons produced by fission due to neutrons of all energies to the mean number of neutrons produced by fissions due to thermal neutrons only.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99197493
Iso80000Reference 10-75
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
FermiAnglularWaveNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6aad14ae_5ca1_4d19_aa6c_56448ff534b6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/FermiAngularWavenumber
Preflabel FermiAnglularWaveNumber
Elucidation Angular wavenumber of electrons in states on the Fermi sphere.
Altlabel FermiAnglularRepetency
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105554303
Iso80000Reference 12-9.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AngularWavenumber
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
FermiEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9eb2d590_2115_4edd_aa8e_345d60921765
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02340
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/FermiEnergy
Preflabel FermiEnergy
Elucidation In a metal, highest occupied energy level at zero thermodynamic temperature, where energy level means the energy of an electron in the interior of a substance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-18
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q431335
Iso80000Reference 12-27.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
FermiTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fdd744f7_72e5_4060_86a7_93ff361237d6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/FermiTemperature
Preflabel FermiTemperature
Elucidation in the free electron model, the Fermi energy divided by the Boltzmann constant
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105942324
Iso80000Reference 12-28
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicTemperature
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
FineStructureConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d7d2ca25_03e1_4099_9220_c1a58df13ad0
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02389
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/FineStructureConstant
Preflabel FineStructureConstant
Comment A fundamental physical constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasuredConstant
Subclass Of hasMetrologicalReference some UnitOne
.. raw:: html
Force ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f087811_06cb_42d5_90fb_25d0e7e068ef
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02480
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Force
Preflabel Force
Elucidation Any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object
Iso80000Reference 4-9.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ForceUnit
.. raw:: html
ForceAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cb77e107_43ed_4a97_bf39_03b3587404d3
Preflabel ForceAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ForceArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ForcePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d46e131b_f51a_4ae7_9301_824d718c56fa
Preflabel ForcePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ForcePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ForceUnit ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53e825d9_1a09_483c_baa7_37501ebfbe1c
Preflabel ForceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Force'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
Frequency ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_852b4ab8_fc29_4749_a8c7_b92d4fca7d5a
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.FT07383
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Frequency
Preflabel Frequency
Elucidation Number of periods per time interval.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-06-02
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11652
Iso80000Reference 3-15.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyUnit
.. raw:: html
FrequencyPerAreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7cfbe969_6ced_47a2_86c6_de33673c45d0
Preflabel FrequencyPerAreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'FrequencyPerAreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
FrequencyPerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43e499a1_ca67_4380_ac08_cfc52a93ad04
Preflabel FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'FrequencyPerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
FrequencyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_515b5579_d526_4842_9e6f_ecc34db6f368
Preflabel FrequencyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Frequency'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
Fugacity ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e2ab15a_f1c7_435b_91ff_bc774e6ba4e7
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02543
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Fugacity
Preflabel Fugacity
Elucidation Measure of the tendency of a substance to leave a phase.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q898412
Iso80000Reference 9-20
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
FundamentalLatticeVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_03d32783_3780_43c3_8b73_7efe9aeeed54
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/FundamentalLatticeVector
Preflabel FundamentalLatticeVector
Elucidation Fundamental translation vector for the crystal lattice.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105451063
Iso80000Reference 12-1.2
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LengthUnit
.. raw:: html
FundamentalReciprocalLatticeVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_134b78a0_63f8_4f7f_8098_925d1d934e48
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/FundamentalReciprocalLatticeVector
Preflabel FundamentalReciprocalLatticeVector
Elucidation Fundamental translation vectors for the reciprocal lattice.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105475399
Iso80000Reference 12-2.2
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ReciprocalLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
GFactor ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cd981768_f96b_4b65_85e6_19216c0e1dd4
Preflabel GFactor
Elucidation Relation between observed magnetic moment of a particle and the related unit of magnetic moment.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1951266
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
GFactorOfNucleusOrNuclearParticle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_137c6f65_f393_43ca_9c6d_ac765de56a5a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/GFactorOfNucleus
Preflabel GFactorOfNucleusOrNuclearParticle
Elucidation Quotient of the magnetic dipole moment of an atom, and the product of the nuclear spin quantum number and the nuclear magneton.
Altlabel NuclearGFactor
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97591250
Iso80000Reference 10-14.2
Formal description
Subclass Of GFactor
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
GapEnergy ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_69164f9e_c75d_4fbc_a0f8_af7a81bbd128
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.B00593
Preflabel GapEnergy
Elucidation Smallest energy difference between the lowest level of conduction band and the highest level of valence band at zero thermodynamic temperature.
Altlabel BandgapEnergy
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-16
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q103982939
Iso80000Reference 12-27.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
GaugePressure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e0891a6_4d87_4891_b557_69ab2bae1dae
Preflabel GaugePressure
Elucidation The pressure measured relative to the ambient atmospheric pressure.
Comment Gauge pressure can be measured using a diaphragm sensor, where one side of the diaphragm is exposed to the pressure media that is to be measured, while the other side is exposed to the ambient atmospheric pressure.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q109594211
Iso80000Reference 4-14.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Pressure
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
GibbsEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e3727dab_74f9_438b_90f0_d03ea76c31fc
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.G02629
Preflabel GibbsEnergy
Elucidation Type of thermodynamic potential; useful for calculating reversible work in certain systems.
Altlabel GibbsFreeEnergy
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-23
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q334631
Iso80000Reference 5-20.5
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
GrandCanonicalPartionFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_80b19ae3_7248_4205_8c79_4e94f5f0444c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/GrandCanonicalPartitionFunction
Preflabel GrandCanonicalPartionFunction
Elucidation Sum of canonical partition function Z (NA,NB,…) for the given number of particles A, B, ... multiplied by absolute activities of particles A, B, ...
Altlabel GrandPartionFunction
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96176022
Iso80000Reference 9-35.3
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
GroupVelocity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fa957390_cdfb_4dda_b160_94ae25bd2254
Preflabel GroupVelocity
Elucidation Speed with which the envelope of a wave propagates in space.
Altlabel GroupSpeed
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_velocity
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Group_velocity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-15
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q217361
Iso80000Reference 3-23.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Velocity
.. raw:: html
GrueneisenParamter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dc1370b5_3902_4652_8736_0804d88dd128
Preflabel GrueneisenParamter
Elucidation Describes the effect that changing the volume of a crystal lattice has on its vibrational properties, and, as a consequence, the effect that changing temperature has on the size or dynamics of the lattice.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q444656
Iso80000Reference 12-14
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
GyromagneticRatio ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_030ce585_429a_4cfb_95c2_8364e58a1ebb
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03693
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/GyromagneticRatio
Preflabel GyromagneticRatio
Elucidation Ratio of magnetic dipole moment to total angular momentum.
Altlabel GyromagneticCoefficient
Altlabel MagnetogyricRatio
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q634552
Iso80000Reference 10-12.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricChargePerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
GyromagneticRatioOfTheElectron ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e689c57f_2a8e_4bea_8750_a4fa015a1989
Preflabel GyromagneticRatioOfTheElectron
Elucidation Proportionality constant between the magnetic dipole moment and the angular momentum of the electron.
Altlabel GyromagneticCoefficientOfTheElectron
Altlabel MagnetogyricRatioOfTheElectron
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97543076
Iso80000Reference 10-12.2
Formal description
Subclass Of GyromagneticRatio
.. raw:: html
Gyroradius ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aa078194_12df_4b10_b264_6595d2472570
Preflabel Gyroradius
Elucidation Radius of the circular movement of an electrically charged particle in a magnetic field.
Altlabel LarmorRadius
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1194458
Iso80000Reference 10-17
Formal description
Subclass Of Radius
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
HalfLife ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90f255f7_4890_440d_a8de_841a8437676c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Half-Life
Preflabel HalfLife
Elucidation Mean duration required for the decay of one half of the atoms or nuclei.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-12
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98118544
Iso80000Reference 10-31
Formal description
Subclass Of Duration
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
HalfValueThickness ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5273677c_1cf3_4ae1_b73e_98df6fe9cfa9
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Half-ValueThickness
Preflabel HalfValueThickness
Elucidation Thickness of the attenuating layer that reduces the quantity of interest of a unidirectional beam of infinitesimal width to half of its initial value.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-34
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q127526
Iso80000Reference 10-53
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Thickness
.. raw:: html
HallCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b30d4f1c_61e3_4647_bae1_c0928acb2095
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HallCoefficient
Preflabel HallCoefficient
Elucidation The relation between electric field strength and current density in an isotropic conductor.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=521-09-02
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q997439
Iso80000Reference 12-19
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ReciprocalElectricChargeDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
HartreeEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ecb2aa2_10a9_4499_a3ff_9ad76e9f4e0d
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02748
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/unit/E_h.html
Preflabel HartreeEnergy
Elucidation Energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartree
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Hartree
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q476572
Iso80000Reference 10-8
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
Heat ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_12d4ba9b_2f89_4ea3_b206_cd376f96c875
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02752
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Heat
Preflabel Heat
Elucidation Heat is energy in transfer to or from a thermodynamic system, by mechanisms other than thermodynamic work or transfer of matter.
Altlabel AmountOfHeat
Iso80000Reference 5-6.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
.. raw:: html
HeatCapacity ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_802c167d_b792_4cb8_a315_35797345c0e3
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02753
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HeatCapacity
Preflabel HeatCapacity
Elucidation Quantity C = dQ/dT, when the thermodynamic temperature of a system is increased by dT as a result of the addition of a amount of heat dQ, under given condition.
Comment Examples of condition might be constant volume or constant pressure for a gas.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_capacity
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Heat_capacity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-47
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q179388
Iso80000Reference 5-15
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyUnit
.. raw:: html
HeatFlowRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_91a99750_7914_42be_9fe5_b82c59183450
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HeatFlowRate
Preflabel HeatFlowRate
Elucidation Amount of heat through a surface during a time interval divided by the duration of this interval.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-36
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q12160631
Iso80000Reference 5-7
Formal description
Subclass Of Power
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
Height ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_08bcf1d6_e719_46c8_bb21_24bc9bf34dba
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Height
Preflabel Height
Elucidation Minimum length of a straight line segment between a point and a reference line or reference surface.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Height
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-21
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q208826
Iso80000Reference 3-1.3
Formal description
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
HelmholtzEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_262d4582_15b9_4685_b693_24f8e9ead98d
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02772
Preflabel HelmholtzEnergy
Elucidation Internal energy minus the product of thermodynamic temperature and entropy.
Altlabel HelmholtzFreeEnergy
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-24
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q865821
Iso80000Reference 5-20.4
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
HoleDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9d018f03_bbda_4ca5_bc4c_646e72651e53
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HoleDensity
Preflabel HoleDensity
Elucidation Number of holes in valence band per volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105971101
Iso80000Reference 12-29.2
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumetricNumberDensity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
HyperfineStructureQuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1942247a_50b4_4109_bff4_bb213de45e08
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HyperfineStructureQuantumNumber
Preflabel HyperfineStructureQuantumNumber
Elucidation Quantum number of an atom describing the inclination of the nuclear spin with respect to a quantization axis given by the magnetic field produced by the orbital electrons.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97577449
Iso80000Reference 10-13.8
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantumNumber
.. raw:: html
HyperfineTransitionFrequencyOfCs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f96feb3f_4438_4e43_aa44_7458c4d87fc2
Preflabel HyperfineTransitionFrequencyOfCs
Elucidation The frequency standard in the SI system in which the photon absorption by transitions between the two hyperfine ground states of caesium-133 atoms are used to control the output frequency.

It defines the base unit second in the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of Frequency
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
ISO80000Categorised ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2ce04004_62cf_4394_b6a2_b45fce1aebfe
Preflabel ISO80000Categorised
Formal description
Subclass Of CategorizedPhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
ISQBaseQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1a4c1a97_88a7_4d8e_b2f9_2ca58e92dde4
Preflabel ISQBaseQuantity
Elucidation Base quantities defined in the International System of Quantities (ISQ).
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Quantities
Formal description
Subclass Of BaseQuantity
Subclass Of InternationalSystemOfQuantity
.. raw:: html
ISQDerivedQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2946d40b_24a1_47fa_8176_e3f79bb45064
Preflabel ISQDerivedQuantity
Elucidation Derived quantities defined in the International System of Quantities (ISQ).
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedQuantity
Subclass Of InternationalSystemOfQuantity
.. raw:: html
ISQDimensionlessQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a66427d1_9932_4363_9ec5_7d91f2bfda1e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01742
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Dimensionless
Preflabel ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Elucidation A quantity to which no physical dimension is assigned and with a corresponding unit of measurement in the SI of the unit one.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensionless_quantity
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMetrologicalReference some DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
Illuminance ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b51fbd00_a857_4132_9711_0ef70e7bdd20
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I02941
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Illuminance
Preflabel Illuminance
Elucidation The total luminous flux incident on a surface, per unit area.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LuminanceUnit
.. raw:: html
IlluminanceTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e467cc3f_676c_432e_b70e_19237d1bcc78
Preflabel IlluminanceTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'IlluminanceTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
InductanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_585e0ff0_9429_4d3c_b578_58abb1ba21d1
Preflabel InductanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Inductance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
InfiniteMultiplicationFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5a0f35b8_d18e_4570_a94e_ee84b13bb7bc
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InfiniteMultiplicationFactor
Preflabel InfiniteMultiplicationFactor
Elucidation In nuclear physics, the multiplication factor for an infinite medium.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99440487
Iso80000Reference 10-78.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
Intensity ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#emmo_fd2aa864_eef7_4c3d_8243_9ea832d9df3e
Preflabel Intensity
Elucidation Power transferred per unit area.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intensity_(physics)
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PowerDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
Intensive ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_602397bd_e302_42a6_be33_fe67ea81933a
Example Temperature
Preflabel Intensive
Elucidation A quantity whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system.
Comment Note that not all physical quantities can be categorised as being either intensive or extensive. For example the square root of the mass.
Formal description
Subclass Of CategorizedPhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
InternalConversionFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c365fcb8_095d_416b_b4df_a18f2f557016
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InternalConversionFactor
Preflabel InternalConversionFactor
Elucidation Quotient of the number of internal conversion electrons and the number of gamma quanta emitted by the radioactive atom in a given transition, where a conversion electron represents an orbital electron emitted through the radioactive decay.
Altlabel InternalConversionCoefficient
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-02-57
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6047819
Iso80000Reference 10-35
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
InternalEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_830b59f7_d047_438c_90cd_62845749efcb
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03103
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InternalEnergy
Preflabel InternalEnergy
Elucidation A state quantity equal to the difference between the total energy of a system and the sum of the macroscopic kinetic and potential energies of the system.
Altlabel ThermodynamicEnergy
Iso80000Reference 5.20-2
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
.. raw:: html
InternationalSystemOfQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f35cff4d_dc09_44cf_a729_22fb79e3bfb2
Preflabel InternationalSystemOfQuantity
Elucidation Quantities declared under the ISO 80000.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Quantities
Formal description
Subclass Of StandardizedPhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
IntrinsicCarrierDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_126e57a9_0f9c_4315_a031_bc273a0f302b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IntinsicCarrierDensity
Preflabel IntrinsicCarrierDensity
Elucidation Square root of the product of electron and hole density in a semiconductor.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1303188
Iso80000Reference 12-29.3
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalVolume
.. raw:: html
InversePermittivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d2a20142_b3a4_4d3b_a7e1_e17597e7f177
Preflabel InversePermittivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'InversePermittivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L+3 M+1 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
IonActivity ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_12b2ec1e_fb89_468a_a51d_97c2a6db297c
Preflabel IonActivity
Elucidation ratio of the product of ion molality b and a correction factor γ to the molality b° of the same ion in a standard solution under standardized conditions: a = bγ / b°.
Comment Normally a standard solution is a solution of the ion at a molality of 1 mol/kg (exactly). Standardized conditions are normally 1013,25 hPa and 25 °C.
Comment The correction factor is called activity coefficient and it is determined experimentally. See ActivityCoefficient
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-20
Formal description
Subclass Of ActivityOfSolute
.. raw:: html
IonNumberDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_31b393c5_4cfe_4ad4_a9a4_0eafcb7fbd1a
Preflabel IonNumberDensity
Elucidation Number of ions per volume.
Altlabel IonDensity
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98831218
Iso80000Reference 10-62.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
IonTransportNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d97b27cb_61a4_4568_a38b_4edd4f224acc
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03181
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06489
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IonTransportNumber
Preflabel IonTransportNumber
Elucidation Faction of electrical current carried by given ionic species.
Altlabel CurrentFraction
Altlabel TransferrenceNumber
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q331854
Iso80000Reference 9-46
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
IonicStrength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7243633d_96ff_426d_ae44_8a2504e682da
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03180
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IonicStrength
Preflabel IonicStrength
Elucidation For all types of ions in a solution, half the sum of the products of their molality b_i and the square of their charge number z_i.
Comment Charge number is a quantity of dimension one defined in ChargeNumber.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-24
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q898396
Iso80000Reference 9-42
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AmountPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
IonizationEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f0b903be_d86f_4d28_9f42_b4d4753e2cf4
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03199
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IonizationEnergy
Preflabel IonizationEnergy
Elucidation Difference between energy of an electron at rest at infinity and a certain energy level which is the energy of an electron in the interior of a substance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-39
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q483769
Iso80000Reference 12-24.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
IsentropicCompressibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1044e509_e204_433a_8130_8d4579ada59f
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IsentropicCompressibility
Preflabel IsentropicCompressibility
Elucidation Quantity characterizing the relative variation of volume V with pressure p at constant entropy.
Comment The coherent SI unit of isentropic compressibility is pascal to the power minus one, 1/Pa.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-32
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2990695
Iso80000Reference 5-5.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Compressibility
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
IsentropicExponent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8040a6f6_4736_4dd2_8d1c_f2c13cb77a71
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IsentropicExponent
Preflabel IsentropicExponent
Elucidation For an ideal gas, isentropic exponent is equal to ratio of the specific heat capacities.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-52
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q75775739
Iso80000Reference 5-17.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
IsobaricHeatCapacity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ac82358d_94a7_4ceb_93e7_41bab5bcefdf
Preflabel IsobaricHeatCapacity
Elucidation Heat capacity at constant pressure.
Altlabel HeatCapacityAtConstantPressure
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-49
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q112187490
Iso80000Reference 5-16.2
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatCapacity
.. raw:: html
IsochoricHeatCapacity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8fc576e1_3984_402b_a548_be921b4e1bf4
Preflabel IsochoricHeatCapacity
Elucidation Heat capacity at constant volume.
Altlabel HeatCapacityAtConstantVolume
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-50
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q112187521
Iso80000Reference 5-16.3
Formal description
Subclass Of HeatCapacity
.. raw:: html
IsothermalCompressibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9bc6da11_528a_44e8_bd9e_c4154eae7e55
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/IsothermalCompressibility
Preflabel IsothermalCompressibility
Comment Quantity characterising the relative variation of volume with pressure at constant thermodynamic temperature.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-31
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2990696
Iso80000Reference 5-5.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Compressibility
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
JosephsonConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ba380bc6_2bfd_4f11_94c7_b3cbaafd1631
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/JosephsonConstant
Preflabel JosephsonConstant
Elucidation Inverse of the magnetic flux quantum.
Comment The DBpedia definition (http://dbpedia.org/page/Magnetic_flux_quantum) is outdated as May 20, 2019. It is now an exact quantity.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
JouleThomsonCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a43cb01a_beb0_46e1_ae6d_22236222e6a1
Preflabel JouleThomsonCoefficient
Elucidation Change of thermodynamic temperature with respect to pressure in a Joule-Thomson process at constant enthalpy.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q93946998
Iso80000Reference 5-24
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some TemperaturePerPressureUnit
.. raw:: html
Kerma ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e963f280_1599_4ee8_bb74_439a4bc6412d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Kerma
Preflabel Kerma
Elucidation Kinetic energy released per mass.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-36
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1739288
Iso80000Reference 10-86.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of SpecificEnergy
.. raw:: html
KermaRate ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d481815b_11bd_4cf6_a290_941062ee76ef
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/KermaRate
Preflabel KermaRate
Elucidation Time derivative of kerma.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-12-28
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99713105
Iso80000Reference 10-86.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
.. raw:: html
KinematicViscosity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b5523f03_5f2f_4e11_92c0_3734c6de3749
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.K03395
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/KinematicViscosity
Preflabel KinematicViscosity
Elucidation Quotient of dynamic viscosity and mass density of a fluid.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-35
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15106259
Iso80000Reference 4-25
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreicSpeedUnit
.. raw:: html
KineticEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ac540a9d_0131_43f6_a33b_17e5cfc432ed
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.K03402
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/KineticEnergy
Preflabel KineticEnergy
Elucidation The energy of an object due to its motion.
Iso80000Reference 4-28.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
.. raw:: html
KineticFrictionFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89d04b65_5b11_4916_b606_0cf3f007fcd9
Preflabel KineticFrictionFactor
Altlabel DynamicFrictionFactor
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-32
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q73695445
Iso80000Reference 4-23.2
Formal description
Subclass Of CoefficientOfFriction
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
KineticFrictionForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fe3eb868_8745_4fea_8370_4313d0531c18
Preflabel KineticFrictionForce
Elucidation Force opposing the motion of a body sliding on a surface.
Altlabel DynamicFrictionForce
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q91005629
Iso80000Reference 4-9.4
Formal description
Subclass Of Force
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
LandeFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2c33f59a_fbeb_445e_aea9_8b05738b5f8b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LandeGFactor
Preflabel LandeFactor
Elucidation Quotient of the magnetic dipole moment of an atom, and the product of the total angular momentum quantum number and the Bohr magneton.
Altlabel GFactorOfAtom
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1191684
Iso80000Reference 10-14.1
Formal description
Subclass Of GFactor
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
LarmonAngularFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b452fe23_0c61_436d_8357_57a521448801
Preflabel LarmonAngularFrequency
Elucidation Angular frequency of the electron angular momentum vector precession about the axis of an external magnetic field.
Iso80000Reference 10-15.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of AngularFrequency
.. raw:: html
LarmonFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_40923aa2_c600_44e4_8af8_80260ba25ab2
Preflabel LarmonFrequency
Elucidation Quotient of Larmor angular frequency and 2π.
Iso80000Reference 10-15.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Frequency
.. raw:: html
LatentHeat ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fb1e757e_087e_4541_847f_392990643f64
Preflabel LatentHeat
Elucidation Heat released or absorbed energy during a constant-temperature process.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q207721
Iso80000Reference 5-6.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Heat
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
LatentHeatOfPhaseTransition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6bae1f5a_1644_4da3_b3e4_0a01171034ad
Preflabel LatentHeatOfPhaseTransition
Elucidation Energy to be added to or removed from a system under constant temperature and pressure to undergo a complete phase transition.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106553458
Iso80000Reference 9-16
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of LatentHeat
.. raw:: html
LatticePlaneSpacing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1a4ed964_9ee4_44a9_b386_4b0f95cf6666
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LatticePlaneSpacing
Preflabel LatticePlaneSpacing
Elucidation distance between successive lattice planes
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105488046
Iso80000Reference 12-3
Formal description
Subclass Of Distance
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
LatticeVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a1bd0bfc_5464_43ce_a1a2_947b58dc0f89
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LatticeVector
Preflabel LatticeVector
Elucidation translation vector that maps the crystal lattice on itself
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105435234
Iso80000Reference 12-1.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Displacement
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LengthUnit
.. raw:: html
LeakageFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f75924f_782d_4a9d_995f_43ae968fe5e2
Preflabel LeakageFactor
Elucidation One minus the square of the coupling factor
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-42
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q78102042
Iso80000Reference 6-42.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
.. raw:: html
Length ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cd2cd0de_e0cc_4ef1_b27e_2e88db027bac
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03498
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Length
Preflabel Length
Elucidation Extend of a spatial dimension.
Comment Length is a non-negative additive quantity attributed to a one-dimensional object in space.
Iso80000Reference 3-1.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LengthUnit
.. raw:: html
LengthMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3fe66e46_9343_4a36_b101_a732ad5f4f76
Preflabel LengthMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_09cee580_aed5_4541_ab94_ec5bb1c64a7c
Preflabel LengthPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthPerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_793f3567_b351_42ef_a1d4_5111d53999c4
Preflabel LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthPerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d02c92e0_99ba_4c09_b01f_0d7a7dd7b24e
Preflabel LengthTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthTimePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2f31340f_59ca_4a57_8513_269837af3796
Preflabel LengthTimePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthTimePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+1 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthTimeTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44ddbe46_0112_4185_b595_132866e902da
Preflabel LengthTimeTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LengthTimeTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b3600e73_3e05_479d_9714_c041c3acf5cc
Preflabel LengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Length'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
Lethargy ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_25e8c0c4_943a_4851_9cb7_3c4b45f69bb5
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Lethargy
Preflabel Lethargy
Elucidation Natural logarithm of the quotient of a reference energy and the kinetic energy of a neutron.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-07-01
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q25508781
Iso80000Reference 10-69
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
LevelWidth ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_937db6d0_38c3_4469_aeec_1e033f5ea6c4
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03507
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LevelWidth
Preflabel LevelWidth
Elucidation In nuclear physics, quotient of the reduced Planck constant and the mean duration of life of an unstable particle or an excited state.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98082340
Iso80000Reference 10-26
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
LightAndRadiationQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec1aa2cd_74eb_4506_81d1_901a3124aaba
Preflabel LightAndRadiationQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-7.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
LinearAttenuationCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ebd133e3_b823_478d_984f_1e399c6c99aa
Preflabel LinearAttenuationCoefficient
Elucidation In nuclear physics, fraction of interacting particles per distance traversed in a given material.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-31
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98583077
Iso80000Reference 10-49
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
LinearDensityOfElectricCharge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5afa28f0_8c9f_4fcd_8f67_805bd2f9c068
Preflabel LinearDensityOfElectricCharge
Elucidation The derivative of the electric charge of a system with respect to the length.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77267838
Iso80000Reference 6-5
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricChargePerLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
LinearElectricCurrentDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7e53a8b4_6e02_4e56_80d4_8683f92b9c77
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LinearElectricCurrentDensity
Preflabel LinearElectricCurrentDensity
Elucidation Surface density of electric charge multiplied by velocity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-12
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2356741
Iso80000Reference 6-9
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
.. raw:: html
LinearEnergyTransfer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c2d725c3_9c16_4871_9a86_7afa12fc0a01
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03550
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LinearEnergyTransfer
Preflabel LinearEnergyTransfer
Elucidation Measure for the energy lost by charged particles per traversed distance, including only interactions up to a given energy.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-30
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1699996
Iso80000Reference 10-85
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ForceUnit
.. raw:: html
LinearExpansionCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_399426d1_c4cc_414c_806f_47096c72d634
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LinearExpansionCoefficient
Preflabel LinearExpansionCoefficient
Elucidation Relative change of length per change of temperature.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-27
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q74760821
Iso80000Reference 5-3.1
Formal description
Subclass Of CoefficientOfThermalExpansion
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
LinearIonization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8c151a67_f04a_4435_b7d1_1738e6d952ee
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LinearIonization
Preflabel LinearIonization
Elucidation Differential quotient of q with respect to l, where q is the average total charge of all positive ions produced by an ionizing charged particle over a path l, divided by the elementary charge.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-03-115
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98690755
Iso80000Reference 10-58
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
LinearMassDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d722016a_4907_497b_b0d3_cfd10adfef26
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LinearDensity
Preflabel LinearMassDensity
Elucidation Mass per length.
Altlabel LinearDensity
Altlabel LineicMass
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-11
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q56298294
Iso80000Reference 4-6
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassPerLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
LinkedFlux ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_72301c89_4337_48f5_a390_7649c5fad98b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticFlux
Preflabel LinkedFlux
Elucidation Magnetic flux the integration area of which is such that magnetic field lines cross it in the same orientation more than once.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-77
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4374882
Iso80000Reference 6-22.2
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFlux
.. raw:: html
LogarithmicDecrement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_59809abc_d206_4015_9836_9d3a32460586
Preflabel LogarithmicDecrement
Elucidation Product of damping coefficient and period duration.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-05-25
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1399446
Iso80000Reference 3-25
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
LondonPenetrationDepth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ad91ad62_ef79_42ad_8e15_34cbd95d69cb
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LondonPenetrationDepth
Preflabel LondonPenetrationDepth
Elucidation Distance a magnetic field penetrates the plane surface of a semi-finite superconductor.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=815-10-33
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3277853
Iso80000Reference 12-38.1
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
LongRangeOrderParameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2fb9b3ca_a3ba_4176_b9dc_ce5449286195
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Long-RangeOrderParameter
Preflabel LongRangeOrderParameter
Elucidation Fraction of atoms in an Ising ferromagnet having magnetic moments in one direction, minus the fraction having magnetic moments in the opposite direction.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105496124
Iso80000Reference 12-5.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
LorenzCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_394390c8_7b29_4c0a_9104_2d2bc8780138
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LorenzCoefficient
Preflabel LorenzCoefficient
Elucidation Quotient of thermal conductivity, and the product of electric conductivity and thermodynamic temperature.
Altlabel LorenzNumber
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105728754
Iso80000Reference 12-18
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LorenzNumberUnit
.. raw:: html
LorenzNumberUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_197095a5_6d0c_4747_bcd7_f239203217dc
Preflabel LorenzNumberUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LorenzNumber'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-6 L+4 M+2 I-2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
LossAngle ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c2a2b2ac_1fbe_46d9_8853_6497cea6ff43
Qudtreference https://www.qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LossAngle
Preflabel LossAngle
Elucidation Arctan of the loss factor
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-49
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q20820438
Iso80000Reference 6-55
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of Angle
.. raw:: html
LossFactor ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c3796906_8063_47d4_92af_890ae08f25fa
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LossFactor
Preflabel LossFactor
Elucidation Inverse of the quality factor.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79468728
Iso80000Reference 6-54
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
.. raw:: html
LowerCriticalMagneticFluxDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fd4a6307_f9f7_4b54_b044_caa04e620232
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LowerCriticalMagneticFluxDensity
Preflabel LowerCriticalMagneticFluxDensity
Elucidation For type II superconductors, the threshold magnetic flux density for magnetic flux entering the superconductor.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106127355
Iso80000Reference 12-36.2
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
Luminance ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_97589322_710c_4af4_9431_1e5027f2be42
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03640
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Luminance
Preflabel Luminance
Elucidation A photometric measure of the luminous intensity per unit area of light travelling in a given direction.
Comment Measured in cd/m². Not to confuse with Illuminance, which is measured in lux (cd sr/m²).
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LuminanceUnit
.. raw:: html
LuminanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4000d06d_8594_4263_ba72_5d9440b66c5e
Preflabel LuminanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Luminance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
LuminousEfficacyOf540THzRadiation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_506f7823_52bc_40cb_be07_b3b1e10cce13
Preflabel LuminousEfficacyOf540THzRadiation
Elucidation The luminous efficacy of monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 × 10 12 Hz, K cd , is a technical constant that gives an exact numerical relationship between the purely physical characteristics of the radiant power stimulating the human eye (W) and its photobiological response defined by the luminous flux due to the spectral responsivity of a standard observer (lm) at a frequency of 540 × 10 12 hertz.
Comment Defines the Candela base unit in the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
LuminousFlux ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e2ee1c98_497a_4f66_b4ed_5711496a848e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03646
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LuminousFlux
Preflabel LuminousFlux
Elucidation Perceived power of light.
Iso80000Reference 7-13
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LuminousIntensityUnit
.. raw:: html
LuminousIntensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50bf79a6_a48b_424d_9d2c_813bd631231a
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LuminousIntensity
Preflabel LuminousIntensity
Elucidation A measure of the wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle. It is based on the luminosity function, which is a standardized model of the sensitivity of the human eye.
Iso80000Reference 7-14
Formal description
Subclass Of LightAndRadiationQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LuminousIntensityUnit
.. raw:: html
LuminousIntensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_14ff4393_0f28_4fb4_abc7_c2cc00bc761d
Preflabel LuminousIntensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'LuminousIntensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J+1'
.. raw:: html
MagneticDipoleMoment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_81e767f1_59b1_4d7a_bf69_17f322241831
Iupacreference http://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/M03688
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticDipoleMoment
Preflabel MagneticDipoleMoment
Elucidation Vector quantity μ causing a change to its energy ΔW in an external magnetic field of field flux density B:

ΔW = −μ · B
Comment For an atom or nucleus, this energy is quantized and can be written as:

W = g μ M B

where g is the appropriate g factor, μ is mostly the Bohr magneton or nuclear magneton, M is magnetic quantum number, and B is magnitude of the magnetic flux density.

-- ISO 80000
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-55
Iso80000Reference 10-9.1
Iso80000Reference 6-30
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
.. raw:: html
MagneticFieldStrength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b4895f75_41c8_4fd9_b6d6_4d5f7c99c423
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03683
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticFieldStrength
Preflabel MagneticFieldStrength
Elucidation Strength of a magnetic field. Commonly denoted H.
Altlabel MagnetizingFieldStrength
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-56
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q28123
Iso80000Reference 6-25
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
.. raw:: html
MagneticFlux ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3b931698_937e_49be_ab1b_36fa52d91181
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03684
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticFlux
Preflabel MagneticFlux
Elucidation Measure of magnetism, taking account of the strength and the extent of a magnetic field.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_flux
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Magnetic_flux
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-21
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q177831
Iso80000Reference 6-22.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticFluxUnit
.. raw:: html
MagneticFluxDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_961d1aba_f75e_4411_aaa4_457f7516ed6b
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03686
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticFluxDensity
Preflabel MagneticFluxDensity
Elucidation Strength of the magnetic field.
Comment Often denoted B.
Altlabel MagneticInduction
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-19
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30204
Iso80000Reference 6-21
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticFluxDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
MagneticFluxDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec903946_ddc9_464a_903c_7373e0d1eeb5
Preflabel MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticFluxDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticFluxUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4c49ab58_a6f6_409e_b849_f873ae1dcbee
Preflabel MagneticFluxUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticFlux'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+2 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticMoment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3ef37f82_cd1a_4d49_ace1_83b17487c8e2
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03688
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticMoment
Preflabel MagneticMoment
Elucidation A vector quantity equal to the product of the current, the loop area, and the unit vector normal to the loop plane, the direction of which corresponds to the loop orientation
Altlabel MagneticAreaMoment
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-49
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q242657
Iso80000Reference 6-23
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
MagneticPolarisation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_74a096dd_cc83_4c7e_b704_0541620ff18d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticPolarization
Preflabel MagneticPolarisation
Elucidation Vector quantity equal to the product of the magnetization M and the magnetic constant μ0.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-54
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q856711
Iso80000Reference 6-29
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensity
.. raw:: html
MagneticPotentialUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8cf32f24_ada1_4350_af2c_50eb0e5f6415
Preflabel MagneticPotentialUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticPotential'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+1 M+1 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticQuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6e5608ec_7768_4764_b052_2254bb5283bb
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticQuantumNumber
Preflabel MagneticQuantumNumber
Elucidation Atomic quantum number related to the z component lz, jz or sz, of the orbital, total, or spin angular momentum.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2009727
Iso80000Reference 10-13.4
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantumNumber
.. raw:: html
MagneticReluctance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_673433f6_47c6_4c28_ae91_12945488ed10
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Reluctance
Preflabel MagneticReluctance
Elucidation Magnetic tension divided by magnetic flux.
Altlabel Reluctance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-28
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q863390
Iso80000Reference 6-39
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticReluctanceUnit
.. raw:: html
MagneticReluctanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_07f571cd_252b_4421_8f98_94b6690d2ab9
Preflabel MagneticReluctanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticReluctance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-2 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticReluctivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_01cd670e_d37c_424f_b91e_c2c2bbb5ea43
Preflabel MagneticReluctivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MagneticReluctivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-1 M-1 I+1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MagneticSusceptibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e59eb557_3a0f_4532_9984_deed22f94952
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SUSCEPTIBILITY_MAG.html
Preflabel MagneticSusceptibility
Elucidation Scalar or tensor quantity the product of which by the magnetic constant μ0 and by the magnetic field strength H is equal to the magnetic polarization J.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-37
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q691463
Iso80000Reference 6-28
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
.. raw:: html
MagneticTension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fcdf3dd6_c5d7_40d2_b062_b5580e37a9bd
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticTension
Preflabel MagneticTension
Elucidation Scalar quantity equal to the line integral of the magnetic field strength H along a specified path linking two points a and b.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-57
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77993836
Iso80000Reference 6-37.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricCurrentUnit
.. raw:: html
MagneticVectorPotential ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1d77524b_ff3f_4e9a_90a4_be3d0bd88855
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticVectorPotential
Preflabel MagneticVectorPotential
Elucidation Vector potential of the magnetic flux density.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-23
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2299100
Iso80000Reference 6-32
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticPotentialUnit
.. raw:: html
Magnetization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b23e7251_a488_4732_8268_027ad76d7e37
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Magnetization
Preflabel Magnetization
Elucidation At a given point within a domain of quasi-infinitesimal volume V, vector quantity equal to the magnetic area moment m of the substance contained within the domain divided by the volume V.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-52
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q856711
Iso80000Reference 6-24
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
.. raw:: html
MagnetomotiveForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e75fdaed_cb4e_41ba_8aa3_4cfa5087358f
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagnetomotiveForce
Preflabel MagnetomotiveForce
Elucidation Scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-60
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1266982
Iso80000Reference 6-37.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricCurrentUnit
.. raw:: html
Mass ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ed4af7ae_63a2_497e_bb88_2309619ea405
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03709
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Mass
Preflabel Mass
Elucidation Property of a physical body that express its resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a force is applied.
Iso80000Reference 4-1
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassUnit
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperty) only Matter
.. raw:: html
MassAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3532cc67_472a_4227_96f4_04b93146cec3
Preflabel MassAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassAttenuationCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fcfc9256_1159_44d2_b4c2_bac1b85698da
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassAttenuationCoefficient
Preflabel MassAttenuationCoefficient
Elucidation Quotient of the linear attenuation coefficient µ and the mass density ρ of the medium.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-27
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98591983
Iso80000Reference 10-50
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
MassChangeRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_65efeec4_148f_4843_9954_fe52efff3441
Preflabel MassChangeRate
Elucidation Mass increment per time.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q92020547
Iso80000Reference 4-30.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassPerTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
MassConcentration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_16f2fe60_2db7_43ca_8fee_5b3e416bfe87
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03713
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassConcentration
Preflabel MassConcentration
Elucidation Mass of a constituent divided by the volume of the mixture.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalCompositionQuantity
Subclass Of Density
Subclass Of Concentration
.. raw:: html
MassConcentrationOfWater ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b02aaadc_592d_4d65_bf11_eee06bd9f80d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassConcentrationOfWater
Preflabel MassConcentrationOfWater
Elucidation Quotient of the mass of water in a three-dimensional domain, irrespective of the form of aggregation, by the volume of the domain.
Comment The mass concentration of water at saturation is denoted wsat.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-59
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76378758
Iso80000Reference 5-27
Formal description
Subclass Of MassConcentration
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
MassConcentrationOfWaterVapour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_df8b283c_c02a_4158_b65e_60de7bb0b550
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassConcentrationOfWaterVapour
Preflabel MassConcentrationOfWaterVapour
Elucidation Quotient of the mass of water vapour in moist gas by the total gas volume.
Comment The mass concentration of water at saturation is denoted vsat.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-60
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76378808
Formal description
Subclass Of MassConcentration
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
MassDefect ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4cdec724_8ed2_4e8e_b145_260a828bb1ed
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassDefect
Preflabel MassDefect
Elucidation Sum of the product of the proton number and the hydrogen atomic mass, and the neutron rest mass, minus the rest mass of the atom.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q26897126
Iso80000Reference 10-21.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Mass
.. raw:: html
MassEnergyTransferCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b642d14c_0ba3_43c0_aa90_d0df922486c0
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassEnergyTransferCoefficient
Preflabel MassEnergyTransferCoefficient
Elucidation For ionizing uncharged particles of a given type and energy, the differential quotient of Rtr with respect to l. Where Rtr is the mean energy that is transferred to kinetic energy of charged particles by interactions of the uncharged particles of incident radiant energy R in traversing a distance l in the material of density rho, divided by rho and R
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-32
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99714619
Iso80000Reference 10-87
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
MassExcess ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7dd84949_0afa_4313_9b89_7bb0dd2e7771
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03719
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassExcess
Preflabel MassExcess
Elucidation Difference between the mass of an atom, and the product of its mass number and the unified mass constant.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1571163
Iso80000Reference 10-21.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassUnit
.. raw:: html
MassFlow ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6d61ee3c_c5b6_4452_bc11_e9c33af992a7
Preflabel MassFlow
Elucidation At a point in a fluid, the product of mass density and velocity.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3265048
Iso80000Reference 4-30.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassFluxUnit
.. raw:: html
MassFluxUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e35d4936_b2e3_4cd6_a437_f1c864b3d450
Preflabel MassFluxUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassFlux'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassFraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7c055d65_2929_40e1_af4f_4bf10995ad50
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03722
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassFraction
Preflabel MassFraction
Elucidation Mass of a constituent divided by the total mass of all constituents in the mixture.
Iso80000Reference 9-11
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalCompositionQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
MassFractionOfDryMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f171308_f902_42c5_ac1d_d5259022e9c1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassFractionOfDryMatter
Preflabel MassFractionOfDryMatter
Elucidation Quantity wd = 1 − wH2O, where wH2O is mass fraction of water.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-64
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76379189
Iso80000Reference 5-32
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFraction
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
MassFractionOfWater ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cac16ce6_2cef_405d_ac63_0f918db4875e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassFractionOfWater
Preflabel MassFractionOfWater
Elucidation Quantity of dimension 1 equal to u/(1 + u), where u is mass ratio of water to dry matter.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-63
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76379025
Iso80000Reference 5-31
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFraction
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
MassLengthPerCubicTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3371fb68_5f07_467c_ada6_5aa3da3808d0
Preflabel MassLengthPerCubicTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassLengthPerCubicTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassNumber ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dc6c8de0_cfc4_4c66_a7dc_8f720e732d54
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassNumber
Preflabel MassNumber
Elucidation Number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus.
Altlabel AtomicMassNumber
Altlabel NucleonNumber
Formal description
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperty) only Atom
.. raw:: html
MassPerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ba91622_e39f_43e3_b95f_290937928d7e
Preflabel MassPerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_971b3dff_28b4_4538_b082_3ec9fa5af294
Preflabel MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I0 Θ-4 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerLengthTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2c224eb4_cb86_44a4_a067_8969ead598d7
Preflabel MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerLengthTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4007522b_7ab7_4855_acd2_e99e2a0690b6
Preflabel MassPerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerQuarticLengthTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9cffc70d_4b60_4187_a7cd_706f5740ae87
Preflabel MassPerQuarticLengthTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerQuarticLengthTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-4 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerQuarticTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_30261696_a8a4_44ce_9bf5_b18201a83c76
Preflabel MassPerQuarticTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerQuarticTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-4 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ddcc1e64_69cc_4a0c_9ee8_08aca78b3c85
Preflabel MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerSquareLengthSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8826aefb_0bf6_4378_8732_fc80aa95654c
Preflabel MassPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassPerVolumeTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f3a9f9f_6f56_49dc_b39e_1aee57ffdc58
Preflabel MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassPerVolumeTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassRatioOfWaterToDryMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bba5d6f7_53e5_417a_855e_a95322fb641e
Preflabel MassRatioOfWaterToDryMatter
Elucidation Ratio of the mass of water to the mass of dry matter in a given volume of matter.
Comment The mass concentration of water at saturation is denoted usat.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-61
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76378860
Iso80000Reference 5-29
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
MassSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5f375229_de0c_46bf_b11f_da9d3b742253
Preflabel MassSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassStoppingPowerUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c0f32e02_44d7_4c99_986e_c368d7219e4c
Preflabel MassStoppingPowerUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassStoppingPower'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8455fa05_a877_48d7_b8a3_8e3bfad119bf
Preflabel MassTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'MassTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassUnit ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_77e9dc31_5b19_463e_b000_44c6e79f98aa
Preflabel MassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Mass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
MassieuFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c39d6a20_b987_49db_addb_a498635b89ff
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MassieuFunction
Preflabel MassieuFunction
Elucidation Negative quotient of Helmholtz energy and temperature.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-26
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3077625
Iso80000Reference 5-22
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyUnit
.. raw:: html
MaximumBetaParticleEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d364e5e0_9652_4295_8f85_bd1297497377
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MaximumBeta-ParticleEnergy
Preflabel MaximumBetaParticleEnergy
Elucidation Maximum kinetic energy of the emitted beta particle produced in the nuclear disintegration process.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98148038
Iso80000Reference 10-33
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
MaximumEfficiency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_476cb776_8219_418d_92e8_2fe04b1fe5cf
Preflabel MaximumEfficiency
Elucidation Efficiency of an ideal heat engine operating according to the Carnot process.
Altlabel CarnotEfficiency
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q93949862
Iso80000Reference 5-25.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
MeanDurationOfLife ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52f7d4e5_b4aa_4e11_9205_71e42eea13b3
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MeanLifetime
Qudtreference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1758559
Preflabel MeanDurationOfLife
Elucidation Reciprocal of the decay constant λ.
Altlabel MeanLifeTime
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-13
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-47
Iso80000Reference 10-25
Formal description
Subclass Of Duration
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
MeanEnergyImparted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_08865f1c_4d7e_4fa7_afba_05e5f7d06cb9
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MeanEnergyImparted
Preflabel MeanEnergyImparted
Elucidation Expectation value of the energy imparted.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-12-44
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99526969
Iso80000Reference 10-80.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
MeanFreePath ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_adc5aa0d_9add_4c8a_aa81_b5798a654ca9
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03778
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MeanFreePath
Preflabel MeanFreePath
Elucidation in a given medium, average distance that particles of a specified type travel between successive interactions of a specified type.
Comment The mean free path may thus be specified either for all interactions, i.e. total mean free path, or for particular types of interaction such as scattering, capture, or ionization.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-37
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q756307
Iso80000Reference 9-38
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of PathLength
.. raw:: html
MeanFreePathOfElectrons ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8e08b6d4_da0f_4722_a69a_301f2246546c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectronMeanFreePath
Preflabel MeanFreePathOfElectrons
Elucidation Average distance that electrons travel between two successive interactions.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105672307
Iso80000Reference 12-15.2
Formal description
Subclass Of MeanFreePath
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
MeanFreePathOfPhonons ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8dacb56f_5931_443b_8de6_f31aec44036c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PhononMeanFreePath
Preflabel MeanFreePathOfPhonons
Elucidation average distance that phonons travel between two successive interactions
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105672255
Iso80000Reference 12-15.1
Formal description
Subclass Of MeanFreePath
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
MeanLinearRange ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d64a491b_d160_4adf_bba1_1a3f0624f0ea
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03782
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MeanLinearRange
Preflabel MeanLinearRange
Elucidation Mean total rectified path length travelled by a particle in the course of slowing down to rest in a given material averaged over a group of particles having the same initial energy.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98681589
Iso80000Reference 10-56
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
MeanMassRange ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_376d013c_b703_40dc_bd8d_23145dfed2e3
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03783
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MeanMassRange
Preflabel MeanMassRange
Elucidation Product of the mean linear range R and the mass density ρ of the material.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98681670
Iso80000Reference 10-57
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
MechanicalEfficiency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7f9b4abe_0bf1_48dc_9bd0_ea34e926ec85
Preflabel MechanicalEfficiency
Elucidation Quotient of mechanical output and input power.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2628085
Iso80000Reference 4-29
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
MechanicalQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_be76ad52_2e29_4202_be6f_0a15eb9c1817
Preflabel MechanicalQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-4.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
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MicrocanonicalPartitionFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90a1a4d4_7f02_4b0e_9bfd_053bafbed5f2
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MicroCanonicalPartitionFunction
Preflabel MicrocanonicalPartitionFunction
Elucidation Number of all quantum states consistent with given energy, volume, and external fields.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96106546
Iso80000Reference 9-35.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
MigrationArea ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4d548993_7a73_4cb1_a125_d417014b571e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MigrationArea
Preflabel MigrationArea
Elucidation Sum of the slowing-down area from fission energy to thermal energy and the diffusion area for thermal neutrons.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98966325
Iso80000Reference 10-72.3
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Area
.. raw:: html
MigrationLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c05759c8_de71_4223_abba_630ae405b2b8
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MigrationLength
Preflabel MigrationLength
Elucidation Square root of the migration area, M^2.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98998318
Iso80000Reference 10-73.3
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
MixingRatio ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_94857660_8739_4270_99a7_c388933fa17d
Preflabel MixingRatio
Elucidation Ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of dry air in a given volume of air.
Comment The mixing ratio at saturation is denoted xsat.
Altlabel MassRatioOfWaterVapourToDryGas
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-62
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76378940
Iso80000Reference 5-30
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
Mobility ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9b8f36cd_4312_4bc3_a99c_420c00f41550
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03955
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Mobility
Preflabel Mobility
Elucidation Quotient of average drift speed imparted to a charged particle in a medium by an electric field, and the electric field strength.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-36
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-02-77
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q900648
Iso80000Reference 10-61
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricMobilityUnit
.. raw:: html
MobilityRatio ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b0a1578_ae70_4cd1_940d_54d9c220d8f7
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MobilityRatio
Preflabel MobilityRatio
Elucidation Quotient of electron and hole mobility.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106010255
Iso80000Reference 12-31
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
ModulusOfAdmittance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5e26440d_af47_4c30_a1c3_511e4072c617
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ModulusOfAdmittance
Preflabel ModulusOfAdmittance
Elucidation quotient of the rms value of the electric current in a two-terminal element or a two-terminal circuit by the rms value of the voltage between its terminals.
Comment Apparent admittance is often denoted by Y .
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-52
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79466359
Iso80000Reference 6-52.4
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductance
.. raw:: html
ModulusOfCompression ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50dbbf9a_ed96_486f_99f6_d8ba78a0047c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/BulkModulus
Preflabel ModulusOfCompression
Elucidation Measure of how resistant to compressibility a substance is.
Altlabel BulkModulus
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-69
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q900371
Iso80000Reference 4-19.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
ModulusOfElasticity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_62824128_35bd_45c4_9516_23f3f24c8332
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03966
Preflabel ModulusOfElasticity
Elucidation Mechanical property of linear elastic solid materials.
Altlabel YoungsModulus
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-67
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2091584
Iso80000Reference 4-19.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
ModulusOfImpedance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_efe73b0e_006b_417a_98a7_6db26b3ce2ac
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ModulusOfImpedance
Preflabel ModulusOfImpedance
Elucidation Quotient of the rms value of the voltage between the terminals of a two-terminal element or a two-terminal circuit by the rms value of the electric current in the element or circuit.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-44
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q25457909
Iso80000Reference 6-51.4
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistance
.. raw:: html
ModulusOfRigidity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c9354e77_e6c9_4a76_8571_2446bc934c94
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05635
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ShearModulus
Preflabel ModulusOfRigidity
Elucidation Ratio of shear stress to the shear strain.
Altlabel ShearModulus
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-68
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q461466
Iso80000Reference 4-19.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
Molality ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ead7c629_824a_410f_afec_579f08894c78
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03970
Preflabel Molality
Elucidation quotient of the amount of substance nB of solute B by the mass m of the solvent: bB = nB / m.
Altlabel AmountPerMass
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-19
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q172623
Iso80000Reference 9-15
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AmountPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
MolarAttenuationCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0ca67b4c_bdd3_40a6_b8c6_ba77e39c13a3
Preflabel MolarAttenuationCoefficient
Elucidation Quotient of linear attenuation coefficient µ and the amount c of the medium.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98592828
Iso80000Reference 10-51
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaPerAmountUnit
.. raw:: html
MolarConductivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e955e04_2977_457e_a91a_bc6a541c9a9e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03976
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MolarConductivity
Preflabel MolarConductivity
Elucidation Conductivity per molar concentration of electrolyte.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1943278
Iso80000Reference 9-45
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AmountConductivityUnit
.. raw:: html
MolarEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f675294e_6f30_4b1d_a68e_a74e59f3b2fc
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MolarEnergy
Preflabel MolarEnergy
Elucidation Energy per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q69427512
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EnergyPerAmountUnit
.. raw:: html
MolarEnthalpy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ee837ed0_2355_4802_b3cd_a8fab297d244
Preflabel MolarEnthalpy
Elucidation Enthalpy per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q88769977
Iso80000Reference 9-6.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of MolarEnergy
.. raw:: html
MolarEntropy ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cdc5a859_de8d_401a_b2fd_6bed90aad310
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MolarEntropy
Preflabel MolarEntropy
Elucidation Entropy per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q68972876
Iso80000Reference 9-8
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyPerAmountUnit
.. raw:: html
MolarGasConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ad6c76cf_b400_423e_820f_cf0c4e77f455
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.G02579
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/MolarGasConstant
Preflabel MolarGasConstant
Elucidation Equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, but expressed in units of energy per temperature increment per mole (rather than energy per temperature increment per particle).
Iso80000Reference 9-37.1
Formal description
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
MolarGibbsEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ad9d6895_2800_48ad_8007_e293c52a8178
Preflabel MolarGibbsEnergy
Elucidation Gibbs energy per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q88863324
Iso80000Reference 9-6.4
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of MolarEnergy
.. raw:: html
MolarHelmholtzEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aea43ae4_f824_4c42_892e_709bf9dc1c40
Preflabel MolarHelmholtzEnergy
Elucidation Helmholtz energy per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q88862986
Iso80000Reference 9-6.3
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of MolarEnergy
.. raw:: html
MolarInternalEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_24c44d2c_9ec3_438d_8cff_348cb9d7cb5c
Preflabel MolarInternalEnergy
Elucidation Internal energy per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q88523106
Iso80000Reference 9-6.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of MolarEnergy
.. raw:: html
MolarMass ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e980389d_6dfe_4156_9b40_32050c9644a5
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MolarMass
Preflabel MolarMass
Elucidation Mass per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q145623
Iso80000Reference 9-4
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassPerAmountUnit
.. raw:: html
MolarVolume ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8b4af754_110a_4854_ac65_349ebafc1bed
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MolarVolume
Preflabel MolarVolume
Elucidation Volume per amount of substance.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q487112
Iso80000Reference 9-5
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some VolumePerAmountUnit
.. raw:: html
MolecularConcentration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_46406907_9afd_424e_934a_a523f9f9cc36
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MolecularConcentration
Preflabel MolecularConcentration
Elucidation Number of molecules of a substance in a mixture per volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q88865973
Iso80000Reference 9-9.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of Concentration
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
MolecularPartitionFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a971203_58d5_4039_98ce_be7eafb2b14f
Preflabel MolecularPartitionFunction
Elucidation Partition function of a molecule.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96192064
Iso80000Reference 9-35.4
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
MomentOfIntertia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58a85e5b_6526_484d_b080_e1059ce9994c
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M04006
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MomentOfInertia
Preflabel MomentOfIntertia
Elucidation Scalar measure of the rotational inertia with respect to a fixed axis of rotation.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-21
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q165618
Iso80000Reference 4-7
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassAreaUnit
.. raw:: html
Momentum ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43776fc9_d712_4571_85f0_72183678039a
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M04007
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Momentum
Preflabel Momentum
Elucidation Product of mass and velocity.
Iso80000Reference 4-8
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MomentumUnit
.. raw:: html
MultiplicationFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ccb1ccaa_c8bd_47a4_b572_ca809325ac68
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MultiplicationFactor
Preflabel MultiplicationFactor
Elucidation Quotient of the total number of fission or fission-dependent neutrons produced in the duration of a time interval and the total number of neutrons lost by absorption and leakage in that duration.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99440471
Iso80000Reference 10-78.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
MutualInductance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ea7ef02a_589c_4971_908d_dee6688eebda
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M04076
Preflabel MutualInductance
Elucidation Given an electric current in a thin conducting loop and the linked flux caused by that electric current in another loop, the mutual inductance of the two loops is the linked flux divided by the electric current.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-36
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q78101401
Iso80000Reference 6-41.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricInductance
.. raw:: html
NeelTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f0b8bace_151e_4f54_8129_c180fd83ae44
Preflabel NeelTemperature
Elucidation Critical thermodynamic temperature of an antiferromagnet.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-52
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q830311
Iso80000Reference 12-35.2
Formal description
Subclass Of CriticalTemperature
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
NeutronNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e6c62da_2836_42c1_b2f9_dd801eef5992
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04119
Preflabel NeutronNumber
Elucidation Number of neutrons in an atomic nucleus.
Comment Atomic number (proton number) plus neutron number equals mass number.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_number
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-05-34
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q970319
Iso80000Reference 10-1.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
NeutronYieldPerAbsorption ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d3fce82a_4acb_40f9_bbcf_9b123dbe84af
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NeutronYieldPerAbsorption
Preflabel NeutronYieldPerAbsorption
Elucidation Average number of fission neutrons, both prompt and delayed, emitted per neutron absorbed in a fissionable nuclide or in a nuclear fuel, as specified.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99159075
Iso80000Reference 10-74.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
NeutronYieldPerFission ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5d34ae8e_182c_49f3_815e_ea675faaaf30
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NeutronYieldPerFission
Preflabel NeutronYieldPerFission
Elucidation Average number of fission neutrons, both prompt and delayed, emitted per fission event.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99157909
Iso80000Reference 10-74.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
NewtonianConstantOfGravity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_da831168_975a_41f8_baae_279c298569da
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.G02695
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/NewtonianConstantOfGravitation
Preflabel NewtonianConstantOfGravity
Elucidation Physical constant in Newton's law of gravitation and in Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasuredConstant
.. raw:: html
NonActivePower ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_83318add_d05e_40fc_93ea_c6cd605df437
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NonActivePower
Preflabel NonActivePower
Elucidation For a two-terminal element or a two-terminal circuit under periodic conditions, quantity equal to the square root of the difference of the squares of the apparent power S and the active power P.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-43
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79813060
Iso80000Reference 6-61
Formal description
Subclass Of Power
.. raw:: html
NonLeakageProbability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9140f0d2_fa24_4050_85d9_17d7d2e9e1df
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Non-LeakageProbability
Preflabel NonLeakageProbability
Elucidation Probability that a neutron will not escape from the reactor during the slowing-down process or while it diffuses as a thermal neutron.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99415566
Iso80000Reference 10-77
Formal description
Subclass Of Probability
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
NuclearMagneton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fbd27874_80aa_4aac_997b_91ab766342ac
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04236
Preflabel NuclearMagneton
Elucidation Absolute value of the magnetic moment of a nucleus.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1166093
Iso80000Reference 10-9.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
.. raw:: html
NuclearPrecessionAngularFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_953d7ce1_2a40_4391_831f_e4be15162efb
Preflabel NuclearPrecessionAngularFrequency
Elucidation Frequency by which the nucleus angular momentum vector precesses about the axis of an external magnetic field.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97641779
Iso80000Reference 10-15.3
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of AngularFrequency
.. raw:: html
NuclearQuadrupoleMoment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c6da5256_df91_48f5_8653_35165fb454a0
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NuclearQuadrupoleMoment
Preflabel NuclearQuadrupoleMoment
Elucidation z component of the diagonalized tensor of nuclear quadrupole moment, in the quantum state with the nuclear spin in the field direction (z).
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97921226
Iso80000Reference 10-18
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaUnit
.. raw:: html
NuclearRadius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dd48bd88_9855_4da9_9297_41ae8a3c41fc
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NuclearRadius
Preflabel NuclearRadius
Elucidation Conventional radius of sphere in which the nuclear matter is included,
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3535676
Iso80000Reference 10-19.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Radius
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
NuclearSpinQuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8e655535_d6eb_46cd_9738_f86fa6c93217
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NuclearSpinQuantumNumber
Preflabel NuclearSpinQuantumNumber
Elucidation Quantum number related to the total angular momentum, J, of a nucleus in any specified state, normally called nuclear spin.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97577403
Iso80000Reference 10-13.7
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantumNumber
.. raw:: html
NucleonNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5fb97c35_1896_4221_bdc1_0028bb80f5d5
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03726
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/NucleonNumber
Preflabel NucleonNumber
Elucidation number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
Altlabel MassNumber
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_number
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Mass_number
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-05-32
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q101395
Iso80000Reference 10-1.3
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
NuclidicMass ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58c08428_03e2_446d_85e1_f94cc6682e2b
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04258
Preflabel NuclidicMass
Elucidation Rest mass of a nuclide X in the ground state.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97010809
Iso80000Reference 10-4.2
Formal description
Subclass Of RestMass
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
NumberOfElements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f17133c2_bb33_4ffd_89fa_eef2b403d5e6
Preflabel NumberOfElements
Elucidation Number of direct parts of a Reductionistic.
Comment Using direct parthood EMMO creates a well-defined broadcasting between granularity levels. This also make it possible to count the direct parts of each granularity level.
Formal description
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperty) only Reductionistic
.. raw:: html
NumberOfEntities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_41efdf5d_0c9c_4ea0_bb65_f8236e663be5
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04266
Preflabel NumberOfEntities
Elucidation Discrete quantity; number of entities of a given kind in a system.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=112-01-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q614112
Iso80000Reference 9-1
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
NumberOfTurnsInAWinding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eefaa0ef_e7d4_4633_bf79_655bb55f4a49
Preflabel NumberOfTurnsInAWinding
Elucidation Number of turns in a winding.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77995997
Iso80000Reference 6-38
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
OrbitalAngularMomentumQuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_37f1613c_c905_4cce_bcf4_ef0964c19e5d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/OrbitalAngularMomentumQuantumNumber
Preflabel OrbitalAngularMomentumQuantumNumber
Elucidation Atomic quantum number related to the orbital angular momentum l of a one-electron state.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1916324
Iso80000Reference 10-13.3
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantumNumber
.. raw:: html
OsmoticCoefficientOfSolvent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_987594e7_c152_4f76_88cf_a80874a864fd
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.O04342
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/OsmoticCoefficient
Preflabel OsmoticCoefficientOfSolvent
Elucidation Quantity characterizing the deviation of a solvent from ideal behavior.
Altlabel OsmoticFactorOfSolvent
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5776102
Iso80000Reference 9-27.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
OsmoticPressure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_19c5c2b2_463b_4e41_bd50_4f7239aa62d9
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.O04344
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/OsmoticPressure
Preflabel OsmoticPressure
Elucidation Measure of the tendency of a solution to take in pure solvent by osmosis.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q193135
Iso80000Reference 9-28
Formal description
Subclass Of Pressure
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
OxidationNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_26922e28_b266_46c1_b93e_4940633ba5e4
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.O04363
Preflabel OxidationNumber
Elucidation Charge number that an atom within a molecule would have if all the ligands were removed along with the electron pairs that were shared.
Altlabel OxidationState
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidation_state
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Oxidation_state
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-25
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q484152
Formal description
Subclass Of ChargeNumber
.. raw:: html
PH ^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_80fe82d4_f4c1_43a1_98dc_ee5fc7927e19
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04524
Preflabel PH
Elucidation Number quantifying the acidic or the alkaline character of a solution, equal to the negative of the decimal logarithm of ion activity aH+ of the hydrogen cation H+
pH = −10 log(a_H+).
Comment At about 25 °C aqueous solutions with:
pH < 7 are acidic;
pH = 7 are neutral;
pH > 7 are alkaline.
At temperatures far from 25 °C the pH of a neutral solution differs significantly from 7.
Comment Written as pH
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-21
Iso80000Reference For more details, see ISO 80000-9:2009, Annex C
Formal description
Subclass Of IonActivity
.. raw:: html
POH ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3b586409_b05e_4129_ab40_93768eef503f
Preflabel POH
Elucidation number quantifying the acidic or the alkaline character of a solution, equal to the negative of the decimal logarithm of ion activity aOH- of the hydroxide anion OH-
pH = −10 log(a_OH-)
Comment Written as pOH
Formal description
Subclass Of IonActivity
.. raw:: html
PackingFraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9f33b66d_f2d6_47d0_b163_deeb3d45685a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PackingFraction
Preflabel PackingFraction
Elucidation Quotient of relative mass excess and the nucleon number.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98058276
Iso80000Reference 10-23.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
PartialPressure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_535021bf_d490_416a_9855_b918cf96c115
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04420
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PartialPressure
Preflabel PartialPressure
Elucidation Hypothetical pressure of gas if it alone occupied the volume of the mixture at the same temperature.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q27165
Iso80000Reference 9-19
Formal description
Subclass Of Pressure
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
ParticleConcentration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f97cf06_fde4_4c2d_b867_d7983228a1ff
Preflabel ParticleConcentration
Elucidation Number of particles of a given species per volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q39078574
Iso80000Reference 9-9.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of Concentration
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
ParticleCurrentDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1fa63b54_64d7_40fa_9c8c_003bd61664d1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticleCurrent
Preflabel ParticleCurrentDensity
Elucidation Number of particles per time and area crossing a surface.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2400689
Iso80000Reference 10-48
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerAreaTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
ParticleEmissionRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_444de087_cecb_4b21_a24c_529aa31e0f4a
Preflabel ParticleEmissionRate
Elucidation Differential quotient of N with respect to time, where N is the number of particles being emitted from an infinitesimally small volume element in the time interval of duration dt, and dt.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98153151
Iso80000Reference 10-36
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalDuration
.. raw:: html
ParticleFluence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_246af1cb_2f80_4ff7_9add_c1dd4cfdcc93
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticleFluence
Preflabel ParticleFluence
Elucidation Differential quotient of N with respect to a, where N is the number of particles incident on a sphere of cross-sectional area a.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-15
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-18
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q82965908
Iso80000Reference 10-43
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerAreaUnit
.. raw:: html
ParticleFluenceRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6de11e9b_8dcb_444b_ba79_1a55130ed0c8
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticleFluenceRate
Preflabel ParticleFluenceRate
Elucidation Differential quotient of fluence Φ with respect to time.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-16
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-19
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98497410
Iso80000Reference 10-44
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerAreaTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
ParticleNumberDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e7ec6ee1_9de2_4791_a826_15b7682b6bee
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04262
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticleNumberDensity
Preflabel ParticleNumberDensity
Elucidation Mean number of particles per volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98601569
Iso80000Reference 10-62.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
ParticlePositionVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5186b2e6_f34f_46ee_b08e_ec517a1f43d2
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticlePositionVector
Preflabel ParticlePositionVector
Elucidation Position vector of a particle.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105533324
Iso80000Reference 12-7.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PositionVector
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ParticleSourceDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_146e85cb_37a7_4204_84f1_30113cfddd0c
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ParticleSourceDensity
Preflabel ParticleSourceDensity
Elucidation Quotient of the mean rate of production of particles in a volume, and that volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98915762
Iso80000Reference 10-66
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
PathLength ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a0ce1017_0467_473b_8af8_0ddf4621b0be
Preflabel PathLength
Elucidation Length of a rectifiable curve between two of its points.
Altlabel ArcLength
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_length
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Arc_length
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7144654
Iso80000Reference 3-1.7
Formal description
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
PeltierCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dfcff795_0fe9_4eb7_8f8f_879bb50939c9
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PeltierCoefficient
Preflabel PeltierCoefficient
Elucidation Quotient of Peltier heat power developed at a junction, and the electric current flowing from substance a to substance b.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105801003
Iso80000Reference 12-22
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricPotentialUnit
.. raw:: html
PerAreaTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9b075686_4ac2_43bb_b2a3_17b3ea24ff17
Preflabel PerAreaTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerAreaTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_11708648_fc62_46c6_bae5_3a10693e416e
Preflabel PerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_071b87fd_8ac8_4287_bfc6_9fcd8ce6674c
Preflabel PerEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L-2 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerLengthTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_61eec472_f9af_4861_bedd_d741f022a7e5
Preflabel PerLengthTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerLengthTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerLengthTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9f0338b9_326f_44c2_893c_2d815b763130
Preflabel PerLengthTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerLengthTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L-1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerPressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a068ad0_582c_4f50_90d2_89d9e28977c1
Preflabel PerPressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerPressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+1 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerTemperatureTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6bcf334d_efeb_49f8_9dd0_dbcbb31514d3
Preflabel PerTemperatureTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerTemperatureTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02a935c8_c2d4_4a00_bd6f_b89d05aac79e
Preflabel PerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerThermalTransmittanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_869e6e4f_a9b5_4db8_a978_8ad050239933
Preflabel PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerThermalTransmittance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L0 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerTimeMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52b029aa_e525_4907_95d8_759298b04f97
Preflabel PerTimeMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerTimeMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_95a9bf22_eabc_4a84_863d_9ea398c8a52e
Preflabel PerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PeriodDuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90e59882_4592_4036_a75d_5fbefb22dc80
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04493
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Period
Preflabel PeriodDuration
Elucidation duration of one cycle of a periodic event
Altlabel Period
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-06-01
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2642727
Iso80000Reference 3-14
Formal description
Subclass Of Duration
.. raw:: html
Permeability ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_09663630_1b84_4202_91e6_e641104f579e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04503
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectromagneticPermeability
Preflabel Permeability
Elucidation Measure for how the magnetization of material is affected by the application of an external magnetic field .
Altlabel ElectromagneticPermeability
Iso80000Reference 6-26.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PermeabilityUnit
.. raw:: html
Permeance ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e0feea8c_318e_4dcf_92f0_751e228ed99d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Permeance
Preflabel Permeance
Elucidation Inverse of the reluctance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-29
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77997985
Iso80000Reference 6-40
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some InductanceUnit
.. raw:: html
Permittivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0ee5779e_d798_4ee5_9bfe_c392d5bea112
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04507
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Permittivity
Preflabel Permittivity
Elucidation Measure for how the polarization of a material is affected by the application of an external electric field.
Iso80000Reference 6-14.1
Iso80000Reference 6-14.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PermittivityUnit
.. raw:: html
PhaseAngle ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a0e5777_348c_475b_adf0_1b1e71a29bc9
Preflabel PhaseAngle
Elucidation Angular measure between the positive real axis and the radius of the polar representation of the complex number in the complex plane.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-07-04
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=141-01-01
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q415829
Iso80000Reference 3-7
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of Angle
.. raw:: html
PhaseCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ff1212da_108e_4aaf_a2b0_b691fe53685e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PhaseCoefficient
Preflabel PhaseCoefficient
Elucidation Change of phase angle with the length along the path travelled by a plane wave.
Comment The imaginary part of the propagation coefficient.
Altlabel PhaseChangeCoefficient
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propagation_constant#Phase_constant
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-20
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q32745742
Iso80000Reference 3-26.2
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
PhaseDifference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7f8ef5cf_7d80_46fa_951c_369014e3a8af
Preflabel PhaseDifference
Elucidation Under sinusoidal conditions, phase difference between the voltage applied to a linear two-terminal element or two-terminal circuit and the electric current in the element or circuit.
Altlabel DisplacementAngle
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-48
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97222919
Iso80000Reference 6-48
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of Angle
.. raw:: html
PhaseSpeedOfElectromagneticWaves ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9b9e0029_8b16_4382_bd47_571a7ae7d6f6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectromagneticWavePhaseSpeed
Preflabel PhaseSpeedOfElectromagneticWaves
Elucidation Angular frequency divided by angular wavenumber.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77990619
Iso80000Reference 6-35.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Speed
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
.. raw:: html
PhaseVelocity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b69b940_a4ab_40dc_b565_8daab23e4df2
Preflabel PhaseVelocity
Elucidation For a sinusoidal wave at a given point, velocity in the direction of propagation of the wavefront corresponding to a specified phase.
Altlabel PhaseSpeed
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_velocity
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Phase_velocity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-13
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q13824
Iso80000Reference 3-23.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Velocity
.. raw:: html
PhysioChemicalQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a06e3d38_1aa8_4f45_89a8_722dbacfda24
Preflabel PhysioChemicalQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-9.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
PlanckConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_76cc4efc_231e_42b4_be83_2547681caed6
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04685
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/PlanckConstant
Preflabel PlanckConstant
Elucidation The quantum of action. It defines the kg base unit in the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of AngularMomentum
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
PlanckFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_47f2da35_3b01_4290_964a_589c593e85c6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PlanckFunction
Preflabel PlanckFunction
Elucidation Ngative quotient of Gibbs energy and temperature.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-25
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76364998
Iso80000Reference 5-23
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyUnit
.. raw:: html
PoissonNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8fdabd25_01e0_4296_b82a_09d1c34e52d4
Preflabel PoissonNumber
Elucidation Ratio of transverse strain to axial strain.
Altlabel PoissonsRatio
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-61
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q190453
Iso80000Reference 4-18
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
Porosity ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3a6578ac_aee0_43b9_9bc6_1eb208c8c9a9
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04762
Preflabel Porosity
Elucidation Ratio of void volume and total volume of a porous material.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=801-31-32
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q622669
Formal description
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
PositionVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4312cae4_03ba_457e_b35d_0671a7db350c
Preflabel PositionVector
Elucidation Vector quantity from the origin of a coordinate system to a point in space.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position_(geometry)
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Position_(geometry)
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=102-03-15
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q192388
Iso80000Reference 3-1.10
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
.. raw:: html
PositionVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_44da6d75_54a4_4aa8_bd3a_156f6e9abb8e
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PositionVector
Preflabel PositionVector
Elucidation Vector r characterizing a point P in a point space with a given origin point O.
Comment In the usual geometrical three-dimensional space, position vectors are quantities of the dimension length.

-- IEC
Comment Position vectors are so-called bounded vectors, i.e. their magnitude and direction depend on the particular coordinate system used.

-- ISO 80000-3
Altlabel Position
Formal description
Subclass Of Vector
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some LengthUnit
.. raw:: html
PotentialEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4c151909_6f26_4ef9_b43d_7c9e9514883a
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04778
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PotentialEnergy
Preflabel PotentialEnergy
Elucidation The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position or orientation in a potential field.
Iso80000Reference 4-28.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
.. raw:: html
Power ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_09b9021b_f97b_43eb_b83d_0a764b472bc2
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04792
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Power
Preflabel Power
Elucidation Rate of transfer of energy per unit time.
Iso80000Reference 4-27
Iso80000Reference 6-45
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PowerUnit
.. raw:: html
PowerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bf106e62_ce1c_4ccc_9f45_c10326078a5a
Preflabel PowerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PowerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+4 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PowerDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_539d8d92_d3a5_4f46_858f_081fed5b4190
Preflabel PowerDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PowerDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PowerFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_51acadf5_b874_46c1_9707_24e25e2b89ff
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PowerFactor
Preflabel PowerFactor
Elucidation Under periodic conditions, ratio of the absolute value of the active power P to the apparent power S.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-46
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q750454
Iso80000Reference 6-58
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
PowerPerAreaVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36e03182_1be9_497c_bb71_e26fbb9160d2
Preflabel PowerPerAreaVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PowerPerAreaVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PowerUnit ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c8d084ad_f88e_4596_8e4d_982c6655ce6f
Preflabel PowerUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Power'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PoyntingVector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_566321d8_1600_4ab0_a5da_7f99dce2b1db
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PoyntingVector
Preflabel PoyntingVector
Elucidation Electric field strength multiplied by magnetic field strength.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-66
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q504186
Iso80000Reference 6-34
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PowerDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
Pressure ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50a44256_9dc5_434b_bad4_74a4d9a29989
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04819
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Pressure
Preflabel Pressure
Elucidation The force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed.
Iso80000Reference 4-14.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
PressureCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a4e36749_1f44_4e6c_80e8_d5b27d986d8b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PressureCoefficient
Preflabel PressureCoefficient
Elucidation Change of pressure per change of temperature at constant volume.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-29
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q74762732
Iso80000Reference 5-4
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressurePerTemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
PressurePerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1275ac79_7280_4d99_ab61_3d98e00c053e
Preflabel PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PressurePerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PressurePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fced2382_9c23_47a1_8246_a5dcd45ad99c
Preflabel PressurePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'PressurePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53bd0c90_41c3_46e2_8779_cd2a80f7e18b
Preflabel PressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Pressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
PrincipalQuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_385de036_637c_48fa_b6d5_5dca6f79d350
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PrincipalQuantumNumber
Preflabel PrincipalQuantumNumber
Elucidation Atomic quantum number related to the number n−1 of radial nodes of one-electron wave functions.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q867448
Iso80000Reference 10-13.2
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantumNumber
.. raw:: html
Probability ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0a88be81_343d_4388_92c1_09228ff95ada
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04855
Preflabel Probability
Elucidation Probability is a dimensionless quantity that can attain values between 0 and 1; zero denotes the impossible event and 1 denotes a certain event.
Comment The propability for a certain outcome, is the ratio between the number of events leading to the given outcome and the total number of events.
Formal description
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
PropagationCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f9cc7a8e_bad7_40ea_be23_71dc6d0363df
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/PropagationCoefficient.html
Preflabel PropagationCoefficient
Elucidation Measure of the change of amplitude and phase angle of a plane wave propagating in a given direction.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-18
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1434913
Iso80000Reference 3-26.3
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
ProtonMass ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8d689295_7d84_421b_bc01_d5cceb2c2086
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04914
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/ProtonMass
Preflabel ProtonMass
Comment The rest mass of a proton.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasuredConstant
Subclass Of Mass
.. raw:: html
PureNumberQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ba882f34_0d71_4e4f_9d92_0c076c633a2c
Example 1,
the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Preflabel PureNumberQuantity
Elucidation A pure number, typically the number of something.
Comment According to the SI brochure counting does not automatically qualify a quantity as an amount of substance.

This quantity is used only to describe the outcome of a counting process, without regard of the type of entities.

There are also some quantities that cannot be described in terms of the seven base quantities of the SI, but have the nature of a count. Examples are a number of molecules, a number of cellular or biomolecular entities (for example copies of a particular nucleic acid sequence), or degeneracy in quantum mechanics. Counting quantities are also quantities with the associated unit one.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
QualityFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cff5ef70_96eb_4ea3_9bea_fe1fbe6177be
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DoseEquivalentQualityFactor
Preflabel QualityFactor
Elucidation Factor taking into account health effects in the determination of the dose equivalent.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-14-03
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2122099
Iso80000Reference 10-82
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
QualityFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0658e7df_ffd9_4779_82fc_62efe0a7f3b1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/QualityFactor
Preflabel QualityFactor
Elucidation Dimensionless quantity in electromagnetism.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=151-15-45
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79467569
Iso80000Reference 6-53
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
QuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_252cce84_cc8a_49dc_8405_0d5e06425d69
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/QuantumNumber
Preflabel QuantumNumber
Elucidation Number describing a particular state of a quantum system.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q232431
Iso80000Reference 10-13.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
QuarticLengthPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6cfc5b82_b47b_47bc_bb45_c23c273d2e06
Preflabel QuarticLengthPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'QuarticLengthPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
QuarticLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8627410d_01f8_4ed1_8f2b_aba69d791ad3
Preflabel QuarticLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'QuarticLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+4 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
RadialDistance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d772fa7a_0a31_44bb_a825_ae7829d794c6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RadialDistance
Preflabel RadialDistance
Elucidation Distance, where one point is located on an axis or within a closed non self-intersecting curve or surface.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-26
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1578234
Iso80000Reference 3-1.9
Formal description
Subclass Of Distance
.. raw:: html
RadiantEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b3c004d7_d377_459d_8857_dee6b5f51f3a
Preflabel RadiantEnergy
Elucidation Mean energy, excluding rest energy, of the particles that are emitted, transferred, or received.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1259526
Iso80000Reference 10-45
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
RadiantFlux ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e46f3f24_c2ec_4552_8dd4_cfc5c0a89c09
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05046
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RadiantFlux
Preflabel RadiantFlux
Elucidation The radiant energy emitted, reflected, transmitted or received, per unit time.
Formal description
Subclass Of Power
.. raw:: html
Radioactivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8d3da9ac_2265_4382_bee5_db72046722f8
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00114
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificActivity
Preflabel Radioactivity
Elucidation Decays per unit time.
Altlabel RadioactiveActivity
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyUnit
.. raw:: html
Radius ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_32dcd601_47c7_4028_b7fa_5e972ae57f12
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Radius
Preflabel Radius
Elucidation Distance from the centre of a circle to the circumference.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radius
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Radius
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-25
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q173817
Iso80000Reference 3-1.6
Formal description
Subclass Of RadialDistance
.. raw:: html
RadiusOfCurvature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fea5076a_20d0_4277_a4f1_d0eebd3b0d0e
Preflabel RadiusOfCurvature
Elucidation Radius of the osculating circle of a planar curve at a particular point of the curve.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radius_of_curvature
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Radius_of_curvature
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-30
Iso80000Reference 3-1.12
Formal description
Subclass Of Radius
.. raw:: html
Rate ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_de2c6b70_bc1e_48ff_84b7_8fa16e0287fa
Example Activity
Specific absorption rate (SAR)
Rate of rise
Sampling rate
Modulation rate
Fading rate
Rain rate
Preflabel Rate
Elucidation Quotient of a quantity by a duration.
Ievreference 112-03-18
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyUnit
.. raw:: html
RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5fde0fa1_bbb3_42a9_ac2d_d144771aeb4b
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/HeatCapacityRatio
Preflabel RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities
Elucidation Ratio of specific heat capacity at constant pressure cp to specific heat capacity at constant volume cV, thus γ = cp/cV.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-51
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q503869
Iso80000Reference 5-17.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RatioQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_faab3f84_e475_4a46_af9c_7d249f0b9aef
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/DimensionlessRatio
Example refractive index,
volume fraction,
fine structure constant
Preflabel RatioQuantity
Elucidation The class of quantities that are the ratio of two quantities with the same physical dimensionality.
Comment Quantities defined as ratios `Q=A/B` having equal dimensions in numerator and denominator are dimensionless quantities but still have a physical dimension defined as dim(A)/dim(B).

Johansson, Ingvar (2010). "Metrological thinking needs the notions of parametric quantities, units and dimensions". Metrologia. 47 (3): 219–230. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/47/3/012. ISSN 0026-1394.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
ReactionEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e998cee4_ac07_47a0_a12c_43eda1d9e750
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ReactionEnergy
Preflabel ReactionEnergy
Elucidation In a nuclear reaction, sum of the kinetic energies and photon energies of the reaction products minus the sum of the kinetic and photon energies of the reactants.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98164745
Iso80000Reference 10-37.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ReactivePower ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d8030875_6d89_4645_9728_bbc3b8690609
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ReactivePower
Preflabel ReactivePower
Elucidation Imaginary part of the complex power.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-44
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2144613
Iso80000Reference 6-60
Formal description
Subclass Of Power
.. raw:: html
ReactorTimeConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b03dfad7_eab8_4949_9d10_dd4fd12faaef
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ReactorTimeConstant
Preflabel ReactorTimeConstant
Elucidation Duration required for the neutron fluence rate in a reactor to change by the factor e when the fluence rate is rising or falling exponentially.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-07-04
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99518950
Iso80000Reference 10-79
Formal description
Subclass Of Duration
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalAmountPerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aef218f9_6ded_4db9_9263_e78eed55e5d6
Preflabel ReciprocalAmountPerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalAmountPerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalDuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5f04b896_a4fd_4206_b201_0449b6c29289
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InverseTime
Example Frequency or rate.
Preflabel ReciprocalDuration
Elucidation A quantity defined as the inverse of time.
Altlabel InverseDuration
Altlabel InverseTime
Altlabel ReciprocalTime
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98690850
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyUnit
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalElectricChargeDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_578f7da0_10f8_4fc2_9fd0_79b79f47f975
Preflabel ReciprocalElectricChargeDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalElectricChargeDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+3 M0 I-1 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ecec2983_7c26_4f8d_a981_51ca29668baf
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/InverseLength
Preflabel ReciprocalLength
Elucidation The inverse of length.
Altlabel InverseLength
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reciprocal_length
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ReciprocalLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_59197cce_b8b6_4216_a08d_26fb83c032af
Preflabel ReciprocalMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalSquareEnergyUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_87b5dd20_e4fe_422d_9e70_1eee54ec9496
Preflabel ReciprocalSquareEnergyUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ReciprocalSquareEnergy'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L-4 M-2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalVolume ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ca369738_78de_470b_8631_be83f75e45a3
Preflabel ReciprocalVolume
Elucidation Physical quantity for measuring per volume.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
RecombinationCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_65b794a4_cf52_4d0a_88c4_2c479537b30a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RecombinationCoefficient
Preflabel RecombinationCoefficient
Elucidation Coefficient in the law of recombination,
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-47
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98842099
Iso80000Reference 10-63
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some VolumePerTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
RefractiveIndex ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5eedba4d_105b_44d8_b1bc_e33606276ea2
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05240
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RefractiveIndex
Preflabel RefractiveIndex
Elucidation Factor by which the phase velocity of light is reduced in a medium.
Formal description
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativeHumidity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_62273272_4cec_4168_bc7b_448f57feaba6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativeHumidity
Preflabel RelativeHumidity
Elucidation Ratio of the partial pressure p of water vapour in moist air to its partial pressure psat at saturation, at the same temperature φ = p/psat.
Comment The relative humidity is often expressed in per cent.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humidity#Relative_humidity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-65
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2499617
Iso80000Reference 5-33
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativeLinearStrain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5574a8ed_5094_4d63_8d95_1c19cfd38409
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03560
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/LinearStrain
Preflabel RelativeLinearStrain
Elucidation Relative change of length with respect the original length.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-58
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1990546
Iso80000Reference 4-17.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativeMassConcentrationOfWaterVapour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c106f318_38b1_4261_94cc_f4ac6ccc47af
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativeMassConcentrationOfVapour
Preflabel RelativeMassConcentrationOfWaterVapour
Elucidation Ratio of the mass concentration of water vapour v to its mass concentration at saturation vsat, at the same temperature, thus ψ = v/vsat.
Comment For normal cases, the relative humidity may be assumed to be equal to relative mass concentration of vapour.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-66
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76379357
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativeMassDefect ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d26859bb_bb6e_47bb_b46e_c2253414808e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativeMassDefect
Preflabel RelativeMassDefect
Elucidation Quotient of mass defect and the unified atomic mass constant.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98038718
Iso80000Reference 10-22.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativeMassDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3d54c1e7_69d6_4736_92ff_595f31109f2a
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05262
Preflabel RelativeMassDensity
Elucidation Mass density ρ of a substance divided by the mass density ρ0 of a reference substance, under conditions that should be specified for both substances.
Altlabel RelativeDensity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-08
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11027905
Iso80000Reference 4-4
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativeMassExcess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3b246b97_b2d1_4e6b_8d3f_669ebd4ddbd6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativeMassExcess
Preflabel RelativeMassExcess
Elucidation Quotient of mass excess and the unified atomic mass constant.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98038610
Iso80000Reference 10-22.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativeMassFractionOfVapour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a45dc074_c5ed_4aad_a4e7_141a02fe1d73
Preflabel RelativeMassFractionOfVapour
Elucidation Quotient of mass concentration of water vapour and mass concentration at its saturation

ψ = r/rsat

where r is mass ratio of water vapour to dry gas and rsat is the mass ratio of water vapour to dry gas at saturation of the same temperature.
Iso80000Reference 5-35
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativePermeability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_593ecc7c_250d_4e4d_8957_0170f3cc2154
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05272
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectromagneticPermeabilityRatio
Preflabel RelativePermeability
Elucidation Scalar quantity or tensor quantity equal to the absolute permeability divided by the magnetic constant.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-29
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77785645
Iso80000Reference 6-27
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativePermittivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_12f0b2eb_a7b2_4f87_8176_12748f415832
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERMITTIVITY_REL
Preflabel RelativePermittivity
Elucidation Permittivity divided by electric constant.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-12-13
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4027242
Iso80000Reference 6-15
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelativePressureCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90fa8b63_e59d_4c71_b245_6bb759a22e26
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RelativePressureCoefficient
Preflabel RelativePressureCoefficient
Elucidation Relative change of pressure with temperature at constant volume.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-30
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q74761852
Iso80000Reference 5-3.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerTemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
RelativeVolumeStrain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bdb76b61_4bf6_44d6_9424_6cc073f964bc
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.V06648
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/VolumeStrain
Preflabel RelativeVolumeStrain
Elucidation Quotient of change of volume and original volume.
Altlabel BulkStrain
Altlabel VolumeStrain
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-60
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q73432507
Iso80000Reference 4-17.4
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
RelaxationTime ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_26c6f1b3_c33f_4804_a3e8_3c5c931582b3
Preflabel RelaxationTime
Elucidation time constant for scattering, trapping or annihilation of charge carriers, phonons or other quasiparticles
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106041085
Iso80000Reference 12-32.1
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeConstant
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ResidualResistivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1eb6b28e_f260_4f04_ada1_19c6dcb668d9
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ResidualResistivity
Preflabel ResidualResistivity
Elucidation For metals, the resistivity extrapolated to zero thermodynamic temperature.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=815-13-61
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q25098876
Iso80000Reference 12-17
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ElectricResistivity
.. raw:: html
ResistanceToAlternativeCurrent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_83a43803_0b0f_45a4_86a3_bc6b32e6a540
Preflabel ResistanceToAlternativeCurrent
Elucidation Real part of the impedance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-45
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1048490
Iso80000Reference 6-51.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistance
.. raw:: html
ResonanceEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_038cb8cb_c035_40c1_a3e7_7f24d63b2804
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ResonanceEnergy
Preflabel ResonanceEnergy
Elucidation Resonance in a nuclear reaction, determined by the kinetic energy of an incident particle in the reference frame of the target particle.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98165187
Iso80000Reference 10-37.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ResonanceEscapeProbability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0b0dc439_fe4b_4e59_a5f6_655b0bf48559
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ResonanceEscapeProbability
Preflabel ResonanceEscapeProbability
Elucidation In an infinite medium, the probability that a neutron slowing down will traverse all or some specified portion of the range of resonance energies without being absorbed.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4108072
Iso80000Reference 10-68
Formal description
Subclass Of Probability
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
RestEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5117c5fe_f661_46f8_83c3_b48947f1532a
Preflabel RestEnergy
Elucidation Product of the rest mass and the square of the speed of light in vacuum.
Comment E_0 = m_0 * c_0^2

where m_0 is the rest mass of that particle and c_0 is the speed of light in a vacuum.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invariant_mass#Rest_energy
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-05
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-17
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11663629
Iso80000Reference 10-3
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
RestMass ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c947caf_4070_4c79_a3a3_e53274ac9944
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RestMass
Preflabel RestMass
Elucidation For particle X, mass of that particle at rest in an inertial frame.
Altlabel InvariantMass
Altlabel ProperMass
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invariant_mass
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Mass_in_special_relativity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-03
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-16
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96941619
Iso80000Reference 10-2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Mass
.. raw:: html
RichardsonConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6f55a062_4a3b_4bb7_b2d3_54a4a93ce5cc
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/RichardsonConstant
Preflabel RichardsonConstant
Elucidation Parameter in the expression for the thermionic emission current density J for a metal in terms of the thermodynamic temperature T and work function.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-30
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105883079
Iso80000Reference 12-26
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some RichardsonConstantUnit
.. raw:: html
RichardsonConstantUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_754c3a5d_8ae8_41ff_b5f2_acbadb53c735
Preflabel RichardsonConstantUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'RichardsonConstant'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M0 I+1 Θ-2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
RollingResistance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0ab4306c_ba36_4a6e_941e_474ed04e8ccf
Preflabel RollingResistance
Elucidation Force resisting the motion when a body (such as a ball, tire, or wheel) rolls on a surface.
Altlabel RollingDrag
Altlabel RollingFrictionForce
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q914921
Iso80000Reference 4-9.5
Formal description
Subclass Of Force
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
RollingResistanceFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ea47add2_8e93_4659_a5f0_e6879032dee0
Preflabel RollingResistanceFactor
Elucidation Quotient of tangential and normal component of the force applied to a body which is rolling at constant speed over a surface.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q91738044
Iso80000Reference 4-23.3
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
Rotation ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_16d72037_3243_4018_ac6c_0015f661d3c3
Preflabel Rotation
Elucidation Number of turns.
Elucidation Rotation is not necessarily integer.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=102-05-22
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76435127
Iso80000Reference 3-14
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
RotationalDisplacement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dfd22e00_993b_40cc_a4ad_1134c1e3007a
Preflabel RotationalDisplacement
Elucidation Quotient of the traversed circular path length of a point in space during a rotation and its distance from the axis or centre of rotation.
Altlabel AngularDisplacement
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_displacement
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3305038
Iso80000Reference 3-6
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of Angle
.. raw:: html
RotationalFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3789d3c5_77f4_456e_b7ed_40e670f47e52
Preflabel RotationalFrequency
Elucidation Magnitude of the angular velocity ω divided by the angle 2π, thus n = |ω|/2π.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-42
Iso80000Reference 3-17.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Frequency
.. raw:: html
RybergConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a3c78d6f_ae49_47c8_a634_9b6d86b79382
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05430
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/RydbergConstant
Preflabel RybergConstant
Elucidation The Rydberg constant represents the limiting value of the highest wavenumber (the inverse wavelength) of any photon that can be emitted from the hydrogen atom, or, alternatively, the wavenumber of the lowest-energy photon capable of ionizing the hydrogen atom from its ground state.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasuredConstant
Subclass Of Wavenumber
.. raw:: html
SIExactConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f2ca6dd0_0e5f_4392_a92d_cafdae6cfc95
Preflabel SIExactConstant
Elucidation Physical constant that by definition (after the latest revision of the SI system that was enforsed May 2019) has a known exact numerical value when expressed in SI units.
Formal description
Subclass Of ExactConstant
.. raw:: html
ScalarMagneticPotential ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a68368e4_b822_4395_9213_ae7429a677d6
Preflabel ScalarMagneticPotential
Elucidation Scalar potential of an irrotational magnetic field strength.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-58
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q17162107
Iso80000Reference 6-37.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ElectromagneticQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricCurrentUnit
.. raw:: html
SecondAxialMomentOfArea ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_700cd058_a54d_4104_97ab_887ad865409e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SecondAxialMomentOfArea
Preflabel SecondAxialMomentOfArea
Elucidation A geometrical property of an area which reflects how its points are distributed with regard to an arbitrary axis.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-29
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q91405496
Iso80000Reference 4-21.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some QuarticLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
SecondPolarMomentOfArea ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_38a53b33_0eda_45fd_b955_69d2f0d3f9de
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SecondPolarMomentOfArea
Preflabel SecondPolarMomentOfArea
Elucidation A geometrical property of an area which reflects how its points are distributed with regard to an arbitrary axis.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-30
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1049636
Iso80000Reference 4-21.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some QuarticLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
SectionModulus ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_26b13395_0031_4da2_b4d0_55eca1792107
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SectionModulus
Preflabel SectionModulus
Elucidation Geometrical characteristic of a shape of a body.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-31
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1930808
Iso80000Reference 4-22
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some VolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
SeebeckCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b725aad8_55e2_430a_b2d2_f84b8333484e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SeebeckCoefficient
Preflabel SeebeckCoefficient
Elucidation Measure of voltage induced by change of temperature.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1091448
Iso80000Reference 12-21
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricPotentialPerTemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
SexticLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21bc99ae_f2ba_4eb3_90c1_d81968c429e2
Preflabel SexticLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SexticLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+6 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ShearStrain ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a2682209_f9e2_4024_98dd_ed1f6c5699be
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05637
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ShearStrain
Preflabel ShearStrain
Elucidation Displacement of one surface with respect to another divided by the distance between them.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-59
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7561704
Iso80000Reference 4-17.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
ShortRangeOrderParameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e6efd70d_87b4_4e18_a471_9b29c7a1fe16
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Short-RangeOrderParameter
Preflabel ShortRangeOrderParameter
Elucidation fraction of nearest-neighbour atom pairs in an Ising ferromagnet having magnetic moments in one direction, minus the fraction having magnetic moments in the opposite direction
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105495979
Iso80000Reference 12-5.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
SlowingDownArea ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6d7158f3_7d96_498f_9cf3_31f4798f31c6
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Slowing-DownArea
Preflabel SlowingDownArea
Elucidation In an infinite homogenous medium, one-sixth of the mean square of the distance between the neutron source and the point where a neutron reaches a given energy.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98950918
Iso80000Reference 10-72.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Area
.. raw:: html
SlowingDownDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1ac837ae_23e4_4cae_b866_dcf18c5c8a3d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Slowing-DownDensity
Preflabel SlowingDownDensity
Elucidation Number of slowed-down particles per time and volume.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98915830
Iso80000Reference 10-67
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
SlowingDownLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fbef8d6b_9340_4ea0_bb38_26f66a5dee60
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Slowing-DownLength
Preflabel SlowingDownLength
Elucidation Square root of the slowing down area.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98996963
Iso80000Reference 10-73.1
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
SolidAngle ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e7c9f7fd_e534_4441_88fe_1fec6cb20f26
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05732
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SolidAngle
Preflabel SolidAngle
Elucidation Ratio of area on a sphere to its radius squared.
Iso80000Reference 3-6
Formal description
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
SolidAngularMeasure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_35e1dd93_2cb6_4cea_b201_31036e113f61
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SolidAngle
Preflabel SolidAngularMeasure
Elucidation Measure of a conical geometric figure, called solid angle, formed by all rays, originating from a common point, called the vertex of the solid angle, and passing through the points of a closed, non-self-intersecting curve in space considered as the border of a surface.
Altlabel SolidAngle
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_angle
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Solid_angle
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=102-04-46
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q208476
Iso80000Reference 3-8
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of Angle
.. raw:: html
Solubility ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_38d65ffa_353f_4820_8781_ff986b63e517
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05740
Preflabel Solubility
Elucidation The analytical composition of a saturated solution, expressed in terms of the proportion of a designated solute in a designated solvent, is the solubility of that solute.
Comment The solubility may be expressed as a concentration, molality, mole fraction, mole ratio, etc.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-15
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q170731
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
SolubilityProduct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_40989212_4866_41c0_8a20_84fd39540f29
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05742
Preflabel SolubilityProduct
Elucidation Product of the ion activities of the ions resulting from the dissociation of a solute in a saturated solution, raised to powers equal to their stoichiometric numbers.
Comment For the dissociation of a salt AmBn → mA + nB, the solubility product is KSP = am(A) ⋅ an(B), where a is ionic activity and m and n are the stoichiometric numbers.
Altlabel SolubilityProductConstant
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-23
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11229788
Formal description
Subclass Of EquilibriumConstant
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
SourceVoltage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5c78b424_087b_4e31_8c91_6422f1be1e86
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SourceVoltage
Preflabel SourceVoltage
Elucidation Voltage between the two terminals of a voltage source when there is no electric current through the source.
Altlabel SourceTension
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q185329
Iso80000Reference 6-36
Formal description
Subclass Of Voltage
.. raw:: html
SpaceAndTimeQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a242d3e9_c6d3_411e_a667_71ffbc248a1a
Preflabel SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-3.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
SpecificActivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5adcbbb9_4325_4c23_ac50_62c77569e9c4
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05790
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificActivity
Preflabel SpecificActivity
Elucidation Quotient of the activity A of a sample and the mass m of that sample.
Altlabel MassicActivity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-08
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-04-43
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2823748
Iso80000Reference 10-28
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerTimeMassUnit
.. raw:: html
SpecificEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e218c625_6a39_47a9_8d08_a2ef41c152a9
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificEnergy
Preflabel SpecificEnergy
Elucidation Energy per unit mass
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_energy
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Specific_energy
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3023293
Iso80000Reference 5-21.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AbsorbedDoseUnit
.. raw:: html
SpecificEnergyImparted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a5de0529_7c25_494c_951d_c0a561fd61fd
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificEnergyImparted
Preflabel SpecificEnergyImparted
Elucidation In nuclear physics, energy imparted per mass.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99566195
Iso80000Reference 10-81.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of SpecificEnergy
.. raw:: html
SpecificEnthalpy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_85605643_f9ed_42ae_85ff_4a7443288dfd
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificEnthalpy
Preflabel SpecificEnthalpy
Elucidation Enthalpy per unit mass.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthalpy#Specific_enthalpy
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q21572993
Iso80000Reference 5-21.3
Formal description
Subclass Of SpecificEnergy
.. raw:: html
SpecificEntropy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f14ae884_9345_4de4_a322_362329517e3e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificEntropy
Preflabel SpecificEntropy
Elucidation Quotient of entropy and mass.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q69423705
Iso80000Reference 5-19
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
SpecificGasConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f1be7d92_c57d_4698_a0ba_968130a3f9e1
Preflabel SpecificGasConstant
Elucidation Quotient of the Boltzmann constant and the mass m.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q94372268
Iso80000Reference 5-26
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
SpecificGibbsEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e16033b0_cb72_4d02_84fa_4df7f54a9c4e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificGibbsEnergy
Preflabel SpecificGibbsEnergy
Elucidation Gibbs energy per unit mass.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76360636
Iso80000Reference 5-21.5
Formal description
Subclass Of SpecificEnergy
.. raw:: html
SpecificHeatCapacity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b4f4ed28_d24c_4a00_9583_62ab839abeca
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05800
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificHeatCapacity
Preflabel SpecificHeatCapacity
Elucidation Heat capacity divided by mass.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_heat_capacity
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Specific_heat_capacity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-48
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q487756
Iso80000Reference 5-16.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EntropyPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
SpecificHeatCapacityAtSaturatedVaporPressure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b33909cc_61a1_4ab3_a1f8_d9283a6b1a0d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificHeatCapacityAtSaturation
Preflabel SpecificHeatCapacityAtSaturatedVaporPressure
Elucidation Specific heat capacity at saturated vaport pressure.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q75775005
Iso80000Reference 5-16.4
Formal description
Subclass Of SpecificHeatCapacity
.. raw:: html
SpecificHelmholtzEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_51e72318_0e25_42e8_b066_42aa69dc6e5e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificHelmholtzEnergy
Preflabel SpecificHelmholtzEnergy
Elucidation Helmholtz energy per unit mass.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76359554
Iso80000Reference 5-21.4
Formal description
Subclass Of SpecificEnergy
.. raw:: html
SpecificInternalEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e86c84bd_af21_402d_a1ad_42a90599f9eb
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificInternalEnergy
Preflabel SpecificInternalEnergy
Elucidation Internal energy per unit mass.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q76357367
Iso80000Reference 5-21.2
Formal description
Subclass Of SpecificEnergy
.. raw:: html
SpecificVolume ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1db22203_95cb_46e2_ad94_14367a93d1dc
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05807
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpecificVolume
Preflabel SpecificVolume
Elucidation inverse of the mass density ρ, thus v = 1/ρ.
Altlabel MassicVolume
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q683556
Iso80000Reference 4-3
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some VolumePerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
Speed ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_81369540_1b0e_471b_9bae_6801af22800e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05852
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Speed
Preflabel Speed
Elucidation Length per unit time.
Comment Speed in the absolute value of the velocity.
Iso80000Reference 3-8.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some SpeedUnit
.. raw:: html
SpeedOfLightInVacuum ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_99296e55_53f7_4333_9e06_760ad175a1b9
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05854
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/SpeedOfLight_Vacuum
Preflabel SpeedOfLightInVacuum
Elucidation The speed of light in vacuum. Defines the base unit metre in the SI system.
Iso80000Reference 6-35.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Speed
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
Spin ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c91a40af_033a_48b3_baa5_6cc43aaf62aa
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Spin
Preflabel Spin
Elucidation Vector quantity expressing the internal angular momentum of a particle or a particle system.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-05-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q133673
Iso80000Reference 10-10
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of AngularMomentum
.. raw:: html
SpinQuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1a5dd75a_6ed6_4148_a99c_001a27f5b417
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SpinQuantumNumber
Preflabel SpinQuantumNumber
Elucidation Characteristic quantum number s of a particle, related to its spin.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3879445
Iso80000Reference 10-13.5
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantumNumber
.. raw:: html
SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cd9ad446_04f7_44ff_b9ea_ae7389574fa6
Preflabel SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+4 L0 M-1 I+2 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareElectricPotentialPerSquareTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58c5b65c_c896_4740_80d9_ff9a7643c7e8
Preflabel SquareElectricPotentialPerSquareTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareElectricPotentialPerSquareTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-6 L+4 M+2 I-2 Θ-2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareMassPerSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_109e8c69_4148_4cb0_9ceb_fbd526befca0
Preflabel SquareMassPerSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareMassPerSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L0 M+2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquarePressurePerSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ffbacbc4_c3be_4cc5_9539_94344e72f7a6
Preflabel SquarePressurePerSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquarePressurePerSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-6 L-2 M+2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquarePressureTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_886eb0fb_4d36_4b7d_99e4_e5915a06aff1
Preflabel SquarePressureTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquarePressureTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-2 M+2 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTemperaturePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dafdcae3_f8ec_4993_8269_2c9299a75158
Preflabel SquareTemperaturePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTemperaturePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ+2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bdee99f6_389b_4816_8a1c_a7903a2df00a
Preflabel SquareTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ+2 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTimePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f508dec1_e2d8_43d5_ae65_c386c7b330f9
Preflabel SquareTimePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTimePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
SquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f2c1a072_4ccb_46c4_a0f8_ac801d328d0f
Preflabel SquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'SquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
StandardAbsoluteActivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_340ec9c3_7b0a_4169_a739_6f9242517ff4
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/StandardAbsoluteActivity
Preflabel StandardAbsoluteActivity
Elucidation For a substance in a mixture, the absolute activity of the pure substance at the same temperature but at standard pressure.
Altlabel StandardAbsoluteActivityInAMixture
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89406159
Iso80000Reference 9-23
Formal description
Subclass Of AbsoluteActivity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
StandardAbsoluteActivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d368744e_bb2e_4d40_a7ef_762505b6027e
Preflabel StandardAbsoluteActivity
Elucidation Property of a solute in a solution.
Altlabel StandardAbsoluteActivityInASolution
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89485936
Iso80000Reference 9-26
Formal description
Subclass Of AbsoluteActivity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
StandardAbsoluteActivityOfSolvent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bf66642d_f13d_42d2_ad6d_eafd41686155
Preflabel StandardAbsoluteActivityOfSolvent
Elucidation For solvent A, standard absolute activity of the pure substance A at the same temperature and at a standard pressure.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89556185
Iso80000Reference 9-27.3
Formal description
Subclass Of AbsoluteActivity
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
StandardAmountConcentration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_46b8d239_5d79_4d3e_bf8e_228d52fc3428
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05909
Preflabel StandardAmountConcentration
Elucidation Chosen value of amount concentration, usually equal to 1 mol dm−3.
Altlabel StandardConcentration
Altlabel StandardMolarConcentration
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q88871689
Iso80000Reference 9-12.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of AmountConcentration
.. raw:: html
StandardChemicalPotential ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_be31e6c6_881f_41c4_8354_c05aac4d7c46
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05908
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/StandardChemicalPotential
Preflabel StandardChemicalPotential
Elucidation The value of the chemical potential under specified standard conditions (in the standard state).
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q89333468
Iso80000Reference 9-21
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of MolarEnergy
.. raw:: html
StandardEquilibriumConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_672e2475_8376_4987_82cf_097f0024e74b
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05915
Preflabel StandardEquilibriumConstant
Elucidation Constant of a chemical reaction. It is the value of its reaction quotient at chemical equilibrium, a state approached by a dynamic chemical system after sufficient time has elapsed at which its composition has no measurable tendency towards further change.
Altlabel ThermodynamicEquilibriumConstant
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q95993378
Iso80000Reference 9-32
Formal description
Subclass Of EquilibriumConstant
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
StaticFrictionCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b7229683_d2c5_4225_8e5f_7693744fd5a2
Preflabel StaticFrictionCoefficient
Altlabel CoefficientOfStaticFriction
Altlabel StaticFrictionFactor
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-33
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q73695673
Iso80000Reference 4-23.1
Formal description
Subclass Of CoefficientOfFriction
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
StaticFrictionForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_445d186f_1896_4752_8940_384f98440cfe
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/StaticFriction
Preflabel StaticFrictionForce
Elucidation Fhe force of friction on an object that is not moving.
Altlabel StaticFriction
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q90862568
Iso80000Reference 4-9.3
Formal description
Subclass Of Force
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
StatisticalWeightOfSubsystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b0ef0941_5c92_4b71_bc26_95e95e5e0004
Preflabel StatisticalWeightOfSubsystem
Elucidation Number of different microstates in a subsystem.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96207431
Iso80000Reference 9-36.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
StoichiometricNumberOfSubstance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cbba91a7_d639_461f_ae23_d021751029e4
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06025
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/StoichiometricNumber
Example The factors 1/2 and 3/2 in the chemical reaction formula below are stoicheiometric mumbers of substance.

(1/2)N2 + (3/2)H2 = NH3
Preflabel StoichiometricNumberOfSubstance
Elucidation For substance B, an integer number or a simple fraction, being negative for a reactant and positive for a product, occurring in the expression for a chemical reaction.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-22
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q95443720
Iso80000Reference 9-29
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of PureNumberQuantity
.. raw:: html
Strain ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_acf636d4_9ac2_4ce3_960a_d54338e6cae3
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Strain
Preflabel Strain
Elucidation Change of the relative positions of parts of a body, excluding a displacement of the body as a whole.
Iso80000Reference 4-17.1
Formal description
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
Stress ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d1917609_db5e_4b8a_9b76_ef1d6f860a81
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Stress
Preflabel Stress
Elucidation Measure of the internal forces that neighboring particles of a continuous material exert on each other.
Comment Force per unit oriented surface area .
Iso80000Reference 4-15
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PressureUnit
.. raw:: html
StructureFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ed4ea5a_42c4_48aa_bd59_c16c7d34e741
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/StructureFactor
Preflabel StructureFactor
Elucidation Mathematical description in crystallography.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q900684
Iso80000Reference 12-5.4
Formal description
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
SuperconductionTransitionTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b94b3748_71c5_4de9_95e7_42586c3ed607
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SuperconductionTransitionTemperature
Preflabel SuperconductionTransitionTemperature
Elucidation Critical thermodynamic temperature of a superconductor.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=815-10-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106103037
Iso80000Reference 12-35.3
Formal description
Subclass Of CriticalTemperature
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
SuperconductorEnergyGap ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_560d031f_cc8a_4f0d_a52b_039149fdc171
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SuperconductorEnergyGap
Preflabel SuperconductorEnergyGap
Elucidation Width of the forbidden energy band in a superconductor.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=815-10-28
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106127898
Iso80000Reference 12-37
Formal description
Subclass Of GapEnergy
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
SurfaceActivityDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7214db6c_32e3_436f_85a4_24785f0e3714
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SurfaceActivityDensity
Preflabel SurfaceActivityDensity
Elucidation Quotient of the activity A of a sample and the total area S of the surface of that sample.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-10
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98103005
Iso80000Reference 10-30
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerAreaTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
SurfaceCoefficientOfHeatTransfer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0b3295fa_f4bf_4f83_a603_9d98c03da5bb
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SurfaceCoefficientOfHeatTransfer
Preflabel SurfaceCoefficientOfHeatTransfer
Elucidation Coefficient of heat transfer when heat exchange takes place between a body at thermodynamic temperature Ts and its surroundings that are at a reference temperature Tr.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-40
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q74770365
Iso80000Reference 5-10.2
Formal description
Subclass Of CoefficientOfHeatTransfer
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
SurfaceDensityOfElectricCharge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a67f539_d503_4e98_934e_50d4a9ae6cfd
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06159
Preflabel SurfaceDensityOfElectricCharge
Elucidation The derivative of the electric charge of a system with respect to the area.
Altlabel AreicElectricCharge
Altlabel SurfaceChargeDensity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-08
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q12799324
Iso80000Reference 6-4
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricFluxDensity
.. raw:: html
SurfaceMassDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec767367_a773_4935_80ea_dd6a5eaefb54
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06167
Preflabel SurfaceMassDensity
Elucidation at a given point on a two-dimensional domain of quasi-infinitesimal area dA, scalar quantity equal to the mass dm within the domain divided by the area dA, thus ρA = dm/dA.
Altlabel AreicMass
Altlabel SurfaceDensity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-10
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1907514
Iso80000Reference 4-5
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreaDensityUnit
.. raw:: html
SurfaceTension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8864793d_0f36_4fa3_b54a_90d0234f976a
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06192
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SurfaceTension
Preflabel SurfaceTension
Altlabel 4-26
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-42
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q170749
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ForcePerLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
Susceptance ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fc457a08_9b93_4a00_bdcb_a806f30bcf90
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Susceptance
Preflabel Susceptance
Elucidation Imaginary part of the admittance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-12-54
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q509598
Iso80000Reference 6-52.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductance
.. raw:: html
TemperatureAreaPerMassTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_66e91d9a_05c1_4906_9731_3f4d8c4f3fd8
Preflabel TemperatureAreaPerMassTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureAreaPerMassTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+2 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureLengthPerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0d4bdfcd_f4f0_4b8f_b470_e3f654e37d33
Preflabel TemperatureLengthPerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureLengthPerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureMassPerAreaUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6726fbb8_c40a_4b55_a2d5_bf49352d1e73
Preflabel TemperatureMassPerAreaUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureMassPerArea'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-2 M+1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_720a469f_a19c_4a88_900c_29b3938f5092
Preflabel TemperaturePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L-1 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerMagneticFluxDensityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f6fac54d_6b6d_4255_b217_4363a83f1834
Preflabel TemperaturePerMagneticFluxDensityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerMagneticFluxDensity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L0 M-1 I+1 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerPressureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a4edc0c9_6d1d_4358_8030_b61db6c84176
Preflabel TemperaturePerPressureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerPressure'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+2 L+1 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f245147_f072_4431_b535_6241e8e87eb8
Preflabel TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperaturePressurePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0cd4c619_b123_4ae4_b778_3c9adaad65e7
Preflabel TemperaturePressurePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperaturePressurePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3df1408c_df34_4037_8584_c25f854bb346
Preflabel TemperatureTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TemperatureTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a77a0a4b_6bd2_42b2_be27_4b63cebbb59e
Preflabel TemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Temperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L0 M0 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalConductance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fe573dc7_9aac_49f2_9390_02cf697bfe53
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06298
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalConductance
Preflabel ThermalConductance
Elucidation Reciprocal of the thermal resistance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-46
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q17176562
Iso80000Reference 5-13
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ThermalConductanceUnit
.. raw:: html
ThermalConductanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21a91e48_b6d3_4558_b08f_246433d43860
Preflabel ThermalConductanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalConductance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalConductivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8dd40ec6_2c5a_43f3_bf64_cadcd447a1c1
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalConductivity
Preflabel ThermalConductivity
Elucidation At a point fixed in a medium with a temperature field, scalar quantity λ characterizing the ability of the medium to transmit heat through a surface element containing that point: φ = −λ grad T, where φ is the density of heat flow rate and T is thermodynamic temperature.
Comment In an anisotropic medium, thermal conductivity is a tensor quantity.
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Thermal_conductivity
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-38
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q487005
Iso80000Reference 5-9
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ThermalConductivityUnit
.. raw:: html
ThermalConductivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0f3ec0ad_3fcf_42b2_8f34_6dca89e35a4f
Preflabel ThermalConductivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalConductivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalDiffusionFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4c3ccf65_0950_4328_b04b_91d1eaa14681
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalDiffusionFactor
Preflabel ThermalDiffusionFactor
Elucidation Quotient of the thermal diffusion ratio and the product of the local amount-of-substance fractions.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96249629
Iso80000Reference 9-40.2
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
ThermalDiffusionRatio ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e84be61e_6f6f_43e2_b91d_86898a5dc7c4
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalDiffusionRatio
Preflabel ThermalDiffusionRatio
Elucidation In a steady-state of a binary mixture in which thermal diffusion occurs; proportionality factor between gradient of the amount-of-subsstance fraction of the heavier substance B, and negative gradient of the local thermodynamic temperature divided by that temperature.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q96249433
Iso80000Reference 9-40.1
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysioChemicalQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
ThermalDiffusivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_276f1224_fdc1_42ac_bd27_03d6dcec191a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalDiffusivity
Preflabel ThermalDiffusivity
Elucidation Quotient of thermal conductivity and the product of mass density and specific heat capacity.
Altlabel ThermalDiffusionCoefficient
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-53
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3381809
Iso80000Reference 5-14
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some AreicSpeedUnit
.. raw:: html
ThermalInsulance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8168c707_1b2a_4c6f_8d2e_a4e8081fd276
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalInsulance
Preflabel ThermalInsulance
Elucidation Reciprocal of the coefficient of heat transfer.
Altlabel CoefficientOfThermalInsulance
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-41
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2596212
Iso80000Reference 5-11
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
.. raw:: html
ThermalResistance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d7efc862_981f_4909_925b_700cd93070fc
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalResistance
Preflabel ThermalResistance
Elucidation Thermodynamic temperature difference divided by heat flow rate.
Comment The name “thermal resistance” and the symbol R are used in building technology to designate thermal insulance.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-04-45
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q899628
Iso80000Reference 5-12
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ThermalResistanceUnit
.. raw:: html
ThermalResistanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cff9f930_f3f7_43c6_9228_28bf3e1ec706
Preflabel ThermalResistanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalResistance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-2 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalResistivityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_33b6c84d_e139_418c_8f8c_f1d45f94df46
Preflabel ThermalResistivityUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalResistivity'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+3 L-1 M-1 I0 Θ+1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalTransmittanceUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4b2c223f_89fb_4407_b1b6_24774b7fe770
Preflabel ThermalTransmittanceUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'ThermalTransmittance'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-3 L0 M+1 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
ThermalUtilizationFactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3657c87f_ee9a_41fd_9dd0_97fb524dba1a
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalUtilizationFactor
Preflabel ThermalUtilizationFactor
Elucidation In an infinite medium, the quotient of the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in a fissionable nuclide or in a nuclear fuel, as specified, and the total number of thermal neutrons absorbed.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q99197650
Iso80000Reference 10-76
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
ThermodynamicCriticalMagneticFluxDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3a713a3d_dee2_4acd_bc30_5d2b23f605cd
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermodynamicCriticalMagneticFluxDensity
Preflabel ThermodynamicCriticalMagneticFluxDensity
Elucidation The magnetic flux density for disappearance of superconductivity in a type I superconductor.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106103200
Iso80000Reference 12-36.1
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ThermodynamicEfficiency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e37ec2b9_aed3_4549_ad25_5f78d31cac06
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermalEfficiency
Preflabel ThermodynamicEfficiency
Elucidation Performance measure of a device that uses thermal energy, expressed as the ratio of work done over thermal energy used.
Altlabel ThermalEfficiency
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1452104
Iso80000Reference 5-25.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
ThermodynamicGrueneisenParameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ff4dfc0f_6d79_41e1_9e32_68801bdea085
Preflabel ThermodynamicGrueneisenParameter
Elucidation A dimensionless thermodynamic parameter named after German physicist Eduard Grüneisen.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%BCneisen_parameter
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105658620
Iso80000Reference 12-13
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
ThermodynamicTemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_affe07e4_e9bc_4852_86c6_69e26182a17f
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06321
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThermodynamicTemperature
Preflabel ThermodynamicTemperature
Elucidation Thermodynamic temperature is the absolute measure of temperature. It is defined by the third law of thermodynamics in which the theoretically lowest temperature is the null or zero point.
Altlabel Temperature
Iso80000Reference 5-1
Formal description
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of ThermodynamicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some TemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
ThermodynamicalQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dae32a4a_d8da_4047_81b0_36a9713fdce1
Preflabel ThermodynamicalQuantity
Elucidation Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-5.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISO80000Categorised
.. raw:: html
ThermoelectricVoltage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fec651dc_8962_48c3_8b30_1115b2dd7c16
Preflabel ThermoelectricVoltage
Elucidation Voltage between substances a and b caused by the thermoelectric effect.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105761637
Iso80000Reference 12-20
Formal description
Subclass Of Voltage
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
Thickness ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43003c86_9d15_433b_9789_ee2940920656
Preflabel Thickness
Elucidation Shortest distance between two surfaces limiting a layer, when this distance can be considered to be constant over a region of a finite size.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-24
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3589038
Iso80000Reference 3-1.4
Formal description
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
ThomsonCoefficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_950256cd_c286_4793_b9f7_a3f922d0c354
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ThomsonCoefficient
Preflabel ThomsonCoefficient
Elucidation Quotient of Thomson heat power developed, and the electric current and temperature difference.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q105801233
Iso80000Reference 12-23
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ElectricPotentialPerTemperatureUnit
.. raw:: html
Time ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d4f7d378_5e3b_468a_baa1_a7e98358cda7
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06375
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Time
Preflabel Time
Elucidation The indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
Comment Time can be seen as the duration of an event or, more operationally, as "what clocks read".
Definition One-dimensional subspace of space-time, which is locally orthogonal to space.
Iso80000Reference 3-7
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some TimeUnit
.. raw:: html
TimeConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88967c93_894b_4e42_bc3c_c8517b255489
Preflabel TimeConstant
Elucidation parameter characterizing the response to a step input of a first‑order, linear time‑invariant system
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-05-26
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=351-45-32
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1335249
Iso80000Reference 3-15
Formal description
Subclass Of Duration
.. raw:: html
TimePerLengthUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ab2ee5cd_4de3_46b6_bec5_29e293b33422
Preflabel TimePerLengthUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TimePerLength'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-1 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TimePerVolumeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6f76f9bf_feb3_4e27_9bcb_45b5f3526050
Preflabel TimePerVolumeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'TimePerVolume'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L-3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
TimeUnit ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02e894c3_b793_4197_b120_3442e08f58d1
Preflabel TimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'Time'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T+1 L0 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
Torque ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aaf9dd7f_0474_40d0_9606_02def8515249
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06400
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Torque
Preflabel Torque
Elucidation The effectiveness of a force to produce rotation about an axis, measured by the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the axis.
Comment Even though torque has the same physical dimension as energy, it is not of the same kind and can not be measured with energy units like joule or electron volt.
Iso80000Reference 4-12.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some EnergyUnit
.. raw:: html
Tortuosity ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c413d96f_c57b_4c70_9ac1_312db6c009a8
Preflabel Tortuosity
Elucidation Parameter for diffusion and fluid flow in porous media.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2301683
Formal description
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
TotalAngularMomentum ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_de649cb1_7ec0_4a2e_ad55_d84e4ccd88b0
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalAngularMomentum
Preflabel TotalAngularMomentum
Elucidation Vector quantity in a quantum system composed of the vectorial sum of angular momentum L and spin s.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q97496506
Iso80000Reference 10-11
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of AngularMomentum
.. raw:: html
TotalAngularMomentumQuantumNumber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8b960a48_8017_4cc0_8e38_27d9237b7e0d
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalAngularMomentumQuantumNumber
Preflabel TotalAngularMomentumQuantumNumber
Elucidation Quantum number in an atom describing the magnitude of total angular momentum J.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1141095
Iso80000Reference 10-13.6
Formal description
Subclass Of QuantumNumber
.. raw:: html
TotalCrossSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ee98501a_5036_48b5_902b_4c68c6eeec1e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalCrossSection
Preflabel TotalCrossSection
Elucidation Sum of all cross sections corresponding to the various reactions or processes between an incident particle of specified type and energy and a target entity.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98206553
Iso80000Reference 10-38.2
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicPhysicsCrossSection
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
TotalCurrent ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_614c1bd9_93df_4248_861c_44b86d854739
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalCurrent
Preflabel TotalCurrent
Elucidation Sum of electric current and displacement current
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-45
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77679732
Iso80000Reference 6-19.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrent
.. raw:: html
TotalCurrentDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c18fff21_87c8_4877_a7e6_9ca1052d074e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalCurrentDensity
Preflabel TotalCurrentDensity
Elucidation Sum of electric current density and displacement current density.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=121-11-44
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77680811
Iso80000Reference 6-20
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensity
.. raw:: html
TotalIonization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b82d6a44_ea23_4b68_9b24_70f77deac955
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalIonization
Preflabel TotalIonization
Elucidation Quotient of the total mean charge of all positive ions produced by an ionizing charged particle along its entire path and along the paths of any secondary charged particles, and the elementary charge.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98690787
Iso80000Reference 10-59
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of ISQDimensionlessQuantity
.. raw:: html
TotalLinearStoppingPower ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2558579d_fd7e_4c15_8ad4_2050ca0acc5e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06035
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalLinearStoppingPower
Preflabel TotalLinearStoppingPower
Elucidation For charged particles of a given type and energy E0 the differential quotient of E with respect to x, where E is the mean energy lost by the charged particles in traversing a distance x in the given material.
Altlabel LinearStoppingPower
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=395-01-27
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-12-49
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q908474
Iso80000Reference 10-54
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ForceUnit
.. raw:: html
TotalMassStoppingPower ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0f1b1f8b_0323_4840_899c_fd6860763155
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/TotalMassStoppingPower
Preflabel TotalMassStoppingPower
Elucidation Quotient of the total linear stopping power S and the mass density ρ of the material.
Altlabel MassStoppingPower
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=881-12-52
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98642795
Iso80000Reference 10-55
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassStoppingPowerUnit
.. raw:: html
UnifiedAtomicMassConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3e1a8604_8d5a_470d_bb4a_865c65728986
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00497
Preflabel UnifiedAtomicMassConstant
Elucidation 1/12 of the mass of an atom of the nuclide 12C in the ground state at rest.
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-05-23
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4817337
Iso80000Reference 10-4.3
Formal description
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of PhysicalConstant
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some MassUnit
.. raw:: html
UpperCriticalMagneticFluxDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6bfe6ad2_96ba_4478_81e5_d8881c550757
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/UpperCriticalMagneticFluxDensity
Preflabel UpperCriticalMagneticFluxDensity
Elucidation For type II superconductors, the threshold magnetic flux density for disappearance of bulk superconductivity.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106127634
Iso80000Reference 12-36.3
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensity
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. raw:: html
VacuumElectricPermittivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_61a32ae9_8200_473a_bd55_59a9899996f4
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04508
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/PermittivityOfVacuum
Preflabel VacuumElectricPermittivity
Elucidation The value of the absolute dielectric permittivity of classical vacuum.
Comment The DBpedia definition (http://dbpedia.org/page/Vacuum_permittivity) is outdated since May 20, 2019. It is now a measured constant.
Altlabel PermittivityOfVacuum
Iso80000Reference 6-14.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Permittivity
Subclass Of MeasuredConstant
.. raw:: html
VacuumMagneticPermeability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_de021e4f_918f_47ef_a67b_11120f56b9d7
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/ElectromagneticPermeabilityOfVacuum
Preflabel VacuumMagneticPermeability
Elucidation The value of magnetic permeability in a classical vacuum.
Comment The DBpedia and UIPAC Gold Book definitions (http://dbpedia.org/page/Vacuum_permeability, https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04504) are outdated since May 20, 2019. It is now a measured constant.
Altlabel PermeabilityOfVacuum
Iso80000Reference 6-26.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Permeability
Subclass Of MeasuredConstant
.. raw:: html
Velocity ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0329f1f5_8339_4ce4_8505_a264c6d606ba
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Velocity
Preflabel Velocity
Elucidation Vector quantity giving the rate of change of a position vector.

-- ISO 80000-3
Comment The velocity depends on the choice of the reference frame. Proper transformation between frames must be used: Galilean for non-relativistic description, Lorentzian for relativistic description.

-- IEC, note 2
Comment The velocity is related to a point described by its position vector. The point may localize a particle, or be attached to any other object such as a body or a wave.

-- IEC, note 1
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11465
Iso80000Reference 3-8.1
Iso80000Reference 3‑10.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Vector
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some SpeedUnit
.. raw:: html
Vergence ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1e7603a7_1365_49b8_b5e5_3711c8e6b904
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Curvature
Preflabel Vergence
Elucidation In geometrical optics, vergence describes the curvature of optical wavefronts.
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ReciprocalLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
Voltage ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_17b031fb_4695_49b6_bb69_189ec63df3ee
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.V06635
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00424
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Voltage
Preflabel Voltage
Elucidation The difference in electric potential between two points.
Comment Correspond to the work needed per unit of charge to move a test charge between two points in a static electric field.
Altlabel ElectricPotentialDifference
Altlabel ElectricTension
Iso80000Reference 6-11.3
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotential
.. raw:: html
VoltagePhasor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b67a9ef5_880a_487c_84e8_3b36faba9159
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/VoltagePhasor
Preflabel VoltagePhasor
Elucidation Complex representation of an oscillating voltage.
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q78514605
Iso80000Reference 6-50
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotential
.. raw:: html
Volume ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f1a51559_aa3d_43a0_9327_918039f0dfed
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Volume
Preflabel Volume
Elucidation Extent of an object in space.
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Volume
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=102-04-40
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q39297
Iso80000Reference 3-4
Formal description
Subclass Of Extensive
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some VolumeUnit
.. raw:: html
VolumeFlowRate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b385b94e_ffff_47a2_8971_856f92dd786e
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/VolumeFlowRate
Preflabel VolumeFlowRate
Elucidation Quantity equal to the volume dV of substance crossing a given surface during a time interval with infinitesimal duration dt, divided by this duration, thus qV = dV / dt-
Altlabel VolumetricFlowRate
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volumetric_flow_rate
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-03-72
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1134348
Iso80000Reference 4-31
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of MechanicalQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some VolumePerTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
VolumeFraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a8eb87b5_4d10_4137_a75c_e04ee59ca095
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.V06643
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/VolumeFraction
Preflabel VolumeFraction
Elucidation Volume of a constituent of a mixture divided by the sum of volumes of all constituents prior to mixing.
Iso80000Reference 9-14
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalCompositionQuantity
Subclass Of Intensive
Subclass Of RatioQuantity
.. raw:: html
VolumePerAmountTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bc73913a_3bb6_4205_8d36_79bc72ca9891
Preflabel VolumePerAmountTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerAmountTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerAmountUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aa7397ff_2815_434e_9b99_e4c6a80e034e
Preflabel VolumePerAmountUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerAmount'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N-1 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8a582db1_c561_42f6_80ff_0fd8f252b129
Preflabel VolumePerMassUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerMass'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+3 M-1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerSquareTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_87deb5a8_7a85_49c3_97b2_e62c8484aa1a
Preflabel VolumePerSquareTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerSquareTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-2 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerTemperatureUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_85d72920_708d_4eb9_89ce_8a588b0ce66d
Preflabel VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerTemperature'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T0 L+3 M0 I0 Θ-1 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumePerTimeUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a88475b9_c745_4a47_9403_ab0d158b9b1b
Preflabel VolumePerTimeUnit
Elucidation The class of units with dimensionality 'VolumePerTime'.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIDimensionalUnit
Subclass Of hasDimensionString value 'T-1 L+3 M0 I0 Θ0 N0 J0'
.. raw:: html
VolumetricNumberDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90a39fcb_5087_451e_a92e_ce0adc6d80f1
Preflabel VolumetricNumberDensity
Elucidation Count per volume.
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalVolume
.. raw:: html
VolumicCrossSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c949f76f_4a65_4203_9734_0f9dd778e56b
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03674
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MacroscopicCrossSection
Preflabel VolumicCrossSection
Elucidation In nuclear physics, product of the number density of atoms of a given type and the cross section.
Altlabel MacroscopicCrossSection
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98280520
Iso80000Reference 10-42.1
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ReciprocalLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
VolumicTotalCrossSection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cb71d1cb_0d62_4de7_a628_bc8e14acfe05
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MacroscopicTotalCrossSection
Preflabel VolumicTotalCrossSection
Elucidation Product of the number density na of the atoms and the cross section σ_tot for a given type of atoms.
Altlabel MacroscopicTotalCrossSection
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98280548
Iso80000Reference 10-42.2
Formal description
Subclass Of ISQDerivedQuantity
Subclass Of AtomicAndNuclearPhysicsQuantity
Subclass Of hasMeasurementUnit some ReciprocalLengthUnit
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VonKlitzingConstant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eb561764_276e_413d_a8cb_3a3154fd9bf8
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/constant/VonKlitzingConstant
Preflabel VonKlitzingConstant
Elucidation Resistance quantum.
Definition The von Klitzing constant is defined as Planck constant divided by the square of the elementary charge.
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistance
Subclass Of SIExactConstant
.. raw:: html
WaveVector ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6074aa9d_7c3b_4011_b45a_4e7cde6f5f39
Preflabel WaveVector
Elucidation Vector k in the expression ω t−k⋅r+ϑ0 of the phase of a sinusoidal wave.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_vector
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-09
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q657009
Iso80000Reference 3-21
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
Wavelength ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_573c7572_e7c7_4909_93a4_2bfe102e389d
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06659
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Wavelength
Preflabel Wavelength
Elucidation Length of the repetition interval of a wave.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavelength
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Wavelength
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-10
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q41364
Iso80000Reference 3-19
Formal description
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
Wavenumber ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d859588d_44dc_4614_bc75_5fcd0058acc8
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06664
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Wavenumber
Preflabel Wavenumber
Elucidation The number of waves per unit length along the direction of propagation.
Iso80000Reference 3-18
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
Wavenumber ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e0aaed83_9224_4bd8_a960_a813c4569412
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06664
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Wavenumber
Preflabel Wavenumber
Elucidation Reciprocal of the wavelength.
Altlabel Repetency
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavenumber
Dbpediareference https://dbpedia.org/page/Wavenumber
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-11
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q192510
Iso80000Reference 3-20
Formal description
Subclass Of SpaceAndTimeQuantity
Subclass Of ReciprocalLength
.. raw:: html
Weight ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_04cf0295_3e8f_4693_a87f_3130d125cf05
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06668
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Weight
Preflabel Weight
Elucidation Force of gravity acting on a body.
Iso80000Reference 4-9.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Force
.. raw:: html
Width ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e4de48b1_dabb_4490_ac2b_040f926c64f0
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Width
Preflabel Width
Elucidation Length in a given direction regarded as horizontal.
Comment The terms breadth and width are often used by convention, as distinguished from length and from height or thickness.
Altlabel Breadth
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-01-20
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q35059
Iso80000Reference 3-1.2
Formal description
Subclass Of Length
.. raw:: html
Work ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_624d72ee_e676_4470_9434_c22b4190d3d5
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06684
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Work
Preflabel Work
Elucidation Product of force and displacement.
Iso80000Reference 4-28.4
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
.. raw:: html
WorkFunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a0c4322d_4de2_4770_991c_5fad4e6ec25b
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02015
Preflabel WorkFunction
Elucidation Least energy required for the emission of a conduction electron.
Comment Work function is the energy difference between an electron at rest at infinity and an electron at the Fermi level in the interior of a substance.
Altlabel ElectronWorkFunction
Ievreference https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=113-06-35
Wikidatareference https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q783800
Iso80000Reference 12-24.1
Formal description
Subclass Of Energy
Subclass Of CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity
.. _international-system-of-quantities-(isq)-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
IEVReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50c298c2_55a2_4068_b3ac_4e948c33181f
Preflabel IEVReference
Elucidation URL for the entry in the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV).
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
.. raw:: html
ISO80000Reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8de5d5bf_db1c_40ac_b698_095ba3b18578
Example 3-1.1 (ISO80000 reference to length)
Preflabel ISO80000Reference
Elucidation Corresponding item number in ISO 80 000.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
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wikidataReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_26bf1bef_d192_4da6_b0eb_d2209698fb54
Preflabel wikidataReference
Elucidation URL corresponding to entry in Wikidata.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
Module: Physicalistic ===================== .. _physicalistic-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AntiMatter ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f13672a3_59cc_40ed_8def_65009a8f74e6
Preflabel AntiMatter
Elucidation Antimatter is matter that is composed only of the antiparticles of those that constitute ordinary matter.
Comment This branch is not expanded due to the limited use of such entities.
Formal description
Subclass Of MatterByType
.. raw:: html
Atom ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eb77076b_a104_42ac_a065_798b2d2809ad
Preflabel Atom
Elucidation A standalone atom has direct part one 'nucleus' and one 'electron_cloud'.

An O 'atom' within an O₂ 'molecule' is an 'e-bonded_atom'.

In this material branch, H atom is a particular case, with respect to higher atomic number atoms, since as soon as it shares its electron it has no nucleus entangled electron cloud.

We cannot say that H₂ molecule has direct part two H atoms, but has direct part two H nucleus.
Comment An 'atom' is a 'nucleus' surrounded by an 'electron_cloud', i.e. a quantum system made of one or more bounded electrons.
Altlabel ChemicalElement
Formal description
Subclass Of MolecularEntity
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some ElementaryElectron
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some Nucleus
.. raw:: html
Baryon ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_24dda193_ada8_433b_bb74_6ca4a0b89a20
Preflabel Baryon
Elucidation Subatomic particle which contains an odd number of valence quarks, at least 3.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baryon
Formal description
Subclass Of CompositeFermion
Subclass Of Hadron
Subclass Of hasProperPart some ElementaryQuark
.. raw:: html
BondedObject ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_801395f8_948e_4637_ac3b_5fcd587d72ca
Preflabel BondedObject
Comment "... in the 'classical' picture ordinary matter is made of atoms, in which electrons are held in orbit around a nucleus of protons and neutrons by the electrical attraction of opposite charges. We can now give this model a more sophisticated formulation by attributing the binding force to the exchange of photons between the electrons and the protons in the nucleus. However, for the purposes of atomic physics this is overkill, for in this context quantization of the electromagnetic field produces only minute effects (notably the Lamb shift and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron). To excellent approximation we can pretend that the forces are given by Coulomb's law (together with various magnetic dipole couplings). The point is that in a bound state enormous numbers of photons are continually streaming back and forth, so that the "lumpiness" of the field is effectively smoothed out, and classical electrodynamics is a suitable approximation to the truth. But in most elementary particle processes, such as the photoelectric effect or Compton scattering, individual photons are involved, and quantization can no longer be ignored."
D. Griffiths, "Introduction to elementary Particles", Wiley-VCH, 2004, pp.16-17
Conceptualisation A bonded object is a sequence of fundamental interactions that can be described approximatively by Schrodinger formulation. A bonded object is typically characterised by having quantum states (e.g. electron states in an atom, energy levels of a molecule). Furthermore, a bonded object is made of elementary particles that travels from the beginning to the end of the entity (i.e. a bonded object doesn't change its components).
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalObjectByBond
.. raw:: html
BondedParticle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8b1367d6_0133_4b56_acc1_fa8b058169e3
Preflabel BondedParticle
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: CompositeBoson, CompositeFermion
Conceptualisation A composite particle is a bonded particle for which it is possible to clearly define its bosonic or fermionic behaviour. The term particle is then reserved for entities whose fermionic or bosonic nature is clearly defined.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalParticleByBond
Subclass Of BondedObject
.. raw:: html
Boson ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b5a5494c_83bf_44aa_a9a6_49b948e68939
Preflabel Boson
Elucidation A physical particle with integer spin that follows Bose–Einstein statistics.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boson
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalParticleBySpin
.. raw:: html
CompositeBoson ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f19b65b_35bf_4662_a318_7f1c147cb3b6
Example Examples of composite particles with integer spin:
spin 0: H1 and He4 in ground state, pion
spin 1: H1 and He4 in first excited state, meson
spin 2: O15 in ground state.
Preflabel CompositeBoson
Elucidation A non-elementary particle (bonded) of a fundamental bosonic type (integer spin).
Formal description
Equivalent To BondedParticle and Boson
Subclass Of Thing
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CompositeFermion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_29108c7c_9087_4992_ab1c_02561665df21
Example Examples of composite particles with half-integer spin:
spin 1/2: He3 in ground state, proton, neutron
spin 3/2: He5 in ground state, Delta baryons (excitations of the proton and neutron)
Preflabel CompositeFermion
Elucidation A non-elementary particle (bonded) of a fundamental fermionic type (half-integer spin).
Formal description
Equivalent To Fermion and BondedParticle
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
CompositePhysicalObject ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_57d977ab_0036_4779_b59a_e47620afdb9c
Preflabel CompositePhysicalObject
Elucidation The class of physical objects possessing a structure that is larger than a single composite particle, for which its bosonic or fermionic nature is undetermined.
Conceptualisation A composite physical object is made of bonded objects (i.e. characterised by their quantum states using a Schrodinger equation approach) that are connected together by elementary particles travelling between them. These elemenentary particles are real particles, describing the existance of a classical field (e.g. Coulomb potential between charged particles).
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalObjectByBond
.. raw:: html
Fermion ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53dced52_34f6_4cf0_8a99_ddf451861543
Preflabel Fermion
Elucidation A physical particle with half odd integer spin (1/2, 3/2, etc...) that follows Fermi-Dirac statistics.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalParticleBySpin
.. raw:: html
Hadron ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7b42954f_0b91_4b3a_a65e_2470202cf548
Preflabel Hadron
Elucidation Particles composed of two or more quarks.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadron
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Baryon or Meson
Formal description
Subclass Of ParticulateMatter
.. raw:: html
Heteronuclear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50967f46_51f9_462a_b1e4_e63365b4a184
Example Nitric oxide (NO) or carbon dioxide (CO₂).
Preflabel Heteronuclear
Elucidation A molecule composed of more than one element type.
Formal description
Subclass Of Molecule
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Homonuclear ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e024544d_e374_45b7_9340_1982040bc6b7
Example Hydrogen molecule (H₂).
Preflabel Homonuclear
Elucidation A molecule composed of only one element type.
Altlabel ElementalMolecule
Formal description
Subclass Of Molecule
.. raw:: html
HybridMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c16bb7f_5400_4498_8ef2_54392908da4e
Preflabel HybridMatter
Elucidation Matter composed of both matter and antimatter fundamental particles.
Formal description
Subclass Of MatterByType
.. raw:: html
Hyperon ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f87e79eb_f549_4a06_9c27_a3d1412444c6
Preflabel Hyperon
Elucidation A baryon containing one or more strange quarks, but no charm, bottom, or top quark.
Comment This form of matter may exist in a stable form within the core of some neutron stars.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperon
Formal description
Subclass Of Baryon
Subclass Of hasProperPart only ElementaryQuark
.. raw:: html
Matter ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5b2222df_4da6_442f_8244_96e9e45887d1
Preflabel Matter
Elucidation The class of physical objects that have some fermionic quantum parts.
Comment A matter entity requires the presence of fermions without excluding the presence of real or virtual fundamental bosons parts that are responsible for the interactions between the (real) fundamental fermions.
Comment Matter includes ordinary- and anti-matter. It is possible to have entities that are made of particle and anti-particles (e.g. mesons made of a quark and an anti-quark pair) so that it is possible to have entities that are somewhat heterogeneous with regards to this distinction.
Altlabel PhysicalSubstance
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: HybridMatter, OrdinaryMatter, AntiMatter
Conceptualisation The interpretation of the term "matter" is not univocal. Several concepts are labelled with this term, depending on the field of science. The concept mass is sometimes related to the term "matter", even if the former refers to a physical quantity (precisely defined by modern physics) while the latter is a type that qualifies a physical entity.
It is possible to identify more than one concept that can be reasonably labelled with the term "matter". For example, it is possible to label as matter only the entities that are made up of atoms. Or more generally, we can be more fine-grained and call "matter" the entities that are made up of protons, neutrons or electrons, so that we can call matter also a neutron radiation or a cathode ray.
A more fundamental approach, that we embrace for the EMMO, considers matter as entities that are made of fermions (i.e. quarks and leptons) requiring their presence, without excluding particles like the W and Z bosons that possess some mass, but are not fermions.
Antimatter is a subclass of matter.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalObject
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Meson ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_be0a7278_b4e6_4bca_88ba_de3f67a478e2
Preflabel Meson
Elucidation Hadronic subatomic particles composed of an equal number of quarks and antiquarks bound together by strong interactions.
Comment Most mesons are composed of one quark and one antiquark.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meson
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: PseudoscalarMeson or VectorMeson or ScalarMeson or PseudovectorMeson or TensorMeson
Formal description
Subclass Of HybridMatter
Subclass Of CompositeBoson
Subclass Of Hadron
Subclass Of hasProperPart some ElementaryQuark
.. raw:: html
MolecularEntity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a
Example Hydrogen molecule is an adequate definition of a certain molecular entity for some purposes, whereas for others it is necessary to distinguish the electronic state and/or vibrational state and/or nuclear spin, etc. of the hydrogen molecule.
Example Methane, may mean a single molecule of CH4 (molecular entity) or a molar amount, specified or not (chemical species), participating in a reaction. The degree of precision necessary to describe a molecular entity depends on the context.
Example Hydrogen molecule is an adequate definition of a certain molecular entity for some purposes, whereas for others it is necessary to distinguish the electronic state and/or vibrational state and/or nuclear spin, etc. of the hydrogen molecule.
Example Methane, may mean a single molecule of CH4 (molecular entity) or a molar amount, specified or not (chemical species), participating in a reaction. The degree of precision necessary to describe a molecular entity depends on the context.
Preflabel MolecularEntity
Elucidation Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity that can undergo a chemical reaction.
Comment Molecular entity is used as a general term for singular entities, irrespective of their nature, while chemical species stands for sets or ensembles of molecular entities.
Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or to the chemical species,
Comment This concept is strictly related to chemistry. For this reason an atom can be considered the smallest entity that can be considered "molecular", including nucleus when they are seen as ions (e.g. H⁺, He⁺⁺).
Comment Molecular entity is used as a general term for singular entities, irrespective of their nature, while chemical species stands for sets or ensembles of molecular entities.

Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or to the chemical species,
Altlabel ChemicalEntity
Formal description
Subclass Of ParticulateMatter
.. raw:: html
Molecule ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3397f270_dfc1_4500_8f6f_4d0d85ac5f71
Example H₂0, C₆H₁₂O₆, CH₄
Preflabel Molecule
Elucidation An atom_based state defined by an exact number of e-bonded atomic species and an electron cloud made of the shared electrons.
Comment An entity is called essential if removing one direct part will lead to a change in entity class.
An entity is called redundand if removing one direct part will not lead to a change in entity class.
Comment This definition states that this object is a non-periodic set of atoms or a set with a finite periodicity.
Removing an atom from the state will result in another type of atom_based state.
e.g. you cannot remove H from H₂0 without changing the molecule type (essential). However, you can remove a C from a nanotube (redundant). C60 fullerene is a molecule, since it has a finite periodicity and is made of a well defined number of atoms (essential). A C nanotube is not a molecule, since it has an infinite periodicity (redundant).
Altlabel ChemicalSubstance
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: Heteronuclear, Homonuclear
Formal description
Subclass Of MolecularEntity
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some ElementaryElectron
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart some Nucleus
.. raw:: html
Neutron ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_df808271_df91_4f27_ba59_fa423c51896c
Preflabel Neutron
Elucidation An uncharged subatomic particle found in the atomic nucleus.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron
Formal description
Subclass Of Nucleon
.. raw:: html
Nucleon ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50781fd9_a9e4_46ad_b7be_4500371d188d
Preflabel Nucleon
Elucidation Either a proton or a neutron.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleon
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: Proton, Neutron
Formal description
Subclass Of Baryon
.. raw:: html
Nucleus ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f835f4d4_c665_403d_ab25_dca5cc74be52
Preflabel Nucleus
Elucidation The small, dense region at the centre of an atom consisting of protons and neutrons.
Formal description
Subclass Of ParticulateMatter
Subclass Of hasPart some Nucleon
.. raw:: html
OrdinaryMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6e9cb807_fc68_4bcf_b3ba_5fccc887c644
Preflabel OrdinaryMatter
Elucidation Matter composed of only matter particles, excluding anti-matter particles.
Formal description
Subclass Of MatterByType
.. raw:: html
ParticulateMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_32f55395_8b94_40de_a103_bffa5c121d98
Preflabel ParticulateMatter
Elucidation Bounded matter.
Formal description
Equivalent To Matter and BondedParticle
Subclass Of MatterByStructure
Subclass Of BondedParticle
.. raw:: html
PhysicalObject ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_38b579de_4331_40e0_803d_09efa298e726
Preflabel PhysicalObject
Elucidation The class of individuals standing for causally convex interacting systems.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: CompositePhysicalObject, BondedObject
Conceptualisation It is natural to define entities made or more than one smaller parts as object according to some unity criteria. One of the most general one applicable to causal interacting systems is to ask that all the quantum parts of the system are part of elementaries whose paths start and end within the entitiy. We call this causal convexity. In other words, causal convexity excludes all quantums that leave the system (no more interacting), or that are not yet part of it (not yet interacting).
So, a photon leaving a body is not part of a convex system, while a real photon that is the carrier of clasical electromagnetic interaction between two molecular parts of the body, is part of the convex body.
A physical phenomenon is defined as a causally non-convex interacting system, complement of causally convex interacting system.
Formal description
Subclass Of InteractingSystem
.. raw:: html
PhysicalParticle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a15cea10_9946_4d2b_95c5_cfc333fd2abb
Preflabel PhysicalParticle
Elucidation A well defined physical entity, elementary or composite, usually treated as a singular unit, that is found at scales spanning from the elementary particles to molecules, as fundamental constituents of larger scale substances (as the etymology of "particle" suggests).
Comment The scope of the physical particle definition goes from the elementary particles to molecules, as fundamental constituents of substances.
Altlabel Particle
Definition The union of hadron and lepton, or fermion and bosons.
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalStructure
.. raw:: html
PhysicalPhenomenon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5cc4e111_3eb1_44a3_9369_5af3846cf605
Preflabel PhysicalPhenomenon
Elucidation The class of individuals standing for causally non-convex interacting systems.
Formal description
Subclass Of InteractingSystem
.. raw:: html
Proton ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f87e700_99a8_4427_8ffb_e493de05c217
Preflabel Proton
Elucidation A positive charged subatomic particle found in the atomic nucleus.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton
Formal description
Subclass Of Nucleon
.. raw:: html
PseudoscalarMeson ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_12aae025_a226_4762_9d51_81200a8ce54c
Preflabel PseudoscalarMeson
Elucidation A meson with spin zero and odd parity.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscalar_meson
Formal description
Subclass Of Meson
.. raw:: html
PseudovectorMeson ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_38d00e5f_d759_4dcc_8551_ab95865cf799
Preflabel PseudovectorMeson
Elucidation A meson with total spin 1 and even parit.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudovector_meson
Formal description
Subclass Of Meson
.. raw:: html
ScalarMeson ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3275b6e9_05f1_4912_954f_7d64ac12b2d2
Preflabel ScalarMeson
Elucidation A meson with spin zero and even parity.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalar_meson
Formal description
Subclass Of Meson
.. raw:: html
Substance ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bc37743c_37c4_4ec7_9d58_d1aae5567352
Preflabel Substance
Elucidation A composite physical object made of fermions (i.e. having mass and occupying space).
Formal description
Subclass Of MatterByStructure
Subclass Of CompositePhysicalObject
.. raw:: html
TensorMeson ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f895cb83_2280_42e9_9f4c_047273e70d3c
Preflabel TensorMeson
Elucidation A meson with spin two.
Formal description
Subclass Of Meson
.. raw:: html
VectorMeson ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1b32a555_978b_4e56_933f_e158e165023e
Preflabel VectorMeson
Elucidation A meson with total spin 1 and odd parit.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_meson
Formal description
Subclass Of Meson
Module: Chemistry ================= .. _chemistry-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
CASRN ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d2a47cd8_662f_438f_855a_b4378eb992ff
Example Water is 7732-18-5
Preflabel CASRN
Elucidation Chemical Abstact Service registry number for a chemical substance from the American Chemical Society
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalNomenclature
.. raw:: html
Chemical ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_abf7efbe_6b04_41b8_8326_4dd0f6be753e
Preflabel Chemical
Elucidation A language object that follows the syntactic rules used in the chemical field.
Formal description
Subclass Of Language
.. raw:: html
ChemicalComposition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7efd64d1_05a1_49cd_a7f0_783ca050d4f3
Preflabel ChemicalComposition
Elucidation A language construct that provides information about the consitutents of a substance and their fractions or amounts.
Formal description
Equivalent To TotalComposition or SingleComponentComposition or PartialComposition
Subclass Of SymbolicConstruct
Subclass Of Chemical
.. raw:: html
ChemicalCompositionQuantity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a293f923_954c_4af5_9f97_9600ebd362cb
Preflabel ChemicalCompositionQuantity
Formal description
Subclass Of CategorizedPhysicalQuantity
.. raw:: html
ChemicalCompound ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e2b11f6a_4191_427e_9844_2e0ac88dfc8b
Preflabel ChemicalCompound
Elucidation A chemical substance composed of many identical molecules (or molecular entities) composed of atoms from more than one element held together by chemical bonds.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_compound
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalSubstance
.. raw:: html
ChemicalElement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f40def1_3cd7_4067_9596_541e9a5134cf
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01022
Preflabel ChemicalElement
Elucidation The symbol for a specific chemical element, that can stand both for an atom or a substance.
Comment The IUPAC Gold Book defines the a chemical element both as:
- a species of atoms; all atoms with the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus
- a pure chemical substance composed of atoms with the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus

This qualifies a chemical element as a name and not a matter obejct that can stand for an atom or a substance.
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbol
Subclass Of Chemical
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue some type
.. raw:: html
ChemicalEntity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_47338839_6cca_4a8e_b565_3c4d5517e2c0
Preflabel ChemicalEntity
Comment A chemical entity comprises the two different ways to represents matter: as single recognizable particle entity (molecular entity) and as a composition of particle entities (substance).

This distinction is not well assessed in actual chemical nomenclature, in which an element name refers to both the pure elemental substance or the atom.

In the EMMO we force the adoption of a more strict categorization based on mereotopology.

The class Material hosts the subclasses for which a substance can be identified without necessarily considering its nature of molecule/atom or substance (e.g. hydrocarbon is the class of both hydrocarbon molecules or gases).
Formal description
Subclass Of Matter
.. raw:: html
ChemicalFormula ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9236d0aa_cb39_43a1_bbdd_6a2a714951c8
Preflabel ChemicalFormula
Elucidation A symbolic construct that provides informations about the chemical proportions of the elements that constitute a chemical compound or a specific molecule.
Comment A chemical formula may also include other symbols such as parentheses, plus and minus signs, brackets
Formal description
Subclass Of Chemical
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some ChemicalElement
.. raw:: html
ChemicalMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8a41ed1b_64f9_4be7_9b60_01fcece45075
Preflabel ChemicalMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Material
.. raw:: html
ChemicalName ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_26586828_3b8c_4d8b_9c6c_0bc2502f26ae
Preflabel ChemicalName
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalNomenclature
.. raw:: html
ChemicalNomenclature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_643d99dd_fae6_4121_a76f_47f486a4480b
Preflabel ChemicalNomenclature
Elucidation A language object following a specific nomenclature rules for defining univocal names of chemical compounds.
Comment A chemical numenclature should not be confused with the chemical formula.
Formal description
Subclass Of Chemical
.. raw:: html
ChemicalRepresentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ecc4efe9_77a2_47e3_8190_f9a883d54ac6
Preflabel ChemicalRepresentation
Elucidation A representation of objects belonging to the chemistry field.
Formal description
Subclass Of Representation
.. raw:: html
ChemicalSpecies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cbcf8fe6_6da6_49e0_ab4d_00f737ea9689
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.CT06859
Preflabel ChemicalSpecies
Elucidation Specific form of an element defined as to isotopic composition, electronic or oxidation state, and/or complex or molecular structure.

Chemical species is the macroscopic equivalent of molecular entity and refers to sets or ensembles of molecular entities.
Comment Following nominalistic approach a species is simply a name that can point to an element name, a chemical formula or a chemical compound.

So everything addressed by these classes of names can be calleded a chemical species.
Comment N2
Sodium Chloride
Formal description
Equivalent To ChemicalElement or ChemicalNomenclature or ChemicalFormula
Subclass Of Chemical
.. raw:: html
ChemicalSubstance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_df96cbb6_b5ee_4222_8eab_b3675df24bea
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01039
Preflabel ChemicalSubstance
Elucidation Matter of constant composition best characterized by the entities (molecules, formula units, atoms) it is composed of.
Comment A substance is always composed of more than one molecular entity. It lays in the continuum or mesoscopic domain.
Formal description
Subclass Of Substance
.. raw:: html
ChemicalSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d357e0dd_3497_4590_af6f_7954db7fecf7
Preflabel ChemicalSymbol
Formal description
Equivalent To Symbol and Chemical
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
ChemicalSymbolicConstruct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bd8db028_aec2_4a44_ad93_1a9f8270f72c
Preflabel ChemicalSymbolicConstruct
Formal description
Equivalent To SymbolicConstruct and Chemical
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
CondensedFormula ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bf836c2b_7800_474d_b674_f5d629fa0bb1
Example An expression that provides information about the element types that constiture a molecule or a molecular substance and their number, together with simple information about the connectivity of its groups by using parenthesis or by goruping element names according to its molecular structure.
Preflabel CondensedFormula
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalFormula
.. raw:: html
ElementalMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a086af15_a7c3_404c_b4ce_c8e4466f1b4b
Preflabel ElementalMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalMaterial
.. raw:: html
ElementalSubstance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_436b11bd_1756_4821_9f14_c9ed6b67552e
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01022
Preflabel ElementalSubstance
Elucidation A chemical substance composed of atoms with the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus.
Altlabel PureSubstance
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalSubstance
.. raw:: html
EmpiricalFormula ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6afdb7e8_2a0b_444d_bde3_8d67d98180c0
Example Hydrogen peroxide is HO
Preflabel EmpiricalFormula
Elucidation An expression that provide information about the element type of a compound and their relative ratio.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalFormula
.. raw:: html
IUPACName ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_16a3bd5c_75f0_42b3_b000_cb0d018f840e
Preflabel IUPACName
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalName
Subclass Of IUPACNomencalture
.. raw:: html
IUPACNomencalture ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_91a0635a_a89a_46de_8928_04a777d145c7
Preflabel IUPACNomencalture
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalNomenclature
.. raw:: html
InChI ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d74ed682_894f_46c5_87cb_167f60926965
Preflabel InChI
Elucidation The International Chemical Identifier (InChI) textual identifier proposed by IUPAC to provide a standard encoding for databases of molecular information.
Formal description
Subclass Of IUPACNomencalture
.. raw:: html
InorganicCompound ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4e659c69_ca2d_4569_8a96_f99857a1fa32
Preflabel InorganicCompound
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Macromolecule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a14dd591_8b7a_4847_8c91_3a2f421a45b4
Preflabel Macromolecule
Formal description
Subclass Of PolyatomicEntity
.. raw:: html
MolecularFormula ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4208f937_8bad_47cf_af46_4ada75e63adb
Example Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2
Preflabel MolecularFormula
Elucidation An expression that provides information about the element types that constiture a molecule or a molecular substance and their number.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalFormula
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some ChemicalElement
.. raw:: html
OrganicCompound ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_704630b8_fee3_49b9_baca_40e2dd276370
Preflabel OrganicCompound
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
PartialComposition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_90963312_d9a9_4474_8d10_835aef5b168e
Preflabel PartialComposition
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some SingleComponentComposition
.. raw:: html
PolyatomicEntity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9fa966c7_5231_409e_841f_b4c5fd33732a
Preflabel PolyatomicEntity
Formal description
Subclass Of MolecularEntity
.. raw:: html
SingleComponentComposition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_172e2c96_180b_40f8_a3e7_b624471f40c2
Preflabel SingleComponentComposition
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some ChemicalCompositionQuantity
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some ChemicalSpecies
.. raw:: html
StructuralFormula ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a466b60b_d973_4b8f_897f_d0b837a59df3
Preflabel StructuralFormula
Elucidation A graphical representation of a molecular structure showing the relative position in space of the atomic constituents and their bonds.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicalRepresentation
.. raw:: html
TotalComposition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0eabfde6_c6c5_4b1f_bf10_e4e0e06e9b2e
Preflabel TotalComposition
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSpatialTile some SingleComponentComposition
.. _chemistry-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
inchiKey ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2856bbc2_96e1_485b_b5f8_2fdfcb0c9b92
Preflabel inchiKey
Elucidation A hash of the full International Chemical Identifier (InChi) for a chemical substance.
Comment The InChiKey is a hash of the full InChi identifier using the SHA-256 algorithm, designed to allow for easy web searches of chemical compounds.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
.. raw:: html
smileReference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2e0b0f1b_ba90_4827_af5a_92b826cb90de
Preflabel smileReference
Elucidation OpenSMILE representation of a molecular structure.
Comment OpenSMILES is an open specification of the SMILE language for specifying molecular structures, which has become a defacto standard for exchange of molecular structures.
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of seeAlso
Module: Semiotics ================= .. _semiotics-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AnalogicalIcon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f2d1fcc_e20c_4479_9ad7_7a0480dd3e44
Example A physics equation is replicating the mechanisms internal to the object.
Example Electrical diagram is diagrammatic and resemblance
Example MODA and CHADA are diagrammatic representation of a simulation or a characterisation workflow.
Preflabel AnalogicalIcon
Elucidation An icon that represents the internal logical structure of the object.
Comment An icon that focus on HOW the object works.
Comment The subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category (b) the diagram, whose internal relations, mainly dyadic or so taken, represent by analogy (with the same logic) the relations in something (e.g. math formula, geometric flowchart).
Formal description
Subclass Of Icon
.. raw:: html
Coded ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7286b164_df4c_4c14_a4b5_d41ad9c121f3
Example A biography that makes use of a code that is provided by the meaning of the element of the language used by the author.
Example The name "red" that stands for the color of an object.
Preflabel Coded
Elucidation A conventional that stands for an object according to a code of interpretation to which the interpreter refers.
Comment A conventional referring to an object according to a specific code that reflects the results of a specific interaction mechanism and is shared between other interpreters.
A coded is always a partial representation of an object since it reflects the object capability to be part of a specific determination.
A coded is a sort of name or label that we put upon objects that interact with an determiner in the same specific way.

For example, "hot" objects are objects that interact with an observer through a perception mechanism aimed to perceive an heat source. The code is made of terms such as "hot", "warm", "cold", that commonly refer to the perception of heat.
Comment Let's define the class Colour as the subclass of the coded signs that involve photon emission and electromagnetic radiation sensible observers.
An individual C of this class Colour can be defined be declaring the process individual (e.g. daylight illumination) and the observer (e.g. my eyes)
Stating that an entity E hasCoded C, we mean that it can be observed by such setup of process + observer (i.e. observed by my eyes under daylight).
This definition can be specialised for human eye perception, so that the observer can be a generic human, or to camera perception so that the observer can be a device.
This can be used in material characterization, to define exactly the type of measurement done, including the instrument type.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Description or Property
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Observed or Estimated
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Subjective or Objective
Formal description
Subclass Of Conventional
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Determination
.. raw:: html
Cogniser ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_19608340_178c_4bfd_bd4d_0d3b935c6fec
Example The scientist that connects an equation to a physical phenomenon.
Preflabel Cogniser
Elucidation An interpreter who establish the connection between an icon an an object recognizing their resemblance (e.g. logical, pictorial)
Formal description
Subclass Of Interpreter
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Cognition
.. raw:: html
Cognition ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7cdc375d_d371_4d78_acd5_d51732f52126
Preflabel Cognition
Elucidation A semiotic process that assigns a sign by recognising an object by how it resemble or imitate what the sign stands for, in shape, function or by sharing a similar logical structure.
Altlabel IconSemiosis
Formal description
Subclass Of Semiosis
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Cogniser
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Icon
.. raw:: html
Conventional ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_35d2e130_6e01_41ed_94f7_00b333d46cf9
Preflabel Conventional
Elucidation A 'Sign' that stands for an 'Object' through convention, norm or habit, without any resemblance to it.
Comment In Peirce semiotics this kind of sign category is called symbol. However, since symbol is also used in formal languages, the name is changed in conventional.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Uncoded or Coded
Formal description
Subclass Of Sign
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Declaration
.. raw:: html
Declaration ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_47bf3513_4ae6_4858_9c45_76e23230d68d
Preflabel Declaration
Elucidation A semiotic process that assigns a sign based on conventions.
Altlabel ConventionalSemiosis
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Determination or Naming
Formal description
Subclass Of Semiosis
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Declarer
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Conventional
.. raw:: html
Declarer ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2d72e38c_d587_437f_98f6_f2718fb130eb
Example A scientist that assigns a quantity to a physical objects without actually measuring it but taking it for granted due to its previous experience (e.g. considering an electron charge as 1.6027663e-19 C, assigning a molecular mass to a gas only by the fact of a name on the bottle).
Example Someone who assigns a name to an object.
Preflabel Declarer
Elucidation An interpreter who establish the connection between an conventional sign and an object according to a specific convention.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Determiner or Namer
Formal description
Subclass Of Interpreter
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Declaration
.. raw:: html
Deducer ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_36a4c1ca_5085_49ca_9e13_4c70d00c50a5
Example Someone who deduces an emotional status of a persona according to facial expression.
Example Someone who deduces the occurring of a physical phenomenon through other phenomena.
Preflabel Deducer
Elucidation An interpreter who establish the connection between an index sign and an object according to a causal contiguity.
Formal description
Subclass Of Interpreter
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Deduction
.. raw:: html
Deduction ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_39a4e2a4_d835_426d_b497_182d06e1caff
Example The interpreter feels that the plate is hot and assigns the status of the kitchen stove to be on.
Preflabel Deduction
Elucidation A semiotic process that assigns a sign by deduction from causal continguity.
Altlabel IndexSemiosis
Formal description
Subclass Of Semiosis
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Index
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Deducer
.. raw:: html
Description ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_35d4c439_fcb6_4399_a855_a89a207b41e9
Example A biography.
Example A sentence about some object, depticting its properties.
Preflabel Description
Elucidation A coded that is not atomic with respect to a code of description.
Comment A description is a collection of properties that depicts an object. It is not atomic since it is made of several properties collected together.
Formal description
Subclass Of CodedByStructure
.. raw:: html
Determination ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_10a5fd39_06aa_4648_9e70_f962a9cb2069
Example Assigning the word "red" as sign for an object provides an information to all other interpreters about the outcome of a specific observation procedure according to the determiner.
Preflabel Determination
Elucidation A 'Semiosis' that involves an 'Observer' that perceives another 'Physical' (the 'Object') through a specific perception mechanism and produces a 'Property' (the 'Sign') that stands for the result of that particular perception according to a well defined conventional procedure.
Altlabel Characterisation
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Estimation or Observation
Formal description
Subclass Of Declaration
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Determiner
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Property
.. raw:: html
Determiner ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1b52ee70_121e_4d8d_8419_3f97cd0bd89c
Preflabel Determiner
Elucidation An 'interpreter' that perceives another 'entity' (the 'object') through a specific perception mechanism and produces a 'property' (the 'sign') that stands for the result of that particular perception.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Estimator or Observer
Formal description
Subclass Of Declarer
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Determination
.. raw:: html
Estimated ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9b87d718_9dcc_4f7d_ad20_12c2aa4c76be
Example The biography of a person that the author have not met.
Preflabel Estimated
Elucidation A coded that is assigned from an estimation.
Formal description
Subclass Of CodedByObservation
.. raw:: html
Estimation ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1c0b22a2_be82_4fa8_9e2b_a569a625d442
Preflabel Estimation
Elucidation A determination of an object without any actual interaction.
Formal description
Subclass Of Determination
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Estimator
.. raw:: html
Estimator ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4a1c73f1_b6f5_4d10_a3a6_5de90bac7cd0
Preflabel Estimator
Elucidation A characteriser that declares a property for an object without actually interact with it with the specific interaction required by the property definition (i.e. infer a property from other properties).
Formal description
Subclass Of Determiner
.. raw:: html
FunctionalIcon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7013b53_3071_410b_a5e4_a8d266dcdfb5
Example A data based model is only a functional icon, since it provide the same relations between the properties of the object (e.g., it can predict some properties as function of others) but is not considering the internal mechanisms (i.e., it can ignore the physics).
Example A guinea pig.
Preflabel FunctionalIcon
Elucidation An icon that imitates one representative character of the object. It share external similarities with the object, but not necessarily the same internal logical structure.
Comment An icon that focusing WHAT the object does.
Comment This subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category (c) the metaphor, which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else.
Formal description
Subclass Of Icon
.. raw:: html
Icon ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d7788d1a_020d_4c78_85a1_13563fcec168
Example A picture that reproduces the aspect of a person.
Example An equation that reproduces the logical connection of the properties of a physical entity.
Preflabel Icon
Elucidation A sign that stands for an object by resembling or imitating it, in shape, function or by sharing a similar logical structure.
Comment If object and sign belongs to the same class, then the sign is fuctional, diagrammatic and resemblance.
For example, when a Boeing 747 is used as a sign for another Boeing 747.
Comment In Peirce semiotics three subtypes of icon are possible:
(a) the image, which depends on a simple quality (e.g. picture)
(b) the diagram, whose internal relations, mainly dyadic or so taken, represent by analogy the relations in something (e.g. math formula, geometric flowchart)
(c) the metaphor, which represents the representative character of a sign by representing a parallelism in something else
Altlabel Model
Altlabel Simulacrum
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: AnalogicalIcon or ResemblanceIcon or FunctionalIcon
Formal description
Subclass Of Sign
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Cognition
.. raw:: html
Index ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0cd58641_824c_4851_907f_f4c3be76630c
Example Smoke stands for a combustion process (a fire).
My facial expression stands for my emotional status.
Preflabel Index
Elucidation A 'Sign' that stands for an 'Object' due to causal continguity.
Altlabel Signal
Formal description
Subclass Of Sign
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Deduction
.. raw:: html
Interpretant ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_054af807_85cd_4a13_8eba_119dfdaaf38b
Preflabel Interpretant
Elucidation The interpreter's internal representation of the object in a semiosis process.
Formal description
Subclass Of Sign
.. raw:: html
Interpreter ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0527413c_b286_4e9c_b2d0_03fb2a038dee
Example For example, the ontologist may be interest in cataloguing in the EMMO how the same object (e.g. a cat) is addressed using different signs (e.g. cat, gatto, chat) by different interpreters (e.g. english, italian or french people).

The same applies for the results of measurements: the ontologist may be interest to represent in the EMMO how different measurement processes (i.e. semiosis) lead to different quantitative results (i.e. signs) according to different measurement devices (i.e. interpreters).
Preflabel Interpreter
Elucidation The entity (or agent, or observer, or cognitive entity) who connects 'Sign', 'Interpretant' and 'Object'.
Comment The interpreter is not the ontologist, being the ontologist acting outside the ontology at the meta-ontology level.

On the contrary, the interpreter is an agent recognized by the ontologist. The semiotic branch of the EMMO is the tool used by the ontologist to represent an interpreter's semiotic activity.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo. Cogniser or Declarer or Deducer
Formal description
Subclass Of SemioticEntity
Subclass Of isProperPartOf some Semiosis
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Interpretant
.. raw:: html
Namer ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_421167c0_1ea5_405f_970f_a41e9cb308f9
Preflabel Namer
Elucidation An interpreter who assigns a name to an object without any motivations related to the object characters.
Formal description
Subclass Of Declarer
.. raw:: html
Naming ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e999f9e0_7d63_4564_9028_07246580a267
Example A unique id attached to an entity.
Preflabel Naming
Elucidation A declaration that provides a sign for an object that is independent from any assignment rule.
Formal description
Subclass Of Declaration
.. raw:: html
Objective ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2a888cdf_ec4a_4ec5_af1c_0343372fc978
Preflabel Objective
Elucidation A coded conventional that is determined by each interpeter following a well defined determination procedure through a specific perception channel.
Comment The word objective does not mean that each observation will provide the same results. It means that the observation followed a well defined procedure.

This class refers to what is commonly known as physical property, i.e. a measurable property of physical system, whether is quantifiable or not.
Formal description
Subclass Of CodedBySubjectivity
.. raw:: html
Observation ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3b19eab4_79be_4b02_bdaf_ecf1f0067a68
Preflabel Observation
Elucidation A characterisation of an object with an actual interaction.
Formal description
Subclass Of Determination
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Observer
.. raw:: html
Observed ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1b6a95fb_3df7_44c9_ad3d_419c9c5fe7cb
Example The biography of a person met by the author.
Preflabel Observed
Elucidation A coded that has been observed by an interpreter.
Formal description
Subclass Of CodedByObservation
.. raw:: html
Observer ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ea67caa5_2609_4e91_98ae_81103f2d5c25
Preflabel Observer
Elucidation A characteriser that declares a property for an object through the specific interaction required by the property definition.
Formal description
Subclass Of Determiner
.. raw:: html
Property ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b7bcff25_ffc3_474e_9ab5_01b1664bd4ba
Example Hardness is a subclass of properties.
Vickers hardness is a subclass of hardness that involves the procedures and instruments defined by the standard hardness test.
Example The name "red" which is atomic in the code made of the list of colors.
Preflabel Property
Elucidation A coded that makes use of an atomic symbol with respect to the code used to refer to the interaction.
Comment A property is atomic in the sense that is aimed to deliver one and one only aspect of the object according to one code, such as the color with one sign (e.g., black) or a quantitiative property (e.g., 1.4 kg).
Formal description
Subclass Of CodedByStructure
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Determination
.. raw:: html
ResemblanceIcon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8c537c06_8e1d_4a3b_a251_1c89bb2c4790
Example A geographical map that imitates the shape of the landscape and its properties at a specific historical time.
Preflabel ResemblanceIcon
Elucidation An icon that mimics the spatial or temporal shape of the object.
Comment An icon that focus on WHERE/WHEN the object is, in the sense of spatial or temporal shape.
Comment The subclass of icon inspired by Peirceian category a) the image, which depends on a simple quality (e.g. picture).
Formal description
Subclass Of Icon
.. raw:: html
Semiosis ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_008fd3b2_4013_451f_8827_52bceab11841
Example Me looking a cat and saying loud: "Cat!" -> the semiosis process

me -> interpreter
cat -> object (in Peirce semiotics)
the cat perceived by my mind -> interpretant
"Cat!" -> sign, the produced sign
Preflabel Semiosis
Elucidation A 'Process', that has participant an 'Interpreter', that is aimed to produce a 'Sign' representing another participant, the 'Object'.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Deduction or Declaration or Cognition
Formal description
Subclass Of Semiotics
Subclass Of hasProperPart some Interpretant
.. raw:: html
SemioticEntity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b803f122_4acb_4064_9d71_c1e5fd091fc9
Preflabel SemioticEntity
Elucidation The class of individuals that stands for semiotic objects, i.e. objects that take part on a semiotic process.
Comment Semiotic subclasse are defined using Peirce's semiotic theory.

"Namely, a sign is something, A, which brings something, B, its interpretant sign determined or created by it, into the same sort of correspondence with something, C, its object, as that in which itself stands to C." (Peirce 1902, NEM 4, 20–21).

The triadic elements:
- 'sign': the sign A (e.g. a name)
- 'interpretant': the sign B as the effects of the sign A on the interpreter (e.g. the mental concept of what a name means)
- 'object': the object C (e.g. the entity to which the sign A and B refer to)

This class includes also the 'interpeter' i.e. the entity that connects the 'sign' to the 'object'
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Interpreter or SemioticObject or Sign
Formal description
Subclass Of Semiotics
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Semiosis
.. raw:: html
SemioticObject ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6f5af708_f825_4feb_a0d1_a8d813d3022b
Preflabel SemioticObject
Elucidation The object, in Peirce semiotics, as participant to a semiotic process.
Comment Here is assumed that the concept of 'object' is always relative to a 'semiotic' process. An 'object' does not exists per se, but it's always part of an interpretation.

The EMMO relies on strong reductionism, i.e. everything real is a formless collection of elementary particles: we give a meaning to real world entities only by giving them boundaries and defining them using 'sign'-s.

In this way the 'sign'-ed entity becomes an 'object', and the 'object' is the basic entity needed in order to apply a logical formalism to the real world entities (i.e. we can speak of it through its sign, and use logics on it through its sign).
Altlabel Object
Formal description
Subclass Of SemioticEntity
.. raw:: html
Semiotics ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8bb6b688_812a_4cb9_b76c_d5a058928719
Preflabel Semiotics
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Semiosis or SemioticEntity
Formal description
Subclass Of Perspective
.. raw:: html
Sign ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b21a56ed_f969_4612_a6ec_cb7766f7f31d
Example A novel is made of chapters, paragraphs, sentences, words and characters (in a direct parthood mereological hierarchy).

Each of them are 'sign'-s.

A character can be the a-tomistic 'sign' for the class of texts.

The horizontal segment in the character "A" is direct part of "A" but it is not a 'sign' itself.

For plain text we can propose the ASCII symbols, for math the fundamental math symbols.
Preflabel Sign
Elucidation An 'Physical' that is used as sign ("semeion" in greek) that stands for another 'Physical' through an semiotic process.
Comment A 'Sign' can have temporal-direct-parts which are 'Sign' themselves.

A 'Sign' usually havs 'sign' spatial direct parts only up to a certain elementary semiotic level, in which the part is only a 'Physical' and no more a 'Sign' (i.e. it stands for nothing). This elementary semiotic level is peculiar to each particular system of signs (e.g. text, painting).

Just like an 'Elementary' in the 'Physical' branch, each 'Sign' branch should have an a-tomistic mereological part.
Comment According to Peirce, 'Sign' includes three subcategories:
- symbols: that stand for an object through convention
- indeces: that stand for an object due to causal continguity
- icons: that stand for an object due to similitudes e.g. in shape or composition
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: Index or Conventional or Icon
Formal description
Subclass Of SemioticEntity
.. raw:: html
Subjective ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_251cfb4f_5c75_4778_91ed_6c8395212fd8
Example The beauty of that girl.
The style of your clothing.
Preflabel Subjective
Elucidation A coded conventional that cannot be univocally determined and depends on an agent (e.g. a human individual, a community) acting as black-box.
Comment The word subjective applies to property intrisically subjective or non-well defined. In general, when an black-box-like procedure is used for the definition of the property.

This happens due to e.g. the complexity of the object, the lack of a underlying model for the representation of the object, the non-well specified meaning of the property symbols.

A 'SubjectiveProperty' cannot be used to univocally compare 'Object'-s.

e.g. you cannot evaluate the beauty of a person on objective basis.
Formal description
Subclass Of CodedBySubjectivity
.. raw:: html
Uncoded ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6e78433a_dbb9_409a_a7c0_4037f79d4ed8
Example A random generated id for a product.
Preflabel Uncoded
Elucidation A conventional that provides no possibility to infer the characteristics of the object to which it refers.
Formal description
Subclass Of Conventional
Subclass Of Inverse(hasProperPart) some Naming
.. _semiotics-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasCognised ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_51e72e5c_ab21_4d0e_ad9f_b168eca89cf4
Preflabel hasCognised
Elucidation A semiotic relation connecting a recognising interpreter to the "cognised" semiotic object in a cognition process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasReferent
.. raw:: html
hasCogniser ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5369d256_5866_4729_adc2_1498ee9a4959
Preflabel hasCogniser
Elucidation A semiotic relation connecting an icon to a interpreter (cogniser) in a cognision process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasInterpreter
.. raw:: html
hasConvention ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eb3518bf_f799_4f9e_8c3e_ce59af11453b
Preflabel hasConvention
Elucidation A semiotic relation that connects a declared semiotic object to a conventional sign in a declaration process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSign
.. raw:: html
hasDeclared ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0d829933_29e3_4e61_b3d3_88e6b9d0d0ce
Preflabel hasDeclared
Elucidation A semiotic relation connecting a declaring interpreter to the "declared" semiotic object in a declaration process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasReferent
.. raw:: html
hasDeclarer ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cc823237_398d_4c9a_b8fa_aa157ee3e3a5
Preflabel hasDeclarer
Elucidation A semiotic relation connecting a conventional sign to the interpreter (declarer) in a declaration process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasInterpreter
.. raw:: html
hasDeduced ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a0a2ded8_54e8_408d_a6b0_7fd1b4d7d16d
Preflabel hasDeduced
Elucidation A semiotic relation connecting a decucing interpreter to the "deduced" semiotic object in a deduction process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasReferent
.. raw:: html
hasDeducer ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_057d0573_6ac0_4c27_9e3f_3c29205fd104
Preflabel hasDeducer
Elucidation A semiotic relation connecting an index sign to the interpreter (deducer) in a deduction process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasInterpreter
.. raw:: html
hasDescription ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c58c799e_cc6c_4310_a3f1_78da70705b2a
Preflabel hasDescription
Elucidation A semiotic relation that connects a declared semiotic object to a description in a declaration process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasConvention
.. raw:: html
hasIcon ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_39c3815d_8cae_4c8f_b2ff_eeba24bec455
Preflabel hasIcon
Elucidation A semiotic relation that connects a recognised semiotic object to an icon in a cognition process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSign
.. raw:: html
hasIndex ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_297999d6_c9e4_4262_9536_bd524d1c6e21
Preflabel hasIndex
Elucidation A semiotic relation that connects a deduced semiotic object to an indexin a deduction process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSign
.. raw:: html
hasInterpretant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7fb7fe7e_bdf9_4eeb_adad_e384dd5285c6
Preflabel hasInterpretant
Elucidation A relation that connects a semiotic object to the interpretant in a semiotic process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasSign
.. raw:: html
hasInterpreter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4832e353_6a2d_4deb_9a5b_96989afaff2d
Preflabel hasInterpreter
Elucidation A relation connecting a sign to the interpreter in a semiotic process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of semiotical
.. raw:: html
hasProperty ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e1097637_70d2_4895_973f_2396f04fa204
Preflabel hasProperty
Elucidation A semiotic relation that connects a semiotic object to a property in a declaration process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasConvention
.. raw:: html
hasReferent ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f2fc1ce9_cc3b_4eb5_a112_3c85d1b1374a
Preflabel hasReferent
Elucidation A relation that connects the interpreter to the semiotic object in a semiotic process.
Altlabel hasSemioticObject
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of semiotical
.. raw:: html
hasSign ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_60577dea_9019_4537_ac41_80b0fb563d41
Preflabel hasSign
Elucidation A relation that connects the semiotic object to the sign in a semiotic process.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of semiotical
.. raw:: html
semiotical ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2337e25c_3c60_43fc_a8f9_b11a3f974291
Preflabel semiotical
Elucidation The generic EMMO semiotical relation.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of EMMORelation
Module: Information =================== .. _information-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Information ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_64c72d00_7582_44ea_a0b5_3a14e50acc36
Preflabel Information
Elucidation Information is encoded data with a meaning (semiotic sign).
Formal description
Equivalent To Data and Sign
Subclass Of Thing
Module: Holistic ================ .. _holistic-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Holistic ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0277f24a_ea7f_4917_81b7_fb0406c8fc62
Example A molecule of a body can have role in the body evolution, without caring if its part of a specific organ and without specifying the time interval in which this role occurred.
Example A product is a role that can be fulfilled by many objects, but always requires a process to which the product participates and from which it is generated.
Preflabel Holistic
Elucidation A perspective characterized by the belief that:
- a whole is more than merely the sum of its parts (wholism)
- the parts of a whole are interconnected in a way that can be explained only by reference to the whole (rolism).
Comment The holistic perspective is not excluding the reductionistic perspective, on the contrary it can be considered its complement.
Altlabel Wholistic
Conceptualisation An holistic perspective considers each part of the whole as equally important, without the need to position the parts within a hierarchy (in time or space). The interest is on the whole, on its parts (how they contribute to the whole, i.e. their roles), and their types, without going further into specifying the spatial hierarchy or the temporal position of each part.
This class allows the picking of parts without necessarily going trough a rigid hierarchy of spatial compositions (e.g. body -> organ -> cell -> molecule) or temporal composition. This is inline with the transitive nature of parthood, as it is usually defined in literature.
Definition The union of classes whole and part.
Formal description
Subclass Of Perspective
.. raw:: html
NonTemporalRole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fcae603e_aa6e_4940_9fa1_9f0909cabf3b
Preflabel NonTemporalRole
Elucidation An holistic spatial part of a whole.
Altlabel HolisticSpatialPart
Formal description
Subclass Of Role
.. raw:: html
Role ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4f226cf3_6d02_4d35_8566_a9e641bc6ff3
Preflabel Role
Elucidation An entity that is categorized according to its relation with a whole through a parthood relation and that contributes to it according to an holistic criterion, where the type of the whole is not the type of the part.
Altlabel HolisticPart
Altlabel Part
Conceptualisation A role entity is categorized according to its relation with the whole, i.e. how it contribute to make a specific whole, and not as standalone entity.
This class is expected to host the definition of world objects as they appear in its relation with the surrounding whole (being a part implies being surrounded by something bigger to which it contributes).
For example. a human being is a stand alone type, but an instance of a human being can also be an instance of the type student (intended as a role) if it plays a part into a school environment (i.e., a student entity can exist only if it is part of a surrounding whole: the school).
The role type requires that also the whole type depends on the existence of parts of a specific type (e.g., there is no school without students).
Formal description
Subclass Of QRole
Subclass Of Inverse(hasHolisticPart) some Whole
.. raw:: html
TemporalRole ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e1f2009_bf12_49d1_99f3_1422e5287d82
Preflabel TemporalRole
Elucidation An holistic temporal part of a whole.
Altlabel HolisticTemporalPart
Formal description
Subclass Of Role
.. raw:: html
Whole ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1efe8b96_e006_4a33_bc9a_421406cbb9f0
Preflabel Whole
Elucidation The superclass of entities which are defined by requiring the existence of some parts (at least one) of specifically given types, where the specified types are different with respect to the type of the whole.
Comment A whole is always defined using a criterion expressed through the classical transitive parthood relation.
This class is expected to host the definition of world objects as they appear in its wholeness, dependently on some of their parts and independently on the surroundings.
Comment A whole is categorized as fundamental (or maximal) or redundant (non-maximal).
Formal description
Subclass Of QWhole
Subclass Of hasHolisticPart some Role
.. _holistic-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
distinctOverlaps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88470630_2a27_4f9e_866a_47ff7789e34b
Preflabel distinctOverlaps
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of SymmetricProperty
Subclass Of IrreflexiveProperty
Subclass Of properOverlaps
.. raw:: html
hasHolisticPart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8e52c42b_e879_4473_9fa1_4b23428b392b
Example An holistic part of water fluid is a water molecule.
Preflabel hasHolisticPart
Elucidation The relation between the whole and a proper part of the whole that scale down to the point which it lose the characteristics of the whole and become something else.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasDistinctPart
.. raw:: html
holisticOverlaps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_53e5b1e1_6026_4ddc_8a4a_3aaaa5fdbdb7
Example A man and the process of building a house.
The man is a whole that possesses an holistic temporal part which is an interval of six monts and represents a working period in his lifetime.
The process of building a house is a whole that possesses an holistic spatial part which is a builder.
The working period of the man and the builder participating the building process are the same individual, belonging both to a man lifetime and to a building holistic views.
In this sense, the man and the building process overcrosses. and the overlapping individual is represented differently in both holistic views.
Preflabel holisticOverlaps
Elucidation A relation between two holistic wholes that properly overlap, sharing one of their holistic parts.
Comment This relation is about two wholes that overlap, and whose intersection is an holistic part of both.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of qualifiedOverlaps
.. raw:: html
qualifiedOverlaps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bcaddc91_a881_4c40_a102_562cbaf61c6c
Preflabel qualifiedOverlaps
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of distinctOverlaps
Module: Symbolic ================ .. _symbolic-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
ArrayData ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e49caad_b29e_4cf1_9be4_80419fd1e45c
Preflabel ArrayData
Comment In the EMMO we use the following JSON based syntax to represent arrays:
- mono-dimensional array [v1,v2,...,vn] (vector)
- bi-dimensional array [[v1,v2,...,vn],[w1,w2,...,2n]] (matrix)
This notation can be extended to multidimensional arrays.
Comment The `hasSpatialTile` relation can be used to navigate between the dimensions of an array.

The `hasScalarData` relation can be used to refer to the basic scalar data of the single array elements.
Comment The structure of an array is expressed mereologically. It consists of a set of equally sized tiles.

The tiles of an n-dimensional array are (n-1) dimensional arrays. The tiles of an (n-1)-dimensional array are (n-2) dimensional arrays, and so forth down to 1-dimensional arrays (vectors), whos tiles are scalar data.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasScalarData some ScalarData
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasSpatialTile some SymbolicData
Conceptualisation An array is a datatype representing an ordered collection of elements (or values) that can be accessed by indexes. Arrays have an analog mathematical counterpart in vectors and matrixes, but are separate concepts. Arrays may be multidimensionals.
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
Subclass Of SpatioTemporalTessellation
.. raw:: html
Base64Binary ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_220218b0_bbe2_489e_a68a_232e3610718e
Preflabel Base64Binary
Elucidation Base-64 encoding of binary data.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:base64Binary
Formal description
Subclass Of BinaryData
.. raw:: html
BinaryData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1daaf7b2_e7bf_4b3a_b7f6_8aa3f3c3d080
Preflabel BinaryData
Elucidation Symbolic data that can be represented as a sequence of zeros and ones.
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
.. raw:: html
BooleanData ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_54dc83cb_06e1_4739_9e45_bc09cead7f48
Preflabel BooleanData
Elucidation A data repesenting a boolean number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:boolean
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
.. raw:: html
ByteData ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3c87fd89_b0f0_477a_86b6_d949c2b982ee
Preflabel ByteData
Elucidation A data representing 8-bit integer number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:byte
Formal description
Subclass Of ShortData
.. raw:: html
DateData ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9e985b2c_d36d_4ab5_ab01_3290b6747757
Preflabel DateData
Elucidation A data representing a date.
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
.. raw:: html
DateTimeData ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e03a375_8af8_46db_88ae_a45fe2d2940f
Preflabel DateTimeData
Elucidation A data that represents instants of time, optionally marked with a particular time zone offset.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:dateTime
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
.. raw:: html
DateTimeStampData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_10bbe9e9_46b6_4b5d_8b51_ed759fc21f21
Preflabel DateTimeStampData
Elucidation A data that represents instants of time, marked with a particular time zone offset.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:dateTimeStamp
Formal description
Subclass Of DateTimeData
.. raw:: html
DecimalData ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d43546df_7fd7_44d5_9d7c_0f2bf56cefe3
Preflabel DecimalData
Elucidation A data representing an arbritrary precision decimal number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:decimal
Formal description
Subclass Of RationalData
.. raw:: html
DoubleData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52fa9c76_fc42_4eca_a5c1_6095a1c9caab
Preflabel DoubleData
Elucidation A symbolic data representing a 64-bit floating point numbers incl. ±Inf, ±0, NaN.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:double
Formal description
Subclass Of FloatingPointData
.. raw:: html
FloatData ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ac9e518d_b403_4d8b_97e2_06f9d40bac01
Preflabel FloatData
Elucidation A symbolic data representing a 32-bit floating point numbers incl. ±Inf, ±0, NaN.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:float
Formal description
Subclass Of FloatingPointData
.. raw:: html
FloatingPointData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_88a34881_b8d0_474b_9a08_40dbd414d834
Preflabel FloatingPointData
Elucidation A symbolic data representing a numerical floating point value.
Formal description
Subclass Of NumericData
.. raw:: html
HexBinaryData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f96db65_51df_4e8d_afd2_9c6b8bd40058
Preflabel HexBinaryData
Elucidation Hexadecimal encoding of binary data, using the alphabeth [0-9a-f].
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:hexBinary
Formal description
Subclass Of BinaryData
.. raw:: html
IntData ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aa972cc9_5d9e_47a2_abc5_00243d6b3917
Preflabel IntData
Elucidation A data representing 32-bit integer number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:int
Formal description
Subclass Of LongData
.. raw:: html
IntegerData ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f8bd64d5_5d3e_4ad4_a46e_c30714fecb7f
Preflabel IntegerData
Elucidation A data representing an arbritrary sized integer number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:integer
Formal description
Subclass Of DecimalData
.. raw:: html
Language ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d8d2144e_5c8d_455d_a643_5caf4d8d9df8
Preflabel Language
Elucidation A language object is a discrete data entity respecting specific language syntactic rules (a well-formed formula).
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbolic
.. raw:: html
Letter ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bed2fe4c_dc7e_43a8_8200_6aac44030bff
Preflabel Letter
Elucidation Symbol representing a letter in an alphabet.
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
LongData ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_51f93d8c_57fa_4314_a68d_8d69c2609c97
Preflabel LongData
Elucidation A data representing 64-bit integer number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:long
Formal description
Subclass Of IntegerData
.. raw:: html
MatrixData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2ff657b6_1c9f_4335_bba2_ea4428422977
Preflabel MatrixData
Elucidation The datatype for bidimensional arrays.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasSpatialTile some VectorData
Formal description
Subclass Of ArrayData
.. raw:: html
NegativeIntegerData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_648c17b7_a012_4060_a096_c76bd407804b
Preflabel NegativeIntegerData
Elucidation A data representing an integer number < 0.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:negativeInteger
Formal description
Subclass Of NonPositiveIntegerData
.. raw:: html
NonNegativeIntegerData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_42eee73b_e4d2_4a0f_b468_3d2ce0475af6
Preflabel NonNegativeIntegerData
Elucidation A data representing an integer number >= 0.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:nonNegativeInteger
Formal description
Subclass Of IntegerData
.. raw:: html
NonPositiveIntegerData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cf0f8f57_8a9e_410c_8fe4_a436673fa3d3
Preflabel NonPositiveIntegerData
Elucidation A data representing an integer number <= 0.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:nonPositiveInteger
Formal description
Subclass Of IntegerData
.. raw:: html
Numeral ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_74b05aed_66bf_43c8_aa2c_752a9ca8be03
Preflabel Numeral
Elucidation Symbol representing a letter in a digit.
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
NumericData ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8b305b63_6fa3_44dd_9679_17eb8403a07a
Preflabel NumericData
Elucidation A symbolic data representing a numerical value.
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
.. raw:: html
PositiveIntegerData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_58f76a09_205c_44f2_b237_88de54e8e001
Preflabel PositiveIntegerData
Elucidation A data representing an integer number > 0.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:positiveInteger
Formal description
Subclass Of NonNegativeIntegerData
.. raw:: html
Punctuation ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a817035a_3e3c_4709_8ede_3205df3031a3
Preflabel Punctuation
Elucidation Symbol representing a punctuation character.
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
RationalData ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_69ebb235_9c5e_443d_9a3b_7042b1005f1f
Preflabel RationalData
Elucidation A symbolic data representing a rational number, that is a number that can be expressed exact by `p/q` where `p` and `q` are integer numbers.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some owl:rational
Formal description
Subclass Of RealData
.. raw:: html
RealData ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_18d180e4_5e3e_42f7_820c_e08951223486
Preflabel RealData
Elucidation A data representing a real number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some owl:real
Formal description
Subclass Of NumericData
.. raw:: html
ScalarData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dd8301d8_affa_4b1d_8db8_7b9d0a1f2ee7
Preflabel ScalarData
Elucidation A symbolic data that is not array data.
Comment Scalar data are primitive symbolic data that are not built up of other types of symbolic data.
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
.. raw:: html
ShortData ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_443198a5_934c_44fa_b89e_28eca13b25b2
Preflabel ShortData
Elucidation A data representing 16-bit integer number.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:short
Formal description
Subclass Of IntData
.. raw:: html
Spacing ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_432192c4_111f_4e80_b7cd_c6ce1c1129ea
Preflabel Spacing
Elucidation Symbol representing a spacing.
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
String ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50ea1ec5_f157_41b0_b46b_a9032f17ca10
Example The word "cat" considered as a collection of 'symbol'-s respecting the rules of english language.

In this example the 'symbolic' entity "cat" is not related to the real cat, but it is only a word (like it would be to an italian person that ignores the meaning of this english word).

If an 'interpreter' skilled in english language is involved in a 'semiotic' process with this word, that "cat" became also a 'sign' i.e. it became for the 'interpreter' a representation for a real cat.
Preflabel String
Elucidation A physical made of more than one symbol sequentially arranged.
Comment A string is made of concatenated symbols whose arrangement is one-dimensional. Each symbol can have only one previous and one next neighborhood (bidirectional list).
Comment A string is not requested to respect any syntactic rule: it's simply directly made of symbols.
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicConstruct
.. raw:: html
StringData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5f334606_f67d_4f0e_acb9_eeb21cb10c66
Preflabel StringData
Elucidation Symbolic data that consist of a sequence of characters.
Comment Since a string is a simple type that can contain only characters but not other child elements, is often not suitable for representing human text, that may need additional elements for control of aspects such as bidirectional formatting or ruby annotation.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:string
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicData
.. raw:: html
Symbol ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a1083d0a_c1fb_471f_8e20_a98f881ad527
Example The class of letter "A" is the symbol as idea and the letter A that you see on the screen is the mark that can be represented by an individual belonging to "A".
Preflabel Symbol
Elucidation The class of individuals that stand for an elementary mark of a specific symbolic code (alphabet).
Comment Subclasses of 'Symbol' are alphabets, in formal languages terminology. A 'Symbol' is atomic for that alphabet, i.e. it has no parts that are symbols for the same alphabet.
e.g. a math symbol is not made of other math symbols
A Symbol may be a String in another language.
e.g. "Bq" is the symbol for Becquerel units when dealing with metrology, or a string of "B" and "q" symbols when dealing with characters.
Comment Symbols of a formal language need not be symbols of anything. For instance there are logical constants which do not refer to any idea, but rather serve as a form of punctuation in the language (e.g. parentheses).

Symbols of a formal language must be capable of being specified without any reference to any interpretation of them.
Comment The class is the idea of the symbol, while the individual of that class stands for a specific mark (or token) of that idea.
Altlabel AlphabeticEntity
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicByStructure
.. raw:: html
Symbolic ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_057e7d57_aff0_49de_911a_8861d85cef40
Example fe780
Preflabel Symbolic
Elucidation A discrete data whose elements can be decoded as tokens from one or more alphabets, without necessarily respecting syntactic rules.
Comment A symbolic entity is not necessarily graphical (e.g. it doesn't necessarily have the physical shape of a letter), but its elements can be decoded and put in relation with an alphabet.
In other words, a sequence of bit "1000010" in a RAM (a non-graphical entity) is a valid symbol since it can be decoded through ASCII rules as the letter "B". The same holds for an entity standing for the sound of a voice saying: "Hello", since it can be decomposed in discrete parts, each of them being associated to a letter of an alphabet.
Comment A symbolic object possesses a reductionistic oriented structure.
For example, text is made of words, spaces and punctuations. Words are made of characters (i.e. atomic symbols).
Comment The structure of an array can be expressed mereologically. An array consists of a set of equally sized tiles. The tiles of an n-dimensional array are (n-1)-dimensional,
the tiles of an (n-1)-dimensional array are (n-2)-dimensional and so forth...
The tiles of a vector (1-dimensional array) are scalar symbolic data (that is symbolic data that are not subclasses of array).

The `hasSpatialTile` relation, can be used to navigate between dimensions.

The `hasPart` relation can be used to refer to the scalar data
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: SymbolicConstruct or Symbol
Formal description
Subclass Of DiscreteData
.. raw:: html
SymbolicConstruct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_89a0c87c_0804_4013_937a_6fe234d9499c
Preflabel SymbolicConstruct
Elucidation A symbolic entity made of other symbolic entities according to a specific spatial configuration.
Comment This class collects individuals that represents arrangements of strings, or other symbolic compositions, without any particular predifined arrangement schema.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasProperPart some Symbolic
Formal description
Subclass Of SymbolicByStructure
.. raw:: html
SymbolicData ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_70bbb94e_2ca7_4d73_ba01_6397f134d172
Preflabel SymbolicData
Elucidation The class for entities which stands for data expressed using a symbolic encoding.
Altlabel LiteralData
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: ArrayData, ScalarData
Conceptualisation A symbolic data is a a data that is rooted on some symbolic based encoding, such as floating point numbers, strings, integer. They are not to be intended as mathematical entities (even if they may be interpreted as such) but as syntactic structures (datastructures or datatypes) based on concatenated tokens (or symbols, letters) that can deliver data.
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbolic
.. raw:: html
UTF8 ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e13b2173_1dec_4b97_9ac1_1dc4b418612a
Preflabel UTF8
Elucidation A unicode character encoded with UTF-8.
Formal description
Subclass Of Symbol
.. raw:: html
UnsignedByteData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e99aec47_9ae6_4a1d_bddd_b87bb456c52a
Preflabel UnsignedByteData
Elucidation A data representing 8-bit non-negative integer number, 0...255.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:unsignedByte
Formal description
Subclass Of ShortData
Subclass Of UnsignedShortData
.. raw:: html
UnsignedIntData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3a53b946_4dfd_4a38_bb5b_aa78d7b0db9c
Preflabel UnsignedIntData
Elucidation A data representing 32-bit non-negative integer number, 0...4294967295.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:unsignedInt
Formal description
Subclass Of LongData
Subclass Of UnsignedLongData
.. raw:: html
UnsignedLongData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f1ee5c02_5cc0_45ba_a09a_2e6319f75fc8
Preflabel UnsignedLongData
Elucidation A data representing 64-bit non-negative integer number, 0...18446744073709551615.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:unsignedLong
Formal description
Subclass Of NonNegativeIntegerData
.. raw:: html
UnsignedShortData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dc6e40f6_5b6c_473b_a715_d36622ada5ad
Preflabel UnsignedShortData
Elucidation A data representing 16-bit non-negative integer number, 0...65535.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms EquivalentTo: hasDataValue some xsd:unsignedShort
Formal description
Subclass Of UnsignedIntData
Subclass Of IntData
.. raw:: html
VectorData ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d95ff9c8_e43f_4701_a761_f2ed601eb61d
Preflabel VectorData
Elucidation The datatype for monodimensional arrays.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms SubClassOf: hasSpatialTile some ScalarData
Formal description
Subclass Of ArrayData
.. _symbolic-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasDataValue ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b6292331_94af_4f00_976b_ea55960c2f1c
Preflabel hasDataValue
Elucidation The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO data entity.
Comment This is the superproperty of all data properties used to serialise a fundamental data type in the EMMO Data perspective. An entity can have only one data value expressing its serialisation (e.g. a Real entity cannot have two different real values).
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of topDataProperty
.. raw:: html
hasScalarData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e5a34647_a955_40bc_8d81_9b784f0ac527
Preflabel hasScalarData
Elucidation Relates an array to the scalar data of its basic elements.
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasPart
.. raw:: html
hasStringValue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_02face50_43a1_40ce_a909_dfe54d5e186b
Preflabel hasStringValue
Comment The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO string data entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of FunctionalProperty
Subclass Of hasDataValue
.. raw:: html
hasSymbolValue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_23b579e1_8088_45b5_9975_064014026c42
Preflabel hasSymbolValue
Comment The owl:dataProperty that provides a serialisation of an EMMO symbol data entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
Subclass Of FunctionalProperty
Subclass Of hasDataValue
Module: Si Units ================ .. _si-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Ampere ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ampere
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00300
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A
Ucumcode A
Unececommoncode AMP
Preflabel Ampere
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampere?oldid=494026699
Definition The ampere, symbol A, is the SI unit of electric current. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the elementary charge e to be 1.602176634×10−19 when expressed in the unit C, which is equal to A s, where the second is defined in terms of ∆νCs.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ampere
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'A'
.. raw:: html
Atto ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9722f13_947c_444e_82ef_1ce045f6637c
Preflabel Atto
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-18.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'a'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-18
.. raw:: html
AttoPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_42955b2d_b465_4666_86cc_ea3c2d685753
Preflabel AttoPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "atto" (1e-18).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Atto
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e-18
.. raw:: html
Becquerel ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Becquerel
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.B00624
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BQ
Ucumcode Bq
Unececommoncode BQL
Preflabel Becquerel
Elucidation SI unit for radioactive activity.
Comment The SI derived unit of activity, usually meaning radioactivity. "Radioactivity" is caused when atoms disintegrate, ejecting energetic particles. One becquerel is the radiation caused by one disintegration per second; this is equivalent to about 27.0270 picocuries (pCi). The unit is named for a French physicist, Antoine-Henri Becquerel (1852-1908), the discoverer of radioactivity. Note: both the becquerel and the hertz are basically defined as one event per second, yet they measure different things. The hertz is used to measure the rates of events that happen periodically in a fixed and definite cycle. The becquerel is used to measure the rates of events that happen sporadically and unpredictably, not in a definite cycle.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Becquerel?oldid=493710036
Definition Radioactive decays per second.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Becquerel
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Bq'
.. raw:: html
Candela ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Candela
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C00787
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CD
Ucumcode cd
Unececommoncode CDL
Preflabel Candela
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candela?oldid=484253082
Definition The candela, symbol cd, is the SI unit of luminous intensity in a given direction. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the luminous efficacy of monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×1012 Hz, Kcd, to be 683 when expressed in the unit lm W−1, which is equal to cd sr W−1, or cd sr kg−1 m−2 s3, where the kilogram, metre and second are defined in terms of h, c and ∆νCs.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Candela
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminousIntensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'cd'
.. raw:: html
Centi ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_03d2c71b_0276_45d7_a847_7cd164cb7d45
Preflabel Centi
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1/100.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'c'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 0.01
.. raw:: html
CentiPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b55cd09a_e54d_4eb1_81dd_03c29d1b878e
Preflabel CentiPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "centi" (0.01).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Centi
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 0.01
.. raw:: html
Coulomb ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Coulomb
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01365
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C
Ucumcode C
Unececommoncode COU
Preflabel Coulomb
Elucidation SI unit for electric charge.
Comment The SI unit of electric charge. One coulomb is the amount of charge accumulated in one second by a current of one ampere. Electricity is actually a flow of charged particles, such as electrons, protons, or ions. The charge on one of these particles is a whole-number multiple of the charge e on a single electron, and one coulomb represents a charge of approximately 6.241 506 x 1018 e. The coulomb is named for a French physicist, Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806), who was the first to measure accurately the forces exerted between electric charges.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coulomb?oldid=491815163
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Coulomb
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'C'
.. raw:: html
Deca ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e07a252a_6913_49d6_9038_37a258b2d95e
Preflabel Deca
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 10.
Altlabel Deka
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'da'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 10.0
.. raw:: html
DecaPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1d8b370b_c672_4d0c_964e_eaafcbf2f51f
Preflabel DecaPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "deca" (10).
Altlabel DekaPrefixedUnit
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Deca
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 10.0
.. raw:: html
Deci ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_890856a3_3eb4_471e_a54a_65031bee30f4
Preflabel Deci
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1/10.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'd'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 0.1
.. raw:: html
DeciPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1181c938_c8f0_4ad6_bc7a_2bfdc0903d29
Preflabel DeciPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "deci" (0.1).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Deci
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 0.1
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsius
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01561
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C
Ucumcode Cel
Unececommoncode CEL
Preflabel DegreeCelsius
Elucidation Measurement unit for Celsius temperature. This unit can only be used for expressing temperature differences.
Comment Celsius, also known as centigrade, is a scale and unit of measurement for temperature. It can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as a unit to indicate a temperature interval, a difference between two temperatures or an uncertainty. This definition fixes the magnitude of both the degree Celsius and the kelvin as precisely 1 part in 273.16 (approximately 0.00366) of the difference between absolute zero and the triple point of water. Thus, it sets the magnitude of one degree Celsius and that of one kelvin as exactly the same. Additionally, it establishes the difference between the two scales' null points as being precisely 273.15 °C.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsius?oldid=494152178
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Celsius
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value '°C'
.. raw:: html
Exa ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3f2d29d9_6d27_43bd_a1bc_85475eae98be
Preflabel Exa
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e18.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'E'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e+18
.. raw:: html
ExaPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5cf9f86c_86f5_40c4_846d_60371f670e0a
Preflabel ExaPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "exa" (1e18).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Exa
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e+18
.. raw:: html
Farad ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Farad
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02320
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD
Ucumcode F
Unececommoncode FAR
Preflabel Farad
Elucidation The SI unit of electric capacitance. Very early in the study of electricity scientists discovered that a pair of conductors separated by an insulator can store a much larger charge than an isolated conductor can store. The better the insulator, the larger the charge that the conductors can hold. This property of a circuit is called capacitance, and it is measured in farads. One farad is defined as the ability to store one coulomb of charge per volt of potential difference between the two conductors. This is a natural definition, but the unit it defines is very large. In practical circuits, capacitance is often measured in microfarads, nanofarads, or sometimes even in picofarads (10⁻¹² farad, or trillionths of a farad). The unit is named for the British physicist Michael Faraday (1791-1867), who was known for his work in electricity and electrochemistry.

Comment Measurement unit for electric capacitance.
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farad?oldid=493070876
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Farad
Formal description
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'F'
.. raw:: html
Femto ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7fd8ec39_1c4b_4ff3_9bc8_0bf3c27e2db0
Preflabel Femto
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-15.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'f'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-15
.. raw:: html
FemtoPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_23bfe79a_cade_48f1_9a8c_fd96e6bac8ba
Preflabel FemtoPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "femto" (1e-15).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Femto
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e-15
.. raw:: html
Giga ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_117d3e39_de3e_46f5_9744_b4a28d9fc83e
Preflabel Giga
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e9.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'G'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1000000000.0
.. raw:: html
GigaPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a8eb4bbb_1bd3_4ad4_b114_2789bcbd2134
Preflabel GigaPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "giga" (1e9).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Giga
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1000000000.0
.. raw:: html
Gray ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gray
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.G02696
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAY
Ucumcode Gy
Unececommoncode A95
Preflabel Gray
Elucidation SI unit for absorbed dose.
Comment The SI unit of radiation dose. Radiation carries energy, and when it is absorbed by matter the matter receives this energy. The dose is the amount of energy deposited per unit of mass. One gray is defined to be the dose of one joule of energy absorbed per kilogram of matter, or 100 rad. The unit is named for the British physician L. Harold Gray (1905-1965), an authority on the use of radiation in the treatment of cancer.

Wikipediareference //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey?oldid=494774160
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Grey
Formal description
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Gy'
.. raw:: html
Hecto ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4bc07644_8301_4aed_b21c_823f99b08d1a
Preflabel Hecto
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 100.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'h'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 100.0
.. raw:: html
HectoPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_21aaefc1_3f86_4208_b7db_a755f31f0f8c
Preflabel HectoPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "hecto" (100).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Hecto
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 100.0
.. raw:: html
Henry ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Henry
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02782
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H
Ucumcode H
Unececommoncode 81
Preflabel Henry
Elucidation SI unit for electrical inductance.
Comment H = Wb/A = V·s/A = Ω·s
Comment The SI unit of electric inductance. A changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a loop of wire (or in a coil of many loops) located in the field. Although the induced voltage depends only on the rate at which the magnetic flux changes, measured in webers per second, the amount of the current depends also on the physical properties of the coil. A coil with an inductance of one henry requires a flux of one weber for each ampere of induced current. If, on the other hand, it is the current which changes, then the induced field will generate a potential difference within the coil: if the inductance is one henry a current change of one ampere per second generates a potential difference of one volt. The henry is a large unit; inductances in practical circuits are measured in millihenrys (mH) or microhenrys (μH). The unit is named for the American physicist Joseph Henry (1797-1878), one of several scientists who discovered independently how magnetic fields can be used to generate alternating currents.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry?oldid=491435978
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Henry
Formal description
Subclass Of InductanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'H'
.. raw:: html
Hertz ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hertz
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02785
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HZ
Ucumcode Hz
Unececommoncode HTZ
Preflabel Hertz
Elucidation SI unit for frequence.
Comment The hertz (symbol Hz) is the SI unit of frequency defined as the number of cycles per second of a periodic phenomenon. One of its most common uses is the description of the sine wave, particularly those used in radio and audio applications, such as the frequency of musical tones. The word "hertz" is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who was the first to conclusively prove the existence of electromagnetic waves.

Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hertz
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Hz'
.. raw:: html
Joule ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Joule
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.J03363
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J
Ucumcode J
Unececommoncode JOU
Preflabel Joule
Elucidation SI unit for energy.
Comment The SI unit of work or energy, defined to be the work done by a force of one newton acting to move an object through a distance of one meter in the direction in which the force is applied. Equivalently, since kinetic energy is one half the mass times the square of the velocity, one joule is the kinetic energy of a mass of two kilograms moving at a velocity of 1 m/s.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule?oldid=494340406
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Joule
Formal description
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'J'
.. raw:: html
Katal ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Katal
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.K03372
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KAT
Ucumcode kat
Unececommoncode KAT
Preflabel Katal
Elucidation SI unit for catalytic activity.
Comment A unit of catalytic activity used especially in the chemistry of enzymes. A catalyst is a substance that starts or speeds a chemical reaction. Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts within the bodies of living plants and animals. A catalyst has an activity of one katal if it enables a reaction to proceed at the rate of one mole per second.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katal?oldid=486431865
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Katal
Formal description
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'kat'
.. raw:: html
Kelvin ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Kelvin
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.K03374
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K
Ucumcode K
Unececommoncode KEL
Preflabel Kelvin
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelvin?oldid=495075694
Definition The kelvin, symbol K, is the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann constant k to be 1.380649×10−23 when expressed in the unit J K−1, which is equal to kg m2 s−2 K−1, where the kilogram, metre and second are defined in terms of h, c and ∆νCs.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Kelvin
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'K'
.. raw:: html
Kilo ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_68a031ba_abf5_4859_b84c_32977f029908
Preflabel Kilo
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1000.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'k'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1000.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_74931b1b_c133_4e59_9a75_1bf0e1626201
Preflabel KiloPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "kilo" (1000).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Kilo
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1000.0
.. raw:: html
Kilogram ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Kilogram
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.K03391
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM
Ucumcode kg
Unececommoncode KGM
Preflabel Kilogram
Altlabel Kilogram
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram?oldid=493633626
Definition The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.62607015×10−34 when expressed in the unit J s, which is equal to kg m2 s−1, where the metre and the second are defined in terms of c and ∆νCs.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Kilogram
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'kg'
.. raw:: html
Lumen ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lumen
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03639
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LM
Ucumcode lm
Unececommoncode LUM
Preflabel Lumen
Elucidation SI unit for luminous flux.
Comment The SI unit for measuring the flux of light being produced by a light source or received by a surface. The intensity of a light source is measured in candelas. One lumen represents the total flux of light emitted, equal to the intensity in candelas multiplied by the solid angle in steradians into which the light is emitted. A full sphere has a solid angle of 4·π steradians. A light source that uniformly radiates one candela in all directions has a total luminous flux of 1 cd·4π sr = 4π cd·sr ≈ 12.57 lumens. "Lumen" is a Latin word for light.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumen_(unit)
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Lumen
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminousIntensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'lm'
.. raw:: html
Lux ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lux
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03651
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LUX
Ucumcode lx
Unececommoncode LUX
Preflabel Lux
Elucidation SI unit for illuminance.
Comment The SI unit for measuring the illumination (illuminance) of a surface. One lux is defined as an illumination of one lumen per square meter or 0.0001 phot. In considering the various light units, it's useful to think about light originating at a point and shining upon a surface. The intensity of the light source is measured in candelas; the total light flux in transit is measured in lumens (1 lumen = 1 candelau·steradian); and the amount of light received per unit of surface area is measured in lux (1 lux = 1 lumen/square meter). One lux is equal to approximately 0.09290 foot candle.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lux?oldid=494700274
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Lux
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'lx'
.. raw:: html
Mega ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_85ee9154_5a3e_482e_aa37_c617ff1947ff
Preflabel Mega
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e6.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'M'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1000000.0
.. raw:: html
MegaPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5eaecadc_4f0d_4a3a_afc7_1fc0b83cc928
Preflabel MegaPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "mega" (1e6).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Mega
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1000000.0
.. raw:: html
Metre ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Metre
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03884
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M
Ucumcode m
Unececommoncode MTR
Preflabel Metre
Altlabel Meter
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metre?oldid=495145797
Definition The metre, symbol m, is the SI unit of length. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in vacuum c to be 299792458 when expressed in the unit m s−1, where the second is defined in terms of ∆νCs.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Metre
Formal description
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'm'
.. raw:: html
MetricMultipleUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2024fca1_b015_45ee_9490_e9e7d36bf704
Preflabel MetricMultipleUnit
Elucidation Measurement unit obtained by multiplying a given measurement unit by an integer SI prefix greater than one.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
MetricPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d41ce84b_4317_41fb_a5d1_6cd281fca106
Preflabel MetricPrefixedUnit
Elucidation A special unit with a metric prefix.
Comment The presence of the prefix makes this units non-coherent with SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
MetricSubMultipleUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9d28f9ad_d9d3_4edb_bc00_5d9bd242244d
Preflabel MetricSubMultipleUnit
Elucidation Measurement unit obtained by dividing a given measurement unit by an integer SI prefix greater than one.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Micro ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6da1b965_768c_4cf0_8873_44f2035133ba
Preflabel Micro
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-6.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'μ'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-06
.. raw:: html
MicroPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9ff3bf8e_2168_406e_8251_1d158fc948ae
Preflabel MicroPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "micro" (1e-6).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Micro
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e-06
.. raw:: html
Milli ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_49adf406_5c8f_498a_8c90_e4974e9e6d11
Preflabel Milli
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1/1000.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'm'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 0.001
.. raw:: html
MilliPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a3a701ed_6f7d_4a10_9aee_dfa1961fc7b7
Preflabel MilliPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "milli" (1e-3).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Milli
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 0.001
.. raw:: html
Mole ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Mole
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03980
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL
Ucumcode mol
Unececommoncode C34
Preflabel Mole
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_(unit)
Definition The mole, symbol mol, is the SI unit of amount of substance. One mole contains exactly 6.022 140 76 × 1023 elementary entities. This number is the fixed numerical value of the Avogadro constant, NA, when expressed in the unit mol−1 and is called the Avogadro number. The amount of substance, symbol n, of a system is a measure of the number of specified elementary entities. An elementary entity may be an atom, a molecule, an ion, an electron, any other particle or specified group of particles.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Mole_%28unit%29
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'mol'
.. raw:: html
Nano ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_afb29c1a_eba4_4ba7_b6a1_62e9023c94ec
Preflabel Nano
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-9.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'n'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-09
.. raw:: html
NanoPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e1981c25_7c55_4020_aa7a_d2e14ced86d4
Preflabel NanoPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "nano" (1e-9).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Nano
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e-09
.. raw:: html
Newton ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Newton
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04135
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N
Ucumcode N
Unececommoncode NEW
Preflabel Newton
Elucidation SI unit for force.
Comment The "Newton" is the SI unit of force. A force of one newton will accelerate a mass of one kilogram at the rate of one meter per second per second. The newton is named for Isaac Newton (1642-1727), the British mathematician, physicist, and natural philosopher. He was the first person to understand clearly the relationship between force (F), mass (m), and acceleration (a) expressed by the formula F = m·a.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton?oldid=488427661
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Newton
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'N'
.. raw:: html
NonSIUnit ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_15344998_4490_4b40_b242_c3d92e5cdc27
Preflabel NonSIUnit
Elucidation Measurement units that are not SI units.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Ohm ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ohm
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.O04280
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OHM
Ucumcode Ohm
Unececommoncode OHM
Preflabel Ohm
Elucidation The SI derived unit of electrical resistance, named after German physicist Georg Simon Ohm.
Comment Ω = V/A = H/s
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohm?oldid=494685555
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ohm
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ω'
.. raw:: html
Pascal ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pascal
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04442
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA
Ucumcode Pa
Unececommoncode PAL
Preflabel Pascal
Elucidation SI unit for pressure.
Comment The SI unit of pressure. The pascal is the standard pressure unit in the MKS metric system, equal to one newton per square meter or one "kilogram per meter per second per second." The unit is named for Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French philosopher and mathematician, who was the first person to use a barometer to measure differences in altitude.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal?oldid=492989202
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Pascal
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pa'
.. raw:: html
Peta ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d7c74480_a568_4470_acff_f18b499cc850
Preflabel Peta
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e15.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'P'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1000000000000000.0
.. raw:: html
PetaPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43a6b269_da31_4bb6_a537_c97df4fff32a
Preflabel PetaPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "peta" (1e15).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Peta
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1000000000000000.0
.. raw:: html
Pico ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2b243e59_3a2a_412e_9a58_81d1e5c92fbe
Preflabel Pico
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-12.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'p'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-12
.. raw:: html
PicoPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_068c4e58_2470_4b1c_8454_010dd4906100
Preflabel PicoPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "pico" (1e-12).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Pico
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e-12
.. raw:: html
Quecto ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_556e27cd_fef1_41c9_824a_dd78980062b5
Preflabel Quecto
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-30.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'q'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-30
.. raw:: html
Quetta ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_dabcbe7d_db82_4445_889b_ae4d76964ea0
Preflabel Quetta
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e30.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Q'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e+30
.. raw:: html
Radian ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Radian
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.R05036
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD
Ucumcode rad
Unececommoncode C81
Preflabel Radian
Elucidation Measure of plane angle.
Comment Dimensionless measurement unit for plane angle.
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian?oldid=492309312
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Radian
Formal description
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'rad'
.. raw:: html
Ronna ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_aef1144d_41bd_4189_be5c_d849204b3708
Preflabel Ronna
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e27.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'R'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e+27
.. raw:: html
Ronto ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fbc2549b_9108_467a_a573_de48eb45cc4a
Preflabel Ronto
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-27.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'r'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-27
.. raw:: html
SIBaseUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3a185e6c_9e19_4776_b583_19c978156aa0
Preflabel SIBaseUnit
Elucidation The base units in the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of BaseUnit
.. raw:: html
SICoherentDerivedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1273eb34_de48_43a9_925f_104110469dd2
Example m/s
Preflabel SICoherentDerivedUnit
Elucidation A SI derived unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of SI base units is one.
Comment This class collects all units that are products or powers of SI base or SI special units only.
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
.. raw:: html
SICoherentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_707c6032_e272_4a20_98b5_d35c4f67be68
Preflabel SICoherentUnit
Elucidation A unit that can be expressed as a product of powers of SI base units with no pre-factor or offset.
Comment Derived units are defined as products of powers of the base units. When the numerical factor of this product is one, the derived units are called coherent derived units. The base and coherent derived units of the SI form a coherent set, designated the set of coherent SI units.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
SIDerivedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_59e710f4_d9ea_4167_9a3f_f90628a307df
Preflabel SIDerivedUnit
Elucidation A derived unit that belongs to the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
.. raw:: html
SIMetricPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1e85f9fa_ded6_4856_81be_ccca3c474314
Preflabel SIMetricPrefixedUnit
Comment A SI base unit or SI derived unit with a metric prefix.
Formal description
Subclass Of MetricPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
SIMultiplePrefix ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2374896c_4ef8_4b3d_8c0c_0d29ba66bcfb
Preflabel SIMultiplePrefix
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is a positive integer larger than 1.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
SINonCoherentDerivedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_60b78cc3_6011_4134_95ab_956f56d4bdc1
Example cm/s
Preflabel SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Elucidation A derived unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of base units is NOT equal to one.
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
.. raw:: html
SINonCoherentUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8246541a_f1f6_4d03_8bd7_fc6b76d17375
Preflabel SINonCoherentUnit
Elucidation An SI unit whos numerical factor in front of the product of base SI units is NOT equal to one.
Comment A non-SI coherent can be expressed in terms of its corresponding SI coherent unit, as

nonsi_coherent_unit = si_coherent_unit * multiplier + offset

where `multiplier` and `offset` are specified via the 'hasConversionMultiplier' and 'hasConversionOffset' data properties, respectively.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
SIPrefix ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_23eabdb5_6de6_4615_b6b1_a07b3ad32fd9
Preflabel SIPrefix
Elucidation Metric prefix defined in the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of MetricPrefix
.. raw:: html
SISpecialUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9ffc696_5228_4ff9_8a60_0f5e05e9931b
Preflabel SISpecialUnit
Elucidation The 22 derived units that are given a special name in the SI system that stands for units derived by SI base units.
Comment These units are SI coherent by definition.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Units#Derived_units
Formal description
Subclass Of SpecialUnit
.. raw:: html
SISubMultiplePrefix ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_48fc9480_78c3_4c81_a126_019df20d58d9
Preflabel SISubMultiplePrefix
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1/N where N is a positive integer larger than 1.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
SIUnit ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_feb03a8a_bbb6_4918_a891_46713ef557f4
Preflabel SIUnit
Elucidation The set of units provided by the SI referring to the ISQ.
Comment The complete set of SI units includes both the coherent set and the multiples and sub-multiples formed by using the SI prefixes.
Comment The names, symbols and prefixes of SI units are defined by the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM).

Formal description
Subclass Of SystemUnit
.. raw:: html
SIUnitSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_32129fb5_df25_48fd_a29c_18a2f22a2dd5
Preflabel SIUnitSymbol
Elucidation A unit symbol that belongs to the SI system. Is either a SI base unit or a SI special unit.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Second ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Second
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05513
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SEC
Ucumcode s
Unececommoncode SEC
Preflabel Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second?oldid=495241006
Definition The second, symbol s, is the SI unit of time. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency ∆νCs, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium 133 atom, to be 9192631770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s−1.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Second
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 's'
.. raw:: html
Siemens ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Siemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/S
Ucumcode S
Unececommoncode SIE
Preflabel Siemens
Elucidation SI unit for electrical conductance.
Comment Siemens is the SI unit of electric conductance, susceptance, and admittance. The most important property of a conductor is the amount of current it will carry when a voltage is applied. Current flow is opposed by resistance in all circuits, and by also by reactance and impedance in alternating current circuits. Conductance, susceptance, and admittance are the inverses of resistance, reactance, and impedance, respectively. To measure these properties, the siemens is the reciprocal of the ohm. In other words, the conductance, susceptance, or admittance, in siemens, is simply 1 divided by the resistance, reactance or impedance, respectively, in ohms. The unit is named for the German electrical engineer Werner von Siemens (1816-1892).

Comment S = A/V = F/s
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siemens_(unit)
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricConductanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'S'
.. raw:: html
Sievert ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Sievert
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05658
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SV
Ucumcode Sv
Unececommoncode D13
Preflabel Sievert
Elucidation SI unit for equivalent doseof ionizing radiation. Sievert is derived from absorbed dose, but takes into account the biological effectiveness of the radiation, which is dependent on the radiation type and energy.
Comment Although the sievert has the same dimensions as the gray (i.e. joules per kilogram), it measures a different quantity. To avoid any risk of confusion between the absorbed dose and the equivalent dose, the corresponding special units, namely the gray instead of the joule per kilogram for absorbed dose and the sievert instead of the joule per kilogram for the dose equivalent, should be used.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sievert?oldid=495474333
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivalent_dose
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sievert
Formal description
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Sv'
.. raw:: html
Steradian ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Steradian
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05971
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SR
Ucumcode sr
Unececommoncode D27
Preflabel Steradian
Elucidation Dimensionless measurement unit for solid angle.
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steradian?oldid=494317847
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Steradian
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'sr'
.. raw:: html
Tera ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_33fe9747_d66f_4f88_b2c1_951279dbca59
Preflabel Tera
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e12.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'T'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1000000000000.0
.. raw:: html
TeraPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3a204900_2b33_47d1_b444_815cc4c8cffa
Preflabel TeraPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "tera" (1e12).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Tera
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1000000000000.0
.. raw:: html
Tesla ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Tesla
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06283
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/T
Ucumcode T
Unececommoncode D33
Preflabel Tesla
Elucidation SI unit for magnetic flux density or induction.
Comment The SI unit of flux density (or field intensity) for magnetic fields (also called the magnetic induction). The intensity of a magnetic field can be measured by placing a current-carrying conductor in the field. The magnetic field exerts a force on the conductor, a force which depends on the amount of the current and on the length of the conductor. One tesla is defined as the field intensity generating one newton of force per ampere of current per meter of conductor. Equivalently, one tesla represents a magnetic flux density of one weber per square meter of area. A field of one tesla is quite strong: the strongest fields available in laboratories are about 20 teslas, and the Earth's magnetic flux density, at its surface, is about 50 microteslas. The tesla, defined in 1958, honors the Serbian-American electrical engineer Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), whose work in electromagnetic induction led to the first practical generators and motors using alternating current.

Comment T = V·s·m⁻² = N/(A·m) = Wb/m
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_(unit)
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tesla
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'T'
.. raw:: html
Volt ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Volt
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.V06634
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V
Ucumcode V
Unececommoncode VLT
Preflabel Volt
Elucidation SI unit for electric potential difference.
Comment The volt is the unit of electric potential difference—electric potential difference is also known as voltage. The size of 1 volt is officially defined as the potential difference between two points of a wire carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated in the wire is 1 watt.
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volt?oldid=494812083
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Volt
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'V'
.. raw:: html
Watt ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Watt
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06656
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W
Ucumcode W
Unececommoncode WTT
Preflabel Watt
Elucidation SI unit for power.
Comment The SI unit of power. Power is the rate at which work is done, or (equivalently) the rate at which energy is expended. One watt is equal to a power rate of one joule of work per second of time. This unit is used both in mechanics and in electricity, so it links the mechanical and electrical units to one another. In mechanical terms, one watt equals about 0.001 341 02 horsepower (hp) or 0.737 562 foot-pound per second (lbf/s). In electrical terms, one watt is the power produced by a current of one ampere flowing through an electric potential of one volt. The name of the unit honors James Watt (1736-1819), the British engineer whose improvements to the steam engine are often credited with igniting the Industrial Revolution.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watt?oldid=494906356
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Watt
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'W'
.. raw:: html
Weber ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Weber
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.W06666
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/WB
Ucumcode Wb
Unececommoncode WEB
Preflabel Weber
Elucidation SI unit for magnetic flux.
Comment The SI unit of magnetic flux. "Flux" is the rate (per unit of time) at which something crosses a surface perpendicular to the flow. The weber is a large unit, equal to 10⁸ maxwells, and practical fluxes are usually fractions of one weber. The weber is the magnetic flux which, linking a circuit of one turn, would produce in it an electromotive force of 1 volt if it were reduced to zero at a uniform rate in 1 second. In SI base units, the dimensions of the weber are (kg·m²)/(s²·A). The weber is commonly expressed in terms of other derived units as the Tesla-square meter (T·m²), volt-seconds (V·s), or joules per ampere (J/A).
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber_(unit)
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Weber
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Wb'
.. raw:: html
Yocto ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7abfbbc4_ce7b_4611_b731_1b5b8bd2bbc0
Preflabel Yocto
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-24.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'y'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-24
.. raw:: html
YoctoPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f5769206_9257_4b08_bf7b_dad7868c6afc
Preflabel YoctoPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "yocto" (1e-24).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Yocto
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e-24
.. raw:: html
Yotta ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cb3f4298_5895_4272_be63_42dd246cc10c
Preflabel Yotta
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e24.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Y'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e+24
.. raw:: html
YottaPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e79c62ff_10ad_4ec0_baba_c19ddd4eaa11
Preflabel YottaPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "yotta" (1e24).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Yotta
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e+24
.. raw:: html
Zepto ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4db5c662_b065_49e4_96eb_826699fa8048
Preflabel Zepto
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e-21.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'z'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-21
.. raw:: html
ZeptoPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_254472c6_3dbd_4f02_bc43_571389cd281f
Preflabel ZeptoPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "zepto" (1e-21).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Zepto
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e-21
.. raw:: html
Zetta ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fbf7da6f_04bb_4c8e_abbf_e4048d6a5e73
Preflabel Zetta
Elucidation SI prefix who's value is 1e21.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Z'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1e-21
.. raw:: html
ZettaPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_daa9ee97_4c5f_42e5_918c_44d7523e8958
Preflabel ZettaPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Superclass for all units prefixed with "zetta" (1e21).
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasMetricPrefix some Zetta
Subclass Of hasPrefixMultiplier value 1e+21
.. _si-units-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasPrefixMultiplier ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_95908a5b_2e5e_4a52_9c5d_db25efe76e0f
Preflabel hasPrefixMultiplier
Elucidation Relates a SI prefixed unit to the multiplication factor corresponding to the prefix.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
.. raw:: html
hasPrefixSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d85162ec_6d62_4cdb_a5b9_f092285e5b7f
Preflabel hasPrefixSymbol
Elucidation Relates a SI prefixed unit to the prefix symbol.
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
.. raw:: html
hasSIConversionMultiplier ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8189b42e_0995_423a_a26c_51168b27c3cf
Preflabel hasSIConversionMultiplier
Elucidation Number to multiply a SI coherent unit with when converting to a given non-SI coherent unit.
Comment Conversion formula:

nonsi_coherent_unit = si_coherent_unit * multiplier + offset
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
.. raw:: html
hasSIConversionOffset ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d088a3cb_d3e3_4eb2_9897_00aef0cb00cd
Preflabel hasSIConversionOffset
Elucidation Number to add to a SI coherent unit when converting to a given non-SI coherent unit.
Comment Conversion formula:

nonsi_coherent_unit = si_coherent_unit * multiplier + offset
Formal description
Subclass Of DatatypeProperty
.. raw:: html
unitSymbol ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7f1dec83_d85e_4e1b_b7bd_c9442d4f5a64
Preflabel unitSymbol
Elucidation The standard symbol for a unit.
Comment A unit symbol may be a symbolic construct (e.g. km) or a symbol (e.g. m).
Formal description
Subclass Of AnnotationProperty
Subclass Of comment
Module: Si Accepted Units ========================= .. _si-accepted-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AmpereHour ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-HR
Ucumcode A.h
Preflabel AmpereHour
Elucidation `Ampere hour` is a practical unit of electric charge equal to the charge flowing in one hour through a conductor passing one ampere. An ampere-hour or amp-hour (symbol Ah, AHr, A · h, A h) is a unit of electric charge, with sub-units milliampere-hour (mAh) and milliampere second (mAs). One ampere-hour is equal to 3600 coulombs (ampere-seconds), the electric charge transferred by a steady current of one ampere for one hour. The ampere-hour is frequently used in measurements of electrochemical systems such as electroplating and electrical batteries. The commonly seen milliampere-hour (mAh or mA · h) is one-thousandth of an ampere-hour (3.6 coulombs).

Altlabel Ampere Hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampere-hour
Unitsymbol A⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmpereHourPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereHourPerKilogram
Preflabel AmpereHourPerKilogram
Elucidation unit of electric charge relative to mass
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmpereHourPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereHourPerLitre
Preflabel AmpereHourPerLitre
Elucidation a unit of electric charge per volume
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BecquerelPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BecquerelPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BQ-PER-L
Ucumcode Bq.L-1
Preflabel BecquerelPerLitre
Elucidation One radioactive disintegration per second from a one part in 10**3 of the SI unit of volume (cubic metre).

Altlabel Becquerels per litre
Unitsymbol Bq/L
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiLitre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiL
Ucumcode cL
Preflabel CentiLitre
Elucidation 0,01-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol cL
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM-PER-HR
Ucumcode cm.h-1
Ucumcode cm/h
Preflabel CentiMetrePerHour
Elucidation 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Centimetre Per Hour
Unitsymbol cm/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-DAY
Ucumcode cm3.d-1
Ucumcode cm3/d
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerDay
Elucidation 0,000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit day

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Day
Unitsymbol cm³/day
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-HR
Ucumcode cm3.h-1
Ucumcode cm3/h
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerHour
Elucidation 0,000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Hour
Unitsymbol cm³/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCentiMetrePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCentiMetrePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM3-PER-MIN
Ucumcode cm3.min-1
Ucumcode cm3/min
Preflabel CubicCentiMetrePerMinute
Elucidation 0,000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Cubic Centimetre Per Minute
Unitsymbol cm³/min
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDeciMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDeciMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3-PER-DAY
Ucumcode dm3.d-1
Ucumcode dm3/d
Preflabel CubicDeciMetrePerDay
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Cubic Decimetre Per Day
Unitsymbol dm³/day
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDeciMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDeciMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3-PER-HR
Ucumcode dm3.h-1
Ucumcode dm3/h
Preflabel CubicDeciMetrePerHour
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Cubic Decimetre Per Hour
Unitsymbol dm³/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicDeciMetrePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicDeciMetrePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciM3-PER-MIN
Ucumcode dm3.min-3
Ucumcode dm3/min3
Preflabel CubicDeciMetrePerMinute
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Cubic Decimetre Per Minute
Unitsymbol dm³/min
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-DAY
Ucumcode m3.d-1
Preflabel CubicMetrePerDay
Elucidation power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit day

Altlabel Cubic Metre Per Day
Unitsymbol m³/day
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerHectare ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerHectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-HA
Ucumcode m3.har-1
Preflabel CubicMetrePerHectare
Elucidation Cubic metre per hectare.
Unitsymbol m^3/ha
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-HR
Ucumcode m3.h-1
Ucumcode m3/h
Preflabel CubicMetrePerHour
Elucidation Cubic Meter Per Hour (m3/h) is a unit in the category of Volume flow rate. It is also known as cubic meters per hour, cubic metre per hour, cubic metres per hour, cubic meter/hour, cubic metre/hour, cubic meter/hr, cubic metre/hr, flowrate. Cubic Meter Per Hour (m3/h) has a dimension of L3T-1 where L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit m3/s by multiplying its value by a factor of 0.00027777777.

Altlabel Cubic Metre per Hour
Unitsymbol m³/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-MIN
Ucumcode m3.min-1
Preflabel CubicMetrePerMinute
Elucidation power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Cubic Metre Per Minute
Unitsymbol m³/min
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01666667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMicroMetrePerMilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMicroMetrePerMilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM3-PER-MilliL
Ucumcode um3.mL-1
Preflabel CubicMicroMetrePerMilliLitre
Elucidation Cubic micrometre per millilitre.
Unitsymbol µm³/mL
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DecaLitre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DecaLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DecaL
Ucumcode daL
Preflabel DecaLitre
Elucidation 10-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol daL
Formal description
Subclass Of DecaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciLitre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciL
Ucumcode dL
Preflabel DeciLitre
Elucidation 0.1-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol dL
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciLitrePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciLitrePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciL-PER-GM
Ucumcode dL.g-1
Ucumcode dL/g
Preflabel DeciLitrePerGram
Elucidation 0.1-fold of the unit of the volume litre divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Decilitre Per Gram
Unitsymbol dL/g
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerMassUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciTonne ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciTonne
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciTONNE
Preflabel DeciTonne
Altlabel DeciTonne
Unitsymbol dt
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Tonne
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-PER-HR
Ucumcode Cel.h-1
Ucumcode Cel/h
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusPerHour
Elucidation `Degree Celsius per Hour` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as degC / hr.

Altlabel Degree Celsius per Hour
Unitsymbol °C/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-PER-MIN
Ucumcode Cel.min-1
Ucumcode Cel/min
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusPerMinute
Elucidation `Degree Celsius per Minute` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as degC / m.

Altlabel Degree Celsius per Minute
Unitsymbol °C/min
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG-PER-HR
Ucumcode deg.h-1
Ucumcode deg/h
Preflabel DegreePerHour
Elucidation "Degree per Hour" is an Imperial unit for 'Angular Velocity' expressed as deg/h.

Altlabel Degree per Hour
Unitsymbol °/h
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.848137e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreePerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreePerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG-PER-M
Ucumcode deg.m-1
Preflabel DegreePerMetre
Elucidation A change of angle in one SI unit of length.

Altlabel Degrees per metre
Unitsymbol °/m
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01745329
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG-PER-MIN
Ucumcode deg.min-1
Ucumcode deg/min
Preflabel DegreePerMinute
Elucidation A unit of measure for the rate of change of plane angle, dω / dt, in durations of one minute.The vector ω is directed along the axis of rotation in the direction for which the rotation is clockwise.

Altlabel Degree per Minute
Unitsymbol °/min
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002908882
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG-PER-SEC
Ucumcode deg.s-1
Ucumcode deg/s
Preflabel DegreePerSecond
Elucidation "Degree per Second" is an Imperial unit for 'Angular Velocity' expressed as deg/s.

Altlabel Degree per Second
Unitsymbol °/s
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01745329
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode deg.s-2
Ucumcode deg/s2
Preflabel DegreePerSquareSecond
Elucidation `Degree per Square Second` is an Imperial unit for `Angular Acceleration` expressed as deg/s².

Altlabel Degree per Square Second
Unitsymbol °/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of AngularFrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01745329
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ElectronVoltPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ElectronVoltPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV-PER-K
Ucumcode eV.K-1
Ucumcode eV/K
Preflabel ElectronVoltPerKelvin
Elucidation `Electron Volt per Kelvin` is a unit for 'Heat Capacity' expressed as eV/K.

Altlabel Electron Volt per Kelvin
Unitsymbol ev/K
Formal description
Subclass Of EntropyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-19
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ElectronVoltPerTesla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ElectronVoltPerTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV-PER-T
Ucumcode eV.T-1
Ucumcode eV/T
Preflabel ElectronVoltPerTesla
Elucidation "Electron Volt per Tesla" is a unit for 'Magnetic Dipole Moment' expressed as eV T⁻¹.

Altlabel Electron Volt per Tesla
Unitsymbol eV/T
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-19
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ElectronVoltSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ElectronVoltSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV-SEC
Ucumcode eV.s
Preflabel ElectronVoltSecond
Elucidation "Electron Volt Second" is a unit for 'Angular Momentum' expressed as eV s.

Altlabel Electron Volt Second
Unitsymbol eV⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-19
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ElectronvoltPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ElectronvoltPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV-PER-M
Ucumcode eV.m-1
Ucumcode eV/m
Preflabel ElectronvoltPerMetre
Elucidation unit electronvolt divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Electronvolt Per Metre
Unitsymbol eV/m
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-19
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoGramPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoGramPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoGM-PER-L
Ucumcode fg.L-1
Preflabel FemtoGramPerLitre
Elucidation One 10**18 part of the SI standard unit of mass of the measurand per litre volume of matrix..

Altlabel Femtograms per litre
Unitsymbol fg/L
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoLitre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoL
Ucumcode fL
Preflabel FemtoLitre
Elucidation 0.000000000000001-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol fL
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FemtoMolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FemtoMolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FemtoMOL-PER-L
Ucumcode fmol.L-1
Preflabel FemtoMolePerLitre
Elucidation A 10**18 part quantity of substance of the measurand per litre volume of matrix.

Altlabel Femtomoles per litre
Unitsymbol fmol/L
Formal description
Subclass Of FemtoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaElectronVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaElectronVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaEV
Ucumcode GeV
Preflabel GigaElectronVolt
Elucidation "Giga Electron Volt" is a unit for 'Energy And Work' expressed as GeV.

Altlabel Giga Electron Volt
Unitsymbol GeV
Formal description
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some ElectronVolt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-DAY
Ucumcode g.d-1
Preflabel GramPerDay
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit day

Altlabel Gram Per Day
Unitsymbol g/day
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-HR
Ucumcode g.h-1
Preflabel GramPerHour
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Gram Per Hour
Unitsymbol g/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-L
Ucumcode g.L-1
Preflabel GramPerLitre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Gram Per Litre
Unitsymbol g/L
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerMilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerMilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-MilliL
Ucumcode g.mL-1
Preflabel GramPerMilliLitre
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.001-fold of the unit litre

Altlabel Gram Per Millilitre
Unitsymbol g/mL
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-MIN
Ucumcode g.min-1
Preflabel GramPerMinute
Elucidation 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Gram Per Minute
Unitsymbol g/min
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode g.m-2.d-1
Preflabel GramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Elucidation A metric unit of volume over time indicating the amount generated across one square meter over a day.

Altlabel grams per square metre per day
Unitsymbol g/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoLitre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoL
Ucumcode hL
Preflabel HectoLitre
Elucidation 100-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol hL
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoPascalLitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoPascalLitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoPA-L-PER-SEC
Ucumcode hPa.L.s-1
Preflabel HectoPascalLitrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the 100-fold of the SI derived unit pascal and the unit litre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Hectopascal Litre Per Second
Unitsymbol hPa⋅L/s
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PowerAreaUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalLitrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HectoPascalPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HectoPascalPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HectoPA-PER-HR
Ucumcode hPa.h-1
Preflabel HectoPascalPerHour
Elucidation A change in pressure of one hundred Newtons per square metre (100 Pascals) per hour. Equivalent to a change of one millibar per hour.

Altlabel Hectopascals per hour
Unitsymbol hPa/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of HectoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalPerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.02777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-HR
Ucumcode J.h-1
Preflabel JoulePerHour
Elucidation SI derived unit joule divided by the 3600 times the SI base unit second

Altlabel Joule Per Hour
Unitsymbol J/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerSquareCentiMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerSquareCentiMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-CentiM2-DAY
Ucumcode J.cm-2.d-1
Preflabel JoulePerSquareCentiMetrePerDay
Elucidation Radiant energy per 10⁻⁴ SI unit area over a period of one day.

Altlabel Joules per square centimetre per day
Unitsymbol J/(cm²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1157407
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinDay ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-DAY
Ucumcode K.d
Preflabel KelvinDay
Elucidation Kelvin day unit.
Unitsymbol K⋅day
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperatureTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 86400.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-HR
Ucumcode K.h-1
Preflabel KelvinPerHour
Elucidation `Kelvin per Hour` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as K / h.

Altlabel Kelvin per Hour
Unitsymbol K/h
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-MIN
Ucumcode K.min-1
Preflabel KelvinPerMinute
Elucidation `Kelvin per Minute` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as K / m.

Altlabel Kelvin per Minute
Unitsymbol K/min
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01666667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloAmpereHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloAmpereHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloA-HR
Ucumcode kA.h
Preflabel KiloAmpereHour
Elucidation product of the 1 000-fold of the SI base unit ampere and the unit hour

Altlabel Kiloampere Hour
Unitsymbol kA⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some AmpereHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloElectronVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloElectronVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloEV
Ucumcode keV
Preflabel KiloElectronVolt
Elucidation "Kilo Electron Volt" is a unit for 'Energy And Work' expressed as keV.

Altlabel Kilo Electron Volt
Unitsymbol keV
Formal description
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some ElectronVolt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-16
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloElectronVoltPerMicroMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloElectronVoltPerMicroMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloEV-PER-MicroM
Ucumcode keV.um-1
Preflabel KiloElectronVoltPerMicroMetre
Elucidation "Kilo Electron Volt per Micrometer" is a unit for 'Linear Energy Transfer' expressed as keV/microM.

Altlabel Kilo Electron Volt per Micrometre
Unitsymbol keV/µM
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloLitre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloL
Ucumcode kL
Preflabel KiloLitre
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol kL
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloLitrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloLitrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloL-PER-HR
Ucumcode kL.h-1
Preflabel KiloLitrePerHour
Elucidation unit of the volume kilolitres divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Kilolitre Per Hour
Unitsymbol kL/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloM-PER-DAY
Ucumcode km.d-1
Preflabel KiloMetrePerDay
Elucidation A change in location of a distance of one thousand metres in an elapsed time of one day (86400 seconds).

Altlabel Kilometres per day
Unitsymbol kg/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01157407
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloM-PER-HR
Ucumcode km.h-1
Ucumcode km/h
Preflabel KiloMetrePerHour
Elucidation "Kilometer per Hour" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Linear Velocity' expressed as km/hr.

Altlabel Kilometre per Hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilometres_per_hour?oldid=487674812
Unitsymbol km/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMolePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMolePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloMOL-PER-HR
Ucumcode kmol.h-1
Preflabel KiloMolePerHour
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit mole divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Kilomole Per Hour
Unitsymbol kmol/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloMolePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloMolePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloMOL-PER-MIN
Ucumcode kmol.min-1
Preflabel KiloMolePerMinute
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit mole divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Kilomole Per Minute
Unitsymbol kmol/min
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerMinute
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 16.94444
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloTonne ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloTonne
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloTONNE
Preflabel KiloTonne
Altlabel KiloTonne
Unitsymbol kt
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Tonne
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloVoltAmpereHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloVoltAmpereHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloV-A-HR
Ucumcode kV.A.h
Preflabel KiloVoltAmpereHour
Elucidation product of the 1 000-fold of the unit for apparent by ampere and the unit hour

Altlabel Kilovolt Ampere Hour
Unitsymbol kV⋅A/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpereHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloWattHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloWatthour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloW-HR
Ucumcode kW.h
Preflabel KiloWattHour
Elucidation The kilowatt hour, or kilowatt-hour, (symbol kW · h, kW h or kWh) is a unit of energy equal to 1000 watt hours or 3.6 megajoules. For constant power, energy in watt hours is the product of power in watts and time in hours. The kilowatt hour is most commonly known as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilowatt_hour?oldid=494927235
Unitsymbol kW⋅h
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some WattHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloWattHourPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloWattHourPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloW-HR-PER-M2
Preflabel KiloWattHourPerSquareMetre
Elucidation A unit of energy per unit area, equivalent to 3 600 000 joules per square metre.

Altlabel Kilowatt hour per square metre
Unitsymbol kW⋅h/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-DAY
Ucumcode kg.d-1
Preflabel KilogramPerDay
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit day

Altlabel Kilogram Per Day
Unitsymbol kg/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerHectare ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerHectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-HA
Ucumcode kg.har-1
Ucumcode kg/har
Preflabel KilogramPerHectare
Elucidation Kilogram Per Hectare is a unit of mass per area. Kilogram Per Hectare (kg/ha) has a dimension of ML-2 where M is mass, and L is length. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit kg/m2 by multiplying its value by a factor of 0.0001.

Altlabel Kilogram per Hectare
Unitsymbol kg/ha
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-HR
Ucumcode kg.h-1
Ucumcode kg/h
Preflabel KilogramPerHour
Elucidation Kilogram Per Hour (kg/h) is a unit in the category of Mass flow rate. It is also known as kilogram/hour. Kilogram Per Hour (kg/h) has a dimension of MT-1 where M is mass, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit kg/s by multiplying its value by a factor of 0.000277777777778.

Altlabel Kilogram per Hour
Unitsymbol kg/h
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-L
Ucumcode kg.L-1
Ucumcode kg/L
Preflabel KilogramPerLitre
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Kilogram Per Litre
Unitsymbol kg/L
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M-HR
Ucumcode kg.m-1.h-1
Preflabel KilogramPerMetrePerHour
Elucidation One SI standard unit of mass over one SI standard unit of length over 3600 times one SI standard unit of time.

Altlabel Kilograms per metre per hour
Unitsymbol kg/(m⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-MIN
Ucumcode kg.min-1
Ucumcode kg/min
Preflabel KilogramPerMinute
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Kilogram Per Minute
Unitsymbol kg/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01666667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-DAY
Ucumcode L.d-1
Ucumcode L/d
Preflabel LitrePerDay
Elucidation unit litre divided by the unit day

Altlabel Litre Per Day
Unitsymbol L/day
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-HR
Ucumcode L.h-1
Ucumcode L/h
Preflabel LitrePerHour
Elucidation Unit litre divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Litre Per Hour
Unitsymbol L/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-K
Ucumcode L.K-1
Ucumcode L/K
Preflabel LitrePerKelvin
Elucidation unit litre divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Litre Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol L/K
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode L.kg-1
Ucumcode L/kg
Preflabel LitrePerKilogram
Elucidation unit of the volume litre divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Litre Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol L/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerMassUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-L
Ucumcode L.L-1
Ucumcode L/L
Preflabel LitrePerLitre
Elucidation volume ratio consisting of the unit litre divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Litre Per Litre
Unitsymbol L/L
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerMicroMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerMicroMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-MicroMOL
Ucumcode L.umol-1
Preflabel LitrePerMicroMole
Elucidation The inverse of a molar concentration - the untits of per molarity.

Altlabel Litres per micromole
Unitsymbol L/µmol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-MIN
Ucumcode L.min-1
Ucumcode L/min
Preflabel LitrePerMinute
Elucidation unit litre divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Litre Per Minute
Unitsymbol L/min
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-MOL
Ucumcode L.mol-1
Ucumcode L/mol
Preflabel LitrePerMole
Elucidation unit litre divided by the SI base unit mol

Altlabel Litre Per Mole
Unitsymbol L/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-SEC
Ucumcode L.s-1
Ucumcode L/s
Preflabel LitrePerSecond
Elucidation unit litre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Litre Per Second
Unitsymbol L/s
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LitrePerSecondPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LitrePerSecondPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L-PER-SEC-M2
Preflabel LitrePerSecondPerSquareMetre
Elucidation Ventilation rate in Litres per second divided by the floor area

Altlabel Litre Per Second Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol L/(m²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LuxHour ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LuxHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LUX-HR
Ucumcode lx.h
Preflabel LuxHour
Elucidation The SI unit for measuring the illumination (illuminance) of a surface. One lux is defined as an illumination of one lumen per square meter or 0.0001 phot. In considering the various light units, it's useful to think about light originating at a point and shining upon a surface. The intensity of the light source is measured in candelas; the total light flux in transit is measured in lumens (1 lumen = 1 candelau00b7steradian); and the amount of light received per unit of surface area is measured in lux (1 lux = 1 lumen/square meter). One lux is equal to approximately 0.09290 foot candle.

Altlabel Lux Hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lux?oldid=494700274
Unitsymbol lx⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of IlluminanceTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaElectronVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaElectronVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaEV
Ucumcode MeV
Preflabel MegaElectronVolt
Elucidation `Mega Electron Volt` is a unit for 'Energy And Work' expressed as MeV.

Altlabel Mega Electron Volt
Unitsymbol MeV
Formal description
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some ElectronVolt
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-13
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaElectronVoltFemtoMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaElectronVoltFemtoMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaEV-FemtoM
Ucumcode MeV.fm
Preflabel MegaElectronVoltFemtoMetre
Elucidation `Mega Electron Volt Femtometer` is a unit for 'Length Energy' expressed as MeV fm.

Altlabel Mega Electron Volt Femtometre
Unitsymbol MeV⋅fm
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForceAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-28
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaElectronVoltPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaElectronVoltPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaEV-PER-CentiM
Ucumcode MeV.cm-1
Preflabel MegaElectronVoltPerCentiMetre
Elucidation "Mega Electron Volt per Centimeter" is a unit for 'Linear Energy Transfer' expressed as MeV/cm.

Altlabel Mega Electron Volt per Centimetre
Unitsymbol MeV/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaGramPerHectare ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaGramPerHectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaGM-PER-HA
Ucumcode Mg.har-1
Preflabel MegaGramPerHectare
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 10,0000-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Megagram Per Hectare
Unitsymbol Mg/ha
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaLitre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaL
Ucumcode ML
Preflabel MegaLitre
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol ML
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaPascalLitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaPascalLitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaPA-L-PER-SEC
Ucumcode MPa.L.s-1
Preflabel MegaPascalLitrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the 1,000,000-fold of the SI derived unit pascal and the unit litre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Megapascal Litre Per Second
Unitsymbol MPa⋅L/s
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalLitrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaVoltAmpereHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaVoltAmpereHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaV-A-HR
Ucumcode MV.A.h
Preflabel MegaVoltAmpereHour
Elucidation product of the 1,000,000-fold of the unit for apparent by ampere and the unit hour

Altlabel Megavolt Ampere Hour
Unitsymbol MV⋅A⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpereHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaWattHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaWattHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaW-HR
Ucumcode MW.h
Preflabel MegaWattHour
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit watt and the unit hour

Altlabel Megawatt Hour
Unitsymbol MW⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-HR
Ucumcode m.h-1
Ucumcode m/h
Preflabel MetrePerHour
Elucidation Metre per hour is a metric unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (Vector (geometry)). Its symbol is m/h or mu00b7h-1 (not to be confused with the imperial unit symbol mph. By definition, an object travelling at a speed of 1 m/h for an hour would move 1 metre.

Altlabel Metre per Hour
Unitsymbol m/h
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetrePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetrePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-MIN
Ucumcode m.min-1
Ucumcode m/min
Preflabel MetrePerMinute
Elucidation Meter Per Minute (m/min) is a unit in the category of Velocity. It is also known as meter/minute, meters per minute, metre per minute, metres per minute. Meter Per Minute (m/min) has a dimension of LT-1 where L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit m/s by multiplying its value by a factor of 0.016666666666

Altlabel Metre per Minute
Unitsymbol m/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01666667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroBecquerelPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroBecquerelPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroBQ-PER-L
Ucumcode uBq.L-1
Preflabel MicroBecquerelPerLitre
Altlabel Microbecquerels per litre
Unitsymbol µBq/L
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BecquerelPerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerCubicMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerCubicMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-M3-HR
Ucumcode ug.m-3.h-1
Preflabel MicroGramPerCubicMetrePerHour
Altlabel Micrograms per cubic metre per hour
Unitsymbol µg/(m³⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-13
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-L
Ucumcode ug.L-1
Ucumcode ug/L
Preflabel MicroGramPerLitre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Microgram Per Litre
Unitsymbol μg/L
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerLitrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerLitrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-L-HR
Ucumcode ug.L-1.h-1
Preflabel MicroGramPerLitrePerHour
Elucidation A rate of change of mass of a measurand equivalent to 10⁻⁹ kilogram (the SI unit of mass) per litre volume of matrix over a period of 1 hour.

Altlabel Micrograms per litre per hour
Unitsymbol µg/(L⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerMilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerMilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-MilliL
Ucumcode ug.mL-1
Preflabel MicroGramPerMilliLitre
Elucidation One 10**6 part of the SI standard unit of mass of the measurand per millilitre volume of matrix.

Altlabel Micrograms per millilitre
Unitsymbol µg/mL
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some GramPerMilliLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGramPerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGM-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode ug.m-2.d-1
Preflabel MicroGramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Micrograms per square metre per day
Unitsymbol µg/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-14
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroLitre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroL
Ucumcode uL
Preflabel MicroLitre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol μL
Formal description
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroLitrePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroLitrePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroL-PER-L
Ucumcode uL.L-1
Ucumcode uL/L
Preflabel MicroLitrePerLitre
Elucidation volume ratio as 0.000001-fold of the unit litre divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Microlitre Per Litre
Unitsymbol μL/L
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerGramPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerGramPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-GM-HR
Ucumcode umol.g-1.h-1
Ucumcode umol/g/h
Preflabel MicroMolePerGramPerHour
Altlabel Micromoles per gram per hour
Unitsymbol µmol/(g⋅h)
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerMassTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerGramPerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-L
Ucumcode umol.L-1
Ucumcode umol/L
Preflabel MicroMolePerLitre
Altlabel Micromoles per litre
Unitsymbol µmol/L
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerLitrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerLitrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM-PER-L-DAY
Ucumcode um.L-1.d-1
Preflabel MicroMolePerLitrePerDay
Altlabel Micromoles per litre per day
Unitsymbol µm/(L⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerLitrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerLitrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-L-HR
Ucumcode umol.L-1.h-1
Ucumcode umol/L/h
Preflabel MicroMolePerLitrePerHour
Altlabel Micromoles per litre per hour
Unitsymbol µmol/(L⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode umol.m-2.d-1
Ucumcode umol/m2/d
Preflabel MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Micromoles per square metre per day
Unitsymbol µmol/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-M2-HR
Ucumcode umol.m-2.h-1
Ucumcode umol/m2/h
Preflabel MicroMolePerSquareMetrePerHour
Altlabel Micromoles per square metre per hour
Unitsymbol µmol/(m²⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroSievertPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroSievertPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroSV-PER-HR
Ucumcode uSv.h-1
Preflabel MicroSievertPerHour
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour

Altlabel MicroSievert per hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sievert?oldid=495474333
Unitsymbol µSv/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.77778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmpereHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmpereHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliA-HR
Ucumcode mA.h
Preflabel MilliAmpereHour
Elucidation product of the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit ampere and the unit hour

Altlabel Milliampere Hour
Unitsymbol µA⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.6
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmpereHourPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmpereHourPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliA-HR-PER-GM
Preflabel MilliAmpereHourPerGram
Elucidation `Milliampere hour per gram` is a practical unit of electric charge relative to the mass of the (active) parts. 1mAh/g describes the capability of a material to store charge equivalent to 1h charge with 1mA per gram. The unit is often used in electrochemistry to describe the properties of active components like electrodes.

Altlabel Milliampere Hour per Gram
Unitsymbol mA⋅h/g
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmpereHourPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmpereHourPerSquareCentiMetre
Ucumcode mA.h.cm-2
Preflabel MilliAmpereHourPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation unit of areic capacity
Formal description
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 36000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliArcsecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliArcsecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliARCSEC
Ucumcode m''
Preflabel MilliArcsecond
Elucidation A minute of arc, arcminute, or minute arc (MOA), is a unit of angular measurement equal to one sixtieth (1/60) of one degree (circle/21,600), or π /10,800 radians. In turn, a second of arc or arcsecond is one sixtieth (1/60) of one minute of arc. Since one degree is defined as one three hundred and sixtieth (1/360) of a rotation, one minute of arc is 1/21,600 of a rotation. the milliarcsecond, abbreviated mas, is used in astronomy.

Altlabel Milli ArcSecond
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minute_of_arc
Unitsymbol mas
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Arcsecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.848137e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBarLitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBarLitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBAR-L-PER-SEC
Ucumcode mbar.L.s-1
Preflabel MilliBarLitrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the 0.001-fold of the unit bar and the unit litre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Millibar Litre Per Second
Unitsymbol mbar⋅L/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BarLitrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBecquerelPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBecquerelPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBQ-PER-L
Ucumcode mBq.L-1
Preflabel MilliBecquerelPerLitre
Elucidation One radioactive disintegration per second from the SI unit of volume (cubic metre). Equivalent to Becquerels per cubic metre.

Altlabel Millibecquerels per litre
Unitsymbol mBq/L
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BecquerelPerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliBecquerelPerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliBecquerelPerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliBQ-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode mBq.m-2.d-1
Preflabel MilliBecquerelPerSquareMetrePerDay
Elucidation One radioactive disintegration per thousand seconds in material passing through an area of one square metre during a period of one day (86400 seconds).

Altlabel Millibecquerels per square metre per day
Unitsymbol mBq/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M3-DAY
Ucumcode mg.m-3.d-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerDay
Altlabel Milligrams per cubic metre per day
Unitsymbol mg/(m³⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M3-HR
Ucumcode mg.m-3.h-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerCubicMetrePerHour
Altlabel Milligrams per cubic metre per hour
Unitsymbol mg/(m³⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-DAY
Ucumcode mg.d-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerDay
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit day

Altlabel Milligram Per Day
Unitsymbol mg/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerDeciLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerDeciLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-DeciL
Ucumcode mg.dL-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerDeciLitre
Elucidation A derived unit for amount-of-substance concentration measured in mg/dL.

Altlabel milligrams per decilitre
Unitsymbol mg/L
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerHectare ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerHectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-HA
Ucumcode mg.har-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerHectare
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 10,0000-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Milligram Per Hectare
Unitsymbol mg/ha
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-HR
Ucumcode mg.h-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerHour
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Milligram Per Hour
Unitsymbol mg/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-L
Ucumcode mg.L-1
Ucumcode mg/L
Preflabel MilliGramPerLitre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Milligram Per Litre
Unitsymbol mg/L
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerMilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerMilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-MilliL
Ucumcode mg.mL-1
Ucumcode mg/mL
Preflabel MilliGramPerMilliLitre
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit millilitre

Altlabel Milligram Per Millilitre
Unitsymbol mg/mL
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some GramPerMilliLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-MIN
Ucumcode mg/min
Preflabel MilliGramPerMinute
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Milligram Per Minute
Unitsymbol mg/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerMinute
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode mg.m-2.d-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Milligrams per square metre per day
Unitsymbol mg/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerSquareMetrePerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGM-PER-M2-HR
Ucumcode mg.m-2.h-1
Preflabel MilliGramPerSquareMetrePerHour
Altlabel Milligrams per square metre per hour
Unitsymbol mg/(m²⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL
Ucumcode mL
Preflabel MilliLitre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol mL
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-M3
Ucumcode mL.m-3
Ucumcode mL/m3
Preflabel MilliLitrePerCubicMetre
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit litre divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Millilitre Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol mL/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-DAY
Ucumcode mL.d-1
Preflabel MilliLitrePerDay
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit litre divided by the unit day

Altlabel Millilitre Per Day
Unitsymbol mL/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-HR
Ucumcode mL.h-1
Preflabel MilliLitrePerHour
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit litre divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Millilitre Per Hour
Unitsymbol mL/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-K
Ucumcode mL.K-1
Preflabel MilliLitrePerKelvin
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit litre divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Millilitre Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol mL/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerKelvin
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode mL.kg-1
Ucumcode mL/kg
Preflabel MilliLitrePerKilogram
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit of the volume litre divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Millilitre Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol mL/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerMassUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerKilogram
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-L
Ucumcode mL.L-1
Ucumcode mL/L
Preflabel MilliLitrePerLitre
Elucidation volume ratio consisting of the 0.001-fold of the unit litre divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Millilitre Per Litre
Unitsymbol mL/L
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-MIN
Ucumcode mL.min-1
Ucumcode mL/min
Preflabel MilliLitrePerMinute
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit litre divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Millilitre Per Minute
Unitsymbol mL/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerMinute
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-SEC
Ucumcode mL.s-1
Preflabel MilliLitrePerSecond
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit litre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Millilitre Per Second
Unitsymbol mL/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some LitrePerSecond
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerSquareCentiMetreMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerSquareCentiMetreMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-CentiM2-MIN
Ucumcode mL.cm-2
Preflabel MilliLitrePerSquareCentiMetreMinute
Elucidation quotient of the 0.001-fold of the unit litre and the unit minute divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Millilitre Per Square Centimetre Minute
Unitsymbol mL/(cm²⋅min)
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001666667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerSquareCentiMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerSquareCentiMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-CentiM2-SEC
Ucumcode mL.cm-2.s-1
Preflabel MilliLitrePerSquareCentiMetreSecond
Elucidation unit of the volume flow rate millilitre divided by second related to the transfer area as 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Millilitre Per Square Centimetre Second
Unitsymbol mL/(cm²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliLitrePerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliLitrePerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliL-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode mL.m-2.d-1
Preflabel MilliLitrePerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Millilitres per square metre per day
Unitsymbol mL/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM-PER-DAY
Ucumcode mm.d-1
Ucumcode mm/d
Preflabel MilliMetrePerDay
Elucidation A measure of change in depth over time for a specific area, typically used to express precipitation intensity or evaporation (the amount of liquid water evaporated per unit of time from the area)

Altlabel millimetres per day
Unitsymbol mm/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.15741e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM-PER-HR
Ucumcode mm.h-1
Ucumcode mm/h
Preflabel MilliMetrePerHour
Elucidation 0001-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Millimetre Per Hour
Unitsymbol mm/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetrePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetrePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM-PER-MIN
Ucumcode mm.min-1
Ucumcode mm/min
Preflabel MilliMetrePerMinute
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Millimetre Per Minute
Unitsymbol mm/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerMinute
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetrePerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetrePerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM-PER-YR
Ucumcode mm.a-1
Ucumcode mm/a
Preflabel MilliMetrePerYear
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the unit year

Altlabel Millimetre Per Year
Unitsymbol mm/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MetrePerYear
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.71e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerCubicMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerCubicMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-M3-DAY
Ucumcode mmol.m-3.d-1
Preflabel MilliMolePerCubicMetrePerDay
Elucidation Unavailable.

Altlabel Millimoles per cubic metre per day
Unitsymbol mmol/(m³⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-L
Ucumcode mmol.L-1
Ucumcode mmol/L
Preflabel MilliMolePerLitre
Elucidation The SI derived unit for amount-of-substance concentration is the mmo/L.

Altlabel millimoles per litre
Unitsymbol mmo/L
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMolePerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliMOL-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode mmol.m-2.d-1
Preflabel MilliMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Millimoles per square metre per day
Unitsymbol mmol/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliRadPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliRadPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliRAD_R-PER-HR
Ucumcode mRAD.h-1
Preflabel MilliRadPerHour
Elucidation One thousandth part of an absorbed ionizing radiation dose equal to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material received per hour.

Altlabel Millirads per hour
Unitsymbol mrad/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliVoltPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliVoltPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliV-PER-MIN
Ucumcode mV.min-1
Preflabel MilliVoltPerMinute
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the SI derived unit volt divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Millivolt Per Minute
Unitsymbol mV/min
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.666667e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerGramPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerGramPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-GM-HR
Ucumcode mol.g-1.h-1
Preflabel MolePerGramPerHour
Elucidation SI unit of the quantity of matter per SI unit of mass per unit of time expressed in hour.

Altlabel Moles per gram per hour
Unitsymbol mol/(g⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerMassTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-HR
Ucumcode mol.h-1
Preflabel MolePerHour
Elucidation SI base unit mole divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Mole Per Hour
Unitsymbol mol/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.000277778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-L
Ucumcode mol.L-1
Ucumcode mol/L
Preflabel MolePerLitre
Elucidation SI base unit mol divided by the unit litre

Altlabel Mole Per Litre
Unitsymbol mol/L
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-MIN
Ucumcode mol.min-1
Preflabel MolePerMinute
Elucidation SI base unit mole divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Mole Per Minute
Unitsymbol mol/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01666667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode mol.m-2.d-1
Preflabel MolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Elucidation quantity of matter per unit area per unit of time.

Altlabel Moles per square metre per day
Unitsymbol mol/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoBecquerelPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoBecquerelPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoBQ-PER-L
Ucumcode nBq.L-1
Preflabel NanoBecquerelPerLitre
Altlabel Nanobecquerels per litre
Unitsymbol nBq/L
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some BecquerelPerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGramPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGramPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM-PER-DAY
Ucumcode ng.d-1
Preflabel NanoGramPerDay
Altlabel Nanograms per day
Unitsymbol ng/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-17
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGramPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGramPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM-PER-L
Ucumcode ng.L-1
Preflabel NanoGramPerLitre
Altlabel Nanograms per litre
Unitsymbol ng/L
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some GramPerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGramPerMicroLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGramPerMicroLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM-PER-MicroL
Ucumcode ng.uL-1
Preflabel NanoGramPerMicroLitre
Altlabel Nanograms per microlitre
Unitsymbol ng/µL
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoGramPerMilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoGramPerMilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoGM-PER-MilliL
Ucumcode ng.mL-1
Preflabel NanoGramPerMilliLitre
Elucidation One 10**12 part of the SI standard unit of mass of the measurand per millilitre volume of matrix.

Altlabel Nanograms per millilitre
Unitsymbol ng/mL
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some GramPerMilliLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoLitre ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoL
Ucumcode nL
Preflabel NanoLitre
Elucidation 0.000000001-fold of the unit litre

Unitsymbol nL
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Litre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-L
Ucumcode nmol.L-1
Ucumcode nmol/L
Preflabel NanoMolePerLitre
Elucidation A scaled unit of amount-of-substance concentration.

Altlabel Nanomoles per litre
Unitsymbol nmol/L
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerLitrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerLitrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-L-DAY
Ucumcode nmol.L-1.d-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerLitrePerDay
Altlabel Nanomoles per litre per day
Unitsymbol nmol/(L⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerLitrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerLitrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-L-HR
Ucumcode nmol.L-1.h-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerLitrePerHour
Altlabel Nanomoles per litre per hour
Unitsymbol nmol/(L⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerMicroGramPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerMicroGramPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-MicroGM-HR
Ucumcode nmol.ug-1.h-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerMicroGramPerHour
Altlabel Nanomoles per microgram per hour
Unitsymbol nmol/(µg⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerMassTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerMicroMolePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerMicroMolePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-MicroMOL-DAY
Ucumcode nmol.umol-1.d-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerMicroMolePerDay
Elucidation Unavailable.

Altlabel Nanomoles per micromole per day
Unitsymbol nmol/(µmol⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode nmol.m-2.d-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Nanomoles per square metre per day
Unitsymbol nmol/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-14
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalLitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalLitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-L-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Pa.L.s-1
Preflabel PascalLitrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the SI derived unit pascal and the unit litre divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Pascal Litre Per Second
Unitsymbol Pa⋅L/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-PER-HR
Ucumcode Pa.h-1
Preflabel PascalPerHour
Elucidation A rate of change of pressure measured as the number of Pascals in a period of one hour.

Altlabel Pascal per Hour
Unitsymbol P/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-PER-MIN
Ucumcode Pa.min-1
Preflabel PascalPerMinute
Elucidation A rate of change of pressure measured as the number of Pascals in a period of one minute.

Altlabel Pascal per Minute
Unitsymbol P/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01666667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoAmpsPerMicroMolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoAmpsPerMicroMolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoA-PER-MicroMOL-L
Ucumcode pA.umol-1.L-1
Preflabel PicoAmpsPerMicroMolePerLitre
Altlabel Picoamps per micromole per litre
Unitsymbol pA/(mmol⋅L)
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerAmountVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoGramPerMilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoGramPerMilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoGM-PER-MilliL
Ucumcode pg.mL-1
Preflabel PicoGramPerMilliLitre
Elucidation One 10**15 part of the SI standard unit of mass of the measurand per millilitre volume of matrix.

Altlabel Picograms per millilitre
Unitsymbol pg/mL
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitNonPrefixPart some GramPerMilliLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-L
Ucumcode pmol.L-1
Preflabel PicoMolePerLitre
Altlabel Picomoles per litre
Unitsymbol pmol/L
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerLitre
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerLitrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerLitrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-L-DAY
Ucumcode pmol.L-1.d-1
Preflabel PicoMolePerLitrePerDay
Elucidation A change in the quantity of matter of 10⁻¹² moles in the SI unit of volume scaled by 10⁻³ over a period of 86400 seconds.

Altlabel Picomoles per litre per day
Unitsymbol pmol/day
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-14
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerLitrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerLitrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-L-HR
Ucumcode pmol.L-1.h-1
Preflabel PicoMolePerLitrePerHour
Elucidation A change in the quantity of matter of 10⁻¹² moles in the SI unit of volume scaled by 10⁻³ over a period of 3600 seconds.

Altlabel Picomoles per litre per hour
Unitsymbol pmol/(L⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-13
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoMolePerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoMOL-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode pmol.m-2.d-1
Preflabel PicoMolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Picomoles per square metre per day
Unitsymbol pmol/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some MolePerSquareMetrePerDay
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-17
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PicoWattPerSquareCentiMetrePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PicoWattPerSquareCentiMetrePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PicoW-PER-CentiM2-L
Ucumcode pW.cm-2.L-1
Preflabel PicoWattPerSquareCentiMetrePerLitre
Elucidation The power (scaled by 10⁻¹²) per SI unit of area (scaled by 10⁻⁴) produced per SI unit of volume (scaled by 10⁻³).

Altlabel Picowatts per square centimetre per litre
Unitsymbol pW/(cm²⋅L)
Formal description
Subclass Of PicoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerPerAreaVolumeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RadianPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RadianPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-PER-HR
Ucumcode rad.h-1
Ucumcode rad/h
Preflabel RadianPerHour
Elucidation "Radian per Hour" is a unit for 'Angular Velocity' expressed as rad/h.

Altlabel Radian per Hour
Unitsymbol rad/h
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RadianPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RadianPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-PER-MIN
Ucumcode rad.min-1
Ucumcode rad/min
Preflabel RadianPerMinute
Elucidation Radian Per Minute (rad/min) is a unit in the category of Angular velocity. It is also known as radians per minute, radian/minute. Radian Per Minute (rad/min) has a dimension of aT-1 where T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit rad/s by multiplying its value by a factor of 0.0166666666667.

Altlabel Radian per Minute
Unitsymbol rad/min
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 60.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-DAY
Ucumcode /d
Ucumcode d-1
Preflabel ReciprocalDay
Elucidation reciprocal of the unit day

Altlabel Reciprocal Day
Unitsymbol /day
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-HR
Ucumcode /h
Ucumcode h-1
Preflabel ReciprocalHour
Elucidation A reciprocal unit of time for `reciprocal hour` or "inverse hour".

Altlabel Reciprocal Hour
Unitsymbol /hr
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 360.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalKiloVoltAmpereHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalKiloVoltAmpereHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-KiloV-A-HR
Preflabel ReciprocalKiloVoltAmpereHour
Elucidation reciprocal of the 1,000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit volt and the SI base unit ampere and the unit hour

Altlabel Reciprocal Kilovolt Ampere Hour
Unitsymbol /(kV⋅A⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of PerEnergyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-L
Ucumcode L-1
Preflabel ReciprocalLitre
Elucidation reciprocal value of the unit litre

Altlabel Reciprocal Litre
Unitsymbol /L
Formal description
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalMicroMolePerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalMicroMolePerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MicroMOL-L
Ucumcode umol-1.L-1
Preflabel ReciprocalMicroMolePerLitre
Elucidation Units used to describe the sensitivity of detection of a spectrophotometer.

Altlabel Reciprocal micromole per litre
Unitsymbol /(mmol⋅L)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalAmountPerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MIN
Ucumcode /min
Ucumcode min-1
Preflabel ReciprocalMinute
Elucidation A reciprocal unit of time for `reciprocal minute` or `inverse minute`.

Altlabel Reciprocal Minute
Unitsymbol /min
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 60.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalSquareElectronVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalSquareElectronVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-EV2
Ucumcode eV-2
Preflabel ReciprocalSquareElectronVolt
Elucidation Per Square Electron Volt is a denominator unit with dimensions /eV².

Altlabel Reciprocal Square Electron Volt
Unitsymbol /eV²
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalSquareEnergyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.895644e+37
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalSquareGigaElectronVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalSquareGigaElectronVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-GigaEV2
Ucumcode GeV-2
Preflabel ReciprocalSquareGigaElectronVolt
Elucidation Per Square Giga Electron Volt Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /GeV².

Altlabel Reciprocal Square Giga Electron Volt
Unitsymbol /GeV²
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalSquareEnergyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.895644e+19
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareCentiMetreMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareCentiMetreMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM2-MIN
Ucumcode cm2.min
Preflabel SquareCentiMetreMinute
Elucidation "Square centimeter minute" is a unit for 'Area Time' expressed as cm² . m.

Altlabel Square Centimetre Minute
Unitsymbol cm²m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.006
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareDegree ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareDegree
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG2
Ucumcode deg2
Preflabel SquareDegree
Elucidation A square degree is a non-SI unit measure of solid angle. It is denoted in various ways, including deg, sq. deg. and °². Just as degrees are used to measure parts of a circle, square degrees are used to measure parts of a sphere. Analogous to one degree being equal to π /180 radians, a square degree is equal to (π /180) or about 1/3283 steradian. The number of square degrees in a whole sphere is or approximately 41 253 deg. This is the total area of the 88 constellations in the list of constellations by area. For example, observed from the surface of the Earth, the Moon has a diameter of approximately 0.5°, so it covers a solid angle of approximately 0.196 deg, which is 4.8 × 10 of the total sky sphere.

Altlabel Square degree
Unitsymbol °²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaFractionUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0003046174
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerHectare ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerHectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-HA
Ucumcode m2.har-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerHectare
Elucidation Square metres per hectare.

Altlabel square metres per hectare
Unitsymbol m²/ha
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaFractionUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerHertzPerDegree ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerHertzPerDegree
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-HZ-DEG
Ucumcode m2.Hz-1.deg-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerHertzPerDegree
Elucidation Square metre per Hertz and angular degree unit.
Unitsymbol m²/(Hz⋅°)
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 57.29578
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TeraWattHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TeraWattHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraW-HR
Ucumcode TW/h
Preflabel TeraWattHour
Elucidation 1,000,000,000,000-fold of the product of the SI derived unit watt and the unit hour

Altlabel Terawatt Hour
Unitsymbol TW⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of TeraPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonnePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonnePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-M3
Ucumcode t.m-3
Preflabel TonnePerCubicMetre
Elucidation unit tonne divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Tonne Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol t/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SIUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonnePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonnePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-DAY
Ucumcode t.d-1
Preflabel TonnePerDay
Elucidation metric unit ton divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Tonne Per Day
Unitsymbol t/day
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01157407
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonnePerHectare ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonnePerHectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-HA
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_Metric-PER-HA
Ucumcode t.har-1
Preflabel TonnePerHectare
Elucidation A measure of density equivalent to 1000kg per hectare or one Megagram per hectare, typically used to express a volume of biomass or crop yield.

Altlabel MetricTonnePerHectare
Altlabel metric tonne per hectare
Altlabel tonne per hectare
Unitsymbol t/ha
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonnePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonnePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-HR
Ucumcode t.h-1
Preflabel TonnePerHour
Elucidation unit tonne divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Tonne Per Hour
Unitsymbol t/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonnePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonnePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-MIN
Ucumcode t.min-1
Preflabel TonnePerMinute
Elucidation unit ton divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Tonne Per Minute
Unitsymbol t/min
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 16.66667
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonnePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonnePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-SEC
Ucumcode t.s-1
Preflabel TonnePerSecond
Elucidation unit tonne divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Tonne Per Second
Unitsymbol t/s
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltAmpereHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltAmpereHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-A-HR
Ucumcode V.A.h
Preflabel VoltAmpereHour
Elucidation product of the unit for apparent by ampere and the unit hour

Altlabel Volt Ampere Hour
Unitsymbol V⋅A⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattHour ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Watthour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-HR
Ucumcode W.h
Preflabel WattHour
Elucidation The watt hour is a unit of energy, equal to 3,600 joule.

Unitsymbol W⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattHourPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WatthourPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-HR-PER-M3
Ucumcode W.h.m-3
Preflabel WattHourPerCubicMetre
Elucidation The watt hour per cubic meter is a unit of energy density, equal to 3,600 joule per cubic meter.

Altlabel Watthour per Cubic metre
Unitsymbol W⋅hr/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattHourPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattHourPerKilogram
Preflabel WattHourPerKilogram
Elucidation A unit of specific energy commonly used to measure the density of energy in batteries and capacitors.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watt-hour_per_kilogram
Formal description
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattHourPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattHourPerLitre
Preflabel WattHourPerLitre
Elucidation A unit of energy density commonly used to measure the density of energy in batteries and capacitors.
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerLitre
Preflabel WattPerLitre
Elucidation A unit for power per volume quantities.
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
Module: Coherent Si Units ========================= .. _coherent-si-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
AmperePerDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-DEG_C
Ucumcode A.Cel-1
Ucumcode A/Cel
Preflabel AmperePerDegreeCelsius
Elucidation A measure used to express how a current is subject to temperature. Originally used in Wien's Law to describe phenomena related to filaments. One use today is to express how a current generator derates with temperature.

Altlabel Ampere per Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol A/°C
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 57.29578
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerJoule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-J
Ucumcode A.J-1
Ucumcode A/J
Preflabel AmperePerJoule
Elucidation The inverse measure of joule-per-ampere or weber. The measure for the reciprical of magnetic flux.

Altlabel Ampere per Joule
Unitsymbol A/J
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerUnitEnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-M
Ucumcode A.m-1
Ucumcode A/m
Preflabel AmperePerMetre
Elucidation is the SI unit of magnetic field strength. One ampere per meter is equal to π/250 oersteds (12.566 371 millioersteds) in CGS units. The ampere per meter is also the SI unit of "magnetization" in the sense of magnetic dipole moment per unit volume; in this context 1 A/m = 0.001 emu per cubic centimeter.

Altlabel Ampere per Metre
Unitsymbol A/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-RAD
Ucumcode A.rad-1
Ucumcode A/rad
Preflabel AmperePerRadian
Elucidation `Ampere per Radian` is a derived unit for measuring the amount of current per unit measure of angle, expressed in ampere per radian.

Altlabel Ampere per Radian
Unitsymbol A/rad
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-M2
Ucumcode A.m-2
Ucumcode A/m2
Preflabel AmperePerSquareMetre
Elucidation `Ampere Per Square Meter` is a unit in the category of electric current density. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system.

Altlabel Ampere per Square Metre
Unitsymbol A/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmperePerSquareMetreSquareKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmperePerSquareMetreSquareKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-PER-M2-K2
Ucumcode A.m-2.K-2
Ucumcode A/(m2.K2)
Preflabel AmperePerSquareMetreSquareKelvin
Elucidation Ampere per square metre and square Kelvin.
Unitsymbol A/m²⋅k²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of RichardsonConstantUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmpereSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-SEC
Ucumcode A.s
Preflabel AmpereSecond
Elucidation product out of the SI base unit ampere and the SI base unit second

Altlabel Ampere Second
Unitsymbol A⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmpereSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-M2
Ucumcode A.m2
Preflabel AmpereSquareMetre
Elucidation The SI unit of electromagnetic moment.

Altlabel Ampere Square Metre
Unitsymbol A⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AmpereSquareMetrePerJouleSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AmpereSquareMetrePerJouleSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A-M2-PER-J-SEC
Ucumcode A.m2.J-1.s-1
Ucumcode A.m2/(J.s)
Preflabel AmpereSquareMetrePerJouleSecond
Elucidation The SI unit of gyromagnetic ratio.

Altlabel Ampere Square Metre Per Joule Second
Unitsymbol A⋅m²/(J⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BecquerelPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BecquerelPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BQ-PER-M3
Ucumcode Bq.m-3
Ucumcode Bq/m3
Preflabel BecquerelPerCubicMetre
Elucidation The SI derived unit of unit in the category of Radioactivity concentration.

Altlabel Becquerel per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol Bq/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BecquerelPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BecquerelPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BQ-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode Bq.kg-1
Ucumcode Bq/kg
Preflabel BecquerelPerKilogram
Elucidation "Becquerel per Kilogram" is used to describe radioactivity, which is often expressed in becquerels per unit of volume or weight, to express how much radioactive material is contained in a sample.

Altlabel Becquerel per Kilogram
Unitsymbol Bq/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerTimeMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BecquerelPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BecquerelPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BQ-PER-M2
Ucumcode Bq.m-2
Ucumcode Bq/m2
Preflabel BecquerelPerSquareMetre
Elucidation Becquerel per square metre.
Unitsymbol Bq/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BecquerelSecondPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BecquerelSecondPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BQ-SEC-PER-M3
Ucumcode Bq.s.m-3
Preflabel BecquerelSecondPerCubicMetre
Elucidation Becquerels second per cubic metre.
Unitsymbol Bq⋅s/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CandelaPerLumen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CandelaPerLumen
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CD-PER-LM
Preflabel CandelaPerLumen
Elucidation Candela per Lumen.
Unitsymbol cd/lm
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CandelaPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CandelaPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CD-PER-M2
Ucumcode cd.m-2
Ucumcode cd/m2
Preflabel CandelaPerSquareMetre
Elucidation The candela per square metre (cd/m²) is the derived SI unit of luminance. The unit is based on the candela, the SI unit of luminous intensity, and the square metre, the SI unit of area. Nit (nt) is a deprecated non-SI name also used for this unit (1 nit = 1 cd/m²). As a measure of light emitted per unit area, this unit is frequently used to specify the brightness of a display device. Most consumer desktop liquid crystal displays have luminances of 200 to 300 cd/m²; the sRGB spec for monitors targets 80 cd/m2. HDTVs range from 450 to about 1000 cd/m2. Typically, calibrated monitors should have a brightness of 120 cd/m². Nit is believed to come from the Latin word nitere, to shine.

Altlabel candela per square metre
Unitsymbol cd/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-M
Ucumcode C.m
Unececommoncode A26
Preflabel CoulombMetre
Elucidation Coulomb Meter (C-m) is a unit in the category of Electric dipole moment. It is also known as atomic unit, u.a., au, ua. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Meter (C-m) has a dimension of LTI where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Comment It is also known as atomic unit, u.a., au, ua. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Meter (C-m) has a dimension of LTI where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.
Unitsymbol C⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthTimeCurrentUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-M3
Ucumcode C.m-3
Ucumcode C/m3
Preflabel CoulombPerCubicMetre
Elucidation Coulomb Per Cubic Meter (C/m³) is a unit in the category of Electric charge density. It is also known as coulomb per cubic metre, coulombs per cubic meter, coulombs per cubic metre, coulomb/cubic meter, coulomb/cubic metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Per Cubic Meter has a dimension of L⁻³TI where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Coulomb per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol C/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode C.kg-1
Ucumcode C/kg
Preflabel CoulombPerKilogram
Elucidation `Coulomb Per Kilogram (C/kg)` is the unit in the category of Exposure. It is also known as coulombs per kilogram, coulomb/kilogram. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Per Kilogram (C/kg) has a dimension of M⁻¹TI where M is mass, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Coulomb per Kilogram
Unitsymbol C/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerKilogramSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerKilogramSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-KiloGM-SEC
Ucumcode C.kg-1.s-1
Ucumcode C/(kg.s)
Preflabel CoulombPerKilogramSecond
Elucidation The SI unit of exposure rate

Altlabel Coulomb Per Kilogram Second
Unitsymbol C/kg⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-M
Ucumcode C.m-1
Ucumcode C/m
Preflabel CoulombPerMetre
Elucidation "Coulomb per Meter" is a unit for 'Electric Charge Line Density' expressed as C/m.

Altlabel Coulomb per Metre
Unitsymbol C/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-MOL
Ucumcode C.mol-1
Ucumcode C/mol
Preflabel CoulombPerMole
Elucidation (C/mol) is a unit in the category of Molar electric charge. It is also known as coulombs/mol. Coulomb Per Mol has a dimension of TN{-1}I where T is time, N is amount of substance, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Coulomb per Mole
Unitsymbol c/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-PER-M2
Ucumcode C.m-2
Ucumcode C/m2
Preflabel CoulombPerSquareMetre
Elucidation Coulomb Per Square Meter (C/m²) is a unit in the category of Electric charge surface density. It is also known as coulombs per square meter, coulomb per square metre, coulombs per square metre, coulomb/square meter, coulomb/square metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Per Square Meter (C/m2) has a dimension of L⁻²TI where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Coulomb per Square Metre
Unitsymbol C/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-M2
Ucumcode C.m2
Preflabel CoulombSquareMetre
Elucidation Coulomb Square Meter (C-m2) is a unit in the category of Electric quadrupole moment. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Coulomb Square Meter (C-m2) has a dimension of L2TI where L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Coulomb Square Metre
Unitsymbol C⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CoulombSquareMetrePerVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CoulombSquareMetrePerVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C-M2-PER-V
Ucumcode C.m2.V-1
Ucumcode C.m2/V
Preflabel CoulombSquareMetrePerVolt
Elucidation Coulomb Square Meter (C-m2-per-volt) is a unit in the category of Electric polarizability.

Altlabel Coulomb Square Metre Per Volt
Unitsymbol C⋅m²/V
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicCoulombMetrePerSquareJoule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicCoulombMetrePerSquareJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C3-M-PER-J2
Ucumcode C3.m.J-2
Ucumcode C3.m/J2
Preflabel CubicCoulombMetrePerSquareJoule
Elucidation "Cubic Coulomb Meter per Square Joule" is a unit for 'Cubic Electric Dipole Moment Per Square Energy' expressed as C³ m³ J⁻².

Altlabel Cubic Coulomb Metre per Square Joule
Unitsymbol C³⋅m/J²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of CubicElectricChargeLengthPerSquareEnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3
Ucumcode m3
Unececommoncode MTQ
Omreference http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/cubicMetre
Preflabel CubicMetre
Elucidation The SI unit of volume, equal to 1.0e6 cm3, 1000 liters, 35.3147 ft3, or 1.30795 yd3. A cubic meter holds about 264.17 U.S. liquid gallons or 219.99 British Imperial gallons.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_metre?oldid=490956678
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cubic_metre
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-C
Ucumcode m3.C-1
Preflabel CubicMetrePerCoulomb
Elucidation Cubic metre per Coulomb.
Unitsymbol m³/C
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalElectricChargeDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-M3
Ucumcode m3.m-3
Preflabel CubicMetrePerCubicMetre
Elucidation Power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3.

Altlabel Cubic Metre Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol m³/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-K
Ucumcode m3.K-1
Preflabel CubicMetrePerKelvin
Elucidation Cubic metre per Kelvin.
Unitsymbol m³/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode m3.kg-1
Ucumcode m3/kg
Preflabel CubicMetrePerKilogram
Elucidation Cubic Meter Per Kilogram (m3/kg) is a unit in the category of Specific volume. It is also known as cubic meters per kilogram, cubic metre per kilogram, cubic metres per kilogram, cubic meter/kilogram, cubic metre/kilogram. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Cubic Meter Per Kilogram (m3/kg) has a dimension of M-1L3 where M is mass, and L is length. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Cubic Metre per Kilogram
Unitsymbol m³/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerKilogramSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerKilogramSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-KiloGM-SEC2
Ucumcode m3.(kg.s2)-1
Ucumcode m3.kg-1.s-2
Ucumcode m3/(kg.s2)
Preflabel CubicMetrePerKilogramSquareSecond
Elucidation Cubic metre per kilogram and square second.
Unitsymbol m³/(kg⋅s²)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NewtonianConstantOfGravityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-MOL
Ucumcode m3.mol-1
Ucumcode m3/mol
Preflabel CubicMetrePerMole
Elucidation The molar volume, symbol Vm, is the volume occupied by one mole of a substance (chemical element or chemical compound) at a given temperature and pressure. It is equal to the molar mass (M) divided by the mass density. It has the SI unit cubic metres per mole m3/mol, although it is more practical to use the units cubic decimetres per mole dm3/mol for gases and cubic centimetres per mole cm3/mol for liquids and solids.

Altlabel Cubic Metre per Mole
Unitsymbol m³/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode m3.s-1
Ucumcode m3/s
Preflabel CubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation A cubic metre per second (m³s⁻¹, m³/s), cumecs or cubic meter per second in American English) is a derived SI unit of flow rate equal to that of a stere or cube with sides of one metre ( u0303 39.37 in) in length exchanged or moving each second. It is popularly used for water flow, especially in rivers and streams, and fractions for HVAC values measuring air flow.

Altlabel Cubic Metre per Second
Unitsymbol m³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-M2
Ucumcode m3.m-2
Preflabel CubicMetrePerSquareMetre
Elucidation power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Cubic Metre Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol m³/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CubicMetrePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CubicMetrePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M3-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode m3.s-2
Ucumcode m3/s2
Preflabel CubicMetrePerSquareSecond
Elucidation `Cubic Meter per Square Second` is a C.G.S System unit for `Standard Gravitational Parameter` expressed as m³/s²

Altlabel Cubic Metre per Square Second
Unitsymbol m³/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusKilogramPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusKilogramPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-KiloGM-PER-M2
Ucumcode Cel.kg.m-2
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusKilogramPerSquareMetre
Elucidation Derived unit for the product of the temperature in degrees Celsius and the mass density of a medium, integrated over vertical depth or height in metres.

Altlabel Degrees Celsius kilogram per square metre
Unitsymbol °C⋅kg/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperatureMassPerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-PER-K
Ucumcode Cel.K-1
Ucumcode Cel/K
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusPerKelvin
Elucidation unit with the name Degree Celsius divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Degree Celsius Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol °C/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-PER-M
Ucumcode Cel.m-1
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusPerMetre
Elucidation Degree Celsius per metre unit.
Unitsymbol °C/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeCelsiusPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeCelsiusPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Cel.s-1
Ucumcode Cel/s
Preflabel DegreeCelsiusPerSecond
Elucidation `Degree Celsius per Second` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as degC / s.

Altlabel Degree Celsius per Second
Unitsymbol °C/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
FaradPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FaradPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD-PER-M
Ucumcode F.m-1
Ucumcode F/m
Preflabel FaradPerMetre
Elucidation Farad Per Meter (F/m) is a unit in the category of Electric permittivity. It is also known as farad/meter. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Farad Per Meter has a dimension of M-1L-3T4I2 where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Farad per Metre
Unitsymbol F/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PermittivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Fraction ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Fraction
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FRACTION
Preflabel Fraction
Elucidation Fraction is a unit for 'Dimensionless Ratio' expressed as the value of the ratio itself.

Unitsymbol ÷
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM-PER-GM
Ucumcode g.g-1
Ucumcode g/g
Preflabel GramPerGram
Elucidation mass ratio consisting of the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram.

Altlabel Gram Per Gram
Unitsymbol g/g
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GrayPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GrayPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAY-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Gy.s-1
Preflabel GrayPerSecond
Elucidation "Gray per Second" is a unit for 'Absorbed Dose Rate' expressed as Gy/s.

Altlabel Gray per Second
Unitsymbol Gy/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HenryPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HenryPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H-PER-M
Ucumcode H.m-1
Preflabel HenryPerMetre
Elucidation The henry per meter (symbolized H/m) is the unit of magnetic permeability in the International System of Units ( SI ). Reduced to base units in SI, 1 H/m is the equivalent of one kilogram meter per square second per square ampere.

Altlabel Henry per Metre
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry?oldid=491435978
Unitsymbol H/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PermeabilityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HenryPerOhm ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HenryPerOhm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H-PER-OHM
Ucumcode H.Ohm-1
Preflabel HenryPerOhm
Elucidation SI derived unit henry divided by the SI derived unit ohm

Altlabel Henry Per Ohm
Unitsymbol H/Ω
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HertzMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HertzMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HZ-M
Ucumcode Hz.m
Preflabel HertzMetre
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit hertz and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Hertz Metre
Unitsymbol Hz⋅M
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HertzPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HertzPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HZ-PER-K
Ucumcode Hz.K-1
Preflabel HertzPerKelvin
Elucidation `Hertz per Kelvin` is a unit for 'Inverse Time Temperature' expressed as Hz K⁻¹.

Altlabel Hertz per Kelvin
Unitsymbol Hz/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerTemperatureTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HertzPerTesla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HertzPerTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HZ-PER-T
Ucumcode Hz.T-1
Preflabel HertzPerTesla
Elucidation "Hertz per Tesla" is a unit for 'Electric Charge Per Mass' expressed as Hz T⁻¹.

Altlabel Hertz per Tesla
Unitsymbol Hz/T
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HertzPerVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HertzPerVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HZ-PER-V
Ucumcode Hz.V-1
Preflabel HertzPerVolt
Elucidation In the Hertz per Volt standard the frequency of the note is directly related to the voltage. A pitch of a note goes up one octave when its frequency doubles, meaning that the voltage will have to double for every octave rise. Depending on the footage (octave) selected, nominally one volt gives 1000Hz, two volts 2000Hz and so on. In terms of notes, bottom C would be 0.25 volts, the next C up would be 0.5 volts, then 1V, 2V, 4V, 8V for the following octaves. This system was used mainly by Yamaha and Korg.

Altlabel Hertz per Volt
Unitsymbol Hz/V
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerEnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JouleMetrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JouleMetrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-M-PER-MOL
Ucumcode J.m.mol-1
Preflabel JouleMetrePerMole
Elucidation `Joule Meter per Mole` is a unit for 'Length Molar Energy' expressed as J · m · mol⁻¹.

Altlabel Joule Metre per Mole
Unitsymbol J⋅m/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyLengthPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-M3
Ucumcode J.m-3
Ucumcode J/m3
Preflabel JoulePerCubicMetre
Elucidation `Joule Per Cubic Meter` (J/m³) is a unit in the category of Energy density. It is also known as joules per cubic meter, joule per cubic metre, joules per cubic metre, joule/cubic meter, joule/cubic metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. It has a dimension of ML⁻¹T⁻² where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Joule per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol J/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerCubicMetreKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerCubicMetreKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-M3-K
Ucumcode J.m-3.K-1
Preflabel JoulePerCubicMetreKelvin
Elucidation `Joule per Cubic Meter Kelvin` is a unit for 'Volumetric Heat Capacity' expressed as J/(m³ K).

Altlabel Joule per Cubic Metre Kelvin
Unitsymbol J/(m³⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-K
Ucumcode J.K-1
Preflabel JoulePerKelvin
Elucidation Joule Per Kelvin (J/K) is a unit in the category of Entropy. It is also known as joules per kelvin, joule/kelvin. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Joule Per Kelvin (J/K) has a dimension of ML²T⁻²Q⁻¹ where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and Q is temperature. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Joule per Kelvin
Unitsymbol J/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EntropyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode J.kg-1
Ucumcode J/kg
Preflabel JoulePerKilogram
Elucidation Joule Per Kilogram} (J/kg) is a unit in the category of Thermal heat capacity. It is also known as `joule/kilogram`, `joules per kilogram`. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. The unit has a dimension of L2T⁻² where L is length, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Joule per Kilogram
Unitsymbol J/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerKilogramKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerKilogramKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-KiloGM-K
Ucumcode J.kg-1.K-1
Preflabel JoulePerKilogramKelvin
Elucidation Specific heat capacity - The heat required to raise unit mass of a substance by unit temperature interval under specified conditions, such as constant pressure: usually measured in joules per kelvin per kilogram. Symbol c_p (for constant pressure) Also called specific heat.

Altlabel Joule per Kilogram Kelvin
Unitsymbol J/(kg⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerKilogramKelvinCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerKilogramKelvinCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-KiloGM-K-M3
Ucumcode J.kg-1.K.m-3
Preflabel JoulePerKilogramKelvinCubicMetre
Elucidation Joule per kilogram and Kelvin and cubic metre.
Unitsymbol J/(kg⋅K⋅m³)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerKilogramKelvinPerPascal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerKilogramKelvinPerPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-KiloGM-K-PA
Ucumcode J.kg-1.K-1.Pa-1
Preflabel JoulePerKilogramKelvinPerPascal
Elucidation Joule per kilogram and Kelvin and Pascal.
Unitsymbol J/(kg⋅K⋅Pa)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-M
Ucumcode J.m-1
Ucumcode J/m
Preflabel JoulePerMetre
Elucidation Joule per metre.
Unitsymbol J/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-MOL
Ucumcode J.mol-1
Preflabel JoulePerMole
Elucidation The joule per mole (symbol: J· mol⁻¹) is an SI derived unit of energy per amount of material. Energy is measured in joules, and the amount of material is measured in moles. Physical quantities measured in J· mol⁻¹) usually describe quantities of energy transferred during phase transformations or chemical reactions. Division by the number of moles facilitates comparison between processes involving different quantities of material and between similar processes involving different types of materials. The meaning of such a quantity is always context-dependent and, particularly for chemical reactions, is dependent on the (possibly arbitrary) definition of a 'mole' for a particular process.

Altlabel Joule per Mole
Unitsymbol J/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of EnergyPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerMoleKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerMoleKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-MOL-K
Ucumcode J.mol-1.K-1
Preflabel JoulePerMoleKelvin
Elucidation Energy needed to heat one mole of substance by 1 Kelvin, under standard conditions (not standard temperature and pressure STP). The standard molar entropy is usually given the symbol S, and has units of joules per mole kelvin ( J· mol⁻¹ K⁻¹). Unlike standard enthalpies of formation, the value of S is an absolute. That is, an element in its standard state has a nonzero value of S at room temperature.

Altlabel Joule per Mole Kelvin
Unitsymbol J/(mol⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerQuarticMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerQuarticMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-M4
Ucumcode J.m-4
Preflabel JoulePerQuarticMetre
Elucidation `Joule Per Quartic Meter` (J/m⁴) is a unit for the spectral concentration of radiant energy density (in terms of wavelength), or the spectral radiant energy density (in terms of wave length). This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system.

Altlabel Joule per Quartic Metre
Unitsymbol J/m⁴
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
JoulePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-SEC
Ucumcode J.s-1
Preflabel JoulePerSecond
Elucidation SI derived unit joule divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Joule Per Second
Unitsymbol J/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-M2
Ucumcode J.m-2
Ucumcode J/m2
Preflabel JoulePerSquareMetre
Elucidation Joule Per Square Meter (J/m²) is a unit in the category of Energy density. It is also known as joules per square meter, joule per square metre, joule/square meter, joule/square metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system.

Altlabel Joule per Square Metre
Unitsymbol J/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerSquareTesla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerSquareTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-T2
Ucumcode J.T-2
Preflabel JoulePerSquareTesla
Elucidation A measure of the diamagnetic energy, for a Bohr-radius spread around a magnetic axis, per square Tesla.

Altlabel Joule per Square Tesla
Unitsymbol J/T²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyPerSquareMagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JoulePerTesla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JoulePerTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-T
Ucumcode J.T-1
Preflabel JoulePerTesla
Elucidation The magnetic moment of a magnet is a quantity that determines the force that the magnet can exert on electric currents and the torque that a magnetic field will exert on it. A loop of electric current, a bar magnet, an electron, a molecule, and a planet all have magnetic moments. The unit for magnetic moment is not a base unit in the International System of Units (SI) and it can be represented in more than one way. For example, in the current loop definition, the area is measured in square meters and I is measured in amperes, so the magnetic moment is measured in ampere-square meters (A m2). In the equation for torque on a moment, the torque is measured in joules and the magnetic field in tesla, so the moment is measured in Joules per Tesla (J u00b7T-1). These two representations are equivalent: 1 A u00b7m2 = 1 J u00b7T-1.

Altlabel Joule per Tesla
Unitsymbol J/T
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticDipoleMomentUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JouleSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JouleSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-SEC
Ucumcode J.s
Preflabel JouleSecond
Elucidation The joule-second is a unit equal to a joule multiplied by a second, used to measure action or angular momentum. The joule-second is the unit used for Planck's constant.

Altlabel Joule Second
Unitsymbol J⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JouleSecondPerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JouleSecondPerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-SEC-PER-MOL
Ucumcode J.s.mol-1
Preflabel JouleSecondPerMole
Elucidation `Joule Second per Mole` is a unit for 'Molar Angular Momentum' expressed as J s mol⁻¹.

Altlabel Joule Second per Mole
Unitsymbol J⋅s/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyTimePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JouleSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JouleSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-M2
Ucumcode J.m2
Preflabel JouleSquareMetre
Elucidation Joule square metre.
Unitsymbol J⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
JouleSquareMetrePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#JouleSquareMetrePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-M2-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode J.m2.kg-1
Preflabel JouleSquareMetrePerKilogram
Elucidation Joule square metre per kilogram.
Unitsymbol j⋅m²/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassStoppingPowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-M
Ucumcode K.m
Preflabel KelvinMetre
Elucidation Kelvin metre.
Unitsymbol K⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-M-PER-SEC
Ucumcode K.m.s-1
Preflabel KelvinMetrePerSecond
Elucidation Kelvin metre per second.
Unitsymbol K⋅m/s
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperatureLengthPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinMetrePerWatt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinMetrePerWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-M-PER-W
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-K-PER-W
Ucumcode K.m.W-1
Preflabel KelvinMetrePerWatt
Elucidation product of the SI base unit kelvin and the SI base unit metre divided by the derived SI unit watt

Altlabel Kelvin Metre Per Watt
Unitsymbol K⋅m/W
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ThermalResistivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPascalPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPascalPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PA-PER-SEC
Ucumcode K.Pa.s-1
Preflabel KelvinPascalPerSecond
Elucidation Kelvin Pascal per second.
Unitsymbol K⋅Pa/s
Formal description
Subclass Of TemperaturePressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-K
Ucumcode K.K-1
Preflabel KelvinPerKelvin
Elucidation SI base unit kelvin divided by the SI base unit kelvin

Altlabel Kelvin Per Kelvin
Unitsymbol K/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-M
Ucumcode K.m-1
Preflabel KelvinPerMetre
Elucidation A change of temperature on the Kelvin temperature scale in one SI unit of length.

Altlabel KelvinPerMeter
Unitsymbol K/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-SEC
Ucumcode K.s-1
Ucumcode K/s
Preflabel KelvinPerSecond
Elucidation `Kelvin per Second` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time' expressed as K / s.

Altlabel Kelvin per Second
Unitsymbol K/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode K.s-2
Ucumcode K/s^2
Preflabel KelvinPerSquareSecond
Elucidation `Kelvin per Square Second` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Time Squared' expressed as K / s².

Altlabel Kelvin per Square Second
Unitsymbol K/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerTesla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerTesla
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-T
Ucumcode K.T-1
Preflabel KelvinPerTesla
Elucidation `Kelvin per Tesla` is a unit for 'Temperature Per Magnetic Flux Density' expressed as K T⁻¹.

Altlabel Kelvin per Tesla
Unitsymbol K/T
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerMagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinPerWatt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinPerWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-PER-W
Ucumcode K.W-1
Ucumcode K/W
Preflabel KelvinPerWatt
Elucidation Thermal resistance is a heat property and a measure of a temperature difference by which an object or material resists a heat flow (heat per time unit or thermal resistance). Thermal resistance is the reciprocal thermal conductance. Absolute thermal resistance is the temperature difference across a structure when a unit of heat energy flows through it in unit time. It is the reciprocal of thermal conductance. The SI units of thermal resistance are kelvins per watt or the equivalent degrees Celsius per watt (the two are the same since as intervals).

Altlabel Kelvin per Watt
Unitsymbol K/W
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ThermalResistanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-SEC
Ucumcode K.s
Preflabel KelvinSecond
Elucidation Kelvin second.
Unitsymbol K⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KelvinSquareMetrePerKilogramPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KelvinSquareMetrePerKilogramPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K-M2-PER-KiloGM-SEC
Ucumcode K.m2.kg-1.s-1
Preflabel KelvinSquareMetrePerKilogramPerSecond
Elucidation Kelvin square metres per kilogram and second.
Unitsymbol K⋅m²/(kg⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureAreaPerMassTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-K
Ucumcode kg.K
Preflabel KilogramKelvin
Elucidation `Kilogram Kelvin` is a unit for 'Mass Temperature' expressed as kg-K.

Altlabel Kilogram Kelvin
Unitsymbol kg⋅K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-M-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kg.m.s-1
Ucumcode kg.m/s
Preflabel KilogramMetrePerSecond
Elucidation "Kilogram Meter Per Second" is a unit for 'Linear Momentum' expressed as kg-m/s.

Altlabel Kilogram Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol kg⋅m/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MomentumUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M3
Ucumcode kg.m-3
Ucumcode kg/m3
Preflabel KilogramPerCubicMetre
Elucidation Kilogram per cubic metre is an SI derived unit of density, defined by mass in kilograms divided by volume in cubic metres. The official SI symbolic abbreviation is kg . m⁻³, or equivalently either kg/m³.

Altlabel Kilogram per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol kg/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M3-SEC
Ucumcode kg.m-3.s-1
Preflabel KilogramPerCubicMetrePerSecond
Altlabel Kilograms per cubic metre per second
Unitsymbol kg/(m³⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode kg.kg-1
Preflabel KilogramPerKilogram
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Kilogram Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol kg/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M
Ucumcode kg.m-1
Ucumcode kg/m
Preflabel KilogramPerMetre
Elucidation Kilogram Per Meter (kg/m) is a unit in the category of Linear mass density. It is also known as kilogram/meter, kilogram/metre, kilograms per meter, kilogram per metre, kilograms per metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Kilogram Per Meter (kg/m) has a dimension of ML-1 where M is mass, and L is length. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Kilogram per Metre
Unitsymbol kg/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M-SEC
Ucumcode kg.m-1.s-1
Preflabel KilogramPerMetrePerSecond
Altlabel Kilograms per metre per second
Unitsymbol kg/(m⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerMetrePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerMetrePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M-SEC2
Ucumcode kg.m-1.s-2
Preflabel KilogramPerMetrePerSquareSecond
Elucidation The SI unit of pressure. The pascal is the standard pressure unit in the MKS metric system, equal to one newton per square meter or one "kilogram per meter per second per second." The unit is named for Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French philosopher and mathematician, who was the first person to use a barometer to measure differences in altitude.

Altlabel Kilograms per metre per square second
Unitsymbol kg/(m⋅s²)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerMol
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-MOL
Ucumcode kg.mol-1
Ucumcode kg/mol
Preflabel KilogramPerMole
Elucidation In chemistry, the molar mass M is defined as the mass of a given substance (chemical element or chemical compound) divided by its amount of substance. It is a physical property of a given substance. The base SI unit for molar mass is kg/mol. However, for historical reasons, molar masses are almost always expressed in g/mol. As an example, the molar mass of water is approximately: 18.01528(33) g/mol.

Altlabel Kilogram per Mole
Unitsymbol kg/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kg.s-1
Ucumcode kg/s
Preflabel KilogramPerSecond
Elucidation Kilogram Per Second (kg/s) is a unit in the category of Mass flow rate. It is also known as kilogram/second, kilograms per second. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Kilogram Per Second (kg/s) has a dimension of MT⁻¹ where M is mass, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Kilogram per Second
Unitsymbol kg/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSecondPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSecondPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-SEC-M2
Ucumcode kg.(s.m2)-1
Ucumcode kg.s-1.m-2
Ucumcode kg/(s.m2)
Preflabel KilogramPerSecondPerSquareMetre
Elucidation SI base unit kilogram divided by the product of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2 and the SI base unit second

Altlabel Kilogram Per Second Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol kg/(s⋅m²)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M2
Ucumcode kg.m-2
Ucumcode kg/m2
Preflabel KilogramPerSquareMetre
Elucidation Kilogram Per Square Meter (kg/m2) is a unit in the category of Surface density. It is also known as kilograms per square meter, kilogram per square metre, kilograms per square metre, kilogram/square meter, kilogram/square metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Kilogram Per Square Meter (kg/m2) has a dimension of ML-2 where M is mass, and L is length. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Kilogram per Square Metre
Unitsymbol kg/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSquareMetrePerPascalPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSquareMetrePerPascalPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M2-PA-SEC
Preflabel KilogramPerSquareMetrePerPascalPerSecond
Altlabel Kilograms per square metre per Pascal per second
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perm_(unit)
Unitsymbol kg/(m²⋅s⋅Pa)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TimePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSquareMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSquareMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M2-SEC
Ucumcode kg.m-2.s-1
Preflabel KilogramPerSquareMetrePerSecond
Altlabel Kilograms per square metre per second
Unitsymbol kg/(m²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSquareMetreSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSquareMetreSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-M2-SEC2
Preflabel KilogramPerSquareMetreSquareSecond
Altlabel Kilogram per Square Metre Square Second
Unitsymbol kg/(m²⋅s²)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode kg.s-2
Ucumcode kg/s2
Preflabel KilogramPerSquareSecond
Altlabel Kilogram per Square Second
Unitsymbol kg/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-M2
Ucumcode kg.m2
Preflabel KilogramSquareMetre
Elucidation "Kilogram Square Meter" is a unit for 'Moment Of Inertia' expressed as kg-m².

Altlabel Kilogram Square Metre
Unitsymbol kg⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassAreaUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramSquareMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramSquareMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-M2-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kg.m2.s-1
Preflabel KilogramSquareMetrePerSecond
Elucidation "Kilogram Square Meter Per Second" is a unit for 'Angular Momentum' expressed as kg-m²-s⁻¹.

Altlabel Kilogram Square Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol kg⋅m²/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM-SEC2
Ucumcode kg.s2
Preflabel KilogramSquareSecond
Altlabel Kilogram Square Second
Unitsymbol kg⋅s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LumenPerWatt ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LumenPerWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LM-PER-W
Ucumcode lm.W-1
Preflabel LumenPerWatt
Elucidation A measurement of luminous efficacy, which is the light output in lumens using one watt of electricity.

Altlabel Lumen per Watt
Unitsymbol lm/W
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LuminousEfficacyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LumenSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LumenSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LM-SEC
Ucumcode lm.s
Preflabel LumenSecond
Elucidation In photometry, the lumen second is the SI derived unit of luminous energy. It is based on the lumen, the SI unit of luminous flux, and the second, the SI base unit of time. The lumen second is sometimes called the talbot (symbol T). An older name for the lumen second was the lumberg.

Altlabel lumen second
Unitsymbol lm⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MassFraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_089f13b1_ceb3_4d2a_8795_b4a2d92916da
Preflabel MassFraction
Elucidation The mass of one type of species divided by the total mass.
Unitsymbol mass_fraction
Unitsymbol mass-fraction
Formal description
Subclass Of MassFractionUnit
.. raw:: html
MetreKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetreKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-K
Ucumcode m.K
Preflabel MetreKelvin
Elucidation `Meter Kelvin` is a unit for 'Length Temperature' expressed as m K.

Altlabel Metre Kelvin
Unitsymbol m⋅K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetreKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetreKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-KiloGM
Ucumcode m.kg
Preflabel MetreKilogram
Elucidation Kilogram metre.
Unitsymbol m⋅kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetrePerFarad ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetrePerFarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-FARAD
Ucumcode m.F-1
Preflabel MetrePerFarad
Elucidation Metre per Farad.
Unitsymbol m/f
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of InversePermittivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-K
Ucumcode m/K
Preflabel MetrePerKelvin
Elucidation Metre per Kelvin.
Unitsymbol m/k
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-SEC
Ucumcode m.s-1
Unececommoncode MTS
Omreference http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/metrePerSecond-Time
Preflabel MetrePerSecond
Elucidation Metre per second is an SI derived unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector quantity which specifies both magnitude and a specific direction), defined by distance in metres divided by time in seconds.
The official SI symbolic abbreviation is mu00b7s-1, or equivalently either m/s.

Unitsymbol m/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetrePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetrePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode m.s-2
Ucumcode m/s2
Preflabel MetrePerSquareSecond
Elucidation The `meter per Square second` is the unit of acceleration in the International System of Units (SI). As a derived unit it is composed from the SI base units of length, the metre, and the standard unit of time, the second. Its symbol is written in several forms as m/s², or m s⁻². As acceleration, the unit is interpreted physically as change in velocity or speed per time interval, that is, `metre per second per second`.

Altlabel Metre per Square Second
Unitsymbol m/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliAmperePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliAmperePerGram
Preflabel MilliAmperePerGram
Elucidation a unit of electric current per mass
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MoleDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MoleDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-DEG_C
Ucumcode mol.Cel
Preflabel MoleDegreeCelsius
Elucidation `Mole Degree Celsius` is a C.G.S System unit for 'Temperature Amount Of Substance' expressed as mol-degC.

Altlabel Mole Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol mol⋅°C
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
MoleFraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AtomFraction
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-MOL
Ucumcode mol.mol-1
Preflabel MoleFraction
Elucidation Number of one type of species divided by the number of all species.
Altlabel AtomFraction
Altlabel MolePerMole
Altlabel Moles per mole
Unitsymbol atom-fraction
Unitsymbol atom_fraction
Unitsymbol mol/mol
Unitsymbol mole-fraction
Unitsymbol mole_fraction
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MoleKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MoleKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-K
Ucumcode mol.K
Preflabel MoleKelvin
Elucidation Mole Kelvin is a unit for `Temperature Amount Of Substance` expressed as mol-K.

Altlabel Mole Kelvin
Unitsymbol mol⋅K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M3
Ucumcode mol.m-3
Ucumcode mol/m3
Preflabel MolePerCubicMetre
Elucidation The SI derived unit for amount-of-substance concentration is the mole/cubic meter.

Altlabel Mole per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol mol/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConcentrationUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M3-SEC
Ucumcode mol.m-3.s-1
Preflabel MolePerCubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit volume per SI unit of time.

Altlabel Moles per cubic metre per second
Unitsymbol mol/(m³⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode mol.kg-1
Ucumcode mol/kg
Preflabel MolePerKilogram
Elucidation Mole Per Kilogram (mol/kg) is a unit of Molality

Altlabel Mole per Kilogram
Unitsymbol mol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerKilogramPascal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerKilogramPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-KiloGM-PA
Ucumcode mol.kg-1.Pa-1
Preflabel MolePerKilogramPascal
Elucidation Mole Per Kilogram Pascal (mol/kg-pa) is a unit of Molar Mass variation due to Pressure.

Altlabel Mole per Kilogram Pascal
Unitsymbol mol/(kg⋅Pa)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassPressureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-SEC
Ucumcode mol.s-1
Ucumcode mol/s
Preflabel MolePerSecond
Elucidation SI base unit mol divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Mole Per Second
Unitsymbol mol/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of CatalyticActivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2
Ucumcode mol.m-2
Preflabel MolePerSquareMetre
Elucidation SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit area.

Altlabel Moles per square metre
Unitsymbol mol/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerSquareMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-SEC
Ucumcode mol.m-2.s-1
Preflabel MolePerSquareMetrePerSecond
Elucidation SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit area per SI unit of time.

Altlabel Moles per square metre per second
Unitsymbol mol/(m²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-SEC-M
Ucumcode mol.m-2.s-1.m-1
Preflabel MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetre
Elucidation Moles per square metre and second and metre.
Unitsymbol mol/(m²⋅s⋅m)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetrePerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetrePerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-SEC-M-SR
Ucumcode mol.m-2.s-1.m-1.sr-1
Preflabel MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetrePerSteradian
Elucidation Moles per square metre per second per metre per steradian.
Unitsymbol mol/(m²⋅s⋅m⋅sr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOL-PER-M2-SEC-SR
Ucumcode mol.m-2.s-1.sr-1
Preflabel MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerSteradian
Elucidation Moles per square metre per second per steradian.
Unitsymbol mol/(m²⋅s⋅sr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMeterPerMilliMeterMegaPascal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMeterPerMilliMeterMegaPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoM-PER-MilliM-MegaPA
Ucumcode nm.mm-1.MPa-1
Preflabel NanoMeterPerMilliMeterMegaPascal
Altlabel Nanometer Per Millimeter Megapascal
Unitsymbol nm/(mm⋅MPa)
Formal description
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerCubicCentiMetrePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerCubicCentiMetrePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-CentiM3-HR
Ucumcode nmol.cm-3.h-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerCubicCentiMetrePerHour
Altlabel Nanomoles per cubic centimetre per hour
Unitsymbol nmol/(cm³⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerVolumeTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerGramPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerGramPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-GM-SEC
Ucumcode nmol.g-1.s-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerGramPerSecond
Altlabel Nanomoles per gram per second
Unitsymbol nmol/(g⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of AmountPerMassTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NanoMolePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NanoMolePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NanoMOL-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode nmol.kg-1
Preflabel NanoMolePerKilogram
Altlabel Nanomoles per kilogram
Unitsymbol nmol/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AmountPerMassUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NanoPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M
Omreference http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/newtonMetre
Preflabel NewtonMetre
Elucidation "Torque" is the tendency of a force to cause a rotation, is the product of the force and the distance from the center of rotation to the point where the force is applied. Torque has the same units as work or energy, but it is a different physical concept. To stress the difference, scientists measure torque in newton meters rather than in joules, the SI unit of work. One newton meter is approximately 0.737562 pound foot.

Comment Note that the physical dimension is the same as for Joule.
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetrePerAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetrePerAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-PER-A
Ucumcode N.m.A-1
Preflabel NewtonMetrePerAmpere
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit ampere

Altlabel Newton Metre Per Ampere
Unitsymbol N⋅m/A
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetrePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetrePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode N.m.kg-1
Preflabel NewtonMetrePerKilogram
Elucidation product of the derived SI unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Newton Metre Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol N⋅m/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetrePerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetrePerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-PER-M
Preflabel NewtonMetrePerMetre
Elucidation This is the SI unit for the rolling resistance, which is equivalent to drag force in newton

Altlabel Newton metre per metre
Unitsymbol N⋅m/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetrePerMetrePerRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetrePerMetrePerRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-PER-M-RAD
Preflabel NewtonMetrePerMetrePerRadian
Elucidation Newton metre per metre and radian.
Unitsymbol N⋅m/(m⋅rad)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetrePerRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetrePerRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-PER-RAD
Preflabel NewtonMetrePerRadian
Elucidation Newton Meter per Radian is the SI unit for Torsion Constant

Altlabel Newton metre per radian
Unitsymbol N⋅m/rad
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetrePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetrePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-PER-M2
Ucumcode N.m.m-2
Preflabel NewtonMetrePerSquareMetre
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2

Altlabel Newton Metre Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol N⋅m/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-SEC
Ucumcode N.m.s
Preflabel NewtonMetreSecond
Elucidation The SI derived unit of angular momentum.

Altlabel Newton Metre Second
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_derived_unit
Unitsymbol N⋅m⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetreSecondPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetreSecondPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-SEC-PER-M
Preflabel NewtonMetreSecondPerMetre
Elucidation Newton metre seconds measured per metre

Altlabel Newton metre seconds per metre
Unitsymbol N⋅m⋅s/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MomentumUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonMetreSecondPerRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonMetreSecondPerRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M-SEC-PER-RAD
Preflabel NewtonMetreSecondPerRadian
Elucidation Newton metre seconds measured per radian

Altlabel Newton metre seconds per radian
Unitsymbol N⋅m⋅s/rad
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-A
Ucumcode N.A-1
Preflabel NewtonPerAmpere
Elucidation SI derived unit newton divided by the SI base unit ampere

Altlabel Newton Per Ampere
Unitsymbol N/A
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticPotentialUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerCoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerCoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-C
Ucumcode N.C-1
Preflabel NewtonPerCoulomb
Elucidation Newton Per Coulomb ( N/C) is a unit in the category of Electric field strength. It is also known as newtons/coulomb. Newton Per Coulomb ( N/C) has a dimension of MLT-3I-1 where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. It essentially the same as the corresponding standard SI unit V/m.

Altlabel Newton per Coulomb
Unitsymbol N/C
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-M3
Ucumcode N.m-3
Preflabel NewtonPerCubicMetre
Elucidation Newton per cubic metre.
Unitsymbol N/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode N.kg-1
Preflabel NewtonPerKilogram
Elucidation Gravitational field strength at a point is the gravitational force per unit mass at that point. It is a vector and its S.I. unit is N kg-1.

Altlabel Newton per Kilogram
Unitsymbol N/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-M
Ucumcode N.m-1
Ucumcode N/m
Preflabel NewtonPerMetre
Elucidation Newton Per Meter (N/m) is a unit in the category of Surface tension. It is also known as newtons per meter, newton per metre, newtons per metre, newton/meter, newton/metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Newton Per Meter (N/m) has a dimension of MT-2 where M is mass, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Newton per Metre
Unitsymbol N/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-RAD
Preflabel NewtonPerRadian
Elucidation A one-newton force applied for one angle/torsional torque

Altlabel Newton per radian
Unitsymbol N/rad
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-PER-M2
Ucumcode N.m-2
Preflabel NewtonPerSquareMetre
Elucidation The SI unit of pressure. The pascal is the standard pressure unit in the MKS metric system, equal to one newton per square meter or one "kilogram per meter per second per second." The unit is named for Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French philosopher and mathematician, who was the first person to use a barometer to measure differences in altitude.

Altlabel Newtons Per Square Metre
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal?oldid=492989202
Unitsymbol N/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-SEC
Ucumcode N.s
Preflabel NewtonSecond
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit newton and the SI base unit second

Altlabel Newton Second
Unitsymbol N⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MomentumUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonSecondPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonSecondPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-SEC-PER-M3
Ucumcode N.s.m-3
Preflabel NewtonSecondPerCubicMetre
Elucidation The SI unit of specific acoustic impedance. When sound waves pass through any physical substance the pressure of the waves causes the particles of the substance to move. The sound specific impedance is the ratio between the sound pressure and the particle velocity it produces. The specific impedance is 1 N · s · m⁻³ if unit pressure produces unit velocity.

Altlabel Newton second per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol N⋅s/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonSecondPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonSecondPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-SEC-PER-M
Ucumcode N.s.m-1
Preflabel NewtonSecondPerMetre
Elucidation Newton second measured per metre

Altlabel Newton Second per Metre
Unitsymbol N⋅s/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonSecondPerRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonSecondPerRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-SEC-PER-RAD
Preflabel NewtonSecondPerRadian
Elucidation Newton seconds measured per radian

Altlabel Newton seconds per radian
Unitsymbol N⋅s/rad
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MomentumUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M2
Preflabel NewtonSquareMetre
Elucidation Newton square metre.
Unitsymbol N⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForceAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M2-PER-A
Ucumcode N.m2.A-1
Ucumcode N.m2/A
Preflabel NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpere
Elucidation Newton metre squared per Ampere.
Unitsymbol N⋅m²/A
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpereUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NewtonSquareMetrePerSquareKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NewtonSquareMetrePerSquareKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/N-M2-PER-KiloGM2
Ucumcode N.m2.kg-2
Preflabel NewtonSquareMetrePerSquareKilogram
Elucidation unit of gravitational constant as product of the derived SI unit newton, the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2 divided by the power of the SI base unit kilogram with the exponent 2

Altlabel Newton Square Metre Per Square Kilogram
Unitsymbol N⋅m²/kg²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NewtonianConstantOfGravityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
OhmMetre ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#OhmMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OHM-M
Ucumcode Ohm.m
Preflabel OhmMetre
Elucidation Ohm metre.
Unitsymbol Ω⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricResistivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
OhmSquareMetrePerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#OhmSquareMetrePerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OHM-M2-PER-M
Ucumcode Ohm2.m.m-1
Preflabel OhmSquareMetrePerMetre
Elucidation Ohm square metre per metre.
Unitsymbol Ω⋅m²/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricResistivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-M3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Pa.m3.s-1
Preflabel PascalCubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation product out of the SI derived unit pascal and the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Pascal Cubic Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol Pa⋅m³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-M
Ucumcode Pa.m
Preflabel PascalMetre
Elucidation Pascal metre.
Unitsymbol Pa⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-M-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Pa.m.s-1
Preflabel PascalMetrePerSecond
Elucidation Pascal metre per second.
Unitsymbol Pa⋅m/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalMetrePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalMetrePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-M-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode Pa.m.s-2
Preflabel PascalMetrePerSquareSecond
Elucidation Pascal metre per square second.
Unitsymbol Pa⋅m/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerQuarticTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-PER-K
Ucumcode Pa.K-1
Preflabel PascalPerKelvin
Elucidation Pascal per Kelvin.
Unitsymbol P/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-PER-M
Ucumcode Pa.m-1
Ucumcode Pa/m
Preflabel PascalPerMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit pascal divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Pascal Per Metre
Unitsymbol Pa/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerSquareLengthSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-PER-SEC
Ucumcode Pa.s-1
Ucumcode Pa/s
Preflabel PascalPerSecond
Elucidation A rate of change of pressure measured as the number of Pascals in a period of one second.

Altlabel Pascal per Second
Unitsymbol P/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-SEC
Ucumcode Pa.s
Preflabel PascalSecond
Elucidation The SI unit of dynamic viscosity, equal to 10 poises or 1000 centipoises.

Altlabel Pascal Second
Unitsymbol Pa⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalSecondPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalSecondPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-SEC-PER-M3
Ucumcode Pa.s.m-3
Preflabel PascalSecondPerCubicMetre
Elucidation `Pascal Second Per Cubic Meter` (Pa-s/m³) is a unit in the category of Acoustic impedance. It is also known as `pascal-second/cubic meter`. It has a dimension of ML⁻⁴T⁻¹ where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Pascal Second Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol Pa⋅s/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerQuarticLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalSecondPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalSecondPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-SEC-PER-M
Ucumcode Pa.s.m-1
Preflabel PascalSecondPerMetre
Elucidation Pascal Second Per Meter (Pa-s/m) is a unit in the category of Specific acoustic impedance. It is also known as pascal-second/meter. Pascal Second Per Meter has a dimension of ML²T⁻¹ where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. It essentially the same as the corresponding standard SI unit kg/m2· s.

Altlabel Pascal Second Per Metre
Unitsymbol Pa⋅s/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M3
Ucumcode /m3
Ucumcode m-3
Preflabel PerCubicMetre
Elucidation "Per Cubic Meter" is a denominator unit with dimensions /m³.

Altlabel Reciprocal Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol /m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerCubicMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerCubicMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M3-SEC
Ucumcode m-3.s-1
Preflabel PerCubicMetreSecond
Elucidation Per cubic metre and second.
Unitsymbol /(m³⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyPerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerHenry ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerHenry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-H
Ucumcode H-1
Preflabel PerHenry
Elucidation Reciprocal Henry.
Altlabel ReciprocalHenry
Unitsymbol /H
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticReluctanceUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerJouleCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerJouleCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-J-M3
Ucumcode J-1.m-3
Preflabel PerJouleCubicMetre
Elucidation Per Joule cubic metre.
Unitsymbol /(J⋅m³)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-K
Ucumcode K-1
Preflabel PerKelvin
Elucidation Per Kelvin Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /K.

Altlabel Reciprocal Kelvin
Unitsymbol /K
Formal description
Subclass Of PerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMetre ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M
Ucumcode /m
Ucumcode m-1
Preflabel PerMetre
Elucidation Per Meter Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /m.

Altlabel Reciprocal metre
Unitsymbol /m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMetreKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMetreKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M-K
Ucumcode m-1.K-1
Preflabel PerMetreKelvin
Elucidation Per Meter Kelvin Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /m.k.

Altlabel ReciprocalMetreKelvin
Unitsymbol /(m⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerLengthTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M-SEC
Ucumcode m-1.s-1
Preflabel PerMetreSecond
Elucidation Per metre and second.
Altlabel ReciprocalMetreSecond
Unitsymbol /(m⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMetreSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMetreSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M-SR
Ucumcode m-1.sr-1
Preflabel PerMetreSteradian
Elucidation Per metre and steradian.
Altlabel ReciprocalMetreSteradian
Unitsymbol /(m⋅sr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerMole ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MOL
Ucumcode mol-1
Preflabel PerMole
Elucidation Per Mole Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions mol⁻¹.

Altlabel ReciprocalMole
Unitsymbol /mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerPascal ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerPascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-PA
Ucumcode Pa-1
Preflabel PerPascal
Elucidation Per Pascal.
Altlabel ReciprocalPascal
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal?oldid=492989202
Unitsymbol /Pa
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerPascalSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerPascalSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-PA-SEC
Ucumcode Pa-1.s-1
Preflabel PerPascalSecond
Elucidation Per Pascal and Second.
Altlabel PerPascalSecond
Unitsymbol /(Pa⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of LengthTimePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSecond ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-SEC
Ucumcode /s
Ucumcode s-1
Preflabel PerSecond
Elucidation A reciprical unit of time for `reciprocal second` or `inverse second`. The `Per Second` is a unit of rate.

Altlabel ReciprocalSecond
Unitsymbol /s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSecondSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSecondSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-SEC-M2
Ucumcode /(s1.m2)
Ucumcode s-1.m-2
Preflabel PerSecondSquareMetre
Elucidation `Per Second Square Meter` is a measure of flux with dimensions /sec-m².

Altlabel ReciprocalSecondSquareMetre
Unitsymbol /s⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSecondSquareMetreSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSecondSquareMetreSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-SEC-M2-SR
Ucumcode /(s.m2.sr)
Ucumcode s-1.m-2.sr-1
Preflabel PerSecondSquareMetreSteradian
Elucidation Per Second Square Meter Steradian is a denominator unit with dimensions /sec-m²-sr.

Altlabel ReciprocalSecondSquareMetreSteradian
Unitsymbol /s⋅m²⋅sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSecondSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSecondSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-SEC-SR
Ucumcode /(s.sr)
Ucumcode s-1.sr-1
Preflabel PerSecondSteradian
Elucidation Per Second Steradian Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /sec-sr.

Altlabel ReciprocalSecondSteradian
Unitsymbol /s⋅sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSquareJoule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSquareJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-J2
Ucumcode J-2
Preflabel PerSquareJoule
Elucidation Per Square Joule is a denominator unit with dimensions /eV².

Altlabel ReciprocalSquareJoule
Unitsymbol /J²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalSquareEnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSquareKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSquareKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-KiloGM2
Ucumcode kg-2
Preflabel PerSquareKilogram
Elucidation Per Square Kilogram is a denominator unit with dimensions /kg².

Altlabel ReciprocalSquareKilogram
Unitsymbol /kg²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of InverseSquareMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M2
Ucumcode /m2
Ucumcode m-2
Preflabel PerSquareMetre
Elucidation "Per Square Meter" is a denominator unit with dimensions /m².

Altlabel ReciprocalSquareMetre
Unitsymbol /m²
Formal description
Subclass Of PerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSquareMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSquareMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-M2-SEC
Ucumcode m-2.s-1
Preflabel PerSquareMetreSecond
Elucidation Per square metre and second.
Altlabel ReciprocalSquareMetreSecond
Unitsymbol /(m²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-SEC2
Ucumcode s-2
Preflabel PerSquareSecond
Elucidation Per square second.
Altlabel ReciprocalSquareSecond
Unitsymbol /s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AngularFrequencyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-SR
Ucumcode sr-1
Preflabel PerSteradian
Elucidation Per steradian.
Altlabel ReciprocalSteradian
Unitsymbol /sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerTeslaMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerTeslaMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-T-M
Ucumcode T-1.m-1
Preflabel PerTeslaMetre
Elucidation Per Tesla Meter Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /m .· T.

Altlabel ReciprocalTeslaMetre.
Unitsymbol /t⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticReluctivityUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PerTeslaSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerTeslaSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-T-SEC
Ucumcode T-1.s-1
Preflabel PerTeslaSecond
Elucidation Per Tesla Second Unit is a denominator unit with dimensions /s . T.

Altlabel Per Tesla and Second unit.
Unitsymbol /T⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
PerWeber ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PerWeber
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-WB
Ucumcode Wb-1
Preflabel PerWeber
Elucidation Per Weber unit.
Altlabel ReciprocalWeber
Unitsymbol /Wb
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentPerEnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
QuarticCoulombMetrePerCubicEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#QuarticCoulombMetrePerCubicEnergy
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C4-M4-PER-J3
Ucumcode C4.m4.J-3
Ucumcode C4.m4/J3
Preflabel QuarticCoulombMetrePerCubicEnergy
Elucidation "Quartic Coulomb Meter per Cubic Energy" is a unit for 'Quartic Electric Dipole Moment Per Cubic Energy' expressed as C⁴ m⁴ J⁻³.

Altlabel Quartic Coulomb Metre per Cubic Energy
Unitsymbol C⁴m⁴/J³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of QuarticElectricDipoleMomentPerCubicEnergyUnit
.. raw:: html
QuarticMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#QuarticMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M4
Ucumcode m4
Preflabel QuarticMetre
Elucidation A unit associated with area moments of inertia.

Altlabel Quartic Metre
Unitsymbol m⁴
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of QuarticLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
QuarticMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#QuarticMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M4-PER-SEC
Ucumcode m4.s-1
Preflabel QuarticMetrePerSecond
Elucidation Metre to the power four per second.
Unitsymbol m⁴/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of QuarticLengthPerTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
QuinticMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#QuinticMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M5
Preflabel QuinticMetre
Elucidation Metre to the power of five.
Unitsymbol m⁵
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SectionAreaIntegralUnit
.. raw:: html
RadianPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RadianPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-PER-M
Ucumcode rad.m-1
Preflabel RadianPerMetre
Elucidation Radian per metre.
Unitsymbol rad/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RadianPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RadianPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-PER-SEC
Ucumcode rad.s-1
Ucumcode rad/s
Preflabel RadianPerSecond
Elucidation "Radian per Second" is the SI unit of rotational speed (angular velocity), and, also the unit of angular frequency. The radian per second is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every second.

Altlabel radian per second
Unitsymbol rad/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RadianPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RadianPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode rad.s-2
Ucumcode rad/s2
Preflabel RadianPerSquareSecond
Elucidation Angular acceleration is the rate of change of angular velocity. In SI units, it is measured in radians per Square second (rad/s²), and is usually denoted by the Greek letter α.

Altlabel Radian per Square Second
Unitsymbol rad/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AngularFrequencyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RadianSquareMetrePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RadianSquareMetrePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-M2-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode rad.m2.kg-1
Preflabel RadianSquareMetrePerKilogram
Elucidation Radian square metre per kilogram.
Unitsymbol rad⋅m²/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RadianSquareMetrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RadianSquareMetrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD-M2-PER-MOL
Ucumcode rad.m2.mol-1
Preflabel RadianSquareMetrePerMole
Elucidation Radian square metre per mole.
Unitsymbol rad⋅m²/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SecondPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SecondPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SEC-PER-M
Ucumcode s.m-1
Preflabel SecondPerMetre
Elucidation Second per metre.
Unitsymbol s/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TimePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SecondPerRadianCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SecondPerRadianCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SEC-PER-RAD-M3
Ucumcode s.rad-1.m-3
Preflabel SecondPerRadianCubicMetre
Elucidation Second per radian and cubic metre unit.
Unitsymbol s/rad⋅m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of TimePerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SexticMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SexticMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M6
Preflabel SexticMetre
Elucidation Metre to the power of six.
Unitsymbol m⁶
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SexticLengthUnit
.. raw:: html
SiemensPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SiemensPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/S-PER-M
Ucumcode S.m-1
Ucumcode S/m
Preflabel SiemensPerMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit siemens divided by the SI base unit metre.

Altlabel Siemens Per Metre
Unitsymbol S/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SiemensSquareMetrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SiemensSquareMetrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/S-M2-PER-MOL
Ucumcode S.m2.mol-1
Preflabel SiemensSquareMetrePerMole
Elucidation Siemens square metre per mole.
Unitsymbol S⋅m²/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AmountConductivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareCoulombSquareMetrePerJoule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareCoulombSquareMetrePerJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C2-M2-PER-J
Ucumcode C2.m2.J-1
Ucumcode C2.m2/J
Preflabel SquareCoulombSquareMetrePerJoule
Elucidation "Square Coulomb Square Meter per Joule" is a unit for 'Polarizability' expressed as C² m² J⁻¹.

Altlabel Square Coulomb Square Metre per Joule
Unitsymbol C²⋅m²/J
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareCurrentQuarticTimePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareDegreeCelsiusPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareDegreeCelsiusPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C2-PER-SEC
Ucumcode K2.s-1
Preflabel SquareDegreeCelsiusPerSecond
Elucidation Square degree Celsius per second.
Unitsymbol °C²⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareTemperaturePerTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
SquareKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/K2
Ucumcode K2
Preflabel SquareKelvin
Elucidation Square Kelvin.
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareKilogramPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareKilogramPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM2-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode kg2.s-2
Preflabel SquareKilogramPerSquareSecond
Elucidation Square kilogram per square second.
Unitsymbol kg²/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SquareMassPerSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2
Ucumcode m2
Unececommoncode MTK
Omreference http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/squareMetre
Preflabel SquareMetre
Elucidation The S I unit of area is the square metre.

Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreCubicHertz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreCubicHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-HZ3
Ucumcode m2.Hz3
Preflabel SquareMetreCubicHertz
Elucidation Square metre and cubic Hertz.
Unitsymbol m²⋅Hz³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreHertz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-HZ
Ucumcode m2.Hz
Preflabel SquareMetreHertz
Elucidation Square metre Hertz.
Unitsymbol m²⋅Hz
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-K
Ucumcode m2.K
Preflabel SquareMetreKelvin
Elucidation `Square Meter Kelvin` is a unit for 'Area Temperature' expressed as m²-K.

Altlabel Square Metre Kelvin
Unitsymbol m²⋅K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreKelvinPerWatt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreKelvinPerWatt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-K-PER-W
Ucumcode m2.K.W-1
Preflabel SquareMetreKelvinPerWatt
Elucidation `Square Meter Kelvin per Watt` is a unit for 'Thermal Insulance' expressed as (K²)m/W.

Altlabel Square Metre Kelvin per Watt
Unitsymbol (K²)m/W
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-GM
Ucumcode m2.g-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerGram
Elucidation A unit in the category of specific area.
Altlabel Square metres per gram
Unitsymbol m²/g
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaPerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerHertz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-HZ
Ucumcode m2.Hz-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerHertz
Elucidation Square metre per Hertz.
Unitsymbol m²/Hz
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerJoule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-J
Ucumcode m2.J-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerJoule
Elucidation Square metre per Joule.
Unitsymbol m²/j
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareTimePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-K
Ucumcode m2.K-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerKelvin
Elucidation Square metre per Kelvin.
Unitsymbol m²/k
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode m2.kg-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerKilogram
Elucidation Square Meter Per Kilogram (m2/kg) is a unit in the category of Specific Area. It is also known as square meters per kilogram, square metre per kilogram, square metres per kilogram, square meter/kilogram, square metre/kilogram. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Square Meter Per Kilogram (m2/kg) has a dimension of M-1L2 where M is mass, and L is length. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Square Metre per Kilogram
Unitsymbol m²/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaPerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-MOL
Ucumcode m2.mol-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerMole
Elucidation Square Meter Per Mole (m2/mol) is a unit in the category of Specific Area. It is also known as square meters per mole, square metre per per, square metres per per, square meter/per, square metre/per. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Square Meter Per Mole (m2/mol) has a dimension of M-1L2 where M is mass, and L is length. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Square Metre per Mole
Unitsymbol m²/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerNewton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerNewton
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-N
Ucumcode m2.N-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerNewton
Elucidation power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2 divided by the derived SI unit newton

Altlabel Square Metre Per Newton
Unitsymbol m²/N
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-SEC
Ucumcode m2.s-1
Ucumcode m2/s
Preflabel SquareMetrePerSecond
Elucidation Square Metres per second is the SI derived unit of angular momentum, defined by distance or displacement in metres multiplied by distance again in metres and divided by time in seconds. The unit is written in symbols as m2/s or m2u00b7s-1 or m2s-1. It may be better understood when phrased as "metres per second times metres", i.e. the momentum of an object with respect to a position.

Altlabel Square Metre per Second
Unitsymbol m²/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerSquareHertz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerSquareHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-HZ2
Ucumcode m2.Hz-2
Preflabel SquareMetrePerSquareHertz
Elucidation Square metres per square Hertz.
Unitsymbol m²/Hz²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-M2
Preflabel SquareMetrePerSquareMetre
Elucidation A square metre unit of area per square metre

Altlabel square metre per square metre
Unitsymbol m²/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode m2.s-2
Preflabel SquareMetrePerSquareSecond
Elucidation Square metre per square second.
Unitsymbol m²/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-SR
Ucumcode m2.sr-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerSteradian
Elucidation Square metre per steradian.
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steradian?oldid=494317847
Unitsymbol m²/sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerSteradianJoule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerSteradianJoule
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-SR-J
Ucumcode m2.sr-1.J-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerSteradianJoule
Elucidation Square metre per steradian and Joule.
Unitsymbol m²/(sr⋅J)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareTimePerMassUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerVoltSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerVoltSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-V-SEC
Ucumcode m2.V-1.s-1
Preflabel SquareMetrePerVoltSecond
Elucidation Square metre per volt second.
Unitsymbol m²/(V⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreQuarticHertz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreQuarticHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-HZ4
Ucumcode m2.Hz4
Preflabel SquareMetreQuarticHertz
Elucidation Square metre and quartic Hertz.
Unitsymbol m²⋅Hz⁴
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaPerQuarticTimeUnit
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreSecondPerRadian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreSecondPerRadian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-SEC-PER-RAD
Ucumcode m2.s.rad-1
Preflabel SquareMetreSecondPerRadian
Elucidation Square metre seconds per radian.
Unitsymbol m²⋅s/rad
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreSquareHertz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreSquareHertz
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-HZ2
Ucumcode m2.Hz2
Preflabel SquareMetreSquareHertz
Elucidation Square metre and square Hertz.
Unitsymbol m²⋅Hz²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetreSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetreSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-SR
Ucumcode m2.sr
Preflabel SquareMetreSteradian
Elucidation "Square Meter Steradian" is a unit for 'Area Angle' expressed as m²-sr.

Altlabel Square Metre Steradian
Unitsymbol m²⋅sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquarePascalPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquarePascalPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA2-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode Pa2.s-2
Preflabel SquarePascalPerSquareSecond
Elucidation Square Pascal per square second.
Unitsymbol Pa²/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquarePressurePerSquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquarePascalSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquarePascalSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA2-SEC
Ucumcode Pa2.s
Preflabel SquarePascalSecond
Elucidation Square Pascal Second (Pa²· s) is a unit in the category of sound exposure.

Altlabel Square Pascal Second
Unitsymbol Pa²⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquarePressureTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SEC2
Ucumcode s2
Preflabel SquareSecond
Elucidation "Square Second" is a unit for 'Square Time' expressed as s².

Altlabel Square Second
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareVoltPerSquareKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareVoltPerSquareKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V2-PER-K2
Ucumcode V2.K-2
Preflabel SquareVoltPerSquareKelvin
Elucidation Square volt per square Kelvin.
Unitsymbol V²/K²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SquareElectricPotentialPerSquareTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-A
Ucumcode V.A
Preflabel VoltAmpere
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit volt and the SI base unit ampere

Altlabel Volt Ampere
Unitsymbol V⋅A
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-K
Ucumcode V.K-1
Preflabel VoltPerKelvin
Elucidation Volt per Kelvin.
Unitsymbol V/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialPerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-M
Ucumcode V.m-1
Preflabel VoltPerMetre
Elucidation Volt Per Meter (V/m) is a unit in the category of Electric field strength. It is also known as volts per meter, volt/meter, volt/metre, volt per metre, volts per metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Volt Per Meter (V/m) has a dimension of MLT⁻³I⁻¹ where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Volt per Metre
Unitsymbol V/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-SEC
Ucumcode V.s-1
Preflabel VoltPerSecond
Elucidation 'Volt per Second' is a unit of magnetic flux equaling one weber. This is the flux passing through a conducting loop and reduced to zero at a uniform rate in one second inducing an electric potential of one volt in the loop.

Altlabel Volt per second
Unitsymbol V/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-M2
Ucumcode V.m-2
Preflabel VoltPerSquareMetre
Elucidation The divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. Electric field (V/m) differentiated with respect to distance (m) yields V/(m²).

Altlabel Volt per Square Metre
Unitsymbol V/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialPerAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
VoltSecondPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltSecondPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-SEC-PER-M
Ucumcode V.s.m-1
Preflabel VoltSecondPerMetre
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit volt and the SI base unit second divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Volt Second Per Metre
Unitsymbol V⋅s/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticPotentialUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattMetrePerSquareMetreSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattMetrePerSquareMetreSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-M-PER-M2-SR
Ucumcode W.m-2.m.sr-1
Preflabel WattMetrePerSquareMetreSteradian
Elucidation The power per unit area of radiation of a given wavenumber illuminating a target at a given incident angle.

Altlabel Watts metre per square metre steradian
Unitsymbol W⋅m/m²⋅sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassLengthPerCubicTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M3
Ucumcode W.m-3
Preflabel WattPerCubicMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit watt divided by the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 3

Altlabel Watt Per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol W/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-K
Ucumcode W.K-1
Preflabel WattPerKelvin
Elucidation Watt Per Kelvin (W/K) is a unit in the category of Thermal conductivity.

Altlabel Watt per Kelvin
Unitsymbol w/K
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ThermalConductanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerKilogram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerKilogram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-KiloGM
Ucumcode W.kg-1
Ucumcode W/kg
Preflabel WattPerKilogram
Elucidation SI derived unit watt divided by the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Watt Per Kilogram
Unitsymbol W/kg
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseRateUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M
Ucumcode W.m-1
Preflabel WattPerMetre
Elucidation Watts per metre.
Unitsymbol W/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassLengthPerCubicTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerMetreKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerMetreKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M-K
Ucumcode W.m-1.K-1
Preflabel WattPerMetreKelvin
Elucidation Watt per metre and Kelvin unit.
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_conductivity
Unitsymbol W/(m⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2
Ucumcode W.m-2
Ucumcode W/m2
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetre
Elucidation "Watt per Square Meter} is a unit of irradiance defined as the power received per area. This is a unit in the category of Energy flux. It is also known as watts per square meter, watt per square metre, watts per square metre, watt/square meter, watt/square metre. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Watt Per Square Meter (W/m²) has a dimension of MT^{-3" where M is mass, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Watt per Square Metre
Unitsymbol W/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareMetreKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetreKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-K
Ucumcode W.m-2.K-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetreKelvin
Elucidation `Watt Per Square Meter Per Kelvin `(W m⁻² K⁻¹) is a unit in the category of Thermal heat transfer coefficient. It is also known as watt/square meter-kelvin. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Watt Per Square Meter Per Kelvin (W m⁻² K⁻¹) has a dimension of MT⁻¹Q⁻¹ where M is mass, T is time, and Q is temperature. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Watt per Square Metre Kelvin
Unitsymbol W/(m²⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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WattPerSquareMetrePascal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetrePascal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-PA
Ucumcode W.m-2.Pa-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetrePascal
Elucidation Watt Per Square Meter Per Pascal (W/m²-pa) is a unit of Evaporative Heat Transfer.

Altlabel Watt per Square Metre Pascal
Unitsymbol W/(m²⋅pa)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSquareMetrePerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetrePerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-M
Ucumcode W.m-2.m-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetrePerMetre
Elucidation Watts per square metre per metre.
Unitsymbol W/m²⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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WattPerSquareMetrePerMetrePerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetrePerMetrePerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-M-SR
Ucumcode W.m-2.m-1.sr-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetrePerMetrePerSteradian
Elucidation Watts per square metre and metre and steradian.
Unitsymbol W/m²⋅m⋅sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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WattPerSquareMetreQuarticKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetreQuarticKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-K4
Ucumcode W.m-2.K-4
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetreQuarticKelvin
Elucidation Watt Per Square Meter Per Quartic Kelvin (W/m2·K4) is a unit in the category of light.

Altlabel Watt per Square Metre Quartic Kelvin
Unitsymbol W/(m²⋅K⁴)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerCubicTimeQuarticTemperatureUnit
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WattPerSquareMetreSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSquareMetreSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-M2-SR
Ucumcode W.m-2.sr-1
Preflabel WattPerSquareMetreSteradian
Elucidation `Watt per steradian per square metre` is the SI unit of radiance (W·sr⁻¹·m⁻²), while that of spectral radiance in frequency is the watt per steradian per square metre per hertz (W·sr⁻¹·m⁻²·Hz⁻¹) and that of spectral radiance in wavelength is the watt per steradian per square metre, per metre (W·sr⁻¹·m⁻³), commonly the watt per steradian per square metre per nanometre (W·sr⁻¹·m⁻²·nm⁻¹). It has a dimension of ML⁻⁴T⁻³ where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Watt per Square Metre Steradian
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiance
Unitsymbol W/(m²⋅sr)
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WattPerSteradian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattPerSteradian
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-PER-SR
Ucumcode W.sr-1
Preflabel WattPerSteradian
Elucidation `Watt Per Steradian (W/sr)` is the unit in the category of Radiant intensity. It is also known as watts per steradian. This unit is commonly used in the SI unit system. Watt Per Steradian (W/sr) has a dimension of M· L⁻²· T⁻³ where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. This unit is the standard SI unit in this category.

Altlabel Watt per Steradian
Unitsymbol W/sr
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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WattSecond ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-SEC
Ucumcode W.s
Preflabel WattSecond
Elucidation product of the SI derived unit watt and SI base unit second

Altlabel Watt Second
Unitsymbol W⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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WattSecondPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WattSecondPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-SEC-PER-M2
Ucumcode W.s.m-2
Preflabel WattSecondPerSquareMetre
Elucidation Watt second per square metre.
Unitsymbol W⋅s/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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WeberMetre ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WeberMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/WB-M
Ucumcode Wb.m
Preflabel WeberMetre
Elucidation Weber metre.
Unitsymbol Wb⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpereUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
WeberPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#WeberPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/WB-PER-M
Ucumcode Wb.m-1
Preflabel WeberPerMetre
Elucidation SI derived unit weber divided by the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Weber Per Metre
Unitsymbol Wb/m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticPotentialUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
Module: Perspective =================== .. _perspective-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Perspective ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_49267eba_5548_4163_8f36_518d65b583f9
Preflabel Perspective
Elucidation The class of causal objects that stand for world objects according to a specific representational perspective.
Comment This class is the practical implementation of the EMMO pluralistic approach for which the only objective categorization is provided by the Universe individual and all the Quantum individuals.
Between these two extremes, there are several subjective ways to categorize real world objects, each one provide under a 'Perspective' subclass.
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalStructure
Module: Materials ================= .. _materials-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Aerosol ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_560d833a_6184_410c_859a_05d982712fd7
Preflabel Aerosol
Elucidation A colloid composed of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in air or another gas.
Formal description
Subclass Of Gas
Subclass Of Colloid
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AmorphousMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0afc19b0_2d43_4b3d_8da0_9ffb63bc1492
Preflabel AmorphousMaterial
Altlabel NonCrystallineMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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AqueousSolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5cb107ba_7daa_46dd_8f9f_da22a6eac676
Preflabel AqueousSolution
Elucidation A liquid solution in which the solvent is water.
Formal description
Subclass Of LiquidSolution
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BondedAtom ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8303a247_f9d9_4616_bdcd_f5cbd7b298e3
Preflabel BondedAtom
Elucidation An bonded atom that shares at least one electron to the atom-based entity of which is part of.
Comment A real bond between atoms is always something hybrid between covalent, metallic and ionic.

In general, metallic and ionic bonds have atoms sharing electrons.
Comment The bond types that are covered by this definition are the strong electonic bonds: covalent, metallic and ionic.
Comment This class can be used to represent molecules as simplified quantum systems, in which outer molecule shared electrons are un-entangled with the inner shells of the atoms composing the molecule.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
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CeramicMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c5e9e390_8836_4440_b4fd_c906fdd4f438
Preflabel CeramicMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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ChemicallyDefinedMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a96e2152_40e7_409c_a53a_fdb9f141eb6a
Preflabel ChemicallyDefinedMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Material
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ClassicallyDefinedMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_39348191_08fd_4bb6_9b1e_012d5b2f1ff6
Preflabel ClassicallyDefinedMaterial
Formal description
Equivalent To AmorphousMaterial or CrystallineMaterial
Equivalent To MetallicMaterial or CeramicMaterial or CompositeMaterial or PolymericMaterial
Subclass Of Material
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Colloid ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6c487fb3_03d1_4e56_91ed_c2e16dcbef60
Preflabel Colloid
Elucidation A mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble or soluble particles (from 1 nm to 1 μm) is suspended throughout another substance and that does not settle, or would take a very long time to settle appreciably.
Comment Colloids are characterized by the occurring of the Tyndall effect on light.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhaseHeterogeneousMixture
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CompositeMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f678173d_f036_4df1_a86b_2894560be617
Preflabel CompositeMaterial
Elucidation A material that contains two or more constituent materials.
Altlabel Composite
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSpatialPart min 2 Material
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CondensedMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_220b7201_d277_4dca_bf6a_5a5e2c4062dd
Preflabel CondensedMatter
Conceptualisation The subject of condensed matter physics that deals with the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of matter, especially the solid and liquid phases which arise from electromagnetic forces between atoms. More generally, the subject deals with "condensed" phases of matter: systems of many constituents with strong interactions between them.
Formal description
Equivalent To Liquid or Solid
Subclass Of Thing
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ContinuumSubstance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8b0923ab_b500_477b_9ce9_8b3a3e4dc4f2
Preflabel ContinuumSubstance
Elucidation A state that is a collection of sufficiently large number of other parts such that:
- it is the bearer of qualities that can exists only by the fact that it is a sum of parts
- the smallest partition dV of the state volume in which we are interested in, contains enough parts to be statistically consistent: n [#/m3] x dV [m3] >> 1
Comment A continuum is made of a sufficient number of parts that it continues to exists as continuum individual even after the loss of one of them i.e. a continuum is a redundant.
Comment A continuum is not necessarily small (i.e. composed by the minimum amount of sates to fulfill the definition).

A single continuum individual can be the whole fluid in a pipe.
Comment A continuum is the bearer of properties that are generated by the interactions of parts such as viscosity and thermal or electrical conductivity.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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Crystal ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0bb3b434_73aa_428f_b4e8_2a2468648e19
Preflabel Crystal
Elucidation A material is a crystal if it has essentially a sharp diffraction pattern.

A solid is a crystal if it has essentially a sharp diffraction pattern. The word essentially means that most of the intensity of the diffraction is concentrated in relatively sharp Bragg peaks, besides the always present diffuse scattering. In all cases, the positions of the diffraction peaks can be expressed by

H=∑ni=1hia∗i (n≥3)
Formal description
Subclass Of CrystallineMaterial
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CrystallineMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f1025834_0cd2_42a1_bfeb_13bec41c8655
Preflabel CrystallineMaterial
Comment Suggestion of Rickard Armiento
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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Dispersion ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0b15f4ae_092e_4487_9100_3c44176c545c
Preflabel Dispersion
Elucidation A material in which distributed particles of one phase are dispersed in a different continuous phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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Dust ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e4281979_2b07_4a43_a772_4903fb3696fe
Preflabel Dust
Elucidation A suspension of fine particles in the atmosphere.
Formal description
Subclass Of GasSolidSuspension
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Emulsion ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_40e18c93_a1b5_49ff_b06a_d9d932d1fb65
Example Mayonnaise, milk.
Preflabel Emulsion
Elucidation An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally immiscible (a liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixture).
Formal description
Subclass Of Colloid
Subclass Of Liquid
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Fluid ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_87ac88ff_8379_4f5a_8c7b_424a8fff1ee8
Example Gas, liquid, plasma,
Preflabel Fluid
Elucidation A continuum that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure.
Formal description
Subclass Of ContinuumSubstance
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Foam ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f5e3e7e_72c9_40d4_91dd_ae432d7b7018
Preflabel Foam
Elucidation A colloid formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid.
Formal description
Subclass Of Colloid
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FunctionallyDefinedMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8820f251_ad36_43f4_a693_c0e86a89cc1f
Preflabel FunctionallyDefinedMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Material
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Gas ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_04f2a2d5_e799_4692_a654_420e76f5acc1
Preflabel Gas
Elucidation Gas is a compressible fluid, a state of matter that has no fixed shape and no fixed volume.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fluid
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GasLiquidSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e0edfb9e_9a96_4fae_b942_831ffe27b84a
Example Rain, spray.
Preflabel GasLiquidSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of liquid in a gas continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Gas
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GasMixture ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_12a9a254_9791_4a00_b045_f397bc3ab2bc
Preflabel GasMixture
Formal description
Equivalent To Gas and Mixture
Subclass Of Thing
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GasSolidSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d4f37e32_16ae_4cc6_b4cd_fd896b2449c4
Example Dust, sand storm.
Preflabel GasSolidSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of solid in a gas continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Gas
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GasSolution ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5be9c137_325a_43d8_b7cd_ea93e7721c2d
Preflabel GasSolution
Elucidation A gaseous solution made of more than one component type.
Altlabel GasMixture
Formal description
Equivalent To Gas and Solution
Subclass Of Thing
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Gel ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_3995e22d_5720_4dcf_ba3b_d0ce03f514c6
Preflabel Gel
Elucidation A soft, solid or solid-like colloid consisting of two or more components, one of which is a liquid, present in substantial quantity.
Formal description
Subclass Of Colloid
Subclass Of Solid
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IonAtom ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_db03061b_db31_4132_a47a_6a634846578b
Preflabel IonAtom
Elucidation A standalone atom with an unbalanced number of electrons with respect to its atomic number.
Comment The ion_atom is the basic part of a pure ionic bonded compound i.e. without eclectron sharing,
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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Liquid ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7509da43_56b1_4d7f_887a_65d1663df4ba
Preflabel Liquid
Elucidation A liquid is a nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a (nearly) constant volume independent of pressure.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fluid
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LiquidAerosol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_94010cbc_c2a6_4cb9_b29a_83aa99d2ff70
Preflabel LiquidAerosol
Elucidation An aerosol composed of liquid droplets in air or another gas.
Formal description
Subclass Of Aerosol
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LiquidFoam ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d69d2e95_b22f_499a_a552_17fde0d778fc
Preflabel LiquidFoam
Elucidation A foam of trapped gas in a liquid.
Formal description
Subclass Of Foam
Subclass Of Liquid
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LiquidGasSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_42185fe7_122c_4e0c_a3cd_659d3e21c389
Example Sparkling water
Preflabel LiquidGasSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of gas in a liquid continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Liquid
.. raw:: html
LiquidLiquidSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_47fe2379_be21_48d1_9ede_402f0faf494b
Preflabel LiquidLiquidSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of liquid in a liquid continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Liquid
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LiquidSol ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4354ac74_7425_43ab_92e4_6dc19d1afee9
Preflabel LiquidSol
Elucidation A type of sol in the form of one solid dispersed in liquid.
Formal description
Subclass Of Sol
Subclass Of Liquid
.. raw:: html
LiquidSolidSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e9e02156_651f_41c8_9efb_d5da0d4ce5e2
Example Mud
Preflabel LiquidSolidSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of solids in a liquid continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Liquid
.. raw:: html
LiquidSolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4b3e2374_52a1_4420_8e3f_3ae6b9bf7dff
Preflabel LiquidSolution
Elucidation A liquid solution made of two or more component substances.
Formal description
Subclass Of Solution
Subclass Of Liquid
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Material ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4207e895_8b83_4318_996a_72cfb32acd94
Preflabel Material
Elucidation The class of individuals standing for an amount of ordinary matter substance (or mixture of substances) in different states of matter or phases.
Comment A instance of a material (e.g. nitrogen) can represent any state of matter. The fact that the individual also belongs to other classes (e.g. Gas) would reveal the actual form in which the material is found.
Comment Material usually means some definite kind, quality, or quantity of matter, especially as intended for use.
Formal description
Subclass Of OrdinaryMatter
Subclass Of Substance
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MesoscopicSubstance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_660a4964_0333_4663_bc66_e93ef59b0679
Preflabel MesoscopicSubstance
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
MetallicMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4c1f58cd_6e2c_48fb_8098_1cbb762abb05
Preflabel MetallicMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
Mixture ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ec2c8ac8_98c5_4c74_b85b_ff8e8ca6655c
Preflabel Mixture
Elucidation A Miixture is a material made up of two or more different substances which are physically (not chemically) combined.
Formal description
Subclass Of ContinuumSubstance
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NanoMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5d659e25_a508_43ed_903c_3707c7c7cd4b
Preflabel NanoMaterial
Elucidation Nanomaterials are Materials possessing, at minimum, one external dimension measuring 1-100nm
Formal description
Subclass Of SizeDefinedMaterial
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NaturalMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_75fe4fd1_0f7e_429b_b91d_59d248561bae
Preflabel NaturalMaterial
Elucidation A Material occurring in nature, without the need of human intervention.
Formal description
Subclass Of Material
.. raw:: html
NeutralAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4588526f_8553_4f4d_aa73_a483e88d599b
Preflabel NeutralAtom
Elucidation A standalone atom that has no net charge.
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
PhaseHeterogeneousMixture ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e030040_98a7_49b2_a871_dced1f3a6131
Preflabel PhaseHeterogeneousMixture
Elucidation A mixture in which more than one phases of matter cohexists.
Comment Phase heterogenous mixture may share the same state of matter.

For example, immiscibile liquid phases (e.g. oil and water) constitute a mixture whose phases are clearly separated but share the same state of matter.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mixture
Subclass Of hasProperPart some PhaseOfMatter
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PhaseHomogeneousMixture ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0e6378df_1ce8_4321_b00c_ee9beea60a67
Preflabel PhaseHomogeneousMixture
Elucidation A single phase mixture.
Formal description
Subclass Of Mixture
.. raw:: html
PhaseOfMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_668fbd5b_6f1b_405c_9c6b_d6067bd0595a
Preflabel PhaseOfMatter
Elucidation A matter object throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform.
Comment In the physical sciences, a phase is a region of space (a thermodynamic system), throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform. Examples of physical properties include density, index of refraction, magnetization and chemical composition. A simple description is that a phase is a region of material that is chemically uniform, physically distinct, and (often) mechanically separable. In a system consisting of ice and water in a glass jar, the ice cubes are one phase, the water is a second phase, and the humid air is a third phase over the ice and water. The glass of the jar is another separate phase.

The term phase is sometimes used as a synonym for state of matter, but there can be several immiscible phases of the same state of matter. Also, the term phase is sometimes used to refer to a set of equilibrium states demarcated in terms of state variables such as pressure and temperature by a phase boundary on a phase diagram. Because phase boundaries relate to changes in the organization of matter, such as a change from liquid to solid or a more subtle change from one crystal structure to another, this latter usage is similar to the use of "phase" as a synonym for state of matter. However, the state of matter and phase diagram usages are not commensurate with the formal definition given above and the intended meaning must be determined in part from the context in which the term is used.
Altlabel Phase
Formal description
Subclass Of ContinuumSubstance
.. raw:: html
Plasma ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4c21fb86_fdcf_444e_b498_86fe656295af
Preflabel Plasma
Elucidation A fluid in which a gas is ionized to a level where its electrical conductivity allows long-range electric and magnetic fields to dominate its behaviour.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fluid
.. raw:: html
PolymericMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_fb27e6d6_159e_48a6_9c29_76dc31d8a860
Preflabel PolymericMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
.. raw:: html
ReactiveMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_68390bfb_e307_479d_8f78_d66d8773cb1d
Preflabel ReactiveMaterial
Elucidation A material that takes active part in a chemical reaction.
Formal description
Subclass Of ChemicallyDefinedMaterial
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SizeDefinedMaterial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e4e80813_f379_4091_b017_ee059811f806
Preflabel SizeDefinedMaterial
Formal description
Subclass Of Material
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Smoke ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5a2af26d_99de_4e5e_b1cd_514be71420c3
Preflabel Smoke
Elucidation Smoke is a solid aerosol made of particles emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis.
Formal description
Subclass Of SolidAerosol
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Sol ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_31557fae_b039_491c_bcbb_0ccb8711d5a6
Preflabel Sol
Elucidation A colloid in which small particles (1 nm to 100 nm) are suspended in a continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Colloid
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Solid ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a2b006f2_bbfd_4dba_bcaa_3fca20cd6be1
Preflabel Solid
Elucidation A continuum characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to changes of shape or volume, that retains its shape and density when not confined.
Formal description
Subclass Of ContinuumSubstance
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SolidAerosol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_96c8d72f_b436_44e2_9f7f_085c24094292
Preflabel SolidAerosol
Elucidation An aerosol composed of fine solid particles in air or another gas.
Formal description
Subclass Of Aerosol
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SolidFoam ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9bed5d66_805a_4b3a_9153_beaf67143848
Example Aerogel
Preflabel SolidFoam
Elucidation A foam of trapped gas in a solid.
Formal description
Subclass Of Foam
Subclass Of Solid
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SolidGasSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c457b6b9_5e73_4853_ae08_d776c12b8058
Preflabel SolidGasSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of gas in a solid continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Solid
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SolidLiquidSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_33e0ac8b_a318_4285_b1de_e95347784632
Preflabel SolidLiquidSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of liquid in a solid continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Solid
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SolidMixture ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_77e2e601_5ecb_450b_b563_92f096997832
Preflabel SolidMixture
Formal description
Equivalent To Solid and Mixture
Subclass Of Thing
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SolidSol ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5add9885_dc98_4fa5_8482_fdf9ba5e3889
Preflabel SolidSol
Elucidation A type of sol in the form of one solid dispersed in another continuous solid.
Formal description
Subclass Of Sol
Subclass Of Solid
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SolidSolidSuspension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2dd512a1_5187_47cc_b0b8_141214e22b59
Example Granite, sand, dried concrete.
Preflabel SolidSolidSuspension
Elucidation A coarse dispersion of solid in a solid continuum phase.
Formal description
Subclass Of Solid
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SolidSolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5e77f00d_5c0a_44e7_baf1_2c2a4cb5b3ae
Preflabel SolidSolution
Elucidation A solid solution made of two or more component substances.
Formal description
Subclass Of Solution
Subclass Of Solid
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Solution ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2031516a_2be7_48e8_9af7_7e1270e308fe
Preflabel Solution
Elucidation A solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances.
Comment Solutions are characterized by the occurrence of Rayleigh scattering on light,
Formal description
Subclass Of PhaseHomogeneousMixture
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Spray ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_498aad49_f8d4_40a4_a9eb_efd563a0115f
Preflabel Spray
Elucidation A suspension of liquid droplets dispersed in a gas through an atomization process.
Formal description
Subclass Of GasLiquidSuspension
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StandaloneAtom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2fd3f574_5e93_47fe_afca_ed80b0a21ab4
Preflabel StandaloneAtom
Elucidation An atom that does not share electrons with other atoms.
Comment A standalone atom can be bonded with other atoms by intermolecular forces (i.e. dipole–dipole, London dispersion force, hydrogen bonding), since this bonds does not involve electron sharing.
Formal description
Subclass Of Atom
.. raw:: html
StateOfMatter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b9695e87_8261_412e_83cd_a86459426a28
Preflabel StateOfMatter
Elucidation A superclass made as the disjoint union of all the form under which matter can exist.
Comment In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms in which matter can exist. Four states of matter are observable in everyday life: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_matter
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
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Suspension ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4a464c8d_8895_44a8_a628_aed13509f1bd
Preflabel Suspension
Elucidation An heterogeneous mixture that contains coarsly dispersed particles (no Tyndall effect), that generally tend to separate in time to the dispersion medium phase.
Comment Suspensions show no significant effect on light.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhaseHeterogeneousMixture
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Vapor ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_4d604a13_d1f6_42fd_818f_d3138d5e308c
Preflabel Vapor
Elucidation A liquid aerosol composed of water droplets in air or another gas.
Formal description
Subclass Of LiquidAerosol
Module: Properties ================== .. _properties-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Measurer ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_9be5fcc4_0d8b_481d_b984_6338d4b55588
Preflabel Measurer
Elucidation An observer that makes use of a measurement tool and provides a quantitative property.
Formal description
Subclass Of Observer
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Modeller ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_f94e509a_be29_4365_a4cd_70165e47e232
Preflabel Modeller
Elucidation A estimator that uses modelling to declare a property of an object (i.e. infer a property from other properties).
Formal description
Subclass Of Estimator
.. _properties-object-properties: Object Properties ----------------- .. raw:: html
hasCharacterised ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_d271f202_4c1a_4d74_b86a_387c82034eb7
Preflabel hasCharacterised
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasDeclared
.. raw:: html
hasCharacteriser ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_eeb8118c_b290_4f57_b0f8_bd65bb6d77ad
Preflabel hasCharacteriser
Formal description
Subclass Of ObjectProperty
Subclass Of hasDeclarer
Module: Structural ================== .. _structural-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Convergent ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b501a8ed_ae15_4288_9d92_1026463e95cb
Preflabel Convergent
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have a proper parts of the same type φ of the whole, and so that for every two distinct φ proper parts one is part of the other.
Formal description
Subclass Of Nuclear
.. raw:: html
Fundamental ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_57c75ca1_bf8a_42bc_85d9_58cfe38c7df2
Example A marathon is an example of class whose individuals are always maximal since the criteria satisfied by a marathon 4D entity poses some constraints on its temporal and spatial extent.
On the contrary, the class for a generic running process does not necessarily impose maximality to its individuals. A running individual is maximal only when it extends in time for the minimum amount required to identify a running act, so every possible temporal part is always a non-running.
Following the two examples, a marathon individual is a maximal that can be decomposed into running intervals. The marathon class is a subclass of running.
Preflabel Fundamental
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have no proper parts of the same type of the whole.
Altlabel Lifetime
Altlabel Maximal
Definition Fundamental(x) ≡ ∃φ[φ(x) ∧ ¬∃yRP⟨φ⟩(y, x)]
Formal description
Subclass Of Structural
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Heap ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_2dddfc30_d4e1_4e3e_a0ca_755c4d9d2cf4
Preflabel Heap
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have at least two non overlapping proper parts of the same type of the whole.
Comment A heap class H (subclass of Heap) is defined by choosing a reference type φ, with H subclass of φ, so that each H entity has non overlapping φ parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of Redundant
.. raw:: html
Maximal ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b4494d69_6393_4eb4_8346_7fedd4df0bc5
Preflabel Maximal
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have no proper parts of the same type of the whole are not proper part of an entity of that type.
Comment A maximal class M (subclass of Maximal) is defined by choosing a reference type φ so that M is subclass of φ, all parts of x are needed to keep φ(x) and if you add something to x, then x is no more a φ.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fundamental
.. raw:: html
Minimal ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0914449c_ef24_4372_b669_9cdd13b59fed
Preflabel Minimal
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have no proper parts of the same type of the whole is proper part of an entity of that type.
Comment A minimal class M (subclass of Minimal) is defined by choosing a reference type φ so that M is subclass of φ, all parts of x are needed to keep φ(x) and x is proper part of a larger φ entity.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fundamental
.. raw:: html
Multiplex ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e95b9f89_3ffd_4ea5_b682_97c4cc191a8d
Preflabel Multiplex
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have a proper parts of the same type of the whole that overlaps all the oter proper parts of the same type.
Formal description
Subclass Of Redundant
.. raw:: html
NonConvergent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7f92ac53_3a89_41a4_af5c_a8ad320a7936
Preflabel NonConvergent
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have a proper parts of the same type φ of the whole, and so that for every two distinct φ proper parts one is not part of the other.
Formal description
Subclass Of Nuclear
.. raw:: html
NonNuclear ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_40ff176a_e74d_46cc_88c5_6d02fd6813a7
Preflabel NonNuclear
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have a proper parts of the same type φ of the whole, but have no φ proper part that is part of other φ proper parts.
Formal description
Subclass Of Multiplex
.. raw:: html
Nuclear ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_8f449738_cedb_436c_bdec_1c8e78bdb644
Preflabel Nuclear
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have a proper parts of the same type of the whole that is part of all the other proper parts of the same type.
Formal description
Subclass Of Multiplex
.. raw:: html
Redundant ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_bbca6dfa_7463_4e8d_8280_35862ff50ce0
Example A sufficently large volume of liquid water has parts of the same type.
Example An object A which is classified as water-fluid possesses a proper part B which is water itself if the lenght scale of the B is larger than the water intermolecular distance keeping it in the continuum range. In this sense, A is redundant.

If A is a water-fluid so small that its every proper part is no more a continuum object (i.e. no more a fluid), then A is fundamental.
Preflabel Redundant
Elucidation The superclass for all classes of entities that have parts of the same type of the whole.
Altlabel NonMaximal
Definition Redundant(x) ≡ ∃φ[φ(x) ∧ ∃yRP⟨φ⟩(y, x)]
Formal description
Subclass Of Structural
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Structural ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_32e701c0_a925_49df_9829_0931b8554807
Preflabel Structural
Elucidation A perspective that categorises causal structures according to the merelogical realtions between the whole and the parts, taking into account their types.
Formal description
Subclass Of Perspective
Module: Si Accepted Special Units ================================= .. _si-accepted-special-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Arcminute ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Arcminute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ARCMIN
Ucumcode '
Unececommoncode D61
Preflabel Arcminute
Elucidation A minute of arc, arcminute, or minute arc (MOA), is a unit of angular measurement equal to one sixtieth (1/60) of one degree (circle/21,600), or π /10,800 radians. In turn, a second of arc or arcsecond is one sixtieth (1/60) of one minute of arc. Since one degree is defined as one three hundred and sixtieth (1/360) of a rotation, one minute of arc is 1/21,600 of a rotation.

Altlabel ArcMinute
Altlabel MinuteOfArc
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minute_of_arc
Unitsymbol '
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value ''
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002908882
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Arcsecond ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Arcsecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ARCSEC
Ucumcode ''
Unececommoncode D62
Preflabel Arcsecond
Elucidation "Arc Second" is a unit of angular measure, also called the `second of arc`, equal to 1/60 arcminute. One arcsecond is a very small angle: there are 1,296,000 in a circle. The SI recommends `double prime` ('') as the symbol for the arcsecond. The symbol has become common in astronomy, where very small angles are stated in milliarcseconds (mas).

Altlabel ArcSecond
Altlabel SecondOfArc
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minute_of_arc#Symbols.2C_abbreviations_and_subdivisions
Unitsymbol \"
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value ''
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.848137e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
AstronomicalUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#AstronomicalUnit
Qudtreference https://qudt.org/vocab/unit/AU
Ucumcode AU
Unececommoncode A12
Preflabel AstronomicalUnit
Elucidation An astronomical unit (abbreviated as AU, au, a.u., or ua) is a unit of length equal to 149,597,870,700 metres (92,955,807.273 mi) or approximately the mean Earth Sun distance. The symbol ua is recommended by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, and the international standard ISO 80000, while au is recommended by the International Astronomical Union, and is more common in Anglosphere countries. In general, the International System of Units only uses capital letters for the symbols of units which are named after individual scientists, while au or a.u. can also mean atomic unit or even arbitrary unit. However, the use of AU to refer to the astronomical unit is widespread. The astronomical constant whose value is one astronomical unit is referred to as unit distance and is given the symbol A. [Wikipedia]

Altlabel astronomical-unit
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomical_unit
Definition One astronomical unit is defined as exactly 149597870700 m, which is roughly the distance from earth to sun.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Astronomical_unit
Unitsymbol AU
Unitsymbol au
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'au'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 149597900000.0
.. raw:: html
Bel ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/B
Ucumcode B
Unececommoncode M72
Preflabel Bel
Elucidation A logarithmic unit of sound pressure equal to 10 decibels (dB), It is defined as: 1 B = (1/2) log₁₀(Np)

Comment Today decibel (one tenth of a bel) is commonly used instead of bel.
Comment bel is used to express the ratio of one value of a power or field quantity to another, on a logarithmic scale, the logarithmic quantity being called the power level or field level, respectively.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel
Definition One bel is defined as `1⁄2 ln(10) neper`.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Bel
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'B'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Dalton ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Dalton
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01514
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Da
Ucumcode u
Unececommoncode D43
Preflabel Dalton
Elucidation The unified atomic mass unit (symbol: μ) or dalton (symbol: Da) is a unit that is used for indicating mass on an atomic or molecular scale. It is defined as one twelfth of the rest mass of an unbound atom of carbon-12 in its nuclear and electronic ground state, and has a value of 1.660538782(83) × 10⁻²⁷ kg. One Da is approximately equal to the mass of one proton or one neutron. The CIPM have categorised it as a "non-SI unit whose values in SI units must be obtained experimentally".

Altlabel AtomicMassUnit
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_mass_unit
Definition One dalton is defined as one twelfth of the mass of an unbound neutral atom of carbon-12 in its nuclear and electronic ground state.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Unified_atomic_mass_unit
Unitsymbol amu
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Da'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.660539e-27
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Day ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Day
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01527
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DAY
Ucumcode d
Unececommoncode DAY
Preflabel Day
Elucidation Mean solar day

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day?oldid=494970012
Definition A measure of time defined as 86 400 seconds.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Day
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'd'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 86400.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciBel ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciBel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciB
Ucumcode dB
Preflabel DeciBel
Elucidation A customary logarithmic measure most commonly used (in various ways) for measuring sound.Sound is measured on a logarithmic scale. Informally, if one sound is 1 bel (10 decibels) "louder" than another, this means the louder sound is 10 times louder than the fainter one. A difference of 20 decibels corresponds to an increase of 10 x 10 or 100 times in intensity. The beginning of the scale, 0 decibels, can be set in different ways, depending on exactly the aspect of sound being measured. For sound intensity (the power of the sound waves per unit of area) 0 decibel is equal to 1 picoWatts per Metre Squared. This corresponds approximately to the faintest sound that can be detected by a person who has good hearing. For sound pressure (the pressure exerted by the sound waves) 0 decibels equals 20 micropascals RMS, and for sound power 0 decibels sometimes equals 1 picoWatt. In all cases, one decibel equals ≈ 0.115129 neper.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel?oldid=495380648
Unitsymbol dB
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Bel
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Degree ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Degree
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01560
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG
Ucumcode deg
Unececommoncode DD
Preflabel Degree
Elucidation A degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of plane angle, representing 1/360 of a full rotation; one degree is equivalent to 2π /360 rad, 0.017453 rad. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit for angles is radian, but is an accepted SI unit.

Definition Degree is a measurement of plane angle, defined by representing a full rotation as 360 degrees.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Degree_(angle)
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value '°'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01745329
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ElectronVolt ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ElectronVolt
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E02014
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EV
Ucumcode eV
Unececommoncode A53
Preflabel ElectronVolt
Elucidation An electron volt (eV) is the energy that an electron gains when it travels through a potential of one volt. You can imagine that the electron starts at the negative plate of a parallel plate capacitor and accelerates to the positive plate, which is at one volt higher potential. Numerically 1 eV approximates 1.6x10⁻¹⁹ joules, where 1 joule is 6.2x10¹⁸ eV. For example, it would take 6.2x10²⁰ eV/sec to light a 100 watt light bulb.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_volt?oldid=344021738
Definition The amount of energy gained (or lost) by the charge of a single electron moving across an electric potential difference of one volt.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Electronvolt
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'eV'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-19
.. raw:: html
Hectare ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HA
Ucumcode har
Unececommoncode HAR
Preflabel Hectare
Elucidation The customary metric unit of land area, equal to 100 ares. One hectare is a square hectometer, that is, the area of a square 100 meters on each side: exactly 10 000 square meters or approximately 107 639.1 square feet, 11 959.9 square yards, or 2.471 054 acres.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hectare
Definition A non-SI metric unit of area defined as the square with 100-metre sides.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Hectare
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'ha'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Hour ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hour
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02866
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HR
Ucumcode h
Unececommoncode HUR
Preflabel Hour
Elucidation The hour (common symbol: h or hr) is a unit of measurement of time. In modern usage, an hour comprises 60 minutes, or 3,600 seconds. It is approximately 1/24 of a mean solar day. An hour in the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) time standard can include a negative or positive leap second, and may therefore have a duration of 3,599 or 3,601 seconds for adjustment purposes. Although it is not a standard defined by the International System of Units, the hour is a unit accepted for use with SI, represented by the symbol h.

Definition Measure of time defined as 3600 seconds.
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'h'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Litre ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Litre
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.L03594
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/L
Ucumcode L
Ucumcode l
Unececommoncode B51
Preflabel Litre
Elucidation The litre (American spelling: `liter`; SI symbol l or L) is a non-SI metric system unit of volume equal to 1 `cubic decimetre` (dm³), 1,000 cubic centimetres (cm³) or 1/1000 `cubic metre`. If the lower case "L" is used as the symbol, it is sometimes rendered as a cursive "l" to help distinguish it from the capital "I", although this usage has no official approval by any international bureau.

Comment Other used symbols for litre are "l" and "ℓ".
Comment Other used symbols for litre are "l" and "ℓ".
Altlabel liter
Definition A non-SI unit of volume defined as 1 cubic decimetre (dm3),
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'L'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Minute ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Minute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MIN
Ucumcode min
Unececommoncode MIN
Preflabel Minute
Elucidation A minute is a unit of measurement of time. The minute is a unit of time equal to 1/60 (the first sexagesimal fraction of an hour or 60 seconds. In the UTC time scale, a minute on rare occasions has 59 or 61 seconds; see leap second. The minute is not an SI unit; however, it is accepted for use with SI units. The SI symbol for minute or minutes is min (for time measurement) or the prime symbol after a number, e.g. 5' (for angle measurement, even if it is informally used for time).

Definition Non-SI time unit defined as 60 seconds.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Minute
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'min'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 60.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
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Neper ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Neper
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N04106
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NP
Ucumcode Np
Unececommoncode C50
Preflabel Neper
Elucidation The neper is a logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities, such as gain and loss of electronic signals. It has the unit symbol Np. The unit's name is derived from the name of John Napier, the inventor of logarithms. As is the case for the decibel and bel, the neper is not a unit in the International System of Units (SI), but it is accepted for use alongside the SI. Like the decibel, the neper is a unit in a logarithmic scale. While the bel uses the decadic (base-10) logarithm to compute ratios, the neper uses the natural logarithm, based on Euler's number

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neper
Definition Unit of measurement for quantities of type level or level difference, which are defined as the natural logarithm of the ratio of power- or field-type quantities.

The value of a ratio in nepers is given by `ln(x1/x2)` where `x1` and `x2` are the values of interest (amplitudes), and ln is the natural logarithm. When the values are quadratic in the amplitude (e.g. power), they are first linearised by taking the square root before the logarithm is taken, or equivalently the result is halved.

Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/Neper
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Np'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SIAccepted ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_e8b5f7de_4fd9_41d7_b988_87b512fe0180
Preflabel SIAccepted
Elucidation Non-SI unit that has been accepted by SI to be used together with the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
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SIAcceptedDerivedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_ac19c801_bead_4730_8b8c_50020eec45ec
Preflabel SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Elucidation Defived units that are accepted to be used with SI.
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
.. raw:: html
SIAcceptedPrefixedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_93170bc8_d3b2_45bd_8cad_20aad08462ef
Preflabel SIAcceptedPrefixedUnit
Elucidation Non-SI prefixed units that have been accepted by SI to be used together with the SI system.
Formal description
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
SIAcceptedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_6795a4b8_ffd0_4588_a581_a9413fe49cac
Preflabel SIAcceptedUnit
Elucidation Non-SI units mentioned in the SI.
Comment This is a list of units that are not defined as part of the International System of Units (SI), but are otherwise mentioned in the SI brouchure, because either the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) accepts their use as being multiples or submultiples of SI-units, they have important contemporary application worldwide, or are otherwise commonly encountered worldwide.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-SI_units_mentioned_in_the_SI
Formal description
Subclass Of SpecialUnit
.. raw:: html
Tonne ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Tonne
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06394
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_M
Ucumcode t
Unececommoncode TNE
Preflabel Tonne
Elucidation 1,000-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne
Definition A non-SI unit defined as 1000 kg.
Formal description
Subclass Of SIAcceptedUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 't'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
Module: Standard Model ====================== .. _standard-model-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Collapse ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f2bfb9f_ecc6_46a0_9e41_2d6fcbf59e4b
Preflabel Collapse
Conceptualisation A collapse is a fundamental interaction between m colliding particles that results in a single outgoing particle (inverse decay) that is expressed as a complete bipartite directed graph K(m,1) with m>1.
Formal description
Subclass Of FundamentalPhysicalSystem
.. raw:: html
Decay ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_a9891fff_fa7a_4806_b7bd_786de7358e8d
Preflabel Decay
Conceptualisation A collapse is a fundamental process occurring to one particle that is expressed as a complete bipartite directed graph K(1,n) with n>1, being n the number of outgoing particles.
Formal description
Subclass Of FundamentalPhysicalSystem
.. raw:: html
ElementaryBoson ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_cafd0f10_ce85_48b9_9a36_2b0af141ce21
Preflabel ElementaryBoson
Elucidation An elementary particle of a fundamental bosonic type.
Formal description
Subclass Of Boson
Subclass Of ElementaryParticle
.. raw:: html
ElementaryElectron ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_730f2e31_ca78_410f_a5e1_4043217a41ab
Preflabel ElementaryElectron
Elucidation An elementary charged fermionic particle that belongs to the first generation of the lepton particle family.
Formal description
Subclass Of ElementaryFermion
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ElementaryFermion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_820619ca_b23e_4c7a_8543_18a17722abc0
Preflabel ElementaryFermion
Elucidation An elementary particle of a fundamental fermionic type.
Formal description
Subclass Of Fermion
Subclass Of ElementaryParticle
.. raw:: html
ElementaryParticle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_7b79b2ac_3cf2_4d3b_8cdc_bcabb59d869e
Preflabel ElementaryParticle
Elucidation A chausal chain whose quantum parts are of the same standard model fundamental type.
Altlabel SingleParticleChain
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: ElementaryFermion, ElementaryBoson
Conceptualisation An elementary particle is a causal chain of quantum entities of the same type. For example, an elementary electron is a sequence of fundamental electrons only.
Formal description
Subclass Of PhysicalParticleByBond
Subclass Of CausalPath
.. raw:: html
ElementaryPhoton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c1a6e72c_de7a_48db_8f45_32c0be019291
Preflabel ElementaryPhoton
Elucidation A boson with spin of 1 that carries electromagnetism.
Formal description
Subclass Of ElementaryBoson
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ElementaryQuark ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_99a8eece_40bf_4f26_832c_f290ca664767
Preflabel ElementaryQuark
Elucidation An elementary fermionic particle that is the fundamental constituent of matter.
Formal description
Subclass Of ElementaryFermion
.. raw:: html
FundamentalPhysicalSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_43a4e80d_6ae9_45ed_8cfb_fd0a5339bf87
Preflabel FundamentalPhysicalSystem
Elucidation A causal system that is the representation of a Feynman diagram, where quantum represents the real particles entering and exiting the system.
Comment A fundamental system is expressed as a complete bipartite directed graph K(m,n) of quantums, m being the number of originating quantums, and n being the receiving quantums.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: Collapse, Interaction, Decay
Conceptualisation A fundamental physical process is made of one or more standard particles as input, and one or more standard particles as output, where each input is direct cause of each output.
Each fundamental physical phenomena refers to a Feynman diagram, hence is made at least of three standard model particles.
This requirement implies that a physical phenomena is either a decay, annihilation, interaction, collapse or creation phenomena (fundamental) or a composition of them (non-fundamental).
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalSystem
.. raw:: html
GenericPhysicalSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_b295158f_fda4_4124_ab58_d9ea4ccfca5a
Preflabel GenericPhysicalSystem
Elucidation A causal system posessing bonding that can not be representated by a simple Feynman diagram.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: InteractingSystem, ParticlesSystem
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalSystem
.. raw:: html
InteractingSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_09f0ac34_c349_46b5_acf0_0edeae52cca1
Preflabel InteractingSystem
Elucidation A causally bonded system is a system in which there are at least thwo causal paths that are interacting.
Owlrl2Dlaxioms DisjointUnionOf: PhysicalObject, PhysicalPhenomenon
Formal description
Subclass Of GenericPhysicalSystem
.. raw:: html
Interaction ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_50afa1a9_2c4e_40fd_aa93_0e33511f1f27
Preflabel Interaction
Conceptualisation A causal interaction is a fundamental causal system that is expressed as a complete bupartite directed graph K(m,n), when m,n>1
Formal description
Subclass Of FundamentalPhysicalSystem
.. raw:: html
MultiParticlePath ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_5e00b1db_48fc_445b_82e8_ab0e2255bf52
Preflabel MultiParticlePath
Elucidation A chausal path whose quantum parts belongs to at least two different standard model fundamental types.
Conceptualisation An multi-particle path is a causal path of quantum entities of different type, following the causal connection between an initial quantum up to the final one, regardless on the fact that causality is passing through elementary particles of different types.
For example, a path starting from an elementary photon, then through the electron with which it scatter, and then trough a positron with which the electron collides.
Formal description
Subclass Of CausalPath
.. raw:: html
ParticlesSystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_0f19d84e_05b4_47c9_a5de_bb2a913d211b
Preflabel ParticlesSystem
Elucidation A causal multipath system is a system made of causal paths that are not interacting between each others, or possibly merge and fork.
Comment A physically unbounded system is a combination of elementary particles chains tha may include also decays and/or annihilations, without any space-like interaction between elementary particles.
Altlabel NonInteractingSystem
Formal description
Subclass Of GenericPhysicalSystem
Module: Unclassified Units ========================== .. _unclassified-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Bbl_Uk_Pet ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Uk_Pet
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_UK_PET
Preflabel Bbl_Uk_Pet
Elucidation unit of the volume for crude oil according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Barrel (UK Petroleum)
Unitsymbol bbl{UK petroleum}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1591132
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_UK_PET-PER-DAY
Preflabel Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (UK petroleum) for crude oil according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit day

Altlabel Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Day
Unitsymbol bbl{UK petroleum}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.841587e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_UK_PET-PER-HR
Preflabel Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (UK petroleum) for crude oil according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Hour
Unitsymbol bbl{UK petroleum}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.41981e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_UK_PET-PER-MIN
Preflabel Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (UK petroleum) for crude oil according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Minute
Unitsymbol bbl{UK petroleum}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.002651886
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_UK_PET-PER-SEC
Preflabel Bbl_Uk_Pet_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (UK petroleum) for crude oil according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Second
Unitsymbol bbl{UK petroleum}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1591132
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Us ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_US
Ucumcode [bbl_us]
Preflabel Bbl_Us
Elucidation unit of the volume for crude oil according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Barrel (US)
Unitsymbol bbl{US petroleum}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1589873
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Us_Dry ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Us_Dry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_US_DRY
Preflabel Bbl_Us_Dry
Elucidation non SI-conform unit of the volume in the USA which applies to a resolution from 1912: 1 dry barrel (US) equals approximately to 115,63 litre

Altlabel Dry Barrel (US)
Unitsymbol bbl{US dry}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1156282
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Us_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Us_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_US-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [bbl_us].d-1
Ucumcode [bbl_us]/d
Preflabel Bbl_Us_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (US petroleum) for crude oil according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit day

Altlabel Barrel (US) Per Day
Unitsymbol bsh{US petroleum}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.84e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Us_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Us_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_US-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [bbl_us].min-1
Ucumcode [bbl_us]/min
Preflabel Bbl_Us_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (US petroleum) for crude oil according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Barrel (US) Per Minute
Unitsymbol bbl{US petroleum}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0026498
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Us_Pet_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Us_Pet_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_US_PET-PER-HR
Ucumcode [bbl_us].h-1
Ucumcode [bbl_us]/h
Preflabel Bbl_Us_Pet_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (US petroleum) for crude oil according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Barrel (US Petroleum) Per Hour
Unitsymbol bbl{UK petroleum}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.4163e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bbl_Us_Pet_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bbl_Us_Pet_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL_US_PET-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [bbl_us].s-1
Ucumcode [bbl_us]/s
Preflabel Bbl_Us_Pet_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume barrel (US petroleum) for crude oil according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Barrel (US Petroleum) Per Second
Unitsymbol bbl{UK petroleum}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1589873
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BoardFoot ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BoardFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FBM
Ucumcode [bf_i]
Preflabel BoardFoot
Elucidation The board-foot is a specialized unit of measure for the volume of lumber in the United States and Canada. It is the volume of a one-foot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick. Board-foot can be abbreviated FBM (for 'foot, board measure'), BDFT, or BF. Thousand board-feet can be abbreviated as MFBM, MBFT or MBF.

Altlabel Board Foot
Unitsymbol BDFT
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00236
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BoilerHorsepower ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BoilerHorsepower
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HP_Boiler
Preflabel BoilerHorsepower
Elucidation "Boiler Horsepower" is a unit for 'Power' expressed as hp_boiler.

Altlabel Boiler Horsepower
Unitsymbol HP{boiler}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9809.5
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BreathPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BreathPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BREATH-PER-MIN
Ucumcode /min{breath}
Ucumcode min-1{breath}
Preflabel BreathPerMinute
Elucidation A unit of respiratory rate.

Altlabel Breath per Minute
Unitsymbol breath/min
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
BtuFoot ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-FT
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i]
Preflabel BtuFoot
Elucidation BTU Foot is an Imperial unit for `Thermal Energy Length` expressed as Btu-ft.

Altlabel BTU Foot
Unitsymbol Btu⋅ft
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 321.581
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuInch ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-IN
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i]
Preflabel BtuInch
Elucidation BTU Inch is an Imperial unit for 'Thermal Energy Length' expressed as Btu-in.

Altlabel BTU Inch
Unitsymbol Btu⋅in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceAreaUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 26.79842
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuPerDegreeRankine ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerDegreeRankine
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-DEG_R
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[degR]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/[degR]
Preflabel BtuPerDegreeRankine
Elucidation 'BTU per Degree Rankine' is an Imperial unit for 'Heat Capacity' expressed as Btu/degR.

Altlabel BTU per Degree Rankine
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/°R
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1899.101
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-HR
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].h-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/h
Preflabel BtuPerHour
Elucidation The British thermal unit (BTU or Btu) is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1 055.05585 joules. It is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound (0.454 kg) of water from 39°F (3.9°C) to 40°F (4.4°C). The unit is most often used in the power, steam generation, heating and air conditioning industries. In scientific contexts the BTU has largely been replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule, though it may be used as a measure of agricultural energy production (BTU/kg).

Altlabel BTU per Hour
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2930711
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuPerHourSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerHourSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-HR-FT2
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].h-1.[ft_i]-2
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/(h.[ft_i]2)
Preflabel BtuPerHourSquareFoot
Elucidation `BTU per Hour Square Foot` is an Imperial unit for 'Power Per Area' expressed as Btu/(hr-ft²).

Altlabel BTU per Hour Square Foot
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(hr⋅ft²)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.154591
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuPerPoundDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerPoundDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-LB-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[lb_av]-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([lb_av].[degF])
Preflabel BtuPerPoundDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation British Thermal Unit (therm.) Per Pound Per Fahrenheit Degree (Btu (therm.)/lb- degF) is a unit in the category of Specific heat. This unit is commonly used in the UK unit system. British Thermal Unit (therm.) Per Pound Per Fahrenheit Degree (Btu (therm.)/lb-degF) has a dimension of L2T⁻²Q⁻¹ where L is length, T is time, and Q is temperature. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit J/kg-K by multiplying its value by a factor of 4183.99895.

Altlabel BTU per Pound Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(lb⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
BtuPerPoundDegreeRankine ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerPoundDegreeRankine
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-LB-DEG_R
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[lb_av]-1.[degR]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([lb_av].[degR])
Preflabel BtuPerPoundDegreeRankine
Elucidation 'BTU per Pound Degree Rankine' is a unit for 'Specific Heat Capacity' expressed as Btu/(lb-degR).

Altlabel BTU per Pound Degree Rankine
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(lb⋅°R)
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
.. raw:: html
BtuPerPoundMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerPoundMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-LB-MOL
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[lb_av]-1.mol-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([lb_av].mol)
Preflabel BtuPerPoundMole
Elucidation 'BTU per Pound Mole' is an Imperial unit for 'Energy And Work Per Mass Amount Of Substance' expressed as Btu/(lb-mol).

Altlabel BTU per Pound Mole
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(lb⋅mol)
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
.. raw:: html
BtuPerPoundMoleDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerPoundMoleDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-MOL-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].mol-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/(mol.[degF])
Preflabel BtuPerPoundMoleDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation 'BTU per Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit' is an Imperial unit for 'Molar Heat Capacity' expressed as Btu/(lb-mol-degF).

Altlabel BTU per Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(lb⋅mol⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerAmountUnit
.. raw:: html
BtuPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].s-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/s
Preflabel BtuPerSecond
Elucidation 'BTU per Second' is an Imperial unit for 'Heat Flow Rate' expressed as Btu/s.

Altlabel BTU per Second
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1055.056
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuPerSecondSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerSecondSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-SEC-FT2
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].s-1.[ft_i]-2
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/(s.[ft_i]2)
Preflabel BtuPerSecondSquareFoot
Elucidation `BTU per Second Square Foot` is an Imperial unit for 'Power Per Area' expressed as Btu/(s· ft²).

Altlabel BTU per Second Square Foot
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(s⋅ft²)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 11356.53
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuPerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-FT2
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i]-2
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/[ft_i]2
Preflabel BtuPerSquareFoot
Elucidation `BTU per Square Foot` is an Imperial unit for 'Energy Per Area' expressed as Btu/ft².

Altlabel BTU per Square Foot
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 11356.53
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
BtuPerSquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerSquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i]-2.h-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([ft_i]2.h.[degF])
Preflabel BtuPerSquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation 'BTU per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit' is an Imperial unit for 'Coefficient Of Heat Transfer' expressed as Btu/(hr-ft²-degF).

Altlabel BTU per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(hr⋅ft²⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalTransmittanceUnit
.. raw:: html
BtuPerSquareFootSecondDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#BtuPerSquareFootSecondDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i]-2.s-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([ft_i]2.s.[degF])
Preflabel BtuPerSquareFootSecondDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation 'BTU per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit' is an Imperial unit for 'Coefficient Of Heat Transfer' expressed as Btu/(ft²-s-degF).

Altlabel BTU per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(ft²⋅s⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalTransmittanceUnit
.. raw:: html
Btu_It ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]
Preflabel Btu_It
Elucidation `British Thermal Unit` (BTU or Btu) is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1.0550558526 ` kilojoule`. It is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound (0.454 kg) of water from 39°F to 40°F. The unit is most often used in the power, steam generation, heating and air conditioning industries. In scientific contexts the BTU has largely been replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule, though it may be used as a measure of agricultural energy production (BTU/kg). It is still used unofficially in metric English-speaking countries (such as Canada), and remains the standard unit of classification for air conditioning units manufactured and sold in many non-English-speaking metric countries.

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (International Definition)
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_thermal_unit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1055.056
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Ft_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Ft_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-FT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i].[ft_i]-2.h-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i]/([ft_i]2.h.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_It_Ft_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Elucidation British thermal unit (international table) foot per hour Square foot degree Fahrenheit is the unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units.

Altlabel BTU (IT) Foot per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_conductivity
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}⋅ft/(ft²⋅hr⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.730735
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_In_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_In_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-IN-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i].[ft_i]-2.h-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i]/([ft_i]2.h.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_It_In_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Elucidation BTU (th) Inch per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit is an Imperial unit for 'Thermal Conductivity', an International British thermal unit inch per second per square foot per degree Fahrenheit is a unit of thermal conductivity in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units.

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Inch Per Hour Square Foot Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}⋅in/(ft²⋅hr⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1442279
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_In_Per_Ft2_Sec_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_In_Per_Ft2_Sec_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-IN-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i].[ft_i]-2.s-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i]/([ft_i]2.s.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_It_In_Per_Ft2_Sec_Deg_F
Elucidation British thermal unit (international table) inch per second Square foot degree Fahrenheit is the unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units.

Altlabel BTU (IT) Inch per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}⋅in/(ft²⋅s⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 519.2204
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_In_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_In_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-IN-PER-HR-FT2-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i].h-1.[ft_i]-2.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i]/(h.[ft_i]2.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_It_In_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_F
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Inch Per Hour Square Foot degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}⋅in/(hr⋅ft²⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1442279
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_In_Per_Sec_Ft2_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_In_Per_Sec_Ft2_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-IN-PER-SEC-FT2-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i].s-1.[ft_i]-2.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[in_i]/(s.[ft_i]2.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_It_In_Per_Sec_Ft2_Deg_F
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Inch Per Second Square Foot degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}⋅in/(s⋅ft²⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 519.2204
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/[degF]
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Deg_F
Elucidation British Thermal Unit (IT) Per Fahrenheit Degree (Btu (IT)/°F) is a measure of heat capacity. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit J/K by multiplying its value by a factor of 1899.10534.

Altlabel BTU (IT) per Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/°F
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1899.101
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Ft3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Ft3
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-FT3
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i]-3
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/[ft_i]3
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Ft3
Elucidation `British Thermal Unit (IT) Per Cubic Foot` (Btu (IT)/ft³) is a unit in the category of Energy density. It is also known as Btu per cubic foot, Btu/cubic foot. This unit is commonly used in the UK, US unit systems. It has a dimension of ML⁻¹T⁻² where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit J/m³ by multiplying its value by a factor of 37258.94579.

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (IT) Per Cubic Foot
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/ft³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 37258.95
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_R ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_R
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-HR-FT2-DEG_R
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].h-1.[ft_i]-2.[degR]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/(h.[ft_i]2.[degR])
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_R
Elucidation unit of the heat transfer coefficient according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Hour Square Foot degree Rankine
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(hr⋅ft²⋅°R)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.555556
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Lb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Lb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-LB
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[lb_av]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/[lb_av]
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Lb
Elucidation The amount of energy generated by a pound of substance is measured in British thermal units (IT) per pound of mass. 1 Btu_{IT}/lb is equivalent to 2.326 × 10³ joule per kilogram (J/kg).

Altlabel BTU-IT-PER-lb
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/lb
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2326.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Lb_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Lb_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-LB_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[lbf_av]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/[lbf_av]
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Lb_F
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit avoirdupois pound of force according to the avoirdupois system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Pound of Force
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/lbf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 237.186
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Lb_F_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Lb_F_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-LB_F-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[lbf_av]-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([lbf_av].[degF])
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Lb_F_Deg_F
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided by the product of the units avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and degree Fahrenheit

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Pound Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(lbf⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4186.8
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Lb_F_Deg_R ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Lb_F_Deg_R
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-LB_F-DEG_R
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[lbf_av]-1.[degR]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([lbf_av].[degR])
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Lb_F_Deg_R
Elucidation unit of the heat capacity as British thermal unit according to the international table related to degree Rankine according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Pound Degree Rankine
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(lbf⋅°R)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 426.9
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].min-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/min
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit minute

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Minute
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 17.58
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Sec_Ft2_Deg_R ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Sec_Ft2_Deg_R
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-SEC-FT2-DEG_R
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].s-1.[ft_i]-2.[degR]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/(s.[ft_i]2.[degR])
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Sec_Ft2_Deg_R
Elucidation unit of the heat transfer coefficient according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Second Square Foot degree Rankine
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(s⋅ft²⋅°R)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 14.89
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_It_Per_Sec_Ft_Deg_R ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_It_Per_Sec_Ft_Deg_R
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_IT-PER-SEC-FT-DEG_R
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].s-1.[ft_i]-1.[degR]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/(s.[ft_i].[degR])
Preflabel Btu_It_Per_Sec_Ft_Deg_R
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Second Foot Degree Rankine
Unitsymbol Btu{IT}/(s⋅ft⋅°R)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 178.66
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Mean ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Mean
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_MEAN
Ucumcode [Btu_m]
Preflabel Btu_Mean
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (mean)
Unitsymbol BTU{mean}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1055.056
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH
Ucumcode [Btu_th]
Preflabel Btu_Th
Elucidation 'BTU_th' is a British Thermal Unit (thermochemical definition), is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1.0543502645 kilojoule. It is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound (0.454 kg) of water from 39°F (39°C) to 40°F (4.4°). The unit is most often used in the power, steam generation, heating and air conditioning industries. In scientific contexts the BTU has largely been replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule.

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (Thermochemical Definition)
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_thermal_unit
Unitsymbol Btu{th}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1054.35
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Ft_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Ft_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-FT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_IT].[ft_i]-2.h-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_IT]/([ft_i]2.h.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_Th_Ft_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Elucidation 'BTU_TH Foot per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit' is an Imperial unit for 'Thermal Conductivity' expressed as Btu_{th} · ft/(hr · ft² · degF).

Altlabel BTU (TH) Foot per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_conductivity
Unitsymbol Btu{th}⋅ft/(ft²⋅hr⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.729577
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Ft_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Ft_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-FT-PER-HR-FT2-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[ft_i].h-1.[ft_i]-2.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[ft_i]/(h.[ft_i]2.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_Th_Ft_Per_Hr_Ft2_Deg_F
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Foot Per Hour Square Foot degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{th}⋅ft/(hr⋅ft²⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.73
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_In_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_In_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-IN-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[in_i].[ft_i]-2.h-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[in_i]/([ft_i]2.h.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_Th_In_Per_Ft2_Hr_Deg_F
Elucidation Unit of thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel BTU (TH) Inch per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{th}⋅in/(ft²⋅hr⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1441314
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_In_Per_Ft2_Sec_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_In_Per_Ft2_Sec_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-IN-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[in_i].[ft_i]-2.s-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[in_i]/([ft_i]2.s.[degF])
Preflabel Btu_Th_In_Per_Ft2_Sec_Deg_F
Elucidation Unit of thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel BTU (TH) Inch per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{th}⋅in/(ft²⋅s⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 518.8732
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Per_Ft3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Per_Ft3
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-PER-FT3
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[ft_i]-3
Ucumcode [Btu_th]/[ft_i]3
Preflabel Btu_Th_Per_Ft3
Elucidation British Thermal Unit (TH) Per Cubic Foot (Btu (TH)/ft³) is a unit in the category of Energy density. It is also known as Btu per cubic foot, Btu/cubic foot. This unit is commonly used in the UK, US unit systems. It has a dimension of ML⁻¹T⁻² where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit J/m³ by multiplying its value by a factor of 37234.03.

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (TH) Per Cubic Foot
Unitsymbol Btu{th}/ft³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 37234.03
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-PER-HR
Ucumcode [Btu_th].h-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th]/h
Preflabel Btu_Th_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit hour

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Hour
Unitsymbol Btu{th}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2929
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Per_Lb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Per_Lb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-PER-LB
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[lb_av]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th]/[lb_av]
Preflabel Btu_Th_Per_Lb
Elucidation 'Btu_th / lbm', British Thermal Unit (therm.) Per Pound Mass, is a unit in the category of Thermal heat capacity. It is also known as Btu per pound, Btu/pound, Btu/lb. This unit is commonly used in the UK unit system. British Thermal Unit (therm.) Per Pound Mass (Btu (therm.)/lbm) has a dimension of L²T⁻² where L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit J/kg by multiplying its value by a factor of 2324.443861.

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (TH) Per Pound
Unitsymbol btu{th}/lb
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2324.444
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Per_Lb_Deg_F ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Per_Lb_Deg_F
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-PER-LB-DEG_F
Ucumcode [Btu_th].[lb_av]-1.[degF]-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th]/([lb_av].[degF])
Preflabel Btu_Th_Per_Lb_Deg_F
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units divided by the units pound and degree Fahrenheit

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Pound Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol Btu{th}/(lb⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 426.654
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [Btu_th].min-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th]/min
Preflabel Btu_Th_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit minute

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Minute
Unitsymbol Btu{th}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 17.573
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Btu_Th_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Btu_Th_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BTU_TH-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [Btu_th].s-1
Ucumcode [Btu_th]/s
Preflabel Btu_Th_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Second
Unitsymbol Btu{th}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1054.35
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Uk ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_UK
Ucumcode [bu_br]
Preflabel Bu_Uk
Elucidation A bushel is an imperial unit of dry volume, equivalent in each of these systems to 4 pecks or 8 gallons. It is used for volumes of dry commodities (not liquids), most often in agriculture. It is abbreviated as bsh. or bu. In modern usage, the dry volume is usually only nominal, with bushels referring to standard weights instead.

Altlabel bushel (UK)
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushel?oldid=476704875
Unitsymbol bsh{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.03636872
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [bu_br].d-1
Ucumcode [bu_br]/d
Preflabel Bu_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (UK) (for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Bushel (UK) Per Day
Unitsymbol bsh{UK}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.209343e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Uk_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Uk_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_UK-PER-HR
Preflabel Bu_Uk_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (UK) (for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Bushel (UK) Per Hour
Unitsymbol bsh{UK}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.010242e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Uk_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Uk_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_UK-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [bu_br].min-1
Ucumcode [bu_br]/min
Preflabel Bu_Uk_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (UK) (for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Bushel (UK) Per Minute
Unitsymbol bsh{UK}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0006061453
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Uk_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Uk_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_UK-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [bu_br].s-1
Ucumcode [bu_br]/s
Preflabel Bu_Uk_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (UK) (for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Bushel (UK) Per Second
Unitsymbol bsh{UK}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.03636872
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Us ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_US
Ucumcode [bu_us]
Preflabel Bu_Us
Elucidation A bushel is an imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume, equivalent in each of these systems to 4 pecks or 8 gallons. It is used for volumes of dry commodities (not liquids), most often in agriculture. It is abbreviated as bsh. or bu. In modern usage, the dry volume is usually only nominal, with bushels referring to standard weights instead.

Altlabel bushel (US)
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushel?oldid=476704875
Unitsymbol bsh{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.03523907
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_US_DRY-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [bu_us].d-1
Ucumcode [bu_us]/d
Preflabel Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (US dry) for dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Bushel (US Dry) Per Day
Unitsymbol bsh{US}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.0786e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_US_DRY-PER-HR
Ucumcode [bu_us].h-1
Ucumcode [bu_us]/h
Preflabel Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (US dry) for dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Bushel (US Dry) Per Hour
Unitsymbol bsh{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.789e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_US_DRY-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [bu_us].min-1
Ucumcode [bu_us]/min
Preflabel Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (US dry) for dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Bushel (US Dry) Per Minute
Unitsymbol bsh{US}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00058732
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BU_US_DRY-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [bu_us].s-1
Ucumcode [bu_us]/s
Preflabel Bu_Us_Dry_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume bushel (US dry) for dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Bushel (US Dry) Per Second
Unitsymbol bsh{US}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.03523907
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_15_Deg_C ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_15_Deg_C
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_15_DEG_C
Ucumcode cal_[15]
Preflabel Cal_15_Deg_C
Elucidation unit for the quantity of heat which is required to warm up 1 g of water, which is free of air, at a constant pressure of 101.325 kPa (the pressure of the standard atmosphere on sea level) from 14.5 degrees Celsius to 15.5 degrees Celsius

Altlabel Calorie (15 Degrees C)
Unitsymbol cal{15 °C}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.1855
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_It_Per_Gm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_It_Per_Gm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_IT-PER-GM
Ucumcode cal_IT.g-1
Ucumcode cal_IT/g
Preflabel Cal_It_Per_Gm
Elucidation unit calorie according to the international steam table divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Calorie (international Table) Per Gram
Unitsymbol cal{IT}/g
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4186.8
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_It_Per_Gm_Deg_C ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_It_Per_Gm_Deg_C
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_IT-PER-GM-DEG_C
Ucumcode cal_IT.g-1.Cel-1
Ucumcode cal_IT/(g.Cel)
Preflabel Cal_It_Per_Gm_Deg_C
Elucidation unit calorieIT divided by the products of the units gram and degree Celsius

Altlabel Calorie (international Table) Per Gram Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol cal{IT}/(g⋅°C)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4186.8
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_It_Per_Gm_K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_It_Per_Gm_K
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_IT-PER-GM-K
Ucumcode cal_IT.g-1.K-1
Ucumcode cal_IT/(g.K)
Preflabel Cal_It_Per_Gm_K
Elucidation unit calorieIT divided by the product of the SI base unit gram and Kelvin

Altlabel Calorie (international Table) Per Gram Kelvin
Unitsymbol cal{IT}/(g⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4186.8
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_It_Per_Sec_CentiM2_K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_It_Per_Sec_CentiM2_K
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_IT-PER-SEC-CentiM2-K
Ucumcode cal_IT.s-1.cm-2.K-1
Ucumcode cal_IT/(s.cm2.K)
Preflabel Cal_It_Per_Sec_CentiM2_K
Elucidation unit of the heat transfer coefficient according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Calorie (international Table) Per Second Square Centimetre kelvin
Unitsymbol cal{IT}/(s⋅cm²⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 41868.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_It_Per_Sec_CentiM_K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_It_Per_Sec_CentiM_K
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_IT-PER-SEC-CentiM-K
Ucumcode cal_IT.s-1.cm-1.K-1
Ucumcode cal_IT/(s.cm.K)
Preflabel Cal_It_Per_Sec_CentiM_K
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Calorie (international Table) Per Second Centimetre Kelvin
Unitsymbol cal{IT}/(s⋅cm⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 418.68
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Mean ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Mean
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_MEAN
Ucumcode cal_m
Preflabel Cal_Mean
Elucidation unit used particularly for calorific values of foods

Altlabel Calorie (mean)
Unitsymbol cal{mean}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.19
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_CentiM_Sec_Deg_C ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_CentiM_Sec_Deg_C
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-CentiM-SEC-DEG_C
Ucumcode cal_th.cm-1.s-1.Cel-1
Ucumcode cal_th/(cm.s.Cel)
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_CentiM_Sec_Deg_C
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Centimetre Second Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol cal{th}/(cm⋅s⋅°C)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 418.4
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_Gm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_Gm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-GM
Ucumcode cal_th.g-1
Ucumcode cal_th/g
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_Gm
Elucidation unit thermochemical calorie divided by the 0.001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Gram
Unitsymbol cal{th}/g
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_Gm_Deg_C ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_Gm_Deg_C
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-GM-DEG_C
Ucumcode cal_th.g-1.Cel-1
Ucumcode cal_th/(g.Cel)
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_Gm_Deg_C
Elucidation unit calorie (thermochemical) divided by the product of the unit gram and degree Celsius

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Gram Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol cal{th}/(g⋅°C)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_Gm_K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_Gm_K
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-GM-K
Ucumcode cal_th.g-1.K-1
Ucumcode cal_th/(g.K)
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_Gm_K
Elucidation unit calorie (thermochemical) divided by the product of the SI derived unit gram and the SI base unit Kelvin

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Gram Kelvin
Unitsymbol cal{th}/(g⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-MIN
Ucumcode cal_th.min-1
Ucumcode cal_th/min
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_Min
Elucidation unit calorie divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Minute
Unitsymbol cal{th}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.06973
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-SEC
Ucumcode cal_th.s-1
Ucumcode cal_th/s
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit calorie divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Second
Unitsymbol cal{th}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.184
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_Sec_CentiM2_K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_Sec_CentiM2_K
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-SEC-CentiM2-K
Ucumcode cal_th.s-1.cm-2.K-1
Ucumcode cal_th/(s.cm2.K)
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_Sec_CentiM2_K
Elucidation unit of the heat transfer coefficient according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Second Square Centimetre kelvin
Unitsymbol cal{th}/(s⋅cm²⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 41840.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cal_Th_Per_Sec_CentiM_K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cal_Th_Per_Sec_CentiM_K
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH-PER-SEC-CentiM-K
Ucumcode cal_th.s-1.cm-1.K-1
Ucumcode cal_th/(s.cm.K)
Preflabel Cal_Th_Per_Sec_CentiM_K
Elucidation unit of the thermal conductivity according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Calorie (thermochemical) Per Second Centimetre Kelvin
Unitsymbol cal{th}/(s⋅cm⋅K)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 418.4
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CasesPer1000IndividualsPerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CasesPer1000IndividualsPerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CASES-PER-KiloINDIV-YR
Preflabel CasesPer1000IndividualsPerYear
Elucidation The typical expression of morbidity rate, expressed as cases per 1000 individuals, per year.

Altlabel Cases per 1000 individuals per year
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incidence_(epidemiology)
Unitsymbol Cases/1000 individuals/year
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiMetreOfMercury ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiMetreOfMercury
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM_HG
Ucumcode cm[Hg]
Preflabel CentiMetreOfMercury
Elucidation not SI conform unit of the pressure, that corresponds with the static pressure generated by a mercury column with the height of 1 centimetre

Altlabel Centimetre Of Mercury
Unitsymbol cmHg
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1333.224
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiPoise ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiPoise
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiPOISE
Ucumcode cP
Preflabel CentiPoise
Elucidation 0,01-fold of the CGS unit of the dynamic viscosity poise

Unitsymbol cP
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Poise
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiPoisePerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiPoisePerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiPOISE-PER-BAR
Ucumcode cP.bar-1
Ucumcode cP/bar
Preflabel CentiPoisePerBar
Elucidation 0.01-fold of the CGS unit of the dynamic viscosity poise divided by the unit of the pressure bar

Altlabel Centipoise Per Bar
Unitsymbol cP/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PoisePerBar
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CentiStokes ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CentiStokes
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiST
Ucumcode cSt
Preflabel CentiStokes
Elucidation `Centistokes` is a C.G.S System unit for 'Kinematic Viscosity' expressed as cSt.

Unitsymbol cSt
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of CentiPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Stokes
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CircularMil ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CircularMil
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MIL_Circ
Ucumcode [cml_i]
Preflabel CircularMil
Elucidation A circular mil is a unit of area, equal to the area of a circle with a diameter of one mil (one thousandth of an inch). It is a convenient unit for referring to the area of a wire with a circular cross section, because the area in circular mils can be calculated without reference to pi (π). The area in circular mils, A, of a circle with a diameter of d mils, is given by the formula: Electricians in Canada and the United States are familiar with the circular mil because the National Electrical Code (NEC) uses the circular mil to define wire sizes larger than 0000 AWG. In many NEC publications and uses, large wires may be expressed in thousands of circular mils, which is abbreviated in two different ways: MCM or kcmil. For example, one common wire size used in the NEC has a cross-section of 250,000 circular mils, written as 250 kcmil or 250 MCM, which is the first size larger than 0000 AWG used within the NEC.

Altlabel Circular Mil
Unitsymbol cmil
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.067075e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ColonyFormingUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ColonyFormingUnit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CFU
Ucumcode [CFU]
Preflabel ColonyFormingUnit
Elucidation "Colony Forming Unit" is a unit for 'Microbial Formation' expressed as CFU.

Altlabel Colony Forming Unit
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colony-forming_unit?oldid=473146689
Unitsymbol CFU
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
ConventionalCentiMetreOfWater ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ConventionalCentiMetreOfWater
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CentiM_H2O
Ucumcode cm[H2O]
Preflabel ConventionalCentiMetreOfWater
Elucidation non SI conforming unit of pressure that corresponds to the static pressure generated by a water column with a height of 1 centimetre

Altlabel Conventional Centimetre Of Water
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centimetre_of_water?oldid=487656894
Unitsymbol cmH₂0
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 98.0665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ConventionalMilliMetreOfWater ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ConventionalMilliMetreOfWater
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM_H2O
Ucumcode mm[H2O]
Preflabel ConventionalMilliMetreOfWater
Elucidation unit of pressure - 1 mmH2O is the static pressure exerted by a water column with a height of 1 mm

Altlabel Conventional Millimetre Of Water
Unitsymbol mmH₂0
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cup_Us ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cup_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CUP_US
Ucumcode [cup_us]
Preflabel Cup_Us
Elucidation unit of the volume according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Cup (US)
Unitsymbol cup{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002365882
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeathsPer1000IndividualsPerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeathsPer1000IndividualsPerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEATHS-PER-KiloINDIV-YR
Preflabel DeathsPer1000IndividualsPerYear
Elucidation The typical expression of mortality rate, expressed as deaths per 1000 individuals, per year.

Altlabel Deaths per 1000 individuals per year
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortality_rate
Unitsymbol deaths/1000 individuals/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeathsPerMillionIndividualsPerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeathsPerMillionIndividualsPerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEATHS-PER-MegaINDIV-YR
Preflabel DeathsPerMillionIndividualsPerYear
Elucidation The expression of mortality rate, expressed as deaths per Million individuals, per year.

Altlabel Deaths per Million individuals per year
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortality_rate
Unitsymbol deaths/million individuals/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DeciBelCarrierUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciBelCarrierUnit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciB_C
Preflabel DeciBelCarrierUnit
Elucidation "Decibel Carrier Unit" is a unit for 'Signal Detection Threshold' expressed as dBc.

Altlabel Decibel Carrier Unit
Unitsymbol dBc
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
DeciBelReferredTo1Mw ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DeciBelReferredTo1Mw
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciB_M
Preflabel DeciBelReferredTo1Mw
Elucidation "Decibel Referred to 1mw" is a 'Dimensionless Ratio' expressed as dBm.

Altlabel Decibel Referred to 1mw
Unitsymbol dBmW
Formal description
Subclass Of DeciPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
Deg_C_Growing_Cereal_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Deg_C_Growing_Cereal_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_C_GROWING_CEREAL-DAY
Preflabel Deg_C_Growing_Cereal_Day
Elucidation The sum of excess temperature over 5.5°C, where the temperature is the mean of the minimum and maximum atmospheric temperature in a day. This measure is appropriate for most cereal crops.

Altlabel Growing Degree Days (Cereals)
Unitsymbol GDD
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 86400.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Deg_F_Hr_Ft2_Per_Btu_It ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Deg_F_Hr_Ft2_Per_Btu_It
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-HR-FT2-PER-BTU_IT
Ucumcode [degF].h-1.[ft_i]-2.[Btu_IT]-1
Ucumcode [degF]/(h.[ft_i]2.[Btu_IT])
Preflabel Deg_F_Hr_Ft2_Per_Btu_It
Elucidation unit of the thermal resistor according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit Hour Square Foot per British Thermal Unit (international Table)
Unitsymbol °F⋅hr⋅ft²/Btu{IT}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.89563
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Deg_F_Hr_Ft2_Per_Btu_Th ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Deg_F_Hr_Ft2_Per_Btu_Th
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-HR-FT2-PER-BTU_TH
Ucumcode [degF].h-1.[ft_i]-2.[Btu_th]-1
Ucumcode [degF]/(h.[ft_i]2.[Btu_th])
Preflabel Deg_F_Hr_Ft2_Per_Btu_Th
Elucidation unit of the thermal resistor according to the according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit Hour Square Foot per British Thermal Unit (thermochemical)
Unitsymbol °F⋅hr⋅ft²/Btu{th}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.8969
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeApi ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeApi
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_API
Preflabel DegreeApi
Elucidation unit for the determination of the density of petroleum at 60 degrees F (15.56 degrees C)

Altlabel Degree API
Unitsymbol °API
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeBalling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeBalling
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_BALLING
Preflabel DegreeBalling
Elucidation unit for the mixing ratio of a soluble dry substance in water at 17.5 degrees C similar to the percent designation for solutions, in which a solution of 1 g saccharose in 100 g saccharose/ water solution corresponds to 1 degree Balling and respectively a one percent solution

Altlabel Degree Balling
Unitsymbol °Balling
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeBrix ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeBrix
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_BRIX
Preflabel DegreeBrix
Elucidation unit named according to Adolf Brix for the mixing ratio of a soluble dry substance in water with 15.5 °C similar to the percent designation for solutions, in which a solution of 1 g saccharose in 100 g saccharose/water solution corresponds to 1 °Brix and respectively an one percent solution

Altlabel Degree Brix
Unitsymbol °Bx
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheitHourPerBtu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheitHourPerBtu
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F-HR-PER-BTU_IT
Ucumcode [degF].h.[Btu_IT]-1
Ucumcode [degF].h/[Btu_IT]
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheitHourPerBtu
Elucidation `Degree Fahrenheit Hour per BTU` is an Imperial unit for 'Thermal Resistance' expressed as degF-hr/Btu.

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit Hour per BTU
Unitsymbol °F⋅hr/Btu
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalResistanceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeOechsle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeOechsle
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_OECHSLE
Preflabel DegreeOechsle
Elucidation unit of the density of the must, as measure for the proportion of the soluble material in the grape must

Altlabel Degree Oechsle
Unitsymbol °Oe
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value -998.2
.. raw:: html
DegreePlato ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreePlato
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_PLATO
Preflabel DegreePlato
Elucidation unit for the mixing ratio of the original gravity in the beer brew at 17,5 °C before the fermentation

Altlabel Degree Plato
Unitsymbol °P
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeRankine ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeRankine
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_R
Ucumcode [degR]
Preflabel DegreeRankine
Elucidation Rankine is a thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale. The symbol for degrees Rankine is °R or °Ra if necessary to distinguish it from the Rømer and Réaumur scales). Zero on both the Kelvin and Rankine scales is absolute zero, but the Rankine degree is defined as equal to one degree Fahrenheit, rather than the one degree Celsius used by the Kelvin scale. A temperature of -459.67 °F is exactly equal to 0 °R.

Altlabel Degree Rankine
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rankine_scale
Unitsymbol °R
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.5555556
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeRankinePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeRankinePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_R-PER-HR
Ucumcode [degR].h-1
Ucumcode [degR]/h
Preflabel DegreeRankinePerHour
Elucidation A rate of change of temperature measured in degree Rankine in periods of one hour.

Altlabel Degree Rankine per Hour
Unitsymbol °R/h
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeRankinePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeRankinePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_R-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [degR].min-1
Ucumcode [degR]/min
Preflabel DegreeRankinePerMinute
Elucidation A rate of change of temperature measured in degree Rankine in periods of one minute

Altlabel Degree Rankine per Minute
Unitsymbol °R/m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeRankinePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeRankinePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_R-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [degR].s-1
Ucumcode [degR]/s
Preflabel DegreeRankinePerSecond
Elucidation A rate of change of temperature measured in degree Rankine in periods of one second.

Altlabel Degree Rankine per Second
Unitsymbol °R/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of TemperaturePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
DegreeTwaddell ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeTwaddell
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_TWADDELL
Preflabel DegreeTwaddell
Elucidation unit of the density of fluids, which are heavier than water

Altlabel Degree Twaddell
Unitsymbol °Tw
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Degree_Baume ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Degree_Baume
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_BAUME
Preflabel Degree_Baume
Elucidation graduation of the areometer scale for determination of densitiy of fluids.

The Baumé scale is a pair of hydrometer scales developed by French pharmacist Antoine Baumé in 1768 to measure density of various liquids. The unit of the Baumé scale has been notated variously as degrees Baumé, B°, Bé° and simply Baumé (the accent is not always present). One scale measures the density of liquids heavier than water and the other, liquids lighter than water. The Baumé of distilled water is 0. The API gravity scale is based on errors in early implementations of the Baumé scale.

Altlabel Degree Baume (origin Scale)
Unitsymbol °Bé{origin}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Degree_Baume_Us_Heavy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Degree_Baume_Us_Heavy
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_BAUME_US_HEAVY
Preflabel Degree_Baume_Us_Heavy
Elucidation graduation of the areometer scale for determination of density of fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units, which are heavier than water

Altlabel Degree Baume (US Heavy)
Unitsymbol °Bé{US Heavy}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Degree_Baume_Us_Light ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Degree_Baume_Us_Light
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEGREE_BAUME_US_LIGHT
Preflabel Degree_Baume_Us_Light
Elucidation graduation of the areometer scale for determination of density of fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units, which are lighter than water

Altlabel Degree Baume (US Light)
Unitsymbol °Bé{US Light}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Denier ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Denier
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Denier
Ucumcode [den]
Preflabel Denier
Elucidation Denier or den is a unit of measure for the linear mass density of fibers. It is defined as the mass in grams per 9,000 meters. In the International System of Units the tex is used instead (see below). The denier is based on a natural standard: a single strand of silk is approximately one denier. A 9,000-meter strand of silk weighs about one gram. The term denier is from the French denier, a coin of small value (worth 1/12 of a sou). Applied to yarn, a denier was held to be equal in weight to 1/24 of an ounce. The term microdenier is used to describe filaments that weigh less than one gram per 9,000 meter length.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Units_of_textile_measurement#Denier
Unitsymbol D
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Diopter ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Diopter
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DIOPTER
Ucumcode [diop]
Preflabel Diopter
Elucidation A dioptre, or diopter, is a unit of measurement for the optical power of a lens or curved mirror, which is equal to the reciprocal of the focal length measured in metres (that is, 1/metre). For example, a 3 dioptre lens brings parallel rays of light to focus at 1/3 metre. The same unit is also sometimes used for other reciprocals of distance, particularly radii of curvature and the vergence of optical beams. Though the diopter is based on the SI-metric system it has not been included in the standard so that there is no international name or abbreviation for this unit of measurement within the international system of units this unit for optical power would need to be specified explicitly as the inverse metre.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dioptre?oldid=492506920
Unitsymbol D
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Dram_Uk ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Dram_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DRAM_UK
Ucumcode [dr_ap]
Preflabel Dram_Uk
Elucidation non SI-conforming unit of mass comes from the Anglo-American Troy or Apothecaries' Weight System of units which is mainly used in England, in the Netherlands and in the USA as a commercial weight

Altlabel Dram (UK)
Unitsymbol dr{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001771845
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Dram_Us ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Dram_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DRAM_US
Ucumcode [dr_av]
Preflabel Dram_Us
Elucidation non SI-conform unit of the mass according to the avoirdupois system of units: 1 dram (av. ) = 1/16 ounce (av. ) = 1/256 pound (av.)

Altlabel Dram (US)
Unitsymbol dr{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.003887935
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DryGallonUs ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DryGallonUs
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_US_DRY
Ucumcode [gal_wi]
Preflabel DryGallonUs
Elucidation "Dry Gallon US" is a unit for 'Dry Volume' expressed as dry_gal.

Altlabel Dry Gallon US
Unitsymbol gal{US Dry}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.004404884
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Erlang ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Erlang
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERLANG
Preflabel Erlang
Elucidation The "Erlang" is a dimensionless unit that is used in telephony as a measure of offered load or carried load on service-providing elements such as telephone circuits or telephone switching equipment.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlang_(unit)
Unitsymbol E
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FailuresInTime ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FailuresInTime
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/failures-in-time
Ucumcode s-1{failures}
Preflabel FailuresInTime
Elucidation unit of failure rate

Altlabel Failures In Time
Unitsymbol failures/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Fathom ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Fathom
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FATH
Ucumcode [fth_i]
Preflabel Fathom
Elucidation A fathom = 1.8288 meters, is a unit of length in the imperial and the U.S. customary systems, used especially for measuring the depth of water. There are two yards in an imperial or U.S. fathom. Originally based on the distance between the man's outstretched arms, the size of a fathom has varied slightly depending on whether it was defined as a thousandth of an (Admiralty) nautical mile or as a multiple of the imperial yard. Abbreviations: f, fath, fm, fth, fthm.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fathom?oldid=493265429
Unitsymbol fathom
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.8288
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootCandle ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootCandle
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FC
Preflabel FootCandle
Elucidation "Foot Candle" is a unit for 'Luminous Flux Per Area' expressed as fc.

Altlabel Foot Candle
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot-candle?oldid=475579268
Unitsymbol fc
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.764
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootLambert ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootLambert
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LA
Ucumcode [ft_i].Lmb
Preflabel FootLambert
Elucidation "Foot Lambert" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Luminance' expressed as ft-L.

Altlabel Foot Lambert
Unitsymbol ft⋅L
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.426259
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootOfMercury ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootOfMercury
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT_HG
Ucumcode [ft_i'Hg]
Preflabel FootOfMercury
Elucidation not SI conform unit of the pressure, at which 1 ftHg corresponds to the static pressure, which is excited by a mercury column with a height of 1 foot

Altlabel Foot Of Mercury
Unitsymbol ftHg
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 40636.66
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootOfWater ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootOfWater
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT_H2O
Ucumcode [ft_i'H2O]
Preflabel FootOfWater
Elucidation "Foot of Water" is a unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as ftH2O.

Altlabel Foot of Water
Unitsymbol ftH₂0
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2989.067
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPoundForcePerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundForcePerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F-PER-HR
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].h-1
Preflabel FootPoundForcePerHour
Elucidation "Foot Pound Force per Hour" is an Imperial unit for 'Power' expressed as ft-lbf/hr.

Altlabel Foot Pound Force per Hour
Unitsymbol ft⋅lbf/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.003766161
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPoundForcePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundForcePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].min-1
Preflabel FootPoundForcePerMinute
Elucidation "Foot Pound Force per Minute" is an Imperial unit for 'Power' expressed as ft-lbf/min.

Altlabel Foot Pound Force per Minute
Unitsymbol ft⋅lbf/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.02259697
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPoundForcePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundForcePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].s-1
Preflabel FootPoundForcePerSecond
Elucidation "Foot Pound Force per Second" is an Imperial unit for 'Power' expressed as ft-lbf/s.

Altlabel Foot Pound Force per Second
Unitsymbol ft⋅lbf/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.355818
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPoundForcePerSquareFootSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundForcePerSquareFootSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F-PER-FT2-SEC
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].[sft_i]-1.s-1
Preflabel FootPoundForcePerSquareFootSecond
Elucidation "Foot Pound Force per Square Foot Second" is an Imperial unit for 'Power Per Area' expressed as ft · lbf/(ft² · s).

Altlabel Foot Pound Force per Square Foot Second
Unitsymbol ft⋅lbf/ft²s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 14.5939
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPoundForcePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundForcePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F-PER-M2
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].m-2
Preflabel FootPoundForcePerSquareMetre
Elucidation "Foot Pound Force per Square Meter" is a unit for 'Energy Per Area' expressed as ft-lbf/m².

Altlabel Foot Pound Force per Square Metre
Unitsymbol ft⋅lbf/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
FootPoundForceSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundForceSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F-SEC
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].s
Preflabel FootPoundForceSecond
Elucidation "Foot Pound Force Second" is a unit for 'Angular Momentum' expressed as lbf / s.

Altlabel Foot Pound Force Second
Unitsymbol lbf/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AngularMomentumUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
FootPoundPerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundPerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-LB_F-PER-FT2
Ucumcode [ft_i].[lbf_av].[sft_i]-1
Preflabel FootPoundPerSquareFoot
Elucidation "Foot Pound per Square Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Energy Per Area' expressed as ft-lbf/ft².

Altlabel Foot Pound per Square Foot
Unitsymbol ft⋅lbf/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 14.5939
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FootPoundal ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FootPoundal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT-PDL
Preflabel FootPoundal
Elucidation "Foot Poundal" is an Imperial unit for 'Energy And Work' expressed as ft-pdl.

Altlabel Foot Poundal
Unitsymbol ft⋅pdl
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.04214011
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FramePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FramePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FRAME-PER-SEC
Ucumcode /s{frame}
Ucumcode s-1{frame}
Preflabel FramePerSecond
Elucidation "Frame per Second" is a unit for 'Video Frame Rate' expressed as fps.

Altlabel Frame per Second
Unitsymbol fps
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
FrenchGauge ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FrenchGauge
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAUGE_FR
Ucumcode [Ch]
Preflabel FrenchGauge
Elucidation unit for the diameter of thin tubes in the medical technology (e.g. catheter) and telecommunications engineering (e.g. fiberglasses).

Altlabel French Gauge
Unitsymbol French gauge
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0003333333
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Furlong ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Furlong
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FUR
Ucumcode [fur_us]
Preflabel Furlong
Elucidation A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to one-eighth of a mile, equivalent to 220 yards, 660 feet, 40 rods, or 10 chains. The exact value of the furlong varies slightly among English-speaking countries. Five furlongs are approximately 1 kilometre (1.0058 km is a closer approximation). Since the original definition of the metre was one-quarter of one ten-millionth of the circumference of the Earth (along the great circle coincident with the meridian of longitude passing through Paris), the circumference of the Earth is about 40,000 km or about 200,000 furlongs.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furlong?oldid=492237369
Unitsymbol furlong
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 201.168
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gal_Uk ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gal_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_UK
Ucumcode [gal_br]
Preflabel Gal_Uk
Elucidation unit of the volume for fluids according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Gallon (UK)
Unitsymbol gal{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00454609
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gal_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gal_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [gal_br].d-1
Preflabel Gal_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit gallon (UK dry or liq.) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI unit day

Altlabel Gallon (UK) Per Day
Unitsymbol gal{UK}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.261678e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gal_Uk_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gal_Uk_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_UK-PER-HR
Ucumcode [gal_br].h-1
Preflabel Gal_Uk_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit gallon (UK dry or Liq.) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI unit hour

Altlabel Gallon (UK) Per Hour
Unitsymbol gal{UK}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.262803e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gal_Uk_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gal_Uk_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_UK-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [gal_br].m-1
Preflabel Gal_Uk_Per_Min
Elucidation unit gallon (UK dry or liq.) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI unit minute

Altlabel Gallon (UK) Per Minute
Unitsymbol gal{UK}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.576817e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gal_Uk_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gal_Uk_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_UK-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [gal_br].s-1
Preflabel Gal_Uk_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit gallon (UK dry or liq.) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Gallon (UK) Per Second
Unitsymbol gal{UK}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00454609
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gal_Us_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gal_Us_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_US-PER-HR
Ucumcode [gal_us].h-1
Preflabel Gal_Us_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit gallon (US, liq.) according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI unit hour

Altlabel Gallon (US) Per Hour
Unitsymbol gal{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.051503e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gal_Us_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gal_Us_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_US-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [gal_us].s-1
Preflabel Gal_Us_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit gallon (US, liq.) according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Gallon (US Liquid) Per Second
Unitsymbol gal{US}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.003785412
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Galileo ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Galileo
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GALILEO
Ucumcode Gal
Preflabel Galileo
Elucidation CGS unit of acceleration called gal with the definition: 1 Gal = 1 cm/s

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gal?oldid=482010741
Unitsymbol Gal
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Uk ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_UK
Ucumcode [gil_br]
Preflabel Gi_Uk
Elucidation unit of the volume for fluids according to the Imperial system of units (1/32 Imperial Gallon)

Altlabel Gill (UK)
Unitsymbol gill{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001420653
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [gil_br].d-1
Preflabel Gi_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Gill (UK) Per Day
Unitsymbol gill{UK}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.644274e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Uk_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Uk_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_UK-PER-HR
Ucumcode [gil_br].h-1
Preflabel Gi_Uk_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Gill (UK) Per Hour
Unitsymbol gill{UK}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.946258e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Uk_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Uk_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_UK-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [gil_br].min-1
Preflabel Gi_Uk_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Gill (UK) Per Minute
Unitsymbol gill{UK}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.367755e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Uk_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Uk_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_UK-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [gil_br].s-1
Preflabel Gi_Uk_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Gill (UK) Per Second
Unitsymbol gill{UK}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001420653
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Us ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_US
Ucumcode [gil_us]
Preflabel Gi_Us
Elucidation unit of the volume according the Anglo-American system of units (1/32 US Gallon)

Altlabel Gill (US)
Unitsymbol gill{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001182941
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Us_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Us_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_US-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [gil_us].d-1
Preflabel Gi_Us_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Gill (US) Per Day
Unitsymbol gill{US}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.369145e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Us_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Us_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_US-PER-HR
Ucumcode [gil_us].h-1
Preflabel Gi_Us_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Gill (US) Per Hour
Unitsymbol gill{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.285947e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Us_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Us_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_US-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [gil_us].min-1
Preflabel Gi_Us_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Gill (US) Per Minute
Unitsymbol gill{US}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.971568e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gi_Us_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gi_Us_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI_US-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [gil_us].s-1
Preflabel Gi_Us_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume gill (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Gill (US) Per Second
Unitsymbol gill{US}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001182941
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GigaBasepair ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GigaBasePair
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GigaBasePair
Preflabel GigaBasepair
Elucidation A giga basepair (abbreviated Gb, or Gbp for giga basepairs.) is a unit of measurement used to help designate the length of DNA. One gigabase is equal to 1 billion bases.

Altlabel Giga basepair
Altlabel GigaBasePair
Unitsymbol Gbp
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of GigaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Grade ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Grade
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GR
Preflabel Grade
Elucidation the tangent of an angle of inclination multiplied by 100

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grade?oldid=485504533
Unitsymbol gr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Grain ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Grain
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAIN
Ucumcode [gr]
Preflabel Grain
Elucidation A grain is a unit of measurement of mass that is nominally based upon the mass of a single seed of a cereal. The grain is the only unit of mass measure common to the three traditional English mass and weight systems; the obsolete Tower grain was, by definition, exactly /64 of a troy grain. Since 1958, the grain or troy grain measure has been defined in terms of units of mass in the International System of Units as precisely 64.79891 milligrams. Thus, 1 gram ≈ 15.4323584 grains. There are precisely 7,000 grains per avoirdupois pound in the imperial and U.S. customary units, and 5,760 grains in the Troy pound.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cereal?oldid=495222949
Unitsymbol gr{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.479891e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GrainPerGallon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GrainPerGallon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAIN-PER-GAL
Ucumcode [gr].[gal_br]-1
Preflabel GrainPerGallon
Elucidation "Grain per Gallon" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as gr/gal.

Altlabel Grain per Gallon
Unitsymbol grain{UK}/gal
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01711806
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Grain_Per_Gal_Us ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Grain_Per_Gal_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAIN-PER-GAL_US
Ucumcode [gr].[gal_us]-1
Preflabel Grain_Per_Gal_Us
Elucidation unit of the density according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Grain Per Gallon (US)
Unitsymbol grain{US}/gal
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01711806
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramCarbonPerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramCarbonPerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM_Carbon-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode g.m-2.d-1{C}
Preflabel GramCarbonPerSquareMetrePerDay
Elucidation A metric unit of volume over time indicating the amount generated across one square meter over a day. Used to express productivity of an ecosystem.

Altlabel grams Carbon per square metre per day
Unitsymbol g{carbon}/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramForce ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM_F
Ucumcode gf
Preflabel GramForce
Elucidation "Gram Force" is a unit for 'Force' expressed as gf.

Altlabel Gram Force
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram-force?oldid=493375479
Unitsymbol gf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00980665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramForcePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramForcePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM_F-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode gf.cm-2
Preflabel GramForcePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation not SI conform unit of the pressure

Altlabel Gram Force Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol gf/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 98.0665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GramNitrogenPerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GramNitrogenPerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GM_Nitrogen-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode g.m-2.d-1{N}
Preflabel GramNitrogenPerSquareMetrePerDay
Elucidation A metric unit of volume over time indicating the amount of Nitrogen generated across one square meter over a day. Used to express productivity of an ecosystem.

Altlabel grams Nitrogen per square metre per day
Unitsymbol g{nitrogen}/(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
GrossTonnage ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#GrossTonnage
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GT
Ucumcode t{gross}
Preflabel GrossTonnage
Elucidation Gross tonnage (GT, G.T. or gt) is a nonlinear measure of a ship's overall internal volume. Gross tonnage is different from gross register tonnage. Gross tonnage is used to determine things such as a ship's manning regulations, safety rules, registration fees, and port dues, whereas the older gross register tonnage is a measure of the volume of only certain enclosed spaces.

Altlabel Gross Tonnage
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_tonnage
Unitsymbol G.T.
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
HeartBeatsPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HeartBeatsPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BEAT-PER-MIN
Ucumcode /min{H.B.}
Ucumcode min-1{H.B.}
Preflabel HeartBeatsPerMinute
Elucidation "Heart Beat per Minute" is a unit for 'Heart Rate' expressed as BPM.

Altlabel Heart Beats per Minute
Unitsymbol BPM
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
Hp_Brake ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hp_Brake
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HP_Brake
Preflabel Hp_Brake
Elucidation unit of the power according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Horsepower (brake)
Unitsymbol HP{brake}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9809.5
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Hp_Electric ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hp_Electric
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HP_Electric
Preflabel Hp_Electric
Elucidation unit of the power according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Horsepower (electric)
Unitsymbol HP{electric}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 746.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Hp_Metric ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hp_Metric
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HP_Metric
Preflabel Hp_Metric
Elucidation unit of the mechanical power according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Horsepower (metric)
Unitsymbol HP{metric}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 735.4988
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
HundredWeight_Short ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#HundredWeight_Short
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CWT_SHORT
Ucumcode [scwt_av]
Preflabel HundredWeight_Short
Elucidation "Hundred Weight - Short" is a unit for 'Mass' expressed as cwt.

Altlabel Hundred Weight - Short
Unitsymbol cwt{short}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 45.35924
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Hundredweight_Uk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hundredweight_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Hundredweight_UK
Ucumcode [lcwt_av]
Preflabel Hundredweight_Uk
Elucidation out of use unit of the mass according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Hundredweight (UK)
Unitsymbol cwt{long}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 50.80235
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Hundredweight_Us ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hundredweight_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Hundredweight_US
Ucumcode [scwt_av]
Preflabel Hundredweight_Us
Elucidation out of use unit of the mass according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Hundredweight (US)
Unitsymbol cwt{short}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 45.35924
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialGallon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialGallon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_IMP
Ucumcode [gal_br]
Preflabel ImperialGallon
Elucidation "Imperial Gallon" is an Imperial unit for 'Liquid Volume' expressed as galIMP.

Altlabel Imperial Gallon
Unitsymbol gal{Imp}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00454609
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialMassOuncePerCubicInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialMassOuncePerCubicInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-IN3
Ucumcode [oz_av].[cin_i]-1
Preflabel ImperialMassOuncePerCubicInch
Elucidation "Ounce per Cubic Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as oz/in³.

Altlabel Imperial Mass Ounce per Cubic Inch
Unitsymbol oz/in³{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1729.994
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialMassOuncePerGallon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialMassOuncePerGallon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-GAL
Ucumcode [oz_av].[gal_br]-1
Preflabel ImperialMassOuncePerGallon
Elucidation "Ounce per Gallon" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as oz/gal.

Altlabel Imperial Mass Ounce per Gallon
Unitsymbol oz/gal{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.236023
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialMassOuncePerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialMassOuncePerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-FT2
Ucumcode [oz_av].[sft_i]-1
Preflabel ImperialMassOuncePerSquareFoot
Elucidation "Ounce per Square Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Area' expressed as oz/ft².

Altlabel Imperial Mass Ounce per Square Foot
Unitsymbol oz/ft²{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.3051517
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialMassOuncePerSquareYard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialMassOuncePerSquareYard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-YD2
Ucumcode [oz_av].[syd_i]-1
Preflabel ImperialMassOuncePerSquareYard
Elucidation "Ounce per Square Yard" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Area' expressed as oz/yd².

Altlabel Imperial Mass Ounce per Square Yard
Unitsymbol oz/yd³{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.03390575
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialOunceForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialOunceForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_F
Ucumcode [ozf_av]
Preflabel ImperialOunceForce
Elucidation "Ounce Force" is an Imperial unit for 'Force' expressed as ozf.

Altlabel Imperial Ounce Force
Unitsymbol ozf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2780139
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialOunceForceInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialOunceForceInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_F-IN
Ucumcode [ozf_av].[in_i]
Preflabel ImperialOunceForceInch
Elucidation "Ounce Force Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Torque' expressed as ozf-in.

Altlabel Imperial Ounce Force Inch
Unitsymbol ozf⋅in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.07061552
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InchOfMercury ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InchOfMercury
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN_HG
Ucumcode [in_i'Hg]
Preflabel InchOfMercury
Elucidation Inches of mercury, (inHg) is a unit of measurement for pressure. It is still widely used for barometric pressure in weather reports, refrigeration and aviation in the United States, but is seldom used elsewhere. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury of 1 inch in height at 32 °F at the standard acceleration of gravity. 1 inHg = 3,386.389 pascals at 0 °C.

Altlabel Inch of Mercury
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inch_of_mercury?oldid=486634645
Unitsymbol inHg
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3386.389
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InchOfWater ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InchOfWater
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN_H2O
Ucumcode [in_i'H2O]
Preflabel InchOfWater
Elucidation Inches of water, wc, inch water column (inch WC), inAq, Aq, or inH2O is a non-SI unit for pressure. The units are by convention and due to the historical measurement of certain pressure differentials. It is used for measuring small pressure differences across an orifice, or in a pipeline or shaft. Inches of water can be converted to a pressure unit using the formula for pressure head. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of water of 1 inch in height at defined conditions for example 39 °F at the standard acceleration of gravity; 1 inAq is approximately equal to 249 pascals at 0 °C.

Altlabel Inch of Water
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inch_of_water?oldid=466175519
Unitsymbol inH₂0
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 249.08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InternationalTableCalorie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InternationalTableCalorie
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_IT
Ucumcode cal_IT
Preflabel InternationalTableCalorie
Elucidation International Table calorie.

Altlabel International Table calorie
Unitsymbol cal{IT}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.1868
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Kayser ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Kayser
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KY
Ucumcode Ky
Preflabel Kayser
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayser?oldid=458489166
Unitsymbol K
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBtu_It ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBtu_It
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBTU_IT
Ucumcode k[Btu_IT]
Preflabel KiloBtu_It
Altlabel Kilo British Thermal Unit (International Definition)
Unitsymbol kBtu{IT}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Btu_It
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 105505.6
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBtu_It_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBtu_It_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBTU_IT-PER-HR
Ucumcode k[Btu_IT].h-1
Ucumcode k[Btu_IT]/h
Preflabel KiloBtu_It_Per_Hr
Altlabel Kilo British Thermal Unit (International Definition) per Hour
Unitsymbol kBtu{IT}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 293.0711
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBtu_Th ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBtu_Th
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBTU_TH
Ucumcode k[Btu_th]
Preflabel KiloBtu_Th
Altlabel Kilo British Thermal Unit (Thermochemical Definition)
Unitsymbol kBtu{th}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Btu_Th
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1054350.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloBtu_Th_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloBtu_Th_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloBTU_TH-PER-HR
Ucumcode k[Btu_th].h-1
Ucumcode k[Btu_th]/h
Preflabel KiloBtu_Th_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Kilo British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Hour
Unitsymbol kBtu{th}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Btu_Th_Per_Hr
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 292.9
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCal_It ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCal_It
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL_IT
Ucumcode kcal_IT
Preflabel KiloCal_It
Elucidation 1000-fold of the unit calorie, which is used particularly for calorific values of food

Altlabel Kilocalorie (international Table)
Unitsymbol kcal{IT}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4186.8
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCal_It_Per_Hr_M_Deg_C ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCal_It_Per_Hr_M_Deg_C
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL_IT-PER-HR-M-DEG_C
Ucumcode kcal_IT.h-1.m-1.Cel-1
Preflabel KiloCal_It_Per_Hr_M_Deg_C
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the no longer approved unit international calorie for energy divided by the product of the SI base unit metre, the unit hour for time and the unit degree Celsius for temperature

Altlabel Kilocalorie (international Table) Per Hour Metre Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol kcal{IT}/(hr⋅m⋅°C)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.163
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCal_Mean ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCal_Mean
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL_Mean
Ucumcode kcal_m
Preflabel KiloCal_Mean
Elucidation 1000-fold of the unit calorie, which is used particularly for calorific values of food

Altlabel Kilocalorie (mean)
Unitsymbol kcal{mean}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Cal_Mean
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4190.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCal_Th ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCal_Th
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL_TH
Ucumcode [Cal]
Ucumcode kcal_th
Preflabel KiloCal_Th
Elucidation 1000-fold of the unit calorie, which is used particularly for calorific values of food

Altlabel Kilocalorie (thermochemical)
Unitsymbol kcal{th}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCal_Th_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCal_Th_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL_TH-PER-HR
Ucumcode kcal_th.h-1
Preflabel KiloCal_Th_Per_Hr
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the non-legal unit thermochemical calorie divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Kilocalorie (thermochemical) Per Hour
Unitsymbol kcal{th}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.162231
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCal_Th_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCal_Th_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL_TH-PER-MIN
Ucumcode kcal_th.min-1
Preflabel KiloCal_Th_Per_Min
Elucidation 1000-fold of the unit calorie divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Kilocalorie (thermochemical) Per Minute
Unitsymbol kcal{th}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Cal_Th_Per_Min
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 69.73383
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCal_Th_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCal_Th_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL_TH-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kcal_th.s-1
Preflabel KiloCal_Th_Per_Sec
Elucidation 1000-fold of the unit calorie divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Kilocalorie (thermochemical) Per Second
Unitsymbol kcal{th}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Cal_Th_Per_Sec
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerCentiMetreSecondDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerCentiMetreSecondDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-CentiM-SEC-DEG_C
Ucumcode kcal.cm-1.s-1.Cel-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerCentiMetreSecondDegreeCelsius
Altlabel Kilocalorie per Centimetre Second Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol kcal/(cm⋅s⋅°C)
Formal description
Subclass Of ThermalConductivityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 418400.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-GM
Ucumcode kcal.g-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerGram
Elucidation "Kilocalorie per Gram" is a unit for 'Specific Energy' expressed as kcal/gm.

Altlabel Kilocalorie per Gram
Unitsymbol kcal/g
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-MIN
Ucumcode kcal.min-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerMinute
Elucidation `Kilocalorie per Minute` is a unit for `Heat Flow Rate` and `Power` expressed as kcal/min.

Altlabel Kilocalorie Per Minute
Unitsymbol kcal/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 69.73333
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-MOL
Ucumcode kcal.mol-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerMole
Elucidation The kilocalorie per mole is a derived unit of energy per Avogadro's number of particles. It is the quotient of a kilocalorie (1000 thermochemical gram calories) and a mole, mainly used in the United States. In SI units, it is equal to 4.184 kJ/mol, or 6.9477 × 10 J per molecule. At room temperature it is equal to 1.688 . Physical quantities measured in kcal· mol are usually thermodynamical quantities; mostly free energies such as: Heat of vaporization Heat of fusion.

Altlabel Kilocalorie per Mole
Unitsymbol kcal/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of EnergyPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerMoleDegreeCelsius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerMoleDegreeCelsius
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-MOL-DEG_C
Ucumcode kcal.mol-1.Cel-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerMoleDegreeCelsius
Elucidation `Kilocalorie per Mole Degree Celsius` is a unit for 'Molar Heat Capacity' expressed as kcal/(mol-degC).

Altlabel Kilocalorie per Mole Degree Celsius
Unitsymbol kcal/(mol⋅°C)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of EntropyPerAmountUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kcal.s-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerSecond
Elucidation `Kilocalorie per Second` is a unit for `Heat Flow Rate` and `Power` expressed as kcal/s.

Altlabel Kilocalorie Per Second
Unitsymbol kcal/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode kcal.cm-2
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation "Kilocalorie per Square Centimeter" is a unit for 'Energy Per Area' expressed as kcal/cm².

Altlabel Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol kcal/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.184e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetreMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetreMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2-MIN
Ucumcode kcal.cm-2.min-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetreMinute
Elucidation "Kilocalorie per Square Centimeter Minute" is a unit for 'Power Per Area' expressed as kcal/(cm²-min).

Altlabel Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre Minute
Unitsymbol kcal/(cm²⋅min)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.973333e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetreSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetreSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2-SEC
Ucumcode kcal.cm-2.s-1
Preflabel KiloCaloriePerSquareCentiMetreSecond
Elucidation "Kilocalorie per Square Centimeter Second" is a unit for 'Power Per Area' expressed as kcal/(cm²-s).

Altlabel Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre Second
Unitsymbol kcal/(cm²⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.184e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPascalAbsolute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPascalAbsolute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloPA_A
Ucumcode kPa{absolute}
Preflabel KiloPascalAbsolute
Elucidation `Kilopascal Absolute` is a SI System unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as KPaA.

Altlabel Kilopascal Absolute
Unitsymbol KPaA
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPond ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloP
Ucumcode kgf
Preflabel KiloPond
Elucidation illegal unit of the weight, defined as mass of 1 kg which receives a weight of 1 kp through gravitation at sea level, which equates to a force of 9,806 65 newton

Comment Same as kilogramForce
Unitsymbol kP
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPoundForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPoundForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloLB_F
Preflabel KiloPoundForce
Altlabel KiloPound Force
Unitsymbol klbf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PoundForce
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4448.222
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloPoundForcePerSquareInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloPoundForcePerSquareInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloLB_F-PER-IN2
Ucumcode k[lbf_av].[sin_i]-1
Preflabel KiloPoundForcePerSquareInch
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the unit for pressure psi as a compounded unit pound-force according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the power of the unit Inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2

Altlabel Kilopound Force Per Square Inch
Unitsymbol kpsi
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PoundForcePerSquareInch
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6894758.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloVoltAmpereReactive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloVoltAmpereReactive
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloV-A_Reactive
Ucumcode kV.A{reactive}
Preflabel KiloVoltAmpereReactive
Elucidation 1 000-fold of the unit var

Altlabel Kilovolt Ampere Reactive
Unitsymbol kV⋅A{Reactive}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpereReactive
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KiloVoltAmpereReactiveHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KiloVoltAmpereReactiveHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloV-A_Reactive-HR
Ucumcode kV.A.h{reactive}
Preflabel KiloVoltAmpereReactiveHour
Elucidation product of the 1 000-fold of the unit volt ampere reactive and the unit hour

Altlabel Kilovolt Ampere Reactive Hour
Unitsymbol kV⋅A{Reactive}⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of KiloPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpereReactiveHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM_F
Ucumcode kgf
Preflabel KilogramForce
Elucidation "Kilogram Force" is a unit for 'Force' expressed as kgf.

Altlabel Kilogram Force
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram-force?oldid=493375479
Unitsymbol kgf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramForceMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramForceMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM_F-M
Ucumcode kgf.m
Preflabel KilogramForceMetre
Elucidation product of the unit kilogram-force and the SI base unit metre

Altlabel Kilogram?force Metre
Unitsymbol kgf⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramForceMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramForceMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM_F-M-PER-SEC
Ucumcode kgf.m.s-1
Preflabel KilogramForceMetrePerSecond
Elucidation product of the SI base unit metre and the unit kilogram-force according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Kilogram?force Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol kgf⋅m/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramForceMetrePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramForceMetrePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM_F-M-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode kgf.m.cm-2
Preflabel KilogramForceMetrePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation product of the unit kilogram-force and the SI base unit metre divided by the 0.0001-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2

Altlabel Kilogram?force Metre Per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol kgf⋅m/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 98066.5
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramForcePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramForcePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM_F-PER-CentiM2
Ucumcode kgf.cm-2
Preflabel KilogramForcePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation "Kilogram Force per Square Centimeter" is a unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as kgf/cm².

Altlabel Kilogram Force per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol kgf/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 98066.5
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramForcePerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramForcePerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM_F-PER-M2
Ucumcode kgf.m-2
Preflabel KilogramForcePerSquareMetre
Elucidation not SI conform unit of the pressure

Altlabel Kilogram Force Per Square Metre
Unitsymbol kgf/m²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KilogramForcePerSquareMilliMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KilogramForcePerSquareMilliMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloGM_F-PER-MilliM2
Ucumcode kgf.mm-2
Preflabel KilogramForcePerSquareMilliMetre
Elucidation not SI conform unit of the pressure

Altlabel Kilogram Force Per Square Millimetre
Unitsymbol kgf/mm²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9806650.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Kip ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Kip
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KIP_F
Ucumcode k[lbf_av]
Preflabel Kip
Elucidation 1000 pound-force

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kip?oldid=492552722
Unitsymbol kip
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4448.222
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
KipPerSquareInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#KipPerSquareInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KIP_F-PER-IN2
Ucumcode k[lbf_av].[in_i]-2
Preflabel KipPerSquareInch
Elucidation "Kip per Square Inch" is a unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as kip/in².

Altlabel Kip per Square Inch
Unitsymbol kip/in²
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6894758.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_Ft2 ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_Ft2
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-FT2
Ucumcode [lb_av].[sft_i]
Preflabel Lb_Ft2
Elucidation product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2

Altlabel Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot
Unitsymbol lb⋅ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassAreaUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.04214011
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_In ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_In
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-IN
Ucumcode [lb_av].[in_i]
Preflabel Lb_In
Elucidation unit of the unbalance (product of avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units)

Altlabel Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Inch
Unitsymbol lb⋅in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthMassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01152125
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_In2 ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_In2
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-IN2
Ucumcode [lb_av].[sin_i]
Preflabel Lb_In2
Elucidation product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2

Altlabel Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Inch
Unitsymbol lb⋅in²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassAreaUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002926397
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [lb_av].d-1
Preflabel Lb_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the mass avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Pound (avoirdupois) Per Day
Unitsymbol lb/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.249912e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_Per_Ft2 ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_Per_Ft2
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-FT2
Ucumcode [lb_av].[ft_i]-2
Preflabel Lb_Per_Ft2
Elucidation unit for areal-related mass as a unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2

Altlabel Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Per Square Foot
Unitsymbol lb/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.882428
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_Per_Gal_Uk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_Per_Gal_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-GAL_UK
Ucumcode [lb_av].[gal_br]-1
Preflabel Lb_Per_Gal_Uk
Elucidation unit of the mass avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the unit gallon (UK) according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Pound (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (UK)
Unitsymbol lb/gal{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 99.77637
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_Per_Gal_Us ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_Per_Gal_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-GAL_US
Ucumcode [lb_av].[gal_us]-1
Preflabel Lb_Per_Gal_Us
Elucidation unit of the mass avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system divided by the unit gallon (US, liq.) according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Pound (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (US)
Unitsymbol lb/gal{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 83.08122
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_Per_In2 ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_Per_In2
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-IN2
Ucumcode [lb_av].[sin_i]-1
Preflabel Lb_Per_In2
Elucidation unit of the areal-related mass as avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units related to the area square inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units

Altlabel Pound (avoirdupois) Per Square Inch
Unitsymbol lb/in²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 703.0696
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lb_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lb_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [lb_av].s-1
Preflabel Lb_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the mass avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the SI base unit for time second

Altlabel Pound (avoirdupois) Per Second
Unitsymbol lb/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.4535924
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LongFurlong ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LongFurlong
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FUR_Long
Preflabel LongFurlong
Altlabel Long Furlong
Unitsymbol furlong{long}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
LongHundredWeight ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LongHundredWeight
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CWT_LONG
Ucumcode [lcwt_av]
Preflabel LongHundredWeight
Elucidation "Hundred Weight - Long" is a unit for 'Mass' expressed as cwt.

Altlabel Long Hundred Weight
Unitsymbol cwt{long}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 50.80235
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LongTon ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LongTon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_LONG
Ucumcode [lton_av]
Preflabel LongTon
Elucidation Long ton (weight ton or imperial ton) is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements, as used in the United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries. One long ton is equal to 2,240 pounds (1,016 kg), 1.12 times as much as a short ton, or 35 cubic feet (0.9911 m3) of salt water with a density of 64 lb/ft3 (1.025 g/ml).
It has some limited use in the United States, most commonly in measuring the displacement of ships, and was the unit prescribed for warships by the Washington Naval Treaty 1922-for example battleships were limited to a mass of 35,000 long tons (36,000 t; 39,000 short tons).

Altlabel Long Ton
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_ton
Unitsymbol t{long}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1016.047
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LongTonPerCubicYard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LongTonPerCubicYard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_LONG-PER-YD3
Ucumcode [lton_av]/[cyd_i]
Preflabel LongTonPerCubicYard
Elucidation The long ton per cubic yard density measurement unit is used to measure volume in cubic yards in order to estimate weight or mass in long tons.

Altlabel Long Ton per Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol t{long}/yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1328.939
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
M2_Hr_Deg_C_Per_KiloCal_It ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#M2_Hr_Deg_C_Per_KiloCal_It
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-HR-DEG_C-PER-KiloCAL_IT
Ucumcode m2.h.Cel/kcal_IT
Preflabel M2_Hr_Deg_C_Per_KiloCal_It
Elucidation product of the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2, of the unit hour for time and the unit degree Celsius for temperature divided by the 1000-fold of the out of use unit for energy international calorie

Altlabel Square Metre Hour Degree Celsius Per Kilocalorie (international Table)
Unitsymbol m²⋅hr⋅°C/kcal{IT}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.859845
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MeanGregorianMonth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MeanGregorianMonth
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MO_MeanGREGORIAN
Ucumcode mo_g
Preflabel MeanGregorianMonth
Altlabel Mean Gregorian Month
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
MeanJulianMonth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MeanJulianMonth
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MO_MeanJulian
Ucumcode mo_j
Preflabel MeanJulianMonth
Altlabel Mean Julian Month
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
MegaBtu_It_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaBtu_It_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaBTU_IT-PER-HR
Ucumcode M[Btu_IT].h-1
Ucumcode M[Btu_IT]/h
Preflabel MegaBtu_It_Per_Hr
Altlabel Mega British Thermal Unit (International Definition) per Hour
Unitsymbol MBtu{IT}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 293071.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaPascalSquareRootMeter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaPascalSquareRootMeter
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaPA-M0pt5
Preflabel MegaPascalSquareRootMeter
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the derived unit Pascal Square Root Meter

Altlabel Megapascal Square Root Meter
Unitsymbol MPa√m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PascalSquareRootMeter
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaPoundForce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaPoundForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaLB_F
Ucumcode M[lbf_av]
Preflabel MegaPoundForce
Altlabel Mega Pound Force
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound-force?oldid=453191483
Unitsymbol Mlbf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some PoundForce
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4448.222
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaTonOfOilEquivalent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaTonOfOilEquivalent
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaTOE
Preflabel MegaTonOfOilEquivalent
Elucidation The tonne of oil equivalent (toe) is a unit of energy: the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil, approximately 42 GJ (as different crude oils have different calorific values, the exact value of the toe is defined by convention; unfortunately there are several slightly different definitions as discussed below). The toe is sometimes used for large amounts of energy, as it can be more intuitive to visualise, say, the energy released by burning 1000 tonnes of oil than 42,000 billion joules (the SI unit of energy).
Multiples of the toe are used, in particular the megatoe (Mtoe, one million toe) and the gigatoe (Gtoe, one billion toe).

Altlabel Megaton of Oil Equivalent
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne_of_oil_equivalent
Unitsymbol megatoe
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.1868e+16
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaVoltAmpereReactive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaVoltAmpereReactive
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaV-A_Reactive
Ucumcode MV.A{reactive}
Preflabel MegaVoltAmpereReactive
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the unit volt ampere reactive

Altlabel Megavolt Ampere Reactive
Unitsymbol MV⋅A{Reactive}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpereReactive
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MegaVoltAmpereReactiveHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MegaVoltAmpereReactiveHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaV-A_Reactive-HR
Ucumcode MV.A{reactive}.h
Preflabel MegaVoltAmpereReactiveHour
Elucidation product of the 1,000,000-fold of the unit volt ampere reactive and the unit hour

Altlabel Megavolt Ampere Reactive Hour
Unitsymbol MV⋅A{Reactive}⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MegaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some VoltAmpereReactiveHour
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Mesh ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Mesh
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MESH
Ucumcode [mesh_i]
Preflabel Mesh
Elucidation "Mesh" is a measure of particle size or fineness of a woven product.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesh_(scale)
Unitsymbol mesh
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetricDeciTon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetricDeciTon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DeciTON_Metric
Ucumcode dt
Preflabel MetricDeciTon
Elucidation 100-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Metric DeciTON
Unitsymbol dt
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetricKiloTon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetricKiloTon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloTON_Metric
Ucumcode kt
Preflabel MetricKiloTon
Elucidation 1 000 000-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Metric KiloTON
Unitsymbol kton{short}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetricPerm ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetricPerm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERM_Metric
Preflabel MetricPerm
Elucidation A perm is a unit of permeance or "water vapor transmission" given a certain differential in partial pressures on either side of a material or membrane. The metric perm (not an SI unit) is defined as 1 gram of water vapor per day, per square meter, per millimeter of mercury.

Altlabel Metric Perm
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perm_(unit)
Unitsymbol perm{Metric}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of TimePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 8.68127e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MetricTon ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MetricTon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_Metric
Ucumcode t
Preflabel MetricTon
Elucidation 1,000-fold of the SI base unit kilogram

Altlabel Metric Ton
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne?oldid=492526238
Unitsymbol t
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroAtmospheres ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroAtmospheres
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroATM
Ucumcode uatm
Preflabel MicroAtmospheres
Unitsymbol µatm
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.101325
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroGalsPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroGalsPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroGAL-PER-M
Ucumcode uGal.m-1
Preflabel MicroGalsPerMetre
Elucidation A rate of change of one millionth part of a unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimetre per second per second over a distance of one metre.

Altlabel MicroGals per metre
Unitsymbol µGal/m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AngularFrequencyUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMho ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMho
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMHO
Ucumcode umho
Preflabel MicroMho
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the obsolete unit mho of the electric conductance

Unitsymbol μmho
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroMolePerMicroMoleOfBiomassPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroMolePerMicroMoleOfBiomassPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroMOL-PER-MicroMOL-DAY
Ucumcode umol.umol-1.d-1
Ucumcode umol/umol/d
Preflabel MicroMolePerMicroMoleOfBiomassPerDay
Altlabel Micromole per micromole of biomass per day
Unitsymbol µmol/(µmol⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of MicroPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroPoise ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroPoise
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroPOISE
Ucumcode uP
Preflabel MicroPoise
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the CGS unit of the dynamic viscosity poise

Unitsymbol μP
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Mil ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Mil
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MIL
Preflabel Mil
Elucidation The Mil unit of plane angle, as defined by NATO to be 1/6400 of a circle.

Altlabel Mil Angle (NATO)
Unitsymbol mil{NATO}
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0004908739
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilLength ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilLength
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilLength
Ucumcode [mil_i]
Preflabel MilLength
Elucidation "Mil Length" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Length' expressed as mil.

Altlabel Mil Length
Unitsymbol mil
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.54e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MileUsStatute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MileUsStatute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI_US
Ucumcode [mi_us]
Preflabel MileUsStatute
Elucidation The exact length of the land mile varied slightly among English-speaking countries until the international yard and pound agreement in 1959 established the yard as exactly 0.9144 metres, giving a mile of exactly 1,609.344 metres. The United States adopted this international mile for most purposes, but retained the pre-1959 mile for some land-survey data, terming it the US survey mile. In the US, statute mile formally refers to the survey mile, about 3.219 mm (1/8 inch) longer than the international mile (the international mile is exactly 0.0002% less than the US survey mile).

Altlabel Mile US Statute
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile
Unitsymbol mi{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1609.347
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliGal ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliGal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliGAL
Ucumcode mGal
Preflabel MilliGal
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit of acceleration called gal according to the CGS system of units

Unitsymbol mgal
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetreOfMercury ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetreOfMercury
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM_HG
Ucumcode mm[Hg]
Preflabel MilliMetreOfMercury
Elucidation The millimeter of mercury is defined as the pressure exerted at the base of a column of fluid exactly 1 mm high, when the density of the fluid is exactly 13.5951 g/cm³, at a place where the acceleration of gravity is exactly 9.80665 m/s².

Altlabel Millimetre of Mercury
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torr?oldid=495199381
Unitsymbol mmHg
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 133.3224
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliMetreOfMercury_Absolute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliMetreOfMercury_Absolute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliM_HGA
Ucumcode mm[Hg]{absolute}
Preflabel MilliMetreOfMercury_Absolute
Elucidation Millimeters of Mercury inclusive of atmospheric pressure

Altlabel Millimetre of Mercury - Absolute
Unitsymbol mmHgA
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
MilliRad ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliRad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliRAD_R
Preflabel MilliRad
Altlabel MilliRad
Unitsymbol mrad
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Rad
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliRoentgen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliRoentgen
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliR
Ucumcode mR
Preflabel MilliRoentgen
Elucidation 0.001-fold of the unit roentgen.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roentgen_(unit)
Unitsymbol mR
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Roentgen
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.58e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliRoentgenEquivalentMan ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliRoentgenEquivalentMan
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliR_man
Ucumcode mREM
Preflabel MilliRoentgenEquivalentMan
Elucidation The roentgen equivalent man (or rem) is a CGS unit of equivalent dose, effective dose, and committed dose, which are measures of the health effect of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human body.

Altlabel Milliroentgen Equivalent Man
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roentgen_equivalent_man
Unitsymbol mrem
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.58e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MilliTorr ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MilliTorr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MilliTORR
Preflabel MilliTorr
Elucidation "MilliTorr" is a unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as utorr.

Altlabel MilliTorr
Unitsymbol mTorr
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of MilliPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Torr
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.133322
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MillionUsDollarsPerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MillionUsDollarsPerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MillionUSD-PER-YR
Preflabel MillionUsDollarsPerYear
Altlabel Million US Dollars per Year
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
MillionYear ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MillionYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MegaYR
Ucumcode Ma
Preflabel MillionYear
Elucidation 1,000,000-fold of the derived unit year.

Altlabel Million Years
Unitsymbol Myr
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 31557600000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MinuteAngle ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MinuteAngle
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MIN_Angle
Ucumcode '
Preflabel MinuteAngle
Altlabel Minute Angle
Unitsymbol '
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002908882
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Mohm ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Mohm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MOHM
Preflabel Mohm
Elucidation A unit of mechanical mobility for sound waves, being the reciprocal of the mechanical ohm unit of impedance, i.e., for an acoustic medium, the ratio of the flux or volumic speed (area times particle speed) of the resulting waves through it to the effective sound pressure (i.e. force) causing them, the unit being qualified, according to the units used, as m.k.s. or c.g.s. The mechanical ohm is equivalent to 1 dyn· s· cm⁻¹ or 10⁻³ N· s· m⁻¹.

Unitsymbol mohm
Formal description
Subclass Of MechanicalMobilityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NephelometryTurbidityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NephelometryTurbidityUnit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NTU
Preflabel NephelometryTurbidityUnit
Elucidation "Nephelometry Turbidity Unit" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Turbidity' expressed as NTU.

Altlabel Nephelometry Turbidity Unit
Unitsymbol NTU
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
NumberPer100Gram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPer100Gram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-HectoGM
Ucumcode {#}.hg-1
Preflabel NumberPer100Gram
Elucidation Count of an entity or phenomenon occurrence in one 10th of the SI unit of mass (kilogram).

Altlabel Number per 100 grams
Unitsymbol /hg
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalMassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-M3
Ucumcode {#}.m-3
Preflabel NumberPerCubicMetre
Altlabel Number per cubic metre
Unitsymbol /m³
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-GM
Ucumcode {#}.g-1
Preflabel NumberPerGram
Altlabel Number per gram
Unitsymbol /g
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerHectare ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerHectare
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-HA
Ucumcode {#}.har-1
Preflabel NumberPerHectare
Elucidation Count of an entity or phenomenon's occurrence in 10,000 times the SI unit area (square metre).

Altlabel Number per hectare
Unitsymbol /ha
Formal description
Subclass Of PerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-HR
Ucumcode {#}.h-1
Preflabel NumberPerHour
Altlabel Number per hour
Unitsymbol /hr
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-L
Ucumcode {#}.L-1
Preflabel NumberPerLitre
Altlabel Number per litre
Unitsymbol /L
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-M
Ucumcode {#}.m-1
Preflabel NumberPerMetre
Elucidation Unavailable.

Altlabel Number per metre
Unitsymbol /m
Formal description
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerMicroLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerMicroLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-MicroL
Ucumcode {#}.uL-1
Preflabel NumberPerMicroLitre
Altlabel Number per microlitre
Unitsymbol /µL
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerMilliGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerMilliGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-MilliGM
Ucumcode {#}.mg-1
Preflabel NumberPerMilliGram
Elucidation Count of an entity or phenomenon occurrence in one millionth of the SI unit of mass (kilogram).

Altlabel Number per milligram
Unitsymbol /mg
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerNanoLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerNanoLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-NanoL
Ucumcode {#}.nL-1
Preflabel NumberPerNanoLitre
Altlabel Number per nanolitre
Unitsymbol /nL
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2147484000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerSquareCentiMetrePerThousandYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerSquareCentiMetrePerThousandYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-CentiM-KiloYR
Ucumcode {#}.cm-2.ka-1
Preflabel NumberPerSquareCentiMetrePerThousandYear
Altlabel Number per square centimetre per thousand years
Unitsymbol /(cm⋅1000 yr)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.168809e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerSquareKiloMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerSquareKiloMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-KiloM2
Ucumcode {#}.km-2
Preflabel NumberPerSquareKiloMetre
Altlabel Number per square kilometre
Unitsymbol /km²
Formal description
Subclass Of PerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerSquareMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerSquareMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-M2
Ucumcode {#}.m-2
Preflabel NumberPerSquareMetre
Altlabel Number per square metre
Unitsymbol /m²
Formal description
Subclass Of PerAreaUnit
Subclass Of SICoherentDerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerSquareMetrePerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerSquareMetrePerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-M2-DAY
Ucumcode {#}.m-2.d-1
Preflabel NumberPerSquareMetrePerDay
Altlabel Number per square metre per day
Unitsymbol /(m²⋅day)
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerAreaTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NumberPerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NumberPerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NUM-PER-YR
Ucumcode {#}.a-1
Preflabel NumberPerYear
Elucidation "Number per Year" is a unit for 'Frequency' expressed as #/yr.

Altlabel Number per Year
Unitsymbol #/yr
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.168809e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
OunceMass ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#OunceMass
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ
Ucumcode [oz_av]
Preflabel OunceMass
Elucidation An ounce of mass is 1/16th of a pound of mass, based on the international standard definition of the pound as exactly 0.45359237 kg.

Altlabel Ounce Mass
Unitsymbol oz
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.02834952
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
OunceTroy ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#OunceTroy
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_TROY
Ucumcode [oz_tr]
Preflabel OunceTroy
Elucidation An obsolete unit of mass; the Troy Ounce is 1/12th of a Troy Pound. Based on the international definition of a Troy Pound as 5760 grains, the Troy Ounce is exactly 480 grains, or 0.0311034768 kg.

Altlabel Ounce Troy
Unitsymbol oz{Troy}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.03110348
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Ft ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Ft
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-FT
Ucumcode [oz_av].[ft_i]
Preflabel Oz_Ft
Elucidation unit of the unbalance as a product of avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units and foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Foot
Unitsymbol oz⋅ft
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0086409
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_In ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_In
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-IN
Ucumcode [oz_av].[in_i]
Preflabel Oz_In
Elucidation unit of the unbalance as a product of avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units and inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Inch
Unitsymbol oz⋅in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of LengthMassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.000694563
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [oz_av].d-1
Preflabel Oz_Per_Day
Elucidation traditional unit of the mass avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Day
Unitsymbol oz/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.2812e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Per_Gal_Uk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Per_Gal_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-GAL_UK
Ucumcode [oz_av].[gal_br]-1
Preflabel Oz_Per_Gal_Uk
Elucidation unit of the density according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (UK)
Unitsymbol oz/gal{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.236
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Per_Gal_Us ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Per_Gal_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-GAL_US
Ucumcode [oz_av].[gal_us]-1
Preflabel Oz_Per_Gal_Us
Elucidation unit of the density according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (US)
Unitsymbol oz/gal{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.8125
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-HR
Ucumcode [oz_av].h-1
Preflabel Oz_Per_Hr
Elucidation traditional unit of the mass avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Hour
Unitsymbol oz/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.87487e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [oz_av].min-1
Preflabel Oz_Per_Min
Elucidation traditional unit of the mass avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Minute
Unitsymbol oz/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.000472492
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [oz_av].s-1
Preflabel Oz_Per_Sec
Elucidation traditional unit of the mass avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Second
Unitsymbol oz/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.02834952
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Per_Yd3 ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Per_Yd3
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ-PER-YD3
Ucumcode [oz_av].[cyd_i]-1
Preflabel Oz_Per_Yd3
Elucidation unit ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units divided by the power of the unit yard according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3

Altlabel Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol oz/yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0370798
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Uk ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_UK
Ucumcode [foz_br]
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Uk
Elucidation unit of the volume for fluids according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Fluid Ounce (UK)
Unitsymbol oz{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.841306e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [foz_br].d-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Day
Unitsymbol oz{UK}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.87487e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_UK-PER-HR
Ucumcode [foz_br].h-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Hour
Unitsymbol oz{UK}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.87487e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_UK-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [foz_br].min-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Minute
Unitsymbol oz{UK}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00472492
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_UK-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [foz_br].s-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Uk_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (UK) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Second
Unitsymbol oz{UK}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.84e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_US-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [foz_us].d-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by unit for time day

Altlabel Ounce (US Fluid) Per Day
Unitsymbol oz{US}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.42286e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_US-PER-HR
Ucumcode [foz_us].h-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Ounce (US Fluid) Per Hour
Unitsymbol oz{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 8.214869e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_US-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [foz_us].min-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Ounce (US Fluid) Per Minute
Unitsymbol oz{US}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.92892e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_US-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [foz_us].s-1
Preflabel Oz_Vol_Us_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume fluid ounce (US) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Ounce (US Fluid) Per Second
Unitsymbol oz{US}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.957353e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerBillion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerBillion
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPB
Ucumcode [ppb]
Preflabel PartPerBillion
Elucidation Dimensionless unit for concentration. Recommended practice is to use specific units such as ug/l.

Altlabel Parts per billion
Unitsymbol PPB
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerMillion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerMillion
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPM
Ucumcode [ppm]
Preflabel PartPerMillion
Elucidation Dimensionless unit for concentration. Recommended practice is to use specific units such as ug/l.

Altlabel Parts per million
Unitsymbol PPM
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerMillionPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerMillionPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPM-PER-K
Ucumcode ppm.K-1
Preflabel PartPerMillionPerKelvin
Elucidation Unit for expansion ratios expressed as parts per million per Kelvin.

Altlabel Parts Per Million per Kelvin
Unitsymbol PPM/K
Formal description
Subclass Of PerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerTenMillion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerTenMillion
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPTM
Preflabel PartPerTenMillion
Elucidation Dimensionless unit for concentration. Recommended practice is to use specific units such as ug/l.

Altlabel Parts per Ten Million
Unitsymbol PPTM
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerTenMillionPerKelvin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerTenMillionPerKelvin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPTM-PER-K
Preflabel PartPerTenMillionPerKelvin
Elucidation Unit for expansion ratios expressed as parts per ten million per Kelvin.

Altlabel Parts Per Ten Million per Kelvin
Unitsymbol PPTM/K
Formal description
Subclass Of PerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerThousand ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerThousand
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPTH
Ucumcode [ppth]
Preflabel PartPerThousand
Elucidation Dimensionless unit for concentration. Recommended practice is to use specific units such as ug/l.

Altlabel Parts per thousand
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerThousandPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerThousandPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPTH-PER-HR
Ucumcode [ppth].h-1
Preflabel PartPerThousandPerHour
Altlabel Parts per thousand per hour
Unitsymbol ‰/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.777778e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerTrillion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerTrillion
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPTR
Ucumcode [pptr]
Preflabel PartPerTrillion
Elucidation Dimensionless unit for concentration. Recommended practice is to use specific units such as ug/l.

Altlabel Parts per trillion
Unitsymbol PPTR
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PartPerTrillionByVolume ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PartPerTrillionByVolume
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PPTR_VOL
Ucumcode [pptr]{vol}
Preflabel PartPerTrillionByVolume
Altlabel Parts per trillion by volume
Unitsymbol pptr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeFractionUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PascalSquareRootMeter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PascalSquareRootMeter
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PA-M0pt5
Preflabel PascalSquareRootMeter
Elucidation A metric unit for stress intensity factor and fracture toughness.

Altlabel Pascal Square Root Meter
Unitsymbol Pa√m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Pebi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pebi
Preflabel Pebi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Pi'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1125900000000000.0
.. raw:: html
PebiByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PebiByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PebiBYTE
Preflabel PebiByte
Elucidation The pebibyte is a standards-based binary multiple (prefix pebi, symbol Pi) of the byte, a unit of digital information storage. The pebibyte unit symbol is PiB. 1 pebibyte = 1125899906842624bytes = 1024 tebibytes The pebibyte is closely related to the petabyte, which is defined as 10¹⁵ bytes = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.

Altlabel PebiByte
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pebibyte?oldid=492685015
Unitsymbol PiB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6243315000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PennyWeight ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PennyWeight
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DWT
Ucumcode [pwt_tr]
Preflabel PennyWeight
Elucidation "Penny Weight" is a unit for 'Mass' expressed as dwt.

Altlabel Penny Weight
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennyweight?oldid=486693644
Unitsymbol dwt
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001555174
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pennyweight ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pennyweight
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Pennyweight
Ucumcode [pwt_tr]
Preflabel Pennyweight
Elucidation non SI-conforming unit of mass which comes from the Anglo-American Troy or Apothecaries' Weight System of units according to NIST of 1 pwt = 1.555174 10³ kg

Unitsymbol dwt
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001555174
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PercentPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PercentPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERCENT-PER-DAY
Ucumcode %.d-1
Preflabel PercentPerDay
Altlabel Percent per day
Unitsymbol %/day
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.157407e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PercentPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PercentPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERCENT-PER-HR
Ucumcode %.h-1
Preflabel PercentPerHour
Altlabel Percent per hour
Unitsymbol %/day
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002777778
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PercentPerMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PercentPerMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERCENT-PER-M
Ucumcode %.m-1
Preflabel PercentPerMetre
Altlabel Percent per metre
Unitsymbol %/m
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PercentPerWeek ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PercentPerWeek
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERCENT-PER-WK
Ucumcode %.wk-1
Preflabel PercentPerWeek
Elucidation A rate of change in percent over a period of 7 days

Altlabel Percent per week
Unitsymbol %/wk
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.653439e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PercentRelativeHumidity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PercentRelativeHumidity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERCENT_RH
Preflabel PercentRelativeHumidity
Elucidation Percent relative humidity is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage.

Altlabel Percent Relative Humidity
Unitsymbol %RH
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PetaByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PetaByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PetaBYTE
Ucumcode PBy
Preflabel PetaByte
Elucidation A petabyte is a unit of information equal to one quadrillion bytes, or 1024 terabytes. The unit symbol for the petabyte is PB. The prefix peta (P) indicates the fifth power to 1000: 1 PB = 1000000000000000B, 1 million gigabytes = 1 thousand terabytes The pebibyte (PiB), using a binary prefix, is the corresponding power of 1024, which is more than 12% greater (2⁵⁰ bytes = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes).

Altlabel PetaByte
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petabyte?oldid=494735969
Unitsymbol PB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of PetaPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5545177000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Uk ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_UK
Ucumcode [pt_br]
Preflabel Pint_Uk
Elucidation unit of the volume (both for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Pint (UK)
Unitsymbol pt{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0005682613
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [pt_br].d
Preflabel Pint_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (UK) (both for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Pint (UK) Per Day
Unitsymbol pt{UK}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.577098e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Uk_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Uk_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_UK-PER-HR
Ucumcode [pt_br].h-1
Preflabel Pint_Uk_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (UK) (both for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Pint (UK) Per Hour
Unitsymbol pt{UK}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.578504e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Uk_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Uk_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_UK-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [pt_br].min-1
Preflabel Pint_Uk_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (UK) (both for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Pint (UK) Per Minute
Unitsymbol pt{UK}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.471022e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Uk_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Uk_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_UK-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [pt_br].s-1
Preflabel Pint_Uk_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (UK) (both for fluids and for dry measures) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Pint (UK) Per Second
Unitsymbol pt{UK}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0005682613
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Us_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Us_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_US-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [pt_us].d-1
Preflabel Pint_Us_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (US liquid) according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Pint (US Liquid) Per Day
Unitsymbol pt{US}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.47658e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Us_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Us_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_US-PER-HR
Ucumcode [pt_us].h-1
Preflabel Pint_Us_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (US liquid) according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Pint (US Liquid) Per Hour
Unitsymbol pt{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.314379e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Us_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Us_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_US-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [pt_us].min-1
Preflabel Pint_Us_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (US liquid) according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Pint (US Liquid) Per Minute
Unitsymbol pt{US}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.886275e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pint_Us_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pint_Us_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_US-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [pt_us].s-1
Preflabel Pint_Us_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume pint (US liquid) according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Pint (US Liquid) Per Second
Unitsymbol pt{US}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0004731765
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Uk ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_UK
Ucumcode [pk_br]
Preflabel Pk_Uk
Elucidation unit of the volume according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Peck (UK)
Unitsymbol peck{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.009092181
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [pk_br].d-1
Preflabel Pk_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (UK) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Peck (UK) Per Day
Unitsymbol peck{UK}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.052336e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Uk_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Uk_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_UK-PER-HR
Ucumcode [pk_br].h-1
Preflabel Pk_Uk_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (UK) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Peck (UK) Per Hour
Unitsymbol peck{UK}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.525606e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Uk_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Uk_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_UK-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [pk_br].min-1
Preflabel Pk_Uk_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (UK) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Peck (UK) Per Minute
Unitsymbol peck{UK}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001515364
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Uk_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Uk_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_UK-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [pk_br].s-1
Preflabel Pk_Uk_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (UK) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Peck (UK) Per Second
Unitsymbol peck{UK}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.009092181
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_US_DRY-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [pk_us].d-1
Preflabel Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (US dry) as dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Peck (US Dry) Per Day
Unitsymbol peck{US}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.019649e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_US_DRY-PER-HR
Ucumcode [pk_us].h-1
Preflabel Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (US dry) as dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Peck (US Dry) Per Hour
Unitsymbol peck{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.447158e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_US_DRY-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [pk_us].min-1
Preflabel Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (US dry) as dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Peck (US Dry) Per Minute
Unitsymbol peck{US}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001468295
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_US_DRY-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [pk_us].s-1
Preflabel Pk_Us_Dry_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume peck (US dry) as dry measure according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Peck (US Dry) Per Second
Unitsymbol peck{US}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.008809768
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckAngularFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckAngularFrequency
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckFrequency_Ang
Preflabel PlanckAngularFrequency
Altlabel Planck Angular Frequency
Unitsymbol planckangularfrequency
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.85487e+43
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckArea ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckArea
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckArea
Preflabel PlanckArea
Altlabel Planck Area
Unitsymbol planckarea
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.61223e-70
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckCharge ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckCharge
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckCharge
Preflabel PlanckCharge
Elucidation In physics, the Planck charge, denoted by, is one of the base units in the system of natural units called Planck units. It is a quantity of electric charge defined in terms of fundamental physical constants. The Planck charge is defined as: coulombs, where: is the speed of light in the vacuum, is Planck's constant, is the reduced Planck constant, is the permittivity of free space is the elementary charge = (137.03599911) is the fine structure constant. The Planck charge is times greater than the elementary charge e carried by an electron.

Altlabel Planck Charge
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units
Unitsymbol planckcharge
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.875546e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckCurrent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckCurrent
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckCurrent
Preflabel PlanckCurrent
Elucidation The Planck current is the unit of electric current, denoted by Iₚ, in the system of natural units known as Planck units. ≈ 3.479 × 10 A, where: the Planck time is the permittivity in vacuum and the reduced Planck constant G is the gravitational constant c is the speed of light in vacuum. The Planck current is that current which, in a conductor, carries a Planck charge in Planck time. Alternatively, the Planck current is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible circular cross-section, and placed a Planck length apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to a Planck force per Planck length.

Altlabel Planck Current
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_current?oldid=493640689
Unitsymbol Iₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.4789e+25
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckCurrentDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckCurrentDensity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckCurrentDensity
Preflabel PlanckCurrentDensity
Altlabel Planck Current Density
Unitsymbol planckcurrentdensity
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.331774e+95
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckDensity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckDensity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckDensity
Preflabel PlanckDensity
Elucidation The Planck density is the unit of density, denoted by ρₚ, in the system of natural units known as Planck units. 1 ρₚ is ≈ 5.155 × 10⁹⁶ kg/m³. This is a unit which is very large, about equivalent to 10²³ solar masses squeezed into the space of a single atomic nucleus. At one unit of Planck time after the Big Bang, the mass density of the universe is thought to have been approximately one unit of Planck density.

Altlabel Planck Density
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_density?oldid=493642128
Unitsymbol ρₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.155e+96
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckEnergy ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckEnergy
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckEnergy
Preflabel PlanckEnergy
Elucidation In physics, the unit of energy in the system of natural units known as Planck units is called the Planck energy, denoted by Eₚ. Eₚ is a derived, as opposed to basic, Planck unit. An equivalent definition is: Eₚ = ℏ / tₚ where tₚ is the Planck time. Also: Eₚ = mₚ c² where mₚ is the Planck mass.

Altlabel Planck Energy
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_energy?oldid=493639955
Unitsymbol Eᵨ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1956100000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckForce ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckForce
Preflabel PlanckForce
Elucidation Planck force is the derived unit of force resulting from the definition of the base Planck units for time, length, and mass. It is equal to the natural unit of momentum divided by the natural unit of time.

Altlabel Planck Force
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_force?oldid=493643031
Unitsymbol planckforce
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.21027e+44
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckFrequency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckFrequency
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckFrequency
Preflabel PlanckFrequency
Altlabel Planck Frequency
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_angular_frequency?oldid=493641308
Unitsymbol planckfrequency
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.85487e+43
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckImpedance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckImpedance
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckImpedance
Preflabel PlanckImpedance
Elucidation The Planck impedance is the unit of electrical resistance, denoted by Zₚ, in the system of natural units known as Planck units. The Planck impedance is directly coupled to the impedance of free space, Z₀, and differs in value from Z₀ only by a factor of 4π. If the Planck charge were instead defined to normalize the permittivity of free space, ε₀, rather than the Coulomb constant, 1/(4πε₀), then the Planck impedance would be identical to the characteristic impedance of free space.

Altlabel Planck Impedance
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_impedance
Unitsymbol Zₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 29.97925
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckLength ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckLength
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckLength
Preflabel PlanckLength
Elucidation In physics, the Planck length, denoted ℓₚ, is a unit of length, equal to 1.616199(97)×10⁻³⁵ metres. It is a base unit in the system of Planck units. The Planck length can be defined from three fundamental physical constants: the speed of light in a vacuum, Planck's constant, and the gravitational constant.

Altlabel Planck Length
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units
Unitsymbol ℓₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.616252e-35
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckMass ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckMass
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckMass
Preflabel PlanckMass
Elucidation In physics, the Planck mass, denoted by mₚ, is the unit of mass in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It is defined so that ≈ 1.2209 × 10 GeV/c₀ = 2.17651(13) × 10 kg, (or 21.7651 μ g), where c₀ is the speed of light in a vacuum, G is the gravitational constant, and ℏ is the reduced Planck constant. Particle physicists and cosmologists often use the reduced Planck mass, which is ≈ 4.341 × 10 kg = 2.435 × 10 GeV/c. The added factor of 1/{√{8π}} simplifies a number of equations in general relativity. Quantum effects are typified by the magnitude of Planck's constant.

Altlabel Planck Mass
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units
Unitsymbol mₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.17644e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckMomentum ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckMomentum
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckMomentum
Preflabel PlanckMomentum
Elucidation Planck momentum is the unit of momentum in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It has no commonly used symbol of its own, but can be denoted by, where is the Planck mass and is the speed of light in a vacuum. Then where is the reduced Planck's constant, is the Planck length, is the gravitational constant. In SI units Planck momentum is ≈ 6.5 kg m/s.

Altlabel Planck Momentum
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_momentum?oldid=493644981
Unitsymbol planckmomentum
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MomentumUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.52485
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckPower ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckPower
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckPower
Preflabel PlanckPower
Elucidation The Planck energy divided by the Planck time is the Planck power Pₚ , equal to about 3.62831 × 10⁵² W. This is an extremely large unit; even gamma-ray bursts, the most luminous phenomena known, have output on the order of 1 × 10⁴⁵ W, less than one ten-millionth of the Planck power.

Altlabel Planck Power
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_power?oldid=493642483
Unitsymbol Pₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.62831e+52
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckPressure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckPressure
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckPressure
Preflabel PlanckPressure
Altlabel Planck Pressure
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_pressure?oldid=493640883
Unitsymbol planckpressure
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.63309e+113
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckTime ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckTime
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckTime
Preflabel PlanckTime
Elucidation In physics, the Planck time, denoted by tₚ, is the unit of time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It is the time required for light to travel, in a vacuum, a distance of 1 Planck length. The unit is named after Max Planck, who was the first to propose it. tₚ ≡ √(ℏ G/c⁵) ≈ 5.39106(32) × 10⁻⁴⁴ s where, c is the speed of light in a vacuum, ℏ is the reduced Planck's constant (defined as ℏ = h/(2 π)) and G is the gravitational constant. The two digits between parentheses denote the standard error of the estimated value.

Altlabel Planck Time
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units
Unitsymbol tₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.39124e-44
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckVolt ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckVolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckVolt
Preflabel PlanckVolt
Altlabel Planck Volt
Unitsymbol Vₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.04295e+27
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PlanckVolume ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PlanckVolume
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckVolume
Preflabel PlanckVolume
Altlabel Planck Volume
Unitsymbol l³ₚ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.22419e-105
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Plancktemperature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Plancktemperature
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PlanckTemperature
Preflabel Plancktemperature
Altlabel PlanckTemperature
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units
Unitsymbol plancktemperature
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.416784e+32
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Poise ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Poise
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/POISE
Ucumcode P
Preflabel Poise
Elucidation The poise is the unit of dynamic viscosity in the centimetre gram second system of units. It is named after Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poise?oldid=487835641
Unitsymbol P
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoisePerBar ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoisePerBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/POISE-PER-BAR
Ucumcode P.bar-1
Preflabel PoisePerBar
Elucidation CGS unit poise divided by the unit bar

Altlabel Poise Per Bar
Unitsymbol P/bar
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-DEG_F
Ucumcode [lb_av].[degF]
Preflabel PoundDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation `Pound Degree Fahrenheit` is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Temperature' expressed as lb-degF.

Altlabel Pound Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol lb⋅°F
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
PoundDegreeRankine ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundDegreeRankine
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-DEG_R
Ucumcode [lb_av].[degR]
Preflabel PoundDegreeRankine
Elucidation `Pound Degree Rankine` is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Temperature' expressed as lb-degR.

Altlabel Pound Degree Rankine
Unitsymbol lb⋅°R
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
PoundForce ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F
Ucumcode [lbf_av]
Preflabel PoundForce
Elucidation "Pound Force" is an Imperial unit for 'Force' expressed as lbf.

Altlabel Pound Force
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound-force?oldid=453191483
Unitsymbol lbf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.448222
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForceFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForceFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-FT
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[ft_i]
Preflabel PoundForceFoot
Elucidation "Pound Force Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Torque' expressed as lbf-ft.

Altlabel Pound Force Foot
Unitsymbol lbf⋅ft
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.355818
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForceFootPerAmpere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForceFootPerAmpere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloLB_F-FT-PER-A
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[ft_i].A-1
Preflabel PoundForceFootPerAmpere
Elucidation product of the Anglo-American unit pound-force and foot divided by the SI base unit ampere

Altlabel Pound Force Foot Per Ampere
Unitsymbol klbf⋅ft/A
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2728.303
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForceFootPerPound ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForceFootPerPound
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloLB_F-FT-PER-LB
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[ft_i].[lb_av]-1
Preflabel PoundForceFootPerPound
Elucidation product of the Anglo-American unit pound-force and the Anglo-American unit foot divided by the Anglo-American unit pound (US) of mass

Altlabel Pound Force Foot Per Pound
Unitsymbol klbf⋅ft/lb
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2989.067
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForceInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForceInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-IN
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[in_i]
Preflabel PoundForceInch
Elucidation "Pound Force Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Torque' expressed as lbf-in.

Altlabel Pound Force Inch
Unitsymbol lbf⋅in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1129848
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForcePerFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForcePerFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KiloLB_F-PER-FT
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[ft_i]-1
Preflabel PoundForcePerFoot
Elucidation "Pound Force per Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Force Per Length' expressed as lbf/ft.

Altlabel Pound Force Per Foot
Unitsymbol klbf/ft
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 14593.9
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForcePerInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForcePerInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-PER-IN
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[in_i]-1
Preflabel PoundForcePerInch
Elucidation "Pound Force per Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Force Per Length' expressed as lbf/in.

Altlabel Pound Force per Inch
Unitsymbol lbf/in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ForcePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 175.1268
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForcePerPound ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForcePerPound
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-PER-LB
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[lb_av]-1
Preflabel PoundForcePerPound
Elucidation "Pound Force per Pound" is an Imperial unit for 'Thrust To Mass Ratio' expressed as lbf/lb.

Altlabel Pound Force per Pound
Unitsymbol lbf/lb
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.806651
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForcePerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForcePerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-PER-FT2
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[sft_i]-1
Preflabel PoundForcePerSquareFoot
Elucidation Pounds or Pounds Force per Square Foot is a British (Imperial) and American pressure unit which is directly related to the psi pressure unit by a factor of 144 (1 sq ft = 12 in x 12 in = 144 sq in). 1 Pound per Square Foot equals 47.8803 Pascals. The psf pressure unit is mostly for lower pressure applications such as specifying building structures to withstand a certain wind force or rating a building floor for maximum weight load.

Altlabel Pound Force per Square Foot
Unitsymbol lbf/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 47.88026
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForcePerSquareInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForcePerSquareInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-PER-IN2
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[sin_i]-1
Preflabel PoundForcePerSquareInch
Elucidation "Pound Force per Square Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Force Per Area' expressed as psia.

Altlabel Pound Force per Square Inch
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pounds_per_square_inch?oldid=485678341
Unitsymbol psia
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6894.758
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForcePerSquareInchDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForcePerSquareInchDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-PER-IN2-DEG_F
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[sin_i]-1.[degF]-1
Preflabel PoundForcePerSquareInchDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch) divided by the unit degree Fahrenheit for temperature

Altlabel Pound Force Per Square Inch Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol lbf/(in²⋅°F)
Formal description
Subclass Of PressurePerTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 12410.56
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForcePerSquareInchSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForcePerSquareInchSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-PER-IN2-SEC
Ucumcode [lbf_av].[sin_i]-1.s-1
Preflabel PoundForcePerSquareInchSecond
Elucidation "Pound Force per Square Inch Second" is a unit for 'Force Per Area Time' expressed as lbf / in²-s.

Altlabel Pound Force per Square Inch Second
Unitsymbol lbf/in²⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressurePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6894.758
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForceSecondPerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForceSecondPerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-SEC-PER-FT2
Ucumcode [lbf_av].s.[sft_i]-1
Preflabel PoundForceSecondPerSquareFoot
Elucidation "Pound Force Second per Square Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Dynamic Viscosity' expressed as lbf-s/ft².

Altlabel Pound Force Second per Square Foot
Unitsymbol lbf⋅s/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 47.88026
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundForceSecondPerSquareInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundForceSecondPerSquareInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_F-SEC-PER-IN2
Ucumcode [lbf_av].s.[sin_i]-1
Preflabel PoundForceSecondPerSquareInch
Elucidation "Pound Force Second per Square Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Dynamic Viscosity' expressed as lbf-s/in².

Altlabel Pound Force Second per Square Inch
Unitsymbol lbf⋅s/in²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6894.758
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundMass ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundMass
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB
Ucumcode [lb_av]
Preflabel PoundMass
Elucidation A pound of mass, based on the international standard definition of the pound as exactly 0.45359237 kg.

Altlabel Pound Mass
Unitsymbol lbm
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.4535924
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundMole ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-MOL
Ucumcode [lb_av].mol
Preflabel PoundMole
Elucidation Pound Mole is a unit for `Mass Amount Of Substance` expressed as lb-mol..

Altlabel Pound Mole
Unitsymbol lb⋅mol
Formal description
Subclass Of MassAmountOfSubstanceUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.4535924
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundMoleDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundMoleDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-MOL-DEG_F
Ucumcode [lb_av].mol.[degF]
Preflabel PoundMoleDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation `Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit` is a unit for 'Mass Amount Of Substance Temperature' expressed as lb-mol-degF.

Altlabel Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol lb⋅mol⋅°F
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AmountTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
PoundPerCubicFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerCubicFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-FT3
Ucumcode [lb_av].[cft_i]-1
Preflabel PoundPerCubicFoot
Elucidation "Pound per Cubic Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as lb/ft³.

Altlabel Pound per Cubic Foot
Unitsymbol lb/ft³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 16.01846
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerCubicInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerCubicInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-IN3
Ucumcode [lb_av].[cin_i]-1
Preflabel PoundPerCubicInch
Elucidation "Pound per Cubic Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as lb/in³.

Altlabel Pound per Cubic Inch
Unitsymbol lb/in³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 27679.9
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerCubicMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerCubicMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-M3
Ucumcode [lb_av].m-3
Preflabel PoundPerCubicMetre
Elucidation "Pound per Cubic Meter" is a unit for 'Density' expressed as lb/m³.

Altlabel Pound per Cubic Metre
Unitsymbol lb/m³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.4535924
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerCubicYard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerCubicYard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-YD3
Ucumcode [lb_av].[cyd_i]-1
Preflabel PoundPerCubicYard
Elucidation "Pound per Cubic Yard" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as lb/yd³.

Altlabel Pound per Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol lb/yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.5932764
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-FT
Ucumcode [lb_av].[ft_i]-1
Preflabel PoundPerFoot
Elucidation "Pound per Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Length' expressed as lb/ft.

Altlabel Pound per Foot
Unitsymbol lb/ft
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.488164
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerFootHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerFootHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-FT-HR
Ucumcode [lb_av].[ft_i]-1.h-1
Preflabel PoundPerFootHour
Elucidation "Pound per Foot Hour" is an Imperial unit for 'Dynamic Viscosity' expressed as lb/(ft-hr).

Altlabel Pound per Foot Hour
Unitsymbol lb/(ft⋅hr)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0004133789
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerFootSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerFootSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-FT-SEC
Ucumcode [lb_av].[ft_i]-1.s-1
Preflabel PoundPerFootSecond
Elucidation "Pound per Foot Second" is an Imperial unit for 'Dynamic Viscosity' expressed as lb/(ft-s).

Altlabel Pound per Foot Second
Unitsymbol lb/(ft⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.488164
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerGallon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerGallon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-GAL
Ucumcode [lb_av].[gal_br]-1
Preflabel PoundPerGallon
Elucidation "Pound per Gallon" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as lb/gal.

Altlabel Pound per Gallon
Unitsymbol lb/gal
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 99.77637
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-HR
Ucumcode [lb_av].h-1
Preflabel PoundPerHour
Elucidation Pound per hour is a mass flow unit. It is abbreviated as PPH or more conventionally as lb/h. Fuel flow for engines is usually expressed using this unit, it is particularly useful when dealing with gases or liquids as volume flow varies more with temperature and pressure. 1 lb/h = 0.4535927 kg/h = 126.00 mg/s. Minimum fuel intake on a jumbojet can be as low as 150 lb/h when idling, however this is not enough to sustain flight.

Altlabel Pound per Hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_per_hour?oldid=328571072
Unitsymbol PPH
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001259979
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-IN
Ucumcode [lb_av].[in_i]-1
Preflabel PoundPerInch
Elucidation "Pound per Inch" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Length' expressed as lb/in.

Altlabel Pound per Inch
Unitsymbol lb/in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 17.85797
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [lb_av].min-1
Preflabel PoundPerMinute
Elucidation "Pound per Minute" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Time' expressed as lb/min.

Altlabel Pound per Minute
Unitsymbol lb/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.007559873
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundTroy ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundTroy
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LB_T
Ucumcode [lb_tr]
Preflabel PoundTroy
Elucidation An obsolete unit of mass; the Troy Pound has been defined as exactly 5760 grains, or 0.3732417216 kg. A Troy Ounce is 1/12th of a Troy Pound.

Altlabel Pound Troy
Unitsymbol lbt
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.3732417
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Poundal ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Poundal
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PDL
Ucumcode [lb_av].[ft_i].s-2
Preflabel Poundal
Elucidation The poundal is a unit of force that is part of the foot-pound-second system of units, in Imperial units introduced in 1877, and is from the specialized subsystem of English absolute (a coherent system). The poundal is defined as the force necessary to accelerate 1 pound-mass to 1 foot per second per second. 1 pdl = 0.138254954376 N exactly.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poundal?oldid=494626458
Unitsymbol pdl
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.138255
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PoundalPerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PoundalPerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PDL-PER-FT2
Ucumcode [lb_av].[ft_i].s-2.[sft_i]-1
Preflabel PoundalPerSquareFoot
Elucidation Poundal Per Square Foot (pdl/ft²) is a unit in the category of Pressure. It is also known as poundals per square foot, poundal/square foot. This unit is commonly used in the UK, US unit systems. Poundal Per Square Foot has a dimension of ML⁻¹T⁻², where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit `Pa` by multiplying its value by a factor of 1.488163944.

Altlabel Poundal per Square Foot
Unitsymbol pdl/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.488164
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PracticalSalinityUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PracticalSalinityUnit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PSU
Preflabel PracticalSalinityUnit
Elucidation Practical salinity scale 1978 (PSS-78) is used for ionic content of seawater determined by electrical conductivity. Salinities measured using PSS-78 do not have units, but are approximately scaled to parts-per-thousand for the valid range. The suffix psu or PSU (denoting practical salinity unit) is sometimes added to PSS-78 measurement values. The addition of PSU as a unit after the value is "formally incorrect and strongly discouraged".

Altlabel Practical salinity unit
Unitsymbol PSU
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
PsiCubicInchPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PsiCubicInchPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PSI-IN3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [psi].[cin_i].s-1
Preflabel PsiCubicInchPerSecond
Elucidation product of the composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch) and the composed unit for volume flow (cubic inch per second)

Altlabel Psi Cubic Inch Per Second
Unitsymbol psi⋅in³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1129848
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PsiCubicMetrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PsiCubicMetrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PSI-M3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [psi].m3.s-1
Preflabel PsiCubicMetrePerSecond
Elucidation product of the composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch) and the composed unit for volume flow (cubic metre per second)

Altlabel PSI Cubic Metre Per Second
Unitsymbol psi⋅m³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6894.757
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PsiCubicYardPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PsiCubicYardPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PSI-YD3-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [psi].[cyd_i].s-1
Preflabel PsiCubicYardPerSecond
Elucidation product of the composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch) and the square inch) and the composed unit for volume flow (cubic yard per second)

Altlabel Psi Cubic Yard Per Second
Unitsymbol psi⋅yd³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5271.42
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PsiLitrePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PsiLitrePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PSI-L-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [psi].L.s-1
Preflabel PsiLitrePerSecond
Elucidation product of the composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch) and the composed unit for volume flow (litre per second)

Altlabel Psi Litre Per Second
Unitsymbol psi⋅L³/s
Formal description
Subclass Of PowerDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.894757
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
PsiPerPsi ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#PsiPerPsi
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PSI-PER-PSI
Ucumcode [psi].[psi]-1
Preflabel PsiPerPsi
Elucidation composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch) divided by the composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch)

Altlabel Psi Per Psi
Unitsymbol psi/psi
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PressureFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Uk ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_UK
Ucumcode [qt_br]
Preflabel Qt_Uk
Elucidation unit of the volume for fluids according to the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Quart (UK)
Unitsymbol qt{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001136523
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [qt_br].d-1
Preflabel Qt_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit of the volume quart (UK liquid) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Quart (UK Liquid) Per Day
Unitsymbol qt{UK}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.31542e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Uk_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Uk_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_UK-PER-HR
Ucumcode [qt_br].h-1
Preflabel Qt_Uk_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit of the volume quart (UK liquid) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Quart (UK Liquid) Per Hour
Unitsymbol qt{UK}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.157007e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Uk_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Uk_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_UK-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [qt_br].min-1
Preflabel Qt_Uk_Per_Min
Elucidation unit of the volume quart (UK liquid) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Quart (UK Liquid) Per Minute
Unitsymbol qt{UK}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.894205e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Uk_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Uk_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_UK-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [qt_br].h-1.s-1
Preflabel Qt_Uk_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit of the volume quart (UK liquid) for fluids according to the Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Quart (UK Liquid) Per Second
Unitsymbol qt{UK}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001136523
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Us_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Us_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_US-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [qt_us].d-1
Preflabel Qt_Us_Per_Day
Elucidation unit fo the volume quart (US liquid) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time day

Altlabel Quart (US Liquid) Per Day
Unitsymbol qt{US}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.095316e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Us_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Us_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_US-PER-HR
Ucumcode [qt_us].h-1
Preflabel Qt_Us_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit fo the volume quart (US liquid) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Quart (US Liquid) Per Hour
Unitsymbol qt{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.628758e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Us_Per_Min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Us_Per_Min
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_US-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [qt_us].min-1
Preflabel Qt_Us_Per_Min
Elucidation unit fo the volume quart (US liquid) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit for time minute

Altlabel Quart (US Liquid) Per Minute
Unitsymbol qt{US}/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.577255e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Qt_Us_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Qt_Us_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_US-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [qt_us].s-1
Preflabel Qt_Us_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit fo the volume quart (US liquid) for fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Quart (US Liquid) Per Second
Unitsymbol qt{US}/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.000946353
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Quarter_Uk ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Quarter_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Quarter_UK
Ucumcode 28.[lb_av]
Preflabel Quarter_Uk
Elucidation unit of the mass according to the avoirdupois system of units: 1 qr. l. = 28 lb

Altlabel Quarter (UK)
Unitsymbol quarter
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 12.70059
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
QuarticInch ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#QuarticInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN4
Ucumcode [in_i]4
Preflabel QuarticInch
Elucidation power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 4

Altlabel Quartic Inch
Unitsymbol in⁴
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of QuarticLengthUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.162314e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Rad ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Rad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAD_R
Ucumcode RAD
Preflabel Rad
Elucidation The rad is a deprecated unit of absorbed radiation dose, defined as 1 rad = 0.01 Gy = 0.01 J/kg. It was originally defined in CGS units in 1953 as the dose causing 100 ergs of energy to be absorbed by one gram of matter. It has been replaced by the gray in most of the world. A related unit, the roentgen, was formerly used to quantify the number of rad deposited into a target when it was exposed to radiation. The F-factor can used to convert between rad and roentgens. The material absorbing the radiation can be human tissue or silicon microchips or any other medium (for example, air, water, lead shielding, etc.).

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAD?oldid=493716376
Unitsymbol rad
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Rayl ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Rayl
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RAYL
Preflabel Rayl
Elucidation `Rayl` is one of two units of specific acoustic impedance. When sound waves pass through any physical substance the pressure of the waves causes the particles of the substance to move. The sound specific impedance is the ratio between the sound pressure and the particle velocity it produces. The specific impedance is one rayl if unit pressure produces unit velocity. It is defined as follows: 1 rayl = 1 dyn· s· cm⁻³ Or in SI as: 1 rayl = 10⁻¹Pa· s· m⁻¹, which equals 10 N · s· m⁻³.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayl?oldid=433570842
Unitsymbol rayl
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReadsPerKiloBase ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReadsPerKiloBase
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RPK
Preflabel ReadsPerKiloBase
Elucidation RPK (Reads Per Kilobases) are obtained by dividing read counts by gene lengths (expressed in kilo-nucleotides).

Altlabel Reads Per Kilobase
Unitsymbol RPK
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalBar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-BAR
Ucumcode bar-1
Preflabel ReciprocalBar
Elucidation reciprocal of the metrical unit with the name bar

Altlabel Reciprocal Bar
Unitsymbol /bar
Formal description
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalCubicFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalCubicFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-FT3
Ucumcode [cft_i]-1
Preflabel ReciprocalCubicFoot
Elucidation reciprocal value of the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3

Altlabel Reciprocal Cubic Foot
Unitsymbol /ft³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 35.31466
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalCubicInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalCubicInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-IN3
Ucumcode [cin_i]-1
Preflabel ReciprocalCubicInch
Elucidation reciprocal value of the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3

Altlabel Reciprocal Cubic Inch
Unitsymbol /in³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 61023.76
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalCubicYard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalCubicYard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-YD3
Ucumcode [cyd_i]-1
Preflabel ReciprocalCubicYard
Elucidation reciprocal value of the unit yard according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 3

Altlabel Reciprocal Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol /yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerVolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.307951
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalGram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalGram
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-GM
Ucumcode g-1
Preflabel ReciprocalGram
Altlabel Reciprocal gram
Unitsymbol /g
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalMillePerPsi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalMillePerPsi
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MILLE-PER-PSI
Preflabel ReciprocalMillePerPsi
Elucidation thousandth divided by the composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch)

Altlabel Reciprocal Mille Per Psi
Unitsymbol /ksi
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.450377e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalMonth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalMonth
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-MO
Ucumcode mo-1
Preflabel ReciprocalMonth
Elucidation reciprocal of the unit month

Altlabel Reciprocal Month
Unitsymbol /month
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.919351e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalPsi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalPsi
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-PSI
Ucumcode [psi]-1
Preflabel ReciprocalPsi
Elucidation reciprocal value of the composed unit for pressure (pound-force per square inch)

Altlabel Reciprocal Psi
Unitsymbol /psi
Formal description
Subclass Of PerPressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001450377
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalWeek ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalWeek
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-WK
Ucumcode wk-1
Preflabel ReciprocalWeek
Elucidation reciprocal of the unit week

Altlabel Reciprocal Week
Unitsymbol /week
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.653439e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-YR
Ucumcode /a
Ucumcode a-1
Preflabel ReciprocalYear
Elucidation reciprocal of the unit year

Altlabel Reciprocal Year
Unitsymbol /yr
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.170979e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ReciprocalÅngström ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ReciprocalAngstrom
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PER-ANGSTROM
Ucumcode Ao-1
Preflabel ReciprocalÅngström
Elucidation reciprocal of the unit angstrom

Altlabel ReciprocalAngstrom
Formal description
Subclass Of ReciprocalLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RegisterTon ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RegisterTon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/RT
Ucumcode 100.[cft_i]
Preflabel RegisterTon
Elucidation The register ton is a unit of volume used for the cargo capacity of a ship, defined as 100 cubic feet (roughly 2.83 cubic metres).

Altlabel Register Ton
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonnage#Tonnage_measurements
Unitsymbol RT
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.831685
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RelativePermeability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RelativePermeability
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERMEABILITY_REL
Preflabel RelativePermeability
Elucidation In multiphase flow in porous media, the relative permeability of a phase is a dimensionless measure of the effective permeability of that phase. It is the ratio of the effective permeability of that phase to the absolute permeability. It can be viewed as an adaptation of Darcy's law to multiphase flow. For two-phase flow in porous media given steady-state conditions, we can write where is the flux, is the pressure drop, is the viscosity.

Altlabel Relative Permeability
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_permeability
Unitsymbol kᵣ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.256637e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RelativePermittivity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RelativePermittivity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERMITTIVITY_REL
Ucumcode [eps_0]
Preflabel RelativePermittivity
Elucidation The `relative permittivity` of a material under given conditions reflects the extent to which it concentrates electrostatic lines of flux. In technical terms, it is the ratio of the amount of electrical energy stored in a material by an applied voltage, relative to that stored in a vacuum. Likewise, it is also the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor that has a vacuum as its dielectric. Relative permittivity is a dimensionless number that is in general complex. The imaginary portion of the permittivity corresponds to a phase shift of the polarization P relative to E and leads to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the medium.
ε_r(w) = (ε(w))/(ε_O) where ε_r(w) is the complex frequency-dependent absolute permittivity of the material, and ε_O is the vacuum permittivity.

Altlabel Relative Permittivity
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_static_permittivity?oldid=334224492
Unitsymbol εᵣ
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 8.854188e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Rem ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Rem
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/REM
Ucumcode REM
Preflabel Rem
Elucidation A Rem is a deprecated unit used to measure the biological effects of ionizing radiation. The rem is defined as equal to 0.01 sievert, which is the more commonly used unit outside of the United States. Equivalent dose, effective dose, and committed dose can all be measured in units of rem. These quantities are products of the absorbed dose in rads and weighting factors. These factors must be selected for each exposure situation; there is no universally applicable conversion constant from rad to rem. A rem is a large dose of radiation, so the millirem (mrem), which is one thousandth of a rem, is often used for the dosages commonly encountered, such as the amount of radiation received from medical x-rays and background sources.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roentgen_equivalent_man
Unitsymbol rem
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of AbsorbedDoseUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Revolution ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Revolution
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/REV
Ucumcode {#}
Preflabel Revolution
Elucidation "Revolution" is a unit for 'Plane Angle' expressed as rev.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution?oldid=494110330
Unitsymbol rev
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.283185
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RevolutionPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RevolutionPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/REV-PER-HR
Ucumcode {#}.h-1
Preflabel RevolutionPerHour
Elucidation "Revolution per Hour" is a unit for 'Angular Velocity' expressed as rev/h.

Altlabel Revolution per Hour
Unitsymbol rev/h
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001745329
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RevolutionPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RevolutionPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/REV-PER-MIN
Ucumcode {#}.min-1
Preflabel RevolutionPerMinute
Elucidation "Revolution per Minute" is a unit for 'Angular Velocity' expressed as rev/min.

Altlabel Revolution per Minute
Unitsymbol rev/min
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SIAcceptedDerivedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1047198
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RevolutionPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RevolutionPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/REV-PER-SEC
Ucumcode {#}.s-1
Preflabel RevolutionPerSecond
Elucidation "Revolution per Second" is a unit for 'Angular Velocity' expressed as rev/s.

Altlabel Revolution per Second
Unitsymbol rev/s
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.283185
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
RevolutionPerSquareSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#RevolutionPerSquareSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/REV-PER-SEC2
Ucumcode {#}.s-2
Preflabel RevolutionPerSquareSecond
Elucidation "Revolution per Square Second" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Angular Acceleration' expressed as rev-per-s².

Altlabel Revolution per Square Second
Unitsymbol rev/s²
Formal description
Subclass Of AngularFrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.283185
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SamplePerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SamplePerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SAMPLE-PER-SEC
Ucumcode s-1
Preflabel SamplePerSecond
Elucidation The number of discrete samples of some thing per second.

Altlabel Sample per second
Unitsymbol sample/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Shake ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Shake
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SH
Ucumcode 10.ns
Preflabel Shake
Elucidation A shake is an informal unit of time equal to 10 nanoseconds. It has applications in nuclear physics, helping to conveniently express the timing of various events in a nuclear explosion. The typical time required for one step in the chain reaction (i.e. the typical time for each neutron to cause a fission event which releases more neutrons) is of order 1 shake, and the chain reaction is typically complete by 50 to 100 shakes.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shake?oldid=494796779
Unitsymbol shake
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ShortTon ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ShortTon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_SHORT
Ucumcode [ston_av]
Preflabel ShortTon
Elucidation The short ton is a unit of mass equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg). In the United States it is often called simply ton without distinguishing it from the metric ton (tonne, 1,000 kilograms / 2,204.62262 pounds) or the long ton (2,240 pounds / 1,016.0469088 kilograms); rather, the other two are specifically noted. There are, however, some U.S. applications for which unspecified tons normally means long tons.

Altlabel Short Ton
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_ton
Unitsymbol ton{short}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 907.1847
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ShortTonPerCubicYard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ShortTonPerCubicYard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_SHORT-PER-YD3
Ucumcode [ston_av].[cyd_i]-1
Preflabel ShortTonPerCubicYard
Elucidation The short ton per cubic yard density measurement unit is used to measure volume in cubic yards in order to estimate weight or mass in short tons.

Altlabel Short Ton per Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol ton{short}/yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1186.553
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ShortTonPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ShortTonPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_SHORT-PER-HR
Ucumcode [ston_av].h-1
Preflabel ShortTonPerHour
Elucidation The short Ton per Hour is a unit used to express a weight processed in a period of time.

Altlabel Short Ton per Hour
Unitsymbol ton/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2519958
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SiderealDay ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SiderealDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DAY_Sidereal
Ucumcode d
Preflabel SiderealDay
Elucidation The length of time which passes between a given fixed star in the sky crossing a given projected meridian (line of longitude). The sidereal day is 23 h 56 m 4.1 s, slightly shorter than the solar day because the Earth 's orbital motion about the Sun means the Earth has to rotate slightly more than one turn with respect to the "fixed" stars in order to reach the same Earth-Sun orientation. Another way of thinking about the difference is that it amounts to 1/365.2425^{th} of a day per day, since even if the Earth did not spin on its axis at all, the Sun would appear to make one rotation around the Earth as the Earth completed a single orbit (which takes one year).

Altlabel Sidereal Day
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidereal_time
Unitsymbol day{sidereal}
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 86164.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SiderealHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SiderealHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HR_Sidereal
Ucumcode h
Preflabel SiderealHour
Elucidation Sidereal time is a time-keeping system astronomers use to keep track of the direction to point their telescopes to view a given star in the night sky. A mean sidereal day is about 23 h 56 m 4.1 s in length. However, due to variations in the rotation rate of the Earth, the rate of an ideal sidereal clock deviates from any simple multiple of a civil clock. In practice, the difference is kept track of by the difference UTC-UT1, which is measured by radio telescopes and kept on file and available to the public at the IERS and at the United States Naval Observatory. A Sidereal Hour is 1/24^{th} of a Sidereal Day. A mean sidereal day is 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.0916 seconds (23.9344699 hours or 0.99726958 mean solar days), the time it takes Earth to make one rotation relative to the vernal equinox. (Due to nutation, an actual sidereal day is not quite so constant.) The vernal equinox itself precesses slowly westward relative to the fixed stars, completing one revolution in about 26,000 years, so the misnamed sidereal day ("sidereal" is derived from the Latin sidus meaning "star") is 0.0084 seconds shorter than Earth's period of rotation relative to the fixed stars.

Altlabel Sidereal Hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidereal_time
Unitsymbol hr{sidereal}
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3590.17
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SiderealMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SiderealMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MIN_Sidereal
Ucumcode min
Preflabel SiderealMinute
Elucidation Sidereal time is a time-keeping system astronomers use to keep track of the direction to point their telescopes to view a given star in the night sky. A mean sidereal day is about 23 h 56 m 4.1 s in length. However, due to variations in the rotation rate of the Earth, the rate of an ideal sidereal clock deviates from any simple multiple of a civil clock. In practice, the difference is kept track of by the difference UTC-UT1, which is measured by radio telescopes and kept on file and available to the public at the IERS and at the United States Naval Observatory. A Sidereal Minute is 1/60^{th} of a Sidereal Hour, which is 1/24^{th} of a Sidereal Day.

Altlabel Sidereal Minute
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidereal_time
Unitsymbol min{sidereal}
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 59.83617
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SiderealYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SiderealYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YR_Sidereal
Preflabel SiderealYear
Elucidation A sidereal year is the time taken for Sun to return to the same position with respect to the stars of the celestial sphere.

Altlabel Sidereal Year
Unitsymbol yr{sidereal}
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 31558150.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Slug ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Slug
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG
Preflabel Slug
Elucidation The slug is a unit of mass associated with Imperial units. It is a mass that accelerates by 1 ft/s when a force of one pound-force (lbF) is exerted on it. With standard gravity gc = 9.80665 m/s, the international foot of 0.3048 m and the avoirdupois pound of 0.45359237 kg, one slug therefore has a mass of approximately 32.17405 lbm or 14.593903 kg. At the surface of the Earth, an object with a mass of 1 slug exerts a force of about 32.17 lbF or 143 N.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slug?oldid=495010998
Unitsymbol slug
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 14.5939
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerCubicFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerCubicFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-FT3
Preflabel SlugPerCubicFoot
Elucidation "Slug per Cubic Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Density' expressed as slug/ft³.

Altlabel Slug per Cubic Foot
Unitsymbol slug/ft³
Formal description
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 515.3788
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-DAY
Preflabel SlugPerDay
Elucidation unit slug for mass according to an English engineering system divided by the unit day

Altlabel Slug Per Day
Unitsymbol slug/day
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001689109
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-FT
Preflabel SlugPerFoot
Elucidation "Slug per Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Length' expressed as slug/ft.

Altlabel Slug per Foot
Unitsymbol slug/ft
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 47.88026
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerFootSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerFootSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-FT-SEC
Preflabel SlugPerFootSecond
Elucidation `Slug per Foot Second` is a unit for 'Dynamic Viscosity' expressed as slug/(ft-s).

Altlabel Slug per Foot Second
Unitsymbol slug/(ft⋅s)
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthTimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 47.88026
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-HR
Preflabel SlugPerHour
Elucidation unit slug for mass slug according to the English engineering system divided by the unit hour

Altlabel Slug Per Hour
Unitsymbol slug/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.004053861
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-MIN
Preflabel SlugPerMinute
Elucidation unit slug for the mass according to the English engineering system divided by the unit minute

Altlabel Slug Per Minute
Unitsymbol slug/min
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2432317
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-SEC
Preflabel SlugPerSecond
Elucidation "Slug per Second" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Time' expressed as slug/s.

Altlabel Slug per Second
Unitsymbol slug/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 14.5939
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SlugPerSquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SlugPerSquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SLUG-PER-FT2
Preflabel SlugPerSquareFoot
Elucidation "Slug per Square Foot" is an Imperial unit for 'Mass Per Area' expressed as slug/ft².

Altlabel Slug per Square Foot
Unitsymbol slug/ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreaDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 157.0875
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SolarMass ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SolarMass
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SolarMass
Preflabel SolarMass
Elucidation The astronomical unit of mass is the solar mass.The symbol S is often used in astronomy to refer to this unit, although M⊙ is also common. The solar mass, 1.98844 × 10³⁰ kg, is a standard way to express mass in astronomy, used to describe the masses of other stars and galaxies. It is equal to the mass of the Sun, about 333,000 times the mass of the Earth or 1,048 times the mass of Jupiter. In practice, the masses of celestial bodies appear in the dynamics of the solar system only through the products GM, where G is the constant of gravitation.

Altlabel Solar mass
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_mass?oldid=494074016
Unitsymbol S
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.988435e+30
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareFoot ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2
Ucumcode [ft_i]2
Ucumcode [sft_i]
Preflabel SquareFoot
Elucidation The square foot (plural square feet; abbreviated ft² or sq ft) is an imperial unit and U.S. customary unit of area, used mainly in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is defined as the area of a square with sides of 1 foot in length.

Altlabel Square Foot
Unitsymbol ft²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.09290304
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareFootDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFootDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2-DEG_F
Ucumcode [sft_i].[degF]
Preflabel SquareFootDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation `Square Foot Degree Fahrenheit` is an Imperial unit for 'Area Temperature' expressed as ft²-degF.

Altlabel Square Foot Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol ft²⋅°F
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
SquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2-HR-DEG_F
Ucumcode [sft_i].h.[degF]
Preflabel SquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation `Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit` is an Imperial unit for 'Area Time Temperature' expressed as ft²-hr-degF.

Altlabel Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol ft²⋅hr⋅°F
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
SquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheitPerBtu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheitPerBtu
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2-HR-DEG_F-PER-BTU_IT
Ucumcode [sft_i].h.[degF].[Btu_IT]-1
Preflabel SquareFootHourDegreeFahrenheitPerBtu
Elucidation `Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit per BTU` is an Imperial unit for 'Thermal Insulance' expressed as (degF-hr-ft²)/Btu.

Altlabel Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit per BTU
Unitsymbol sqft⋅hr⋅°F/btu
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
SquareFootPerBtuInch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFootPerBtuInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2-PER-BTU_IT-IN
Ucumcode [sft_i].[Btu_IT]-1.[in_i]-1
Preflabel SquareFootPerBtuInch
Altlabel Square Foot per BTU Inch
Unitsymbol ft²/btu⋅in
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ThermalResistivityUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.003466736
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareFootPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFootPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2-PER-HR
Ucumcode [sft_i].h-1
Preflabel SquareFootPerHour
Elucidation `Square Foot per Hour` is an Imperial unit for `Kinematic Viscosity` and `Thermal Diffusivity` expressed as ft²/hr.

Altlabel Square Foot per Hour
Unitsymbol ft²/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.58064e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareFootPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFootPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [sft_i].s-1
Preflabel SquareFootPerSecond
Elucidation "Square Foot per Second" is an Imperial unit for 'Kinematic Viscosity' expressed as ft²/s.

Altlabel Square Foot per Second
Unitsymbol ft²/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.09290304
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareFootSecondDegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareFootSecondDegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT2-SEC-DEG_F
Ucumcode [sft_i].s.[degF]
Preflabel SquareFootSecondDegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation `Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit` is an Imperial unit for 'Area Time Temperature' expressed as ft²· s· degF.

Altlabel Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol ft²⋅s⋅°F
Formal description
Subclass Of DerivedUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaTimeTemperatureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
.. raw:: html
SquareInch ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareInch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN2
Ucumcode [in_i]2
Ucumcode [sin_i]
Preflabel SquareInch
Elucidation A square inch is a unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one inch. The following symbols are used to denote square inches: square in, sq inches, sq inch, sq in inches/-2, inch/-2, in/-2, inches², inch², in², inches², inch², in² or in some cases "². The square inch is a common unit of measurement in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Altlabel Square Inch
Unitsymbol in²
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00064516
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareInchPerSecond ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareInchPerSecond
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN2-PER-SEC
Ucumcode [sin_i].s-1
Preflabel SquareInchPerSecond
Elucidation power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Square Inch Per Second
Unitsymbol in²/s
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.00064516
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMetrePerGramOfDrySediment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMetrePerGramOfDrySediment
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/M2-PER-GM_DRY
Ucumcode m2.g-1{dry}
Preflabel SquareMetrePerGramOfDrySediment
Altlabel Square metres per gram of dry sediment
Unitsymbol m²/g{dry sediment}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaPerMassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMicroNsPerMilliLitre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMicroNsPerMilliLitre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroM-PER-MilliL
Ucumcode um2.mL-1
Preflabel SquareMicroNsPerMilliLitre
Altlabel Square microns per millilitre
Unitsymbol µm/mL
Formal description
Subclass Of PerAreaUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareMile ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareMile
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI2
Ucumcode [mi_i]2
Ucumcode [mi_us]2
Ucumcode [smi_us]
Preflabel SquareMile
Elucidation The square mile (abbreviated as sq mi and sometimes as mi) is an imperial and US unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square of one statute mile. It should not be confused with miles square, which refers to the number of miles on each side squared. For instance, 20 miles square (20 × 20 miles) is equal to 400 square miles. One square mile is equivalent to: 4,014,489,600 square inches 27,878,400 square feet, 3,097,600 square yards, 640 acres, 258.9988110336 hectares, 2560 roods, 25,899,881,103.36 square centimetres, 2,589,988.110336 square metres, 2.589988110336 square kilometres When applied to a portion of the earth's surface, which is curved rather than flat, 'square mile' is an informal synonym for section.

Altlabel Square Mile
Unitsymbol mi²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2589988.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SquareYard ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SquareYard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD2
Ucumcode [syd_i]
Ucumcode [yd_i]2
Preflabel SquareYard
Elucidation The square yard is an imperial/US customary unit of area, formerly used in most of the English-speaking world but now generally replaced by the square metre outside of the U.S. , Canada and the U.K. It is defined as the area of a square with sides of one yard in length. (Gaj in Hindi).

Altlabel Square Yard
Unitsymbol sqyd
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.8361274
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Standard ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Standard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Standard
Ucumcode 1980.[bf_i]
Preflabel Standard
Elucidation non SI-conform unit of the volume of readily finished wood material : 1 standard = 1,980 board feet or approximate 4.672 cubic metre

Unitsymbol standard
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.672
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
StandardAtmosphere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#StandardAtmosphere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ATM
Ucumcode atm
Preflabel StandardAtmosphere
Elucidation The standard atmosphere (symbol: atm) is an international reference pressure defined as 101.325 kPa and formerly used as unit of pressure. For practical purposes it has been replaced by the bar which is 100 kPa. The difference of about 1% is not significant for many applications, and is within the error range of common pressure gauges.

Altlabel Standard Atmosphere
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_(unit)
Unitsymbol atm
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 101325.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Statampere ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Statampere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A_Stat
Preflabel Statampere
Elucidation "Statampere" (statA) is a unit in the category of Electric current. It is also known as statamperes. This unit is commonly used in the cgs unit system. Statampere (statA) has a dimension of I where I is electric current. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit A by multiplying its value by a factor of 3.355641E-010.

Unitsymbol statA
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.335641e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
StatamperePerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#StatamperePerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A_Stat-PER-CentiM2
Preflabel StatamperePerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation The Statampere per Square Centimeter is a unit of electric current density in the c.g.s. system of units.

Altlabel Statampere per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol statA/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentDensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.335641e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Statcoulomb ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Statcoulomb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C_Stat
Preflabel Statcoulomb
Elucidation The statcoulomb (statC) or franklin (Fr) or electrostatic unit of charge (esu) is the physical unit for electrical charge used in the centimetre-gram-second system of units (cgs) and Gaussian units. It is a derived unit given by 1 statC = 1 g cm s = 1 erg cm. The SI system of units uses the coulomb (C) instead. The conversion between C and statC is different in different contexts. The number 2997924580 is 10 times the value of the speed of light expressed in meters/second, and the conversions are exact except where indicated. The coulomb is an extremely large charge rarely encountered in electrostatics, while the statcoulomb is closer to everyday charges.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statcoulomb?oldid=492664360
Unitsymbol statC
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.335641e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
StatcoulombPerMole ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#StatcoulombPerMole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C_Stat-PER-MOL
Preflabel StatcoulombPerMole
Elucidation "Statcoulomb per Mole" is a unit of measure for the electical charge associated with one mole of a substance. The mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to express amounts of a chemical substance, defined as an amount of a substance that contains as many elementary entities (e.g., atoms, molecules, ions, electrons) as there are atoms in 12 grams of pure carbon-12 (12C), the isotope of carbon with atomic weight 12.

Altlabel Statcoulomb per Mole
Unitsymbol statC/mol
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerAmountUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.33564e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
StatcoulombPerSquareCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#StatcoulombPerSquareCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/C_Stat-PER-CentiM2
Preflabel StatcoulombPerSquareCentiMetre
Elucidation `Statcoulomb per Square Centimeter` is a unit of measure for electric flux density and electric polarization. One Statcoulomb per Square Centimeter is 2.15× 10⁹ coulomb per square inch.

Altlabel Statcoulomb per Square Centimetre
Unitsymbol statC/cm²
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricDisplacementFieldUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.33564e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Statfarad ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Statfarad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FARAD_Stat
Preflabel Statfarad
Elucidation Statfarad (statF) is a unit in the category of Electric capacitance. It is also known as statfarads. This unit is commonly used in the cgs unit system. Statfarad (statF) has a dimension of M⁻¹L⁻²T⁴I² where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit F by multiplying its value by a factor of 1.11265E-012.

Unitsymbol statF
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of CapacitanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.11265e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Stathenry ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Stathenry
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H_Stat
Preflabel Stathenry
Elucidation "Stathenry" (statH) is a unit in the category of Electric inductance. It is also known as stathenries. This unit is commonly used in the cgs unit system. Stathenry (statH) has a dimension of ML²T⁻²I⁻² where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit H by multiplying its value by a factor of 8.987552 × 10¹¹ .

Unitsymbol statH
Formal description
Subclass Of InductanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 898760000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
StathenryPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#StathenryPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/H_Stat-PER-CentiM
Preflabel StathenryPerCentiMetre
Elucidation The Stathenry per Centimeter is a unit of measure for the absolute permeability of free space.

Altlabel Stathenry per Centimetre
Unitsymbol statH/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PermeabilityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 89876000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Statmho ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Statmho
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MHO_Stat
Preflabel Statmho
Elucidation "StatMHO" is the unit of conductance, admittance, and susceptance in the C.G.S e.s.u system of units. One statmho is the conductance between two points in a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 statvolt applied between the points produces in the conductor a current of 1 statampere, the conductor not being the source of any electromotive force, approximately 1.1126 × 10⁻¹² mho.

Unitsymbol stat℧
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.1126e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Statohm ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Statohm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OHM_Stat
Preflabel Statohm
Elucidation "StatOHM" is the unit of resistance, reactance, and impedance in the electrostatic C.G.S system of units, equal to the resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 statvolt between these points produces a current of 1 statampere; it is equal to approximately 8.9876 × 10¹¹ ohms. The statohm is an extremely large unit of resistance. In fact, an object with a resistance of 1 stat W would make an excellent insulator or dielectric . In practical applications, the ohm, the kilohm (k W ) and the megohm (M W or M) are most often used to quantify resistance.

Unitsymbol statΩ
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricResistanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 898760000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Statsiemens ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Statsiemens
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/S_Stat
Preflabel Statsiemens
Elucidation The unit of conductance, admittance, and susceptance in the centimeter-gram-second electrostatic system of units.

Unitsymbol statS
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.11265e-12
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Statvolt ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Statvolt
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V_Stat
Preflabel Statvolt
Elucidation "statvolt" is a unit of voltage and electrical potential used in the cgs system of units. The conversion to the SI system is 1 statvolt = 299.792458 volts. The conversion factor 299.792458 is simply the numerical value of the speed of light in m/s divided by 106. The statvolt is also defined in the cgs system as 1 erg / esu. It is a useful unit for electromagnetism because one statvolt per centimetre is equal in magnitude to one gauss. Thus, for example, an electric field of one statvolt/cm has the same energy density as a magnetic field of one gauss. Likewise, a plane wave propagating in a vacuum has perpendicular electric and magnetic fields such that for every gauss of magnetic field intensity there is one statvolt/cm of electric field intensity. The abvolt is another option for a unit of voltage in the cgs system.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statvolt?oldid=491769750
Unitsymbol statV
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricPotentialUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 299.7925
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
StatvoltPerCentiMetre ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#StatvoltPerCentiMetre
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V_Stat-PER-CentiM
Preflabel StatvoltPerCentiMetre
Elucidation One statvolt per centimetre is equal in magnitude to one gauss. For example, an electric field of one statvolt/cm has the same energy density as a magnetic field of one gauss. Likewise, a plane wave propagating in a vacuum has perpendicular electric and magnetic fields such that for every gauss of magnetic field intensity there is one statvolt/cm of electric field intensity.
The abvolt is another option for a unit of voltage in the cgs system.

Altlabel Statvolt per Centimetre
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statvolt
Unitsymbol statV/cm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 29979.25
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Stere ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Stere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/STR
Ucumcode st
Preflabel Stere
Elucidation The stere is a unit of volume in the original metric system equal to one cubic metre. The stere is typically used for measuring large quantities of firewood or other cut wood, while the cubic meter is used for uncut wood. It is not part of the modern metric system (SI). In Dutch there's also a kuub, short for kubieke meter which is similar but different.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stère?oldid=393570287
Unitsymbol st
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Stilb ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Stilb
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/STILB
Ucumcode sb
Preflabel Stilb
Elucidation The `stilb (sb)` is the CGS unit of luminance for objects that are not self-luminous. It is equal to one candela per square centimeter or 10 nits (candelas per square meter). The name was coined by the French physicist A. Blondel around 1920. It comes from the Greek word stilbein meaning 'to glitter'. It was in common use in Europe up to World War I. In North America self-explanatory terms such as candle per square inch and candle per square meter were more common. The unit has since largely been replaced by the SI unit: candela per square meter.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stilb?oldid=375748497
Unitsymbol sb
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Stone_Uk ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Stone_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Stone_UK
Ucumcode [stone_av]
Preflabel Stone_Uk
Elucidation unit of the mass which is commonly used for the determination of the weight of living beings regarding to the conversion to the avoirdupois system of units: 1 st = 14 lb (av)

Altlabel Stone (UK)
Unitsymbol st{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.350293
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
SynodicMonth ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#SynodicMonth
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MO_Synodic
Ucumcode mo_s
Preflabel SynodicMonth
Elucidation A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about 30 days or 4 weeks and calculated as 29.53059 days.

Altlabel Synodic month
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
T_M ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#T_M
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/T-M
Ucumcode T.m
Preflabel T_M
Altlabel T-M
Unitsymbol T⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticPotentialUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
T_Sec ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#T_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/T-SEC
Ucumcode T.s
Preflabel T_Sec
Altlabel T-SEC
Unitsymbol T⋅s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Tablespoon ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Tablespoon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TBSP
Ucumcode [tbs_us]
Preflabel Tablespoon
Elucidation In the US and parts of Canada, a tablespoon is the largest type of spoon used for eating from a bowl. In the UK and most Commonwealth countries, a tablespoon is a type of large spoon usually used for serving. In countries where a tablespoon is a serving spoon, the nearest equivalent to the US tablespoon is either the dessert spoon or the soup spoon. A tablespoonful, nominally the capacity of one tablespoon, is commonly used as a measure of volume in cooking. It is abbreviated as T, tb, tbs, tbsp, tblsp, or tblspn. The capacity of ordinary tablespoons is not regulated by law and is subject to considerable variation. In most countries one level tablespoon is approximately 15 mL; in Australia it is 20 mL.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablespoon?oldid=494615208
Unitsymbol tbsp
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.478677e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Teaspoon ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Teaspoon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TSP
Ucumcode [tsp_us]
Preflabel Teaspoon
Elucidation A teaspoon is a unit of volume. In the United States one teaspoon as a unit of culinary measure is 1/3 tablespoon , that is, ≈ 4.93 mL; it is exactly 1/6 U.S. fl. oz, 1/48 cup, and 1/768 U.S. liquid gallon (see United States customary units for relative volumes of these other measures) and approximately 1/3 cubic inch. For nutritional labeling on food packages in the U.S., the teaspoon is defined as precisely 5 mL.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teaspoon?oldid=490940468
Unitsymbol tsp
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.928922e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Tebi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Tebi
Preflabel Tebi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ti'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1099512000000.0
.. raw:: html
TebiByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TebiByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TebiBYTE
Preflabel TebiByte
Elucidation The tebibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix tebi means 1024⁴

Altlabel TebiByte
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Unitsymbol TiB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6096987000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TechnicalAtmosphere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TechnicalAtmosphere
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ATM_T
Ucumcode att
Preflabel TechnicalAtmosphere
Elucidation A technical atmosphere (symbol: at) is a non-SI unit of pressure equal to one kilogram-force per square centimeter. The symbol 'at' clashes with that of the katal (symbol: 'kat'), the SI unit of catalytic activity; a kilotechnical atmosphere would have the symbol 'kat', indistinguishable from the symbol for the katal. It also clashes with that of the non-SI unit, the attotonne, but that unit would be more likely be rendered as the equivalent SI unit. Assay ton (abbreviation 'AT') is not a unit of measurement, but a standard quantity used in assaying ores of precious metals; it is 29 1D6 grams (short assay ton) or 32 2D3 grams (long assay ton), the amount which bears the same ratio to a milligram as a short or long ton bears to a troy ounce. In other words, the number of milligrams of a particular metal found in a sample of this size gives the number of troy ounces contained in a short or long ton of ore.

Altlabel Technical Atmosphere
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_atmosphere
Unitsymbol at
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 98066.5
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TeraByte ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TeraByte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraBYTE
Ucumcode TBy
Preflabel TeraByte
Elucidation The terabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix tera means 10¹² in the International System of Units (SI), and therefore 1 terabyte is 1000000000000bytes, or 1 trillion bytes, or 1000 gigabytes. 1 terabyte in binary prefixes is 0.9095 tebibytes, or 931.32 gibibytes. The unit symbol for the terabyte is TB or TByte, but not Tb (lower case b) which refers to terabit.

Altlabel TeraByte
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terabyte?oldid=494671550
Unitsymbol TB
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of TeraPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasUnitSymbol some Byte
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5545177000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Tex ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Tex
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TEX
Ucumcode tex
Preflabel Tex
Elucidation `Tex is a unit of measure for the linear mass density of fibers and is defined as the mass in grams per 1000 meters. Tex is more likely to be used in Canada and Continental Europe, while denier remains more common in the United States and United Kingdom. The unit code is 'tex'. The most commonly used unit is actually the decitex, abbreviated dtex, which is the mass in grams per 10,000 meters. When measuring objects that consist of multiple fibers the term 'filament tex' is sometimes used, referring to the mass in grams per 1000 meters of a single filament. Tex is used for measuring fiber size in many products, including cigarette filters, optical cable, yarn, and fabric.`

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Units_of_textile_measurement
Unitsymbol tex
Formal description
Subclass Of MassPerLengthUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-06
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ThermUs ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ThermUs
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/THM_US
Ucumcode 100000.[Btu_59]
Preflabel ThermUs
Elucidation `Therm` (symbol thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy. It was defined in the United States in 1968 as the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet of natural gas at standard temperature and pressure. In the US gas industry its SI equivalent is defined as exactly 100,000 BTU59 °F or 105.4804 megajoules. Public utilities in the U.S. use the therm unit for measuring customer usage of gas and calculating the monthly bills.

Altlabel Therm US
Unitsymbol thm{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 105480400.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ThermUsPerHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ThermUsPerHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/THM_US-PER-HR
Ucumcode [thm{US}].h-1
Ucumcode [thm{US}]/h
Preflabel ThermUsPerHour
Elucidation `Therm` (symbol thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy. It was defined in the United States in 1968 as the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet of natural gas at standard temperature and pressure. Industrial processes in the U.S. use therm/hr unit most often in the power, steam generation, heating, and air conditioning industries.

Altlabel Therm US per Hour
Unitsymbol thm{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 29300.11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ThermochemicalCalorie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ThermochemicalCalorie
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CAL_TH
Ucumcode cal_th
Preflabel ThermochemicalCalorie
Elucidation The energy needed to increase the temperature of a given mass of water by 1 °C at atmospheric pressure depends on the starting temperature and is difficult to measure precisely. Accordingly, there have been several definitions of the calorie. The two perhaps most popular definitions used in older literature are the 15 °C calorie and the thermochemical calorie.

Altlabel Thermochemical Calorie
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calorie
Unitsymbol cal
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.184
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Thm_Eec ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Thm_Eec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/THM_EEC
Ucumcode 100000.[Btu_IT]
Preflabel Thm_Eec
Altlabel THM_EEC
Unitsymbol thm{EEC}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
TonEnergy ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonEnergy
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TonEnergy
Ucumcode Gcal
Preflabel TonEnergy
Elucidation Energy equivalent of one ton of TNT

Altlabel Ton Energy
Unitsymbol t/lbf
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4184000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonOfOilEquivalent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonOfOilEquivalent
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TOE
Preflabel TonOfOilEquivalent
Elucidation The tonne of oil equivalent (toe) is a unit of energy: the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil, approximately 42 GJ (as different crude oils have different calorific values, the exact value of the toe is defined by convention; unfortunately there are several slightly different definitions as discussed below). The toe is sometimes used for large amounts of energy, as it can be more intuitive to visualise, say, the energy released by burning 1000 tonnes of oil than 42,000 billion joules (the SI unit of energy). Multiples of the toe are used, in particular the megatoe (Mtoe, one million toe) and the gigatoe (Gtoe, one billion toe).

Altlabel Ton of Oil Equivalent
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne_of_oil_equivalent
Unitsymbol toe
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 41868000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonOfRefrigeration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonOfRefrigeration
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_FG
Preflabel TonOfRefrigeration
Elucidation 12000 btu per hour

Altlabel Ton of Refrigeration
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton_of_refrigeration?oldid=494342824
Unitsymbol t/fg
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3516.853
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonOfRefrigerationHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonOfRefrigerationHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_FG-HR
Preflabel TonOfRefrigerationHour
Elucidation 12000 btu

Altlabel Ton of Refrigeration Hour
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton_of_refrigeration?oldid=494342824
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 12660670.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_F_Us ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_F_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_F_US
Ucumcode [stonf_av]
Preflabel Ton_F_Us
Elucidation unit of the force according to the American system of units

Altlabel Ton Force (US Short)
Unitsymbol tonf{us}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 8896.443
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Metric_Per_Sec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Metric_Per_Sec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_Metric-PER-SEC
Ucumcode t.s-1
Preflabel Ton_Metric_Per_Sec
Elucidation unit ton divided by the SI base unit second

Altlabel Tonne Per Second (metric Ton)
Unitsymbol t/s
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Shipping_Us ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Shipping_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_SHIPPING_US
Preflabel Ton_Shipping_Us
Elucidation traditional unit for volume of cargo, especially in shipping

Altlabel Ton (US Shipping)
Unitsymbol MTON
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.1326
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Uk ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Uk
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_UK
Ucumcode [lton_av]
Preflabel Ton_Uk
Elucidation traditional Imperial unit for volume of cargo, especially in the shipping sector

Altlabel Ton (UK)
Unitsymbol ton{UK}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1016.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Uk_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Uk_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_UK-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [lton_av].d-1
Preflabel Ton_Uk_Per_Day
Elucidation unit British ton according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit day

Altlabel Long Ton (uk) Per Day
Unitsymbol t{long}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01175926
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Uk_Per_Yd3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Uk_Per_Yd3
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_UK-PER-YD3
Ucumcode [lton_av].[cyd_i]-1
Preflabel Ton_Uk_Per_Yd3
Elucidation unit of the density according the Imperial system of units

Altlabel Long Ton (UK) Per Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol t{long}/yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1328.878
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Us ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Us
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_US
Ucumcode [ston_av]
Preflabel Ton_Us
Elucidation unit of the mass according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Ton (US)
Unitsymbol ton{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 907.1847
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Us_Per_Day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Us_Per_Day
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_US-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [ston_av].d-1
Preflabel Ton_Us_Per_Day
Elucidation unit American ton according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the unit day

Altlabel Short Ton (us) Per Day
Unitsymbol ton{US}/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01049769
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Us_Per_Hr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Us_Per_Hr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_US-PER-HR
Ucumcode [ston_av].h-1
Preflabel Ton_Us_Per_Hr
Elucidation unit ton divided by the unit for time hour

Altlabel Ton (US) Per Hour
Unitsymbol ton{US}/hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassPerTimeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.2519444
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ton_Us_Per_Yd3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ton_Us_Per_Yd3
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TON_US-PER-YD3
Ucumcode [ston_av].[cyd_i]-1
Preflabel Ton_Us_Per_Yd3
Elucidation unit of the density according to the Anglo-American system of units

Altlabel Short Ton (US) Per Cubic Yard
Unitsymbol ton{US}/yd³
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of DensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1186.311
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TonnePerHectarePerYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TonnePerHectarePerYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TONNE-PER-HA-YR
Ucumcode t.har-1.year-1
Preflabel TonnePerHectarePerYear
Elucidation A measure of density equivalent to 1000kg per hectare per year or one Megagram per hectare per year, typically used to express a volume of biomass or crop yield.

Altlabel tonne per hectare per year
Unitsymbol t/ha/year
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MassFluxUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.17e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
TropicalYear ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#TropicalYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YR_TROPICAL
Ucumcode a_t
Preflabel TropicalYear
Elucidation A tropical year (also known as a solar year), for general purposes, is the length of time that the Sun takes to return to the same position in the cycle of seasons, as seen from Earth; for example, the time from vernal equinox to vernal equinox, or from summer solstice to summer solstice. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the seasonal cycle does not remain exactly synchronised with the position of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. As a consequence, the tropical year is about 20 minutes shorter than the time it takes Earth to complete one full orbit around the Sun as measured with respect to the fixed stars. Since antiquity, astronomers have progressively refined the definition of the tropical year, and currently define it as the time required for the mean Sun's tropical longitude (longitudinal position along the ecliptic relative to its position at the vernal equinox) to increase by 360 degrees (that is, to complete one full seasonal circuit).

Altlabel Tropical Year
Unitsymbol yr{tropical}
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 31556930.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
USPerm ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#USPerm
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERM_US
Preflabel USPerm
Elucidation A perm is a unit of permeance or "water vapor transmission" given a certain differential in partial pressures on either side of a material or membrane. The U.S. perm is defined as 1 grain of water vapor per hour, per square foot, per inch of mercury.

Altlabel U.S. Perm
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perm_(unit)
Unitsymbol perm{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of TimePerLengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.72135e-11
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UnifiedAtomicMassUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UnifiedAtomicMassUnit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/U
Ucumcode u
Preflabel UnifiedAtomicMassUnit
Elucidation The unified atomic mass unit (symbol: u) or dalton (symbol: Da) is the standard unit that is used for indicating mass on an atomic or molecular scale (atomic mass). It is defined as one twelfth of the mass of an unbound neutral atom of carbon-12 in its nuclear and electronic ground state,[ and has a value of 1.660538921(73) × 10⁻²⁷ kg. One dalton is approximately equal to the mass of one nucleon; an equivalence of saying 1 g mol⁻¹. The CIPM have categorised it as a 'non-SI unit' because units values in SI units must be obtained experimentally.

Altlabel Unified Atomic Mass Unit
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_mass_unit
Unitsymbol u
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.660539e-27
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UnitPole ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UnitPole
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/UnitPole
Preflabel UnitPole
Elucidation A magnetic pole is a unit pole if it exerts a force of one dyne on another pole of equal strength at a distance of 1 cm. The strength of any given pole in cgs units is therefore numerically equal to the force in dynes which it exerts on a unit pole 1 cm away.

Altlabel Unit Pole
Unitsymbol pole
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.256637e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsDryPint ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsDryPint
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_US_DRY
Ucumcode [dpt_us]
Preflabel UsDryPint
Elucidation "US Dry Pint" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Dry Volume' expressed as dry_pt.

Altlabel US Dry Pint
Unitsymbol pt{US Dry}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0005506105
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsDryQuart ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsDryQuart
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_US_DRY
Ucumcode [dqt_us]
Preflabel UsDryQuart
Elucidation "US Dry Quart" is a unit for 'Dry Volume' expressed as dry_qt.

Altlabel US Dry Quart
Unitsymbol qt{US Dry}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.001101221
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsGallon ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsGallon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_US
Ucumcode [gal_us]
Preflabel UsGallon
Elucidation "US Gallon" is a unit for 'Liquid Volume' expressed as galUS.

Altlabel US Gallon
Unitsymbol gal{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.003785412
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsGallonPerDay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsGallonPerDay
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_US-PER-DAY
Ucumcode [gal_us].d-1
Ucumcode [gal_us]/d
Preflabel UsGallonPerDay
Elucidation "US Gallon per Day" is a unit for 'Volume Per Unit Time' expressed as gal/d.

Altlabel US Gallon per Day
Unitsymbol gal/day
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.381264e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsGallonPerMinute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsGallonPerMinute
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAL_US-PER-MIN
Ucumcode [gal_us].min-1
Ucumcode [gal_us]/min
Preflabel UsGallonPerMinute
Elucidation "US Gallon per Minute" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Volume Per Unit Time' expressed as gal/min.

Altlabel US Gallon per Minute
Unitsymbol gal/min
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumePerTimeUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6.30902e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsLiquidCup ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsLiquidCup
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CUP
Ucumcode [cup_us]
Preflabel UsLiquidCup
Elucidation "US Liquid Cup" is a unit for 'Liquid Volume' expressed as cup.

Altlabel US Liquid Cup
Unitsymbol cup
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002365883
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsLiquidOunce ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsLiquidOunce
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OZ_VOL_US
Ucumcode [foz_us]
Preflabel UsLiquidOunce
Elucidation "US Liquid Ounce" is a unit for 'Liquid Volume' expressed as oz.

Altlabel US Liquid Ounce
Unitsymbol fl oz{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.957353e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsLiquidPint ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsLiquidPint
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT_US
Ucumcode [pt_us]
Preflabel UsLiquidPint
Elucidation "US Liquid Pint" is a unit for 'Liquid Volume' expressed as pt.

Altlabel US Liquid Pint
Unitsymbol pt{US}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0004731765
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsLiquidQuart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsLiquidQuart
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QT_US
Ucumcode [qt_us]
Preflabel UsLiquidQuart
Elucidation "US Liquid Quart" is a unit for 'Liquid Volume' expressed as qt.

Altlabel US Liquid Quart
Unitsymbol qt
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.000946353
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsPeck ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsPeck
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PK_US_DRY
Ucumcode [pk_us]
Preflabel UsPeck
Elucidation A peck is an imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume, equivalent to 2 gallons or 8 dry quarts or 16 dry pints. Two pecks make a kenning (obsolete), and four pecks make a bushel. In Scotland, the peck was used as a dry measure until the introduction of imperial units as a result of the Weights and Measures Act of 1824. The peck was equal to about 9 litres (in the case of certain crops, such as wheat, peas, beans and meal) and about 13 litres (in the case of barley, oats and malt). A firlot was equal to 4 pecks and the peck was equal to 4 lippies or forpets.

Altlabel US Peck
Unitsymbol peck{US Dry}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.008809768
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
UsSurveyFoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#UsSurveyFoot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT_US
Ucumcode [ft_us]
Preflabel UsSurveyFoot
Elucidation `US Survey Foot` is a unit for 'Length' expressed as ftUS.

Altlabel US Survey Foot
Unitsymbol ft{US Survey}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.3048006
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
V_M ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#V_M
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-M
Ucumcode V.m
Preflabel V_M
Altlabel V-M
Unitsymbol V⋅m
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFluxUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
V_Stat_CentiM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#V_Stat_CentiM
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V_Stat-CentiM
Preflabel V_Stat_CentiM
Altlabel V_Stat-CentiM
Unitsymbol statV⋅cm
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of ElectricFluxUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
VoltAmpereReactive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltAmpereReactive
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-A_Reactive
Ucumcode V.A{reactive}
Preflabel VoltAmpereReactive
Elucidation unit with special name for reactive power

Altlabel Volt Ampere Reactive
Unitsymbol V⋅A{Reactive}
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
VoltAmpereReactiveHour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#VoltAmpereReactiveHour
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-A_Reactive-HR
Ucumcode V.A{reactive}.h
Preflabel VoltAmpereReactiveHour
Elucidation product of the unit volt ampere reactive and the unit hour

Altlabel Volt Ampere Reactive Hour
Unitsymbol V⋅A{reactive}⋅hr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
W_M2 ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#W_M2
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-M2
Ucumcode W.m2
Preflabel W_M2
Altlabel W-M2
Unitsymbol W⋅m²
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerAreaUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
W_M2_Per_Sr ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#W_M2_Per_Sr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W-M2-PER-SR
Ucumcode W.m2.sr-1
Preflabel W_M2_Per_Sr
Altlabel W-M2-PER-SR
Unitsymbol W⋅m²/sr
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of PowerAreaUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Yobi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Yobi
Preflabel Yobi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Yi'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1.208926e+24
.. raw:: html
Zebi ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Zebi
Preflabel Zebi
Formal description
Subclass Of Thing
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Zi'
Subclass Of hasNumberValue value 1.180592e+21
Module: Non-Si Special Units ============================ .. _non-si-special-units-classes: Classes ------- .. raw:: html
Are ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Are
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ARE
Ucumcode ar
Preflabel Are
Elucidation An 'are' is a unit of area equal to 0.02471 acre and 100 centare.

Altlabel are
Unitsymbol a
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ban ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Ban
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BAN
Preflabel Ban
Elucidation A ban is a logarithmic unit which measures information or entropy, based on base 10 logarithms and powers of 10, rather than the powers of 2 and base 2 logarithms which define the bit. One ban is approximately 3.32 (log₂ 10) bits.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ban?oldid=472969907
Unitsymbol ban
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Ban'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.302585
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bar ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BAR
Ucumcode bar
Preflabel Bar
Elucidation The bar is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to 100,000 Pa = 1 bar ≈ 750.0616827 Torr. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar or mb). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_(unit)
Unitsymbol bar
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 100000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Barad ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Barad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BARAD
Preflabel Barad
Elucidation A barad is a dyne per square centimetre (dyn · cm⁻²), and is equal to 0.1 Pa (1 micro bar, 0.000014504 p.s.i.). Note that this is precisely the microbar, the confusable bar being related in size to the normal atmospheric pressure, at 100 dyn · cm⁻². Accordingly barad was not abbreviated, so occurs prefixed as in cbarad = centibarad. Despite being the coherent unit for pressure in c.g.s., barad was probably much less common than the non-coherent bar. Barad is sometimes called barye, a name also used for bar.

Unitsymbol Ba
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Barn ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Barn
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BARN
Ucumcode b
Preflabel Barn
Elucidation A barn (symbol b) is a unit of area. Originally used in nuclear physics for expressing the cross sectional area of nuclei and nuclear reactions, today it is used in all fields of high energy physics to express the cross sections of any scattering process, and is best understood as a measure of the probability of interaction between small particles. A barn is defined as 10⁻²⁸ m² (100 fm²) and is approximately the cross sectional area of a uranium nucleus. The barn is also the unit of area used in nuclear quadrupole resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance to quantify the interaction of a nucleus with an electric field gradient. While the barn is not an SI unit, it is accepted for use with the SI due to its continued use in particle physics.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barn_(unit)
Unitsymbol b
Formal description
Subclass Of AreaUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-28
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Barrel ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Barrel
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BBL
Ucumcode [bbl_us]
Preflabel Barrel
Elucidation A barrel is one of several units of volume, with dry barrels, fluid barrels (UK beer barrel, U.S. beer barrel), oil barrel, etc. The volume of some barrel units is double others, with various volumes in the range of about 100-200 litres (22-44 imp gal; 26-53 US gal).

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel?oldid=494614619
Unitsymbol bbl
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Barye ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Barye
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BARYE
Preflabel Barye
Elucidation The barye, or sometimes barad, barrie, bary, baryd, baryed, or barie, is the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) unit of pressure. It is equal to 1 dyne per square centimetre.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barye?oldid=478631158
Unitsymbol Ba
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Beaufort ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Beaufort
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BFT
Preflabel Beaufort
Elucidation unit for classification of winds according to their speed, developed by Sir Francis Beaufort as measure for the over-all behaviour of a ship's sail at different wind speeds

Unitsymbol Beufort
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Biot ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Biot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BIOT
Ucumcode Bi
Preflabel Biot
Elucidation "Biot" is another name for the abampere (aA), which is the basic electromagnetic unit of electric current in the emu-cgs (centimeter-gram-second) system of units. It is called after a French physicist, astronomer, and mathematician Jean-Baptiste Biot. One abampere is equal to ten amperes in the SI system of units. One abampere is the current, which produces a force of 2 dyne/cm between two infinitively long parallel wires that are 1 cm apart.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biot?oldid=443318821
Unitsymbol Bi
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Bit ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Bit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BIT
Ucumcode bit
Preflabel Bit
Elucidation A bit (binary digit) is the smallest unit of data that a computer can process and store. A bit is always in one of two physical states, similar to an on/off light switch. The state is represented by a single binary value, usually a 0 or 1.

-- Wikipedia
Comment In information theory, a bit is the amount of information that, on average, can be stored in a discrete bit. It is thus the amount of information carried by a choice between two equally likely outcomes. One bit corresponds to about 0.693 nats (ln(2)), or 0.301 hartleys (log10(2)).

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit?oldid=495288173
Unitsymbol b
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Byte ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Byte
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BYTE
Ucumcode By
Unececommoncode AD
Preflabel Byte
Elucidation The byte is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that most commonly consists of eight bits.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte?oldid=493588918
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/resource/Byte
Unitsymbol B
Formal description
Subclass Of CountingUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'B'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CGSUnit ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_52e4cb25_da39_45e2_a6db_063ec5730499
Preflabel CGSUnit
Elucidation The centimetre–gram–second (CGS) system of units.
Comment CGS is a variant of the metric system.
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centimetre%E2%80%93gram%E2%80%93second_system_of_units
Formal description
Subclass Of SystemUnit
.. raw:: html
Candlepower ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Candlepower
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CP
Preflabel Candlepower
Elucidation "Candlepower" (abbreviated as cp) is a now-obsolete unit which was used to express levels of light intensity in terms of the light emitted by a candle of specific size and constituents. In modern usage Candlepower equates directly to the unit known as the candela.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlepower?oldid=491140098
Unitsymbol cp
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminousIntensityUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Carat ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Carat
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CARAT
Ucumcode [car_m]
Preflabel Carat
Elucidation The carat is a unit of mass equal to 200 mg and is used for measuring gemstones and pearls. The current definition, sometimes known as the metric carat, was adopted in 1907 at the Fourth General Conference on Weights and Measures, and soon afterward in many countries around the world. The carat is divisible into one hundred points of two milligrams each. Other subdivisions, and slightly different mass values, have been used in the past in different locations. In terms of diamonds, a paragon is a flawless stone of at least 100 carats (20 g). The ANSI X.12 EDI standard abbreviation for the carat is CD.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carat?oldid=477129057
Unitsymbol ct
Formal description
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0002
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Chain ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Chain
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CH
Ucumcode [ch_br]
Preflabel Chain
Elucidation A chain is a unit of length. It measures 66 feet, or 22 yards, or 100 links, or 4 rods. There are 10 chains in a furlong, and 80 chains in one statute mile. An acre is the area of 10 square chains (that is, an area of one chain by one furlong). The chain has been used for several centuries in Britain and in some other countries influenced by British practice.

Altlabel chain
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain?oldid=494116185
Unitsymbol ch
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 20.1168
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Clo ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Clo
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CLO
Preflabel Clo
Elucidation A C.G.S System unit for `Thermal Insulance` expressed as "clo".

Unitsymbol clo
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PerThermalTransmittanceUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.155
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
CommonYear ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#CommonYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YR_Common
Preflabel CommonYear
Elucidation 31,536,000-fold of the SI base unit second according a common year with 365 days

Altlabel Common Year
Unitsymbol yr
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 31536000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Cord ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Cord
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/CORD
Ucumcode [crd_us]
Preflabel Cord
Elucidation The cord is a unit of measure of dry volume used in Canada and the United States to measure firewood and pulpwood. A cord is the amount of wood that, when 'ranked and well stowed' (arranged so pieces are aligned, parallel, touching and compact), occupies a volume of 128 cubic feet (3.62 cubic metres). This corresponds to a well stacked woodpile 4 feet (122 cm) wide, 4 feet (122 cm) high, and 8 feet (244 cm) long; or any other arrangement of linear measurements that yields the same volume. The name cord probably comes from the use of a cord or string to measure it.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cord?oldid=490232340
Unitsymbol cord
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.62
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Curie ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Curie
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Ci
Ucumcode Ci
Preflabel Curie
Elucidation The curie (symbol Ci) is a non-SI unit of radioactivity, named after Marie and Pierre Curie. It is defined as 1Ci = 3.7 × 10¹⁰ decays per second Its continued use is discouraged. One Curie is roughly the activity of 1 gram of the radium isotope Ra, a substance studied by the Curies. The SI derived unit of radioactivity is the becquerel (Bq), which equates to one decay per second. Therefore: 1Ci = 3.7 × 10¹⁰ Bq= 37 GBq and 1Bq ≡ 2.703 × 10⁻¹¹Ci .

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curie?oldid=495080313
Unitsymbol Ci
Formal description
Subclass Of FrequencyUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 37000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Debye ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Debye
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Debye
Preflabel Debye
Elucidation "Debye" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Electric Dipole Moment' expressed as D.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debye?oldid=492149112
Unitsymbol D
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricDipoleMomentUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.33564e-30
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Decade ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Decade
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DECADE
Preflabel Decade
Elucidation One decade is a factor of 10 difference between two numbers (an order of magnitude difference) measured on a logarithmic scale. It is especially useful when referring to frequencies and when describing frequency response of electronic systems, such as audio amplifiers and filters. The factor-of-ten in a decade can be in either direction: so one decade up from 100 Hz is 1000 Hz, and one decade down is 10 Hz. The factor-of-ten is what is important, not the unit used, so 3.14 rad/s is one decade down from 31.4 rad/s.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decade_(log_scale)
Unitsymbol dec
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
DegreeFahrenheit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#DegreeFahrenheit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DEG_F
Ucumcode [degF]
Preflabel DegreeFahrenheit
Elucidation `Degree Fahrenheit` is an Imperial unit for 'Thermodynamic Temperature' expressed as °F.

Altlabel Degree Fahrenheit
Unitsymbol °F
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of TemperatureUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.5555556
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 459.6696
.. raw:: html
Dyne ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Dyne
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/DYN
Ucumcode dyn
Preflabel Dyne
Elucidation In physics, the dyne is a unit of force specified in the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units. One dyne is equal to In physics, the dyne is a unit of force specified in the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units. One dyne is equal to 10 micronewton. Equivalently, the dyne is defined as 'the force required to accelerate a mass of one gram at a rate of one centimetre per square second'. The dyne per centimetre is the unit traditionally used to measure surface tension.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyne?oldid=494703827
Unitsymbol dyn
Formal description
Subclass Of ForceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
EarthMass ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#EarthMass
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/EarthMass
Preflabel EarthMass
Elucidation Earth mass (M⊕) is the unit of mass equal to that of the Earth. In SI Units, 1 M⊕ = 5.9722 × 10²⁴ kg. Earth mass is often used to describe masses of rocky terrestrial planets. The four terrestrial planets of the Solar System, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, have masses of 0.055, 0.815, 1.000, and 0.107 Earth masses respectively.

Altlabel Earth mass
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_mass?oldid=495457885
Unitsymbol M⊕
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.97219e+24
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ElementaryCharge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ElementaryCharge
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/E
Ucumcode [e]
Preflabel ElementaryCharge
Elucidation `Elementary Charge`, usually denoted as `e`, is the electric charge carried by a single proton, or equivalently, the negation (opposite) of the electric charge carried by a single electron. This elementary charge is a fundamental physical constant. To avoid confusion over its sign, e is sometimes called the elementary positive charge. This charge has a measured value of approximately 1.602176634 × 10⁻¹⁹ coulombs. In the cgs system, e is 4.80320471257026372 × 10⁻¹⁰ statcoulombs.

Altlabel Elementary Charge
Unitsymbol e
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.602177e-19
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Erg ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Erg
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ERG
Ucumcode erg
Preflabel Erg
Elucidation An erg is the unit of energy and mechanical work in the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units, symbol 'erg'. Its name is derived from the Greek ergon, meaning 'work'. An erg is the amount of work done by a force of one dyne exerted for a distance of one centimeter. In the CGS base units, it is equal to one gram centimeter-squared per second-squared (g · cm²/s²). It is thus equal to 10⁻⁷ joules or 100 nanojoules in SI units. 1 erg = 10⁻⁷ J = 100 nJ, 1 erg = 624.15 GeV = 6.2415 × 10¹¹ eV, 1 erg = 1 dyne· cm = 1 g · cm²/s².

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erg?oldid=490293432
Unitsymbol erg
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-07
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Faraday ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Faraday
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/F
Preflabel Faraday
Elucidation "Faraday" is a unit for 'Electric Charge' expressed as F.

Unitsymbol F
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 96485.34
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Fermi ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Fermi
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FM
Preflabel Fermi
Elucidation The `fermi`, or `femtometer` (other spelling femtometre, symbol fm) is an SI unit of length equal to 10⁻¹⁵ metre. This distance is often encountered in nuclear physics as a characteristic of this scale. The symbol for the fermi is also fm.

Altlabel fermi
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_(unit)
Unitsymbol fm
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-15
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html Foot ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Foot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT
Ucumcode [ft_i]
Preflabel Foot
Elucidation A foot is a unit of length defined as being 0.3048 m exactly and used in the imperial system of units and United States customary units. It is subdivided into 12 inches. The foot is still officially used in Canada and still commonly used in the United Kingdom, although the latter has partially metricated its units of measurement.

Unitsymbol ft
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.3048
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
FractionalArea ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#FractionalArea
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FA
Preflabel FractionalArea
Elucidation "Fractional area" is a unit for 'Solid Angle' expressed as fa.

Altlabel Fractional area
Unitsymbol fa
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of AreaFractionUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 12.56637
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Franklin ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Franklin
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FR
Preflabel Franklin
Elucidation "Franklin" is a unit for 'Electric Charge' expressed as Fr.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin?oldid=495090654
Unitsymbol Fr
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricChargeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.335641e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gamma ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gamma
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Gamma
Preflabel Gamma
Elucidation "Gamma" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Magnetic Field'.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma?oldid=494680973
Unitsymbol γ
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-09
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gauss ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gauss
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GAUSS
Ucumcode G
Preflabel Gauss
Elucidation The gauss, abbreviated as G, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field B, which is also known as the "magnetic flux density" or the "magnetic induction". One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals 10⁻⁴ tesla (or 100 micro T). The Gauss is identical to maxwells per square centimetre; technically defined in a three-dimensional system, it corresponds in the SI, with its extra base unit the ampere. The gauss is quite small by earthly standards, 1 Gs being only about four times Earth's flux density, but it is subdivided, with 1 gauss = 105 gamma. This unit of magnetic induction is also known as the `abtesla`.

Altlabel Gs
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss_(unit)
Unitsymbol Gs
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFluxDensityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gilbert ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gilbert
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GI
Ucumcode Gb
Preflabel Gilbert
Elucidation The fundamental unit of magnetomotive force (mmf) in electromagnetic units is called a Gilbert. It is the mmf which will produce a magnetic field strength of one Gauss (Maxwell per Square Centimeter) in a path one centimeter long.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert?oldid=492755037
Unitsymbol Gb
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricCurrentUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.7957747
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gon ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GON
Ucumcode gon
Preflabel Gon
Elucidation "Gon" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Plane Angle' expressed as gon.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gon?oldid=424098171
Unitsymbol gon
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01570796
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Grad ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Grad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAD
Preflabel Grad
Elucidation "Grad" is a unit for 'Plane Angle' expressed as grad.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grad?oldid=490906645
Unitsymbol grad
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthFractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.01570796
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Gravity ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Gravity
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/G
Ucumcode [g]
Preflabel Gravity
Elucidation "Gravity" is a unit for 'Linear Acceleration' expressed as G.

Unitsymbol G
Formal description
Subclass Of AccelerationUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9.80665
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Hartley ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hartley
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HART
Preflabel Hartley
Elucidation The "Hartley" is a unit of information.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartley_(unit)
Unitsymbol Hart
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.302585
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Hartree ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Hartree
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/E_h
Preflabel Hartree
Elucidation The `Hartree` (symbol: E_h or Ha), also known as the `Hartree Energy`, is the atomic unit of energy. The hartree energy is equal to the absolute value of the electric potential energy of the hydrogen atom in its ground state. The energy of the electron in an H-atom in its ground state is -E_H, where E_H= 2 R_∞ · hc₀. The 2006 CODATA recommended value was E_H = 4.35974394(22) × 10⁻¹⁸ J = 27.21138386(68) eV.
E_H = e²/(4π ε₀ a₀)
where, e is the elementary charge, ε₀ is the electric constant, and a₀ is the Bohr radius.'

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartree?oldid=489318053
Unitsymbol Ha
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 4.359744e-18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Horsepower ^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Horsepower
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/HP
Ucumcode [HP]
Preflabel Horsepower
Elucidation 550 foot-pound force per second

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower?oldid=495510329
Unitsymbol HP
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of PowerUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 745.6999
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
ImperialPint ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#ImperialPint
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PINT
Ucumcode [pt_br]
Preflabel ImperialPint
Elucidation "Imperial Pint" is an Imperial unit for 'Volume' expressed as pint.

Altlabel Imperial Pint
Unitsymbol pt
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of VolumeUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0005682613
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Inch ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Inch
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IN
Ucumcode [in_i]
Preflabel Inch
Elucidation An inch is the name of a unit of length in a number of different systems, including Imperial units, and United States customary units. There are 36 inches in a yard and 12 inches in a foot. Corresponding units of area and volume are the square inch and the cubic inch.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inch?oldid=492522790
Unitsymbol in
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0254
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InternationalMile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InternationalMile
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI
Ucumcode [mi_i]
Preflabel InternationalMile
Elucidation The exact length of the land mile varied slightly among English-speaking countries until the international yard and pound agreement in 1959 established the yard as exactly 0.9144 metres, giving a mile of exactly 1,609.344 metres. The United States adopted this international mile for most purposes, but retained the pre-1959 mile for some land-survey data, terming it the US survey mile. In the US, statute mile formally refers to the survey mile, about 3.219 mm (1/8 inch) longer than the international mile (the international mile is exactly 0.0002% less than the US survey mile).

Altlabel International Mile
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile
Unitsymbol mi
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1609.344
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
InternationalUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#InternationalUnit
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/IU
Ucumcode [IU]
Ucumcode [iU]
Preflabel InternationalUnit
Elucidation International Unit is a unit for `Amount Of Substance` expressed as IU.

Altlabel International Unit
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_unit?oldid=488801913
Unitsymbol IU
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AmountUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
.. raw:: html
Knot ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Knot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/KN
Ucumcode [kn_i]
Preflabel Knot
Elucidation The knot (pronounced 'not') is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (1.852 km) per hour, approximately 1.151 mph. The abbreviation kn is preferred by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), which includes every major sea-faring nation; however, the abbreviations kt (singular) and kts (plural) are also widely used. However, use of the abbreviation kt for knot conflicts with the SI symbol for kilotonne. The knot is a non-SI unit accepted for use with the International System of Units (SI). Worldwide, the knot is used in meteorology, and in maritime and air navigation - for example, a vessel travelling at 1 knot along a meridian travels one minute of geographic latitude in one hour. Etymologically, the term knot derives from counting the number of knots in the line that unspooled from the reel of a chip log in a specific time.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knot?oldid=495066194
Unitsymbol kn
Formal description
Subclass Of SpeedUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.5144444
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Lambert ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Lambert
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LA
Ucumcode Lmb
Preflabel Lambert
Elucidation The lambert (symbol L, la or Lb) is a non-SI unit of luminance. A related unit of luminance, the foot-lambert, is used in the lighting, cinema and flight simulation industries. The SI unit is the candela per square metre (cd/m²).

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert?oldid=494078267
Unitsymbol L
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3183.099
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LightYear ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LightYear
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LY
Ucumcode [ly]
Preflabel LightYear
Elucidation A unit of length defining the distance, in meters, that light travels in a vacuum in one year.

Altlabel Light Year
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-year?oldid=495083584
Unitsymbol ly
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 9460730000000000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
LunarMass ^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#LunarMass
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/LunarMass
Preflabel LunarMass
Altlabel Lunar mass
Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon?oldid=494566371
Unitsymbol M☾
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of MassUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 7.346e+22
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Maxwell ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Maxwell
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MX
Ucumcode Mx
Preflabel Maxwell
Elucidation "Maxwell" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Magnetic Flux' expressed as Mx.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell?oldid=478391976
Unitsymbol Mx
Formal description
Subclass Of MagneticFluxUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-08
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Mho ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Mho
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MHO
Ucumcode mho
Preflabel Mho
Elucidation "Mho" is a C.G.S System unit for 'Electric Conductivity' expressed as mho.

Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of ElectricConductivityUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
MicroBar ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#MicroBar
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MicroBAR
Ucumcode ubar
Preflabel MicroBar
Elucidation 0.000001-fold of the unit bar

Unitsymbol μbar
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of PrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.1
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Month ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Month
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MO
Ucumcode mo
Preflabel Month
Elucidation A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about 30 days or 4 weeks. Also known as the 'Synodic Month' and calculated as 29.53059 days.

Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Month
Unitsymbol mo
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2551443.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Nat ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Nat
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NAT
Preflabel Nat
Elucidation A nat is a logarithmic unit of information or entropy, based on natural logarithms and powers of e, rather than the powers of 2 and base 2 logarithms which define the bit. The nat is the natural unit for information entropy. Physical systems of natural units which normalize Boltzmann's constant to 1 are effectively measuring thermodynamic entropy in nats.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat?oldid=474010287
Unitsymbol nat
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
NauticalMile ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#NauticalMile
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI_N
Ucumcode [nmi_i]
Preflabel NauticalMile
Elucidation A unit of distance used primarily at sea and in aviation. The nautical mile is defined to be the average distance on the Earth's surface represented by one minute of latitude. In 1929 an international conference in Monaco redefined the nautical mile to be exactly 1852 meters or 6076.115 49 feet, a distance known as the international nautical mile. The international nautical mile equals about 1.1508 statute miles. There are usually 3 nautical miles in a league. The unit is designed to equal 1/60 degree, although actual degrees of latitude vary from about 59.7 to 60.3 nautical miles. (Note: using data from the Geodetic Reference System 1980, the "true" length of a nautical mile would be 1852.216 meters.)

Altlabel Nautical Mile
Unitsymbol nmi
Formal description
Subclass Of NonSIUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1852.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oct ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oct
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OCT
Preflabel Oct
Elucidation An octave is a doubling or halving of a frequency. One oct is the logarithmic frequency interval between f1 and f2 when f2/f1 = 2.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octave_(electronics)
Unitsymbol oct
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LogarithmicUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Oersted ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Oersted
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/OERSTED
Ucumcode Oe
Preflabel Oersted
Elucidation Oersted (abbreviated as Oe) is the unit of magnetizing field (also known as H-field, magnetic field strength or intensity) in the CGS system of units.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oersted?oldid=491396460
Unitsymbol Oe
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MagneticFieldStrengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 79.57747
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Parsec ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Parsec
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PARSEC
Ucumcode pc
Preflabel Parsec
Elucidation The parsec (parallax of one arcsecond; symbol: pc) is a unit of length, equal to just under 31 trillion (31 × 10¹²) kilometres (about 19 trillion miles), 206265 AU, or about 3.26 light-years. The parsec measurement unit is used in astronomy. It is defined as the length of the adjacent side of an imaginary right triangle in space. The two dimensions that specify this triangle are the parallax angle (defined as 1 arcsecond) and the opposite side (defined as 1 astronomical unit (AU), the distance from the Earth to the Sun). Given these two measurements, along with the rules of trigonometry, the length of the adjacent side (the parsec) can be found.

Unitsymbol pc
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 3.085678e+16
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Percent ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Percent
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERCENT
Ucumcode %
Preflabel Percent
Elucidation "Percent" is a unit for 'Dimensionless Ratio' expressed as %.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percentage?oldid=495284540
Unitsymbol %
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of FractionUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Phot ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Phot
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PHOT
Ucumcode ph
Preflabel Phot
Elucidation A phot (ph) is a photometric unit of illuminance, or luminous flux through an area. It is not an SI unit, but rather is associated with the older centimetre gram second system of units. Metric dimensions: illuminance = luminous intensity × solid angle / length.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phot?oldid=477198725
Unitsymbol ph
Formal description
Subclass Of LuminanceUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 10000.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Pica ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Pica
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PCA
Ucumcode [pca]
Preflabel Pica
Elucidation A pica is a typographic unit of measure corresponding to 1/72 of its respective foot, and therefore to 1/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point units of measure. Notably, Adobe PostScript promoted the pica unit of measure that is the standard in contemporary printing, as in home computers and printers. Usually, pica measurements are represented with an upper-case 'P' with an upper-right-to-lower-left virgule (slash) starting in the upper right portion of the 'P' and ending at the lower left of the upright portion of the 'P'; essentially drawing a virgule (/) through a 'P'. Note that these definitions are different from a typewriter's pica setting, which denotes a type size of ten characters per horizontal inch.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pica?oldid=458102937
Unitsymbol pc
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0042333
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Point ^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Point
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PT
Ucumcode [pnt]
Preflabel Point
Elucidation In typography, a point is the smallest unit of measure, being a subdivision of the larger pica. It is commonly abbreviated as pt. The point has long been the usual unit for measuring font size and leading and other minute items on a printed page.

Unitsymbol pt
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 2.54e-05
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Psi ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Psi
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PSI
Ucumcode [psi]
Preflabel Psi
Elucidation Pounds of force per square inch, the unit for pressure as a compounded unit pound-force according to the Anglo-American system of units divided by the power of the unit Inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2

Altlabel PSI
Unitsymbol psi
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 6894.758
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Quad ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Quad
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/QUAD
Preflabel Quad
Elucidation A quad is a unit of energy equal to 10 BTU, or 1.055 × 10 joule, which is 1.055 exajoule or EJ in SI units. The unit is used by the U.S. Department of Energy in discussing world and national energy budgets. Some common types of an energy carrier approximately equal 1 quad are: 8,007,000,000 Gallons (US) of gasoline 293,083,000,000 Kilowatt-hours (kWh) 36,000,000 Tonnes of coal 970,434,000,000 Cubic feet of natural gas 5,996,000,000 UK gallons of diesel oil 25,200,000 Tonnes of oil 252,000,000 tonnes of TNT or five times the energy of the Tsar Bomba nuclear test.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quad?oldid=492086827
Unitsymbol quad
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of EnergyUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1.055e+18
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Rod ^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Rod
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ROD
Ucumcode [rd_br]
Preflabel Rod
Elucidation A unit of distance equal to 5.5 yards (16 feet 6 inches).

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod?oldid=492590086
Unitsymbol rod
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 5.02921
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Roentgen ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Roentgen
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/R
Ucumcode R
Preflabel Roentgen
Elucidation Not to be confused with roentgen equivalent man or roentgen equivalent physical. The roentgen (symbol R) is an obsolete unit of measurement for the kerma of X-rays and gamma rays up to 3 MeV.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roentgen?oldid=491213233
Unitsymbol R
Formal description
Subclass Of ElectricChargePerMassUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.000258
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Shannon ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Shannon
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/SHANNON
Preflabel Shannon
Elucidation The "Shannon" is a unit of information.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon_(unit)
Unitsymbol Sh
Formal description
Subclass Of DimensionlessUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.6931472
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Stokes ^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Stokes
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ST
Ucumcode St
Preflabel Stokes
Elucidation `Stokes (St)` is a unit in the category of Kinematic viscosity. This unit is commonly used in the cgs unit system. Stokes (St) has a dimension of L²T⁻¹ where L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit m²/s by multiplying its value by a factor of 0.0001.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stokes?oldid=426159512
Unitsymbol St
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of AreicSpeedUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.0001
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Torr ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Torr
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TORR
Preflabel Torr
Elucidation The `torr` is a non-SI unit of pressure with the ratio of 760 to 1 standard atmosphere, chosen to be roughly equal to the fluid pressure exerted by a millimeter of mercury, i.e. , a pressure of 1 torr is approximately equal to one millimeter of mercury. Note that the symbol (Torr) is spelled exactly the same as the unit (torr), but the letter case differs. The unit is written lower-case, while the symbol of the unit (Torr) is capitalized (as upper-case), as is customary in metric units derived from names. Thus, it is correctly written either way, and is only incorrect when specification is first made that the word is being used as a unit, or else a symbol of the unit, and then the incorrect letter case for the specified use is employed.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torr?oldid=495199381
Unitsymbol Torr
Formal description
Subclass Of PressureUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 133.322
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Week ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Week
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/WK
Ucumcode wk
Preflabel Week
Elucidation Mean solar week

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Week?oldid=493867029
Unitsymbol wk
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 604800.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Yard ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Yard
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YD
Ucumcode [yd_i]
Preflabel Yard
Elucidation A yard is a unit of length in several different systems including United States customary units, Imperial units and the former English units. It is equal to 3 feet or 36 inches. Under an agreement in 1959 between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States, the yard (known as the "international yard" in the United States) was legally defined to be exactly 0.9144 metres.

Wikipediareference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yard?oldid=492334628
Unitsymbol yd
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 0.9144
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Year ^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Year
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/YR
Ucumcode a
Preflabel Year
Elucidation A year is any of the various periods equated with one passage of Earth about the Sun, and hence of roughly 365 days. The familiar calendar has a mixture of 365- and 366-day years, reflecting the fact that the time for one complete passage takes about 365¼ days; the precise value for this figure depends on the manner of defining the year.

Unitsymbol yr
Formal description
Subclass Of TimeUnit
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of MeasurementUnit
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 31557600.0
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0
.. raw:: html
Ångström ^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Iri https://w3id.org/emmo#Angstrom
Iupacreference https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.N00350
Qudtreference http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/ANGSTROM
Ucumcode Ao
Unececommoncode A11
Preflabel Ångström
Elucidation The Angstr`o`m is an internationally recognized unit of length equal to 0.1 nanometre or 1 × 10⁻¹⁰ metres. Although accepted for use, it is not formally defined within the International System of Units(SI). The angstrom is often used in the natural sciences to express the sizes of atoms, lengths of chemical bonds and the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, and in technology for the dimensions of parts of integrated circuits. It is also commonly used in structural biology.

Comment Ångström is not mentioned in the SI system and deprecated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM).

Dispite of that, it is often used in the natural sciences and technology.
Altlabel Angstrom
Wikipediareference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angstrom
Definition Measure of length defined as 1e-10 metres.
Dbpediareference http://dbpedia.org/page/%C3%85ngstr%C3%B6m
Formal description
Subclass Of SINonCoherentUnit
Subclass Of NonPrefixedUnit
Subclass Of LengthUnit
Subclass Of hasSymbolValue value 'Å'
Subclass Of hasSIConversionMultiplier value 1e-10
Subclass Of hasSIConversionOffset value 0.0