Class Index#
Preferred label | ACVoltammetry |
Elucidation | The resulting alternating current is plotted versus imposed DC potential. The obtained AC voltammogram is peak-shaped. |
Preferred label | AbrasiveStrippingVoltammetry |
Elucidation | electrochemical method where traces of solid particles are abrasively transferred onto the surface of an electrode, followed by an electrochemical dissolution (anodic or cathodic dissolution) that is recorded as a current–voltage curve |
Preferred label | AccessConditions |
Elucidation | Describes what is needed to repeat the experiment |
Preferred label | AdsorptiveStrippingVoltammetry |
Elucidation | A peak-shaped adsorptive stripping voltammogram is obtained. Peak current depends on time of accumulation, mass transport of analyte (stirring), scan rate and mode (linear or pulse), and analyte concentration in solution. AdSV is usually employed for analysis of organic compounds or metal complexes with organic ligands. Stripping is done by means of an anodic or a cathodic voltammetric scan (linear or pulse), during which the adsorbed compound is oxidized or reduced. |
Preferred label | AlphaSpectrometry |
Elucidation | Alpha spectrometry (also known as alpha(-particle) spectroscopy) is the quantitative study of the energy of alpha particles emitted by a radioactive nuclide that is an alpha emitter. As emitted alpha particles are mono-energetic (i.e. not emitted with a spectrum of energies, such as beta decay) with energies often distinct to the decay they can be used to identify which radionuclide they originated from. |
Preferred label | Amperometry |
Elucidation | Amperometry can be distinguished from voltammetry by the parameter being controlled (electrode potential E) and the parameter being measured (electrode current I which is usually a function of time – see chronoamperometry). In a non-stirred solution, a diffusion-limited current is usually measured, which is propor-tional to the concentration of an electroactive analyte. The current is usually faradaic and the applied potential is usually constant. The integral of current with time is the electric charge, which may be related to the amount of substance reacted by Faraday’s laws of electrolysis. |
Preferred label | AnalyticalElectronMicroscopy |
Elucidation | Analytical electron microscopy (AEM) refers to the collection of spectroscopic data in TEM or STEM, enabling qualitative or quantitative compositional analysis. |
Preferred label | AnodicStrippingVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Stripping voltammetry in which material accumulated at the working electrode is electrochemically oxi- dized in the stripping step. A peak-shaped anodic stripping voltammogram is obtained. Peak current depends on time of accumulation, mass transport of analyte (stirring), scan rate and mode (linear or pulse), and analyte concentration in solution. A solid electrode, carbon paste or composite electrode, bismuth film electrode, mercury film electrode, or static mercury drop electrode may be used. |
Preferred label | AtomProbeTomography |
Elucidation | Atom Probe Tomography (APT or 3D Atom Probe) is the only material analysis technique offering extensive capabilities for both 3D imaging and chemical composition measurements at the atomic scale (around 0.1-0.3nm resolution in depth and 0.3-0.5nm laterally). Since its early developments, Atom Probe Tomography has contributed to major advances in materials science. The sample is prepared in the form of a very sharp tip. The cooled tip is biased at high DC voltage (3-15 kV). The very small radius of the tip and the High Voltage induce a very high electrostatic field (tens V/nm) at the tip surface, just below the point of atom evaporation. Under laser or HV pulsing, one or more atoms are evaporated from the surface, by field effect (near 100% ionization), and projected onto a Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) with a very high detection efficiency. Ion efficiencies are as high as 80%, the highest analytical efficiency of any 3D microscopy. |
Preferred label | AtomicForceMicroscopy |
Elucidation | Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is an influential surface analysis technique used for micro/nanostructured coatings. This flexible technique can be used to obtain high-resolution nanoscale images and study local sites in air (conventional AFM) or liquid (electrochemical AFM) surroundings. |
Preferred label | BPMNDiagram |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | BrunauerEmmettTellerMethod |
Elucidation | A technique used to measure the specific surface area of porous materials by analyzing the adsorption of gas molecules onto the material's surface |
Preferred label | CalibrationData |
Elucidation | Calibration data are used to provide correction of measured data or perform uncertainty calculations. They are generally the result of a measuerement on a reference specimen. |
Preferred label | CalibrationProcess |
Elucidation | Sequence of operations/actions that are needed to convert the initial signal (as produced by the detector) into a meaningful and useable raw data. From the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM): Operation performed on a measuring instrument or a measuring system that, under specified conditions: 1) establishes a relation between the values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and 2) uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication. NOTE 1 The objective of calibration is to provide traceability of measurement results obtained when using a calibrated measuring instrument or measuring system. NOTE 2 The outcome of a calibration may be expressed by a statement, calibration function, calibration diagram, calibration curve, or calibration table. In some cases, it may consist of an additive or multiplicative correction of the indication with associated measurement uncertainty. NOTE 3 Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system, often mistakenly called “selfcalibration”, nor with verification of calibration. Calibration is sometimes a prerequisite for verification, which provides confirmation that specified requirements (often maximum permissible errors) are met. Calibration is sometimes also a prerequisite for adjustment, which is the set of operations carried out on a measuring system such that the system provides prescribed indications corresponding to given values of quantities being measured, typically obtained from measurement standards. NOTE 4 Sometimes the first step alone of the operation mentioned in the definition is intended as being calibration, as it was in previous editions of this Vocabulary. The second step is in fact required to establish instrumental uncertainty for the measurement results obtained when using the calibrated measuring system. The two steps together aim to demonstrate the metrological traceability of measurement results obtained by a calibrated measuring system. In the past the second step was usually considered to occur after the calibration. NOTE 5 A comparison between two measurement standards may be viewed as a calibration if the comparison is used to check and, if necessary, correct the value and measurement uncertainty attributed to one of the measurement standards. In nanoindentation, the electrical signal coming from capacitive displacement gauge is converted into a real raw-displacement signal after using a proper calibration function (as obtained by the equipment manufacturer). Then, additional calibration procedures are applied to define the point of initial contact and to correct for instrument compliance, thermal drift, and indenter area function to obtain the real useable displacement data. Usually the calibration process involve a reference sample (with pre-defined, specific, and stable physical characteristics and known properties), in order to extract calibration data. In this way, the accuracy of the measurement tool and its components (for example the probe) will be evaluated and confirmed. |
Preferred label | Calorimetry |
Elucidation | In chemistry and thermodynamics, calorimetry (from Latin calor 'heat', and Greek μέτρον (metron) 'measure') is the science or act of measuring changes in state variables of a body for the purpose of deriving the heat transfer associated with changes of its state due, for example, to chemical reactions, physical changes, or phase transitions under specified constraints. Calorimetry is performed with a calorimeter. |
Preferred label | CathodicStrippingVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Stripping voltammetry in which material accumulated at the working electrode is electrochemically reduced in the stripping step. A peak-shaped cathodic stripping voltammogram is obtained. Peak current depends on time of accumulation, mass transport of analyte (stirring), scan rate and mode (linear or pulse), and analyte concentration in solution. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationComponent |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | CharacterisationData |
Elucidation | Represents every type of data that is produced during a characterisation process |
Preferred label | CharacterisationDataValidation |
Elucidation | Procedure to validate the characterisation data. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationEnvironment |
Elucidation | Medium of the characterisation experiment defined by the set of environmental conditions that are controlled and measured over time during the experiment. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationEnvironmentProperty |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | CharacterisationExperiment |
Elucidation | A characterisation experiment is the process by which a material's structure and properties are probed and measured. It is a fundamental process in the field of materials science, without which no scientific understanding of engineering materials could be ascertained. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationHardware |
Elucidation | Whatever hardware is used during the characterisation process. |
Preferred label | HardwareManufacturer |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | HardwareModel |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | CharacterisationHardwareSpecification |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | CharacterisationMeasurementInstrument |
Elucidation | The instrument used for characterising a material, which usually has a probe and a detector as parts. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationMeasurementProcess |
Elucidation | The measurement process associates raw data to the sample through a probe and a detector. From the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM): Process of experimentally obtaining one or more values that can reasonably be attributed to a quantity together with any other available relevant information. NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is an individual quantity. NOTE 2 The relevant information mentioned in the definition may be about the values obtained by the measurement, such that some may be more representative of the measurand than others. NOTE 3 Measurement is sometimes considered to apply to nominal properties, but not in this Vocabulary, where the process of obtaining values of nominal properties is called “examination”. NOTE 4 Measurement requires both experimental comparison of quantities or experimental counting of entities at some step of the process and the use of models and calculations that are based on conceptual considerations. NOTE 5 The conditions of reasonable attribution mentioned in the definition take into account a description of the quantity commensurate with the intended use of a measurement result, a measurement procedure, and a calibrated measuring system operating according to the specified measurement procedure, including the measurement conditions. Moreover, a maximum permissible error and/or a target uncertainty may be specified, and the measurement procedure and the measuring system should then be chosen in order not to exceed these measuring system specifications. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationProcedure |
Elucidation | The process of performing characterisation by following some existing formalised operative rules. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationProcedureValidation |
Elucidation | Describes why the characterization procedure was chosen and deemed to be the most useful for the sample. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationProperty |
Elucidation | The characterisation property is the investigate property or behaviour of a sample. It is derived from the secondary data, usually after classification or quantification (manually or by a model). |
Preferred label | CharacterisationProtocol |
Elucidation | A characterisation protocol is defined whenever it is desirable to standardize a laboratory method to ensure successful replication of results by others in the same laboratory or by other laboratories. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationSoftware |
Elucidation | A software application to process characterisation data |
Preferred label | CharacterisationSystem |
Elucidation | A set of one or more 'CharacterisationInstruments' and often other devices, including any sample holder, reagent and supply, assembled and adapted to give information used to generate 'MeasuredQuantityProperty' within specified intervals for quantities of specified kinds. |
Preferred label | CharacterisationTask |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | CharacterisationTechnique |
Elucidation | The description of the overall characterisation technique. It can be composed of different steps (e.g. sample preparation, calibration, measurement, post-processing). |
Preferred label | CharacterisationWorkflow |
Elucidation | A characterisation procedure that has at least two characterisation tasks as proper parts. |
Preferred label | CharacterisedSample |
Elucidation | The sample after having been subjected to a characterization process |
Preferred label | ChargeDistribution |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | Chromatography |
Elucidation | In chemical analysis, chromatography is a laboratory technique for the separation of a mixture into its components. |
Preferred label | Chronoamperometry |
Elucidation | Amperometry in which the current is measured as a function of time after a change in the applied potential. If the potential step is from a potential at which no current flows (i.e., at which the oxidation or reduction of the electrochemically active species does not take place) to one at which the current is limited by diffusion (see diffusion-limited current), the current obeys the Cottrell equation. |
Preferred label | Chronocoulometry |
Elucidation | Direct coulometry at controlled potential in which the electric charge passed after the application of a potential step perturbation is measured as a function of time (Q-t curve). Chronocoulometry provides the same information that is provided by chronoamperometry, since it is based on the integration of the I-t curve. Nevertheless, chronocoulometry offers important experimental advantages, such as (i) the measured signal usually increases with time and hence the later parts of the transient can be detected more accurately, (ii) a better signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved, and (iii) other contributions to overall charge passed as a function of time can be discriminated from those due to the diffusion of electroactive substances. |
Preferred label | Chronopotentiometry |
Elucidation | Potentiometry in which the potential is measured with time following a change in applied current. The change in applied current is usually a step, but cyclic current reversals or linearly increasing currents are also used. |
Preferred label | CompressionTesting |
Elucidation | Compression tests characterize material and product strength and stiffness under applied crushing loads. These tests are typically conducted by applying compressive pressure to a test specimen using platens or specialized fixtures with a testing machine that produces compressive loads. |
Preferred label | ConductometricTitration |
Elucidation | Titration in which the electric conductivity of a solution is measured as a function of the amount of titrant added. The equivalence-point is obtained as the intersection of linear parts of the conductance G, versus titrant volume V, curve. The method can be used for deeply coloured or turbid solutions. Acid-base and precipitation reactions are most frequently used. The method is based on replacing an ionic species of the analyte with another species, cor- responding to the titrant or the product with significantly different conductance. |
Preferred label | Conductometry |
Elucidation | Measurement principle in which the electric conductivity of a solution is measured. The conductivity of a solution depends on the concentration and nature of ions present. |
Preferred label | ConfocalMicroscopy |
Elucidation | Confocal microscopy, most frequently confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) or laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM), is an optical imaging technique for increasing optical resolution and contrast of a micrograph by means of using a spatial pinhole to block out-of-focus light in image formation. |
Preferred label | CoulometricTitration |
Elucidation | Titration in which the titrant is generated electrochemically, either by constant current or at constant potential. The titrant reacts stoichiometrically with the analyte, the amount of which is calculated using Faraday’s laws of electrolysis from the electric charge required to reach the end-point. Coulometric titrations are usually carried out in convective mass transfer mode using a large surface working electrode. The reference and auxiliary electrodes are located in sepa- rate compartments. A basic requirement is a 100 % current efficiency of titrant generation at the working electrode. End-point detection can be accomplished with potentiometry, amperometry, biamperometry, bipotentiometry, photometry, or by using a visual indicator. The main advantages are that titration is possible with less stable titrants, the standardi- zation of titrant is not necessary, the volume of the test solution is not changed, and the method is easily automated. |
Preferred label | Coulometry |
Elucidation | Electrochemical measurement principle in which the electric charge required to carry out a known electrochemical reaction is measured. By Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, the amount of substance is proportional to the charge. Coulometry used to measure the amount of substance is a primary reference measurement procedure [VIM 2.8] not requiring calibration with a standard for a quantity of the same kind (i.e. amount of substance). The coulometric experiment can be carried out at controlled (constant) potential (see direct coulometry at controlled potential) or controlled (constant) current (see direct coulometry at controlled current). |
Preferred label | CreepTesting |
Elucidation | The creep test is a destructive materials testing method for determination of the long-term strength and heat resistance of a material. When running a creep test, the specimen is subjected to increased temperature conditions for an extended period of time and loaded with a constant tensile force or tensile stress. |
Preferred label | CriticalAndSupercriticalChromatography |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | CyclicChronopotentiometry |
Elucidation | Chronopotentiometry where the change in applied current undergoes a cyclic current reversal. |
Preferred label | CyclicVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Voltammetry in which the electric current is recorded as the electrode potential is varied with time cyclically between two potential limits, normally at a constant scan rate. Cyclic voltammetry is frequently used for the investigation of mechanisms of electrochemical/electrode reactions. The current-potential curve may be modelled to obtain reaction mechanisms and electrochemical parameters. Normally the initial potential is chosen where no electrode reaction occurs and the switching potential is greater (more positive for an oxidation or more negative for a reduction) than the peak potential of the analyte reaction. The initial potential is usually the negative or positive limit of the cycle but can have any value between the two limits, as can the initial scan direction. The limits of the potential are known as the switching potentials. The plot of current against potential is termed a cyclic voltammogram. Usually peak-shaped responses are obtained for scans in both directions. |
Preferred label | DCPolarography |
Elucidation | Linear scan voltammetry with slow scan rate in which a dropping mercury electrode is used as the working electrode. If the whole scan is performed on a single growing drop, the technique should be called single drop scan voltammetry. The term polarography in this context is discouraged. This is the oldest variant of polarographic techniques, introduced by Jaroslav Heyrovský (1890 – 1967). Usually the drop time is between 1 and 5 s and the pseudo-steady-state wave-shaped dependence on potential is called a polarogram. If the limiting current is controlled by diffusion, it is expressed by the Ilkovich equation. |
Preferred label | DataAcquisitionRate |
Elucidation | Quantifies the raw data acquisition rate, if applicable. |
Preferred label | DataAnalysis |
Elucidation | Data processing activities performed on the secondary data to determine the characterisation property (e.g. classification, quantification), which can be performed manually or exploiting a model. |
Preferred label | DataFiltering |
Elucidation | Data filtering is the process of examining a dataset to exclude, rearrange, or apportion data according to certain criteria. |
Preferred label | DataNormalisation |
Elucidation | Data normalization involves adjusting raw data to a notionally common scale. |
Preferred label | DataPostProcessing |
Elucidation | Analysis, that allows one to calculate the final material property from the calibrated primary data. |
Preferred label | DataPreparation |
Elucidation | Data preparation is the process of manipulating (or pre-processing) data (which may come from disparate data sources) to improve their quality or reduce bias in subsequent analysis. |
Preferred label | DataQuality |
Elucidation | Evaluation of quality indicators to determine how well suited a data set is to be used for the characterisation of a material. |
Preferred label | Detector |
Elucidation | Physical device (or the chain of devices) that is used to measure, quantify and store the signal after its interaction with the sample. |
Preferred label | DeviceSample |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | DielectricAndImpedanceSpectroscopy |
Elucidation | Dielectric spectroscopy (DS) or impedance spectroscopy, also known as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, is frequently used to study the response of a sample subjected to an applied electric field of fixed or changing frequency. DS describes the dielectric properties of a material as a function of frequency. In DS, the radio and microwave frequency regions of the electromagnetic spectrum have been successfully made to interact with materials, so as to study the behavior of molecules. The interaction of applied alternating electric fields with dipoles possessing reorientation mobility in materials is also dealt by DS. |
Preferred label | Dielectrometry |
Elucidation | Electrochemical measurement principle based on the measurement of the dielectric constant of a sample resulting from the orientation of particles (molecules or ions) that have a dipole moment in an electric field. Dielectrometric titrations use dielectrometry for the end-point detection. The method is used to monitor the purity of dielectrics, for example to detect small amounts of moisture. |
Preferred label | DifferentialLinearPulseVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Differential Pulse Voltammetry in which small potential pulses are superimposed onto a linearly varying potential. |
Preferred label | DifferentialPulseVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Voltammetry in which small potential pulses (constant height 10 to 100 mV, constant width 10 to 100 ms) are superimposed onto a linearly varying potential or onto a staircase potential ramp. The current is sampled just before the onset of the pulse (e.g. 10 to 20 ms) and for the same sampling time just before the end of the pulse. The difference between the two sampled currents is plotted versus the potential applied before the pulse. Thus, a differential pulse voltammogram is peak-shaped. Differential pulse polarography is differential pulse voltammetry in which a dropping mercury electrode is used as the working electrode. A pulse is applied before the mechani- cally enforced end of the drop and the current is sampled twice: just before the onset of the pulse and just before its end. The pulse width is usually 10 to 20 % of the drop life. The drop dislodgement is synchronized with current sampling, which is carried out as in DPV. The ratio of faradaic current to charging current is enhanced and the negative influence of charging current is partially eliminated in the same way as in normal pulse voltammetry (NPV). Moreover, subtraction of the charging current sampled before the application of the pulse further decreases its negative influence. Due to the more enhanced signal (faradaic current) to noise (charging current) ratio, the limit of detection is lower than with NPV. The sensitivity of DPV depends on the reversibility of the electrode reaction of the analyte. |
Preferred label | DifferentialRefractiveIndex |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | DifferentialScanningCalorimetry |
Elucidation | Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a thermoanalytical technique in which the difference in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and reference is measured as a function of temperature. Both the sample and reference are maintained at nearly the same temperature throughout the experiment. Generally, the temperature program for a DSC analysis is designed such that the sample holder temperature increases linearly as a function of time. The reference sample should have a well-defined heat capacity over the range of temperatures to be scanned. Additionally, the reference sample must be stable, of high purity, and must not experience much change across the temperature scan. Typically, reference standards have been metals such as indium, tin, bismuth, and lead, but other standards such as polyethylene and fatty acids have been proposed to study polymers and organic compounds, respectively. |
Preferred label | DifferentialStaircasePulseVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Differential Pulse Voltammetry in which small potential pulses are superimposed onto a staircase potential ramp. |
Preferred label | DifferentialThermalAnalysis |
Elucidation | Differential thermal analysis (DTA) is a thermoanalytic technique that is similar to differential scanning calorimetry. In DTA, the material under study and an inert reference are made to undergo identical thermal cycles, (i.e., same cooling or heating programme) while recording any temperature difference between sample and reference.[1] This differential temperature is then plotted against time, or against temperature (DTA curve, or thermogram). Changes in the sample, either exothermic or endothermic, can be detected relative to the inert reference. Thus, a DTA curve provides data on the transformations that have occurred, such as glass transitions, crystallization, melting and sublimation. The area under a DTA peak is the enthalpy change and is not affected by the heat capacity of the sample. |
Preferred label | Dilatometry |
Elucidation | Dilatometry is a method for characterising the dimensional changes of materials with variation of temperature conditions. |
Preferred label | DirectCoulometryAtControlledCurrent |
Elucidation | Coulometry at an imposed, constant current in the electrochemical cell. Direct coulometry at controlled current is usually carried out in convective mass transfer mode. The end-point of the electrolysis, at which the current is stopped, must be determined either from the inflection point in the E–t curve or by using visual or objective end-point indi- cation, similar to volumetric methods. The total electric charge is calculated as the product of the constant current and time of electrolysis or can be measured directly using a coulometer. The advantage of this method is that the electric charge consumed during the electrode reaction is directly proportional to the electrolysis time. Care must be taken to avoid the potential region where another electrode reaction may occur. |
Preferred label | DirectCoulometryAtControlledPotential |
Elucidation | Coulometry at a preselected constant potential of the working electrode. Direct coulometry at controlled potential is usually carried out in convective mass trans- fer mode using a large surface working electrode. Reference and auxiliary electrodes are placed in separate compartments. The total electric charge is obtained by integration of the I–t curve or can be measured directly using a coulometer. |
Preferred label | DirectCurrentInternalResistance |
Elucidation | Method of determining the internal resistance of an electrochemical cell by applying a low current followed by higher current within a short period, and then record the changes of battery voltage and current. |
Preferred label | DynamicLightScattering |
Elucidation | Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is a technique in physics that can be used to determine the size distribution profile of small particles in suspension or polymers in solution. In the scope of DLS, temporal fluctuations are usually analyzed using the intensity or photon auto-correlation function (also known as photon correlation spectroscopy - PCS or quasi-elastic light scattering - QELS). |
Preferred label | DynamicMechanicalAnalysis |
Elucidation | Dynamic mechanical analysis (abbreviated DMA) is a characterisation technique where a sinusoidal stress is applied and the strain in the material is measured, allowing one to determine the complex modulus. The temperature of the sample or the frequency of the stress are often varied, leading to variations in the complex modulus; this approach can be used to locate the glass transition temperature[1] of the material, as well as to identify transitions corresponding to other molecular motions. |
Preferred label | DynamicMechanicalSpectroscopy |
Elucidation | Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) is a material characterization technique where a small deformation is applied to a sample in a cyclic manner. This allows measurement of the materials response to stress, temperature, frequency or time. The term is also used to refer to the analyzer that performs the test. |
Preferred label | ElectrochemicalImpedanceSpectroscopy |
Elucidation | Electrochemical measurement method of the complex impedance of an electrochemical system as a function of the frequency of a small amplitude (normally 5 to 10 mV) sinusoidal voltage perturbation superimposed on a fixed value of applied potential or on the open circuit potential. Impedimetric sensors are based on measurement of a concentration-dependent parameter taken from analysis of the respective electrochemical impedance spectra, or from the impedance magnitudes at a chosen fixed frequency. The sinusoidal current response lags behind the sinusoidal voltage perturbation by a phase angle φ. Resistances (e.g. to charge transfer) give a response in phase with the voltage perturbation; capacitances (e.g. double layer) give a response 90° out of phase; combinations of resistances and capacitances give phase angles between 0 and 90°. Plots of the out of phase vs. the in phase component of the impedance for all the frequencies tested are called complex plane (or Nyquist) plots. Plots of the phase angle and the magnitude of the impedance vs. the logarithm of perturbation frequency are called Bode diagrams. Complex plane plots are the more commonly used for electrochemical sensors. |
Preferred label | ElectrochemicalPiezoelectricMicrogravimetry |
Elucidation | Electrogravimetry using an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. The change of mass is, for rigid deposits, linearly proportional to the change of the reso- nance frequency of the quartz crystal, according to the Sauerbrey equation. For non- rigid deposits, corrections must be made. |
Preferred label | ElectrochemicalTesting |
Elucidation | In electrochemical characterization, the measurement of potential, charge, or current is used to determine an analyte's concentration or to characterize an analyte's chemical reactivity |
Preferred label | Electrogravimetry |
Elucidation | Method of electroanalytical chemistry used to separate by electrolyse ions of a substance and to derive the amount of this substance from the increase in mass of an electrode. |
Preferred label | ElectronBackscatterDiffraction |
Elucidation | Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique used to study the crystallographic structure of materials. EBSD is carried out in a scanning electron microscope equipped with an EBSD detector comprising at least a phosphorescent screen, a compact lens and a low-light camera. In this configuration, the SEM incident beam hits the tilted sample. As backscattered electrons leave the sample, they interact with the crystal's periodic atomic lattice planes and diffract according to Bragg's law at various scattering angles before reaching the phosphor screen forming Kikuchi patterns (EBSPs). EBSD spatial resolution depends on many factors, including the nature of the material under study and the sample preparation. Thus, EBSPs can be indexed to provide information about the material's grain structure, grain orientation, and phase at the micro-scale. EBSD is applied for impurities and defect studies, plastic deformation, and statistical analysis for average misorientation, grain size, and crystallographic texture. EBSD can also be combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), cathodoluminescence (CL), and wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDS) for advanced phase identification and materials discovery. |
Preferred label | ElectronProbeMicroanalysis |
Elucidation | Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) is used for quantitative analysis of the elemental composition of solid specimens at a micrometer scale. The method uses bombardment of the specimen by keV electrons to excite characteristic X-rays from the sample, which are then detected by using wavelength-dispersive (WD) spectrometers. |
Preferred label | Ellipsometry |
Elucidation | Ellipsometry is an optical technique that uses polarised light to probe the dielectric properties of a sample (optical system). The common application of ellipsometry is the analysis of thin films. Through the analysis of the state of polarisation of the light that is reflected from the sample, ellipsometry yields information on the layers that are thinner than the wavelength of the light itself, down to a single atomic layer or less. Depending on what is already known about the sample, the technique can probe a range of properties including layer thickness, morphology, and chemical composition. |
Preferred label | EnergyDispersiveXraySpectroscopy |
Elucidation | An analytical technique used for the elemental analysis or chemical characterization of a sample. |
Preferred label | EnvironmentalScanningElectronMicroscopy |
Elucidation | The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that allows for the option of collecting electron micrographs of specimens that are wet, uncoated, or both by allowing for a gaseous environment in the specimen chamber. |
Preferred label | Exafs |
Elucidation | Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), along with X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), is a subset of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Like other absorption spectroscopies, XAS techniques follow Beer's law. The X-ray absorption coefficient of a material as a function of energy is obtained by directing X-rays of a narrow energy range at a sample, while recording the incident and transmitted x-ray intensity, as the incident x-ray energy is incremented. When the incident x-ray energy matches the binding energy of an electron of an atom within the sample, the number of x-rays absorbed by the sample increases dramatically, causing a drop in the transmitted x-ray intensity. This results in an absorption edge. Every element has a set of unique absorption edges corresponding to different binding energies of its electrons, giving XAS element selectivity. XAS spectra are most often collected at synchrotrons because of the high intensity of synchrotron X-ray sources allow the concentration of the absorbing element to reach as low as a few parts per million. Absorption would be undetectable if the source is too weak. Because X-rays are highly penetrating, XAS samples can be gases, solids or liquids. |
Preferred label | FatigueTesting |
Elucidation | Fatigue testing is a specialised form of mechanical testing that is performed by applying cyclic loading to a coupon or structure. These tests are used either to generate fatigue life and crack growth data, identify critical locations or demonstrate the safety of a structure that may be susceptible to fatigue. |
Preferred label | FibDic |
Elucidation | The FIB-DIC (Focused Ion Beam - Digital Image Correlation) ring-core technique is a powerful method for measuring residual stresses in materials. It is based on milling a ring-shaped sample, or core, from the material of interest using a focused ion beam (FIB). |
Preferred label | FieldEmissionScanningElectronMicroscopy |
Elucidation | Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) is an advanced technology used to capture the microstructure image of the materials. FE-SEM is typically performed in a high vacuum because gas molecules tend to disturb the electron beam and the emitted secondary and backscattered electrons used for imaging. |
Preferred label | FourierTransformInfraredSpectroscopy |
Elucidation | A technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid, or gas |
Preferred label | Fractography |
Elucidation | Fractography is the study of fracture surfaces in order to determine the relation between the microstructure and the mechanism(s) of crack initiation and propagation and, eventually, the root cause of the fracture. Fractography qualitatively interprets the mechanisms of fracture that occur in a sample by microscopic examination of fracture surface morpholog. |
Preferred label | FreezingPointDepressionOsmometry |
Elucidation | The general principle of freezing point depression osmometry involves the relationship between the number of moles of dissolved solute in a solution and the change in freezing point. |
Preferred label | GalvanostaticIntermittentTitrationTechnique |
Elucidation | Electrochemical method that applies current pulses to an electrochemical cell at rest and measures the voltage response. |
Preferred label | GammaSpectrometry |
Elucidation | Gamma-ray spectroscopy is the qualitative study of the energy spectra of gamma-ray sources, such as in the nuclear industry, geochemical investigation, and astrophysics.[1] Gamma-ray spectrometry, on the other hand, is the method used to acquire a quantitative spectrum measurement. Most radioactive sources produce gamma rays, which are of various energies and intensities. When these emissions are detected and analyzed with a spectroscopy system, a gamma-ray energy spectrum can be produced. A detailed analysis of this spectrum is typically used to determine the identity and quantity of gamma emitters present in a gamma source, and is a vital tool in radiometric assay. The gamma spectrum is characteristic of the gamma-emitting nuclides contained in the source, just like in an optical spectrometer, the optical spectrum is characteristic of the material contained in a sample. |
Preferred label | GasAdsorptionPorosimetry |
Elucidation | Gas Adsorption Porosimetry is a method used for analyzing the surface area and porosity of materials. In this method, a gas, typically nitrogen or argon, is adsorbed onto the surface of the material at various pressures and temperatures. |
Preferred label | Grinding |
Elucidation | Grinding is a machining process that involves the use of a disc-shaped grinding wheel to remove material from a workpiece. There are several types of grinding wheels, some of which include grindstones, angle grinders, die grinders and specialized grinding machines. |
Preferred label | HPPC |
Elucidation | Electrochemical method that measures the voltage drop of a cell resulting from a square wave current load. |
Preferred label | HardnessTesting |
Elucidation | A test to determine the resistance a material exhibits to permanent deformation by penetration of another harder material. |
Preferred label | Hazard |
Elucidation | Set of inherent properties of a substance, mixture of substances, or a process involving substances that, under production, usage, or disposal conditions, make it capable of causing adverse effects to organisms or the environment, depending on the degree of exposure; in other words, it is a source of danger. |
Preferred label | Holder |
Elucidation | An object which supports the specimen in the correct position for the characterisation process. |
Preferred label | HydrodynamicVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Voltammetry with forced flow of the solution towards the electrode surface. A linear potential scan, at sufficiently slow scan rates so as to ensure a steady state response, is usually applied. Mass transport of a redox species enhanced by convection in this way results in a greater electric current. Convective mass transfer occurs up to the diffusion-limiting layer, within which the mass transfer is controlled by diffusion. Electroactive substance depletion outside the diffusion layer is annulled by convective mass transfer, which results in steady- state sigmoidal wave-shaped current-potential curves. The forced flow can be accomplished by movement either of the solution (solution stirring, or channel flow), or of the electrode (electrode rotation or vibration). |
Preferred label | ICI |
Elucidation | Electrochemical method that measures the voltage response of an electrochemical cell under galvanostatic conditions to short interruptions in the current. |
Preferred label | Impedimetry |
Elucidation | Measurement principle in which the complex electric impedance of a system is measured, usually as a function of a small amplitude sinusoidal electrode potential. |
Preferred label | InteractionVolume |
Elucidation | The volume of material, and the surrounding environment, that interacts with the probe and generate a detectable (measurable) signal (information). In Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), the interaction volume is the volume of material that interacts directly with the incident electron beam, is usually much smaller than the entire specimen’s volume, and can be computed by using proper models. The interaction between the scanning probe and the sample generates a series of detectable signals (back scattered electrons, secondary electrons, x-rays, specimen current, etc.) which contain information on sample morphology, microstructure, composition, etc. In x-ray diffraction, the interaction volume is the volume of material that interacts directly with the x-ray beam and is usually smaller than the volume of the entire specimen. Depending on sample’s structure and microstructure, the interaction between the sample and the x-ray incident beam generates a secondary (reflected) beam that is measured by a detector and contains information on certain sample’s properties (e.g., crystallographic structure, phase composition, grain size, residual stress...). In some cases, (like tribological characterisations) the “sample” can also be the “probe”. When analysing a system of samples that interact each other, finding a clear definition can become a complex problem. It is important to note that, in some cases, the volume of interaction could be different from the volume of detectable signal emission. Example: in Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), the volume of interaction between the electron probe and the material is different from the volumes that generate the captured signal. |
Preferred label | IntermediateSample |
Elucidation |
Preferred label | IonChromatography |
Elucidation | Ion chromatography (or ion-exchange chromatography) is a form of chromatography that separates ions and ionizable polar molecules based on their affinity to the ion exchanger. |
Preferred label | IonMobilitySpectrometry |
Elucidation | Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) It is a method of conducting analytical research that separates and identifies ionized molecules present in the gas phase based on the mobility of the molecules in a carrier buffer gas. Even though it is used extensively for military or security objectives, such as detecting drugs and explosives, the technology also has many applications in laboratory analysis, including studying small and big biomolecules. IMS instruments are extremely sensitive stand-alone devices, but are often coupled with mass spectrometry, gas chromatography or high-performance liquid chromatography in order to achieve a multi-dimensional separation. They come in various sizes, ranging from a few millimeters to several meters depending on the specific application, and are capable of operating under a broad range of conditions. IMS instruments such as microscale high-field asymmetric-waveform ion mobility spectrometry can be palm-portable for use in a range of applications including volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring, biological sample analysis, medical diagnosis and food quality monitoring. |
Preferred label | IsothermalMicrocalorimetry |
Elucidation | Isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) is a laboratory method for real-time monitoring and dynamic analysis of chemical, physical and biological processes. Over a period of hours or days, IMC determines the onset, rate, extent and energetics of such processes for specimens in small ampoules (e.g. 3–20 ml) at a constant set temperature (c. 15 °C–150 °C). IMC accomplishes this dynamic analysis by measuring and recording vs. elapsed time the net rate of heat flow (μJ/s = μW) to or from the specimen ampoule, and the cumulative amount of heat (J) consumed or produced. |
Preferred label | Laboratory |
Elucidation | The laboratory where the whole characterisation process or some of its stages take place. |
Preferred label | LevelOfAutomation |
Elucidation | Describes the level of automation of the test. |
Preferred label | LevelOfExpertise |
Elucidation | Describes the level of expertise required to carry out a process (the entire test or the data processing). |
Preferred label | LightScattering |
Elucidation | Light scattering is the way light behaves when it interacts with a medium that contains particles or the boundary between different mediums where defects or structures are present. It is different than the effects of refraction, where light undergoes a change in index of refraction as it passes from one medium to another, or reflection, where light reflects back into the same medium, both of which are governed by Snell’s law. Light scattering can be caused by factors such as the nature, texture, or specific structures of a surface and the presence of gas, liquid, or solid particles through which light propagates, as well as the nature of the light itself, of its wavelengths and polarization states. It usually results in diffuse light and can also affect the dispersion of color. |
Preferred label | LinearChronopotentiometry |
Elucidation | Chronopotentiometry where the applied current is changed linearly. |
Preferred label | LinearScanVoltammetry |
Elucidation | Voltammetry in which the current is recorded as the electrode potential is varied linearly with time. LSV corresponds to the first half cycle of cyclic voltammetry. The peak current is expressed by the Randles-Ševčík equation. The scan is usually started at a potential where no electrode reaction occurs. |
Preferred label | MassSpectrometry |
Elucidation | Mass spectrometry is a powerful analytical technique used to quantify known materials, to identify unknown compounds within a sample, and to elucidate the structure and chemical properties of different molecules. |
Preferred label | MeasurementParameter |
Elucidation | Describes the main input parameters that are needed to acquire the signal. |
Preferred label | MeasurementSystemAdjustment |
Elucidation | Activity which has the goal of adjusting/tuning a measing instrument, without performing a measurement on a reference sample (which is a calibration). The output of this process can be a specific measurement parameter to be used in the characteriasation measurement process. From the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM): Set of operations carried out on a measuring system so that it provides prescribed indications corresponding to given values of a quantity being measured. NOTE 1: If there is any doubt that the context in which the term is being used is that of metrology, the long form “adjustment of a measuring system” might be used. NOTE 2: Types of adjustment of a measuring system include zero adjustment, offset adjustment, and span adjustment (sometimes called “gain adjustment”). NOTE 3: Adjustment of a measuring system should not be confused with calibration, which is sometimes a prerequisite for adjustment. NOTE 4: After an adjustment of a measuring system, the measuring system must usually be recalibrated. |
Preferred label | MeasurementTime |
Elucidation | The overall time needed to acquire the measurement data. |
Preferred label | MechanicalTesting |
Elucidation | Mechanical testing covers a wide range of tests, which can be divided broadly into two types: 1. those that aim to determine a material's mechanical properties, independent of geometry; 2. those that determine the response of a structure to a given action, e.g. testing of composite beams, aircraft structures to destruction, etc. |