Contributing to the ontology#

There are two ways you can contribute to the ontology.

Suggest minor changes on existing elements#

Create a feature request in a Github Issue to suggest edits to names, defintions, references on existing classes and properties.

Propose additions/deletion of elements#

NOTE: We recommend contacting some of BattINFO contributors in advance to discuss which additions deletions you wish to make.

We recommend using the forking workflow to contribute additions/deletions. Fork this repository, clone the fork on your local PC, create your branch based on the existing dev branch (e.g. dev_john_doe) and work on the editions in you local copy.

You can edit ontologes in two main ways. One is programmatically, using for instance EMMOntoPy. The second and more common is using the interface provided by the Protégé software. In case of the latter, install Protégé and use it to open the ontology file you wish to edit. Before adding elements, ensure Prot´égé is configured to create IRIs in the right format:

  • Open Protégé

  • Go to File/Open and load the ontology file you wish to modify

  • Go to File/Preferences and there go to the New Entities Tab

  • Ensure you have configured the preferences as shown below:

    Protege config.
    Here is the “Specified IRI” for you to copy:
  • Once you have made your changes, commit them to your fork and create a pull request.

  • We will merge the request after assessing it.