=================== Electrochemistry Terms =================== This page lists all terms extracted from the electrochemistry-related ontologies. Electrochemistry Reference ========================== .. raw:: html
ACVoltammetrySignal ------------------- IRI: https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry#electrochemistry_58a20764_c339_4856_983a_05092b5282e8 .. raw:: htmlElucidation | Sinusoidal potential waveform superimposed to a linear potential ramp. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | an aqueous electrolyte with a nominal pH values less than 7 |
Alternative Label(s) | AcidicAqueousElectrolyte, AcidicSolution |
Parent Classes | AqueousElectrolyte |
Subclasses | SulfuricAcidSolution, PhosphoricAcidSolution |
Elucidation | material that is oxidized or reduced at an electrode in an electrochemical cell |
Alternative Label(s) | ActiveElectrochemicalMaterial, ActiveElectrochemicalMaterial, ElectrochemicallyActiveMaterial, ElectrochemicallyActiveMaterial |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-14 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120907375 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent, ElectrochemicalMaterial |
Elucidation | blend containing a material which reacts chemically to produce electrical energy with other constituents and additives |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-34 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | a degradation mechanism in electrochemical cells in which fractures in the active material particles increase cell resistance. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | a substance added to something in small quantities to alter its properties |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q350176 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Subclasses | ElectrolyteAdditive, ConductiveAdditive |
Elucidation | a gas diffusion electrode in which the gas is air |
Parent Classes | GasDiffusionElectrode |
Elucidation | an aqueous electrolyte with a nominal pH greater than 7 |
Alternative Label(s) | AlkalineAqueousElectrolyte, AlkalineSolution |
Parent Classes | AqueousElectrolyte |
Subclasses | PotassiumHydroxideSolution, LithiumHydroxideSolution, SodiumHydroxideSolution, AmmoniaSolution |
Elucidation | periodic current where the amplitude alternates at a steady frequency between fixed minimum and maximum values, with the same duration at minimum and maximum |
Alternative Label(s) | AC |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-24 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternating_current |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q124164 |
Parent Classes | ElectricCurrentSignal |
Subclasses | SinusoidalCurrentWaveform |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of aluminium or aluminium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is aluminium |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | a solution of ammonia (NH3) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Alternative Label(s) | AqueousAmmoniaSolution |
Parent Classes | AlkalineElectrolyte |
Elucidation | a solution of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Alternative Label(s) | AqueousAmmoniumChlorideSolution |
Parent Classes | NearNeutralElectrolyte |
Elucidation | a working electrode in the shape of a ring used in a rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE). |
Alternative Label(s) | RingElectrode |
Parent Classes | WorkingElectrode |
Elucidation | by convention, cell electrode at which an oxidation reaction occurs |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-27 |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/A00370 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q181232 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Elucidation | electrode polarization associated with an anodic reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | AnodicPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-17 |
Parent Classes | ElectrodePolarisation |
Elucidation | electrode reaction in which oxidation occurs at the anode |
Alternative Label(s) | Electrooxidation, ElectrooxidationReaction |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-09 |
Parent Classes | ElectrodeReaction |
Elucidation | electrolyte on the anode side of an electrochemical cell that is divided into compartments |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-19 |
Parent Classes | LiquidElectrolyte |
Elucidation | a tank for holding anolyte |
Elucidation | an ion-transport medium, which may be immobilized, in which water is the solvent. |
Alternative Label(s) | AqueousElectrolyticSolution |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120906632 |
Parent Classes | ElectrolyteSolution |
Subclasses | AlkalineElectrolyte, AcidicElectrolyte, NearNeutralElectrolyte |
Elucidation | membrane constituted of two or more structural planes of non-identical morphologies |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.AT06862 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120965018 |
Parent Classes | Separator |
Subclasses | BilayerMembrane |
Elucidation | a type of spring, in the form of a conical washer |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3056595 |
Parent Classes | Spring |
Elucidation | an asymmetric membrane composed of two layers, typically with different chemical properties or functional roles |
Parent Classes | AsymmetricMembrane |
Elucidation | electrode containing two different metals (e.g. platinum and ruthenium) on its surface (e.g. to modify its electrocatalytic properties) |
Parent Classes | BlendedActiveElectrode, MetalElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode consisting of two metal oxide active materials |
Parent Classes | BlendedActiveElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Subclasses | LithiumNickelManganeseCobaltOxideLithiumCobaltOxideElectrode, LithiumNickelMananeseCobaltOxideLithiumManganeseOxideElectrode, LithiumNickelManganeseOxideLithiumIronPhosphateElectrode, IndiumTinOxideElectrode, LithiumManganeseOxideLithiumIronPhosphateElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrolyte consisting of anions and cations with equal absolute charge numbers. |
Parent Classes | Electrolyte |
Elucidation | material or substance that holds or draws other materials together to form a cohesive whole |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrodeBinder |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binder_(material) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q863583 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of bismuth or bismuth compounds. |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an active electrode with a blend of two or more active materials |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | SiliconOxideGraphiteElectrode, BimetallicOxideElectrode, BimetallicElectrode, SiliconGraphiteElectrode |
Elucidation | a model for the double layer that includes the action of the solvent on the surface |
Alternative Label(s) | BDM |
Parent Classes | DoubleLayerModel |
Elucidation | plots of the phase angle and the magnitude of the impedance vs. the logarithm of perturbation frequency at all the frequencies tested in an impedimetry measurement |
Alternative Label(s) | BodeDiagram |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bode_plot |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q245627 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPlot |
Elucidation | accelerated charge applied at greater than normal values of electric currents or of voltages (for a particular design) during a short time interval |
Alternative Label(s) | FastCharging |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-37 |
Parent Classes | Charging |
Elucidation | a phenomenological model for electrode kinetics, describing the relation between the electrode current from an electrochemical charge-transfer reaction and the surface overpotential of the electrode |
Alternative Label(s) | ButlerVolmerApproximation, ErdeyGruzVolmerEquation |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butler%E2%80%93Volmer_equation |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q903846 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalRelation |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of cadmium or cadmium compounds. |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of caesium or caesium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of calcium or calcium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is calcium |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | data processing procedure that determines the capacity based on time data and electric current data |
Parent Classes | MeasurementDataPostProcessing |
Elucidation | a degradation phenomena in electrochemical devices in which the practicaclly achieveable capacity of the cell is less than the measured capacity at the beginning of life. |
Alternative Label(s) | CapacityLoss |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacity_loss |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16851742 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDegradationPhenomenon |
Subclasses | SelfDischarging |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of carbon or carbon compounds |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | CarbonMonofluorideElectrode, HardCarbonElectrode, GraphiteElectrode |
Elucidation | a woven fabric made from carbon fibers, offering flexibility, high electrical conductivity, and durability, commonly used in high-performance fuel cells |
Elucidation | a non-woven mat of randomly oriented carbon fibers, providing excellent thermal insulation, chemical resistance, and high surface area for various industrial and electrochemical applications |
Elucidation | development of a carbon paste electrode that is screen printed using a carbon/polymer mixture of suitable composition |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120907443 |
Parent Classes | CarbonPasteElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is carbon monofluoride |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode, CarbonBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | a thin, flat material composed of compressed carbon fibers, used in fuel cells and other electrochemical devices for its high electrical conductivity and gas permeability |
Elucidation | Electrode of a composite of carbon powder and a pasting liquid (including mineral oil, Nujol, bromoform, bromonaphthalene). |
Alternative Label(s) | CPE |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_paste_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5037987 |
Parent Classes | InertElectrode |
Subclasses | CarbonInkElectrode |
Elucidation | a gas diffusion electrode in which the active material is carbon dioxide (CO2) |
Parent Classes | GasDiffusionElectrode |
Elucidation | container for the plate pack or packs and electrolyte of a cell or cells made of a material impervious to the electrolyte |
Alternative Label(s) | Can, Container, Housing |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-14 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Subclasses | PrismaticCase, PouchCase, SwagelokCase, RoundCase |
Elucidation | substance that increases chemical reaction speed, and which is conserved after the reaction |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q12385831 |
Subclasses | Electrocatalyst |
Elucidation | by convention, cell electrode at which, a reduction reaction occurs |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/C00905 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q175233 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Elucidation | a type of solid electrolyte interface that forms on the surface of the electrode designated as the "cathode" or positive electrode |
Parent Classes | SolidElectrolyteInterphase |
Elucidation | electrode polarization associated with a cathodic reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | CathodicPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-18 |
Parent Classes | ElectrodePolarisation |
Elucidation | electrochemical immunity produced by an appropriate cathodic polarization. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-05 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathodic_protection |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15152527 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalImmunity |
Elucidation | electrode reaction in which reduction occurs at the cathode |
Alternative Label(s) | Electroreduction, Electroreduction, ElectroreductionReaction, ElectroreductionReaction |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-10 |
Parent Classes | ElectrodeReaction |
Elucidation | electrolyte on the cathode side of an electrochemical cell that is divided into compartments. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-18 |
Parent Classes | LiquidElectrolyte |
Elucidation | a tank for holding catholyte |
Elucidation | internal component used to reduce the amount of electrolyte loss due to electrolyte spray being carried in the gas and/or by electrolyte movement |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-13 |
Elucidation | cell container which is usually metallic and typically, but not exclusively, cylindrical |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-13 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | part used to close the case normally having holes for filling, topping-up, gas escape, terminals, etc. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-15 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | celsius temperature data, usually resulting from an electrochemical measurement process |
Elucidation | measurement of temperature |
Elucidation | a measurement of the value of the temperature in units of degree Celsius |
Elucidation | a generic denomination of particles or quasiparticles responsible for electric charge transport. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_carrier |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q865807 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | plot of the time-dependent amount of electric charge passed through an electrochemical system due to the application of a electric potential |
Alternative Label(s) | ChargeTimeCurve, ElectricChargeTimeCurve, ElectricChargeTimePlot, QtCurve |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPlot |
Elucidation | operation during which a secondary cell or battery is supplied with electric energy from an external circuit which results in chemical changes within the cell and thus the storage of energy as chemical energy. |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrochemicalCharging |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-27 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11388109 |
Subclasses | BoostCharging, FloatCharging, ConstantCurrentCharging, EqualizationCharge, Overcharging, TwoStepCharging |
Elucidation | data that is obtained from experiment or simulation during a charging process |
Elucidation | a process that results in the interconversion of chemical species |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01033 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_reaction |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q36534 |
Subclasses | GasEvolution, Dissolution, ElectrochemicalReaction, Dissociation, SideReaction |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of chromium or chromium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | cell electrode consisting of a current collector and active material |
Alternative Label(s) | Plate |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-02 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | SingleCoatedElectrode, DoubleCoatedElectrode, PastedPlate |
hasCoating | ElectrodeCoating |
hasCurrentCollector | CurrentCollector |
Elucidation | a covering on the surface of an object |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coating |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1570182 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Subclasses | ElectrodeCoating |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of cobalt or cobalt compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode which contains mostly materials based on cobalt |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | SodiumCobaltPhosphateElectrode, SodiumCobaltOxideElectrode, LithiumCobaltOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | a form factor describing a coin cell, which is a cylindrical cell where the height is less than the diameter |
Parent Classes | FormFactor |
Elucidation | a round-type case with a height that is less than the diameter |
Alternative Label(s) | ButtonCase |
Parent Classes | RoundCase |
Subclasses | R416, R754, R2325, R726, R521, R736, R2330, R2430, R621, R1136, R1220, R2016, R1121, R721, R716, R1216, R927, R1130, R2050, R626, R626, R516, R731, R2335, R2020, R512, R2032, R3032, R932, R2012, R2025, R926, R2412, R2477, R2450, R1142, R2354, R1131, R527, R712, R1511, R1126, R1616, R936, R11108, R616, R9, R1025, R921, R916, R1632, R1225, R2040, R2320, R1154 |
Elucidation | electrochemical cell that has two half-cells separated by a wall permeable to ions, both containing the same electrolyte differing only in their ion concentrations |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-08 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration_cell |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q903563 |
Parent Classes | GalvanicCell |
Elucidation | a material added to an electrode for the purpose of increasing its electronic conductivity. |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectronicallyConductiveElectrodeAdditive |
Parent Classes | Additive |
Elucidation | an electrochemical cell for conductivity measurements |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Elucidation | conductor of electricity used for carrying current between components in an electric circuit |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-37 |
Elucidation | charge during which the electric current is maintained at a constant value regardless of the battery voltage or temperature |
Alternative Label(s) | GalvanostaticCharging |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-38 |
Parent Classes | CurrentHold, Charging |
Subclasses | PulseCharging |
Elucidation | a two-step charging process in which a constant current is applied until a set upper cutoff voltage is reached and then the cell is potentiostatically held at that voltage until the current falls below some set threshhold value |
Alternative Label(s) | CCCV |
Parent Classes | TwoStepCharging |
Elucidation | a cycling protocol in which an electrochemical cell is first put through a CCCV charging process followed by a constant current discharge process |
Alternative Label(s) | CCCVCycling |
Parent Classes | Cycling |
Elucidation | a discharging process in which the current is kept at a constant value |
Alternative Label(s) | GalvanostaticDischarging |
Parent Classes | Discharging, CurrentHold |
Subclasses | PulseDischarging |
Elucidation | Signal consisting of successive pulses of electric potential of the same magnitude. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | signal consisting of a constant electric potential. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | charge during which the electric power is maintained at a constant value |
Parent Classes | PowerHold |
Elucidation | discharge during which the electric power is maintained at a constant value |
Parent Classes | PowerHold |
Elucidation | constant voltage charge where the electric current is limited to a predetermined value |
Alternative Label(s) | ModifiedConstantVoltageCharging |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-50 |
Parent Classes | VoltageHold |
Elucidation | a discharging process in which the voltage between the terminals of the electrochemical cell is kept at a constant value |
Alternative Label(s) | PotentiostaticDischarging |
Parent Classes | Discharging, VoltageHold |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of copper or copper compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | CopperOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is cupric oxide (copper (II) oxide) |
Alternative Label(s) | CupricOxideElectrode |
Parent Classes | CopperBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | measuring instrument to obtain the electrical charge passed in an experiment, or to produce a known amount of substance in a titration. |
Alternative Label(s) | Voltameter |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltameter |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q905539 |
Elucidation | electrode whose function is to carry the electric current flowing through the electrical circuit of an electrochemical cell, the electrochemical processes on its surface not being of interest |
Alternative Label(s) | AuxiliaryElectrode |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/A00535 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxiliary_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1768785 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Elucidation | A good electron conductor support designed to transfer electrons from the external circuit to the active materials of the cell. |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrodeCurrentCollector |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=485-06-07 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120907411 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | a process in which the electric current is controlled |
Subclasses | CurrentHold, GalvanostaticCycling, CurrentPulsing, StrippingChronopotentiometry |
Elucidation | a process in which the electric current is kept constant |
Alternative Label(s) | GalvanostaticProcess |
Parent Classes | CurrentControlledProcess |
Subclasses | ConstantCurrentDischarging, ConstantCurrentCharging |
Elucidation | plot of current versus applied potential (I-E) for a given system |
Alternative Label(s) | CurrentPotentialCurve, ElectricCurrentPotentialCurve |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPlot |
Subclasses | Voltammogram |
Elucidation | rapid, transient change in the amplitude of an electric current, from a baseline value to a higer or lower value, followed by a rapid return to the baseline value. |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q114979515 |
Parent Classes | ElectricCurrentSignal |
Elucidation | the process of applying a current pulse to an electrochemical device |
Parent Classes | CurrentControlledProcess |
Subclasses | PulseCharging, PulseDischarging |
Elucidation | plot of the dependence of instantaneous current on time |
Alternative Label(s) | CurrentTimeCurve |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPlot |
Elucidation | cycle number data, usually resulting from an electrochemical measurement process |
Elucidation | a series of data points indexed in cycle order |
Elucidation | set of operations that is carried out on a secondary cell or battery and is repeated regularly in the same sequence. |
Alternative Label(s) | ChargeCycle, ElectrochemicalCycling |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-28 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_cycle |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5074261 |
Subclasses | PotentiostaticCycling, GalvanostaticCycling, ConstantCurrentConstantVoltageCycling, FormationCycling |
Elucidation | a form factor describing a cylindrical cell, which has the shape of a cylinder nominally described by a height and diameter |
Parent Classes | FormFactor |
Elucidation | a round-type case with a height that is greater than or equal to the diameter |
Parent Classes | RoundCase |
Subclasses | R38138, R46800, R21700, R18650, R40108, R54137, R40920, R27660, R26650, R19660, R32700, R32134, R26700, R38136, R54215 |
Elucidation | needle-like or tree-like formation of crystalline growth formed during deposition of a material |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-07 |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01588 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrite_(crystal) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q190136 |
Elucidation | Small pulses of electric potential superimposed to a linear potential ramp or a staircase potential ramp. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | data that describes the mass diffusivity of some particle under some stated conditions |
Elucidation | Signal consisting of a constant electric current. |
Alternative Label(s) | ConstantCurrentSignal, DC |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-22 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_current |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5163647 |
Parent Classes | ElectricCurrentSignal |
Elucidation | electric current that flows in a constant direction, i.e. a current with a constant sign |
Alternative Label(s) | DC |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/D01767 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_current |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q159241 |
Elucidation | operation during which an electrochemical cell supplies electric energy as the result of chemical changes within the cell |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrochemicalDischarging |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-23 |
Subclasses | ConstantCurrentDischarging, ConstantVoltageDischarging |
Elucidation | data that is obtained from experiment or simulation during a discharging process |
Elucidation | process where molecules split up into ions due to being dissolved |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-08 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation_(chemistry) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q189673 |
Parent Classes | ChemicalReaction |
Elucidation | mixing of a substance into another substance with formation of one new homogeneous substance |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-04 |
Parent Classes | ChemicalReaction |
Subclasses | GasDissolution, Electrodissolution |
Elucidation | an electrode that is coated on both sides of the current collector |
Parent Classes | CoatedElectrode |
Elucidation | a double layer of charges exists at the interface between two conducting media: One side carries a positive excess charge, which is balanced by a negative excess of equal magnitude on the other side. |
Alternative Label(s) | DL, EDL, ElectricalDoubleLayer |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_layer_(surface_science) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q904857 |
Parent Classes | InterfacialRegion |
Elucidation | model representing the structure of an electrolyte at an electrode-electrolyte interface by a rigid layer formed by the charge carriers on the surface of the electrode and a diffuse layer formed by mobile ions in the electrolyte. |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectricalDoubleLayerModel, ElectricalPolarizationLayerModel |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-19 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_layer_(surface_science) |
Subclasses | BockrisDevanathanMuellerModel, GrahameModel, HelmholtzModel, SternModel, TrasattiBuzzancaModel, GouyChapmanModel |
Elucidation | mercury electrode formed by sequence of mercury drops falling from a small aperture |
Alternative Label(s) | DME |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dropping_mercury_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q962292 |
Parent Classes | MercuryElectrode |
Elucidation | part which insures insulation between the plate (electrode) edges and adjacent plates (electrodes) and the container side walls |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-19 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | Time-dependent variation of electric charge passed through a system. |
Parent Classes | ElectricSignal |
Elucidation | electric current data, usually resulting from an electrochemical measurement process |
Elucidation | measurement of electric current |
Elucidation | the result of an electric current measurement |
Elucidation | a system for measuing electric current |
Elucidation | Time-dependent variation of electric current |
Parent Classes | ElectricSignal |
Subclasses | TriangularCurrentWaveform, DirectCurrent, StaircaseCurrentRamp, CurrentPulseSignal, AlternatingCurrent, LinearCurrentRamp |
Elucidation | a system for measuring electric potential |
Elucidation | Time-dependent variation of electric potential |
Parent Classes | ElectricSignal |
Subclasses | ConstantPotentialSignal, SquareWavePotentialWaveform, SquareWaveVoltammetryWaveform, LinearPotentialRamp, PotentialPulse, ACVoltammetrySignal, IncreasingPotentialPulses, ConstantPotentialPulses, DifferentialPotentialPulse, SinusoidalPotentialWaveform, StaircasePotentialRamp, TriangularPotentialWaveform |
Elucidation | Time dependent variation of an electric quantity. |
Subclasses | ElectricPotentialSignal, ElectricChargeSignal, ElectricCurrentSignal |
Elucidation | change of the mechanical stress at the surface separating two bodies due to the presence of electric charges at the interface |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-02 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocapillarity |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q9252431 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | increasing the rate of an electrode reaction by adding specific material to the electrode. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-15 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q100318565 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | material that can cause electrocatalysis. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-16 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocatalyst |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5357962 |
Parent Classes | Catalyst |
Elucidation | a characterisation method used in electrochemistry |
Elucidation | a system containing two electrodes that allow transport of electrons, separated by an electrolyte that allows movement of ions but blocks movement of electrons. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-01 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrochemical_cell |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q80097 |
Subclasses | ElectrochemicalDevice, ThreeElectrodeCell, GalvanicCell, ElectrolyticCell |
hasElectrolyte | Electrolyte |
hasElectrode | Electrode |
hasNegativeElectrode | NegativeElectrode |
hasReferenceElectrode | ReferenceElectrode |
hasPositiveElectrode | PositiveElectrode |
hasWorkingElectrode | WorkingElectrode |
hasCounterElectrode | CounterElectrode |
Elucidation | A component in an electrochemical system. |
Subclasses | Coating, Additive, Electrode, Case, CellLid, CurrentCollector, Separator, CellCan, SaltBridge, Binder, ActiveMaterial, ActiveMaterialMix, EdgeInsulator, ChargeCarrier, Particle, Electrolyte |
Elucidation | A phenomenon that causes an electrochemical device to deviate from its ideal behaviour. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Subclasses | CapacityFade |
Elucidation | a device whose primary function is facilitating the conversion between chemical and electrical energy. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalCell |
Subclasses | SealedCell, ElectrolyticCapacitor, FlowCell, ConductivityCell, HermeticallySealedCell, NonSpillableCell, Supercapacitor, VentedCell |
hasCase | Case |
Elucidation | Device that stores electrical energy using a double layer in an electrochemical cell. |
Alternative Label(s) | DoubleLayerCapacitor, EDLC, ElectrochemicalCapacitor |
Parent Classes | Supercapacitor |
Elucidation | a system comprising one electrode in contact with an ionic conductor. |
Alternative Label(s) | HalfCell |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-cell |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q903509 |
hasElectrolyte | Electrolyte |
hasElectrode | Electrode |
Elucidation | situation in which a material in a given environment undergoes negligible electrochemical corrosion. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-03 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Subclasses | CathodicProtection |
Elucidation | a dataset resulting from an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy experiment or simulation |
Alternative Label(s) | EISData |
Elucidation | the two-dimensional space comprising the boundary between two electrochemical constituents |
Parent Classes | Interface |
Subclasses | LiquidJunction, ElectrodeElectrolyteInterface |
Elucidation | a material that takes active part in an electrochemical reaction |
Subclasses | ActiveMaterial, Electrolyte |
Elucidation | a method used in electrochemistry |
Elucidation | transport of ions in an electrolyte due to an electric field |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-06 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrochemical_migration |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30587730 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | a chemical phenomenon that is accompanied by the flow of electric current |
Subclasses | ElectrodePassivation, ThermalRunaway, ElectrochemicalDegradationPhenomenon, GassingOfACell, ElectrodePolarisation, ElectrolyteCreep, InterphaseGrowth, ElectrochemicalImmunity, Electrocatalysis, Electroosmosis, Electrocapillarity, ElectrochemicalMigration, Electrochemiluminescence, ElectrochemicalReaction, Leakage, Electrolysis, ActiveMaterialParticleCracking |
Elucidation | Graphical representation of a dataset resulting from the measurement of the response of an electrochemical system. |
Subclasses | ChargeTimePlot, NyquistPlot, CurrentTimePlot, CurrentPotentialPlot, PotentialTimePlot, BodePlot |
Elucidation | a type of supercapacitor that uses metal oxide or conducting polymer electrodes with a high amount of electrochemical pseudocapacitance additional to the double-layer capacitance |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudocapacitor |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7254569 |
Parent Classes | Supercapacitor |
Elucidation | a chemical reaction in an electrolyte involving a transfer of electrons between chemical components or between chemical components and an electrode |
Alternative Label(s) | ChargeTransferReaction, ChargeTransferReaction |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-01 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120892494 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon, ChemicalReaction |
Subclasses | ElectrodeReaction |
Elucidation | A material relation in electrochemistry. |
Subclasses | NernstEinsteinEquation, ButlerVolmerEquation, NernstEquation |
Elucidation | chemiluminescence produced in electrode reactions |
Alternative Label(s) | ECL, ElectrogeneratedChemiluminescence |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-18 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrochemiluminescence |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q755961 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | electronically conductive part in electric contact with a medium of lower electronic conductivity and intended to perform one or more of the functions of emitting charge carriers to or receiving charge carriers from that medium or to establish an electric field in that medium |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-03 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q176140 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Subclasses | RectangularElectrode, Cathode, PorousElectrode, CounterElectrode, CoatedElectrode, ActiveElectrode, NonPolarizableElectrode, InertElectrode, RoundElectrode, PositiveElectrode, Anode, PolarizableElectrode, NegativeElectrode, CarbonBasedElectrode, IndicatorElectrode, WorkingElectrode |
hasBinder | Binder |
hasActiveMaterial | ActiveMaterial |
Elucidation | an electrode which is coated onto a substrate, typically a metallic foil current collector. |
Parent Classes | Coating |
hasBinder | Binder |
hasAdditive | Additive |
hasActiveMaterial | ActiveMaterial |
Elucidation | interface between an electrolyte and an electrode where an electrode reaction takes place. |
Alternative Label(s) | ActiveSurfaceOfAnElectrode, ActiveSurfaceOfAnElectrode |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-05 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalInterface |
Elucidation | assembly of one positive plate, one negative plate and the associated separator if any |
Alternative Label(s) | PlatePair |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-09 |
Elucidation | formation of compounds that reduces the conductivity at the surface of an electrode |
Alternative Label(s) | Passivation |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-16 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passivation_(chemistry) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q917260 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | accumulation or depletion of electric charges at an electrode, resulting in a difference between the electrode potential with current flow, and the potential without current flow or equilibrium electrode potential |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrodePolarization, Polarisation, Polarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-15 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarization_(electrochemistry) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2698605 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Subclasses | CathodicPolarisation, AnodicPolarisation |
Elucidation | electrochemical reaction involving the transfer of electrons between electrolyte and electrode |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-04 |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.E01960 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalReaction |
Subclasses | Electrodissolution, AnodicReaction, Electrodeposition, CathodicReaction |
Elucidation | finished assembly of the positive and negative plate (electrode) groups with interleaved separators and terminals or intercell connectors |
Alternative Label(s) | PlatePack |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-08 |
Elucidation | the process of forming a film or a bulk material using an electrochemical process where the electrons are supplied by an external power supply |
Parent Classes | ElectrodeReaction |
Subclasses | Electroplating |
Elucidation | the electrochemical dissolution of a material to soluble species |
Parent Classes | ElectrodeReaction, Dissolution |
Elucidation | method of separating and neutralizing ions by an electric current in an electrolytic cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-09 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q64403 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | a material in which the mobile species are ions and free movement of electrons is blocked. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-02 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolyte |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q162908 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent, ElectrochemicalMaterial |
Subclasses | SolidElectrolyte, BinaryElectrolyte, LiquidElectrolyte, PolymerElectrolyte |
Elucidation | A substance added to an electrolyte to alter its properties |
Parent Classes | Additive |
Elucidation | gradual and slow spreading of an electrolyte film on the external surface of a cell or battery |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-30 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | device used to assist in the measurement of the level of electrolyte in a cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-52 |
Elucidation | a liquid electrolyte that consists of solutes dissolved in a solvent |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrolyticSolution |
Parent Classes | LiquidElectrolyte |
Subclasses | SupportingElectrolyte, OrganicElectrolyte, AqueousElectrolyte |
Elucidation | capacitor consisting of a metallic plate as first conductor, a very thin oxide film formed on the metal as the dielectric and an electrolyte as second conductor |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-04 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolytic_capacitor |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1326992 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Elucidation | electrochemical cell intended to produce chemical reactions |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-06 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolytic_cell |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2608426 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalCell |
Subclasses | PhotoelectrolyticCell |
Elucidation | data that describes the electrolytic conductivitysome material under some stated conditions |
Elucidation | movement of a fluid through a diaphragm, produced by application of an electric field |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-01 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electro-osmosis |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q241065 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | process inside an electrolytic cell used to coat a conductive object with a layer of a material |
Alternative Label(s) | Galvanizing |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-17 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroplating |
Parent Classes | Electrodeposition |
Elucidation | data processing procedure that determines the energy based on time data, voltage data, and electric current data |
Parent Classes | MeasurementDataPostProcessing |
Elucidation | extended charge to ensure an equal state of charge of all cells in a battery |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-40 |
Parent Classes | Charging |
Elucidation | data that describes the exchange current density of some material or electrode under some stated conditions |
Elucidation | a sheet that has been slit and stretched to form a network of diamond-shaped openings, providing structural strength and high surface area for applications like filtration and reinforcement |
Elucidation | mass m of electrochemically-transformed substance is proportional to the charge Q passed, m ∝ Q. |
Alternative Label(s) | FaradaysLaw, FaradaysLawOfElectrolysis |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday%27s_laws_of_electrolysis#First_law |
Elucidation | when the same electric charge (quantity of electricity) Q is passed through several electrolytes, the mass, m_i, of the substances deposited are proportional to their respective chemical equivalent molar mass, M_i/z_i. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday%27s_laws_of_electrolysis#Second_law |
Elucidation | vent of special design which provides protection against the propagation of a flame front from or into the interior of a secondary cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-11 |
Elucidation | charge during which the voltage is maintained at a constant value regardless of charge current or temperature |
Alternative Label(s) | ConstantVoltageCharging, PotentiostaticCharging |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-49 |
Parent Classes | Charging, VoltageHold |
Elucidation | an electrochemical cell in which the active materials are flowed through the cell from an external source |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrochemicalFlowCell |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Subclasses | HybridFlowCell |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is tin oxide doped with fluorine |
Alternative Label(s) | FTOElectrode |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | a sheet of material in which the thickness is much smaller than the length and width |
Elucidation | a sign that is used to indicate the shape of the case of an electrochemical device |
Subclasses | Coin, Prismatic, Cylindrical, Pouch |
Elucidation | the cycling of a cell after manufacturing, usually for the purpose of forming interfacial layers |
Parent Classes | Cycling |
Elucidation | galvanic cell that transforms chemical energy from continuously supplied reactants to electric energy by an electrochemical process. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-05 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_cell |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q180253 |
Parent Classes | GalvanicCell |
Elucidation | electrochemical cell in which chemical reactions occur spontaneously and chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-02 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galvanic_cell |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q209440 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalCell |
Subclasses | ThermogalvanicCell, ConcentrationCell, FuelCell |
Elucidation | instrument which controls the electric current between the working electrode and the auxiliary electrode |
Alternative Label(s) | Amperostat |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galvanostat |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5519411 |
Elucidation | a cycling protocol in which an electrochemical cell is subject to alternating galvanostatic charging and discharging processes |
Parent Classes | CurrentControlledProcess, Cycling |
Elucidation | a dataset resulting from a galvanostatic intermittent titration technique experiment or simulation |
Alternative Label(s) | GITTData |
Parent Classes | TimeSeriesElectricalDataSet |
Elucidation | a type of electrode specifically designed for gaseous reactants or products or both |
Alternative Label(s) | GDE |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=485-02-02 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_diffusion_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q909759 |
Parent Classes | PorousElectrode, InertElectrode |
Subclasses | CardonDioxideElectrode, AirElectrode, OxygenElectrode |
Elucidation | the dissolution of molecules from a gas into another phase |
Parent Classes | Dissolution |
Elucidation | process through which a gas is evolved |
Alternative Label(s) | Gassing |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_evolution_reaction |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5526337 |
Parent Classes | ChemicalReaction |
Elucidation | evolution of gas resulting from electrolysis of the water in the electrolyte of a cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-51 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | a separator is composed of a mass of intermeshed glass fibers. |
Alternative Label(s) | FibreglassSeparator |
Parent Classes | Separator |
Elucidation | electrode made of glassy carbon material with an intertwined graphitic ribbon structure, formed by pyrolysis of a resol precursor at temperatures up to 3000 °C |
Alternative Label(s) | GCE |
Parent Classes | InertElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of gold or gold compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | GoldElectrode |
Elucidation | foil, wire or disc electrode made of gold which is easily fabricated into a variety of electrode geometries |
Alternative Label(s) | AuElectrode |
Parent Classes | GoldBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | an extension of the Helmholtz model that describes the distribution of ions as a function of distance from the electrode surface to the bulk of the electroylte |
Parent Classes | DoubleLayerModel |
Elucidation | a modification of the Stern model that considers the double layer as three regions separated by the inner Helmholtz plane and the outer Helmholtz plane |
Parent Classes | DoubleLayerModel |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is graphite |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode, CarbonBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is hard carbon |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode, CarbonBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | a structural representation of the double layer that states that the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of the electrode is balanced by a layer of ions in the electrolyte |
Parent Classes | DoubleLayerModel |
Elucidation | permanently sealed gas tight cell without pressure release device |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-01 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Elucidation | a flow cell that uses one or more electroactive components deposited as a solid layer |
Parent Classes | FlowCell |
Elucidation | platinized platinum electrode saturated by a stream of pure gaseous hydrogen |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-16 |
Parent Classes | InertElectrode |
Elucidation | Pulses of electric potential, of amplitude increasing by a constant increment and with a pulse width of 2 to 200 ms, which are superimposed on a constant initial potential. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | electrode that responds to one, or more than one, species in the solution being investigated, with no appreciable change of bulk solution composition during the measurement |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/I03006 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120907462 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of indium or indium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is indium tin oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | ITO |
Parent Classes | BimetallicOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode that serves only as a source or sink for electrons without playing a chemical role in the electrode reaction |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-08 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120907475 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | GlassyCarbonElectrode, CarbonPasteElectrode, GasDiffusionElectrode, HydrogenElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode at which the predominant electrochemical reaction includes an insertion (intercalation) step |
Alternative Label(s) | IntercalationElectrode |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | ProtonInsertionElectrode, AluminiumInsertionElectrode, ZincInsertionElectrode, LithiumInsertionElectrode, CalciumInsertionElectrode, PotassiumInsertionElectrode, SodiumInsertionElectrode, MagnesiumInsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | the plane ideally marking the boundary between two phases |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03082 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_(matter) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q901882 |
Subclasses | ElectrochemicalInterface |
Elucidation | a 3D spatial region at an interface with physical properties that are distinct from the bulk phases in contact |
Subclasses | DoubleLayer, Interphase, PassivationLayer, SpaceChargeLayer |
Elucidation | a spatial region at the interface between two bulk phases in contact, which is different chemically and physically from both phases in contact |
Alternative Label(s) | InterfacialLayer, InterfacialRegion |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/I03085 |
Parent Classes | InterfacialRegion |
Elucidation | the process through which the size of an interphase increases over time |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | A membrane having ion-exchange groups: |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.IT07155 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion-exchange_membrane |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q21082486 |
Parent Classes | Separator |
Elucidation | An ionic liquid is an electrolyte composed of a salt that is liquid below 100 °C. Ionic liquids have found uses in electrochemical analysis, because their unconventional properties include a negligible vapor pressure, a high thermal and electrochemical stability, and exceptional dissolution properties for both organic and inorganic chemical species. |
Alternative Label(s) | IonicLiquid |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionic_liquid |
Parent Classes | NonAqueousElectrolyte |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of iridium or iridium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is iridium oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | IrO2Electrode |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode which contains mostly materials based on iron |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | IronDisulfideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of iron or iron compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of iron disulfide or iron disulfide compounds. |
Parent Classes | IronBasedElectrode, ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of iron phosphate or iron phosphate compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | LithiumIronPhosphateElectrode, SodiumIronPhosphateElectrode |
Elucidation | partial or complete external covering of a cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-20 |
Elucidation | For any electrolyte A_xB_y, the limiting molar conductivity is expressed as x times the limiting molar conductivity of A^{y+} and y times the limiting molar conductivity of B^{x-}. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molar_conductivity#Kohlrausch's_law_of_independent_migration_of_ions |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3258329 |
Elucidation | the rate of the chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the activities or concentrations of the reactants |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_mass_action |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q899494 |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of lead or lead compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lead oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | PbOElectrode |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | unplanned escape of electrolyte, gas or other material from a cell or battery |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-32 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | an aqueous mixture of ammonium chloride and zinc chloride |
Parent Classes | NearNeutralElectrolyte |
Elucidation | material used to seal the cell lid to the case or to the terminals of a cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-16 |
Elucidation | signal where an electric current is varied linearly from an initial current, typically 0 A |
Parent Classes | ElectricCurrentSignal |
Elucidation | Signal where the electric potential is varied linearly from an initial potential. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | an electrolyte in the liquid phase. |
Parent Classes | Electrolyte |
Subclasses | Catholyte, NonAqueousElectrolyte, Anolyte, ElectrolyteSolution |
Elucidation | a liquid electrode with an active material of gallium |
Parent Classes | LiquidMetalElectrode |
Elucidation | any junction between two electrolyte solutions of different composition. |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/L03584 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalInterface |
Elucidation | an electrode that uses a liquid metal |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_metal_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6557456 |
Parent Classes | MetalElectrode |
Subclasses | LiquidGalliumElectrode, MercuryElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of lithium or lithium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | LithiumElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium cobalt oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | LCOElectrode |
Parent Classes | CobaltBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the active material is lithium metal |
Parent Classes | LithiumBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | a solution of lithium hydroxide (LiOH) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Alternative Label(s) | AqueousLithiumHydroxideSolution, LiOHSolution |
Parent Classes | AlkalineElectrolyte |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is lithium |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium iron phosphate |
Alternative Label(s) | LFPElectrode |
Parent Classes | IronPhosphateBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium manganese iron phosphate |
Alternative Label(s) | LMFPElectrode |
Parent Classes | ManganesePhosphateBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium manganese oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | LMOElectrode |
Parent Classes | ManganeseBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode with blended lithium manganese oxide (LMO) and lithium iron phosphate (LFP) active materials |
Alternative Label(s) | LMOLFPElectrode |
Parent Classes | BimetallicOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium manganese phosphate |
Alternative Label(s) | LMPElectrode |
Parent Classes | ManganesePhosphateBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium nickel cobalt aluminium oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | NCAElectrode |
Parent Classes | NickelBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode with blended lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) and lithium manganese oxide (LMO) active materials |
Alternative Label(s) | NMCLMOElectrode |
Parent Classes | BimetallicOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium nickel manganese cobalt |
Alternative Label(s) | NMCElectrode |
Parent Classes | NickelBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode with blended lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) and lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) active materials |
Alternative Label(s) | NMCLCOElectrode |
Parent Classes | BimetallicOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium nickel manganese oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | LNMOElectrode |
Parent Classes | NickelBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode with blended lithium nickel manganese oxide (LNMO) and lithium iron phosphate (LFP) active materials |
Alternative Label(s) | LNMOLFPElectrode |
Parent Classes | BimetallicOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium nickel oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | LNOElectrode |
Parent Classes | NickelBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium titanate |
Alternative Label(s) | LTOElectrode |
Parent Classes | TitaniumBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is lithium vanadium oxide |
Parent Classes | VanadiumBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of magnesium or magnesium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is magnesium |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of manganese or manganese compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | SodiumManganeseHexacyanoferrateElectrode, LithiumManganeseOxideElectrode, ManganeseDioxideElectrode, SodiumManganeseOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of manganese dioxide or manganese dioxide compounds. |
Alternative Label(s) | MnO2Electrode |
Parent Classes | ManganeseBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of manganese phosphate or manganese phosphate compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | LithiumManganesePhosphateElectrode, LithiumManganeseIronPhosphateElectrode, SodiumManganesePhosphateElectrode |
Elucidation | A class from CHAMEO |
Subclasses | CapacityCalculation, EnergyCalculation |
Elucidation | liquid metal electrode used in polarography |
Alternative Label(s) | HgElectrode |
Parent Classes | LiquidMetalElectrode |
Subclasses | DroppingMercuryElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the actve electrochemical material is a metal |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | ZincElectrode, SolidAmalgamElectrode, BimetallicElectrode, LiquidMetalElectrode |
Elucidation | case with multiple separate cell compartments |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-18 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | ridges in the bottom of the case which support the plate pack (electrode stack) and thus create a space which allows the active material detached from the plates (electrodes) to settle without causing a short-circuit between the plates (electrodes) |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-18 |
Elucidation | an aqueous electrolyte with a nominal pH value between 4 and 10. |
Alternative Label(s) | NearNeutralAqueousElectrolyte, NearNeutralSolution |
Parent Classes | AqueousElectrolyte |
Subclasses | Seawater, LeclancheElectrolyte, AmmoniumChlorideSolution, ZincChlorideSolution |
Elucidation | for a device having two electrodes, that electrode having the lower electric potential |
Alternative Label(s) | NegativePlate, NegativePlate |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=151-13-04 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120907506 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Elucidation | accessible conductive part provided for the connection of an external electric circuit to the negative electrode of the cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-24 |
Parent Classes | Terminal |
Elucidation | an equation relating the limiting molar conductivity Λ_m^0 to the ionic diffusion coefficients. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein_relation_(kinetic_theory)#Nernst%E2%80%93Einstein_equation |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q9325636 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalRelation |
Elucidation | An equation that relates the reduction potential of an electrochemical reaction (half-cell or full cell reaction) to the standard electrode potential, temperature, and activities (often approximated by concentrations) of the chemical species undergoing reduction and oxidation. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nernst_equation |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q751124 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalRelation |
Elucidation | insertion or removal of electrons into or from ions to obtain particles having zero electric charge |
Alternative Label(s) | Neutralization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-11 |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of nickel or nickel compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | NickelOxideHydroxideElectrode, LithiumNickelManganeseOxideElectrode, SodiumNickelPhosphateElectrode, NickelOxideElectrode, LithiumNickelManganeseCobaltOxideElectrode, LithiumNickelOxideElectrode, LithiumNickelCobaltAluminumOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is nickel oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | NiOElectrode |
Parent Classes | NickelBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of nickel oxide hydroxide or nickel oxide hydroxide compounds. |
Alternative Label(s) | NiOOHElectrode, NickelOxyhydroxideElectrode |
Parent Classes | NickelBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an ion-transport medium that does not contain water. |
Alternative Label(s) | NonAqueousElectrolyticSolution, NonAqueousSolution |
Parent Classes | LiquidElectrolyte |
Subclasses | OrganicElectrolyte, NonAqueousInorganicElectrolyte, IonicLiquidElectrolyte |
Elucidation | an electrolyte solution that contains no water and no organic species |
Parent Classes | NonAqueousElectrolyte |
Elucidation | an electrode that holds its potential essentially constant by efficiently allowing electric current to pass |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | ReferenceElectrode |
Elucidation | cell from which electrolyte cannot escape regardless of its orientation |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-16 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Elucidation | potential of a platinum electrode in 1 M acid solution. |
Alternative Label(s) | NHE |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q115694592 |
Parent Classes | ReferenceElectrode |
Elucidation | plots of the out of phase vs. the in phase component of the impedance for all the frequencies tested in an impedimetry measurement |
Alternative Label(s) | ComplexPlanePlot, NyquistDiagram |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist_stability_criterion#Nyquist_plot |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1333343 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPlot |
Elucidation | a lightweight, porous material characterized by a network of interconnected pores, typically made from metals or polymers, which allows for high gas and liquid permeability and is used in applications such as filtration, thermal insulation, and energy absorption |
Alternative Label(s) | ReticulatedFoam |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticulated_foam |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1312510 |
Elucidation | an electrolyte solution with an organic solvent |
Parent Classes | NonAqueousElectrolyte, ElectrolyteSolution |
Elucidation | cable used for the electrical connection of the battery terminals and the load and/or the charger |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-36 |
Elucidation | continued charging of a fully charged secondary cell or battery |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-44 |
Parent Classes | Charging |
Elucidation | a gas diffusion electrode in which the active material is oxygen (O2) |
Parent Classes | GasDiffusionElectrode |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 12 mm, width of 103 mm, and height of 310 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P12/103/310 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 12 mm, width of 120 mm, and height of 80 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P12/120/80 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 12 mm, width of 120 mm, and height of 81 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | HEV2, P12/120/81 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 12 mm, width of 120 mm, and height of 85 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P12/120/85 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 13 mm, width of 120 mm, and height of 85 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | HEV1, P13/120/85 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 17 mm, width of 148 mm, and height of 91 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P17/148/91, PHEV2 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 18 mm, width of 65 mm, and height of 140 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P18/65/140 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 18 mm, width of 68 mm, and height of 107 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P18/68/107 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 20 mm, width of 100 mm, and height of 141 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P20/100/141 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 21 mm, width of 148 mm, and height of 128 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P21/148/128 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 21 mm, width of 173 mm, and height of 85 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P21/173/85, PHEV1 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 27 mm, width of 148 mm, and height of 129 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P27/148/129 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 27 mm, width of 148 mm, and height of 91 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P27/148/91 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 27 mm, width of 148 mm, and height of 98 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P27/148/98 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 27 mm, width of 70 mm, and height of 102 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P27/70/102 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 27 mm, width of 70 mm, and height of 120 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P27/70/120 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 27 mm, width of 70 mm, and height of 131 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P27/70/131 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 29 mm, width of 135 mm, and height of 214 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P29/135/214 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 32 mm, width of 173 mm, and height of 115 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | BEV1, P32/173/115 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 32 mm, width of 173 mm, and height of 225 |
Alternative Label(s) | BEV3, P32/173/225 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 40 mm, width of 148 mm, and height of 95 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | P40/148/95 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 45 mm, width of 173 mm, and height of 115 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | BEV2, P45/173/115 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | a prismatic case with a nominal length of 45 mm, width of 173 mm, and height of 225 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | BEV4, P45/173/225 |
Parent Classes | PrismaticCase |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of palladium or palladium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | arrangement of cells or batteries wherein all the positive terminals and all the negative terminals, respectively, are connected together. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-39 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q302489 |
Elucidation | arrangement of cells or batteries wherein parallel connected cells or batteries are connected in series. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-40 |
Elucidation | an unwanted side reaction |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-07 |
Parent Classes | SideReaction |
Elucidation | a small localized object which can be described by several physical or chemical properties, such as volume, density, or mass. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | an interfacial layer of an electrode surface, that causes the electrode to become passivated |
Parent Classes | InterfacialRegion |
Subclasses | SolidElectrolyteInterphase |
Elucidation | plate in which the active material is applied as a paste to a conductive current collector |
Alternative Label(s) | PastedElectrode |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-03 |
Parent Classes | CoatedElectrode |
Elucidation | a thin sheet that has been punched with a pattern of holes, offering controlled porosity and strength for uses in filtration, sound suppression, and structural components |
Elucidation | a solution of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Parent Classes | AcidicElectrolyte |
Elucidation | electrolytic cell in which a chemical reaction is influenced by the absorption of light. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-04-19 |
Parent Classes | ElectrolyticCell |
Elucidation | assembly of plates of the same polarity electrically connected together |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-04 |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of platinum or platinum compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | PlatinumElectrode |
Elucidation | foil, wire, disc, or mesh electrode made of platinum, which is the most commonly used metallic working electrode in electrochemistry |
Alternative Label(s) | PtElectrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q20851363 |
Parent Classes | PlatinumBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | reversing of the polarities of the electrodes of a cell, generally due to over-discharge of a low-capacity cell in a series arrangement |
Alternative Label(s) | CellReversal |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-03 |
Elucidation | electrode whose potential changes with an applied potential |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Elucidation | a polymer matrix capable of ion conduction |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymer_electrolytes |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q107223477 |
Parent Classes | Electrolyte |
Elucidation | porous electrodes consist of porous matrices of a single reactive electronic conductor or a mixture of solids that include essentially non-conducting, reactive materials in addition to electronic conductors. An electrolytic solution fills the void spaces of the porous matrix. |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | GasDiffusionElectrode |
Elucidation | a separator with a porosity greater than 0 |
Parent Classes | Separator |
Elucidation | for a device having two electrodes, that electrode having the higher electric potential |
Alternative Label(s) | PositivePlate, PositivePlate |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=151-13-05 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q120907518 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | TubularPlate |
Elucidation | accessible conductive part provided for the connection of an external electric circuit to the positive electrode of the cell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-25 |
Parent Classes | Terminal |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of potassium or potassium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Alternative Label(s) | AqueousPotassiumHydroxideSolution, KOHSolution |
Parent Classes | AlkalineElectrolyte |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is potassium |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | Rapid, transient change in the amplitude of an electric potential, from a baseline value to a higer or lower value, followed by a rapid return to the baseline value. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | plot of the time-dependence of instantaneous electric potential following a change in applied current |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectricPotentialTimeCurve, ElectricPotentialTimePlot, PotentialTimeCurve |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPlot |
Elucidation | measuring instrument for electric current that controls the potential difference between a working electrode and a reference electrode and measures the electric current between a working electrode and an auxiliary electrode. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potentiostat |
Elucidation | electrochemical method where the voltage of an electrochemical device is held constant while measuring the current response over multiple charge-discharge cycles to evaluate its performance and stability |
Parent Classes | VoltageControlledProcess, Cycling |
Elucidation | a form factor describing a pouch cell, which has the shape of a rectangular prism where the thickness less than the length and the width and the case material is flexible |
Parent Classes | FormFactor |
Elucidation | a soft pouch case that is described by its length, width, and height |
Parent Classes | Case |
Elucidation | a material comprised of many particles |
Elucidation | a process in which the electric power is controlled |
Subclasses | PowerHold |
Elucidation | a process in which the electric power is kept constant |
Alternative Label(s) | ConstantPowerOperation, FonctionnementAPuissanceConstante |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=485-11-02 |
Parent Classes | PowerControlledProcess |
Subclasses | ConstantPowerDischarging, ConstantPowerCharging |
Elucidation | vent of special design which allows to release gas from a cell in order to avoid excessive internal pressure and thereby to preclude rupture or explosion of the cell container |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-41 |
Elucidation | a form factor describing a prismatic cell, which has the shape of a rectangular prism |
Parent Classes | FormFactor |
Elucidation | a rigid prismatic case that is described by characteristic length, width, and height |
Parent Classes | Case |
Subclasses | P21148128, P12103310, P1865140, P45173225, P45173115, P29135214, P2117385, P4014895, P1212085, P2714898, P1714891, P27148129, P2770120, P32173115, P1312085, P32173225, P2770102, P2770131, P20100141, P1212080, P1212081, P1868107, MonoblocContainer, P2714891 |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is a proton (hydrogen) |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | a dataset resulting from a pseudo-open-circuit voltage experiment or simulation |
Alternative Label(s) | POCVData, PseudoOCVData |
Parent Classes | TimeSeriesElectricalDataSet |
Elucidation | charging an electrochemical device at a given charging current for a defined short duration |
Parent Classes | ConstantCurrentCharging, CurrentPulsing |
Elucidation | discharging an electrochemical device at a given charging current for a defined short duration |
Parent Classes | ConstantCurrentDischarging, CurrentPulsing |
Elucidation | time series data that contains a controlled pulse and the response of a system |
Parent Classes | TimeSeriesElectricalDataSet |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 10.0 mm and a height of 2.5 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.6 mm and a height of 10.8 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.6 mm and a height of 2.1 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R55 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.6 mm and a height of 2.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R56 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.5 mm and a height of 3.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.6 mm and a height of 3.1 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R54 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.6 mm and a height of 3.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R42 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.6 mm and a height of 4.2 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R43 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 11.6 mm and a height of 5.4 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R44 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 12.5 mm and a height of 1.6 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 12.5 mm and a height of 2.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 12.05 mm and a height of 2.5 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 15.8 mm and a height of 11.1 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R52 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 16.0 mm and a height of 1.6 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 16.0 mm and a height of 3.2 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 18 mm and height of 65 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R18/65, R1865 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 19 mm and height of 66 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R19/66 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 20.0 mm and a height of 1.2 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 20.0 mm and a height of 1.6 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 20.0 mm and a height of 2.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 20.0 mm and a height of 2.5 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 20.0 mm and a height of 3.2 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 20.0 mm and a height of 4.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 20.0 mm and a height of 5.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 21 mm and height of 70 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R21/70, R2170 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 23.0 mm and a height of 2.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin cell case with a nominal diameter of 23.0 mm and a height of 2.5 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R23/3 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 23.0 mm and a height of 3.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 23.0 mm and a height of 3.5 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 23.0 mm and a height of 5.4 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 24.5 mm and a height of 1.2 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 24.5 mm and a height of 3.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 24.5 mm and a height of 5.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 24.5 mm and a height of 7.7 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 26 mm and height of 65 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R26/65 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 26 mm and height of 70 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R26/70 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 27 mm and height of 66 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R27/66 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 30.0 mm and a height of 3.2 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 32 mm and height of 134 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R32/134 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 32 mm and height of 70 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R32/70 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 38 mm and height of 136 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R38/136 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 38 mm and height of 138 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R38/138 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 40 mm and height of 108 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R40/108 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 40 mm and height of 92 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R40/92 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 4.8 mm and a height of 1.6 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 46 mm and height of 80 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R46/80, R4680 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 5.8 mm and a height of 1.3 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 5.8 mm and a height of 1.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R62 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 5.8 mm and a height of 2.1 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R63 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 5.8 mm and a height of 2.7 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R64 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 54 mm and height of 137 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R54/137 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a cylindrical case with a nominal diameter of 54 mm and height of 215 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R54/215 |
Parent Classes | CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 6.8 mm and a height of 1.65 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R65 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 6.8 mm and a height of 2.1 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R60 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 6.8 mm and a height of 2.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R66 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 6.8 mm and a height of 2.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R66 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 7.9 mm and a height of 1.3 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 7.9 mm and a height of 1.65 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R67 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 7.9 mm and a height of 2.1 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R58 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 7.9 mm and a height of 2.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R59 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 7.9 mm and a height of 3.1 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 7.9 mm and a height of 3.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R41 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 7.9 mm and a height of 5.4 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R48 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 15.5 mm and a height of 6.0 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 9.5 mm and a height of 1.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R68 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 9.5 mm and a height of 2.1 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R69 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 9.5 mm and a height of 2.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R57 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 9.5 mm and a height of 2.7 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 9.3 mm and a height of 3.2 mm |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a coin case with a nominal diameter of 9.5 mm and a height of 3.6 mm |
Alternative Label(s) | R45 |
Parent Classes | CoinCase |
Elucidation | a measurement of one or more quantities, usually at a given time |
Elucidation | an electrode in the shape of a rectangle |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Elucidation | Electrode with a well-defined and constant equilibrium potential with respect to which it is possible to measure or calculate electrode potentials of other electrodes by including them in an appropriate electrochemical cell. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-15 |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/R05229 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q653954 |
Parent Classes | NonPolarizableElectrode |
Subclasses | ReversibleHydrogenElectrode, StandardHydrogenElectrode, SilverChlorideElectrode, SaturatedCalomelElectrode, NormalHydrogenElectrode |
Elucidation | a practical hydrogen electrode whose potential depends on the pH of the solution |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversible_hydrogen_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q900576 |
Parent Classes | ReferenceElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of rhodium or rhodium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | A disc electrode that is embedded in the centre of a cylinder which rotates in solution around the longitudinal cylinder axis. |
Alternative Label(s) | RDE |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_disk_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3587619 |
Parent Classes | RoundElectrode |
Subclasses | RotatingRingDiskElectrode |
Elucidation | a second annular working electrode positioned concentric with a rotating disc electrode to make a rotating ring-disc electrode (RRDE) |
Alternative Label(s) | RRDE |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_ring-disk_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5829908 |
Parent Classes | RotatingDiskElectrode |
Elucidation | a case that is described by its diameter and height |
Parent Classes | Case |
Subclasses | CoinCase, CylindricalCase |
Elucidation | an electrode in the shape of a circle |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | RotatingDiskElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of ruthenium or ruthenium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is ruthenium oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | RuO2Electrode |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | means of making electrolytic connection between two half cells without introducing a significant liquid junction potential. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_bridge |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q899119 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Elucidation | A reference electrode based on the reaction between elemental mercury and mercury(I) chloride. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturated_calomel_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q898591 |
Parent Classes | ReferenceElectrode |
Elucidation | solution which has the same concentration of a solute as one that is in equilibrium with undissolved solute at specified values of the temperature and pressure |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-14 |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05471 |
Elucidation | cell which remains closed and does not release either gas or liquid when operated within the limits specified by the manufacturer |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-17 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Elucidation | a naturally occuring solution of salts (mostly NaCl) dissolved in water |
Parent Classes | NearNeutralElectrolyte |
Elucidation | phenomenon by which a cell or battery loses energy in other ways than by discharge into an external circuit |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-27 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-discharge |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1418367 |
Parent Classes | CapacityFade |
Elucidation | in an electrochemical cell, device made of insulating material permeable to the ions of the electrolyte and prohibiting totally or partially the mixing of the substances on both sides. |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrochemicalSeparator, ElectrochemicalSeparator |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-17 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separator_(electricity) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1718181 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalComponent |
Subclasses | IonExchangeMembrane, PorousSeparator, AsymmetricMembrane, GlassFibreSeparator |
Elucidation | arrangement of cells or batteries wherein the positive terminal of each cell or battery is connected to the negative terminal of the next cell or battery in sequence. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-41 |
Elucidation | arrangement of cells or batteries wherein in series connected cells or batteries are connected in parallel. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-42 |
Elucidation | chemical reaction which occurs in addition to the main process |
Alternative Label(s) | SecondaryReaction, SecondaryReaction |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-06 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_reaction |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q22117434 |
Parent Classes | ChemicalReaction |
Subclasses | ParasiticReaction |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of silicon or silicon compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode with blended silicon and graphite active materials |
Parent Classes | BlendedActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is silicon oxide |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode with blended silicon oxide and graphite active materials |
Parent Classes | BlendedActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of silver or silver compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | SilverElectrode |
Elucidation | A type of reference electrode based on the reaction between sliver and silver chloride. |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_chloride_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q900939 |
Parent Classes | ReferenceElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in the form of foil, mesh, wire, rod, tube, powder, pellets, or single crystal of silver |
Alternative Label(s) | AgElectrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q20851418 |
Parent Classes | SilverBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of manganese dioxide or vmanganese dioxide compounds |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode that is coated on only one side of the current collector |
Parent Classes | CoatedElectrode |
Elucidation | alternating current consistent with a sinusoidal waveform |
Parent Classes | AlternatingCurrent |
Elucidation | Sinusoidal alternating potential of small amplitude (10 to 50 mV) of constant frequency (10 Hz to 100 kHz). |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of sodium or sodium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium chromium oxide |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium cobalt oxide |
Parent Classes | CobaltBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium cobalt phosphate |
Parent Classes | CobaltBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Alternative Label(s) | AqueousSodiumHydroxideSolution, NaOHSolution |
Parent Classes | AlkalineElectrolyte |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is sodium |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium iron hexacyanoferrate |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium iron phosphate |
Parent Classes | IronPhosphateBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium manganese hexacyanoferrate |
Parent Classes | ManganeseBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium manganese oxide |
Parent Classes | ManganeseBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium manganese phosphate |
Parent Classes | ManganesePhosphateBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium metatitanate |
Parent Classes | TitaniumBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium nickel phosphate |
Parent Classes | NickelBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium titanium oxide |
Parent Classes | TitaniumBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is sodium titanium phosphate |
Parent Classes | TitaniumBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode made of a solid amalgam of an appropriate metal |
Alternative Label(s) | SAE |
Parent Classes | MetalElectrode |
Alternative Label(s) | FastIonConductor, SolidStateElectrolyte |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_ion_conductor |
Parent Classes | Electrolyte |
Elucidation | an interfacial layer that forms between an electrode phase and and electrolyte phase, due to the decomposition of the electrolyte |
Alternative Label(s) | SEI |
Parent Classes | PassivationLayer |
Subclasses | CathodeElectrolyteInterphase |
Elucidation | an interphase formed when two materials with different chemical potentials are brought in contact with each other, and the atoms or electrons are unable to migrate to establish local charge neutrality |
Alternative Label(s) | DepletionLayer, DepletionRegion, DepletionZone, JunctionRegion, SpaceChargeRegion |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=521-02-82 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depletion_region |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q288224 |
Parent Classes | InterfacialRegion |
Elucidation | component of a cell made of insulating material intended to maintain the spacing between plates of opposite polarity or between the plate pack and the case |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-10 |
Elucidation | an elastic device |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_(device) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q102836 |
Subclasses | WaveSpring, BellevilleWasher |
Elucidation | Periodic potential where the amplitude alternates at a steady frequency between fixed minimum and maximum values, with the same duration at minimum and maximum. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | Square wave potential waveform superimposed to a linear potential ramp or a staircase potential ramp. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | Successive current steps that form a signal with a staircase waveform. |
Parent Classes | ElectricCurrentSignal |
Elucidation | Successive steps of electric potential that form a staircase waveform. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | for solutions in protic solvents, the universal reference electrode for which, under standard conditions, the standard electrode potential (H+ / H2) is zero at all temperatures |
Alternative Label(s) | SHE |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/S05917 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_hydrogen_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q898559 |
Parent Classes | ReferenceElectrode |
Elucidation | describes the double layer as divided into two parts separated by the Stern plane, located about one hydrated ion radius from the electrode surface |
Parent Classes | DoubleLayerModel |
Elucidation | the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction in the form of symbols and formulae, wherein the reactant entities are given on the left-hand side and the product entities on the right-hand side |
Alternative Label(s) | ChemicalEquation, ChemicalReactionEquation |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C01034 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_equation |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q182527 |
Elucidation | an electroanalytical technique that involves applying a constant current to a working electrode to strip previously deposited analyte from the electrode surface while measuring the potential change over time |
Parent Classes | CurrentControlledProcess |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of strontium or strontium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of sulfur or sulfur compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | ThionylChlorideElectrode |
Elucidation | a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Parent Classes | AcidicElectrolyte |
Elucidation | type of capacitor characterized by high capacitance, high specific and volumetric energy density, and low voltage limits |
Alternative Label(s) | Supercap |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-03 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercapacitor |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q754523 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Subclasses | ElectrochemicalDoubleLayerCapacitor, ElectrochemicalPseudocapacitor |
Elucidation | electrolyte solution, the ions of which are electroinactive in the range of applied potential being studied, and whose ionic strength (and, therefore, contribution to the overall conductivity) is usually much greater than the concentration of an electroactive substance to be dissolved in it. |
Alternative Label(s) | BaseElectrolyte, IndifferentElectrolyte, InertElectrolyte |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/S06149 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supporting_electrolyte |
Parent Classes | ElectrolyteSolution |
Elucidation | a container for an electrochemical cell manufactured by the company Swagelok |
Parent Classes | Case |
Elucidation | conductive part of a device, electric circuit or electric network, provided for connecting that device, electric circuit or electric network to one or more external conductors |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-22 |
Subclasses | PositiveTerminal, NegativeTerminal |
Elucidation | cover of insulating material used to avoid electric contact with the cell or battery terminal |
Alternative Label(s) | TerminalCover |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-23 |
Elucidation | unstable condition arising during constant voltage charge in which the rate of heat dissipation capability, causing a continuous temperature increase with resulting further charge current increase, which can lead to the destruction of the battery |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-54 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPhenomenon |
Elucidation | electrochemical cell that has two half-cells separated by a wall permeable to ions, both containing the same electrolyte differing only in their temperatures. |
Alternative Label(s) | Thermocell |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-09 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermogalvanic_cell |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q25304247 |
Parent Classes | GalvanicCell |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of thionyl chloride |
Parent Classes | SulfurBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | electrochemical cell with a working electrode, reference electrode, and auxiliary electrode |
Alternative Label(s) | ThreeElectrodeElectrochemicalCell |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalCell |
Elucidation | time data, usually resulting from an electrochemical measurement process |
Elucidation | measurement of time |
Elucidation | the reseult of a time measurement |
Elucidation | a series of data points indexed in time order |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_series |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q186588 |
Subclasses | TimeSeriesElectricalDataSet |
Elucidation | a time series of electrical quantities |
Parent Classes | TimeSeriesDataSet |
Subclasses | PseudoOpenCircuitVoltageData, GalvanostaticIntermittentTitrationTechniqueData, PulseResponseData |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of tin or tin compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of titanium or titanium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | SodiumMetatitanateElectrode, LithiumTitanateElectrode, TitaniumDioxideElectrode, SodiumTitaniumOxideElectrode, SodiumTitaniumPhosphateElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of titanium or titanium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is titanium dioxide |
Alternative Label(s) | TiO2Electrode |
Parent Classes | TitaniumBasedElectrode, MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | considers the effects of specific adsorbed ions in the double layer |
Parent Classes | DoubleLayerModel |
Elucidation | Linear ramp of electric current followed by a reversal to the initial current (typically I=0), both at the same current change rate. |
Parent Classes | ElectricCurrentSignal |
Elucidation | Linear ramp of electric potential, followed by a reversal to the initial potential. Both forward and reversed signal ramps are applied at the same scan rate. |
Parent Classes | ElectricPotentialSignal |
Elucidation | positive plate (electrode) which is either composed of an assembly of porous tube of perforated metal or tissue either a gauntlet with or without a central current collector spine, the active material being placed within the tubes |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-07 |
Parent Classes | PositiveElectrode |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of tungsten or tungsten compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is tungsten oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | WO3Electrode |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | charging method applied to a secondary battery using two levels of charge rate with feedback control to initiate the changeover from a high to a low charge rate |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-48 |
Parent Classes | Charging |
Subclasses | ConstantCurrentConstantVoltageCharging |
Elucidation | component of a cell which permits the flow of gas in one direction only |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-12 |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of vanadium or vanadium compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | LithiumVanadiumOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | component fitted into the filling hole of a cell with a provision of allowing the venting of electrolysis gas from the cell¨ |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-23 |
Elucidation | secondary cell having a cover provided with an opening through which products of electrolysis and evaporation are allowed to escape freely from the cell to the atmosphere |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-14 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalDevice |
Elucidation | a process in which the voltage is controlled |
Subclasses | PotentiostaticCycling, VoltageHold |
Elucidation | voltage data, usually resulting from an electrochemical measurement process |
Elucidation | a process in which the voltage is kept constant |
Alternative Label(s) | PotentiostaticProcess |
Parent Classes | VoltageControlledProcess |
Subclasses | FloatCharging, ConstantVoltageDischarging, ConstantVoltageCharging |
Elucidation | measurement of the electric potential between the terminals of an electrochemical cell |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrochemicalCellVoltageMeasurement |
Elucidation | the result of a voltage measurement |
Elucidation | current-potential curve in a voltammetry experiment |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltammetry#Voltammograms |
Parent Classes | CurrentPotentialPlot |
Elucidation | instrument intended to measure the value of a voltage. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=313-01-03 |
Elucidation | a spring made of pre-hardened flat wire, formed into a wavy washer shape |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_spring |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11288626 |
Parent Classes | Spring |
Elucidation | electrode at which one or more electroactive substances undergo reaction in the solution being investigated |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/W06686 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_electrode |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q477099 |
Parent Classes | Electrode |
Subclasses | AnnularWorkingElectrode |
Elucidation | a fabric-like structure created by interweaving wires or fibres in an over-under pattern, commonly used for filtration, screening, and reinforcement due to its high strength and durability |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the primary active material consists of zinc or zinc compounds |
Parent Classes | ActiveElectrode |
Subclasses | ZincElectrode |
Elucidation | a solution of zinc chloride (ZnCl2) dissolved in water (H2O) |
Alternative Label(s) | AqueousZincChlorideSolution |
Parent Classes | NearNeutralElectrolyte |
Elucidation | an electrode in which the main active material is zinc metal |
Parent Classes | MetalElectrode, ZincBasedElectrode |
Elucidation | an insertion electrode in which the guest molecule is zinc |
Parent Classes | InsertionElectrode |
Elucidation | electrode in which the active material is zinc oxide |
Alternative Label(s) | ZnOElectrode |
Parent Classes | MetalOxideElectrode |
Elucidation | the activation energy in an arrhenius formulation |
Alternative Label(s) | ArrheniusActivationEnergy |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00102 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activation_energy |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q190474 |
Subclasses | ActivationEnergyOfGuestDiffusivityInPositiveElectrodeActiveMaterial, PostiveElectrodeActivationEnergyOfReaction, ActivationEnergyOfChargeCarrierDiffusivityInElectrolyte, ActivationEnergyOfGuestDiffusivityInNegativeElectrodeActiveMaterial, ActivationEnergyOfElectrolyteConductivity, NegativeElectrodeActivationEnergyOfReaction |
Elucidation | the activation energy barrier in an Arrhenius expression for the diffusivity of lithium in an electrolyte |
Parent Classes | ActivationEnergy |
Elucidation | the activation energy barrier in an Arrhenius expression for the ionic conductivity of an electrolyte |
Parent Classes | ActivationEnergy |
Elucidation | the activation energy barrier in an Arrhenius expression for the diffusivity of lithium in the negative electrode |
Parent Classes | ActivationEnergy |
Elucidation | the activation energy barrier in an Arrhenius expression for the diffusivity of lithium in the positive electrode |
Parent Classes | ActivationEnergy |
Elucidation | part of the electrode polarization arising from a charge-transfer step of the electrode reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | ActivationPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-05 |
Parent Classes | Overpotential |
Elucidation | the mass of active material per unit area |
Parent Classes | MassLoading |
Elucidation | electric current that accompanies the adsorption of a species |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/A00159 |
Comment | I_{ads} |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the celsius temperature of the ambient environment |
Elucidation | the ambient thermodynamic temperature |
Elucidation | half the peak-to-peak amplitude of a sinusoidal alternating current |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00310 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | half of the peak-to-peak amplitude of a periodic voltage perturbation within a single time period, with respect to a reference potential value |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00311 |
Comment | For Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, the Peak Potential Amplitude is usually small, (normally 5 to 10 mV). |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | electrode polarization associated with an electrochemical oxidation reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | AnodicPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-06 |
Parent Classes | ReactionOverpotential |
Elucidation | quotient of the capacity of a battery cell or battery by its plane area. |
Alternative Label(s) | ArealCapacity |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-20 |
Comment | Can also be applied to electrodes. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | In electrochemical measurements, the voltage of an electrochemical cell to which a voltage signal is superimposed. |
Parent Classes | CellVoltage, ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | a property whose value is controlled on some surface or domain |
Parent Classes | ControlProperty |
Elucidation | quantity that is used to estimate effective transport coefficients in porous media |
Comment | valid in situations where the insulating phase is present in a low volume fraction and represented by random, isotropic spheres |
Elucidation | [an indicator of the] electric current at which a secondary cell or battery is charged |
Alternative Label(s) | CapacityRate |
Comment | the quantity CRate is not used for energy-decoupled batteries like Redox Flox batteries |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | LowerCRateLimit, DischargingCRate, FinishingCRate, ChargingCRate |
Elucidation | thickness of the coating after a calendering process |
Parent Classes | CoatingThickness |
Elucidation | density after calendering |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | electric charge which an energy storage device can deliver under specified conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | ChargeCapacity, ElectricChargeCapacity, StorageCapacity |
Comment | the SI unit for electric charge is the coulomb (1 C = 1 A·s) but in practice, capacity is usually expressed in ampere hours (A·h) |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | DischargingCapacity, ChargingCapacity, RatedCapacity, StepCapacity, ResidualCapacity, TotalCapacity |
Elucidation | faradaic current measured in a solution containing two electroactive substances, A and B, that exceeds the sum of the faradaic currents that would be obtained for A and B separately under the same experimental conditions |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.C00889 |
Comment | I_{cat} |
Parent Classes | FaradaicCurrent |
Elucidation | electrode polarization associated with an electrochemical reduction reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | CathodicPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-07 |
Parent Classes | ReactionOverpotential |
Elucidation | electric current flowing to or from an electrochemical cell or device |
Parent Classes | InstantaneousCurrent |
Subclasses | ShortCircuitCurrent, ChargingCurrent, DischargingCurrent, CurrentScanRate |
Elucidation | sum of the absolute values of the potential differences resulting from anodic and cathodic polarizations of an electrochemical cell |
Alternative Label(s) | CellPolarizationPotential |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-12 |
Parent Classes | CellVoltage |
Elucidation | voltage between the terminals of an electrochemical cell |
Alternative Label(s) | AppliedPotential |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-10 |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.A00424 |
Comment | difference of electric potentials measured between identical metallic leads to two electrodes of an electrochemical cell |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | CellPolarisationPotential, BaselineCellVoltage, PulseVoltage, ChargingVoltage, OpenCircuitVoltage, DischargingVoltage |
Elucidation | the diffusivity of lithium in an electrolyte |
Parent Classes | Diffusivity |
Elucidation | transport number of lithium ion in electrolyte |
Elucidation | ratio of the electric charge discharged from a secondary battery to the electric charge provided during the preceding charge |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-39 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | ability of a cell or battery to retain capacity on open circuit under specified conditions. |
Alternative Label(s) | CapacityRetention |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-35 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalProperty |
Elucidation | the fraction of the electrostatic potential energy affecting the reduction rate in an electrode reaction, with the remaining fraction affecting the corresponding oxidation rate |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_transfer_coefficient |
Comment | The cathodic transfer coefficient αc is defined as –(RT/nF)(dlnkc /dE), where kc is the electroreduction rate constant, E is the applied potential, and R, T, and F have their usual significance. This definition is equivalent to the other, -(RT/nF)(dln|jc |/dE), where jc is the cathodic current density corrected for any changes in the reactant concentration at the electrode surface with respect to its bulk value. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalKineticQuantity |
Elucidation | [an indicator of the] electric current at which a secondary cell or battery is charged |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-45 |
Parent Classes | CRate |
Elucidation | electric charge which an energy storage device can deliver under specified charging conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | ChargeCapacity |
Parent Classes | Capacity |
Subclasses | ConstantCurrentChargingCapacity |
Elucidation | the percentage of the total charge capacity that is obtained during a constant current charge process |
Alternative Label(s) | ConstantCurrentChargePercentage |
Elucidation | electric current applied to an electrochemical device during a charging process |
Parent Classes | CellCurrent, ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | energy delivered by a deviced under some specific charge conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | ChargeEnergy |
Parent Classes | StoredEnergy |
Elucidation | the energy density of a device obtained during a charging process |
Parent Classes | EnergyDensity |
Elucidation | an indicator of the electric power at which an electrochemical device is charged |
Parent Classes | PRate |
Elucidation | quotient of the capacity of a cell or battery [ or electrode or active material ] obtained during a charge process by its mass. |
Alternative Label(s) | SpecificChargeCapacity |
Parent Classes | SpecificCapacity |
Elucidation | the specific energy of an electrochemical device obtained during a charge process |
Alternative Label(s) | SpecificEnergyCharge |
Elucidation | voltage between the terminals of a cell or battery when being charged |
Parent Classes | CellVoltage |
Elucidation | thickness of the coating before any additional treatment is applied |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | PositiveElectrodeCoatingThickness, NegativeElectrodeCoatingThickness, CalenderedCoatingThickness |
Elucidation | limit on the amount concentration of a species in a phase, either imposed or naturally occurring |
Parent Classes | LimitQuantity |
Subclasses | MaximumConcentration, MiniumumConcentration |
Elucidation | The concentration overpotential of an electrode reaction at a given electrode current density (c.d.) is basically the difference in equilibrium potentials across the diffusion layer. More precisely, it is the potential of a reference electrode (of the same electrode reaction as the working electrode ) with the interfacial concentrations which establish themselves at c.d., relative to the potential of a similar reference electrode with the concentrations of the bulk solution. From such a measured potential difference, with c.d. flowing, one needs to subtract the ohmic potential drop prevailing between the two electrodes. |
Alternative Label(s) | ConcentrationPolarization, MassTransferOverpotential, MassTransferPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-08 |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/C01230 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overpotential#Concentration_overpotential |
Comment | part of the electrode polarization arising from concentration gradients of electrode reactants and products. |
Parent Classes | Overpotential |
Elucidation | the capacity obtained during constant current charging of an electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | ConstantCurrentChargeCapacity |
Parent Classes | ChargingCapacity |
Elucidation | the capacity obtained during constant current discharging of an electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | ConstantCurrentDischargeCapacity |
Parent Classes | DischargingCapacity |
Elucidation | a target quantity in a control system |
Alternative Label(s) | ControlledQuantity, SetQuantity |
Subclasses | InitialCondition, BoundaryCondition |
Elucidation | fraction of the electric current passing through an electrochemical cell which accomplishes the desired chemical reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | CoulombEfficiency, CurrentEfficiency, FaradayEfficiency |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-07 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | part of the electrode polarization arising from crystal nucleation and growth phenomena |
Alternative Label(s) | CrystalizationPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-04 |
Parent Classes | ReactionOverpotential |
Elucidation | the limit on the value of the time change of the electric current |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | the first order time rate of change of electric current |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | maximum electric current density that can be achieved for an electrode reaction at a given concentration of a electrochemically active material in the presence of a large excess of supporting electrolyte |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-03-13 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | limit on the electric current of an electrical system |
Parent Classes | LimitQuantity |
Subclasses | MaximumPulseChargingCurrent, MaximumContinuousChargingCurrent, UpperCurrentLimit, MaximumPulseDischargingCurrent, LowerCurrentLimit, MaximumContinuousDischargingCurrent |
Elucidation | The rate of change of an applied current with time. |
Parent Classes | CellCurrent, ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | the number of charge-discharge cycles that an electrochemical device has experienced |
Alternative Label(s) | Cycle, CycleNumber |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the maximum number of cycles achieved in an electrochemical device before reaching some end-of-life criterion |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrochemicalCycleLife |
Comment | a typical end-of-life criterion in the battery domain is 80% of the initial capacity of the device |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 10% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 15% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 20% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 25% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 30% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 35% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 40% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 45% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 50% of the sample's particles fall. |
Alternative Label(s) | MassMedianDiameter |
Comment | in particle size distribution measurements, the mass-median-diameter, considered to be the average particle size by mass |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 55% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 5% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 60% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 10% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 10% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 10% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 10% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 10% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 90% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | a statistical measure used in particle size distribution analysis, indicating the particle diameter below which 95% of the sample's particles fall. |
Elucidation | the ratio of the discharged capacity to the rated capacity of an electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | DoD |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth_of_discharge |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the overall density of an electrochemical device, calculated as the quotient of the total mass and the total volume |
Elucidation | the lumped specific heat capacity of an electrochemical device |
Elucidation | the external surface area of an electrochemical device |
Parent Classes | SurfaceArea |
Elucidation | the temperature of an electrochemical device |
Elucidation | the total volume of an electrochemical device, determined by its external dimensions |
Elucidation | the derivative of the capacity of an electrochemical device with respect to the terminal voltage |
Alternative Label(s) | dQ/dV |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | electric potential difference between the rigid layer and the diffuse layer of a double layer |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-20 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | faradaic current that is controlled by the rate at which electroactive species diffuse toward (or away from) and electrode-solution interface. |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/D01722 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusion_current |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1224527 |
Comment | Diffusion current is governed by Fick’s Laws of diffusion. It is the principle on which many electroana- lytical methods are based, because the current is proportional to the bulk concentration of the diffusing species. I_{d} = z*F*A*D*\grad(c)_{x=0}, where z is the electron number of an electrochemical reaction, F the Faraday constant, A the electrode surface area, D the diffusion coefficient of electroactive substance, and (∂c/∂x)x=0 the gradient of the amount concentration at the electrode surface position x = 0. |
Parent Classes | FaradaicCurrent |
Subclasses | DiffusionLimitedCurrent |
Elucidation | diffusion current of the potential-independent value that is approached as the rate of the charge-transfer process is increased by varying the applied potential, being greater than the rate of mass transport controlled by diffusion |
Alternative Label(s) | LimitingDiffusionCurrent |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/L03534 |
Comment | I_{d,lim} |
Parent Classes | DiffusionCurrent |
Elucidation | a measure of the rate at which particles or heat or fluids spread |
Comment | not to be confused with MassDiffusivity (i.e., DiffusionCoefficient) |
Subclasses | ChargeCarrierDiffusivityInElectrolyte, GuestDiffusivityInNegativeElectrodeActiveMaterial, GuestDiffusivityInPositiveElectrodeActiveMaterial |
Elucidation | [an indicator of the] electric current at which a battery is discharged |
Alternative Label(s) | DRate, DRate, DischargeRate, DischargeRate |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-25 |
Comment | the discharge rate is calculated as the rated capacity divided by the corresponding discharge time which results in an electric current |
Parent Classes | CRate |
Elucidation | electric charge which an energy storage device can deliver under specified discharging conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | DischargeCapacity |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-14 |
Parent Classes | Capacity |
Subclasses | ConstantCurrentDischargingCapacity |
Elucidation | the percentage of the total discharge capacity that is obtained during a constant current discharge process |
Alternative Label(s) | ConstantCurrentDischargePercentage |
Elucidation | electric current delivered by a battery during its discharge |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-24 |
Parent Classes | CellCurrent, ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | energy delivered by a deviced under some specific discharge conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | DischargeEnergy |
Parent Classes | StoredEnergy |
Elucidation | the energy density of a device obtained during a discharging process. |
Parent Classes | EnergyDensity |
Elucidation | an indicator of the electric power at which an electrochemical device is discharged |
Parent Classes | PRate |
Elucidation | quotient of the capacity of a cell or battery [ or electrode or active material ] obtained during a discharge process by its mass. |
Alternative Label(s) | SpecificDischargeCapacity |
Parent Classes | SpecificCapacity |
Elucidation | the specific energy of an electrochemical device obtained during a discharge process |
Alternative Label(s) | SpecificEnergyDischarge |
Elucidation | voltage between the terminals of a cell or battery when being discharged |
Alternative Label(s) | ClosedCircuitVoltage, DischargeVoltage |
Parent Classes | CellVoltage |
Subclasses | InitialDischargingVoltage |
Elucidation | non-faradaic current associated with the charging of the electrical double layer at the electrode-solution interface |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/D01847 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the time that elapses between the instants at which two successive drops of liquid metal are detached from the tip of the capillary. |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.D01862 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | a physical quantity that is adjusted to consider the effects of porous media structure |
Elucidation | quantities that control electroanalytical techniques |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | VoltageChangeLimit, StepSignalVoltage, AmplitudeOfAlternatingCurrent, RotatingDiskSpeed, PotentialScanRate, RestingTime, BaselineCellVoltage, PulseCurrent, PulseDuration, TerminationQuantity, PulseVoltage, SamplingInterval, UpperFrequencyLimit, StepSignalCurrent, SignalReferencePotential, CurrentChangeLimit, StepDuration, LimitQuantity, LowerFrequencyLimit, SamplingTime, CurrentScanRate, AmplitudeOfAlternatingVoltage |
Elucidation | a quantity that relates to the kinetics of a reaction. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | ReactionRateConstant, ChargeTransferCoefficient, NumberOfElectronsTransferred, ExchangeCurrent, ReactionRate, ExchangeCurrentDensity |
Elucidation | a quantity that indicates the performance of an electrochemical device |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | SpecificCapacity, StoredEnergy, EnergyDensity, CoulombicEfficiency, CurrentDensityLimit, EnergyEfficiency, InternalResistance, ChargeEfficiency, PowerDensity, CycleLife, AreicCapacity, SpecificPower, ShelfLife |
Elucidation | the chemical potential of an ion in the presence of an electric potential |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/E01945 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrochemical_potential |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q62525 |
Comment | in quantum mechanical terms, electrochemical potential is defined as the energy level of the electron orbitals in the species that have a 50 percent probability of occupancy |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalThermodynamicQuantity |
Elucidation | a property that is typical in the electrochemistry domain |
Subclasses | Polarity, ChargeRetention, ElectrolyteContainment, Prismatic |
Elucidation | electric potential at which a material undergoes an oxidation or reduction decomposition |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalThermodynamicQuantity |
Elucidation | an electrochemical quantity describing concepts from thermodynamics |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | ElectrochemicalWindow, ElectrochemicalPotential, MembranePotential, MolarElectrochemicalPotential, IonConcentration, ElectrochemicalStabilityLimit, OpenCircuitVoltage |
Elucidation | an electrochemical quantity related to the transport of mass, charge, or energy. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | InternalConductance, MigrationCurrent, IonicConductivity, LimitingMolarConductivity |
Elucidation | The electrode electric potential range between which the substance is neither oxidized nor reduced. |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrochemicalStabilityWindow |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrochemical_window |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q759643 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalThermodynamicQuantity |
Elucidation | the area of the electrode material that is accessible to the electrolyte that is used for charge transfer and/or storage |
Alternative Label(s) | EASA, ECSA, ElectrochemicalActiveSurfaceArea |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=485-02-09 |
Parent Classes | ElectrodeSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | amount of a chemical modifier at an electrode surface per unit area |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrodeCoverage |
Comment | The total coverage may be distinguished from coverage that is electrochemically reactive or accessible on some given timescale. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the interfacial area, determined on the assumption that the interface is truly flat (2-dimensional) and calculated using the geometric data of the involved surfaces |
Comment | A_{geom} |
Parent Classes | ElectrodeSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | electric potential at an electrode, reported as the difference in potential relative to a reference electrode |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-11 |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/E01956 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrode_potential |
Comment | E, U |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | EquilibriumElectrodePotential |
Elucidation | surface area of an electrode that takes into account non-idealities of the interface (roughness, porosity, etc.) and can be measured by a variety of electrochemical methods |
Comment | A_{real} |
Parent Classes | ElectrodeSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | area of electrode - solution interface. |
Comment | A |
Parent Classes | SurfaceArea, ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | ElectrodeRealSurfaceArea, ElectrochemicallyActiveSurfaceArea, ElectrodeGeometricSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | ability of a cell or battery to contain its electrolyte under specified mechanical and environmental conditions |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-31 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalProperty |
Elucidation | measure of a substance's tendency towards electronic conduction |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | PositiveElectrodeElectronicConductivity, NegativeElectrodeElectronicConductivity |
Elucidation | the quotient of the energy of an energy-storage device or system and its volume |
Alternative Label(s) | EnergyDensityOfStorage, VolumetricEnergyDensity |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-22 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Subclasses | ChargingEnergyDensity, DischargingEnergyDensity |
Elucidation | ratio of the electric energy provided from a secondary battery [ or electrochemical device ] during discharge to the electric energy supplied to the battery during the preceding charge |
Alternative Label(s) | RoundTripEfficiency |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-53 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | potential of an electrode when no electric current flows through the cell and all local charge transfer equilibria across phase boundaries that are represented in the cell diagram (except at possible electrolyte-electrolyte junctions) and local chemical equilibria are established |
Alternative Label(s) | EquilibriumPotential, EquilibriumPotential, EquilibriumPotential, NernstPotential, NernstPotential, NernstPotential, ReversiblePotential, ReversiblePotential, ReversiblePotential |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-12 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversal_potential |
Comment | Eeq is related to the standard electrode potential by the Nernst equation. |
Parent Classes | OpenCircuitVoltage, ElectrodePotential |
Subclasses | StandardElectrodePotential, FormalElectrodePotential |
Elucidation | the common value (i0) of the anodic and cathodic partial currents when the reaction is at equilibrium |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/E02238 |
Comment | For an electrode at equilibrium at which only one reaction is significant i = 0. When more than one reaction is significant at a given electrode, subscripts to i0 may be used to distinguish exchange currents. i is not usually zero when only one of these reactions is at equilibrium. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalKineticQuantity |
Elucidation | defined by j0 = i0/A, where i0 is the exchange current of the electrode reaction and A is usually taken as the geometric area of the electrode |
Alternative Label(s) | MeanExchangeCurrentDensity |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/M03777 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_current_density |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalKineticQuantity |
Elucidation | electric current that results from the electrooxidation or electroreduction of an electroactive substance |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/F02321 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faradaic_current |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5434687 |
Comment | Current that is produced by other processes, for example by diffusion of charged species, is termed ‘non- faradaic current’. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | NetFaradaicCurrent, DiffusionCurrent, KineticCurrent, CatalyticCurrent, LimitingCurrent |
Elucidation | fundamental physical constant representing molar elementary charge |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.F02325 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_constant |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q192819 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | [an indicator of the] electric current at which a battery is charged towards the end of charge |
Alternative Label(s) | FinishingChargeRate |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-46 |
Comment | the quantity CRate is not used for energy-decoupled batteries like Redox Flox batteries |
Parent Classes | CRate |
Elucidation | equilibrium electrode potential under conditions of unit concentration of species involved in the electrode reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | FormalPotential, FormalPotential, FormalPotential |
Comment | E^{\circ '} |
Parent Classes | EquilibriumElectrodePotential |
Elucidation | the diffusivity of lithium in the negative electrode |
Parent Classes | Diffusivity |
Elucidation | the diffusivity of lithium in the positive electrode |
Parent Classes | Diffusivity |
Elucidation | for dynamic voltammetric techniques, the electric potential of the working electrode at which the current is equal to one-half of the peak current |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02720 |
Comment | The quarter-peak potential, Ep/4, the three-quarter-peak potential, Ep3/4, etc., may be similarly defined. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | electric potential of a steady-state voltammetric working electrode at the point, on the rising part of the voltammetric wave, where the current is equal to one-half of the limiting current |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.H02722 |
Comment | E1/2 is used in techniques providing a sigmoidal wave-shaped current including DC voltammetry/polarography, normal pulse voltammetry, hydrodynamic voltammetry, and tast polarography. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the imaginary part of the complex electric impedance |
Elucidation | the mass of inactive material per unit area |
Parent Classes | MassLoading |
Elucidation | the initial amount concentration of lithium in an electrolyte |
Elucidation | the initial value of a property at the start of a simulation or experiment |
Parent Classes | ControlProperty |
Elucidation | discharge voltage of a cell or battery at the beginning of the discharge immediately after any transients have subsided |
Alternative Label(s) | InitialClosedCircuitVoltage, InitialDischargeVoltage |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-29 |
Parent Classes | DischargingVoltage |
Elucidation | the thermodynamic temperature at some point in time designated to be the initial state |
Elucidation | value of an electric current at an instant in time |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/I03062 |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q108057717 |
Comment | I_{t} |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | CellCurrent |
Elucidation | for a two-terminal element or a two-terminal circuit with terminals A and B, product of the voltage uAB between the terminals and the electric current i in the element or circuit |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=131-11-30 |
Elucidation | quotient of change of voltage of a battery by the corresponding change in discharge current under specified conditions. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-36 |
Comment | internal apparent resistance is expressed in ohms |
Parent Classes | InternalResistance |
Elucidation | the internal conductance of an electrochemical device |
Comment | inverse of internal resistance |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalTransportQuantity |
Elucidation | impedance of a linear circuit's Thévenin representation |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=485-15-04 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_resistance |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2527701 |
Comment | According to to Thévenin's theorem can any linear electric curcuit be replaced with a voltage source in series with an impedance. This impedance is for historical reasons termed "internal resistance". |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Subclasses | InternalApparentResistance |
Elucidation | the amount concentration of some ionic species in a given volume of solution |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-01-16 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalThermodynamicQuantity |
Elucidation | a measure of a substance's tendency towards ionic conduction |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03175 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionic_conductivity_(solid_state) |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6063658 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalTransportQuantity |
Elucidation | electric potential of an ion-selective electrode (ISE) and activity of an analyte ion at which the potential of the ISE is independent of temperature |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.I03304 |
Comment | The specification of the ISE and outer reference electrode must be described. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | faradaic current of an electroactive substance B formed by a prior chemical reaction from another substance Y that is no electroactive at the potential at which B is electrochemically transformed |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/K03399 |
Comment | The kinetic current is partially or entirely controlled by the rate of the chemical reaction. This reaction may be heterogeneous, occurring at an electrode-solution interface (surface reaction), or it may be homo- geneous, occurring at some distance from the interface (bulk reaction). |
Parent Classes | FaradaicCurrent |
Elucidation | a limit quantity in a control system |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Subclasses | LowerCRateLimit, ConcentrationLimit, VoltageLimit, CurrentLimit, TemperatureLimit |
Elucidation | faradaic current that is approached as the rate of the charge-transfer process is increased by varying the applied potential, being greater than the rate of mass transport controlled by diffusion |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/L03532 |
Comment | A limiting current is reached when the overpotential is sufficiently large that the faradaic current is deter- mined solely by the ability to supply electroactive species by mass transport. A limiting current is there- fore independent of applied potential over a corresponding finite potential range. A limiting current may have the character of an adsorption, catalytic, diffusion, or kinetic current, and may include a migration current. |
Parent Classes | FaradaicCurrent |
Elucidation | molar conductivity at infinite dilution |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molar_conductivity#Variation_of_molar_conductivity_with_dilution |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalTransportQuantity |
Elucidation | the lower value for C-Rate that is used to indicate a change in an electrochemical measurement process |
Parent Classes | LimitQuantity, CRate |
Elucidation | the lower bounding limit on the current used in the definition of an electrochemical testing protocol |
Parent Classes | CurrentLimit |
Elucidation | the lower end of the interval of frequencies tested in impedimetry and related techniques |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | minimum voltage limit at which an applied excitation is altered or terminated |
Alternative Label(s) | CutOffVoltage, DischargeCutoffVoltage, EndOfDischargeVoltage, EndPointVoltage, EndVoltage, FinalVoltage, LowerCutoffVoltage |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-30 |
Comment | specified voltage of a battery at which the battery discharge is terminated. |
Parent Classes | VoltageLimit |
Elucidation | mass of a material per unit area |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | ActiveMassLoading, InactiveMassLoading, TotalMassLoading |
Elucidation | the maximum amount of electric charge that can be reversible stored within an electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | MaximumStorageCapacity |
Parent Classes | RatedCapacity, ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the maximum allowable temperature of an electrochemical device during a charging process |
Parent Classes | MaximumTemperature |
Elucidation | the maximum amount concentration of a species in a phase, either imposed or naturally occurring |
Parent Classes | ConcentrationLimit |
Subclasses | PositiveElectrodeActiveMaterialMaximumGuestConcentration, NegativeElectrodeActiveMaterialMaximumGuestConcentration |
Elucidation | the maximum current approved for continuous charge for a given electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | MaximumContinuousChargeCurrent |
Parent Classes | CurrentLimit |
Elucidation | the maximum current approved for continuous discharge for a given electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | MaximumContinuousDischargeCurrent |
Parent Classes | CurrentLimit |
Elucidation | the maximum duration of a pulse discharge for a given electrochemical device |
Parent Classes | PulseDuration |
Elucidation | the maximum allowable temperature of an electrochemical device during a discharging process |
Parent Classes | MaximumTemperature |
Elucidation | the maximum current approved for pulse charge of an electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | MaximumPulseChargeCurrent |
Parent Classes | CurrentLimit |
Elucidation | the maximum current approved for pulse discharge of an electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | MaximumPulseDischargeCurrent |
Parent Classes | PulseCurrent, CurrentLimit |
Elucidation | The maximum allowed value for stoichiometric coefficient for an entity in a chemical substance |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficient |
Elucidation | the maximum amount of energy that can be reversible stored within an electrochemical device, component, or material - operated at an infinitely low rate - based on its chemical composition and design |
Parent Classes | RatedEnergy |
Elucidation | the maximum temperature at which an electrochemical device shall be stored |
Parent Classes | MaximumTemperature |
Elucidation | the maximum allowable temperature |
Parent Classes | TemperatureLimit |
Subclasses | MaximumStorageTemperature, MaximumChargingTemperature, MaximumDischargingTemperature |
Elucidation | electric potential difference between two solutions separated by an ion-selective membrane in the absence of any electric current flowing through the membrane |
Alternative Label(s) | DonnanPotential, MembraneElectromotiveForce |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.M03825 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalThermodynamicQuantity |
Elucidation | component of electric current due to transport of ions in the electric field between the electrodes |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/M03921 |
Comment | I_{m} |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalTransportQuantity |
Elucidation | the minimum acceptable threshold value for the rated capacity of an electrochemical device, as stated by the manufacturer. |
Alternative Label(s) | MiniumumAcceptedCapacity |
Parent Classes | RatedCapacity |
Elucidation | the minimum allowable temperature of an electrochemical device during a charging process |
Parent Classes | MiniumumTemperature |
Elucidation | the minimum allowable temperature of an electrochemical device during a discharging process |
Parent Classes | MiniumumTemperature |
Elucidation | The minimum allowed value for stoichiometric coefficient for an entity in a chemical substance |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficient |
Elucidation | the miniumum temperature at which an electrochemical device shall be stored |
Parent Classes | MiniumumTemperature |
Elucidation | the minimum amount concentration of a species in a phase, either imposed or naturally occuring |
Parent Classes | ConcentrationLimit |
Elucidation | the minimum allowable temperature |
Parent Classes | TemperatureLimit |
Subclasses | MinimumStorageTemperature, MinimumDischargingTemperature, MinimumChargingTemperature |
Elucidation | electrochemical potential per mole. |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/E01945 |
Comment | Of a substance in a specified phase, the partial molar Gibbs energy of the substance at the specified electric potential. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalThermodynamicQuantity |
Elucidation | quotient of the capacity of the negative electrode and the capacity of the positive electrode in a cell |
Alternative Label(s) | ACRatio, AToCRatio, NToPRatio |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | ActivationEnergy |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC0 |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC100 |
Elucidation | maximum concentration of lithium in the negative electrode |
Parent Classes | MaximumConcentration |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | OpenCircuitVoltage |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | ParticleRadius |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | VolumetricSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Elucidation | thickness of the negative electrode coating |
Parent Classes | CoatingThickness |
Elucidation | the electronic conductivity of the negative electrode |
Parent Classes | ElectronicConductivity |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | TemperatureCoefficientOfTheOpenCircuitVoltage |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | ReactionRateConstant |
Elucidation | algebraic sum of faradaic currents flowing through an electrode |
Comment | I |
Parent Classes | FaradaicCurrent |
Elucidation | the rated capacity that is representative of the typical value associated with a cell as stated by the manufacturer |
Parent Classes | RatedCapacity |
Elucidation | suitable approximate value of the voltage used to designate or identify a cell, a battery or an electrochemical system |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-31 |
Elucidation | the number of electrochemical cells connected in parallel |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the number of electrochemical cells connected in series |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | number of electrons transferred in a charge transfer reaction between an electrode and a single entity (ion, radical-ion, or molecule) of an electroactive substance, whose identity must be specified |
Alternative Label(s) | ChargeNumber, ChargeNumber, ElectronNumberOfAnElectrochemicalReaction, ElectronNumberOfAnElectrochemicalReaction |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/C00995 |
Comment | Symbol n is commonly used when there is no risk of confusion with an amount of substance. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalKineticQuantity |
Elucidation | number of discrete finite volume cells in a grid or sub-grid |
Subclasses | NumberOfFiniteVolumeCellsInZ, NumberOfFiniteVolumeCellsInY, NumberOfFiniteVolumeCellsInX |
Elucidation | number of discrete finite volume cells in a grid or sub-grid in the X-direction |
Parent Classes | NumberOfFiniteVolumeCells |
Elucidation | number of discrete finite volume cells in a grid or sub-grid in the Y-direction |
Parent Classes | NumberOfFiniteVolumeCells |
Elucidation | number of discrete finite volume cells in a grid or sub-grid in the Z-direction |
Parent Classes | NumberOfFiniteVolumeCells |
Elucidation | the number of times an iterative process should occur |
Elucidation | part of the electrode polarization arising from an electric current through an ohmic resistance within the electrode or the electrolyte |
Alternative Label(s) | OhmicOvervoltage, OhmicPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-09 |
Parent Classes | Overpotential |
Elucidation | electrode potential of working electrode relative to the reference electrode when no potential or electric current is being applied to the electrochemical cell |
Alternative Label(s) | OCP, OCP, OCV, OCV, OpenCircuitPotential, OpenCircuitPotential |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-32 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-circuit_voltage |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1812203 |
Comment | In the case of a reversible electrode system, the OCP is also referred to as the equilibrium electrode potential. Otherwise, it is called the rest potential, or the corrosion potential, depending on the system being studied. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalThermodynamicQuantity, CellVoltage |
Subclasses | NegativeElectrodeActiveMaterialOpenCircuitVoltage, PositiveElectrodeActiveMaterialOpenCircuitVoltage, EquilibriumElectrodePotential |
Elucidation | electrode potential (E) minus the equilibrium electrode potential (Eeq) of an electrochemical reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | ElectrodePolarization, ElectrodePolarization, Overvoltage, Overvoltage, PolarizationPotential, PolarizationPotential |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-02 |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/O04358 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overpotential |
Comment | difference between the electrode potential with current flow, and the electrode potential without current flow, i.e. the equilibrium potential |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | OhmicOverpotential, SurfaceOverpotential, ActivationOverpotential, ConcentrationOverpotential, ReactionOverpotential |
Elucidation | an indicator of the electric power at which an electrochemical device is operated |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | ChargingPRate, DischargingPRate |
Elucidation | radius of a particle |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | PositiveElectrodeActiveMaterialParticleRadius, NegativeElectrodeActiveMaterialParticleRadius |
Elucidation | in dynamic voltammetric techniques, the maximum value of the faradaic current attained by varying the applied potential in the current-potential or I-E curve |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/P04457 |
Comment | I_{p} |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | electrode potential of the working electrode at which the peak current is attained |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04464 |
Comment | This term is used in dynamic voltammetric techniques providing a peak-shaped current response (linear-sweep voltammetry, triangular-wave voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry, AC voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, square-wave voltammetry, stripping voltamme- try and derivative techniques). |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | a quantity that is expressed as a percentage |
Subclasses | WeightPercent, VolumePercent |
Elucidation | unit of percentage |
Elucidation | nominal property of an electrode, having values negative or positive according to the sign of the electrode potential, or neutral when the electrode potential is zero. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-14 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalProperty |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC0 |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC100 |
Elucidation | maximum concentration of lithium in the positive electrode |
Parent Classes | MaximumConcentration |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | OpenCircuitVoltage |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | ParticleRadius |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | VolumetricSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Elucidation | thickness of the positive electrode coating |
Parent Classes | CoatingThickness |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | ElectronicConductivity |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | TemperatureCoefficientOfTheOpenCircuitVoltage |
Elucidation | this is a very specific term with a narrow conceptualization, used mostly as an anchor term for supporting interoperability; a more general term is suitable in most cases. |
Parent Classes | ReactionRateConstant |
Elucidation | the activation energy barrier in an Arrhenius expression for the positive electrode charge transfer reaction |
Parent Classes | ActivationEnergy |
Elucidation | the rate of change of applied potential with time |
Alternative Label(s) | PotentialSweepRate, ScanRate, SweepRate |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | parameter defining the ability of an ion-selective electrode to distinguish a particular ion, i.e., a primary ion A from an interfering ion B |
Alternative Label(s) | SelectivityCoefficient, SelectivityConstant, SelectivityFactor |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04791 |
Comment | The selectivity coefficient is determined by means of the potential difference of the ion- selective electrode in mixed solutions of the primary ion, A, and interfering ion, B (Fixed Interference Method) or, less desirably, in separate solutions of A and B (Separate Solution Method). The activities of the primary ion, A, and the interfering ion, B, at which K is determined should always be specified, as the value of K is defined by a modified Nikolsky-Eisenman equation. The smaller the value of K , the A,B greater the electrode’s preference for the primary ion, A. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the quotient of the power of an energy-storage device or system and its volume |
Alternative Label(s) | VolumetricPowerDensity |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | [a sign that] qualifies a cell or a battery having the shape of a parallelepiped whose faces are rectangular |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-02-38 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalProperty |
Elucidation | the magnitude of a current pulse applied to an electrochemical cell during pulsed potentiometry and related techniques |
Alternative Label(s) | MagnitudeOfCurrentPulse, PulseMagnitudeCurrent |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Subclasses | MaximumPulseDischargingCurrent |
Elucidation | time interval during which the excitation signal deviates from the base line in normal pulse voltamme- try, differential pulse voltammetry, and related techniques |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.P04947 |
Comment | The pulse duration includes the sampling interval. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Subclasses | MaximumDischargingPulseDuration |
Elucidation | a single value, for instance a mean, root mean square or peak value characterizing the aggregate instantaneous values of a unidirectional pulse with respect to the common initial and final value |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=702-03-03 |
Elucidation | The magnitude of a voltage pulse applied to an electrochemical cell during pulsed amperometry and related techniques. |
Alternative Label(s) | MagnitudeOfPotentialPulse, PulseMagnitudePotential |
Parent Classes | CellVoltage, ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | electric potential of the indicator electrode, in chronopotentiometry at constant current, at the instant when the time that has elapsed since the application of current is equal to one-fourth of the transition time |
Comment | In practice, appropriate correction for the double-layer charging current is needed. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | capacity value of a battery [or electrode or electrochemical device] determined under specified conditions and declared by the manufacturer |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-15 |
Parent Classes | Capacity |
Subclasses | TheoreticalCapacity, RecoveredCapacity, NominalCapacity, MaximumCapacity, RetainedCapacity, MinimumCapacity |
Elucidation | the amount of energy that an electrochemical device can store under some specific conditions |
Parent Classes | StoredEnergy |
Subclasses | MaximumStorageEnergy |
Elucidation | part of the electrode polarization arising from a chemical reaction impeding the electrode reaction |
Alternative Label(s) | ReactionOvervoltage, ReactionPolarization |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-10 |
Parent Classes | Overpotential |
Subclasses | CathodicOverpotential, AnodicOverpotential, CrystalizationOverpotential |
Elucidation | rate at which a chemical reaction takes place |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-02 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction_rate |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3394849 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalKineticQuantity |
Elucidation | a proportionality constant which quantifies the rate and direction of a chemical reaction by relating it with the concentration of reactants |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction_rate_constant |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q658700 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalKineticQuantity |
Subclasses | PositiveElectrodeReactionRateConstant, NegativeElectrodeReactionRateConstant |
Elucidation | the imaginary part of the complex electric impedance |
Alternative Label(s) | ACResistance |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1048490 |
Elucidation | an entry in a dataset, typically consisting of one line. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the capacity that can be obtained from an electrochemical device after it has been subjected to some specified conditions, then recharged and discharged according to a recommended protocol |
Alternative Label(s) | RecoveryCapacity |
Parent Classes | RatedCapacity |
Elucidation | the thermodynamic temperature that is the reference for a calculation |
Elucidation | charged active material remaining in a cell following a discharge to a specified end-of-discharge voltage. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-37 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | electric charge capacity remaining in a cell or battery following a discharge, operation or storage under specific test conditions |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-16 |
Parent Classes | Capacity |
Elucidation | Electric current that flows, at a particular value of the applied potential, in the absence of the substance whose electrode behaviour is being investigated, i.e. a "blank" solution. |
Alternative Label(s) | BackgroundCurrent, BackgroundCurrent |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/R05311 |
Comment | I_{r} |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | Duration between the time when an ion-selective electrode and an external reference electrode (the two completing the ion-selective electrode cell) are brought into contact with a sample solution (or the time at which the activity of the ion of interest in solution is changed) and the first time at which the slope of the cell potential vs. time plot (ΔE/Δt) becomes equal to a limiting value selected on the basis of the experimental conditions and/or requirements concerning accuracy. |
Comment | Buck and Lindner suggest a slope of 0.6 mV min-1 . |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the duration during which an electrochemical device is kept at open-circuit conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | RestingDuration |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | the capacity that an electrochemical device can deliver after being stored under some specified conditions |
Parent Classes | RatedCapacity |
Elucidation | rotational frequency of a rotating component in a rotating disk electrode |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | time interval during which the current is measured in pulse voltammetry |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05465 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | duration of the sampling interval in pulse voltammetry |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S05467 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | the porosity of a separator |
Elucidation | the thickness of a separator |
Elucidation | duration, under specific conditions, at the end of which a battery [ or electrochemical device ] has retained the ability to perform a specified function |
Alternative Label(s) | StorageLife |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-47 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | maximum current which should be delivered by a cell or battery into an external circuit with zero electric resistance, or an external circuit which depresses the cell or battery voltage to approximately zero volt |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-26 |
Comment | zero electric resistance is a hypothetical condition and in practice the short-circuit current is the peak current flowing in a circuit of very low resistance compared to the internal resistance of the battery |
Parent Classes | CellCurrent |
Elucidation | Potential to which the magnitude of an excitation signal is compared to. |
Alternative Label(s) | BaselinePotential |
Comment | Alternating potential signals such as the ones applied in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy are superimposed to a reference potential, which can be an applied potential or the open circuit potential. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | quotient of the capacity of a cell or battery [ or electrode or active material ] by its mass. |
Alternative Label(s) | GravimetricCapacity, SpecificChargeCapacity, SpecificElectricChargeCapacity |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-19 |
Comment | Can also be applied to electrodes. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Subclasses | ChargingSpecificCapacity, DischargingSpecificCapacity |
Elucidation | the quotient of the power of an energy-storage device or system and its mass |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Elucidation | total surface of a solid per mass |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=485-02-10 |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_surface_area |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q622205 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | component of an electric current that is associated with the presence of an analyate in square-wave voltammetry |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/S05897 |
Comment | I_{SW} |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | equilibrium electrode potential of an electrode under standard conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | StandardPotential, StandardPotential, StandardPotential |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=114-02-13 |
IUPAC Reference | https://goldbook.iupac.org/terms/view/S05912 |
Comment | E° is related to the standard Gibbs Energy of the electrode reaction, Δr G° or ΔrG , written as a reduction with respect to that of the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) E° = −ΔrG°/zF. |
Parent Classes | EquilibriumElectrodePotential |
Elucidation | the ratio of the charged capacity to the rated capacity of an electrochemical device |
Alternative Label(s) | SoC |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_charge |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | An indication of the health of an electrochemical device |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the amount of charge that has passed through an electrochemical device within the time interval of a given testing step |
Parent Classes | Capacity |
Elucidation | the duration between two consecutive steps in a staircase signal |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | the currently running step number in the procedure |
Alternative Label(s) | StepNumber |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the magnitude of the current step in chronopotentiometry and related techniques |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | the magnitude of the voltage step in step voltammetry and related techniques |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | time of a measurement relative to the start of the step (t = 0) |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | a description (usually an integer, string, or alpha numeric code) describing the nature of a step in an electrochemical test protocol |
Alternative Label(s) | State |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the absolute value of the stoichiometric number |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoichiometry#Stoichiometric_coefficient_and_stoichiometric_number |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q118455387 |
Subclasses | StoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC100, MinimumStoichiometricCoefficient, MaximumStoichiometricCoefficient, StoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC0 |
Elucidation | the stoichiometric coefficient for a reactive entity in a chemical substance that corresponds to a cell-level state-of-charge of 0% |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficient |
Subclasses | NegativeElectrodeActiveMaterialGuestStoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC0, PositiveElectrodeActiveMaterialGuestStoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC0 |
Elucidation | the stoichiometric coefficient for a reactive entity in a chemical substance that corresponds to a cell-level state-of-charge of 100% |
Parent Classes | StoichiometricCoefficient |
Subclasses | NegativeElectrodeActiveMaterialGuestStoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC100, PositiveElectrodeActiveMaterialGuestStoichiometricCoefficientAtSOC100 |
Elucidation | amount of energy that is passed to or from an energy storage device under specified conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | BatteryEnergy, EnergyStorageCapability |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-21 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity |
Subclasses | TotalEnergy, ChargingEnergy, DischargingEnergy, RatedEnergy |
Elucidation | a measure of the total area that the surface of a solid object occupies |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface_area |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1379273 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | ElectrodeSurfaceArea, DeviceSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | the quotient of the surface area of some object and its total volume |
Elucidation | The potential of a working electrode relative to a reference electrode of the same kinds placed in the solution adjacent to the surface of the working electrode (just outside the double layer). |
Alternative Label(s) | SurfacePolarization, SurfacePolarization, SurfacePolarization |
Comment | A positive surface overpotential produces a positive (anodic) current. |
Parent Classes | Overpotential |
Elucidation | the density of a powdered or granular material when it is subjected to tapping or mechanical vibration |
Alternative Label(s) | TapDensity |
Elucidation | quotient of the change in capacity of a cell by the corresponding change in temperature. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-18 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | quotient of change in open-circuit voltage of a cell or battery by the corresponding change in temperature. |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-33 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | PositiveElectrodeEntropicChangeCoefficient, NegativeElectrodeEntropicChangeCoefficient |
Elucidation | limit on the temperature of a system |
Parent Classes | LimitQuantity |
Subclasses | MiniumumTemperature, MaximumTemperature |
Elucidation | a quantity that is used to express the termination criteria for an electrochemical process |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | time of a measurement relative to the start of the test (t = 0) |
Alternative Label(s) | RunTime |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the amount of electric charge that can be stored in a material, component, or device, under infinitely low current, and derived from first principles |
Parent Classes | RatedCapacity |
Elucidation | the total amount of electric charge that has passed through an electrochemical device within a defined time interval |
Parent Classes | Capacity |
Elucidation | the total duration of a test |
Elucidation | the total amount of energy that has passed through an electrochemical device |
Parent Classes | StoredEnergy |
Elucidation | the mass of all material (active and inactive) per unit area |
Parent Classes | MassLoading |
Elucidation | the total number of cycles carried out on a specific device under a given set of conditions |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | in chronopotentiometry and related techniques, the duration between the application of current and when the concentration of an electroactive substance at the electrode-solution interface becomes indistinguishable from zero |
IUPAC Reference | https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06472 |
Comment | In experimental practice, the latter is often taken to be the moment when the rate of varia- tion of the potential of the indicator electrode attains a maximum value. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | the upper bounding limit on the current used in the definition of an electrochemical testing protocol |
Parent Classes | CurrentLimit |
Elucidation | the higher end of the interval of frequencies tested in impedimetry and related techniques |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity |
Elucidation | maximum voltage limit at which an applied excitation is altered or terminated |
Alternative Label(s) | EndOfChargeVoltage, UpperCutoffVoltage |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-05-55 |
Parent Classes | VoltageLimit |
Elucidation | a control limit placed on the rate of change of the cell voltage, dV/dt. |
Alternative Label(s) | dV/dt |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalControlQuantity, VoltageChangeRate |
Elucidation | the first order time rate of change of voltage |
Alternative Label(s) | dV/dt |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | VoltageChangeLimit |
Elucidation | limit on the voltage of an electrical system |
Parent Classes | LimitQuantity |
Subclasses | LowerVoltageLimit, UpperVoltageLimit |
Elucidation | the ratio of a constituent volume to the total volume |
Parent Classes | PercentQuantity |
Elucidation | quotient of the capacity of a cell or battery by its volume. |
Alternative Label(s) | VolumetricChargeCapacity, VolumetricElectricChargeCapacity |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-17 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | ratio of the surface area of a solid object to the volume of the object |
Alternative Label(s) | SurfaceAreaToVolumeRatio |
Wikipedia Reference | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface-area-to-volume_ratio |
Wikidata Reference | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q766786 |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Subclasses | PositiveElectrodeActiveMaterialVolumetricSurfaceArea, NegativeElectrodeActiveMaterialVolumetricSurfaceArea |
Elucidation | the percentage quantity relating the weight of a constituent to the total weight |
Parent Classes | PercentQuantity |
Elucidation | range of electrode potentials of a given working electrode in a given electrolyte, where the electric current from reactions of the electrode or electrolyte is negligible compared with the current from reactions of the system under investigation |
Comment | Because the working potential range is a function of a specific electrode/electrolyte system, only approximate ranges can be given for generic systems. |
Parent Classes | ElectrochemicalQuantity |
Elucidation | a customized callout for information not covered by default note types |
Elucidation | the label of a term used in resources from Arbin |
Elucidation | the label of a term used in resources from Battery Archive |
Elucidation | the label of a term used in resources from Biologic |
Elucidation | a moderate-level advisory about possible pitfalls, errors, or inefficiencies |
Elucidation | indicates a serious risk, often safety-related |
Elucidation | marks an error or incorrect usage |
Elucidation | highlights crucial points users must be aware of |
Elucidation | the label of a term used in resources from Indigo |
Elucidation | the label of a term used in resources from Maccor |
Elucidation | the label of a term used in resources from Neware |
Elucidation | the label of a term used in resources from Novonix |
Elucidation | a best practice or helpful suggestion related to the concept. |
Elucidation | links a quantity to the typical unit(s) that are commonly used |
Elucidation | q critical alert about potential dangers, system failures, or serious misuse of a concept. |
Elucidation | a liquid solution comprising binder dispersed in a solvent |
Elucidation | the process of mixing binder components to create a binder solution |
Elucidation | the process of insering a dry cell assembly into a container |
Subclasses | CylindricalCellPackaging, PrismaticCellPackaging, PouchCellPackaging |
Elucidation | the process of filling an electrolyte into a cylindrical cell |
Parent Classes | ElectrolyteFilling |
Elucidation | the process of insering a dry jelly roll into a cylindrical cell container |
Parent Classes | CellPackaging |
Elucidation | a mixture comprised of solid constituents |
Elucidation | the process of aging an electrochemical device as part of the manufacturing process |
Elucidation | the process of assembling components into an electrochemical device |
Elucidation | the process of preparing an electrochemical device for its intended functional performance |
Elucidation | the process of manufacturing an electrochemical device |
Elucidation | the process of calendering an electrode |
Elucidation | the process of applying a coating to a substrate to manufacture an electrode |
Elucidation | the process of drying an electrode |
Elucidation | the process of manufacturing and electrode |
Elucidation | the process of notching tabs into an electrode sheet |
Elucidation | the process of separating individual electrodes from an electrode sheet |
Elucidation | the process of slitting an electrode into smaller sections |
Elucidation | the process of stacking layers of negative electrode, separator, and positive electrode to create a dry stack |
Elucidation | the process of forming a negative electrode, separator, and positive electrode into a wound dry jelly roll |
Elucidation | the insertion of liquid electrolyte into an electrochemical device |
Subclasses | PrismaticCellElectrolyteFilling, CylindricalCellElectrolyteFilling, PouchCellElectrolyteFilling |
Elucidation | the process of manufacturing electrolyte |
Elucidation | the process of filling an electrolyte in a pouch cell |
Parent Classes | ElectrolyteFilling |
Elucidation | the process of inserting a dry electrode stack into a pouch cell container |
Parent Classes | CellPackaging |
Elucidation | the process of filling an electrolyte in a prismatic cell |
Parent Classes | ElectrolyteFilling |
Elucidation | the process of inserting a dry jelly roll into a prismatic cell container |
Parent Classes | CellPackaging |
Elucidation | a semi-liquid mixture, typically composed of particles suspended in a solvent |
Elucidation | a process that assesses the performance of an electrochemical device at different charge and discharge rates to understand its behavior under various current loads |
Elucidation | a process that measures the total amount of charge an electrochemical device can store and deliver under specified conditions |
Elucidation | service test with an uninterrupted discharge |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-48 |
Elucidation | a process that determines the number of complete charge-discharge cycles an electrochemical device can undergo before its capacity falls below a predefined threshold |
Elucidation | The measurement step in an electrochemical testing procedure or characterization method with output data for voltage, current, time, and temperature. |
Elucidation | the process of evaluating the performance and operational capabilities of an electrochemical device under specific conditions to determine its practical suitability for intended applications |
Elucidation | analyzes the output signal of a stimulated system |
Alternative Label(s) | FRA, FrequencyResponseAnalyzer |
Elucidation | two-step electrochemical measurement in which 1) material is accumulated at an electrode and 2) the material is removed by chemical reaction or electrochemically at constant current with measurement of electrode potential |
Alternative Label(s) | PSA |
Elucidation | a test where an electrochemical device is operated at a very low current, approximating equilibrium behaviour, in order to extract a pseudo-open-circuit-voltage profile |
Elucidation | a periodic assessment of battery degradation during life testing |
Elucidation | a step in an electrochemical testing workflow in which the electrochemical device is held at open-circuit conditions (i.e. cell current = 0 A) and occuring in series with at least one active (i.e. cell current ~= 0 A) step. |
Elucidation | test carried out to measure the loss of capacity, open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current or other quantities after storage under specified conditions |
Alternative Label(s) | SelfDischargeTest |
IEC Reference | https://www.electropedia.org/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=482-03-45 |