Electrochemistry Ontology#

Welcome to the EMMO Electrochemistry Domain Ontology, a semantic resource with essential terms and relationships to describe electrochemical systems, materials, methods, and data. Here’s a simple example:

 2   "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry/context",
 3   "@type": "ElectrochemicalCell",
 4   "hasNegativeElectrode": {
 5      "@type": "ZincElectrode"
 6   },
 7   "hasPositiveElectrode": {
 8      "@type": "ManganeseDioxideElectrode"
 9   },
10   "hasElectrolyte": {
11      "@type": "AlkalineElectrolyte"
12   }

Check out these resources to get started!#

Get Started

Let’s go! Here is some information to help you get started

Class Index

A complete list of terms and some human-readable annotations


Here are some examples that demonstrate basic usage of the ontology


Help us develop the ontology by following these guidelines