.. toctree:: :includehidden: :hidden: Get Started Examples Class Index About FAQ ========================= CHAMEO Ontology ========================= Welcome to the **CHAracterisation MEthodology Ontology (CHAMEO)**, a semantic framework designed to harmonize materials characterisation methodologies. CHAMEO provides a standardized terminology and structure to model common aspects across various characterisation techniques, facilitating interoperability and knowledge sharing in materials science. Check out these resources to get started! ----------------------------------------- .. grid:: .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/getstarted.html :octicon:`rocket;1em;sd-text-info` Get Started ^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's go! Here is some information to help you get started .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/examples.html :octicon:`pencil;1em;sd-text-info` Examples ^^^^^^^^ Here are some examples that demonstrate basic usage of the ontology .. grid:: .. grid-item-card:: :link: chameo.html :octicon:`book;1em;sd-text-info` Class Index ^^^^^^^^^^^ A complete list of terms and some human-readable annotations .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/faq.html :octicon:`book;1em;sd-text-info` FAQ ^^^^^^^^^^^ Frequently asked questions .. grid:: .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/about.html :octicon:`thumbsup;1em;sd-text-info` About ^^^^^^^^^^ Description of the CHAMEO ontology