Electrolyte Solution -------------------- `IRI: https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry#electrochemistry_fa22874b_76a9_4043_8b8f_6086c88746de `_ Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ An **electrolyte solution** is a critical component in an electrochemical system that enables **ionic conductivity**, allowing charge to move between electrodes. Electrolyte solutions are typically **mixtures of solvents, solutes, and additives**, and their composition significantly impacts the performance, stability, and lifetime of the electrochemical system. Guidelines for Use ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To represent an **Electrolyte Solution** in the ontology, follow these five key steps: Step 1: Identifying the Electrolyte Solution """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Define the electrolyte using the **ElectrolyteSolution** class. If desired, use a suitable subclass such as: - **AqueousElectrolyte** - **AcidicElectrolyte** - **AlkalineElectrolyte** - **OrganicElectrolyte** **Example:** Defining a generic **Aqueous Electrolyte**: .. code-block:: json { "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry/context", "@type": "AqueousElectrolyte" } Step 2: State the Composition of the Electrolyte Solution """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Electrolyte solutions are typically mixtures of multiple components. Use the object properties: - **hasSolvent** to define the main solvent of the electrolyte. - **hasSolute** to specify the dissolved ionic species. - **hasAdditive** to include any stabilizers or functional additives. **Example:** Defining an **aqueous potassium hydroxide electrolyte**: .. code-block:: json { "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry/context", "@type": "AqueousElectrolyte", "hasSolvent": { "@type": "Water" }, "hasSolute": { "@type": "PotassiumHydroxide" } } Step 3: Assign Properties to the Components """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Each component of the electrolyte can be described with **annotation and objective properties**. - **Annotation Properties**: - ``molecularFormula``: Defines the chemical composition. - **Objective Properties**: - ``MassFraction``: Defines the proportion of the component in the mixture. - ``AmountConcentration``: Specifies the concentration of the solute. **Example:** Adding properties to **Potassium Hydroxide**: .. code-block:: json { "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry/context", "@type": "AqueousElectrolyte", "hasSolvent": { "@type": "Water" }, "hasSolute": { "@type": "PotassiumHydroxide", "molecularFormula": "KOH", "hasProperty": [ { "@type": "AmountConcentration", "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "RealData", "hasNumericalValue": 1.0 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:MolePerLitre" } ] } } Step 4: Assign Properties to the Electrolyte Solution """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Beyond the properties of individual components, the electrolyte solution itself has measurable properties: - **Objective Properties**: - ``IonicConductivity``: Represents the ionic transport efficiency. - ``Viscosity``: Describes the fluid dynamics. **Example:** Assigning properties to an **Aqueous Potassium Hydroxide Electrolyte**: .. code-block:: json { "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry/context", "@type": "AqueousElectrolyte", "hasProperty": [ { "@type": "IonicConductivity", "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "RealData", "hasNumericalValue": 0.12 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:SiemensPerCentimetre" }, { "@type": "Viscosity", "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "RealData", "hasNumericalValue": 1.0 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:MilliPascalSecond" } ], "hasSolvent": { "@type": "Water" }, "hasSolute": { "@type": "PotassiumHydroxide", "molecularFormula": "KOH", "hasProperty": [ { "@type": "AmountConcentration", "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "RealData", "hasNumericalValue": 1.0 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:MolePerLitre" } ] } } Step 5: Linking the Electrolyte to a Functional Whole """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The final step is to associate the **Electrolyte Solution** with a functional component, such as a **BatteryCell** or **ElectrochemicalSystem**, using the ``hasElectrolyte`` property. **Example:** Linking an **Aqueous Potassium Hydroxide Electrolyte** to a **Battery Cell**: .. code-block:: json { "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry/context", "@type": "BatteryCell", "hasElectrolyte": { "@type": "AqueousElectrolyte", "hasProperty": [ { "@type": "IonicConductivity", "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "RealData", "hasNumericalValue": 0.12 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:SiemensPerCentimetre" }, { "@type": "Viscosity", "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "RealData", "hasNumericalValue": 1.0 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:MilliPascalSecond" } ], "hasSolvent": { "@type": "Water" }, "hasSolute": { "@type": "PotassiumHydroxide", "molecularFormula": "KOH", "hasProperty": [ { "@type": "AmountConcentration", "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "RealData", "hasNumericalValue": 1.0 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:MolePerLitre" } ] } } }