Quantities in Electrochemistry#

In the EMMO ontology, quantities are used to represent measurable properties of electrochemical systems. These quantities provide critical information about the performance, efficiency, and behavior of electrochemical devices.

Quantities are defined using the following structure:

  1. Type: Identifies the type of quantity (e.g., CellVoltage, SpecificCapacity).

  2. Numerical Value: Specifies the value of the quantity.

  3. Measurement Unit: Indicates the unit of the quantity (e.g., volts, ampere-hours per gram).

Example: Representing a CellVoltage quantity:

  "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry/context",
  "@type": "CellVoltage",
  "hasNumericalPart": {
    "@type": "RealData",
    "hasNumberValue": 3.7
  "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:Volt"

In this example: - The @type specifies the quantity as CellVoltage. - The hasNumericalPart contains the value 3.7. - The hasMeasurementUnit references the ontology term for Volt.

This basic structure is consistent across all quantity definitions, providing a flexible yet standardized way to represent electrochemical data.

This section provides guidelines for representing these key electrochemical quantities within the ontology, along with structured examples for each type.