Components in Electrochemistry#

In the EMMO ontology, electrochemical devices are described not only by their materials but also by their structural components. Each component in an electrochemical system serves a distinct function, contributing to the overall operation and performance of the device.

For example, an electrochemical device often consists of: - Current Collectors that facilitate electron transport. - Electrodes that store and release charge. - Separators that prevent short circuits while allowing ion flow. - Cases that encapsulate and protect the internal components.

This component-based approach ensures a structured and modular way to represent electrochemical systems, allowing: - Classification of objects based on function rather than just material. - Clear distinctions between structural components and functional materials. - Integration of physical and chemical properties into a single semantic model.

The following subsections introduce key electrochemical components, outlining their roles and providing guidelines for their representation within the ontology.

By defining electrochemical components in terms of their function, properties, and material composition, the ontology enables a structured and interoperable framework for modeling electrochemical systems.

Physical Components Contents