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What is the Electrochemistry Ontology?

A resource for creating semantic linked data related to electrochemical materials, components, cells, and testing data. It is part of the EMMO universe.

What do I use the Electrochemistry Ontology for?

This ontology is used mostly for generating linked data in the Semantic Web and complying with the FAIR data guidelines (although it can also do much more!). It provides machine-readable persistent identifiers for terms and semantic relations that help describe how things are related to each other. Terms and elucidations are derived from authoritative sources like the IEC and IUPAC, so you can be sure that your data & metadata are properly annotated.

How do I use the Electrochemistry Ontology?

Most people use the ontology is to annotate the terms in (meta)data schemas. A common and simple way to use the ontology is as a vocabulary in JSON-LD files. Check out our Examples to see how to do it. You can also visit the JSON-LD Playground for more detailed information.

Why shoud I use the Electrochemistry Ontology?

Get more value from your data and comply with the FAIR guidelines.

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